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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BUSTRIP

  • Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the full-scale cfd simulations


    - Rok 2020

    The ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflect very difficult operational conditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft, B-bow...

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  • Regulacje prawne dotyczące wykorzystywania komórek macierzystych oraz hybryd cytoplazmatycznych w wybranych krajach europejskich. Legal Regulations for the Use of Stem Cells and Cytoplasmic Hybrids in Selected European Countrie.

    • M. Szczepaniec
    • M. Grotowska
    • Ł. Rosiak
    • A. Miśkiewicz
    • D. Szwedziak

    - Zeszyty Prawnicze - Rok 2019

    "Przedmiotem publikacji jest analiza rozwiązań regulacji prawnych w wybranych państwach europejskich w zakresie badań przeprowadzanych przy użyciu komórek macierzystych o różnym pochodzeniu: z embrionów, hybryd cytoplazmatycznych oraz indukowanych pluripotencjalnych komórek macierzystych. Artykuł przedstawia obecną sytuację na gruncie polskiego ustawodawstwa, a następnie omawia zastosowane rozwiązania prawne we Włoszech, Hiszpanii,...

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  • Efektywność naukowa uczelni publicznych


    Artykuł prezentuje kluczowe wnioski z badań będących podstawą raportu "Produktywnośćnaukowa wyższych szkół publicznychw Polsce. Bibliometryczna analizaporównawcza''. W badaniu przeanalizowano grupę291 europejskich uczelni publicznychw latach 1995-2008. W badaniu ujęto34 uczelnie z Polski (uniwersytety orazpolitechniki), porównując ich aktywnośćpublikacyjną do szkół wyższych z Austrii,Finlandii, Niemiec, Włoch, Szwajcariii Wielkiej...

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  • Kolektory słoneczne w Unii Europejskiej.


    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono wykorzystanie energii słonecznej do przygotowania ciepłej wody użytkowej oraz do celów grzewczych. w 15 krajach Unii Europejskiej. Pokazano rozwój systemów solarnych na poziomie UE, jak i w krajach członkowskich UE. Wskazano na możliwy do wykorzystania w przyszłości potencjał energii słonecznej w poszczególnych krajach członkowskich UE. W końcowej części referatu przedstawiono szczegółowe informacje dotyczące wykorzystania...

  • Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the Full-scale CFD simulations – case study


    - Rok 2019

    The ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflects very difficult operational con-ditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft,...

  • Random field model of foundations at the example of continuous footing

    The purpose of the paper is to indicate an efficient method of foundation settlement analysis taking into account the variability of soil properties. The impact of the random variable distribution (Gauss or Lognormal) describing soil stiffness on foundation deposits was assessed. The Monte Carlo simulation method was applied in the computations. The settlements of the strip foundation with the subsoil described by a single random...

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  • Methods of Cyclist Training in Europe


    - Sustainability - Rok 2023

    The following study aims to address the issue of cyclist training methodologies. Recent European bicycle accident statistics reveal a troubling upward trend. A potential solution to mitigate such incidents involves providing cyclists with comprehensive training encompassing traffic regulations and interactions with fellow road users. We conducted a comparative analysis of the cycling education approaches and cyclist training systems...

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  • Novel doubly perforated broadband microstrip branch-line couplers

    Two broadband compact doubly perforated hybrid couplers have been designed, manufactured, and measured. To improve frequency characteristics and to reduce circuit dimensions, two kinds of perforations have been introduced: the defected ground structures in the ground plane metallization and photonic bandgap cells in the strip metallization. Measurement results show essential miniaturization (~39% and ~36%) and enhancement of the...

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  • The Process of Building Civil Society against the Shortcomings of Polish Planning Legislation


    - Rok 2014

    The article presents the main assumptions of the project of Coastal Strip development in Gdansk. According to the authors best knowledge this is the first pro publico bono project in Poland in a large area of the city formed on the initiative of and elaborated by the city's inhabitants supported by two NGOs. Successive stages of the project preparation are discussed on the background of the shortcomings of Polish planning law...

