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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: VISION MEASUREMENTS

  • Effects of laser pulse duration in two-photon vision threshold measurements


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2021

    Pulsed near-infrared (NIR) light sources can be successfully applied for both imaging and functional testing of the human eye, as published recently1. These two groups of applications have different requirements. For imaging applications, the most preferable is invisible scanning beam while efficiently visible stimulating beam is preferable for functional testing applications. The functional testing of human eye using NIR laser...

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  • Solid state versus fiber picosecond infrared lasers applied to two-photon vision tests


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2019

    Development of new microperimetric tools dedicated for imaging of early functional changes in the retina may help in the monitoring of various ocular diseases progression e.g. Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Recently described two-photon vision may be applied to microperimetric devices. Many subjects with well-known disease history could be investigated with newly developed instrumentation that tests ability of human eye to perceive...

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  • Femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser source tunable from 872 to 1075 nm for two-photon vision studies in humans

    • D. Stachowiak
    • M. J. Marzejon
    • J. Bogusławski
    • Z. Łaszczych
    • K. Komar
    • M. Wojtkowski
    • G. Soboń

    - Biomedical Optics Express - Rok 2022

    We report the development of a widely-tunable femtosecond fiber laser system and its application for two-photon vision studies. The source is based on an Er-doped fiber laser with spectral shift up to 2150 nm, followed by a second harmonic generation module to generate a frequency-doubled beam tunable from 872 to 1075 nm. The source delivers sub-230 fs pulses with nearly-constant duration over the entire tuning range, with output...

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    Measurement of the clearance distance (both in the context of the rail and road) is one of the current and increasingly discussed topics in the context of photogrammetric and image processing (computer vision) methods. The article presents a description of a simple and rapid method of measure the clearance distance between the obstacles by using one-image photogrammetry. The proposed method was tested for the railway, tram and...

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  • Could thermal imaging supplement surface electromyography measurements for skeletal muscles?

    • B. Zagrodny
    • W. Wojnicz
    • M. Ludwicki
    • J. Awrejcewicz


    Abstract—(1) Background: The aim of this study is to present the results of experiments in which surface electromyography (sEMG) and thermal imaging were used to assess muscle activation during gait and to verify the hypothesis that there is a relationship in the case of low fatigue level between sEMG measured muscle activation, assessed in the frequency domain, and thermal factors calculated as minimum, maximum, kurtosis, mean,...

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  • A High-Efficient Measurement System With Optimization Feature for Prototype CMOS Image Sensors

    In this paper, a gray-scale CMOS image sensor (CIS) characterization system with an optimization feature has been proposed. By using a very fast and precise control of light intensity, based on the pulsewidth-modulation method, it is avoided to measure the illuminance every time. These features accelerate the multicriteria CIS optimization requiring many thousands of measurements. The system throughput is 2.5 Gb/s, which allows...

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  • Application of Shape From Shading Technique for Side Scan Sonar Images

    Side scan sonar (SSS) is one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. It is relatively cheap and easy to deploy in comparison with more powerful sensors like multibeam echosounder or synthetic aperture sonar. Although, the SSS does not provide directly the seafloor bathymetry measurements. Its outputs are usually in a form of grey level acoustic images of seafloor. However, the analysis of such images...

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  • Ocena stanu technicznego rurociągu przesyłowego zawiesiny popiołów w Elektrowni Ostrołęka B

    Przedmiotem pracy był rurociąg przesyłowy zawiesiny popiołów przesyłanych z Elektrowni Ostrołęka B. Celem pracy było potwierdzenie przynależności próbek yvyciętych z rurociągu do określonego gatunku stali i ocena stanu materiału po eksploatacji. Dla zrealizowania tego celu wykonano: - analizę składu chemicznego materiału pobranego ze stalowych rur, - mikroanalizę warstw wierzchnich na powierzchni wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, -...

  • Radar with rotary head

    • K. Zubiel

    - Rok 2018

    Nowadays usage of radars is no longer reserved only for the military purpose. It finds many applications in various areas of science and industry. It may be used in order to obtain extended information about the state of critical infrastructure, like shipyards or petrochemical plants. Furthermore, it may be applied in vision denied environments. The aim of this project...

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  • Monitoring wizyjny w systemach zabezpieczenia transportu wodnego. Koncepcja implementacyjna


    W artykule autorzy przedstawiają koncepcję zastosowania własnych badań nad pomiarem prędkości przepływu cieczy do zastosowań praktycznych w pomiarach przepływu wody w kanałach otwartych i rzekach. Jako narzędzie pomiarowe wykorzystują zestaw aparatów synchronicznych, które rejestrują indykatory przepływu znajdujące się na powierzchni analizowanej cieczy. Aparat matematyczny przedstawiony w rozwiązaniu sprowadza się do stosowania...

