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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: uncertainty of model parameters
A study of operating parameters of a roller mill with a new design
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Sensitivity of echo parameters to seafloor properties and depth variability.
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badanie użyteczności wybranych parametrów echa akustycznego, w szczególności wymiaru fraktalnego oraz momentów spektralnych obwiedni, w klasyfikacji dna morskiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu zmieniającej się głębokości. Wykorzystano numeryczną symulację rozpraszania echa na dnie oraz innych elementów procesu akustycznego sondowania dna, w tym także procedurę kompensacji wpływu zmian głębokości dna na echo.
Influence of Technological Parameters on the Isomerization of Geraniol Using Sepiolite
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The Effect of Cold Plasma on Selected Parameters of Bovine Colostrum
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Parameters of evolutionary algorithm in problem of collision avoidance at sea
Tribological properties of tissue in biobearings and bioreactors as the histotribological parameters
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia stan wiedzy oraz potrzeby b+r w zakresie celów badawczych podjętych w projekcie BioBearing, finansowanym przez Komisję Europejską. Są to badania teoretyczne, numeryczne i eksperymentalne problemów tribologii tkanek jako elementów histotribologii a w szczególności smarowania stawów nienewtonowskimi cieczami synowialnymi w warunkach nieustalonych z uwzględnieniem deformacji chrząstki stawowej w opisie stochastycznym.
Parameters identification of coreless axial fluxpermanent magnet generator
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Strength parameters of masonry walls in modelling historic constructions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the determination of the basic material properties of a historic brickwork. Experimental studies were used to identify the basic material properties of bricks. The mechanical properties of the masonry, as an orthotropic homogenized material, were calculated. Then, numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method (FEM) were performed to verify the experimental outcomes. Macromodels with element sizes of 40,...
Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation
PublikacjaWe propose a use of a power amplifier in the circuit of voltage to current converter (current driver) for supercapacitor charging/discharging in controlled conditions. The current driver is controlled by DAC output of DAQ board and voltage of DUT is measured and a control loop is realized by software. In the circuit the DC current method of evaluation of capacitance and equivalent series...
Measurements of OF QoS/QoE parameters for media streaming in a PMIPv6 TESTBED WITH 802.11 b/g/n WLANs
PublikacjaA growing number of mobile devices and the increasing popularity of multimedia services result in a new challenge of providing mobility in access networks. The paper describes experimental research on media (audio and video) streaming in a mobile IEEE 802.11 b/g/n environment realizing network-based mobility. It is an approach to mobility that requires little or no modification of the mobile terminal. Assessment of relevant parameters...
Piotr Grudowski dr hab. inż.
OsobyDr hab. inż. Piotr Grudowski, profesor w Politechnice Gdańskiej karierę naukową rozpoczynał na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej w zespole „Inżynierii Jakości i Metrologii”. Stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie budowa i eksploatacja maszyn uzyskał w roku 1993 na Wydziale Mechanicznym PG a stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych, w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu, w 2008 roku na Wydziale...
A decentralised model of the regulating ancillary services market
PublikacjaThe article presents a model of regulating ancillary services provision in a dencetralised manner. A concept of the operation of local markets for ancillary services is presented.
Zdecentralizowany model rynku regulacyjnych usług systemowych
PublikacjaZaprezentowano model pozyskania regulacyjnych usług systemowych w sposób zdecentralizowany. Przedstawiono koncepcję funkcjonowania lokalnych rynków usług regulacyjnych.
Numerical and quantitative analysis of HIV/AIDS model with modified Atangana-Baleanu in Caputo sense derivative
PublikacjaFractional calculus plays an important role in the development of control strategies, the study of the dynamical transmission of diseases, and some other real-life problems nowadays. The time-fractional HIV/AIDS model is examined using a novel method in this paper. Based on the Atangana-concept Baleanu’s of a derivative in the Caputo sense, the current modified fractional derivative operator uses singular and non-local kernels....
Practical aspects of testing superconducting electromagnets by the capacitor discharge method taking into account the non-linearity of circuit parameters
PublikacjaThe article presents selected issues related to the development and testing of the diagnostics systems dedicated for superconducting electromagnets. The systems were constructed to assess the production quality of superconducting electromagnets of the SIS100 synchrotron, a new accelerator being built as part of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). One of the systems is used for automatic checking of electrical connection...
