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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CHAPERONE-USHER PATHWA

  • Automatic system for optical parameters measurements of biological tissues

    In this paper a system allowing execution of automatic measurements of optical parameters of scattering materials in an efficient and accurate manner is proposed and described. The system is designed especially for measurements of biological tissues including phantoms, which closely imitate optical characteristics of real tissue. The system has modular construction and is based on the ISEL system, luminance and color meter and...

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  • Parametrical 3D model of an asynchronous motor - AutoCAD application.


    A computer program for automatic drawing of 3D models of squirrel-cage induction motors is presented in this paper. The created model of a machine is of parametrical nature, which means that the user defines geometry of particular elements (shaft, stator core, bearing, windings etc.) on the basis dimensions and some other parameters e.g. type of bearing, kind of winding, number of slots. This program is useful for 3D modelling...

  • Improving the energy balance in wastewater treatment plants by optimization of aeration control and application of new technologies

    The methods to improve the energy balance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by optimization of aeration process control and application of innovative nitrogen removal technologies were overviewed in the study. The control of aeration based on the ABAC (Ammonia-Based Aeration Control) system allows not only for significant savings in electricity consumption, but it can also increase the efficiency of the denitrification process....

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  • Four-stroke engine with central located, dyvided combustion chamber


    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Rok 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono oryginalne rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne nowoczesnego czterosuwowego silnika spalinowego z centralnie umieszczoną, dzieloną komorą spalania. Rozwiązanie takie umożliwia znacznie lepsze wykorzystanie ciepła, co oznacza wyższą sprawność i mniejsze zużycie paliwa oraz niższą emisję szkodliwych gazów takich, jak tlenki azotu (NO2), węglowodory (HC) i dwutlenek węgla (CO2). Silnik może pracować na paliwo płynne...

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  • Czy oleje są szkodliwe dla ludzi i środowiska?


    - Rok 2005

    Ludzkość od tysięcy lat szeroko stosuje oleje w życiu codziennym, jak i w przemyśle. Stanowią one składniki potraw, leków, kosmetyków, używane są jako paliwa samochodowe i źródło ciepła i energii elektrycznej. Duże ilości przeznaczone są do produkcji farb i lakierów a także stosowane są jako przenośniki ciepła. Przetwarzanie i transport milionów ton substancji oleistych stwarza ogromne zagrożenie dla środowiska. Jak to zagrożenie...

  • Oils in the environment


    - Rok 2005

    Ludzkość od tysięcy lat szeroko stosuje oleje w życiu codziennym, jak i w przemyśle. Stanowią one składniki potraw, leków, kosmetyków, używane są jako paliwa samochodowe i źródło ciepła i energii elektrycznej. Duże ilości przeznaczone są do produkcji farb i lakierów a także stosowane są jako przenośniki ciepła. Przetwarzanie i transport milionów ton substancji oleistych stwarza ogromne zagrożenie dla środowiska. Jak to zagrożenie...

  • Enzyme Conjugation - A Promising Tool for Bio-catalytic and Biotransformation Applications – A Review

    • M. A. Muneer
    • S. Fatima
    • N. Hussain
    • T. Mashifana
    • A. Sayed
    • G. Boczkaj
    • M. S. R. Rajoka

    - TOPICS IN CATALYSIS - Rok 2024

    Enzymes have revolutionized conventional industrial catalysts as more efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable substitutes that can be used in different biotechnological processes, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Yet, the enzymes from nature are engineered to make them adapt and enhance their durability in the industrial environment. One promising approach involves the combined use of multiple enzymes that catalyze highly...

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  • Molecular mechanism of proton-coupled ligand translocation by the bacterial efflux pump EmrE

    The current surge in bacterial multi-drug resistance (MDR) is one of the largest challenges to public health, threatening to render ineffective many therapies we rely on for treatment of serious infections. Understanding different factors that contribute to MDR is hence crucial from the global “one health” perspective. In this contribution, we focus on the prototypical broad-selectivity proton-coupled antiporter EmrE, one of the...

