Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: chords - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: chords

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: chords

  • Glukozynolany: znaczenie i metody oznaczania

    Warzywa krzyżowe wzbudzają zainteresowanie badaczy jako potencjalne źródło substancji mogących znaleźć zastosowanie w profilaktyce chorób nowotworowych. Przeciwrakotwórcze właściwości tych roślin wiązane są z obecnością glukozynolanów i produktów ich rozkładu, tj. izotiocyjanianów i indoli, które wykazują wiele aktywności biologicznych istotnych z punktu widzenia chemoprewencji nowotworów. Wspomniane związki mają również aktywność...

  • Processing of LiDAR and Multibeam Sonar Point Cloud Data for 3D Surface and Object Shape Reconstruction


    Unorganised point cloud dataset, as a transitional data model in several applications, usually contains a considerable amount of undesirable irregularities, such as strong variability of local point density, missing data, overlapping points and noise caused by scattering characteristics of the environment. For these reasons, further processing of such data, e.g. for construction of higher order geometric models of the topography...

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  • Multibeam data processing for 3D object shape reconstruction


    The technology of hydroacoustic scanning offers an efficient and widely-used source of geospatial information regarding underwater environments, providing measurement data which usually have the structure of irregular groups of points known as point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a different form of representation based on representing surfaces with simple geometric structures, such as edges and facets,...

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  • Fast bubble dynamics and sizing



    Single bubble sizing is usually performed by measuring the resonant bubble response using the Dual Frequency Ultrasound Method. However, in practice, the use of millisecond-duration chirp-like waves yields nonlinear distortions of the bubble oscillations. In comparison with the resonant curve obtained under harmonic excitation, it was observed that the bubble dynamic response shifted by up to 20 percent of the resonant frequency...

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  • Metylotransferazy ssaków – inhibitory i aktywatory

    Wśród metylotransferaz ssaków możemy wyróżnić metylotransferazy histonowe oraz metylotransferazy DNA. Metylacja DNA w obrębie wysp CpG oraz metylacja histonów wpływają na poziom ekspresji genów w komórkach ssaczych. Dodatkowo dzięki metylacji zapewniana jest stabilność i integralność genomu ludzkiego. Metylotransferazy DNA, będące głównym tematem tego artykułu, są często przedmiotem badań, gdyż nieprawidłowa metylacja DNA jest...

  • Influence of passive house technology on time and cost of construction investment


    - Rok 2018

    Due to the changes in the energy standards for housing in Poland there are many concerns. Is the standard required by the regulation achievable and if it is, then at what cost? There are many solutions to construct a building in line with the requirements of passive house technology. They are differentiated by price and time required for implementation. This study is based on the solution proposed by one of Polish companies, offering...

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  • Polish-Kashubian parallel translation corpus

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • S. Olewniczak
    • M. Nowak
    • F. Szweda
    • J. Żęgota
    • K. Kulpiński
    • M. Wrzosek
    • J. Grzybowski
    • K. Czepiel

    The data set contains about 120,000 Polish words and sentences and their translations into Kashubian. It was created using two types of sources. The first one is the online dictionaries:

  • Density functional theory calculations on entire proteins for free energies of binding: Application to a model polar binding site



    In drug optimization calculations, the molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) method can be used to compute free energies of binding of ligands to proteins. The method involves the evaluation of the energy of configurations in an implicit solvent model. One source of errors is the force field used, which can potentially lead to large errors due to the restrictions in accuracy imposed by its empirical nature....

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  • Minimal parameter implicit solvent model for ab initioelectronic-structure calculations


    - EPL-EUROPHYS LETT - Rok 2011

    Abstract - We present an implicit solvent model for ab initio electronic-structure calculations which is fully self-consistent and is based on direct solution of the nonhomogeneous Poisson equation. The solute cavity is naturally defined in terms of an isosurface of the electronic density according to the formula of Fattebert and Gygi (J. Comput. Chem., 23 (2002) 662). While this model depends on only two parameters, we demonstrate...

