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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: xrd
AFM, XRD and HRTEM studies of annealed FePd thin films
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FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and HT-XRD in compatibility study between naproxen and excipients
PublikacjaDetection of incompatibility between an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and excipients, including the selection of the most biopharmaceutical advantageous excipients is extremely important in the pre-formulation process of developing a solid dosage form technology. Therefore, having fast and reliable methods for identifying incompatibility is fundamental in pharmaceutical technology. For this purpose, combined Fourier transform...
Calorimetric and XRD studies of Ag-rich alloys from Ag-Li system
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Polyurethane Nanocomposites Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide, FTIR, Raman, and XRD Studies
PublikacjaRecently, graphene and other graphene-based materials have become an essential part of composite science and technology. Their unique properties are not only restricted to graphene but also shared with derivative compounds like graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, functionalized graphene, and so forth. One of the most structurally important materials, graphene oxide (GO), is prepared by the oxidation of graphite. Though removal...
Study of Phase Transitions Occurring in a Catalytic System of ncFe-NH3/H2 with Chemical Potential Programmed Reaction (CPPR) Method Coupled with In Situ XRD
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Superconductivity in three-layer Na0.3CoO2*1.3H2O
PublikacjaOdkryto nadprzewodnictwo w trójwarstwowym związku uwodnionego sodowo -kobaltowego tlenku Na0.3CoO2 * 1.3H2O. Opisany został sposób syntezy, badania strukturalne (XRD i TGA) a także badania podatności magnetycznej.
NMR dispersion studies of poly(ethylene oxide)/sodium montmorillonitenanocomposites
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczące struktury nanokompozytów opartych na matrycy poli(tlenku etylenu) zawierającej montmorylonit sodowy. Układy zawierające PEO/MMT scharakteryzowano metodami NMR (Fast Field Cycling NMR), DSC oraz XRD.
Structural change of carbon supported Pt nanocatalyst subjected to a step-like potential cycling in PEM FC
PublikacjaIn this paper we present detailed X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations of the changes in the local geometric and electronic structure of Pt nanoparticles used as a cathode catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), working under controlled potential cycling conditions.
Local Ordering Changes in Pt-Co Nanocatalyst Induced by Fuel Cell Working Conditions
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest szczegółowej analizie zmian w lokalnej strukturze atomowej i elektronowej nanocząstek Pt-Co pracujących jako katalizatory w polimerowych ogniwach paliwowych wywołanych cyklicznie zmieniającymi się warunkami pracy ogniwa. Do analizy wykorzystano badania XAS realizowane ex-situ i in-situ, XRD i TEM. Analizując widma XAFS wzięto pod uwagę możliwy wpływ nieporządku chemicznego oraz redukcję liczb koordynacyjnych...
Modified Manganese Phosphate Conversion Coating on Low-Carbon Steel
PublikacjaConversion coatings are one of the primary types of galvanic coatings used to protect steel structures against corrosion. They are created through chemical reactions between the metal surface and the environment of the phosphating. This paper investigates the impact that the addition of new metal cations to the phosphating reaction environment has on the quality of the final coating. So far, standard phosphate coatings have contained...
Structure and morphology of hydrogen reduced surface of bismuth germanateand bismuth silicate glasses.
PublikacjaOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy XO2(X=Si,Ge) oraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanych w atmosferze wodoru szkieł Bi0.33Ge0.67O1. i Bi0.57Si0.43O1.72. Zaproponowano prosty model budowy zredukowanych szkieł bizmutowo-germanowych potwierdzony wynikami badań AFM i XRD. Obserwowane zmiany przewodnictwa elektrycznego redukowanych szkieł wyjaśniono na podstawie modelu.
Structural studies and melting of bismuth nanocrystals in reduced bismuthgermanate and bismuth silicate glasses.
PublikacjaOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy XO2 (X=Si,Ge) oraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanych w atmosferze wodoru szkieł Bi0.33Ge0.67O1.84 i Bi0.57Si0.43O1.72. Kompozyt Bi-szkło badano metodą DSC, XRD oraz AFM. Zaobserwowano zmniejszenie temperatury topnienia nanokrystalicznego bizmutu znajdującego się w matrycy szkła z 544 K do 387 K oraz do 502 K w przypadku powierzchniowej...
Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Barium-vanadate Glasses
PublikacjaThe ac and dc conductivity in barium-vanadate glasses was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The XRD results show that all samples are amorphous but microscopy investigation reveals that glasses with greater amount of V2O5...
Preparation of porous TiO2 films by means of pulsed laser deposition for photocatalytic applications
PublikacjaIn this work the preparation and structure properties of porous thin films of TiO2 were investigated. The films were produced by means of the pulsed laser deposition technique using laser pulses at 266nm (10Hz) and at fluencies of 1-3.5J/cm2. The process was performed in vacuum using O2 buffer gas and films were deposited on the SiO2 glass or Si substrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis of the structure and chemical...
Local structural and chemical ordering of nanosized Pt(3±δ)Co probed by multiple-scattering x-ray absorption spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis work reports a detailed investigation of the local structure and chemical disorder of a Pt(3±δ)Co thin film and Pt(3±δ)Co nanoparticles. We have used a combination of techniques including x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The important effect of chemical ordering on pair and three-atom configurations has been studied using computer simulations...
Thermal decomposition of [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 to CdS “micro-noodles”
PublikacjaThis work presents studies on thermal degradation of novel heteroleptic complex possessing mixed S-donor ligands, [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 using TGA, DSC, TGA-IR, SEM and XRD methods.
The study of structure and surface morphology of lithium titanate sol-gel derived thin films
PublikacjaIn this paper the structure and the surface morphology of lithium titanate (LTO) thin films are presented. Nanocrystalline thin films were prepared by sol–gel method. To examine the influence of the annealing time on as-prepared films crystallization, the coatings were heated at different temperatures in the range of 500 °C–600 °C for 10, 20, 40 and 80 h. The structure of the obtained material was investigated using the X-ray diffraction...
Mechanical, structural and diffusion studies of hydrogel polyurethane nanocomposites containing modified montmorillonite
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań hydrożeli poliuretanowych zawierających poli(tlenek etylenu) oraz montmorylonit. Otrzymane układy scharakteryzowano z użyciem technik XRD, DMA, badań mechanicznych oraz wyznaczono chłonność wody i parametry dyfuzji.
Graphene-based Silicone rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties
PublikacjaThis study aims to understand better the mechanical, thermal, and tribological behavior of silicone rubber nanocomposites. Graphite, exfoliated graphite, reduced graphene oxide, ionic liquid modified graphene oxide, silane-modified graphene oxide, fumed silica, and other fillers were used in this study. Adding graphene-based fillers to the silicone rubber matrix substantially improves the nanocomposite's mechanical, thermal, and...
Wytwarzanie i modyfikacja powierzchni porowatych struktur tytanowych przeznaczonych na implanty
PublikacjaCelem pracy było wytworzenie stopu Ti-13Nb-13Zr z wykorzystaniem technologii selektywnego topienia laserowego (SLM) oraz jego biofunkcjonalizacja za pomocą utleniania mikrołukowego (MAO), a następnie określenie wpływu parametrów procesowych na właściwości otrzymanych materiałów pod kątem ich zastosowania na implanty. Oceniono wpływ napięcia, natężenia i czasu procesu MAO przeprowadzanego w elektrolicie zawierającym wapń i fosfor...
Thermal treatment of montmorillonite modified with Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+ from two polymorphic salts
PublikacjaMontmorillonite(MMT)/CdS nanocomposites can be obtained using simple ionic exchange between Na(I)-MMT and Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+∙2NO3. The resulting products may be annealed to give (MMT)/CdS nanocomposites as it was proved by XRD analysis.
Transparent thin films of Cu-TiO2 with visible light photocatalytic acitivity
PublikacjaThin films of Cu–TiO2 with a high level of transparency were prepared by a dip-coating procedure on the glass surface. CuCl2 was used as a copper precursor added during sol – gel synthesis of TiO2. The extension of optical absorption into the visible region of as-prepared thin films was indicated by UV/Vis spectroscopy. Only the anatase phase was detected by X-ray di ffraction analysis (XRD). The presence of copper in the structure...
