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Search results for: COOKING PLACES
Interval vertex-coloring of a graph with forbidden colors
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Interval Vertex-Coloring of a Graph With Forbidden Colors
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Interval edge coloring of a graph with forbidden colors
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The lubricant-coating interaction in rolling and sliding contacts
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Distributed largest-first algorithm for graph coloring.
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano rozproszony, probabilistyczny algorytm kolorowania grafów. Kolorowanie uzyskane jest optymalne lub prawie optymalne dla takich klas grafów jak koła dwudzielne, gąsienice czy korony. Udowodniono, że algorytm ten działa w czasie O(D^2 log n) rund dla dowolnego grafu n wierzchołkowegoo stopniu maksymalnym D.
Sum coloring of bipartite graphs with bounded degree.
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest złożoności obliczeniowej zagadnienia sumacyjnego kolorowania grafów dwudzielnych o ograniczonym stopniu. Zawiera dowód tego, że sumacyjne kolorowanie grafów dwudzielnych stopnia mniejszego równego 5 jest NP-zupełne oraz opis wielomianowego algorytmu, który optymalnie sumacyjnie koloruje grafy dwudzielne podkubiczne.
An experimental study of distributed algorithms for graph coloring.
PublicationW pracy podano algorytm rozproszonego kolorowania grafówi porównano ze znanym wcześniej algorytmem.
Microbial risks in mild hot smoking of fish
PublicationGorące wędzenie ryb w łagodnych warunkach, w temperaturze nie przekraczającej 65 stopni Celsjusza wewnątrz ryby i przy niskiej zawartości soli w mięsie tylko częściowo inaktywuje bakterie chorobotwórcze oraz w niewystarczającym stopniu hamuje wzrost drobnoustrojów podczas przechowywania produktu. Wymagane bezpieczeństwo można osiągnąć tylko w przypadku bardzo świeżego surowca i wysokiej higieny podczas jego przetwarzania oraz przechowywania...
Limit Analysis of a Strip Footing on Stochastic Subsoil.
PublicationW pracy analizowana jest ława fundamentowa posadowiona na losowym podłożu.Poszukiwane są oszacowania nośności podłoża na podstawie twierdzeń o dolnej i górnej ocenie obciążenia granicznego. Dla różnych statycznie dopuszczalnych pól naprężenia i kinematycznie dopuszczalnych pól prędkości, wyznaczono wartości oczekiwane i wariancje obciążenia granicznego. Pozwoliło to na określenie odpowiednich dystrybuant, rozumianych...
Impedance measurements of coating properties on bridge structures
PublicationPomiary impedancyjne pozwalają na prostą ocenę właściwości ochronnych powłok ochronnych i wykładzin. Pomiary stosuje się w celu porównania powłok, monitorowania ich właściwości i oceny mechanizmu działania. Metodyka jest z powodzeniem stosowana w pomiarach laboratoryjnych. Pomiary terenowe są bardziej skomplikowane ponieważ wymagają w pełni kontrolowanych komputerowo przyrządów, kontroli warunków pogodowych oraz wielu innych parametrów...
Evaluation of coating systems using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationTrwałość powłokowych systemów ochronnych zależy od oddziaływań środowiska i związana jest nieodwracalnymi procesami chemicznymi i fizycznymi. Zastosowanie spektroskopii impedancyjnej pozwala na określenie obszaru zastosowań danej powłoki i prognozowanie okresu jej trwałości. W pracy zamieszczono przykłady oceny trwałości systemów powłokowych stosowanych w strategicznych konstrukcjach.
Self-stabilizing algorithm for edge-coloring of graphs
PublicationReferat ten poświęcony jest kolorowaniu grafów w modelu rozproszonym.Podano samostabilizujący się algorytm kolorowania krawędzi grafu wraz z dowodem poprawności oraz oszacowaniem jego czasu działania.
Hydroxyapatite films as biocompatibile coating for artifical bone
PublicationW artykule została szczegółowo opisana budowa kości oraz materiał biokompatybilny hydroksyapatyt (HAp). Autorzy wykazali jak wielkie podobieństwo do budowy kości przejawia sztuczny hydroksyapatyt. opisali syntezy powłoki z HAp.
Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed.
Load-settlement characteristics of piles working in a group
PublicationLoad-settlement characteristic (Q-s) of an axially loaded pile can be empirically determined from a static pile load test or on the basis of calculations using, e.g. transfer functions or numerical methods (FEM). The transfer functions method usually rely on empirical data, i.e. the function parameters are determined on the basis of numerous pile test results. Thus this method takes into account pile installation technology and...
Examination of the epoxy coating system's resistance to Corrobill
PublicationThe tests of the influence of the surface cleaning agent on the epoxy coating were carried out. Electrochemical and corrosion tests were carried out. The effect of the preparation on the adhesion and hardness of the tested coating was tested.