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  • Anharmonic Infrared Spectroscopy through the Fourier Transform of Time Correlation Function Formalism in ONETEP

    • V. Vitale
    • J. Dziedzic
    • S. Dubois
    • H. Fangohr
    • C. Skylaris

    - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - Rok 2015

    Density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) provides an efficient framework for accurately computing several types of spectra. The major benefit of DFTMD approaches lies in the ability to naturally take into account the effects of temperature and anharmonicity, without having to introduce any ad hoc or a posteriori corrections. Consequently, computational spectroscopy based on DFT-MD approaches plays a pivotal role in...

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  • Large-scale DFT calculations in implicit solvent-A case study on the T4 lysozyme L99A/M102Q protein



    W ostatnich latach zaproponowano szereg modeli typu implicit solvent, ktore bazują na bezpośrednim rozwiązaniu niejednorodnego równania Poissona w przestrzeni rzeczywistej. Modele te charakteryzują się elegancją, ponieważ wnęka, w której umieszczona jest molekuła substancji rozpuszczanej zdefiniowana jest bezpośrednio w funkcji gęstości elektronowej, a rozkład ładunku jest w sposób samouzgodniony polaryzowany dzięki reakcji dielektryka,...

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  • Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions

    • J. Dziedzic
    • T. Head-Gordon
    • M. Head-Gordon
    • C. Skylaris


    We extend our recently developed quantum-mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124106 (2016)] to enable in situ optimization of the localized orbitals. The quantum subsystem is described with ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory and the classical subsystem – with the AMOEBA polarizable force field. The two subsystems interact via multipolar electrostatics and are fully...

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  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals


    The paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the au-thors decided...

  • Skills mismatch in the context of technological change


    - Rok 2022

    The main purpose of this dissertation is to assess the perception asymmetry of smart skills and formal education in ICT based economy. In other words, the goal of this research is to assess perceptions of smart skills and competences in the context of technological change from the perspectives of employers and students in Poland. Determining the fore-mentioned relationship gives insight into the hypothetical perception asymmetry...

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  • Surface shape reverse engineering with nurbs


    - Rok 2009

    W artykule zaprezentowano algorytm, który interpoluje prostokątną tablice punktów w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej przy pomocy powierzchni NURBS. Algorytm oblicza parametry powierzchni NURBS tak, aby jak najwierniej oddać kształt opisany przez punkty. Do interpolacji punktów wybrano powierzchnię NURBS, jako najbardziej uniwersalny i najczęściej używany w programach CAD rodzaj powierzchni. Interpolowane punkty mogą pochodzić zarówno...

  • A comprehensive review on current and emerging technologies toward the valorization of bio‐based wastes and by products from foods

    Industries in the agro-food sector are the largest generators of waste in the world. Agro-food wastes and by products originate from the natural process of senescence, pretreatment, handling, and manufacturing processes of food and beverage products. Notably, most of the wastes are produced with the transformation of raw materials (such as fruits, vegetables, plants, tubers, cereals, and dairy products) into different processed...

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  • Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters - Female, 29 - Tissue image [9220729551203171]

    Dane Badawcze

    This is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters - Female, 29 - Tissue image [9220729551203921]

    Dane Badawcze

    This is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters - Female, 29 - Tissue image [9220729551207901]

    Dane Badawcze

    This is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Towards Increasing Density of Relations in Category Graphs


    In the chapter we propose methods for identifying new associations between Wikipedia categories. The first method is based on Bag-of-Words (BOW) representation of Wikipedia articles. Using similarity of the articles belonging to different categories allows to calculate the information about categories similarity. The second method is based on average scores given to categories while categorizing documents by our dedicated score-based...

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  • Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text


    Typical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...