The Impact Of The Selected Parameters Of Fdm Manufacturing Technology On Tribological Performance Of Abs–Steel Pair Under Dry Friction
PublikacjaThe paper presents the result of tribological test of ABS and steel samples sliding under dry friction. Polymeric samples were manufactured of ABS material using FDM technology. Testing was carried out in unidirectional sliding in a ring-on-flat contact in a PT-3 tribometer. The scope of tested parameters included volumetric and mass wear, the friction coefficient, and polymeric specimen temperature. Polymeric specimens used in...
Testing the Effect of Bathymetric Data Reduction on the Shape of the Digital Bottom Model
PublikacjaDepth data and the digital bottom model created from it are very important in the inland and coastal water zones studies and research. The paper undertakes the subject of bathymetric data processing using reduction methods and examines the impact of data reduction according to the resulting representations of the bottom surface in the form of numerical bottom models. Data reduction is an approach that is meant to reduce the size...
Model osobistej wirtualnej biblioteki cyfrowej
PublikacjaSzybki rozwój Internetu umożliwiający publikowanie i czytanie artykułów online w skali globalnej, uzasadnia tworzenie bibliotek cyfrowych jako repozytoriów wiedzy. Ich rozwój napotyka jednak na liczne bariery natury psychologicznej, organizacyjnej i technologicznej. W artykule przedstawimy propozycje ich przełamania z punktu widzenia doświadczeń Biblioteki Głównej Politechniki Gdańskiej. W szczególności skoncentrujemy się na modelu...
Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
PublikacjaThis article presents a nonlinear equivalent circuit model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer. The model takes into account the magnetic cross saturation of the 3-phase core-type magnetic circuit. The model is suitable in detailed electromagnetic transient simulations of power systems involving isolated dc-dc converters. The model is developed using the Lagrange energy method. It involves...
Radioisotope measurement of selected parameters of liquid-gas flow using single detector system
PublikacjaTo determine the parameters of two-phase flows using radioisotopes, usually two detectors are used. Knowing the distance between them, the velocity of the dispersed phase is calculated based on time delay estimation. Such a measurement system requires the use of two gamma-ray sealed sources. But in some situations it is also possible to determine velocity of dispersed phase using only one scintillation probe and one gamma-ray source....
Adaptive identification of sparse underwater acoustic channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters
PublikacjaWe consider identification of sparse linear systems with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such systems are typical in underwater acoustics (UWA), for instance, in applications requiring identi- fication of the acoustic channel, such as UWA communications, navigation and continuous-wave sonar. The recently proposed fast local basis function (fLBF) algorithm provides high performance when identi- fying time-varying systems....
Conceptual fuzzy model of the polish internet mortgage market
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present the conceptual structure of basic fuzzy model representing Polish Internet mortgage market. The paper starts with introduction describing the market complexities and challenges, and description of previously created rule based model. Then the steps of the process of proposed model fuzzyfication are presented. Final part of the paper consists of conclusions and directions for future research.
Nowy empiryczny model propagacjny RTK
PublikacjaW referacie opisano i przeanalizowano nowy model empiryczny do szacowania tłumienia propagacyjnego w ruchomych łączach radiowych pracujących w środowisku terminalu kontenerowego. Na wstępie opisane zostały badania pomiarowe przeprowadzone w celu uzyskania danych empirycznych pozwalających na opracowanie nowego modelu oraz scharakteryzowano badane środowisko. W głównej części referatu omówiono postać analityczną modelu oraz przedstawiono...
Model tworzenia wartości w logistyce
PublikacjaWażnym zadaniem zarządzania logistycznego jest budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa na bazie zdolności łańcucha dostaw (łańcucha logistycznego) do tworzenia wartości. Osiągnięcie oczekiwanego poziomu wzrostu wartości w procesach logistycznych wymaga połączenia wartości z użytecznością, szybkością działania i efektywnością kosztową. W pracy przedstawiono model procesu tworzenia wartości w działaniach logistycznych,...
Multisource model of ship electric field
PublikacjaA steel-hulled ship in sea water produces an electric field around itself. The source of this field are electrochemical processes and ship's cathodic protection. The analysis of the electric field around the ship is important by the reason of the ship's identification and counter-mine protection. The paper presents a simplified model of the ship's multisource electric field, which allows to calculate the electric field distribution...
Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System
PublikacjaThe paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...
Model rozmyty zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi.