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  • The effect of sunscreen 4‐methylbenzylidene camphor in different and reproductive models, its bioaccumulation and molecular effects on ligand‐receptor interaction, and protein expression

    • C. Lax
    • E. Wicksell
    • A. Grip
    • J. V. L. Niemi
    • W. Liu
    • A. Rafeletou
    • B. Kudłak
    • H. B. Schiöth


    4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) is a photo-absorbing UV filter prevalently used in cosmetics, which can be absorbed into circulation and cause systemic effects. 4-MBC is continued to be released in the environment despite the growing knowledge about its bioaccumulation and endocrine disrupting effects. Previous reviews have mentioned UV-filter together but this review considers 4-MBC alone, due to its prevalence and concerning...

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  • Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study



    ABSTRACT Laser illuminated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) efficiently absorb light and heat up the surrounding medium, leading to versatile applications ranging from plasmonic catalysis to cancer photothermal therapy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the thermal, optical, and electron induced reaction pathways is required. Here, the electrophilic DNA nucleobase analog 5-Bromouracil (BrU) has been used as a model compound to...

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  • A systematic retrieval of international competitiveness literature: a bibliometric study


    Over the last three decades there has been growing interest in international competitiveness research. However, as evidenced by the academic literature, there is a lack of systematic chronological studies synthesizing how this field has evolved over time. The main aim of this paper is to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness in the discipline of economics by using a new method: a...

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  • Proportional-Derivative and Model-based Controllers used for a Serial Type Manipulator in case of a Variable Mass Payload


    - Rok 2017

    In the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass system is considered. Its reference example is a serial-like manipulator composed of revolute joints and rigid bodies. Payload of its gripper is considered as its variable mass element (mass and inertia irregularly between subsequent payloads). For the rest of the system, inertia parameters are considered as known (precisely identified during the assembling process)....

  • Caffeine Inhibits Differentiation Of Lung Cancer Stem Cells By Modulating Their Respiratory Metabolism

    It is ell established that many tumor types contain a fraction of cells, with stem cell-like properties, called cancer stem cells (CSCs), that are resistant to apoptosis induced by therapeutic agents. The presence of CSCs may explain why a standard anticancer treatment, that eliminates only differentiated cancer cells, does not lead to cancer cure.We previously showed the existence of caffeine-sensitive mechanism that controls...

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  • High-Resolution, Broad-Range Detection Setup for Polarimetric Optical Fiber Sensors


    A common-path polarization interferometer using a Wollaston prism and an area detector for the measurement of retardation or optical path difference is presented. Employing a moderate-resolution 1280 by 1024 pixel monochrome camera, it offers a measurement range of approximately 780 radians at 830 nm and 1350 radians at 515 nm while maintaining a high measurement resolution. Retardation introduced by a zero-order waveplate or a...

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  • Zautomatyzowane pomiary rezystywności i ruchliwości w tlenkach półprzewodnikowych SnO2


    - Rok 2009

    Rozdział opisuje pomiar rezystywności zmodyfikowaną metodą van der pauwa, oraz ruchliwości nośników metodą hallowską. w pracy opisano stanowisko pomiarowe. zaprezentowano program komputerowy niezbędny do przeprowadzenia pomiarów, a także wyniki pomiarów elektrycznych cienkiej warstwy tlenku cyny. badana warstwa została naniesiona na szklane podłoże metodą rozpylania magnetronowego.

  • Evaluation of Face Detection Algorithms for the Bank Client Identity Verification

    Results of investigation of face detection algorithms efficiency in the banking client visual verification system are presented. The video recordings were made in real conditions met in three bank operating outlets employing a miniature industrial USB camera. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide...

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  • Challenges in providing support for management of evidence-based arguments

    The paper considers selected challenges related to the application of evidence based arguments and maps them on the tool support level. In particular, we consider: communication and teamwork, handling large arguments, evidence management and integration, argument assessment and communication, change control and reporting, evidence reuse, user data security and argument portfolio management. Then we explain how these challenges...

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  • Human-computer interactions in speech therapy using a blowing interface


    In this paper we present a new human-computer interface for the quantitative measurement of blowing activities. The interface can measure the air flow and air pressure during the blowing activity. The measured values are stored and used to control the state of the graphical objects in the graphical user interface. In speech therapy children will find easier to play attractive therapeutic games than to perform repetitive and tedious,...

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  • SMAQ - A Semantic Model for Analitical Queries


    - Rok 2014

    While the Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) becomes an important part of organizational BI solutions there is a great need for new tools allowing to construct ad-hoc queries by users with various responsibilities and skills. The paper presents a Semantic Model for Analytical Queries – SMAQ allowing to construct queries by users familiar with business events and terms, but being unaware of database or data warehouse concepts...

