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Search results for: Anglican Communion

  • Spatial Distribution of Eucalyptus Plantation and its Impact on the Depletion of Groundwater Resources of Tehsil Swat Ranizai, District Malakand


    - Arabian Journal of Geosciences - Year 2023

    Native to the continent of Australia, eucalyptus is a tall, evergreen tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family. Malakand district has the largest eucalyptus plantation in the province, covering an area of 22,071.29 ha. The present study aims to evaluate its impact on the groundwater table (GWT) in three selected union councils (UCs) of the study area, i.e., Agra, Totakan, and Kot. Both primary and secondary data support the study....

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  • Las pełen muzyki:Unikatowe walory architektury Opery Leśnej w Sopocie, dawniej i obecnie


    - Year 2015

    Zakończona sukcesem współczesna modernizacja architektury , konstrukcji i elementów nowej estetyki kultowego obiektu Opery Leśnej w Sopocie daje podstawę do snucia optymistycznych wniosków na temat przyszłości rozwoju kultury muzycznej w szerokim tego słowa znaczeniu Cała.przestrzeń nowoczesnego funkcjonalnego obiektu o innowacyjnej konstrukcji zadaszenia nad sceną i powiększoną 5000 miejs- widownią ,jest nową atrakcja...

  • Insights in microbiotechnology: 2022.Editorial


    This Research Topic serves as an invaluable resource for readers interested in staying updated with the latest progress and developments in the field of microbiotechnology. It spotlights the innovative research conducted by up-and-coming experts in the field, specifically emphasizing the transforming abilities of microorganisms that greatly influence the scientific community. The advent of multi-omic technologies has revolutionized microbiotechnology,...

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  • Acoustics - new services for urban planning, research and education


    The main purpose of the presented design is twofold, namely: providing detailed information about the noise threats that occur every day in city areas and preventing the noise induced hearing loss especially among young people. An experimental system designed for the continuous monitoring of the acoustic climate of urban areas was developed and implemented within the PLGrid Plus project. The assessment of environmental threats...

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  • On Guard for Lighting Quality. The establishment of the first association of professional lighting designers

    Not many people in the lighting community are aware of the fact, that after electricity was invented and in general use in the United States from the late nineteenth century, only electrical engineers were responsible for the illumination of architecture. After 1906, when the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) was established in the USA, companies and individuals professionally involved in the field of gas...

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  • Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal


    - Year 2020

    Since time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...

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  • Technology adoption review for ageing well: analysis of technical solutions

    • I. Gambo
    • M. V. Bueno-Delgado
    • K. Mooses
    • F. J. Melero Muñoz
    • R. Zviel-Girshin
    • A. Andrushevich
    • M. Mrissa
    • A. Landowska
    • K. Taveter

    - Frontiers in Public Health - Year 2023

    While several technological solutions are available for older adults to improve their wellbeing and quality of life, little is known about the gaps between the needs, provided solutions, and their adoption from a more pragmatic perspective. This paper reports on reviewing existing technological solutions for older adults, which span the work life, life in the community, and wellbeing at home. We analyzed 50 different solutions...

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  • Synagogi dawnej Polski - ich teraźniejszość i przyszłość


    - Year 2021

    Tekst stanowi próbę ujęcia w szerszej perspektywie złożonego zjawiska zmiany formy użytkowania ocalałych obiektów kultu religijnego. Postępująca sekularyzacja współczesnych społeczeństw stanowi wyzwanie dla religijnych społeczności różnych wyznań, przynosząc również pytania dotyczące zmiany przeznaczenia pustoszejących świątyń. Biorąc pod uwagę społeczny kontekst zarysowany powyżej, ocalałe budynki synagog można uznać za odrębny,...

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  • Improving platelet‐RNA‐based diagnostics: a comparative analysis of machine learning models for cancer detection and multiclass classification


    - Molecular Oncology - Year 2024

    Liquid biopsy demonstrates excellent potential in patient management by providing a minimally invasive and cost-effective approach to detecting and monitoring cancer, even at its early stages. Due to the complexity of liquid biopsy data, machine-learning techniques are increasingly gaining attention in sample analysis, especially for multidimensional data such as RNA expression profiles. Yet, there is no agreement in the community...

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  • A modern solid waste management strategy – the generation of new by-products


    To benefit the environment and society, EU legislation has introduced a ‘zero waste’ strategy, in which waste material should be converted to resources. Such legislation is supported by the solid waste hierarchy concept, which is a set of priorities in waste management. Under this concept, municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) should be equipped with sorting and recycling facilities, composting/incineration units and landfill prisms...