  • Z Politechniki do Berkeley - sprawozdanie ze stażu naukowego na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim, Berkeley (USA)


    W artykule przedstawiono sprawozdanie ze stażu naukowego na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim, Berkeley (USA) w ramach którego realizowany był projekt: „Analiza komparatywna efektywności działalności uczelni europejskich i amerykańskich”. Główne rezultaty przeprowadzonych prac to: •baza danych zawierająca informacje nt. 353 uczelni z 10 państw europejskich (Austrii, Finlandii, Holandii, Hiszpanii, Niemiec, Polski, Włoch, Szwajcarii,...

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  • RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna for V2X Applications in 802.11p Frequency Band


    In this paper, we have proposed direction-of arrival (DoA) estimation of incoming signals for V2X applications in 802. 11p frequency band, based on recording of received signal strength (RSS) at electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna's output port. The motivation of the work was to prove that ESPAR antenna used to increase connectivity and security in V2X communication can...

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  • Reduced order model of 2d system


    - Rok 2010

    A new method of modelling is developed for static and dynamic analysis of two-dimensional elastic bodies. In the analysis, an elastic body is divided into strips. For each one-dimensional strip the reduced modal model is build up. The modal model contains appropriate number of inputs and outputs to connect lumped interaction that occur between strips. Proposed method of modelling enables to obtain more accurate and more simple...

  • Novel microstrip low-pass filters with fractal defected ground structures

    In this study, three microstrip low-pass filters (LPFs) containing fractal-shaped defected ground structures have been designed and manufactured. To improve the performance of microstrip LPF, cascades of inductively coupled fractal resonators have been applied. Simultaneously, to achieve relatively constant microstrip impedance resulting in essentially low reflection losses, a modification of the strip geometry has been introduced....

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  • Ekologiczna sanitacja. Część I – rozdział i zagospodarowanie ścieków szarych


    W ostatnich latach, szczególnie w Europie Zachodniej (Niemcy, Austria, Szwajcaria) i krajach skandynawskich (Szwecja, Norwegia), zaobserwować można coraz większe zainteresowanie sanitacją ekologiczną (w jęz. ang. Ecological Sanitation). Zrównoważoną sanitację można zdefiniować jako sanitację, która chroni i promuje zdrowie ludzkie, nie przyczyniając się do degradacji środowiska, jest technicznie dopasowana oraz ekonomicznie akceptowalna....

  • The new measures of the population ageing


    - Rok 2005

    Zestarzenie się populacji mierzy sie zwykle frakcją osób starszych. Miara ta nie uwzględnia rozkładu wieku wśród osób starszych. W pracy przedstawiane są nowe miary zestarzenia się populacji, których ideę zaczerpnięto z ekonomiki ubóstwa: absolutna luka wiekowa AG, relatywna luka wiekowa RAG, syntetyczna miara HRAG=HCR. RAG oraz syntetyczna miara P2. Te nowe miary testowo analizując proces zestarzenia się w 4 krajach europejskich...

  • Centra handlowe na dworcu


    - Rok 2007

    Centrum handlowe na dworcu łączy w sobie dwie idee: 1) wielkopowierzchniowego centrum usługowo-handlowego w śródmieściu, 2) centrum opartego o węzeł komunikacyjny - pomysłu zaczerpniętego ze stref wolnocłowych, realizowanych na lotniskach. Ogromną wartość komercyjną nieruchomości kolejowych odkryto w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku. Od tego czasu realizowany jest szereg programów: "Projekte 21" w Niemczech (od 1993), "Bahnhofsoffensive"...

  • Eurozone or National Inflation Projections: Which has Greater Impact on Consumer Expectations?


    - PANOECONOMICUS - Rok 2021

    We compare the dependence of consumer inflation expectations on European Central Bank (ECB) inflation projections with that on national central bank (NCB) projections in four economies: Austria, Belgium, Finland, and Germany. We aim to assess whether the information published by central banks affects consumers, and whether inflation projections published by NCBs are more relevant to consumers than those published for the entire...

