Search results for: PROTEIN STABILITY
Stabilizing agents and protein stability
PublicationBiałka są kluczowymi elementami żywych organizmów, jak również efektywnymi katalizatorami w biotechnologii i medycynie. Szybki rozwój wielu gałęzi biotechnologii wiąże się z coraz większym zapotrzebowaniem na produkty białkowe charakteryzujące się wysoką stabilnością. Jednym ze sposobów osiągnięcia większej stabilności białek jest wykorzystanie małych związków organicznych, tzw. osmolitów. Do tej grupy związków należą aminokwasy,...
General Mechanism of Osmolytes’ Influence on Protein Stability Irrespective of the Type of Osmolyte Cosolvent
PublicationThe stability of proteins in an aqueous solution can be modified by the presence of osmolytes. The hydration sphere of stabilizing osmolytes is strikingly similar to the enhanced hydration sphere of a protein. This similarity leads to an increase in the protein stability. Moreover, the hydration sphere of destabilizing osmolytes is significantly different. These solutes generate in their surroundings so-called “structurally different...
Molecular basis of the osmolyte effect on protein stability: a lesson from the mechanical unfolding of lysozyme
PublicationOsmolytes are a class of small organic molecules that shift the protein folding equilibrium. For this reason, they are accumulated by organisms under environmental stress, and find applications in biotechnology where proteins need to be stabilized or dissolved. However, despite years of research, debate continues over the exact mechanisms underpinning the stabilizing and denaturing effect of osmolytes. Here, we simulated the mechanical...
Quantitative determination of mechanical stability in the novel coronavirus spike protein
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Stability of delay induced oscillations in gene expression of Hes1 protein model
PublicationW pracy prezentowana jest matematyczna analiza modelu ekspresji genu białka Hes1. Rozważamy układ równań z dwoma opóźnieniami - w produkcji białka Hes1 oraz jego mRNA. Dowodzimy istnienia i jednoznaczności oraz nieujemności rozwiązań. Pokazujemy istnienie dokładnie jednego dodatniego stanu stacjonarnego. Wykazujemy, że stabilność stanu stacjonarnego zależy od sumy opóźnień. Podajemy warunek dostateczny na wystąpienie bifurkacji...
Stability of oil‐in‐water emulsions as influenced by thermal treatment of whey protein dispersions or emulsions
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Stability of Antiradical Activity of Protein Extracts and Hydrolysates from Dry-Cured Pork Loins with Probiotic Strains of LAB
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Protein thermal stabilization in aqueous solutions of osmolytes
PublicationProteins’ thermal stabilization is a significant problem in various biomedical, biotechnological, and technological applications. We investigated thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions of the following stabilizing osmolytes: Glycine (GLY), N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), N,N,N-trimethylglycine (TMG), and trimethyl-N-oxide (TMAO). Results of CD-UV spectroscopic investigation were compared...
Mathematical analysis of a generalised p53-Mdm2 protein gene expression model
PublicationWe propose the generalisation of the p53-Mdm2 protein gene expression model introduced by Monk (2003). We investigate the stability of a unique positive steady state and formulate conditions which guarantee the occurrence of the Hopf bifurcation. We show that oscillatory behaviour can be caused not only by time lag in protein transcription process, but also can be present in the model without time delay. Moreover, we investigate...
On the Origin of Protein Superfamilies and Superfolds
PublicationDistributions of protein families and folds in genomes are highly skewed, having a small number of prevalent superfamiles/superfolds and a large number of families/folds of a small size. Why are the distributions of protein families and folds skewed? Why are there only a limited number of protein families? Here, we employ an information theoretic approach to investigate the protein sequence-structure relationship that leads to...
Adolfo Poma
PeopleI am the group leader of the computational modelling of biomolecules divison at the institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland. My group was hosted between 2021-2022 by International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials (ICRI-BioM). In 2008, I got a Master degree in computational physics from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. Then I moved to Germany and under the...
Bioelectrochemical detection of COVID protein (RBD) on boron doped diamond - optimization of functionalziation parameters
Open Research DataThe following dataset is a comprehensive overview of preparation of biofunctionalizaed BDD (boron-doped diamond) electrodes and their application in electrochemical sensing of COVID protein RBD. The specific receptor against RBD (Receptor Binding Domain) protein ACE-2 (Angiotensin Convertase Enzyme) is attached to the surface of BDD via a series of...