Ocena warunków procesu precypitacji węglanu wapnia w reaktorze gaz(CO2)-lift
PublikacjaOtrzymywano węglan wapnia w reakcji wodorotlenku wapnia z dwutlenkiem węgla. Zbadano wpływ stężenia Ca(OH)2 oraz prędkości przepływu dwutlenku węgla na czas reakcji i wykorzystanie CO2. Określono strukturę otrzymanych cząstek CaCO3 za pomocą XRD.
CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 – RE2O3 (RE=Y, Gd) bilayers as protective interconnect coatings for Solid Oxide Cells
PublikacjaEfficient replacement of materials based on critical elements such as cobalt is one of the greatest challenges facing the field of solid oxide cells. New generation materials, free of cobalt show potential to replace conventional materials. However, these materials are characterized by poor ability to block chromium diffusion. This article described the study of CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 (CMFO) spinel combined with single metal oxide (Y2O3...
Synthesis and properties of the double perovskites La2NiVO6, La2CoVO6 i La2CoTiO6
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiono sposób syntezy, analizę dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej (xrd) i badania podatności magnetycznej tzw. podwójnych związków perowskitowych La2NiVO6, La2CoVO6 i La2CoTiO6. Badane związki są półprzewodnikami ze stosunkowo wąską szerokością przerwy energetycznej dla La2NiVO6, La2CoVO6 i nieznacznie powyżej 1 eV powyżej La2CoTiO6.
Characterization of PLZT Thin Films for Fast Electro-Optical Sampling Circuits
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono technologię wytwarzania cienkich warstw wybranych kompozycji ceramik ołowiowo-lantanowo-cyrkonowo-tytanowych, nazywanych ceramikami PLZT. Przedstawiono wyniki badań jakości warstw za pomocą techniki XRD. wyniki pomiaru grubości warstw, ich względnej przenikalności dielektrycznej i współczynnika załamania. Omówiono kierunki dalszych prac.
Synthesis, thermal, structural and electrical properties of vanadium-doped lithium-manganese-borate glass and nanocomposites
PublikacjaA glassy sample with a nominal formula LiMn1−3x/2VxBO3 (where x = 0.05) was synthesised using the melt-quenching method. Material was characterised by differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffactometry (XRD) at room temperature and as a function of temperature (HT-XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), impedance spectroscopy (IS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Dependences of glass transition and crystallisation...
The Effect of Calcination Temperature on Structure and Photocatalytic Properties of WO3/TiO2 Nanocomposites
PublikacjaSeries ofWO3/TiO2 nanocompositeswere obtained by hydrothermal method followed by calcination in the temperature range from 400∘C to 900∘C. The characteristics of photocatalysts by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) showed that increasing the calcination temperature from 400 to 900∘C resulted in change of photocatalytic activity under UV-Vis light.Moreover,...
Investigating COVID-19 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) degradation using Peroxydisulfate/FeMnOx binary metal oxide/Ultrasound System
PublikacjaDegradation of Favipiravir using a hybrid system of peroxydisulfate, FeMnOx binary metal oxide, and ultrasound irradiation was studied. A novel catalyst was synthesized with deep eutectic solvent (DES). The effects of DES type on catalytic performance was evaluated and the catalysts were characterized using XRD, SEM, BET, XPS, and EDS. DES-based catalysts exhibited higher efficiency due to structure change, surface area enhancement...
Nowy sposób otrzymywania warstw TiO2 domieszkowanego azotem
PublikacjaPraca zostala poświęcona nowemu sposobowi wprowadzenia atomów azotu do struktury ditlenku tytanu. Modyfikacja została osiagnięta dzieki zastosowaniu prekursora ditlenu tytanu gdzie ligandy zawierają w sobie atom azotu. Otrzymany materiał na drodze zasadowej hydrolizy został zbadany za pomoca spektroskopii UV-Vis i pomiarów XRD.
Electronic and ionic relaxations in strontium-borate glass and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides
PublikacjaThe topography, microstructure and electrical properties of strontium-borate glass and SBO glass containing bismuth and vanadium oxides, were studied. The structure was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. The A.C. complex conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. The influence of the quantity of bismuth...
