Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING

  • KASKADA Platform in Cloud Environment


    KASKADA is a computing platform for developing and running services and applications oriented to multimedia processing and data streaming. A solution for serving the platform in the PaaS model is presented. The paper briefly describes the software for creating the private cloud environment based on the OpenStack software. The coud has been deployed to a supercomputer working in C2 NIWA at the Gdansk University of technology. This...

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  • Efficacious Alkaline Copper Corrosion Inhibition by a Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complex of 2,2′-Bipyridine and Glycine: Electrochemical and Theoretical Studies

    • M. Ibrahim
    • D. Saleh
    • M. El-Hendawy
    • A. Fallatah
    • G. Mersal
    • R. Boukherroub
    • J. Wysocka
    • J. Ryl
    • M. Amin

    - ChemElectroChem - Rok 2021

    A mixed ligand copper(II) complex, namely, [Cu(BPy)(Gly)Cl]⋅2H2O (CuC) (BPy=2,2′-bipyridine and Gly=glycine), was synthesized and characterized. The synthesized CuC complex was tested as inhibitor to effectively mitigate the corrosion of copper in alkaline solutions using the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) techniques. For the sake of comparison, such two D.C. electrochemical techniques were...

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  • Evaluation Criteria for Affect-Annotated Databases

    In this paper a set of comprehensive evaluation criteria for affect-annotated databases is proposed. These criteria can be used for evaluation of the quality of a database on the stage of its creation as well as for evaluation and comparison of existing databases. The usefulness of these criteria is demonstrated on several databases selected from affect computing domain. The databases contain different kind of data: video or still...

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  • C2 Niwa - The Centre of Competence for Novel Infrastructure of Workable Applications


    Scientific and cloud computing are discussed in the paper . The paradigm of EaaS (Everything as a Service) is presented and the design methodology of service oriented applications is proposed. Implementation of the SOSE (Software Oriented Software Engineering) approach is analyzed and the roles of developing teams to obtain software products satisfying business requirements are also shown. The above listed activities create a basic...

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    The paper presents a cyberspace model where different categories of IT services are offered and used largely. A general cybersecurity policy is considered and the corresponding cybersecurity strategies are shown. The role of such technologies as: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data is analyzed in order to improve the cybersecurity of a cyberspace. A new kind of service oriented cyberspace is proposed and its main properties...

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  • Robotics for human health and performance (PG_00054982) 04.2024

    Kursy Online
    • W. Sieklicki

    During this course students will be provided with the knowledge in areas of robotics and biomechanics necessary to design instrumentation for human health and performance, as well as about human-robot interface.

  • Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components

    Computer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....

  • Soft Real-Time Communication with WebSocket and WebRTC Protocols Performance Analysis for Web-based Control Loops


    - Rok 2019

    The web browser has become an access window for content and services. The browser is available on almost any device connected to the network, regardless of its intended use: desktop, mobile device, computing server, e-book reader etc. Browsers are used by people to read news, contact the world, to check a bank account, register a visit at the doctor, watching video content, electronic purchases, using web versions of the office...

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  • Niebezpieczeństwo ukryte w żywności-aminy biogenne. Cz. II. Metody oznaczania i wyzwania.

    Ze względu na aktywność biologiczną amin biogennych ich oznaczanie zarówno jakościowe, jak i ilościowe w żywności ma istotne znaczenie w celu zapewnienia ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzkiego. Obecnie do monitoringu amin biogennych w żywności najczęściej wykorzystuje się: wysokosprawną chromatografię cieczową (HPLC), chromatografię cienkowarstwową (TLC) oraz absorpcyjną spektrofotometrię cząsteczkową. Są to jednak techniki czasochłonne,...

  • Distributed representation of information on cyclic events

    A representation of information on cyclic events has been proposed which is advantageous for computing environments where a distributed set of Receivers reacts to cyclic events generated by distributed sources. In such scenario no immanent central information repository exist on event timing or volume. Receivers are able to learn the event cycles without communicating with each other, merely on the basis of the fact that an event...

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  • Optimal selection of input features and an acompanying neural network structure for the classification purposes - skin lesions case study

    Malignant melanomas are the most deadly type of skin cancers however detected early enough give a high chances for successful treatment. The last years saw the dynamic growth of interest of automatic computer-aided skin cancer diagnosis. Every month brings new research results on new approaches to this problem, new methods of preprocessing, new classifiers, new ideas to follow etc. In particular, the rapid development of dermatoscopy,...

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  • Clonal selection algorithm for vehicle routing


    - Rok 2008

    Over the years several successful computing techniques have been inspired by biological mechanisms. Studies of the mechanisms that allow the immune systems of vertebratesto adapt and learn have resulted in a class of algorithms called artificial immune systems. Clonal selection is a process that allows lymphocytes to launch a quick response to known pathogens and to adapt to new, previously unencountered ones. This paper presents...