Taurine as a water structure breaker and protein stabilizer
PublicationThe enhancing effect on the water structure has been confirmed for most of the osmolytes exhibiting both stabilizing and destabilizing properties in regard to proteins. The presented work concerns osmolytes, which should be classified as “structure breaking” solutes: taurine and N,N,N-trimethyltaurine (TMT). Here, we combine FTIR spectroscopy, DSC calorimetry and DFT calculations to gain an insight into the interactions between...
Enhancing colloidal stability of nanodiamond via surface modification with dendritic molecules for optical sensing in physiological environments
PublicationPre-treatment of diamond surface in low-temperature plasma for oxygenation and in acids for carboxylation was hypothesized to promote the branching density of the hyperbranched glycidol polymer. This was expected to increase the homogeneity of the branching level and suppress interactions with proteins. As a result, composite nanodiamonds with reduced hydrodynamic diameters that are maintained in physiological environments were...
Role of the disulfide bond in stabilizing and folding of the fimbrial protein DraE from uropathogenic Escherichia coli
PublicationDr fimbriae are homopolymeric adhesive organelles of uropathogenic Escherichia coli composed of DraE subunits, responsible for the attachment to host cells. These structures are characterized by enormously high stability resulting from the structural properties of an Ig-like fold of DraE. One feature of DraE and other fimbrial subunits that makes them peculiar among Ig-like domain-containing proteins is a conserved disulfide bond...
Justification of quasi-stationary approximation in models of gene expression of a self-regulating protein
PublicationWe analyse a model of Hes1 gene transcription and protein synthesis with a negative feedback loop. The effect of multiple binding sites in the Hes1 promoter as well as the dimer formation process are taken into account. We consider three, possibly different, time scales connected with: (i) the process of binding to/dissolving from a binding site, (ii) formation and dissociation of dimers, (iii) production and degradation of Hes1...
Hopf bifurcation in time‐delayed gene expression model with dimers
PublicationWe study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the formation of dimers (i.e., complex formed by two protein monomers), the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For the model consisting of three ordinary differential equations with time delay, we derive conditions for stability of the positive...
Effect of osmolytes on the thermal stability of proteins: replica exchange simulations of Trp-cage in urea and betaine solutions
PublicationAlthough osmolytes are known to modulate the folding equilibrium, the molecular mechanism of their effect on thermal denaturation of proteins is still poorly understood. Here, we simulated the thermal denaturation of a small model protein (Trp-cage) in the presence of denaturing (urea) and stabilizing (betaine) osmolytes, using the all-atom replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. We found that urea destabilizes Trp-cage...
Structure-based design and evaluation of novel N-phenyl-1H-indol-2-amine derivatives for fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) protein inhibition
PublicationFat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) protein contributes to non-syndromic human obesity which refers to excessive fat accumulation in human body and results in health risk. FTO protein has become a promising target for anti-obesity medicines as there is an immense need for the rational design of potent inhibitors to treat obesity. In our study, a new scaffold N-phenyl-1H-indol-2-amine was selected as a base for FTO protein inhibitors...
Amyloid fibril formation in the presence of water structure-affecting solutes
PublicationThe impact of the differently hydrated non-electrolytes (protein structure destabilizers) on the fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was investigated. Two isomeric urea derivatives i.e. butylurea (BU) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylurea (TMU) were chosen as a tested compounds. The obtained results show that butylurea exerts greater impact on HEWL and its fibrillation than tetramethylurea. Both substances decrease the time of...
Highly selective impedimetric determination of Haemophilus influenzae protein D using maze-like boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes
PublicationThis study reports a novel impedimetric immunosensor for protein D detection in purified and bacterial (Haemophilus influenzae, Hi) samples. The detection was based on antigen recognition by anti-protein D antibodies (apD) immobilised at the maze-like boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes (B:CNW). The B:CNW electrodes were synthesised, and their surface was characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron...
