wszystkich: 859
wybranych: 708
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Radix-4 dft butterfly realization with the use of the modified quadratic residue number system
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano projektowanie i realizację obliczenia motylkowego dft dla podstawy 4 z użyciem zespolonego systemu resztowego (CRNS) i zmodyfikowanego kwadratowego systemu resztowego (MQRNS). System MQRNS oprócz własności dekompozycyjnych pozwala na realizację mnożenia zespolonego przy zastosowaniu trzech mnożeń rzeczywistych. Przedstawiono konwertery wejściowy CRNS/MQRNS i wyjściowy MQRNS/CRNS, mnożenie zespolone w MQRNS,...
Radix-4 dft butterfly realization with the use of the modified quadratic residue number system
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono algorytm realizacji mnożenia zespolonego z użyciem zmodyfikowanego kwadratowego zmodyfikowanego systemu liczbowego (mqrns) oraz jego zastosowanie do wykonania obliczenia motylkowego dft dla podstawy 4. pokazano też wstępne rezultaty implementacji w układzie xilinx fpga.
On simplification of residue scaling process in pipelined Radix-4 MQRNS FFT processor
PublikacjaResidue scaling is needed in pipelined FFT radix-4 processors based on the Modified Quadratic Residue Number System (MQRNS) at the output of each butterfly. Such processor uses serial connection of radix-4 butterflies. Each butterfly comprises n subunits, one for each modulus of the RNS base and generates four complex residue numbers. In order to prevent arithmetic overflow intermediate results after each butterfly have to be...
On configuration of residue scaling process in pipelined radix-4 MQRNS FFT processor
PublikacjaResidue scaling is needed in pipelined FFT radix-4 processors based on the Modified Quadratic Residue Number System (MQRNS) at the output of each butterfly. Such processor uses serial connection of radix-4 butterflies. Each butterfly comprises n subunits, one for each modulus of the RNS base and outputs four complex residue numbers. In order to prevent the arithmetic overflow in the succesive stage, every number has to be scaled,...
Computation of the convolution with use of the polynomial residue number system.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono użycie wielomianowych systemów resztowych do obliczania splotu w cyfrowych układach dużej skali integracji VLSI.
Complex multiplier based on the polynomial residue number system
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono próbę zaprojektowania mnożnika zespolonego 4x4 opartego na algorytmie Skavantzosa i Stouraitisa. W algorytmie stosuje siękodowanie liczb n-bitowych jako wielomianów stopnia 7 w pierścieniu wielomianów modulo (x^8-1) z n/4-bitowymi współczynnikami. Mnożenie zespolone jest wykonywane jako 8-punktowy splot cykliczny. Podanoopóżnienie i złożoność sprzętową jak również porównanie ze standardowym.rozwiązaniem.
Pipelined division of signed numbers with the use of residue arithmetic for small number range with the programmable gate array
PublikacjaIn this work an architecture of the pipelined signed residue divider for the small number range is presented. Its operation is based on reciprocal calculation and multiplication by the dividend. The divisor in the signed binary form is used to compute the approximated reciprocal in the residue form by the table look-up. In order to limit the look-up table address an algorithm based on segmentation of the divisor into two segments...
Design of a complex multiplier based on the convolution with the use of the polynomial residue number system
Publikacjazaproponowano realizację mnożnika zespolonego opartego na algorytmie dekompozycyjnym skavantzosa i stouraitisa. mnożenie zespolone jest wykonywane jako splot 8-punktowy. przedstawiono przykład obliczeniowy i architekturę mnożnika dla małych liczb.
improved noniterative residue division for small number ranges
Publikacjaw pracy zaprezentowano multiplikatywny algorytm dzielenia w systemie resztowym i projekt 12-bitowego dzielnika dla modułów 5-bitowych. w algorytmie zastosowano obliczanie przybliżonej odwrotności dzielnika i mnozenie przez dzielną. binarna reprezentacja dzielnika jest dekomponowana na dwa segmenty 6-bitowe, co umożliwia obliczenie w środowisku fpga poprzez odwzorowanie realizowane jako odczyt pamięci. w pracy podano udoskonalony...
PublikacjaNowadays, considering the environmental trends and law regulations associated with the circular economy, it is very important to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization. The example of such material, which requires the attention and recycling method is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, but to enhance its effectivity...