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  • Toward Intelligent Vehicle Intrusion Detection Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper, we propose a novel intrusion detection approach using past driving experience and the neural knowledge DNA for in-vehicle information system security. The neural knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation method designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We examine our approach for classifying malicious vehicle control commands...

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  • Human emotion recognition with biosignals


    - Rok 2022

    This chapter presents issues in the field of affective computing. Basic preliminary information for the recognition of emotions is given and models of emotions, various ways of evoking emotions, as well as their theoretical foundations are discussed. The particular attention is given to the use of physiological signals in recognizing emotions. This subject is outlined further below by presenting selected biosignals, their relationship...

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    - Rok 2015

    Expressions of the human face bring a lot of information, which are a valuable source in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing and affective computing. For years, by analyzing the movement of the skin and facial muscles scientists are trying to create the perfect tool, based on image analysis, allowing the recognition of emotional states of human beings. To create a reliable algorithm, it is necessary to explore and examine...

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  • Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...

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  • Big Data from Sensor Network via Internet of Things to Edge Deep Learning for Smart City


    - Rok 2021

    Data from a physical world is sampled by sensor networks, and then streams of Big Data are sent to cloud hosts to support decision making by deep learning software. In a smart city, some tasks may be assigned to smart devices of the Internet of Things for performing edge computing. Besides, a part of workload of calculations can be transferred to the cloud hosts. This paper proposes benchmarks for division tasks between an edge...

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  • Zastosowanie technologii holonowych w środowisku chmurowym przedsiębiorstwa

    Celem artykułu jest wskazanie możliwości stosowania technologii holonowych dla implementacji chmurowego przetwarzania danych (cloud computing, CC) oraz chmurowego wytwarzania (cloud manufacturing, CM) w przedsiębiorstwie wirtualnym. Przyjęto następujący schemat wywodu: wyszczególnienie cech wspólnych oraz wyróżniających, występujących pomiędzy chmurą obliczeniową a wytwarzaniem chmurowym przedsiębiorstwa wirtualnego, a następnie...

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  • Benchmarking Parallel Chess Search in Stockfish on Intel Xeon and Intel Xeon Phi Processors


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents results from benchmarking the parallel multithreaded Stockfish chess engine on selected multi- and many-core processors. It is shown how the strength of play for an n-thread version compares to 1-thread version on both Intel Xeon and latest Intel Xeon Phi x200 processors. Results such as the number of wins, losses and draws are presented and how these change for growing numbers of threads. Impact of using particular...

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  • 3D Model Preparing Patterns for Interactive Urban Visualization - Guidelines for Graphic Designers Preparing 3D Models for Virtual Reality Applications

    While working on architectural visualizations, the software developer often has to work with graphic designers who create models in a different environment what can cause many complications. For this reason, it is very important to have some guidelines which can protect both the developer and the designer from commixing mistakes. The paper presents a list of such guidelines based on the authors’ experience. The reader can treat...

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  • Multi-criterion decision making in distributed systems by quantum evolutionary algorithms

    • J. Balicki
    • H. Balicka
    • J. Masiejczyk
    • A. Zacniewski

    - Rok 2010

    Decision making by the AQMEA (Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm) has been considered for distributed computer systems. AQMEA has been extended by a chromosome representation with the registry of the smallest units of quantum information. Evolutionary computing with Q-bit chromosomes has been proofed to characterize by the enhanced population diversity than other representations, since individuals represent...

  • Nowoczesne koncepcje integracji usług w systemie BeesyCluster


    - Rok 2010

    Opisano funkcje aktualnej wersji systemu BeesyCluster jakowarstwy pośredniej w dostępie do rozproszonych zasobów wraz podsystemami integracji usług, wyboru usług oraz ich wykonania. Zaprezentowano rozszerzenia podsystemu integracji usług zorientowane na green computing. Omówiono problemy inteligentnego wyszukiwania usług, wykorzystanie GPU, współpracę z urządzeniami mobilnymi oraz przetwarzanie w przestrzeniach inteligentnych.Dodatkowo...

  • Towards neural knowledge DNA


    In this paper, we propose the Neural Knowledge DNA, a framework that tailors the ideas underlying the success of neural networks to the scope of knowledge representation. Knowledge representation is a fundamental field that dedicates to representing information about the world in a form that computer systems can utilize to solve complex tasks. The proposed Neural Knowledge DNA is designed to support discovering, storing, reusing,...

