Search results for: CABBAGE
Use of white cabbage for phytoremediation processes
PublicationQuite a large biomass and the lack of difficulties after harvesting are advantages described for different types of cabbage. Our study reveals the usefulness of the white cabbage for the purification of the soil from zinc and cadmium by phytoextraction. Two cabbage (Brasica oleracea subsp. capitata f. alba) cultivars: early cv. Ditmarska Najwcześniejsza (DN), late cv. Kamienna Głowa (KG) were used.
Phytoremediation of heavy metals by white cabbage
PublicationPhytoremediation is regarded as the cheapest and environmentally most friendly technology for cleaning up soil. The most widespread and most profitable technique is phytoextraction, used mainly for removing heavy metals and radioactive elements from thesoil. Over 400 plant species have been identified as natural metal hyperaccumulators representing about 0.2 % of all angiosperms. Unfortunately, most of these plants are characterised...
White cabbage in the biofumigation process- expectations and perspectives
PublicationHealth risks related to common use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers raised the interest in alteranative methods of crop protection, among them biofumigation is becoming the most promising. In this process certain natural compounds, mainly degradation products of glucosinolates produced by Brassica species are used to combat pests and microorganisms attacking crops. Increased synthesis of these bioactive compounds can be...
Modelling of dark fermentation of glucose and sour cabbage
PublicationIn the article, modified Anaerobic Digestion Models 1 (ADM-1) was tested for modelling dark fermentation for hydrogen production. The model refitting was done with the Euler method. The new model was based on sets of differential equations. The model was checked for hydrogen production from sour cabbage in batch and semi-batch in 5 g VSS (volatile solid suspension)/L and at the semi-batch process from glucose at 5 and 10 g VSS/L....
The effect of heating and fermenting on antioxidant properties of white cabbage
PublicationIt is widely believed that natural antioxidants found in food are significantly lost during processing. Nevertheless, it was recently demonstrated that processed fruits and vegetables may retain their antioxidant activity. In the present work, the changes in the overall antioxidant properties as a consequence of fermentation of cabbage and/or heat treatment of cabbage juices and extracts were studied. Fermentation processes as...
Anaerobic co-digestion of white cabbage and sewage sludge
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania nad możliwością redukcji biomasy kapusty białej w procesie mezofilowej ko-fermentacji z przefermentowanym osadem ściekowym w procesie jednostopniowej fermentacji. Wykazano, że biomasę kapusty białej można poddać ko-fermentacji z osadem ściekowym przy obciążeniu komory fermentacyjnej na poziomie 1,87 kg smo m-3d-1. Zaobserwowano, że w wyniku fermentacji metanowej wsadu można uzyskać biogaz o średnim składzie...
PublicationThe species belong to the botanical family Brassi- caceae are considered to be useful for phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals. Problems with use the plants recognized as hyperacumulators is that, the plants need to be harvested shortly after the plants become mature, which causes problems of disposal of obtained biomass. When these plants are dried, they easily crumble and flake off, greatly reducing the yield obtained,...
Influence of cabbage juices on oxidative changes of rapeseed oil and lard
PublicationCelem badań było określenie wpływu soków wyizolowanych z kapusty surowej i kiszonej na przemiany oksydatywne i termooksydatywne tłuszczów roślinnych (na przykładzie oleju rzepakowego podwójnie ulepszonego) i zwierzęcych (na przykładzie smalcu). Tłuszcze te ogrzewano w temperaturze 100 0C z sokami z kapusty w układzie modelowym przez 6 godzin, pobierając co 1,5 godz. próbki do badań.Po procesie ogrzewania tłuszczów w obecnosci soków...
The influence of cultivation conditions on the myrosinase activity and glucosinolate content in white cabbage
PublicationIn the process of biofumigation typically natural compounds present in Brassicaceae family are used to combat pests and protect crops. Glucosinolates, sulfur-containing secondary metabolites found in Brassica plants, are hydrolized by the enzyme myrosinase (β-thioglucosidase, EC with the liberation of degradation products such as isothiocyanates, nitriles, thiocyanates and epithionitriles. Isothiocyanates are the most...