  • Introducing agile practices into development processes of safety critical software


    In this paper we present AgileSafe - a method which supports introduction of agile practices into safety-critical software development processes. To represent safety assurance constraints resulting from the regulatory context, AgileSafe uses assurance case patterns. The knowledge base of AgileSafe helps the user to select the agile practices relevant for the considered software development project. The corresponding assurance case...

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    - Rok 2016

    In this paper we present our approach to RecSys Challenge 2015. Given a set of e-commerce events, the task is to predict whether a user will buy something in the current session and, if yes, which of the item will be bought. We show that the data preparation and enrichment are very important in finding the solution for the challenge and that simple ideas and intuitions could lead to satisfactory results. We also show that simple...

  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Rok 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Toward Intelligent Recommendations Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper we propose a novel recommendation approach using past news click data and the Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA). The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation method designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We examine our approach for news recommendation tasks on the MIND benchmark dataset. By taking advantages of NK-DNA, deep...

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  • Minimising the Churn Out of the Service by Using a Fairness Mechanism


    The paper proposes an algorithm of bandwidth distribution, ensuring fairness to end-users in computer networks. The proposed algorithm divides users into satisfied and unsatisfied users. It provides fairness in terms of quality of experience (QoE) for satisfied users and quality of service (QoS) for unsatisfied users. In this paper, we present detailed comparisons relevant to service providers to show the advantages of the proposed...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Zr alloys are widely used as materials for nuclear fuel pellets in the nuclear industry. In the case of the LOCA or RIA happen, a temperature may locally reach high values. Even if the high temperature maintains shortly, the zirconium oxides may become permeable, absorb hydrogen appearing in cooling water from decomposition reaction and crack because of formation and brittle failure of hydrides. Such model cannot so far take into...

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  • Use of waste heat to improve the conditions of the piston engines start up


    - Rok 2012

    Zespoły prądotwórcze z tłokowymi silnikami spalinowymi są obecnie powszechne stosowane jako awaryjne źródła energii elektrycznej albo elektrownie uzupełniające niedobory energii czy stabilizujące częstotliwość. Ich czas rozruchu powinien być krótki - poniżej 5 minut w przypadku dużych mocy. Zużycie silnika, zużycie paliwa i emisji spalin są silnie uzależnione od stanu cieplnego przed rozruchem. Przedstawiono pomiary laboratoryjne...

  • Zastosowanie absorpcyjnego urządzenia chłodniczego do poprawy efektywności pracy zespołu turbiny gazowej


    Wykazano analitycznie wpływ obniżenia temperatury powietrza atmosferycznego na wzrost mocy zespołu turbiny gazowej lub obniżenia zużycia paliwa. Wyznaczono efekty energetyczne i ekonomiczne dla ciepłowniczego zespołu turbiny gazowej możliwe do uzyskania podczas statystycznego sezonu. Ponadto dla skrajnych warunków temperaturowych sezonu letniego określono moc absorpcyjnego urządzenia chłodniczego niezbędnego do schłodzenia powietrza...

  • Wstępna ocena wyników nadzorowanej eksploatacji autobusów miejskich w Słupsku zasilanych paliwem E95


    Przedstawiono uwarunkowania, które doprowadziły do produkcji przez koncern Scania autobusów miejskich z silnikami o zapłonie samoczynnym zasilanymi pali-wem etanolowym E95. Podano zmiany konstrukcyjne silników oraz zalety i wady etanolu jako paliwa. Przedstawiono problemy związane z eksploatacją w Miejskim Zakładzie Komunikacji w Słupsku autobusów Scania OmniLink z takimi silnikami. Opisano warunki pracy autobusów w ramach wykonywanych...

  • The Relationship between Gene Activity and Nitrous Oxide Production during Nitrification in Activated Sludge Systems


    - Rok 2017

    Nitrite is an important factor which inhibits the first stage of the nitrification, the effect is stronger with the decrease of the DO concentrations. NO2- presence at concentration above 15 mg N – NO2 in the aeration tanks stimulates N2O production regardless of the DO concentration. The significant nirS gene induction, observed especially during the experiments with the nitrite addition indicates that N2O production is basically...