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  • Taking advantage of symmetries: Gathering of many asynchronous oblivious robots on a ring



    One of the recently considered models of robot-based computing makes use of identical, memoryless mobile units placed in nodes of an anonymous graph. The robots operate in Look-Compute-Move cycles; in one cycle, a robot takes a snapshot of the current configuration (Look), takes a decision whether to stay idle or to move to one of the nodes adjacent to its current position (Compute), and in the latter case makes an instantaneous...

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  • Suitability of LoRaWAN Technology for the Development of Maritime Applications


    The LoRaWAN Technology opens new possibilities for gathering and analysis of distributed data. In the paper we concentrate on its maritime usability which was tested by us in the period from June to August 2018. Measurements of the LoRaWAN network coverage in the Bay of Gdansk area were carried out. Various conditions and places were tested. The research was planned in such a way as to gradually increase the range and control the...

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  • A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers


    In this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...

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  • Numerical estimation of the pile toe and shaft unit resistances during the installation process in sands


    Numerical simulations of a pile jacking were carried out. A Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) formulation was used to treat with large deformation problems. An Abaqus, a commercial Finite Element Method software suit, was used as a computing environment. The Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model was applied and the Coulomb model of friction was used to describe pile-soil interaction. Calculations were made for three different pile diameters....

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  • Moduł platformy SyMEC odpowiedzialny za współpracę serwera MEC z sieciami komórkowymi i bezprzewodowymi sieciami dostępowymi WLAN

    Zaprezentowano moduł współpracy z sieciami dostępowymi, będący istotnym elementem serwera MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing), budowanego w ramach projektu SyMEC i umożliwiającego uruchamianie elementów aplikacyjnych na brzegu sieci. Przedstawiono różnice w wymaganiach dotyczących sposobu realizacji tego komponentu w przypadku sieci dostępowych standaryzowanych przez 3GPP oraz sieci WLAN. Zaproponowana została architektura umożliwiająca...

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  • Smart Embedded Systems with Decisional DNA Knowledge Representation


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited computing power, limited memories, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial...

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    W artykule przedstawiono proces projektowania oraz analizy aerodynamicznej łopat turbiny wiatrowej z wykorzystaniem metody BEMT (ang. Blade Element Momentum Theory). Dokonano doboru profili aerodynamicznych oraz opisano procedurę wyznaczania optymalnego rozkładu kątów zwichrowania i długości cięciw profili w funkcji długości łopaty dla założonych parametrów wejściowych. Dokonano obliczenia działających sił oraz generowanej mocy...

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  • System wykrywania i przeciwdziałania spoofingowi GPS


    - Rok 2016

    Spoofing w systemach nawigacji satelitarnej jest atakiem elektronicznym, który polega na nieuprawnionej emisji sygnałów stanowiących imitacje rzeczywistych sygnałów odbieranych z satelitów. Powoduje on wyznaczenie nieprawidłowych informacji o czasie, położeniu i prędkości odbiornika. Z uwagi na trudność jego wykrycia, spoofing stanowi poważniejsze zagrożenie niż proste zagłuszanie sygnałów zakłóceniem o dużej mocy (ang. jamming)....

  • Wielopoziomowy przekształtnik trakcyjny SiC z izolacją od sieci 3kV DC realizowaną za pomocą transformatorów 30kHz do napędów EZT


    - Rok 2019

    W referacie przedstawiono wielopoziomowy izolowany kaskadowy przekształtnik DC-AC z tranzystorami SiC MOSFET 1,2kV, przeznaczony do napędów elektrycznych zespołów trakcyjnych (EZT). Zaproponowana konstrukcja przekształtnika, przeznaczonego do pracy przy zasilaniu z sieci trakcyjnej 3kV DC, spełnia założenia energoelektronicznego transformatora trakcyjnego (z ang. Power Electronic Traction Transformer). Budowa modułowa z niskonapięciowych...

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  • New Method for Determination of Adjustment Corrections for Crane Rail Axes

    Electronic tacheometers are currently a standard instrument used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. One of the many applications of tacheometers in engineering geodesy are 3D control measurements of crane rail axes. This paper proposes a new method of computing adjustment corrections for crane rail axes based on 3D polar measurements performed with an electronic tacheometer. The intermediary method...

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  • An algorithmic approach to estimating the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds

    For a given self-map f of M, a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension m 4, we provide an algorithm for estimating the values of the topological invariant D^m_r [f], which equals the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. Our results are based on the combinatorial scheme for computing D^m_r [f] introduced by G. Graff and J. Jezierski [J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 13 (2013),...

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  • Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2015

    This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....