The structurally similar TRFH domain of TRF1 and TRF2 dimers shows distinct behaviour towards TIN2
PublicationThe telomere repeat binding-factor 1 and 2 (TRF1 and TRF2) proteins of the shelterin complex bind to duplex telomeric DNA as homodimers, and the homodimerization is mediated by their TRFH (TRF-homology) domains. We performed molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of the dimer forms of TRF1TRFH and TRF2TRFH in the presence/absence of the TIN2TBM (TIN2, TRF-interacting nuclear protein 2, TBM, TRF-binding motif) peptide. The MD results...
Hydration of Simple Model Peptides in Aqueous Osmolyte Solutions
PublicationThe biology and chemistry of proteins and peptides are inextricably linked with water as the solvent. The reason for the high stability of some proteins or uncontrolled aggregation of others may be hidden in the properties of their hydration water. In this study, we investigated the effect of stabilizing osmolyte–TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) and destabilizing osmolyte–urea on hydration shells of two short peptides, NAGMA (N-acetyl-glycine-methylamide)...
Analysis of Reconstituted Tripartite Complex Supports Avidity-based Recruitment of Hsp70 by Substrate Bound J-domain Protein
PublicationHsp70 are ubiquitous, versatile molecular chaperones that cyclically interact with substrate protein(s). The initial step requires synergistic interaction of a substrate and a J-domain protein (JDP) cochaperone, via its J-domain, with Hsp70 to stimulate hydrolysis of its bound ATP. This hydrolysis drives conformational changes in Hsp70 that stabilize substrate binding. However, because of the transient nature of substrate and JDP...
Effects of the polyhistidine tag on kinetics and other properties of trehalose synthase from Deionococcus geothermalis
PublicationTwo recombinant trehalose synthases from Deinococcus geothermalis (DSMZ 11300) were compared. A significant influence of the artificial polyhistidine tag was observed in protein constitution. The recombinant trehalose synthase from D. geothermalis with His6 -tag has a higher K m value of 254 mM, in comparison with the wild-type trehalose synthase (K m 170 mM), and displayed a lower activity of maltose conversion when compared...
Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
PublicationThe aim of this research was to create a plant-based beverage based on seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), pea (Pisum sativum) and runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus). The selection of the ingredients was based on the main objective to obtain the nutritional value and sensory characteristics of a formed product similar to cow's milk. The ingredient proportions were created by comparing the protein,...
Analysis of a gene expression model
PublicationWe study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the number of active binding sites, the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For a simplified model that consist of three ordinary differential equations with time delay we derive conditions for stability of the positive steady state and for the...
DMSO and TMAO—Differences in Interactions in Aqueous Solutions of the K-Peptide
PublicationInteractions between a solvent and their co-solute molecules in solutions of peptides are crucial for their stability and structure. The K-peptide is a synthetic fragment of a larger hen egg white lysozyme protein that is believed to be able to aggregate into amyloid structures. In this study, a complex experimental and theoretical approach is applied to study systems comprising the peptide, water, and two co-solutes: trimethylamide...
Inhibition of amyloid fibril formation of hen egg white lysozyme by trimethylamine N-oxide at low pH
PublicationIn vitro inhibition of the formation of fibrous aggregates of proteins (amyloids) has gained increasing attention due to the number of diseases associated with protein misfolding and fibrillation. An interesting group of compounds for which pronounced activity against this phenomenon can be expected consists of low molecular weight substances (osmolytes) which have the ability to change protein stability. Here we investigate the...
Solvation phenomena in ternary system tetramethylurea-methylacetamide-water: Insights from volumetric, compressibility and FTIR analysis
PublicationThe properties of the ternary systems N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylurea - N-methylacetamide - water were investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), volumetric and compression measurements. Densities and sound velocities were determined in order to obtain the apparent molar volumes (VΦ) and apparent molar isentropic compressions (ΚS,Φ). These values were then extrapolated to infinite dilution. Additionally, interaction parameters...
Data regarding a new, vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for the construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as biological effects of selected polypeptides obtained using this method
PublicationApplications of bioactive peptides and polypeptides are emerging in areas such as drug development and drug delivery systems. These compounds are bioactive, biocompatible and represent a wide range of chemical properties, enabling further adjustments of obtained biomaterials. However, delivering large quantities of peptide derivatives is still challenging. Several methods have been developed for the production of concatemers –...