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  • Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses


    - Rok 2009

    A survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...

  • Binocular Vision Impairments Therapy Supported By Contactless Eye-gaze Tracking System

    Binocular vision impairments often result in partial or total loss of stereoscopic vision. The lack of binocular vision is a serious vision impairment that deserves more attention. Very important result of the binocular vision impairments is a binocular depth perception. This paper describes also a concept of a measurement and therapy system for the binocular vision impairments by using eye-gaze tracking system.

  • Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements


    The article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...

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  • From Knowledge based Vision Systems to Cognitive Vision Systems: A Review


    - Rok 2018

    Computer vision research and applications have their origins in 1960s. Limitations in computational resources inherent of that time, among other reasons, caused research to move away from artificial intelligence and generic recognition goals to accomplish simple tasks for constrained scenarios. In the past decades, the development in machine learning techniques has contributed to noteworthy progress in vision systems. However,...

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  • Analogue CMOS ASICs in Image Processing Systems


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2013

    In this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs)...

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  • An Analysis of Uncertainty and Robustness of Waterjet Machine Positioning Vision System


    The paper presents a new Automatic Waterjet Positioning Vision System (AWPVS) and investigates components of workpiece positioning accuracy. The main purpose of AWPVS is to precisely identify the position and rotation of a workpiece placed on a waterjet machine table. Two webcams form a basis for the system, and constitute its characteristics. The proposed algorithm comprises various image processing techniques to assure a required...

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  • Wireless multimodal localization sensor for industrial applications

    This paper presents the concept and design of a wireless multimodal localization sensor for hybrid localization systems combining vision-based, radio-based and inertial techniques in order to alleviate problems in harsh and complex industrial environments. It supports two radio technologies, 868 MHz UHF RFID and 2.4 GHz WSN, for positioning purposes and communications. The sensor includes LED light transmitters for vision-based...

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  • Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence


    - Rok 2020

    Cognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...

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  • CMOS realisation of analogue processor for early vision processing

    The architecture concept of a high-speed low-power analogue vision chip, which performs low-level real-time image algorithms ispresented. The proof-of-concept prototype vision chip containing 32 × 32 photosensor array and 32 analogue processors is fabricated usinga 0.35 μm CMOS technology. The prototype can be configured to register and process images with very high speed, reaching 2000 framesper second, or achieve very low power...

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  • Literature review of user needs, toward user requirements


    - Rok 2020

    This report has been developed in the frame of the IEA SHC Task 61 Subtask A “User requirements”. The main objective was to rethink and reformulate user requirements to lighting (daylighting and electric lighting) in public buildings on the basis of a thorough literature study. The work is a joint effort of a number of scientists and represents collective knowledge in this topic. The concept of Lighting quality is the one, among...

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  • Video Semantic Analysis Framework based on Run-time Production Rules - Towards Cognitive Vision


    This paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for video analysis which separates object detection from event recognition. Our aim is to introduce new tools to be considered in the pathway towards Cognitive Vision as a support for classical Computer Vision techniques that have been broadly used by the scientific community. In the article, we particularly focus in solving some of the reported scalability issues found in current...

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  • RF Indoor Positioning System Supported by Wireless Computer Vision Sensors

    In this paper the possibility of increase the accuracy of RF fingerprinting indoor tracking system by the use of additional information from simple vision system is examined. As the distances in signal space differs from ones in real environment the ambiguity in decision process of fingerprinting algorithm can occur when set of closest distances between tag and map points in signal space corresponds to big distances differences...

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  • The Influence of Camera and Optical System Parameters on the Uncertainty of Object Location Measurement in Vision Systems

    The article presents the influence of the camera and its optical system on the uncertainty of object position measurement in vision systems. The aim of the article is to present the methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of measuring the object position with a vision camera treated as a measuring device. The identification of factors affecting the location measurement uncertainty and the determination of their...

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  • Landscape Rurality: New Challenge for The Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland


    The standard of country living was a matter of Polish elites’ concern from the eighteenth century. In different historical conditions different concepts of the rural renewal were formed. Today in rural areas of Poland some spatial processes that threaten the quality of life occur. The disadvantageous changes are the result of national or local governments spatial policy and they are an inhabitants’ response to it. The political...