The effect of cabbage juices on the activity and expression of GST isozymes in HepG2 cells
PublicationWcześniejsze badania pokazały zdolność soków z kapusty białej do indukowania aktywności enzymów detoksykacyjnych. Prezentowane wyniki potwierdziły zdolność fitokompleksu kapusty do stymulacji aktywności enzymów z grupy GST w komórkach HepG2 - modelu ludzkiej wątroby - w szczególności izoenzymów GST-alfa i GST-mi.
The use of Kamienna głowa cabbage species for phytoextraction of zinc and cadmium from the soil
PublicationAlthough traditional technologies for cleaning contaminated soils have proven to be efficient, they are usually expensive, labor intensive, and in the case of soil, they produce severe disturbance. Most recently, the use of plants in metal extraction (phytoremediation) has appeared as a promising alternative in the removal of heavy metal excess from soil. Phytoremediation uses of plant for pollutant stabilization, extraction, degradation,...
The exploitation of anticarcinogenic potential of white cabbage to improve nutritional value of meat products
PublicationBadania dotyczyły wykorzystania zalet składników kapusty białej w celu opracowania technologii wytwarzania wyrobów mięsnych wzbogaconych w związki przeciwrakotwórcze a zatem o poprawionej wartości żywieniowej. Wybór warzywa wynikał zarówno z środkowoeuropejskiej tradycji spożywania kapusty z daniami mięsnymi jak i badań modelowych wskazujących na technologiczne i zdrowotne zalety skojarzenia tego warzywa z mięsem.
Physiological response of plants and cadmium accumulation in heads of two cultivars of white cabbage
PublicationRośliny z rodziny Brassicaceae są uważane za przydatne do celów fitoremediacyjnych w związku z tolerancją wysokich stężeń metali ciężkich, które mogą ulec hiperakumulacji w tkankach. Kapusta wydaje się rośliną, która może być wykorzystana jako fitoekstraktorw związku z dużą biomasą skoncentrowaną w główce i techniką uprawy tego warzywa umożliwiającą uzyskanie wysokiej wydajności. W doświadczeniu wazonowym badano reakcję sadzonek...
The Spectral Compositions of Light Changes Physiological Response of Chinese Cabbage to Elevated Ozone Concentration
Publication -
The influence of fresh cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity of protective enzymes in human cell lines
PublicationMechanizmami przeciwrakotwórczego działania związków zawartych w kapuście jest metaboliczna aktywacja enzymów II fazy detoksykacji, indukcja enzymów naprawczych DNA oraz aktywnośc przeciwutleniająca. Do enzymów II fazy odtruwania należą S-transferazy glutationowe (GST) oraz oksydoreduktaza chinonowa NQO1 zwana też DT-diaforazą. GST katalizują reakcję sprzęgania glutationu z wieloma różnymi typami ksenobiotyków, ułatwiając...
Modulation of CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 expression by cabbage juices and indoles in human breast cell lines
PublicationEpidemiological studies have shown that consumption of cab- bage and sauerkraut is connected with significant reduction of breast cancer incidences. Estrogens are considered a major breast cancer risk factor and their metabolism by P450 enzymes substan- tially contributes to carcinogenic activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cabbage and sauerkraut juices of differ- ent origin on the expression profile...
Late cultivars of cabbage can better cope with cadmium- involved stress than early one
PublicationThe usefulness of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea ssp. capitata L. f. alba) for phytoremediation of heavy metals (cadmium and zine) due to the rapid growth and a large biomass of its heads has been already described (Bączek-Kwinta et al., 2011. Kusznierewicz et al., 2012). As the photosynthetic apparatus supplies the whole plant with sugars necessary for various physiological processes and, in consequence, results in the yield,...
Antimutagenic activity of white cabbage, raw and processed, juices towards food mutagens MeIQx and PhIP.