Physical and mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane faoms modified with selected flame retardants or layered silicates
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę pianek poliuretanowych zawierających klasyczne środki uniepalniające oraz nanonapełniacze z grupy glinokrzemianów warstwowych. Zbadano wpływ zarówno nanonapełniaczy na bazie naturalnego montmorylonitu, jak i modyfikowanych glinokrzemianów. Uzyskane spienione poliuretanowe o zmniejszonej palności charakteryzowano z wykorzystaniem różnych technik badawczych, między innymi wykonano badania DMA,...
Assessment of FSW Welds Made of Aluminum Alloy AW7075-T651.
PublikacjaThis paper summarizes the results of experimental studies in which the aluminum alloy AW7075-T651 was friction stir welded (FSW) using various combinations of process parameters (rotational - R and travel speed - T). Mechanical properties of the test welds were assessed by using static tensile test and Vickers hardness measurement. The temperature of the welded plates was monitored during welding by means of thermocouples placed...
Manufacture and research of TPS/PE biocomposites properties
PublikacjaIn this paper the process of native starch preparing for modification by extrusion and manufacture of biocomposites is presented. The first aim of this study was to determine the mixing and granulating condition of native starch to obtain granulated native starch. For mixing and granulation of native starch Intensive Mixer manufactured by Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich was used. Mixing and granulation in a single process is a new...
On electrical and photoconductive properties of mixed Nb2O5/TiO2 sol-gel thin films
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje wyniki przewodnictwa elektrycznego i fotoprzewodnictwa cienkich warstw TiO2 i Nb2O5/TiO2 otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Pomiary przeprowadzono w funkcji temperatury i natężenia oświetlenia zarówno w próżni jak i w powietrzu. Struktura warstw została zbadana metodami XRD oraz AFM. W pracy zaobserwowano zaobserwowano spadek fotoprzewodnictwa wraz z zawartością Nb2O5
Preparation and characterization of TiO2 nanostructures for catalytic CO2 photoconversion
PublikacjaThe titanium dioxide target (99.7%) of 1 cm in dia was ablated in vacuum by laser pulses(6 ns) at 266 nm and at repetition rate of 10 Hz. During deposition the laser fluence between 1 and 3.5 J/cm2 and the O2 pressure from the range of 10-2 - 1 Pa were applied. The thin TiO2 films were deposited on glass substrate (1 × 1 cm2) heated up to 500 °C. The chemical composition of the film and samples produced by annealing were investigated...
Boron-Doped Diamond/GaN Heterojunction—The Influence of the Low-Temperature Deposition
PublikacjaWe report a method of growing a boron-doped diamond film by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition utilizing a pre-treatment of GaN substrate to give a high density of nucleation. CVD diamond was deposited on GaN substrate grown epitaxially via the molecular-beam epitaxy process. To obtain a continuous diamond film with the presence of well-developed grains, the GaN substrates are exposed to hydrogen plasma prior to deposition....
Chemical characteristics of new nanopowder of titania doped with nitrogen atoms
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano charakterystykę domieszkowanego azotem ditlenku tytanu otrzymanego na drodze jednoetapowej syntezy z kompleksu tytanu (IV) z ligandami zawierającymi atomy azotu. ikrostruktura i morfologia nowego materiału została określony za pomocą badań XRD, AFM, UV-VIS i FT-IR. Raport przedstawia również badania elektrochemiczne, które pozowliły na wyznaczenie potencjału pasma płaskiego na podstawie wykresu Mott
Structural and electrical transport studies of reduced in hydrogen surfaceof bismuth germanate glass
PublikacjaOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy szkła germanowegooraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanegow atmosferze wodoru szkła Bi0.33Ge0.67O1.83. Zaproponowano prosty model bu-dowy zredukowanych szkieł bizmutowo-germanowych potwierdzony wynikami badańAFM i XRD. Zbadano wpływ czasu i temperatury redukcji oraz topnienia bizmu-tu na własności elektryczne badanych szkieł. Przeanalizowano...