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  • Protection of Pedestrians as the Key Action for Implementing - Poland’s Vision Zero


    - Rok 2015

    WHO reports show that pedestrians account for 10 to 70% of total road crash fatalities. In Poland, pedestrians also represent a significant road safety problem. For many years, pedestrian collisions have accounted for approx. 30% of total road crashes with more than 30% of pedestrians killed. Therefore, pedestrian safety has been one of Poland’s main objectives in its road safety programs implemented over the past 20 years. The...

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  • Polish Experience of Implementing Vision Zero

    Purpose of Review The aim of this study is to present an outline and the principles of Poland’s road safety strategic programming as it has developed over the last 25 years since the first Integrated Road Safety System with a strong focus on Sweden’s “Vision Zero”. Recent Findings Countries that have successfully improved road safety have done so by following strategies centred around the idea that people are not infallible and...

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  • Image Representation for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA: A Case Study for PPE Compliance


    - Rok 2020

    Cognitive Vision Systems have gained significant interest from academia and industry during the past few decade, and one of the main reasons behind this is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life as they intend to work under complex visual scenes, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities...

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  • New applications of sound and vision engineering


    - Rok 2019

    Multimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.

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  • Vision Zero in Poland

    Poland’s experience of road safety work is relatively short. In the early 1990s road deaths soared to a staggering 8000 a year. A diagnosis found that Poland’s lack of systemic road safety action was to blame for those figures. In response, the state set up road safety bodies and commissioned road safety programs. In 2005, Poland followed the example of Sweden and adopted Vision Zero as a far-reaching concept of changes in road...

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  • Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes

    Economic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...

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  • Cognition and Decisional Experience to Support Safety Management in Workplaces


    Hazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety management process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) is proposed. This platform is a Cyber Physical system, capable of identifying...

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  • Visualization of Spatial Issues in Adobe Acrobat 3D PDF

    The ability to capture and embed model information in a 3D PDF file and subsequently share it for free is highly needed in the education of descriptive geometry. The described technology and in particular inserting 3D models into the other files can improve the existing teaching materials. The strongest point of 3D PDF technology is that the model can be visualized and manipulated in multiple ways by viewers which enhance the...

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  • Automatic audio-visual threat detection


    - Rok 2010

    The concept, practical realization and application of a system for detection and classification of hazardous situations based on multimodal sound and vision analysis are presented. The device consists of new kind multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors, digital Pan Tilt Zoom and fixed cameras and a bundle of signal processing algorithms. The simultaneous analysis of multimodal signals can significantly improve the accuracy...

  • Two-photon microperimetry with picosecond pulses


    - Biomedical Optics Express - Rok 2021

    Two-photon vision is a phenomenon associated with the perception of short pulsesof near-infrared radiation (900-1200 nm) as a visible light. It is caused by the nonlinear processof two-photon absorption by visual pigments. Here we present results showing the influence ofpulse duration and repetition rate of short pulsed lasers on the visual threshold. We comparedtwo-photon sensitivity maps of the retina obtained for subjects with...

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  • Realization, programming and controlling of the Stewart-Gough platform

    This paper presents realizaon, programming, and controlling of a low cost Stewart-Gough plaorm (SGP) with rotary actuators. The realized SGP is applied in a ball & plate control system. Developed dedicated software consists of embedded and applicaon soware for both the SGP posioning system and the ball & plate control. system. A ball posion is being obtained using computer vision. The paper contains tests results for both an SGP...

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  • Experiences and Challenges in Fatality Reduction on Polish Roads

    According to the UN, road safety is the key to achieving sustainable development goals, yet the complexity of how road accidents happen makes this a difficult challenge leaving many countries struggling with the problem. For years, Poland has infamously been one of the EU’s top countries for road-accident fatality rates. Despite that, it has made significant progress in the last thirty years with a fatality reduction of more than...

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  • A diplexer design method using an augmented channel filter approach


    Continuous development in RFID andmicrocontrollers technologies gives new possibilities to createsystems that are able to integrate a lot of sensors based ondifferent technologies. This integration brings us closer to realizethe Ubiquitous Network Society vision. However, many problemsmust be addressed before we will benefit from such systems. Inthis paper we describe concept of integrating RFID technologywith other sensors technologies...

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    Dynamical properties of rotating circular saw blades are crucial for both production quality and personnel safety. This paper presents a novel method for monitoring circular saw vibrations and deviations. A machine vision system uses a camera and a laser line projected on the saw’s surface to estimate vibration range. Changes of the dynamic behaviour of the saw were measured as a function of the rotational speed. The critical rotational...