PublikacjaPrzedstwiono budowę samonastrajalnego modelu rozmytego zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, który będzie wykorzystywany do wspomagania wytwarzania systemów opartych na wiedzy. Proponowany model bazuje on na rozwiązaniach opartych na wiedzy oraz teorii systemów dynamicznych i zbiorów rozmytych. W szczegółowej konstrukcji wykorzystano wiedzę dotyczącą zarządzania rzeczywistymi przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi (PATRIC i...
Information retrieval with semantic memory model
PublikacjaPsycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Combining this network with a vector-based object-relation-feature value representation of concepts that includes also weights for confidence and support, allows for recognition of concepts...
Effective rheological parameters of emulsion during their generation in the agitated draft - tube reactor
PublikacjaBadano właściwości reologiczne emulsji O/W i W/O w warunkach ich wytwarzania w pętlicowym reaktorze dwukolumnowym z mieszaniem w strefie wznoszenia. Obliczano lepkość pozorną emulsji, wykorzystując model potęgowy Ostwalda - de Waele, w którym szybkość ścinania obliczano jako stosunek prędkości pozornej dyspersji ciecz - ciecz w strefie opadania reaktora i szerokości strefy opadania. W celu identyfikacji typu emulsji mierzono przewodnictwo...
Removal of Siloxanes from Model Biogas by Means of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Absorption Process
PublikacjaThe paper presents the screening of 20 deep eutectic solvents (DESs) composed of tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr) and glycols in various molar ratios, and 6 conventional solvents as absorbents for removal of siloxanes from model biogas stream. The screening was achieved using the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) based on the comparison of siloxane solubility in DESs. For the DES which was characterized...
Model Correction and Optimization Framework for Expedited EM-Driven Surrogate-Assisted Design of Compact Antennas
PublikacjaDesign of compact antennas is a numerically challenging process that heavily relies on electromagnetic (EM) simulations and numerical optimization algorithms. For reliability of simulation results, EM models of small radiators often include connectors which—despite being components with fixed dimensions—significantly contribute to evaluation cost. In this letter, a response correction method for antenna models without connector,...
Photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests
Dane BadawczeThis dataset consists of an archive with the photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests.
The initial FEM model of the dome assembled in SOFiSTiK FEA (2020) software
Dane BadawczeThis dataset consists of an archive with the (selected) files of the initial FEM model of the dome assembled in SOFiSTiK FEA (2020) software.
Impact of thermal backfill parameters on current-carrying capacity of power cables installed in the ground
PublikacjaProper design of power installations with the participation of power cables buried in homogeneous and thermally well-conductive ground does not constitute a major problem. The situation changes when the ground is non-homogeneous and thermally low-conductive. In such a situation, a thermal backfill near the cables is commonly used. The optimization of thermal backfill parameters to achieve the highest possible current-carrying capacity...
Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation
Publikacjan this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...
How to apply the probabilistic model of measurement processes successfully
PublikacjaApplicational aspects of probabilistic model of measurement processes, proposed by G.B. Rossi, are considered. The main idea of the model - using of Bayes-Laplace postulate for solution of inverse probability problem, is substituted by Fisher's concept of the likelihood function, expressed in the data translated format. This approach gives a clear-sighted solution of inverse probability. Some recommendations for application of...
Experimental determination of dynamic properties of cylindrical steel tank model filled with liquid
PublikacjaIn technical branches, such as chemical or petroleum industries, cylindrical steel tanks are essential structures used for storage of liquid products. Any failure might have disastrous consequences, therefore their safety and reliability is essential. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental study which has been conducted on a scaled model of a real tank used in Poland. The investigation was carried...
Application of MARKAL model to optimisation of electricity generation structure in Poland in the long-term time horizon. Part II. Model and forecasts assumptions
PublikacjaIn this paper, the next in a series of publications on the subject, assumptions are presented of a power system development model in terms of electricity generation technology infrastructure in Poland, in the long term perspective until 2060. The model is based on the mathematical structure of the MARKAL optimization package. Among other things developed are a forecast of the final demand for electricity and heat, the current...
Fracture Surface Topography Parameters for S235JR Steel Adhesive Joints After Fatigue Shear Testing
PublikacjaThis paper presents the experimental results of a study investigating the effect of holes and notches made on the overlap ends on the strength of adhesive joints. Single-lap joints made of S235JR steel sheets bonded with Araldite 2024-2 epoxy adhesive were tested. For comparative reasons, static shear strength tests and high-cycle fatigue strength tests were performed. Adhesive-filled joints having three holes, each with a diameter...