Study of microstress state of P91 steel using complementary mechanical Barkhausen, magnetoacoustic emission, and X-ray diffraction techniques
PublikacjaThe paper deals with assessment of microstress state of martensite P91 steel using three complementary techniques: mechanical Barkhausen emission, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile analysis. Magnetic coercivity Hc and microstructure were investigated with inductive magnetometry and magnetic force microscopy (MFM), respectively. Internal stress level of P91 steel was modified by heat treatment....
Evolution of the nanostructure of Pt and Pt–Co polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrocatalysts at successive degradation stages probed by X-ray photoemission
PublikacjaWe present a set of XPS (X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) measurements and detailed data-analysis of electrodes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on carbon supported catalysts (Pt and Pt–Co) subjected to a step-like potential cycling (accelerated degradation test). The results of the measurements complete and corroborate parallel TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XAS (X-ray...
Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublikacjaThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Multilayer coatings based on cerium oxide and manganese cobaltite spinel for Crofer22APU SOC interconnects
PublikacjaThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
The structure of liquid lead: EXAFS and MD studies
PublikacjaPraca poświecona jest analizie widm XAFS zmierzonych na krawędzi L3dla ciekłego ołowiu. W analizie strukturalnej EXAFS zastosowano podejście GNXAS. Przetestowano kilka modeli strukturalnych, zarówno numerycznych (MD-DLE, MD-TB), jak i tych otrzymanych doświadczalnie (ND, XRD) i ostatecznie zrekonstruowano pierwszy pik w parowej funkcji rozkładu, g(r). Zweryfikowano wcześniejsze doniesienia o obserwownym za pomocą metody XAFS gwałtownym...
Towards high quality ITO coatings: the impact of nitrogen admixture in HiPIMS discharges
PublikacjaThe paper reports controlled deposition of optically transparent and electrically conductive ITO films prepared by a combination of rf (13.56 MHz) and High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) systems without any post deposition thermal treatment/annealing. It is shown that (i) reactive admixture of N2 gas to the process and (ii) pressure in the deposition chamber enable to optimize optical properties of ITO films. Furthermore,...
Electrical conductivity and relaxation processes in V2O5 nanorods prepared by sol–gel method
PublikacjaProperties of high purity V2O5 nanorods prepared by a sol – gel method are presented. The studied materials were characterized by: X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrical impedance was measured as a function of temperature and frequency. The obtained results show that the electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. The d.c. conductivity...
A facile synthesis by spark plasma sintering of mobile lithium ions into oxynitride glass-ceramic matrix: Insight and perspective
PublikacjaThe quest for efficient energy storage solutions has led to the development of solid-state Li-on batteries (SSBs), which utilize solid-state electrolyte (SSE) materials instead of organic liquid electrolytes. This study investigates the effect of increasing Li content in a Ca11Al14Si16O49N10 glass-ceramic material on its structural, thermal, physical, and electrical properties. Spark Plasma Sintered (SPS) glass-ceramic samples...
Monometallic/Bimetallic Co‐ZIFs Synthesis, Characterization, and Application for Adsorption of SO2 and CO2 in Continuous Flow System
PublikacjaSulfur dioxide is serious ultimatum to human health as well as environment, while carbon dioxide is viewed as one of the primary drivers of the worldwide temperature alteration. Therefore, capturing of these gases is a dynamic research subject attracting much consideration from scientists. Herein, we report synthesis of a series of Co-ZIF and bimetallic M-Co-ZIF adsorbents and application for room temperature adsorption of SO2...
Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide
PublikacjaNanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxides doped with transition metals have gained significant interest recently, mostly in the field of catalysis. Herein, we present the comprehensive studies on ceria doped with 10 mol.% of transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) synthesized by the reverse microemulsion method. The aim of this work is to study the properties of those materials with the use of different complementary methods like XRD,...
Fabrication of the cross-linked PVA/TiO2/C nanocomposite membrane for alkaline direct methanol fuel cells
PublikacjaA crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) based composite membrane was developed through a phase inversion process for use in alkaline direct methanol fuel cells (ADMFCs). The titanium dioxide (TiO2) and carbon nanoparticles (NPs) have been incorporated into the PVA polymer matrix to improve the mechanical and thermal properties. The membrane samples were further modified with maleic acid, a carboxylic acid acting as the cross-linker,...