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  • Collaboration within the Automotive Value Chain

    • A. Szerenos
    • A. Maciocha

    - Rok 2007

    The paper describes new approach to supply chain management in the North American automotive industry, in part influenced by the Japanese model. To survive and prosper all automotive suppliers must face major challenges in supporting their customers including delivering innovative ideas, technology and quality with increasing speed, participating in every aspect of product development and producing entire systems. The authors describe...

  • Vision-based motion analysis of kitesurfer


    - Vibroengineering Procedia - Rok 2015

    Kitesurfing is a relatively recent phenomenon with raising popularity worldwide – a recently developed extreme water sport considered a high-risk injury sport. It combines elements of several other sports, in particular sailing, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. The main purpose of authors’ research in the present paper is to use a vision system technique for measuring a kitesurfer’s body movements in order...

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  • Visual content representation and retrieval for Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2019

    Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decade. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes, which environmental conditions may vary, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior...

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  • Pomiary interkonektów typu RLC na pakietach elektronicznych z wykorzystaniem magistrali mieszanej sygnałowo IEEE 1149.4


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wykorzystaniem magistrali testującej mieszanej sygnałowo zgodnej ze standardem IEEE 1149.4 do pomiarów interkonektów typu RLC na pakietach układów elektronicznych. Do badań użyto pierwszych komercyjnych układów scalonych STA400 wyposażonych w magistralę, opracowanych w firmie National Semoconductor i Logic Vision. Pomiary przeprowadzano metodami proponowanymi w normie IEEE 1149.4 oraz nowoopracowanymi...

  • Contextual Knowledge to Enhance Workplace Hazard Recognition and Interpretation in a Cognitive Vision Platform


    - Rok 2018

    The combination of vision and sensor data together with the resulting necessity for formal representations builds a central component of an autonomous Cyber Physical System for detection and tracking of laborers in workplaces environments. This system must be adaptable and perceive the environment as automatically as possible, performing in a variety of plants and scenes without the necessity of recoding the application for each...

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  • Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed...

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  • Stream Reasoning to Improve Decision-Making in Cognitive Systems

    • C. S. de Oliveira
    • F. Giustozzi
    • C. Zanni-Merk
    • C. Sanin
    • E. Szczerbicki


    ABSTRACT Cognitive Vision Systems have gained a lot of interest from industry and academia recently, due to their potential to revolutionize human life as they are designed to work under complex scenes, adapting to a range of unforeseen situations, changing accordingly to new scenarios and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities and create more intelligent and efficient...

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  • Stereo vision with Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS) for obtaining depth maps of plants

    This paper presents a method of improving the estimation of distances between an autonomous harvesting robot and plants with ripe fruits by using the vision system based on five cameras. The system is called Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS). EBMCS has some features of a camera matrix and a camera array. EBMCS is regarded as a set of stereo cameras for estimating distances by obtaining disparity maps and depth maps. This...

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  • Postprodukcja nagrania wideo z dzwiekiem dookolnym


    One of the aims of this paper is to present issues related to audio-video correlation. This is presented on the basis of a short film realization employing surround microphone techniques. First, some related works in the domain of sound and vision correlation are presented. Then assumptions concerning scene creation related to both audio and video are shortly described. Another objective is to discuss results of subjective tests...

  • Conditions and capacity for implementing Poland’s vision zero

    Since 1991 Poland has been systematically reducing its traffic hazard. Despite considerable progress Poland is still among the most dangerous countries in the European Union. The key types of actions that help to reduce fatalities include enhancement of pedestrian safety, reducing the number of speeding drivers and eliminating or reducing hazard on the road. The paper presents a brief diagnosis of the state of road safety in Poland...

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    W referacie przedstawiono system wizyjny, umożliwiający pomiar i wizualizację położenia ostrosłupa na scenie. System wykorzystuje stanowisko laboratoryjne Katedry Metrologii i Systemów Informacyjnych na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Stanowisko pomiarowe składa się z następujących elementów: kamery cyfrowej wraz z obiektywem, wyposażonej w interfejs FireWire, zestawu oświetlaczy i komputera osobistego...

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  • Modelling of Objects Behaviour for Their Re-identification in Multi-camera Surveillance System Employing Particle Filters and Flow Graphs


    An extension of the re-identification method of modeling objects behavior in muti-camera surveillance systems, related to adding a particle filter to the decision-making algorithm is covered by the paper. A variety of tracking methods related to a single FOV (Field of Vision) are known, proven to be quite different for inter-camera tracking, especially in case of non-overlapping FOVs. The re-identification methods refer to the...

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