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  • Wykorzystanie matematycznego modelu silnika w zadaniach optymalizacji sterowania układem napędowym pojazdu


    - Rok 2005

    W Katedrze Silników Spalinowych i Sprężarek od wielu lat prowadzone są prace na temat wykorzystania modelu silnika w optymalizacji statycznej i dynamicznej. Dzięki użyciu takich narzędzi jak model silnika i pojazdu możliwe jest ograniczenie zużycia paliwa przy jednoczesnym obniżeniu lub zachowaniu poziomu emisji związków szkodliwych w spalinach. Na rysunku 1 zamieszczono schemat wykorzystania modelu matematycznego silnika, pojazdu...

  • Zintegrowany regionalny system gromadzenia i analizy danych energetyczno-środowiskowych


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono strukturę serwisu internetowego ewidencji opłat za użytkowanie środowiska systemu. Częścią systemu jest baza danych wykorzystywana jako narzędzie ewidencji zużycia energii i emisji zanieczyszczeń w podziale na powiaty, sektory gospodarki i paliwa. Dane zbierane w systemie mogą być wykorzystane do obliczeń depozycji zanieczyszczeń i oceny zagrożenia ekosystemów za pomocą polskiej wersji modelu RAINS. Model ten na drodze...

  • Badania i analiza uwarunkowań propagacyjnych w środowisku uprzemysłowionym


    - Rok 2013

    Główne osiągnięcia rozprawy: - wykonanie – zgodnie z wymaganiami normatywnymi zawartymi w zaleceniach ITU-R – nowatorskich badań tłumienia sygnału radiowego na terenie Głębokowodnego Terminalu Kontenerowego (ang. Deepwater Container Terminal - DCT) w Gdańsku i zebranie obszernego materiału pomiarowego, liczącego blisko 290 tysięcy przypadków propagacyjnych, - przeprowadzenie statystycznych badań przydatności wybranych znanych modeli...

  • Consciousness Study of Subjects with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Employing Multimodal Interfaces


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a novel multimodal-based methodology for consciousness study of individuals with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Two interfaces were employed in the experiments: eye gaze tracking system – CyberEye developed at the Multimedia Systems Department, and EEG device with electrode placement in the international 10-20 standard. It was a pilot study for checking if it is possible to determine objective methods based...

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  • Reactions of the Lithiated DiphosphinetBu2P-P(SiMe3)Li with [(η6-C6H6)RuCl2]2in the Presence of Tertiary Phosphines


    tBu2P–P(SiMe3)Li reacted with [(η6-C6H6)RuCl2]2at–40 °C in the presence of PR3(PR3=PEt3,PEt2Ph, PEtPh2) by the nucleophilic addition of the tBu2P–P(SiMe3) moiety to the benzene ring to yield solely the complexes [(R3P)2Ru(Cl)-{η5-C6H6(Me3SiP–PtBu2)}] (1). These products decomposed slowly at ambient temperature to yield benzene, Ru clusters, and small amounts of the dinuclear ruthenium complexes [{(R3P)2Ru}2(μ,η2:2-P2)2Ru(PR3)2](Ru–Ru)(6)....

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  • Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of tetrahydroquinolinones and tetrahydroquinolines with anticancer activity

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Europe and the United States and the second leading cause of cancer related mortality. A therapeutic strategy used for the treatment of CRC involves targeting the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we synthesized a series of novel tetrahydroquinolinones and assessed their ability to inhibit CRC growth and proliferation by evoking...

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  • Laser Beam as a Precision Tool to Increase Fatigue Resistance in an Eyelet of Undercarriage Drag Strut

    The article contains the results of tests on a laser-processed eyelet of undercarriage drag strut to increase its fatigue strength. Laser processing concentrated on both sides around the hole of eye for connecting the undercarriage drag strut caused that the material in this area withstood more than twice the number of load cycles established for this material. In order to determine the reasons for the increase in fatigue strength,...

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  • YADE - An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems

    • V. Angelidakis
    • K. Boschi
    • K. Brzeziński
    • R. Caulk
    • B. Chareyre
    • C. A. del Valle
    • J. Duriez
    • A. Gladky
    • D. L. van der Haven
    • J. Kozicki... i 3 innych


    This contribution presents the key elements of YADE, an extensible open-source framework for dynamic simulations. During the past 19 years, YADE has evolved from "Yet Another Dynamic Engine"' to a versatile multiscale and multiphysics solver, counting a large, active, and growing community of users and developers. The computationally intense parts of the source code are written in C++, using flexible object models that allow for...