Meiothermus ruber cells as β-galactosidase activity biocatalyst
PublicationThe current study allowed to establish the possibility of using whole cells of thermophilic bacteria Meiothermus ruber as a biocatalyst with β-galactosidase activity. β-galactosidases are used for hydrolysis of lactose as well as for oligosaccharides synthesis. The advantages of using whole bacterial cells catalysis is not only elimination of tedious, expensive protein isolation and/or purification but also stabilization of enzymes...
Amides as models to study the hydration of proteins and peptides — spectroscopic and theoretical approach on hydration in various temperatures
PublicationInteractions with water are one of the key factors which determine protein stability and activity in aqueous solutions. However, the protein hydration is still insufficiently understood. N-methylacetamide (NMA) is regarded as a minimal part of the peptide backbone and the relative simplicity of its structure makes it a good model for studies on protein–water interactions. In this paper, the influence of NMA and N,N-dimethylacetamide...
In Silico Functional Annotation and Structural Characterization of Hypothetical Proteins in Bacillus paralicheniformis and Bacillus subtilis Isolated from Honey
PublicationBacillus species are ubiquitous and survive in competitive microbial communities under adverse environmental conditions. Bacillus paralicheniformis and Bacillus subtilis obtained from honey revealed a significant proportion of proteins within their genomes as uncharacterized hypothetical proteins (HPs). A total of 1007 HP sequences were evaluated, resulting in the successful annotation of 56 HPs by assigning specific functions...
Impact of postharvest processing on the health benefits of durian-derived products
PublicationDurian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) is a seasonal fruit with a short harvesting period, requiring postharvest processing such as cutting, peeling, freeze-drying, cooking, and frying to enhance its shelf life and nutritional quality. In this study, fresh Monthong durian (MTD), MTD Sticks, MTD Cake, and MTD Chips were analyzed for polyphenols, phenolic acids, tannins, flavonoids and thermal stability. Antioxidant activity was assessed...
Structure and evolution of the 4-helix bundle domain of Zuotin, a J-domain protein co-chaperone of Hsp70
PublicationThe J-domain protein Zuotin is a multi-domain eukaryotic Hsp70 co-chaperone. Though it is primarily ribosome-associated, positioned at the exit of the 60S subunit tunnel where it promotes folding of nascent polypeptide chains, Zuotin also has off-ribosome functions. Domains of Zuotin needed for 60S association and interaction with Hsp70 are conserved in eukaryotes. However, whether the 4-helix bundle (4HB) domain is conserved remains...
Effect of urea and glycine betaine on the hydration sphere of model molecules for the surface features of proteins
PublicationWater properties may significantly affect protein stability. Osmolytes are compounds that intrinsically affect water in many different ways and thus can influence proteins with this type of indirect mechanism. In this study, we characterize water properties in ternary solutions: model–water–osmolyte, with two model molecules: N-methylacetamide (NMA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and two osmolytes: glycine betaine (TMG)and urea....
Fungal L-Methionine Biosynthesis Pathway Enzymes and Their Applications in Various Scientific and Commercial Fields
PublicationL-methionine (L-Met) is one of the nine proteinogenic amino acids essential for humans since, in human cells, there are no complete pathways for its biosynthesis from simple precursors. L-Met plays a crucial role in cellular function as it is required for proper protein synthesis, acting as an initiator. Additionally, this amino acid participates in various metabolic processes and serves as a precursor for the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine...
Molecular Insights into the Interactions Between Human Serum Albumin and Phospholipid Membranes
PublicationIn this study, molecular dynamics simulations were employed to analyze interactions between phospholipid membranes and human serum albumin (HSA) in the presence of mono- and divalent cations. Two types of membranes, composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), were utilized. The results revealed that both systems exhibited high stability. The DPPE complexes displayed a greater...
PublicationWe study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the p53-Mdm2 model proposed by Monk (2003). The p53 gene is crucial for cellular inhibition of the angiogenesis process, while Mdm2 is a negative regulator of the p53 tumor-suppressor. We investigate the stability of the positive steady state and perform some numerical experiments.