PublicationPrezentowane badania pokazały, że soki z kapusty wykazują bardzo silne właściwości przeciwutleniające. Najaktywniejszy był sok ze świeżej kapusty, który eliminował działanie użytych mutagenów w ponad 80%. Obróbka kulinarna nieco obniżała przeciwmutagenne właściwości pozostałych soków, ale i tak wykazywały one silne działanie ochronne.
The effect of cabbage juice and its active components on transcription factor Nrf2 in breast cell lines
PublicationObniżenie zagrożenia chorobami nowotworowymi w przypadku diety bogatej w kapustę wiąże się ze zdolnością bioaktywnych związków tego warzywa do indukowania enzymów ochronnych 2. fazy będacych pod kontrolą czynnika transkrypcyjnego Nrf2. Zbadano wpływ soków z kapusty na poziom Nrf2 w komórkach unieśmiertelnionych i nowotworowych linii odpowiednio MCF10A i MCF-7. W obu przypadkach obserwowano wzrost poziomu tego czynnika oraz jego...
Cabbage Juices and Indoles Modulate the Expression Profile of AhR, ERα, and Nrf2 in Human Breast Cell Lines
PublicationOur previous studies showed the diversified effect of cabbage juices and indoles on the estrogen metabolism key enzymes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1) in breast epithelial cells differing in ER status, i.e., in tumorigenic—MCF7, MDA-MB-231 and non-tumorigenic—MCF10A cells. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the mechanism of chemopreventive action of cabbage juice and its active components by evaluating their effect...
Young shoots of red cabbage are a better source of selected nutrients and glucosinolates in comparison to the vegetable at full maturity
PublicationCruciferous vegetables are a valuable source of ingredients with health benefits. The most characteristic compounds of cruciferous vegetables with identified anticancer properties are glucosinolates. Young shoots and sprouts of red cabbage are becoming a popular fresh food rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds. The objective of this research was to determine, for the first time in a comprehensive approach, whether young shoots...
Valorization of waste cabbage leaves by postharvest photochemical treatments monitored with a non-destructive fluorescence-based sensor
PublicationThe biosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds in cabbage waste, outer green leaves of white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), was stimulated by postharvest irradiation with UVB lamps or sunlight. Both treatments boosted the content of kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, especially in the basal leaf zone, as determined by the HPLC analysis of leaf extracts and by a non-destructive optical sensor. The...
Modulation of the expression of enzymes metabolizing xenobiotics in rat liver and kidney by oral administration of cabbage and sauerkraut juice.
PublicationObydwa soki z kapusty mogą wpływać selektywnie na ekspresję genów zaangażowanych w aktywację i detoksykację kancerogenów. Efekt ten zależy od sposobu traktowania i może zależeć od rodzaju tkanki.
Meat products Brassica exploiting anticarcinogenic potential of cabbage phytochemicals: Polish path to bio-inspired foods
PublicationBadania populacyjne ostatnich dwóch dziesięcioleci wskazują na sposób odżywiania jako jeden z głównych czynników zagrożenia chorobami cywilizacyjnymi, z nowotworami włącznie. W przypadku chorób nowotworowych głównym elementem diety sprzyjającej kancerogenezie jest czerwone mięso. Ze względu na wartość odżywczą i powszechność spożycia produktów mięsnych, poprawienie ich wartości żywieniowej staje się problemem o istotnym znaczeniu...
The antioxidative properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) fresh and submitted to culinary processing
PublicationKapusta biała stanowi jeden z podstawowych składników diety w Europie centralnej. W publikacji autorzy skupili się na określeniu właściwościach przeciwutleniających kapusty świeżej, kiszonej i poddanej obróbce termicznej. Te właściwości zostały oszacowane dla soków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pozakomórkowych, w komórkach HT29 pod kątem ochrony przed utlenieniem DNA oraz poprzez symulację GSTs i naprawę DNA. Wszystkie badane soki...