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  • Trendy w e-usługach

    W artykule przedstawiono trendy w sektorze e-biznesu pokazujące perspektywy zmian w usługach. Zwrócono uwagę jak zmienia się podejście do samego procesu usługi, jak zmienia się sposób świadczenia samej usługi. Autor przedstawia trendy nie tylko związane z zastosowaniem nowoczesnych technologii, ale również związane z otwieraniem nowych segmentów rynku jakimi są np. społeczności. W wyniku analizy przytoczonych przykładów wykorzystania...

  • Reviewing the recent developments of using graphene-based nanosized materials in membrane separations



    According to the potentialities of graphene-based materials and their unique physicochemical properties. Such 2D nanomaterials are likely to be the most implemented within the improvement of the selective separations of polymer membranes, together with enhanced physicochemical properties (such as hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, transport of molecules, mechanical and thermal features, among others). Hence, this review compiles and...

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    Urban Lighting in the Context of Regeneration Processes. The article presents how multi-layered urban lighting projects fi t into the programs of integrated activities to improve the living conditions of the local community, the surrounding space, and its economic relations. The role of the electric lighting in revealing the night image of the city, its promotion and public spaces transformations off ering new impressions to city...

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  • The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism


    - Miscellanea Geographica - Year 2018

    In civil societies, urban movements are one of the tools in the process of spatial governance. In Poland, urban activism is beginning to develop together with a budding participation in public life. Therefore, there is a need to assess the scope and effects of the urban movements’ actions. The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate their impact on the spatial development in three Polish cities - Poznań, Gdańsk and Gdynia, especially...

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  • Living and working beneath the sea – next approach


    The idea of living beneath the sea is very new if compared with millennia of shipping activity. In fact, ocean surface was considered mainly as medium suitable for transport of persons and goods as well as aggression and robbery. More practical attempts to live “on” the water surface are limited to well protected internal waters. The presented concept of “an underwater-above water accommodation, especially for residential purposes”...

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  • Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union in Comparison to European Union Integration


    - Year 2018

    The aim of the article is to show the specificity of the integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on the example of the integration of the European Union (EU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. Its creators try to give the Eurasian integration process a different...

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    - Year 2014

    Technologia radia programowalnego (ang. Software Defined Radio) umożliwia realizację urządzeń pracujących w różnego rodzaju cywilnych i wojskowych systemach radiowych. W pracy zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące koncepcji realizacji radia programowalnego. Zaprezentowano oprogramowanie GNU Radio, służące do realizacji operacji przetwarzania sygnałów w torach nadawczo-odbiorczych urządzeń zrealizowanych w technologii SDR. Przedstawiono...

  • Influence of advertisement in social media in knowledge based economy


    In the era of knowledge based economies every year the number of companies that starting their advertising campaigns increase. According to Social Enterprise Report, 38% of leading companies in Poland have its profile on social networking sites. In this paper, we are going to introduce two case studies. The first one is the advertising campaign of Heyah based on the history of communism. The second case study is the continuation...

  • Euro 2012 in Gdańsk, Poland. Is it worth using public funds?


    The aim of this study is to estimate the willingness - to - pay (WTP) among the community of the Pomeranian region, Poland in connection with intangible benefits and costs st emming from hosting the Euro 2012 in Gdansk. A survey conducted among 407 respondents was the source of information. The results of the study show that the average value of WTP benefit for the whole sample was 45,72 PLN2012 and WTP cost...

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  • Literature Review on Conceptualisation of Online Consumer Engagement


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Year 2017

    The purpose of the current study is to develop a literature review on “online consumer engagement” (OCE). Articles from 2006 to 2016 published in the marketing journals and other related journals have been reviewed to summarise the OCE concept. Although there is not an agreed definition and conceptualisation of OCE, this study classified the concept as either behavioural or psychological within the dimensions of cognitive, emotional,...

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  • Standardy Profesjonalnego Public Relations

    • J. Barlik
    • E. Hope
    • J. Olędzki
    • K. Wojcik

    - Year 2020

    " Standardy przedstawiają wartości i pryncypia uzasadniające konieczność dokonywania odpowiednich wyborów. Public relations ma godzić interesy zleceniodawców, przedstawicieli mediów i różnych grup społeczeństwa, a przy tym pozostawać w zgodzie z normami etycznymi i odwoływać się do takich wartości jak szacunek, godność, rzetelność, uczciwość, prawda, wiarygodność, niezależność, lojalność i zaufanie. Opracowanie "Standardów profesjonalnego...

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  • Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne

    • A. Sekuła
    • A. Miszczuk
    • J. Wojciechowska-Solis
    • J. Nucińska,

    - Year 2022

    Rozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...

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  • Environmental aspects of shale gas recovery in Baltic Basin

    Factors limiting shale gas exploration and exploitation in Pomorskie Voivodeship are presented. In particular, ground and surface water availability and land/community impact is discussed. Production from unconventional reservoirs requires proper well completion through hydraulic fracturing, hence voluminous streams of water are needed – in total 8000 to 20000 m3 per 1000 m of borehole length. 17 major groundwater basins were characterized....