A Numerical Model Study on Ice Boom in a Coastal Lake
PublikacjaA numerical study on the effectiveness of the proposed ice boom to be installed near the entrance of Lake Notoro, Hokkaido, Japan to prevent sea ice moving into the lake is presented. A two-dimensional hydro–ice dynamics model was modified to allow for the treatment of ice-boom interaction with the effect of tidal current. The numerical model is a coupled hydrodynamic and ice dynamic model. The ice dynamic component uses a Lagrangian...
Practical Use of Generic IT Organization Evolution Model
PublikacjaIn the paper we analyze, basing on the practical experiences, how the Generic IT Organization Model could be used to describe evolution of real-world IT support organization in relation to IT Service Management area.
Application of Multinomial Logistic Regression to Model the Impact of Rainfall Genesis on the Performance of Storm Overflows: Case Study
PublikacjaIn this study, a mathematical model was proposed to analyze the performance of storm overfows. The model included the infuence of rainfall genesis on the duration of storm overfow, its volume, and the maximum instantaneous fow. The multinomial logistic regression model, which has not been used so far to model objects located in a stormwater system, was proposed to simulate the duration of storm overfow. The Iman–Conover method,...
Model oceny dojrzałości przedsiębiorstw do zastosowania zwinnych metodyk zarządzania projektami IT
PublikacjaDysertacja koncentruje się na budowie modelu, który ocenia gotowość przedsiębiorstw do wdrożenia zwinnych metodyk zarządzania projektami IT. Analizuje istniejące metody oceny dojrzałości projektowej i wprowadza własny model, biorąc pod uwagę krytyczne czynniki sukcesu i skuteczność zwinnych metod. Rozprawa zawiera badania literaturowe, empiryczne studium przypadku oraz weryfikację i rekomendacje modelu, dostarczając wglądu w praktyczne...
In Situ Verification of Numerical Model of Water Hammer in Slurries
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical model of transient flow in a pressure slurry pipeline network with verification based on in situ measurements. The model, primarily verified in laboratory conditions, has been extended and applied to the case of a large and complex slurry pipeline network in Poland. In the model, the equivalent density concept was applied. In situ experiments were performed for various unsteady flow episodes, caused by...
Pyrolysis Combined with the Dry Reforming of Waste Plastics as a Potential Method for Resource Recovery—A Review of Process Parameters and Catalysts
Publikacja: Emissions of greenhouse gases and growing amounts of waste plastic are serious environmental threats that need urgent attention. The current methods dedicated to waste plastic recycling are still insufficient and it is necessary to search for new technologies for waste plastic management. The pyrolysis-catalytic dry reforming (PCDR) of waste plastic is a promising pro-environmental way employed for the reduction of both CO2 and...
Proportional-Derivative and Model-based Controllers used for a Serial Type Manipulator in case of a Variable Mass Payload
PublikacjaIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass system is considered. Its reference example is a serial-like manipulator composed of revolute joints and rigid bodies. Payload of its gripper is considered as its variable mass element (mass and inertia irregularly between subsequent payloads). For the rest of the system, inertia parameters are considered as known (precisely identified during the assembling process)....
Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model
PublikacjaThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research. A FE model of the 50th percentile adult male (AM) Total Human Model for Safety...
A concept of heterogeneous numerical model of concrete for GPR simulations
PublikacjaThe Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, which is increasingly being used in the non-destructive diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, often needs more accurate interpretation tools for analysis of experimental data. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing of various numerical models for exhaustive understanding of GPR data. This paper presents the concept of a heterogeneous numerical model of concrete,...
Mathematical model defining volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe objective of the work is to develop the capability of evaluating the volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in the working chambers of high pressure variable capacity displacement pump. Volumetric losses of oil compression must be determined as functions of the same parameters, which the volumetric losses due to leakage, resulting from the quality of design solution of the pump, are evaluated as dependent on and also...
Dipolowy model pola elektrycznego okrętu
PublikacjaOkręt o kadłubie stalowym będący w wodzie morskiej wytwarza wokół siebie pole elektryczne. Źródłem tego pola są procesy elektrochemiczne i ochrona katodowa okrętu. Analiza pola elektrycznego wokół okrętu jest istotna z punktu widzenia identyfikacji oraz ochrony przeciwminowej. W pracy przedstawiono uproszczony model dipolowy pola magnetycznego okrętu, który pozwala na obliczenie rozkładu pola elektrycznego w tzw. strefie dalekiej...