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  • A compact seven-section rat-race hybrid coupler incorporating pbg cells

    A conventional rat-race coupler has been doubly miniaturized: (i) characteristic impedances and electrical lengths of microstrip sections have been adequately modified as the first step of size reduction and (ii) T-shaped PBG cells have been implemented to diminish strip section length as the second step of circuit rat-race couplerminiaturization. The experimental results show good agreement with theoretical characteristics. Furthermore,...

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  • Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures


    Within the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface. The considered problem is a discrete analog of an elastic half-space with surface stresses modelled through the simplified Gurtin–Murdoch model, where we have an interfacial line separating areas with different surface...

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  • Identification of Shear Modulus Parameters of Half-space Inhomogeneous by Depth


    - AIP Conference Proceedings - Rok 2019

    The paper propose a method for determining of the parameters of the exponential shear modulus of a functionally graded half-space based on the solution of the problem of a pure shear of an elastic functionally graded half-space by a strip punch. The solution of the integral equation of the contact problem is constructed by asymptotic methods with respect to the dimensionless parameter. The dependence of contact stresses on the...

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  • Wydatki na infrastrukturę stadionową w ramach Euro 2012 i źródła ich finansowania

    Opracowanie podejmuje tematykę wydatków na infrastrukturę stadionową i źródła ich finansowania na przykładzie Mistrzostw Europy w Piłce Nożnej w 2012 roku. Autor w pierwszej części opracowania dokonuje analizy porównawczej wydatków na infrastrukturę stadionową oraz struktury ich finansowania (w podziale na fundusze prywatne i publiczne) realizowanych w ramach przygotowań do wielkoformatowych imprez sportowych ostatnich lat: Mistrzostw...

  • Nightscape in the E-city. Lighting Public Space in the 21st Century


    Rozdział porusza kwestię oświetlenia sztucznego w przestrzeniach publicznych współczesnego miasta. Temat ten zaprezentowany został na tle obecnych tendencji kształtowania wizerunku przestrzeni publicznych oraz poparty krótkim rysem historycznym. Aspekt podzielony jest na dwie kategorie - pierwszą, w której oświetlenie bazuje na zmiennych sceneriach przestrzeni z wykorzystaniem głównie ekranów medialnych, oraz drugą, w której mamy...

  • Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange

    The initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation...

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  • Bankruptcy Law Severity for Debtors: Comparative Analysis Among Selected Countries


    - European Research Studies Journal - Rok 2020

    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to propose the new indicator of bankruptcy law severity for debtors (BLSI-Bankruptcy Law Severity Index). On the basis of this index we conducted comparative analysis of debtor/creditor friendliness of bankruptcy laws among 27 selected countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research the following methods were used: analysis of legal acts, literature review and expert method. Findings:...

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  • 3D scanning system for railway current collector contact strips

    Undisturbed collection of current from a contact wire of the catenary constitutes one of the basic elements in reliable operation of electrified rail transport, particularly when vehicles move at high speed. Quality of current collection is influenced by the construction of catenary and current collectors, as well as by the technical condition and regulation of these two elements. Total contact force of a current collector head...

  • Representation of magnetic hysteresis in tape wound core using feedback Preisach model

    This paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in ferromagnetic tape wound core. The feedback scalar Preisach model of hysteresis is used to simulate magnetic behavior of the grain oriented silicon strip of ET114-27 type. Determination of B-H hysteretic curve is based on measurement of the initial magnetization curve and the main hysteresis loop. The Preisach distribution function (PDF) of ET114-27 material...

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    Zaspa is a neighbourhood in Gdansk with a long locational history and numerous build-ups. It is situated in a complex landscape between the coastal strip and moraine hills. The housing estates built here in the 1970s followed the postulates of modernist urbanism, ignoring the topographical and natural specifics and the regional heritage. The result was an ergonomic but anonymous space with many current strengths...

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  • Miniature reconfigurable antenna

    • R. Baranowski

    - Rok 2020

    This work concerns the design of a miniature, low-profile reconfigurable antenna based on Huygens metamaterial sources for frequency f0 = 2.45 GHz. Two planar Huygens sources were designed consisting of near-field resonators. Sources are excited from a specially designed reconfigurable control system. Thanks to the two PIN diodes, the system can realize two cardioid radiation characteristics with...