  • Zastosowanie AutoCAD Civil3D w nauczaniu projektowania dróg szynowych


    - Logistyka - Year 2010

    Na Wydziale Inźynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej od kilku lat głównym programem typu CAD wykorzystywanym w procesie kształcenia jest AutoCAD Civil 3D. Wersja edukacyjna tego programu jest zainstalowana w uczelnianych laboratoriach komputerowych, a studenci i pracownicy uczelni mogą go instalować na swoich komputerach w ramach programu Autodesk Student Engineering & Design Community. Jednak sposób rozwiązywania...

  • Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0



    ABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...

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  • Applying Web 2.0 Concepts to Creating Energy Planning Portal

    Community authorities in Europe are tasked to create Advanced Local Energy Plans (ALEP), which encompasses collecting local data on current energy use and generation, as well as generating future development scenarios. Both the data and the development scenarios must be publicly accessible as a basis for energy-related decisions taken by residents, local companies and other local institutions. The data must partially be collected...

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    Metoda wielodostępu OFDM, jest stosowana obecnie w wielu standardach łączności radiowej, w tym w standardzie IEEE802.11p, który jest przewidziany do wykorzystania w Samochodowym Systemie Komunikacji. Technologia radia programowalnego (ang. Software Defined Radio) umożliwia realizacje urządzeń pracujących z tą metodą wielodostępu. W referacie zaprezentowano oprogramowanie GNU Radio i środowisko graficzne GNU Radio Companion służące...

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  • Revitalisation Living Lab as a Format to Accelerate an Energy Transition in Polish Rural Areas: The Case Studies of Metropolitan Outskirts Gdańsk-Orunia and Lubań


    - Year 2022

    The paper deals with the issue of energy transition in the revitalization process dedicated to the rural and semi-rural areas of the Pomerania Region (PR). Two distinct areas, located in sub- and ex-urban zones of the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area (OMGGS), in which bottom-up community initiatives have been playing a key role in the transformation, have been focused on. The village of Lubań (Municipality of Nowa Karczma)...

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  • Usability of mobile applications: a systematic literature study


    - IEEE Access - Year 2020

    Since the release of the first mobile devices, the usability of on-board applications has been the concern not only of software vendors but hardware manufacturers as well. The academia community later willingly joined the discussion on usability in terms of theory and empirical measurement, having experience and knowledge in desktop settings. At first sight, such a background should guarantee a solid foundation to conduct research...

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  • I love to write and create. Can I earn money doing it? Entrepreneurial process of bloggers


    - Year 2023

    New technologies and a new way of looking at the life of future generations, open up new perspectives of entrepreneurial activities. One of them is to run a blog. Although the first blogs appeared many years ago and earning money from running them is also known to bloggers, little research is devoted to this form of entrepreneurship. The analysis of this phenomenon was carried out using the netnography method, which is not common...

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  • Experimentally feasible semi-device-independent certification of four-outcome positive-operator-valued measurements


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2019

    Recently the quantum information science community devoted a lot of attention to the theoretical and practical aspects of generalized measurements, the formalism of all possible quantum operations leading to acquisition of classical information. On the other hand, due to imperfections present in quantum devices, and limited thrust to them, a trend of formulating quantum information tasks in a semi-device-independent manner emerged....

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    - Year 2018

    There a few important factors, that nowadays, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used by wider community, and for cases and applications, that cannot be performed never before. Small UAVs, as a photogrammetry measurement tool provide flexibility, reliability, are safe and easy to use, can be deployed in minutes, initial measurement can be delivered yet on the field, and final accurate measurements are calculated in a very short...

  • Correlation between chemical composition and the presence of selected groups of bacteria in freshwater samples collected from Isfjorden and Billefjorde


    The average concentrations of pollutants in the arctic water, snow and the atmosphere are much lower than those observed in the temperate climate. Specific conditions occurring in the polar regions have apotential to accumulate the pollutants transported from other parts of the world. In this study, attempts were made to find a correlation between selected chemical components and the bacterial population. The analysis involved...

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  • “Don’t call it work”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of volunteer firefighting in young adults based on the volunteer process model


    The number of people engaging in volunteer firefighting is on the decline. It is important to understand what factors on a personal and social level and from the three stages of the volunteer process model: antecedents, experiences and consequences, might be linked to starting and sustaining such engagement. To address this problem, a qualitative, interview-based study was performed on a sample of 10 volunteer firefighters from...