CYP19 mRNA and protein levels in nontumorogenic breast epithelial cells (MCF10A) treated with active components of cabbage juices
PublicationZbadano wpływ soków z kapusty na poziom ekspresji genu CYP19 w nietumorogennych komórkach nabłonka gruczołu mlekowego MCF10A kodującego enzym aromatazę uczestniczący w biosyntezie estrogenów i w związku z tym wpływający na zagrożenie rakiem piersi. Soki z kapusty oraz bioaktywne związki w nich występujące stosowane w niskich dawkach obniżały poziom ekspresji tego genu, a zatem miały działanie chemoprewencyjne. Wyższe dawki zarowno...
The effect of cabbage juice and it's active components on the protein level and expression of CYP19 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
PublicationWiadomo, że bioaktywne skladniki kapusty mają chemoprewencyjne działanie w przypadku nowotworów piersi, między innymi ze względu na hamowanie aktywności enzymu aromatazy uczestniczącego w biosyntezie estrogenów. Badania prowadzono przy użyciu komórek raka piersi i stwierdzono, że soki z kapusty, zarówno pochodzącej z uprawy ekologicznej jak i przemysłowej, znacząco hamowały ekspresję genu CYP19 kodującego wspomniany enzym. Sugeruje...
Estimation of concentration equilibrium constants of reaction between mutagenic HAA and antimutagenic cabbage phytochemicals based on data from Ames test
PublicationWykorzystano dane testu Amesa, przy pomocy którego oceniono antymutagenne właściwości fitokompleksu kapusty w stosunku do modelowych kancerogennych heterocyklicznych amin aromatycznych (HAA), do oszacowania stężeniowych stałych reakcji HAA z izotiocyjanianami występującymi w tym warzywie. Wyznaczone stężeniowe stałe reakcji wskazują na dużą stabilność powstałych koniugatów, a zatem sugerują, że kapusta może efektywnie chronić organizm...
Modulation of rat hepatic and kidney phase II enzymes by cabbage juices: comparison with the effects of indole-3-carbinol and phenethyl isothiocyanate
PublicationZbadano wpływ soków ze świeżej i kiszonej kapusty na ekspresję i aktywność takich enzymów II fazy jak transferazy S-glutationowe i oksydoreduktaza NQO1 w wątrobie i nerkach szczurów, którym podawano wspomniane soki doustnie. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z oznaczeniami uzyskanymi po doustnym podaniu wyizolowanych produktów degradacji glukozynolanów, indolo-3-karbinolu i izotiocyjanianu fenyloetylu. Wszystkie testowane czynniki powodowały...
Modulation of CYP19 expression by cabbage juices and their active components: indole-3-carbinol and 3,30-diindolylmethene in human breast epithelial cell lines
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of white cabbage and sauerkraut juices of different origin and indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and diindolylmethane (DIM) on expression of CYP19 gene encoding aromatase, the key enzyme of estrogen synthesis.Remarkable differences in the effect on CYP19 transcript and protein level were found between the cab- bage juices (in 2.5-25 mL/L concentrations) and indoles (in 2.5-50 lM doses) in...
Phytochemical composition and biological activities of differently pigmented cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) varieties
PublicationBACKGROUND:Brassica plants contain awide spectrumofbioactive components that are responsible for their health-promoting potential such as vitamins, polyphenols and glucosinolates. This study attempted to relate the composition of bioactive phytochemicals and chosen biological activities (antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti-genotoxic, and influence on enzymatic activities) for extracts from differently pigmented cabbage (white and red)...
Modulation of mRNA and protein levels of CYP1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 in nontumorigenic breast epithelial cells (MCF10A) by cabbage juice and its active components
PublicationZbadano wpływ soków z kapusty oraz występujących w nich pochodnych indolowych i sulforafanu na poziom ekspresji enzymów odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm ksenobiotyków w tym estrogenów. Wykazano, że soki z kapusty i izolowane substancje mają podobny wpływ na poziom mRNA i białek enzymatycznych.