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  • High-Speed Serial Embedded Deterministic Test for System-on-Chip Designs

    • G. Mrugalski
    • N. Mukherejee
    • A. Pogiel
    • J. Rajski
    • M. Trawka
    • J. Tyszer

    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a high-speed serial interface between external tester and Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) compression logic hosted by SoC designs. With only a single bidirectional link, the system is capable of feeding distributed heterogeneous cores with hundreds of test channels. Moreover, it synergistically supports EDT bandwidth management to improve the overall test performance. A detailed study indicates a high potential...

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  • Machine Learning Applied to Aspirated and Non-Aspirated Allophone Classification—An Approach Based on Audio "Fingerprinting"

    The purpose of this study is to involve both Convolutional Neural Networks and a typical learning algorithm in the allophone classification process. A list of words including aspirated and non-aspirated allophones pronounced by native and non-native English speakers is recorded and then edited and analyzed. Allophones extracted from English speakers’ recordings are presented in the form of two-dimensional spectrogram images and...

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  • Study of Cloud Water Samples Collected over Northern Poland


    The paper gives the results of the first studies on the chemistry of cloud water collected during 3 mo (Aug.–Oct. 2010) in the free atmosphere over the area to the south of the Tri-City (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) conurbation on the Gulf of Gdansk, Poland. Taken from cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus clouds by means of an aircraft-mounted collector, the water samples were analyzed for the following contaminants: anions (chlorides,...


    Within the frames of the use of terrestrial laser scanning we find numerous examples of registration of building facilities, including also historical and valuable in their culture. In the case presented in this paper, at the root of the problem there is a preservation of the historic blacksmith’s forge located in Gdansk Orunia. The facility dating from the early nineteenth century was intended to repair involving the complete...

  • Studies on the use of terrestrial laser scanning in the maintenance of buildings belonging to the cultural heritage


    - Rok 2014

    Within the frames of the use of terrestrial laser scanning we find numerous examples of registration of building facilities, including also historical and valuable in their culture. In the case presented in this paper, at the root of the problem there is a preservation of the historic blacksmith's forge located in Gdansk Orunia. The facility dating from the early nineteenth century was intended to repair involving the complete...

  • Self-organizing maps classification of epidemiological data and toenail selenium content monitored on cancer and healthy patients from Poland


    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wielowymiarowej analizy danych pomiarowych (przy wykorzystaniu techniki samoorganizującej sie mapy (SOM))nad oszacowaniem zawartości selenu w próbkach paznokci pobranych od mieszkańców Województwa Pomorskiego ((w tym od grupy osób zdrowych i ze zdiagnozowaną chorobą nowotworową) i Lubuskiego. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy uzyskano podział uczestników ze zdiagnozowanym nowotworem na trzy różne grupy:1...

  • Rozdział 10.2 Metody oznaczania właściwości przeciwutleniających próbek żywności

    Występowanie większości chorób cywilizacyjnych może być rezultatem stresu oksydacyjnego prowadzącego do różnorodnych zmian w ludzkim organizmie, wywołanych działaniem tzw. reaktywnych form tlenu. Z tego też powodu pojawiło się olbrzymie zapotrzebowanie na szybkie testy umożliwiające pomiar całkowitej zawartości przeciwutleniaczy czy też ogólnej siły przeciwutleniającej produktów żywnościowych a w szczególności świeżych warzyw...

  • Methods for quality improvement of multibeam and LiDAR point cloud data in the context of 3D surface reconstruction


    Point cloud dataset is the transitional data model used in several marine and land remote-sensing applications. During further steps of processing, the transformation of point cloud spatial data to more complex models containing higher order geometric structures like edges and facets may be possible, if an appropriate quality level of input data is provided. Point cloud datasets usually contain a considerable amount of undesirable...

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  • Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data


    The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...

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  • Towards Healthcare Cloud Computing

    In this paper we present construction of a software platform for supporting medical research teams, in the area of impedance cardiography, called IPMed. Using the platform, research tasks will be performed by the teams through computer-supported cooperative work. The platform enables secure medical data storing, access to the data for research group members, cooperative analysis of medical data and provide analysis supporting tools...