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  • Combining MUSHRA Test and Fuzzy Logic in the Evaluation of Benefits of Using Hearing Prostheses


    - Electronics - Rok 2023

    Assessing the effectiveness of hearing aid fittings based on the benefits they provide is crucial but intricate. While objective metrics of hearing aids like gain, frequency response, and distortion are measurable, they do not directly indicate user benefits. Hearing aid performance assessment encompasses various aspects, such as compensating for hearing loss and user satisfaction. The authors suggest enhancing the widely used...

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  • Point cloud unification with optimization algorithm

    Terrestrial laser scanning is a technology that enables to obtain three-dimensional data – an accurate representation of reality. During scanning not only desired objects are measured, but also a lot of additional elements. Therefore, unnecessary data is being removed, what has an impact on efficiency of point cloud processing. It can happen while single point clouds are displayed – user decides what he wants...

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Machine learning for the management of biochar yield and properties of biomass sources for sustainable energy

    • G. V. Nguyen
    • P. Sharma
    • Ü. Ağbulut
    • H. S. Le
    • T. H. Truong
    • M. Dzida
    • M. H. Tran
    • H. C. Le
    • V. D. Tran

    - Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr - Rok 2024

    Biochar is emerging as a potential solution for biomass conversion to meet the ever increasing demand for sustainable energy. Efficient management systems are needed in order to exploit fully the potential of biochar. Modern machine learning (ML) techniques, and in particular ensemble approaches and explainable AI methods, are valuable for forecasting the properties and efficiency of biochar properly. Machine-learning-based forecasts,...

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  • Insights in microbiotechnology: 2022.Editorial


    This Research Topic serves as an invaluable resource for readers interested in staying updated with the latest progress and developments in the field of microbiotechnology. It spotlights the innovative research conducted by up-and-coming experts in the field, specifically emphasizing the transforming abilities of microorganisms that greatly influence the scientific community. The advent of multi-omic technologies has revolutionized microbiotechnology,...

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  • System Loss Model for Body-to-Body Networks in Indoor and Outdoor Environments


    - Rok 2023

    A system loss model for body-to-body networks in indoor and outdoor environments is proposed in this paper, based on measurements taken at 2.45 GHz. The influence of the type of environment, antenna visibility and user mobility on model parameters has been investigated. A significant impact of mutual antennas’ placement and their visibility is shown. The proposed model fits well to empirical data, with the average root mean square...

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  • Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition



    A Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. A knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game,...

  • Personal adaptive tuning of mobile computer audio

    An integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences....

  • Speace frienly for the blind = Przestrzeń przyjazna dla niewidomych


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents issues connected with accessibility of public space for people with eyesight disabilities. The use of the extravisual spatial stimuli in shaping the urban environment has been analysed. Spaces in which musltisensory spatial reception is feasible become user-friendly, as they come to meet the changing needs of their users. The article introduces a system of textures aiding spatial orientation, navigation and...

  • WSN for intelligent street lighting system

    In this article authors propose to apply WSN to intelligent street lighting system. As a result of such a combination one obtains a system designed to increase functionality of light installations for a wide range of applications and introduce a platform for new additional services, which meets current and future user needs. The system is composed of WSN nodes integrated with light sources based on high power LED diodes, which...

  • An approach to determining tinnitus acoustical characteristic


    For many treatment methods, accurate estimation of Tinnitus(ringing in ears) concerning sound type, level, and bandwidth or frequency is inevitable. The proposed way of obtaining Tinnitus parameters is described in this paper. The method employs sound synthesis, aimed at obtaining sound which is closest to perceived Tinnitus. The proposed method assumes running a designed application on a multimedia PC provided with a special graphical...

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  • On adaptive selection of estimation bandwidth for analysis of locally stationary multivariate processes


    - Rok 2016

    When estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, related to the effective width of the local analysis window. The choice should comply with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive estimation variance. The paper presents a novel method...

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  • Bondage number of grid graphs


    The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of G. Here we study the bondage number of some grid-like graphs. In this sense, we obtain some bounds or exact values of the bondage number of some strong product and direct product of two paths.

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