The dose-dependet influence of zinc and cadmium contamination of soil on their uptake and glucosinolate content in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba)
PublicationThe relationship between the ability to accumulate heavy metals (represented by Cd and Zn) and to synthesize bioactive compounds (represented by glucosinolates[GLS]) was investigated in two cabbage cultivars. Plants were grown in the greenhouse of a phytotron under controlled conditions in soils spiked with two different Zn or Cd concentrations. The measurements of Cd and Zn contents in soil and cabbage (leaf) samples were performed...
Modulation of carcinogen metabolizing cytochromes p450 in rat liver and kidney by cabbage and sauerkraut juices: comparison with the effects of indole-3-carbinol and phenethyl isothiocyanate
PublicationThis study investigated the effect of raw cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity and expression of CYP1A1, 1A2, 1B1 and 2B in Wistar rat liver and kidney. The results were compared with those of two commercially available products of glucosinolates degradation: indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). Significant differences in the effect of the cabbage juices as well as I3C and PEITC between the liver...
Nondestructive Optical Sensing of Flavonols and Chlorophyll in White Head Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba ) Grown under Different Nitrogen Regimens
PublicationA multiparametric optical sensor was used to nondestructively estimate phytochemical compounds in white cabbage leaves directly in the field. An experimental site of 1980 white cabbages (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), under different nitrogen (N) treatments, was mapped by measuring leaf transmittance and chlorophyll fluorescence screening in one leaf/cabbage head. The provided indices of flavonols (FLAV) and...
Effects of Post-Harvest Elicitor Treatments with Ultrasound, UV- and Photosynthetic Active Radiation on Polyphenols, Glucosinolates and Antioxidant Activity in a Waste Fraction of White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
PublicationBiosynthesis of phytochemicals in leaves of Brassica can be initiated by abiotic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate elicitor treatments to add value to waste of cabbage. A leaf waste fraction from industrial trimming of head cabbage was exposed to UV radiation (250–400 nm, 59 and 99 kJ m-2, respectively), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm, 497 kJ m-2), and ultrasound in water bath (35 kHz, at 15, 30...
Characterization of white cabbages from different cultivations by isothiocynates content and antioxidant activities
PublicationBadania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że wraz z zwiększeniem spożywania kapusty maleje ryzyko zachorowania na niektóre nowotwory. Mechanizmy przeciwrakotwórczego działania nie są do końca wyjaśnione, jednak wiele badań przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem zwierząt i ludzi sugeruje, że substancje występujące w tych roślinach, szczególnie izotiocyjaniany (ITC) modulują aktywność enzymów I i II fazy. Aktywność przeciwutleniająca jest innym...
Young Shoots of White and Red Headed Cabbages Like Novel Sources of Glucosinolates as Well as Antioxidative Substances
PublicationMost literature data indicate that the diet rich in plant products reduces the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases and cancer. Brassica vegetables are almost exclusively synthesizing glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are higher in sprouts than in mature plants, being related to the activity of the specific myrosinase involved in the degradation of glucosinolates during developmental stages. This study compares the...
Partial characterization of white cabbages (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) from different regions by glucosinolates, bioactive compounds, total antioxidant activities and proteins
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń glukozynolanów (GLS), aktywności przeciwutleniającej (TRSA) oraz białek w próbkach białej kapusty pochodzącej z różnych rejonów geograficznych Europy. Glukobrassycyna i sinigryna były dominującymi GLS we wszystkich próbkach kapusty. Całkowita zawartość GLS mieściła się w zakresie od 3,3-7,7 µmol/g sm. Aktywność przeciwulteniająca próbek kapusty została oszacowana za pomocą testów ABTS,...
Oxygen sensitivity of hydrogenesis’ and methanogenesis’
PublicationIn the chapter, results of dark fermentation of sour cabbage in presence of oxygen with concentrations 2-9% are presented. The presence of oxygen in such concentration inhibits methanogesis (and methane production more than 2 times) and increases hydrogen production 6 times. It also shortens the fermentation process above 40%.
Use of Brassica plants in the phytoremediation and biofumigation processes
PublicationIn recent decades, serious contamination of soils by heavy metals has been reported. It is therefore a matter of urgency to develop a new and efficient technology for removing contaminants from soil. Another aspect to this problem is that environmental pollution decreases the biological quality of soil, which is why pesticides and fertilizers are being used in ever-larger quantities. The environmentally friendly solutions to these...