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  • Potrzeby osób z niepełnosprawnością a budżet obywatelski. Wyniki ankiety opinii wśród społeczności warszawskiego Muranowa


    - Year 2021

    The participatory budget in Warsaw is a form of citizen involvement in city planning. The projects submitted in the budget concern, among other things, the physical transformation of space, organizing events integrating the community, and educational programs. Each of the above categories may determine the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Social inclusion in the perspective of city change is an interesting and...

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    - Year 2016

    Metoda wielodostępu OFDM, jest stosowana obecnie w wielu standardach łączności radiowej, w tym w standardzie IEEE802.11p, który jest przewidziany do realizacji transmisji danych pomiędzy pojazdami, oraz pomiędzy pojazdami i infrastrukturą znajdującą się w pobliżu drogi. Technologia radia programowalnego (ang. Software Defined Radio) umożliwia realizacje urządzeń pracujących z tą metodą wielodostępu. W referacie zaprezentowano oprogramowanie...

  • Supporting the development of clusters in Poland - dillemas faced by public policy

    Clusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. In recent years many countries in the EU and throughout the world have launched policies aimed at supporting the development of clusters. There are many examples of good practices in the field of cluster policy, but there is no single model that can be applied in all countries and regions. This paper...

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  • Acceptance Testing of Software Products for Cloud-Based On-Line Delivery


    Software products intended for on-line delivery by distributors serving an open community of subscribers are developed in a specific life-cycle model, in which roles of the major stakeholders are strongly separated, unlike in any other software development model known in software engineering. Its specificity underlines the fact that a distributor of the final product, responsible for its acceptance for publication and delivery...

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  • The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Year 2017

    The importance of the marine environment to human existence makes it imperative that information models represent the multidimensional nature of reality as closely as possible in order to facilitate good governance. Information regarding jurisdiction, as well as the effects of formal law and community interests on the marine environment (e.g. nature and spatial extents as well as rights, responsibilities, restrictions etc.) would...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning

    The teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...

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  • Recent advances in compatibilization strategies of wood-polymer composites by isocyanates

    Wood-polymer composites technologies are gaining more and more attention in the scientific community, positively affecting the increase in their industrial applications, for example, automotive, building, 3D printing, etc. Many research works are focused on the improvement in matrix–lignocellulosic filler interactions to produce highly filled composites with satisfying performance properties. In this field of research, using isocyanates...

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  • Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning


    A decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...

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  • Framework for gamification of specialized subjects within engineering studies


    - Year 2017

    Gamification is a relatively new term forged along with the occurrence of new information technology, especially easy access to internet and smartphones. Gamification is a use of game mechanics, to modify the behavior of people in non-games situations to increase the involvement of individuals. The method is based on the pleasure that comes from overcoming the obstacles to reach next achievable level, which consists of challenges,...

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  • Wstępna ocena wielkości stężeń związków azotu i fosforu odprowadzanych z wodami powierzchniowymi do Zatoki Puckiej z terenu gminy Puck

    The ferilizers used in agriculture negatively affect the surface and groundwater quality. The Bay of Puck is a semi-closed part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication caused by the inflow of nutrient substances. The Bay is surrounded by the lands intensively used in agriculture. Also a number of touristic resorts is located on its coast. The streams and rivers carry the load of nitrogen and phosphorus...

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  • Cooperation areas between universities and industry - case studies in the area of civil engineering


    The paper describes the areas of cooperation between universities and industry in the area of civil engineering. Presented examples are related to didactics, research grants and commissioned works. On the basis of the authors own experiences the mutual benefits of cooperation in different areas are described. As well as the assessment criteria of the areas of cooperation by the scientific community. The first area of cooperation...

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  • Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation


    The paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...

  • Polish Polar Research: Green-and-White Paper under the aegis of the Polish Polar Consortium (PPC)

    • R. J. Bialik
    • M. Ewertowski
    • P. Głowacki
    • D. Gotlib
    • A. Goździk
    • M. Grabiec
    • K. Jankowska
    • L. Bartłomiej
    • M. Łuszczuk
    • W. Majewski... and 11 others

    - Year 2020

    Polar research is a colloquial term for cross-area, cross-domain and interdisciplinary research in the Arctic and Antarctic. Polar research is mainly the domain of natural sciences, but technical sciences and humanities also grow in importance. Being vulnerable to climate change, polar regions are commonly considered as a kind of litmus paper of changes in geosystems, hence the importance of research done there. It aims at a better...

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  • Antecedents to Achieve Kanban Optimum Benefits in Software Companies

    • M. Ahmad
    • A. Rohunen
    • P. Raulamo-jurvanen

    - Year 2019

    In 2004, Kanban successfully entered into the Agile and Lean realm. Since then software companies have been increasingly using it in software development teams. The goal of this study is to perform an empirical investigation on antecedents considered as important for achieving optimum benefits of Kanban use and to discuss the practical implications of the findings. We conducted an online survey with software professionals from...

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