Analysis and Evaluation of the Working Cycle of the Diesel Engine
PublicationThe paper presents a proposal to apply a quantitative evaluation of the diesel engine with regard to the phenomena occurring during of a working cycle. The proposed procedure when analyzing test results from diesel engine is an attempt to transfer an engine activity evaluation methods in the operational time scale (exploit time), eg. in hours, to the micro-scale (dynamic time) relating only to the execution time of one (several)...
PublicationPaper presents an analysis of the shear failure mechanism which occurs from the punching of a working platform layer in relation to its thickness, grain size arrangement and mechanical properties, taking into consideration the interaction with soft subgrade. The study is based on the observations of performance of natural scale structures (Streefkerk) and the results of model investigations numerically represented with the use...
Optimal edge-coloring with edge rate constraints
PublicationWe consider the problem of covering the edges of a graph by a sequence of matchings subject to the constraint that each edge e appears in at least a given fraction r(e) of the matchings. Although it can be determined in polynomial time whether such a sequence of matchings exists or not [Grötschel et al., Combinatorica (1981), 169–197], we show that several questions about the length of the sequence are computationally intractable....
New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring
PublicationA potential function $f_G$ of a finite, simple and undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is an arbitrary function $f_G : V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_0$ that assigns a nonnegative integer to every vertex of a graph $G$. In this paper we define the iterative process of computing the step potential function $q_G$ such that $q_G(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for all $v\in V(G)$. We use this function in the development of new Caro-Wei-type and Brooks-type...
Advanced Macromodel Matrix Structure Cloning for FDTD
PublicationWe propose an improved macromodel-based techniquefor efficient analysis of the structures based on PhotonicCrystals (PhC). The technique involves a new structure of thecoupling matrix and advanced cloning of not only the macromodel matrices, but also the coupling matrices SE and SH.The method allows one to shorten considerably the preprocessingtime, the RAM usage and also the iterating speed of performingFDTD. With this...
Bearing capacity of the working platform with kinematic method
PublicationBearing capacity of the working platform for heavy tracks was analysed using Distinct Layout Optimization (DLO) method. The platform layer constructed from cohesionless soils is resting on weak cohesive subgrade. Different thickness of the platform, its effective angle of internal friction and undrained shear strength of the soft soil were taken into consideration. Kinematic method permits different failure mechanisms to be analyzed....
Minimum order of graphs with given coloring parameters
PublicationA complete k-coloring of a graph G=(V,E) is an assignment F: V -> {1,...,k} of colors to the vertices such that no two vertices of the same color are adjacent, and the union of any two color classes contains at least one edge. Three extensively investigated graph invariants related to complete colorings are the minimum and maximum number of colors in a complete coloring (chromatic number χ(G) and achromatic number ψ(G), respectively),...
Chromatic cost coloring of weighted bipartite graphs
PublicationGiven a graph G and a sequence of color costs C, the Cost Coloring optimization problem consists in finding a coloring of G with the smallest total cost with respect to C. We present an analysis of this problem with respect to weighted bipartite graphs. We specify for which finite sequences of color costs the problem is NP-hard and we present an exact polynomial algorithm for the other finite sequences. These results are then extended...
Living and working beneath the sea – next approach
PublicationThe idea of living beneath the sea is very new if compared with millennia of shipping activity. In fact, ocean surface was considered mainly as medium suitable for transport of persons and goods as well as aggression and robbery. More practical attempts to live “on” the water surface are limited to well protected internal waters. The presented concept of “an underwater-above water accommodation, especially for residential purposes”...
Ductile fracture prediction in thin metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania zniszczenia ciągłego. Zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na płytach metalowych poddanych eksplozjom oraz wyniki jednoosiowych prób laboratoryjnych. Opisano przyjęty model prawa konstytutywnego oraz kryteriów zniszczenia. Przedstawiono identyfikację parametrów materiałowych dla przyjętego modelu. Zaprezentowano model numeryczny oraz wyniki symulacji które następnie porównano z wynikami...
Comparison of experimental and numerical results on metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationA comparative study of dynamic response including damage and rupture processes of thin metallic plates subjected to shockwave impulses - explosions is presented. The results of the finite element numerical analysis are related to experiments. Due to high strain rate during explosions the elasto-viscoplastic Chaboches constitutive law including damage effects has been applied. For the assumed model proper material parameters identification...
Constructional properties of polycarbonate plates for EURO 2012 Gdansk stadium
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych dla płyt z poliwęglanu litego, które miały zostać wykorzystane jako materiał konstrukcyjno-osłonowy stadionu piłkarskiego na mistrzostwa Euro 2012 w Gdańsku. Zidentyfikowano moduł Younga oraz Poissona, wykonano próby cykliczne oraz pełzania. Właściwości mechaniczne poliwęglanu litego oceniono jako dobre, choć obawy budzą mikrorysy pojawiające się podczas badań w strukturze materiału.
Numerical assessment of ultimate strength of severe corroded stiffened plates
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate numerically (using the non-linear FEM and the approach stipulated by the Common Structural Rules) the severe nonuniform corrosion degradation effect on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates and compare the results to the already published experimental works. Different factors governing structural behavior of corroded stiffened plates are investigated, such as corrosion degradation level,...