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  • Template chart detection for stoma telediagnosis

    • M. Szwoch
    • R. Zawiślak
    • G. Granosik
    • J. Mik-Wojtczak
    • M. Mik

    - International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Rok 2022

    The paper presents the concept of using color template charts for the needs of telemedicine, particularly telediagnosis of the stoma. Although the concept is not new, the current popularity and level of development of digital cameras, especially those embedded in smartphones, allow common and reliable remote advice on various medical problems, which can be very important in the case of limitations in a physical contact with a doctor....

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  • Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming

    In this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....

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  • Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska dr inż.

    Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska (ur. 1977 w Przasnyszu)  ukończyła Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Przasnyszu. Od 1996 kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Geodezji i Gospodarki Przestrzennej na Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej im. Michała Oczapowskiego w Olsztynie. W 2001 zdobyła tytuł magistra inżyniera na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie (temat pracy dyplomowej „Określenie modelu regresji wielokrotnej do...

  • Metody sztucznej inteligencji do wspomagania bankowych systemów informatycznych

    W pracy opisano zastosowania nowoczesnych metod sztucznej inteligencji do wspomagania bankowych systemów informatycznych. Wykorzystanie w systemach informatycznych algorytmów ewolucyjnych, harmonicznych, czy sztucznych sieci neuronowych w połączeniu z nowoczesną technologią mikroprocesorową umożliwiają zasadniczy wzrost konkurencyjności banku. Dlatego w pracy omówiono wybrane zastosowania bankowe ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbliżeniowych...

  • Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting



    Recently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...

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  • Interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs

    In this paper we study the problem of interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs. We show the upper bound for interval incidence coloring number (χii) for bipartite graphs χii≤2Δ, and we prove that χii=2Δ holds for regular bipartite graphs. We solve this problem for subcubic bipartite graphs, i.e. we fully characterize the subcubic graphs that admit 4, 5 or 6 coloring, and we construct a linear time exact algorithm for subcubic...

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    Bottom ash from EC Gdańsk and dredged material taken from the mouth of The Vistula were mixed to form an engineering material used for dike construction. Mixtures with different bottom ash content were tested in laboratory to determine its basic physical and mechanical properties. The optimum bottom ash–dredged material mixture, built in the corps of the test dike, contains 70% of ash. The optimum bottom ash content in the mixture...

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  • Examining Influence of Distance to Microphone on Accuracy of Speech Recognition

    The problem of controlling a machine by the distant-talking speaker without a necessity of handheld or body-worn equipment usage is considered. A laboratory setup is introduced for examination of performance of the developed automatic speech recognition system fed by direct and by distant speech acquired by microphones placed at three different distances from the speaker (0.5 m to 1.5 m). For feature extraction from the voice signal...

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  • Activated Carbon Produced by Pyrolysis of Waste Wood and Straw for PotentialWastewater Adsorption


    - Materials - Rok 2020

    Pyrolysis of straw pellets and wood strips was performed in a fixed bed reactor. The chars, solid products of thermal degradation, were used as potential materials for activated carbon production. Chemical and physical activation processes were used to compare properties of the products. The chemical activation agent KOH was chosen and the physical activation was conducted with steam and carbon dioxide as oxidising gases. The eect...

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    - Rok 2013

    The paper proposes an approach to creative generation of new names for the purposes of Role Playing Games in fantasy realms. The generator based on an existing database of na mes is able to propose a set of new names with regard to demanded attributes, such as: length of the name, sex and race of the character, a given p hrase as the origin for the generated name as well as subjective evaluations from former users. The software...

  • Improving Objective Speech Quality Indicators in Noise Conditions


    - Rok 2020

    This work aims at modifying speech signal samples and test them with objective speech quality indicators after mixing the original signals with noise or with an interfering signal. Modifications that are applied to the signal are related to the Lombard speech characteristics, i.e., pitch shifting, utterance duration changes, vocal tract scaling, manipulation of formants. A set of words and sentences in Polish, recorded in silence,...