Analysis of Accuracy of Modified Gradient Method in Indoor Radiolocalisation System
PublikacjaIn this paper a new method, called modified gradient method, has been proposed for position calculation on the basis of distance measurement in indoor environment. It is shown that well known method of position calculation such as Foy is inefficient in indoor environment. In this article is also described the indoor radiolocalisation system which was used for collecting distance measurements which were employed for further comparative...
Micelle-bound conformations of neurohypophyseal hormone analogues modified with a Cα-disubstituted residue: NMR and molecular modelling studies
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Mersenne Number Finding and Collatz Hypothesis Verification in the Comcute Grid System
PublikacjaIn this chapter, some mathematic applications have been described to test scalability of the Comcute grid system. Especially, a verification of the Collatz hypothesis and finding Mersenne numbers were applied to prove the scalability and high performance of this grid system. Results were compared with outcomes obtained by the other grid systems.
Accuracy Of The GPS Positioning System In The Context Of Increasing The Number Of Satellites In The Constellation
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The influence of oscillatory low pressure on bacteria number in groundwater supplied to distribution system
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań laboratoryjnych nad wpływem stałego podwyższonego ciśnienia oraz częstych i gwałtownych jego zmian na liczbę bakterii w wodzie podziemnej. Określono zmiany liczby bakterii heterotroficznych (na agarze R2A) oraz całkowitej liczby bakterii (DAPI) w wodzie podziemnej (w temperaturze 20 st.C w okresie 96 h) poddawanej ciągłemu ciśnieniu 0,6 MPa i porównano z uzyskanymi w wodzie poddanej gwałtownym...
Evaluation of a 10 nm Particle Number Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS)
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Determination of an adequate number of competitive functional models in the square Msplit(q) estimation with the use of a modified Baarda’s approach
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Control system based on the modified multiscalar model for the double fed machine
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono układ sterowania maszyną asynchroniczą dwustronnie zasilaną wykorzystujący zmodyfikowany model multisaklarny. Wprowadzone nielinowe sprzężenia pozwalają na podział systemu na dwa niezależne podukłady. Pododuje to brak zauważalnych sprzężeń przy regulacji mocy czynnej i biernej regulowanej przez kontrolery PI. W układzie wyeliminowano konieczność stosowania kaskadowego połączenia regulatorów. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji.
Underwater communication system for shallow water using modified MFSK modulation
PublikacjaOpisano budowę i zasadę działania systemu komunikacji podwodnej z modulacją MMFSK. System służy do przekazywania danych i komend ze statku do obiektów podwodnych w płytkich wodach przybrzeżnych i jeziorach. Priorytetowe wymagania postawione systemowi to bardzo małe zużycie energii w części podwodnej i bardzo mała liczba błędów transmisji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na nietypowe źródło błędów, jakim są zniekształcenia nieliniowe...
Analysis of pesticide residue in tomato samples using analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system
PublikacjaQuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in tomato samples, coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GCECD). The experimental parameters including oven temperature program, amount of the sample and purifying agent were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms of linearity, selectivity and recovery. The limits of detection (LODs) of the...
Person Tracking in Ultra-Wide Band Hybrid Localization System Using Reduced Number of Reference Nodes
PublikacjaIn this article a novel method of positional data integration in an indoor hybrid localization system combining inertial navigation with radio distance measurements is presented. A point of interest is the situation when the positional data and the radio distance measurements are obtained from less than thee reference nodes and it is impossible to unambiguously localize the moving person due to undetermined set of positional equations....
Experimental and numerical analysis of the modified TB32 crash tests of the cable barrier system
PublikacjaRoad restraint systems, including safety barriers, are one of the means used to improve road safety. Currently, they can be allowed to general use after passing the specific crash tests. However, it is always important and desirable to evaluate their performance under various realistic conditions, which can happen on the roads. In this study, the behaviour of the cable barrier system in impact conditions different than assumed...
Characterization of TiO2 Modified with Bimetallic Ag/Au Nanoparticles Obtained in Microemulsion System
PublikacjaFotokatalizatory TiO2 modyfikowane nanocząstkami bimetalicznymi Ag/Au przygotowano metodą mikroemulsyjną w układzie woda/surfaktant/cykloheksan. Aktywność fotokatalityczna próbek Ag/Au-TiO2 oszacowano przez wyznaczenie stopnia degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła VIS. Fenol został użyty jako model zanieczyszczeń, ponieważ jest substancją niebezpieczną dla środowiska. Najwyższą aktywność w zakresie światła widzialnego wykazała...