Effect of package type on selected parameters of nutritional quality of chill-stored white sauerkraut
PublicationBrassica vegetables, including white cabbage, both fresh and sour (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.), contain a lot of valuable metabolites which are effective in chemoprevention of cancer as documented by numerous studies. This work investigates the effect of different packaging types; low density polyethylene (PE-LD) and metalized polyethylene terephthalate (PET met/PE) with polyethylene bags on selected quality parameters in...
Isothiocyanates may chemically detoxify mutagenic amines formed in heat processed meat
PublicationMeat consumption represents a dietary risk factor increasing the incidence of common cancers, probably due to carcinogenic amines (HAAs) formed upon meat heating. Interestingly, cancers whose incidence is increased by meat consumption, are decreased in populations consuming brassica vegetables regularly. This inverse correlation is attributed to brassica anticarcinogenic components, especially isothiocyanates (ITCs) that stimulate...
Simultaneous determination of individual isothiocyanates in plant samples by HPLC-DAD-MS following SPE and derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine
PublicationThe procedure for the isothiocyanates (ITCs) determination that involves derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) and separation by HPLC was developed. Prior to derivatization, plant ITCs were isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction (SPE). The optimum conditions of derivatization are: 500 μL of isopropanolic eluate obtained by SPE combined with 500 μL of derivatizing reagent (0.2 M NAC and 0.2 M NaHCO3 in water)...
The influence of pre- and postharvest treatments on selected biological and epigenetic activities of Brassica sprouts
PublicationIntroduction The Brassica vegetables are rich in glucosinolates (GLs), which are enzymatically hydrolysed to bioactive isothiocynates (ITC) and indoles, regarded as the most promising chemopreventing agents. However, in the majority of brassica sprouts the GL conversion into these beneficial derivatives occurs at the level of about 1 %, while in cabbage leaves exceeds 70%. Since sprouts represent plant material, which is frequently...
Spectrophotometric determination of chlorpyrifos in foodstuffs after vortex-assisted surfactant-enhanced emulsification microextraction using magnetic deep eutectic solvents: Analytical greenness profile
PublicationIn this work a novel and green vortex-assisted surfactant-enhanced emulsification microextraction (VA-SEEME) based on magnetic deep eutectic solvents (MDESs) was developed for the determination of chlorpyrifos in foodstuffs by UV-Vis spectrophotometric analysis. MDES (trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride: MnCl2: octanoic acid) was used as the extractant, non-ionic surfactant Tween-80 was used as an extraction medium, and ethanol...
The influence of selenium addition during seeds' germination on the biological properties of obtained sprouts
PublicationSelenium plays a vital role in human body, because in the form of aminoacids (Se-methionine, Se-cysteine) it is found in the active centres of over 25 enzymes, including those regarded as 'cytoprotective'. Unfortunatelly, its daily intake in Poland and other European countries is lower than predicted by dietary recommendations. The consequences of selenium deficiency in diet might be severe, including higher susceptibility to cardio-vascular...
Chemical characterization of wild populations of Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) for the content of their bioactive compounds
PublicationThe wild species belonging to Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) are widespread in the Mediterranean basin and represent the relative species of several vegetable crops, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage. They are characterized by the high level of bioactive compounds, such as glucosinolates (GLSs), known for their benefits for human health. Four accessions were evaluated: B. macrocarpa (BM) from Favignana (Trapani),...
The influence of food phytochemicals on cyclic phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) activity
PublicationCyclic phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) belongs to family of cyclic phosphodiesterases, which are expressed predominantly in inflammatory cells, airway smooth muscles, cardiovascular tissues and brain. Inhibitors of this family of enzymes found medicinal applications as antidepressants, antiinflamatory drugs (mainly in airway diseases) or antiasthmatics (Ibudilast). PDE4 inhibitors are also being tested for preventing the development...