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  • Investigation of Continuous Wave Jamming in an IEEE 802.15.4 Network


    This paper presents how continuous wave jamming affects IEEE 802.15.4 network. To this end, an office-based measurement setup has been proposed. Within the measurement area, 25 nodes have been set up in order to create a IEEE 802.15.4 tree-based test network structure. A dedicated jamming device that generates and transmits a continuous wave signal has been developed. Several tests have been conducted and presented to demonstrate...

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  • Wear estimation of current collector contact strips by analysis of a 3D scanning results

    The technical condition of current collector contact strips is very important when operational reliability of railway transportation is considered. The authors proposed a novel measurement system based on a 3D camera to register the shape and dimensions of the current collector contact strips surface. The system was installed above the railway track for tests in target ambient. During the trial operation a few dozen of contact...

  • Design and optimization of a novel miniaturized low-profile circularly polarized wide-slot antenna

    This paper presents a novel structure of a compact circularly polarized (CP) antenna. CP is obtained using a parasitic quasi-rectangular strip placed coplanar to the feedline. A ground plane perturbation combined with the asymmetric geometry of the coplanar waveguide ground planes is utilized to excite additional CP modes. All antenna dimensions are rigorously optimized to achieve the best possible performance in terms of the impedance...

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  • Simple Superstrate Antenna for Connectivity Improvement in Precision Farming Applications

    In this paper, a concept of a simple circularly polarized antenna with partially reflecting surface (PRS) has been adopted for precision farming applications. The investigation contains an analysis of the dependence of the antenna performance on the elements number in the PRS structure in X- and Ka-band frequencies. Especially meaningful parameters from point-to-point connectivity perspective are...

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  • Banking concentration in the Baltic and Western Balkan states — selected issues


    Research background: In a rapidly changing economic environment companies deepen their cooperation, which entails in all sectors of the economy. The progressive increase in market concentration, especially in the banking sector, is caused by various reasons. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to compare the tendencies within market structures in few countries which origin from similar political systems and...

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  • "Raport z wstępnych badań własności stali trudnościeralnej 460HB",. ang "Report on preliminary tests of the properties of wear-resistant steel 460HB"


    - Rok 2022

    Mikrostrukturę badanej stali trudnościeralnej 460HB stanowi drobnoziarnisty martenzyt odpuszczony, który jest właściwy dla stali konstrukcyjnych niskowęglowych, niskostopowych ulepszonych cieplnie. W przypadku blach grubych, do których zalicza się badana stal, struktura może ulec zaburzeniu, jeżeli w hutniczym procesie wytwórczym wystąpiła niejednorodność odkształcenia plastycznego i w konsekwencji tworzenie się pasm segregacyjnych,...

  • Novel MNZ-type microwave sensor for testing magnetodielectric materials


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2020

    A novel microwave sensor with the mu-near-zero (MNZ) property is proposed for testing magnetodielectric material at 4.5 GHz. The sensor has a double-layer design consisting of a microstrip line and a metal strip with vias on layers 1 and 2, respectively. The proposed sensor can detect a unit change in relative permittivity and relative permeability with a difference in the operating frequency of 45 MHz and 78 MHz, respectively....

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  • Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to bow slamming load


    Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to the bow slamming load, resulting in a transient vibratory response, typically called a 'whip-ping', is presented. The accurate numerical modelling is very complex and involves cou-pling of the hydrodynamic and structural solution at every time step, leading to huge com-putational and workload cost. Thus, the one-way coupling methodology is adopted,...

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  • Size effect in concrete under splitting tension


    The size effect is a fundamental phenomenon in concrete materials. It denotes that both the nominal structural strength and material ductility always decrease with increasing element size under tension. In the paper splitting tensile tests on cylindrical concrete specimens with the different diameter were carried out. Two types of the loading strip (plywood board and steel cylinder) were used. The concrete strength and ductility...

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  • Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy


    - Rok 2018

    In the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...