Analysis of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables using analytical analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system
PublikacjaQuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in fruits (apple, grape) and vegetables (tomato, paprika), coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD). The experimental parameters including amount of the sample, types of solvents, extraction time and types of sorbent at the purification stage were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms...
Application of a modified evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of data acquisition to improve the accuracy of a video-polarimetric system
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A total scoring system and software for complex modified GAPI (ComplexMoGAPI) application in the assessment of method greenness
PublikacjaEvaluating analytical methods with innovative metrics is essential to ensure the effectiveness of analytical procedures. Various approaches have been proposed to assess the performance of an analytical method and its environmental consequences, as sustainable environment and green chemistry ideology are of high importance nowadays. Considering greenness evaluation of developed analytical procedures, Green Analytical Procedure Index...
Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
PublikacjaThe application of wastes as a filler/reinforcement phase in polymers is a new strategy to modify the performance properties and reduce the price of biocomposites. The use of these fillers, coming from agricultural waste (cellulose/lignocellulose-based fillers) and waste rubbers, constitutes a method for the management of post-consumer waste. In this paper, highly-filled biocomposites based on natural rubber (NR) and ground tire...
Amino-modified mesoporous silica SBA-15 as bifunctional drug delivery system for cefazolin: Release profile and mineralization potential
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Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
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Utilization of standards generated in the process of thermal decomposition chemically modified silica gel for a single point calibration of a GC/FID system
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Scaling of signed residue numbers with mixed-radix conversion in FPGA with extended scaling factor selection
PublikacjaA scaling technique of signed residue numbers in FPGA is proposed. The technique is based on conversion of residue numbers to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS). The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of MRS terms, the subsequent generation of residue representations of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations and generation of residues...
Pipelined sceling of signed residue numbers with the mixed-radix conversion in the programmable gate array
PublikacjaIn this work a scaling technique of signed residue numbers is proposed. The method is based on conversion to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS) adapted for the FPGA implementation. The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of terms of the mixed-radix expansion, generation of residue reprezentation of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations...
Calibration of the thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system using standards generated in the process of thermal decomposition of chemically modified silica gel
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Implementation of discrete convolution using polynomial residue representation
PublikacjaConvolution is one of the main algorithms performed in the digital signal processing. The algorithm is similar to polynomial multiplication and very intensive computationally. This paper presents a new convolution algorithm based on the Polynomial Residue Number System (PRNS). The use of the PRNS allows to decompose the computation problem and thereby reduce the number of multiplications. The algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx...
The influence of polarization of titania nanotubes modified by a hybrid system made of a conducting polymer PEDOT and Prussian Blue redox network on the Raman spectroscopy response and photoelectrochemical properties
PublikacjaIn this work we show the impact of applied potential on network vibrations and photoelectrochemical properties of a composite material containing hydrogenated titania nanotubes and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) with iron hexacyanoferrate (H-TiO2/pEDOT:Fehcf) acting as a redox centre. For this purpose, Raman spectroscopy measurements under the working electrode (WE) polarization were carried out, allowing investigation of changes...
Pipelined Two-Operand Modular Adders
PublikacjaPipelined two-operand modular adder (TOMA) is one of basic components used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems that use the residue number system (RNS). Such modular adders are used in binary/residue and residue/binary converters, residue multipliers and scalers as well as within residue processing channels. The structure of pipelined TOMAs is usually obtained by inserting an appropriate number of pipeline register layers within...
Discrete convolution based on polynomial residue representation
PublikacjaThis paper presents the study of fast discrete convolution calculation with use of the Polynomial Residue Number System (PRNS). Convolution can be based the algorithm similar to polynomial multiplication. The residue arithmetic allows for fast realization of multiplication and addition, which are the most important arithmetic operations in the implementation of convolution. The practical aspects of hardware realization of PRNS...
Digital structures for high-speed signal processing
PublikacjaThe work covers several issues of realization of digital structures for pipelined processing of real and complex signals with the use of binary arithmetic and residue arithmetic. Basic rules of performing operations in residue arithmetic are presented along with selected residue number systems for processing of complex signals and computation of convolution. Subsequently, methods of conversion of numbers from weighted systems to...
The chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used for the computations. The results we got using the model have been compared to the results obtained from real computational environment.
PublikacjaThe chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used...