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  • Adam Przybyłek dr

    stopień doktora uzyskany w grudniu 2011 od Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki, PG od 2012 zatrudniony jako adiunkt w Katedrze Inżynierii Oprogramowania, WETI PG; wcześniej pracował jako asystent w Katedrze Informatyki Ekonomicznej UG oraz instruktor w Akademii CISCO zainteresowania badawcze: programowanie aspektowe, metodyki zwinne, modelowanie procesów biznesowych więcej informacji na stronie domowej: http://przybylek.wzr.pl

  • Effect of Polymerization Statistics on the Electronic Properties of Copolymers for Organic Photovoltaics

    • G. Boschetto
    • H. Xue
    • J. Dziedzic
    • M. Krompiec
    • C. Skylaris

    - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Rok 2017

    Statistical block copolymers, composed of donor (D) and acceptor (A) blocks, are a novel type of material for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) devices. In particular a new series of polymers based on PBTZT-stat-BDTT-8, recently developed by Merck, offers high solubility in different solvents, and a high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in different device architectures. Although it is known that the electronic properties of these...

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  • Dissecting gamma frequency activities during human memory processing

    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • B. M. Berry
    • V. Kremen
    • B. H. Brinkmann
    • M. R. Sperling
    • B. C. Jobst
    • R. E. Gross
    • B. Lega
    • S. A. Sheth
    • J. M. Stein... i 6 innych

    - Brain: A Journal of Neurology - Rok 2017

    Gamma frequency activity (30-150 Hz) is induced in cognitive tasks and is thought to reflect underlying neural processes. Gamma frequency activity can be recorded directly from the human brain using intracranial electrodes implanted in patients undergoing treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy. Previous studies have independently explored narrowband oscillations in the local field potential and broadband power increases. It is not...

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  • Provisioning Concepts for the Future Internet IIP Initiative

    • P. Chołda
    • J. Gozdecki
    • M. Kantor
    • M. Wielgosz
    • A. R. Pach
    • K. Wajda
    • J. Rak

    - Rok 2011

    Artykuł prezentuje strategię wymiarowania zasobów sieci dla architektury Internetu Przyszłości zwanego Systemem IIP. Opisuje również relację zasad wymiarowania sieci w odniesieniu do metod zarządzania siecią. Opisane są dwie proponowane metody wymiarowania wraz niezbędnymi danymi wejściowymi. Pierwsze podejście stanowi problem optymalizacyjny z funkcją celu minimalizacji całkowitego poboru mocy. Drugie rozwiązanie bazuje na podejściu...

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  • HYDRAULIKA II dla IŚ sem.4 (stacj. IŚ 2023/24 LATO)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Weinerowska-Bords
    • P. Mikos-Studnicka

    Kurs stanowi wsparcie dla nauczania przedmiotu "Hydraulika II", realizowanego na 4 sem. studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia na WILiŚ, na kierunku Inżynierii Środowiska.

  • Hydraulika dla IŚ sem.3 (stacj. IŚ 2023/24 ZIMA)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Weinerowska-Bords
    • P. Mikos-Studnicka

    Kurs stanowi wsparcie dla nauczania przedmiotu "Hydraulika I", realizowanego na 3 sem. studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia na WILiŚ, na kierunku Inżynierii Środowiska.

  • Efficiency Evaluation of High Performance Computing Systems Using Data Envelopment Analysis


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents an evaluation method of high performance computing (HPC) systems using multicriteria efficiency analysis. The Data Envelopment Analysis approach was applied and adapted to the specifics of HPC, which enabled us to compare relative efficiency of systems considering simultaneously multiple parameters. The analysis is based on the TOP500 list of world largest supercomputers and their parameters such as: the number...

  • Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...

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