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  • Miniaturization of ESPAR Antenna Using Low-Cost 3D Printing Process


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, the miniaturized electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna is presented. The size reduction was obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in polylactic acid (PLA) plastic material commonly used in low-cost 3D printing. The influence of 3D printing process imperfections on the ESPAR antenna design is investigated and a simple yet effective method to...

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  • Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...

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  • A Study of Mutual Coupling Suppression between Two Closely Spaced Planar Monopole Antenna Elements for 5G New Radio Massive MIMO System Applications


    - Electronics - Rok 2023

    5G NR (new radio) introduces the concept of massive MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) technology, in which a larger number of antenna arrays are installed on the transceiver. Due to the increased number of antenna elements allocated close to each other (approximately at half-wavelength distance), mutual coupling becomes a serious problem leading to performance degradation of the MIMO communication system. In this communication,...

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    The paper describes experimental and numerical results of quasi-static splitting tensile tests on concrete specimens at meso-scale level. The loading strip was made of plywood or steel. Fracture in concrete was detected at the aggregate level by means of three non-destructive methods: 3D x-ray micro-computed tomography, 2D scanning electron microscope and manual 2D digital microscope. The discrete element method was used to directly...

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  • Non-standard contact conditions in generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body

    Generalized continuum theories involve non-standard boundary conditions that are associated with the additional kinematic variables introduced in those theories, e.g., higher gradients of the displacement field or additional kinematic degrees of freedom. Accordingly, formulation of a contact problem for such a continuum necessarily requires that adequate contact conditions are formulated for the additional kinematic variables and/or...

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  • A Broadband Circularly Polarized Wide-Slot Antenna with a Miniaturized Footprint

    This letter presents a novel and simple feeding technique for exciting orthogonal components in a wide-slot antenna. In this technique, a rectangular bracket-shape parasitic strip is placed at the open end of the straight microstrip line to excite the fundamental horizontal and vertical components of the circular polarization (CP). The proposed technique—when employed in conjunction with the asymmetrical geometry of coplanar waveguide...

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  • A Geometrically Simple Compact Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna


    A compact broadband wide-slot circular polarization (CP) antenna is proposed. An inverted L-shape parasitic strip at the open end of a microstrip line extension and a slot modification is applied to attain wideband CP. The advantage of this technique is simplicity which makes it readily re-designable for different frequency bands. To demonstrate the concept, three designs working at different frequencies are obtained. The redesign...

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  • Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects

    • F. Erman
    • D. Mansour
    • M. Kouali
    • A. Shabaneh
    • L. Leifsson
    • S. Kozieł
    • E. Hanafi

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    This article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...

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  • Characterization of the Functionally Graded Shear Modulus of a Half-Space


    - Mathematics - Rok 2020

    In this article, a method is proposed for determining parameters of the exponentialy varying shear modulus of a functionally graded half-space. The method is based on the analytical solution of the problem of pure shear of an elastic functionally graded half-space by a strip punch. The half-space has the depth-wise exponential variation of its shear modulus, whose parameters are to be determined. The problem is reduced to an integral...

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  • Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach

    In this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely...

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  • Dworzec kolejowy - jaki był, jaki jest i jaki być powinien


    Jeśli pasażerski transport kolejowy nie ma być traktowany w Polsce jedynie jako transport niszowy, musi się zmienić filozofia myślenia nie tylko w zakresie modernizacji linii kolejowych, zakupu nowego taboru i kształtowania przyjaznych podróżnym rozkładów jazdy, ale również w kierunku poprawy jakości miejsc oczekiwania na pociągi oraz warunków przesiadki z jednych na inne środki transportu. Wzorem innych krajów winien być w Polsce...

  • Wavelet transform-based approach to defect identification in railway carbon contact strips.

    Pantographs of electric rail vehicles are fitted with carbon contact strips, which slide along the contact wire of catenary to provide constant electrical contact. Contact strips are exposed to wear and damages. Using damaged contact strips significantly increases the risk of catenary rupture. Therefore, their technical condition has to be inspected frequently. In previous work a 3D laser scanning system was proposed for recording...

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