The PRNS butterfly in the FPGA technology
PublikacjaW publikcaji zaprezentowano koncepcję realizacji motylka konwesji wejściowej w Wielomianowym Systemie Resztowym (Polynoamil Residue Number System, PRNS). Omówiono wykorzystanie reprezentacji liczb w systemie diminished-1 w prezentowanym rozwiązaniu oraz przedstawiono wynik syntezy ukłądu w środowisku Xilinx ISE.
Scaling of numbers in residue arithmetic with the flexible selection of scaling factor
PublikacjaA scaling technique of numbers in resudue arithmetic with the flexible selection of the scaling factor is presented. The required scaling factor can be selected from the set of moduli products of the Residue Number System (RNS) base. By permutation of moduli of the number system base it is possible to create many auxilliary Mixed-Radix Systems associated with the given RNS with respect to the base, but they have different sets...
PublikacjaAn experimental high-level synthesis (HLS) of the residue number system (RNS) to two’s-complement system (TCS) converter in the Vivado Xilinx FPGA environment is shown. The assumed approach makes use of the Chinese Remainder Theorem I (CRT I). The HLS simplifies and accelerates the design and implementation process, moreover the HLS synthesized architecture requires less hardware by about 20% but the operational frequency is smaller...
Pipelined division of signed numbers with the use of residue arithmetic in FPGA
PublikacjaAn architecture of a pipelined signed residue divider for small number ranges is presented. The divider makes use of the multiplicative division algorithm where initially the reciprocal of the divisor is calculated and subsequently multiplied by the dividend. The divisor represented in the signed binary form is used to compute the approximated reciprocal in the residue form by the table look-up. In order to reduce the needed length...
The prns butterfly synthesis in the FPGA
Publikacjaw pracy przedstawiono sprzętową implementację elementarnych obliczeń, określanych jako obliczenia motylkowe, dla splotu realizowanego z użyciem wielomianowego systemu resztowego(ang. polynomial residue number system - prns). obliczenia są wykonywane z zastosowaniem reprezentacji systemu diminished-1. opisano syntezę układu realizującego obliczenie motylkowe w środowisku xilinx w układzie virtex 4. podano również wymaganą ilość...
Depth Determination Accuracy of the Modified Prony Method in a Swath Mapping Application
PublikacjaThis article presents the performance of the modified Prony method in a swath mapping application. Depth determination accuracy is assessed by processing raw signal acquired by an EdgeTech 6205 swath bathymetry system over flat seafloor. An updated version of the method, proposed previously by the authors, is used to determine the number of signal echoes. The number of signal echoes is essential for performing the low-rank approximation...
A selection of PID type controller settings via LQR approach for two-wheeled balancing robot
PublikacjaThe problem of PID type controller tuning has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a method of selection of PD settings based on the solution of linear–quadratic optimisation problem using the energy criterion has been investigated. Thus, the possibility of transforming optimal settings of the linear–quadratic regulator into the settings of the controller in the classical control system has been given. The presented methodology...
FIReWORK: FIR Filters Hardware Structures Auto-Generator
PublikacjaThe paper presents application called FIReWORK, that allows for automatic creation of the VHDL hardware structures of FIR filters. Automat- ically generated specialized hardware solutions dedicated to the FPGA and ASIC are commonly known as Intellectual Property Cores. The essential fu- ture of the application is easy initialization of FIR filter parameters in GUI, and then automatically design, calculate and generate the IP Core...
Robustness Analysis of a Distributed MPC Control System of a Turbo-Generator Set of a Nuclear Plant – Disturbance Issues
PublikacjaTypically, there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper, a distributed model predictive controller with local quadratic model predictive controllers for the turbine generator is proposed instead of a set of classical PI controllers. The local quadratic predictive controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. The parameters of these models...
Theoretical analysis of a new approach to order determination for a modified Prony method in swath mapping application
PublikacjaThis article presents a new approach to determine the model order (number of principal components) in the modified Prony method applied to swath acoustic mapping. Determination of the number of principal components is a crucial step in the modified Prony method. In the proposed approach the model order is chosen based on the underlying physical model of the underwater acoustic environment, and utilised signal processing operations....
Akaike's final prediction error criterion revisited
PublikacjaWhen local identification of a nonstationary ARX system is carried out, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should decide upon the number of estimated parameters, i.e., on the model order. Second, one should choose the appropriate estimation bandwidth, related to the (effective) number of input-output data samples that will be used for identification/ tracking purposes. Failure to make the right decisions results...