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  • Syntactic modular decomposition of large ontologies with relational database


    - Rok 2009

    Support for modularity allows complex ontologies to be separated into smaller pieces (modules) that are easier to maintain and compute. Instead of considering the entire complex ontology, users may benefit more by starting from a problem-specific set of concepts (signature of problem) from the ontology and exploring its surrounding logical modules. Additionally, an ontology modularization mechanism allows for the splitting up of...

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  • Electronically Excited States in Solution via a Smooth Dielectric Model Combined with Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Theory

    • J. Howard
    • J. Womack
    • J. Dziedzic
    • C. Skylaris
    • B. Pritchard
    • T. Crawford

    - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - Rok 2017

    We present a method for computing excitation energies for molecules in solvent, based on the combination of a minimal parameter implicit solvent model and the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles method (EOM-CCSD). In this method, the solvent medium is represented by a smoothly varying dielectric function, constructed directly from the quantum mechanical electronic density using only two tunable parameters. The...

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  • Calibration of acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones for DOA estimation


    A procedure of calibration of a custom 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) for the purpose of direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, is presented and validated in the paper. AVS devices working on a p-p principle may be constructed from standard pressure sensors and a signal processing system. However, in order to ensure accurate DoA estimation, each sensor needs to be calibrated. The proposed algorithm divides the calibration process...

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Paweł Czarnul dr hab. inż.

    Paweł Czarnul uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego w dziedzinie nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie informatyka w roku 2015 zaś stopień doktora nauk technicznych w zakresie informatyki(z wyróżnieniem) nadany przez Radę Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w roku 2003. Dziedziny jego zainteresowań obejmują: przetwarzanie równoległei rozproszone w tym programowanie równoległe na klastrach obliczeniowych,...

  • Zapewnianie wiarygodnosci przetwarzania przy integracji komponentów usług


    - Rok 2010

    Przedstawiono problematykę Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) oraz nowoczesne metodologie integracji gotowych komponentów programistycznych.Omówiono Service Component Architecture (SCA), Cloud computing, oraz modelowanie procesów biznesowych jako metodologie zbliżone koncepcyjne do SOA. Opisano główne atrybuty wiarygodności i zestawionokonkretne techniki poprawy wiarygodno±ci. Modelowanie procesów biznesowychzaprezentowano na przykładzie...

  • Wind Conditions in Urban Layout – Numerical and Experimental Research


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents research which compares the numerical and the experimental results for different cases of airflow around a few urban layouts. The study is concerned mostly with the analysis of parameters, such as pressure and velocity fields, which are essential in the building industry. Numerical simulations have been performed by the commercial software Fluent, with the use of a few different turbulence models, including...

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  • Effective Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management

    Proper decision-making in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for an appropriately functioning mechanisms. The paper presents how IT technologies can impact on an organization and process realization. Especially Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard and the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are taken into account. A general model of decision-making is proposed and based on a specific practical example is analyzed using...

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  • Future research directions in design of reliable communication systems

    • J. Rak
    • M. Pickavet
    • K. S. Trivedi
    • J. A. Lopez
    • A. M. C. A. Koster
    • J. P. Sterbenz
    • E. Çetinkaya
    • T. Gomes
    • M. Gunkel
    • K. Walkowiak
    • D. Staessens


    In this position paper on reliable networks, we discuss new trends in the design of reliable communication systems. We focus on a wide range of research directions including protection against software failures as well as failures of communication systems equipment. In particular, we outline future research trends in software failure mitigation, reliability of wireless communications, robust optimization and network design, multilevel...

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  • Adding Interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA



    This paper proposes a novel approach that adds the interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) via generating a decision tree. The NK-DNA is a promising knowledge representation approach for acquiring, storing, sharing, and reusing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We introduce the decision tree-based generative method for knowledge extraction and representation to make the NK-DNA more explainable. We examine...

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  • A Note on Fractional Curl Operator

    In this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...

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  • Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...

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    ISSN: 0018-1544 , eISSN: 1472-3441

  • How to Design Affect-aware Educational Systems – the AFFINT Process Approach


    - Rok 2016

    Computer systems, that support learning processes, can adapt to the needs and states of a learner. The adaptation might directly address the knowledge deficits and most tutoring systems apply an adaptable learning path of that kind. Apart from a preliminary knowledge state, there are more factors, that influence education effectiveness and among those there are fluctuating emotional states. The tutoring systems may recognize or...

  • Comparative Analysis of Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Airflow Around the Sample of Urban Development


    In this paper, on the background of a short overview of the recent advances in the field of Environmental Wind Engineering (EWE), a comparison of wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation for some cases of airflow around an urban layout have been reported. The purpose of the study is quantitative and qualitative comparison of measurements in the wind tunnel as well as numerical simulation using Ansys Fluent software. The...

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