Thermo-elastic non-linear analysis of multilayered plates and shells
PublicationGeometrically nonlinear FEM analysis of multilayered composite plates and shells is performed in order to resolve the stability problem of the structures being under the influence of temperature field. The Riks-Wempner-Ramm algorithm with a specially modified multi-choice unloading condition has been implemented in authors’ numerical code. As the representation of multilayered medium the Equivalent Single Layer approach with the...
Resonant Frequencies in the Open Microstrip Structures Placed on Curved Surfaces
PublicationThe paper presents the research on open microstrip structures placed on curved surfaces such as cylindrical, elliptical or spherical. The numerical analysis of investigated structures is based on expansion of electric and magnetic fields into suitable function series. Utilizing the continuity conditions the boundary problem is formulated which is solved with the use of method of moments. The investigated structures find application...
Damage detection in plates based on Lamb wavefront shape reconstruction
PublicationMany of the current studies in the area of damage detection using elastic wave propagation are based on deploying sensor networks with a large number of piezoelectric transducers to detect small-size cracks. A major limitation of these studies is that cracks are usually larger and have different shapes in real cases. Moreover, using a large number of sensing nodes for damage detection is both costly and computationally intensive....
A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublicationThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
Influence of Material Thickness on the Ductile Fracture of Steel Plates for Shipbuilding
PublicationIn the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fractures is relatively high because some units operate in arctic or subarcticzones and use high thickness (up to 100 mm) steel plates in their structures. This risk is limited by employing certifiedmaterials with a specific impact strength, determined using the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and byexercising control over the welding processes (technology qualification,...
Publishing Houses -
Transient detection for speech coding applications
PublicationSignal quality in speech codecs may be improved by selecting transients from speech signal and encoding them using a suitable method. This paper presents an algorithm for transient detection in speech signal. This algorithm operates in several frequency bands. Transient detection functions are calculated from energy measured in short frames of the signal. The final selection of transient frames is based on results of detection...
Integration of speech enhancement and coding techniques
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Novel approaches to wideband speech coding
PublicationDwie metoda kodowania szerokopasmowego mowy zostały zaprezentowane. W pierwszej metodzie wykorzystano algorytm kompresji i ekspansji czasowej sygnału mowy, pozwalający na kodowanie szerokopasmowe sygnału mowy z wykorzystaniem ustandaryzowanych kodeków. Metoda ta jest przewidziana do zastosowania w adaptacyjnych algorytmach kodowania mowy. Drugie z proponowanych rozwiazan dotyczy nowej metody estymacji obwiedni widma sygnalu mowy...
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Application of Time-Frequency Analysis of Acoustic Signal to Detecting Flat Places on the Rolling Surface of a Tram Wheel
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A universal standard for health-promoting places. Example of assessment -on the basis of a case study of Rahway River Park
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to contribute to development of approaches to the evaluation of the design of public open green spaces (POS). This paper presents a universal standard for the design of health-promoting urban places. The standard is a conceptual framework which was developed after visiting over one hundred public parks and therapeutic gardens in Europe and the United States. The universal standard is a simple and...
Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
PublicationThe interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...
Regeneration Project of Market Places GOSPOSTRATEG – “Polanki” Market in Gdańsk-Oliwa Pilot Project Monitoring Dataset
PublicationThe dataset entitled Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the “Polanki” market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from July 2020 year contains tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of the prototyping and implementation of...
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Temperate Phages, Prophages, and Lysogeny
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Fretting - złożony proces zużywania
PublicationScharakteryzowano fretting jako złożony proces zużywania. Opisano jego uwarunkowania, klasyfikację i przebieg. Przedstawiono skutki frettingu i metody ich ograniczania. Podano przykładowe wyniki badań zużycia wybranych materiałów.
Proces kształtowania nowego produktu
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano siedmioetapowy proces kształtowania nowych produktów, który oparto na dodatnich cechach tego rodzaju procesów występujących w literaturze światowej. Porównano najbardziej znaczące podejścia co do przebiegu procesu i wyciągnięto wnioski, które posłużyły do ustalenia podstawowych etapów i przeglądów. Proponowane etapy procesu to: identyfikacja sposobności, tworzenie koncepcji, wstępne rozpoznanie, pełne rozpoznanie...
PublicationThe history of energetic use of the rivers of Pomerania (Pomorze) is traced from the late Middle Ages. Their potential due to geographical specificity of the region was still attractive in the era of electricity of the19th and the first half of the 20th century. Configuration of the terrain, geological, and natural restrictions, but mainly energetic potential of particular localization were crucial for economical success of the...
Model of emotions for game players
PublicationAffect-aware video games can respond to a game player's emotions. Such games seem to be more attractive for users. Therefore for that kind of games it is necessary to create a model of the player's emotions to know to which emotions the application should react. The paper describes different models of emotions. The questionnaire and experiment for video game players is presented. Some results of the tests are shown. Then the model...
Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation
PublicationThe paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...