Isolation of the GFA1 gene encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase of Sporothrix schenckii and its expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PublicationGlucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (GlcN-6-P synthase) is an essential enzyme involved in cell wall biogenesis that has been proposed as a strategic target for antifungal chemotherapy. Here we describe the cloning and functional characterization of Sporothrix schenckii GFA1 gene which was isolated from a genomic library of the fungus. The gene encodes a predicted protein of 708 amino acids that is homologous to GlcN-6-P synthases...
Molecular Recognition in Complexes of TRF Proteins with Telomeric DNA
PublicationTelomeres are specialized nucleoprotein assemblies that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. In humans and many other species, telomeres consist of tandem TTAGGG repeats bound by a protein complex known as shelterin that remodels telomeric DNA into a protective loop structure and regulates telomere homeostasis. Shelterin recognizes telomeric repeats through its two major components known as Telomere Repeat-Binding Factors, TRF1...
Optimization of parallel implementation of UNRES package for coarse‐grained simulations to treat large proteins
PublicationWe report major algorithmic improvements of the UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of proteins. These include (i) introduction of interaction lists to optimize computations, (ii) transforming the inertia matrix to a pentadiagonal form to reduce computing and memory requirements, (iii) removing explicit angles and dihedral angles from energy expressions and recoding the most time-consuming energy/force terms...
Monitoring of lysozyme thermal denaturation by volumetric measurements and nanoDSF technique in the presence of N-butylurea
PublicationThe results of thermal studies of denaturation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) in water and an aqueous solution of N-butylurea (BU) are presented. High-precision densimetric measurements were used to characterize and analyze the changes of the specific volume, v, during temperature elevation. The temperature of the midpoint of protein denaturation was also determined by nanoDSF technique (differential scanning fluorimetry). The...
Proteases immobilized on nanomaterials for biocatalytic, environmental and biomedical applications: Advantages and drawbacks
PublicationProteases have gained significant scientific and industrial interest due to their unique biocatalytic characteristics and broad-spectrum applications in different industries. The development of robust nanobiocatalytic systems by attaching proteases onto various nanostructured materials as fascinating and novel nanocarriers has demonstrated exceptional biocatalytic performance, substantial stability, and ease of recyclability over...
Comparative molecular dynamics study of dimeric and monomeric forms of HIV-1 protease in ligand bound and unbound state
PublicationHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) is a viral-encoded enzyme that forms a homodimer. HIV-1 PR is essential for replication and assembly of the virus and inactivation of HIV-1 PR enzyme causes production of immature, noninfectious viral particles and thus HIV-1 PR is an attractive target in anti-AIDS drug design. In our current work, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations (500 ns) for two different...
Interactions in aqueous solutions of K-peptide and DMSO – spectroscopic and calorimetric studies
PublicationIntroduction K-peptide (GILQINSRW) – short 9 amino acid fragment of the hen egg white lysozyme has the ability to form amyloid structures. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an osmolyte which can alter this ability. Our goal was to get an insight into the mechanism of Kpeptide-DMSO interactions in aqueous solutions. Such a knowledge can be helpful to understand processes leading to various neurodegenerative diseases. Methods ATR-FTIR...
Influence of Osmolytes on Protein and Water Structure: A Step To Understanding the Mechanism of Protein Stabilization
PublicationResults concerning the thermostability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions with stabilizing osmolytes, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), glycine (Gly), and its N-methyl derivatives, N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), and N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine, TMG), have been presented. The combination of spectroscopic (IR) and calorimetric (DSC) data allowed us to establish a link between osmolytes’ influence on...
Analysis of the Factors Affecting Static In Vitro Pepsinolysis of Food Proteins
PublicationIn this meta-analysis, we collected 58 publications spanning the last seven decades that reported static in vitro protein gastric digestion results. A number of descriptors of the pepsinolysis process were extracted, including protein type; pepsin activity and concentration; protein concentration; pH; additives; protein form (e.g., ‘native’, ‘emulsion’, ‘gel’, etc.); molecular weight of the protein; treatment; temperature; and...
Water-mediated influence of a crowded environment on internal vibrations of a protein molecule
PublicationThe influence of crowding on the protein inner dynamics is examined by putting a single protein molecule close to one or two neighboring protein molecules. The presence of additional molecules influences the amplitudes of protein fluctuations. Also, a weak dynamical coupling of collective velocities of surface atoms of proteins separated by a layer of water is detected. The possible mechanisms of these phenomena are described....