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Optimal ECG lead for deriving respiratory signal
PublicationEDR is an interesting measuring technique that allows an indirect assessment of respiratory activity. This is an alternative solution to direct methods that are based on the measurement of air flow, which require a specialized sensor or even a system. However, due to inter-personal anatomical differences, the optimal ECG lead (placement of the electrodes) ensuring the best EDR signal quality is not fixed. An influence of ECG lead...
Optimal configuration of an electrode array for measuring ventricles' contraction
PublicationAn influence of an electrode-array configuration on an impedance signal composition for a fixed spatial distribution of its sources is examined in the paper. The Finite Element Method and Geselowitz relationship were used for examining three different electrode-arrays. A sensitivity approach was used to evaluate each configuration assuming that localization of the signal source is known. A conductivity change, thus the source of...
Optimal segmented dampers configuration for a laminar body carrying variable payload
PublicationPublikacja prezentuje zagadnienia analizy doboru tłumienia i konfiguracji elementów tłumiących dla ciała płaskiego poddanego dwóm stanom obciążenia. W pracy zaakceptowano użycie elementów tłumiących o tłumieniu wiskotycznym i o współczynniku tłumienie zależnym od położenia tłoka tego elementu. Ponieważ różne aspekty komfortu prowadzą do przeciwnych wytycznych odnośnie wyboru własności tłumiących, rozwiązanie dobory parametrów tłumienia...
Non-Contact Monitoring of ECG in the Home Environment—Selecting Optimal Electrode Configuration
PublicationCapacitive electrocardiography (cECG) is most often used in wearable or embedded measurement systems. The latter is considered in the paper. An optimal electrocardiographic lead, as an individual feature, was determined based on model studies. It was defined as the possibly highest value of the R-wave amplitude measured on the back of the examined person. The lead configuration was also analyzed in terms of minimizing its susceptibility...
PublicationPodczas wstrząsów sejsmicznych o różnym natężeniu, wielokrotnie obserwowano zjawisko zde-rzania się konstrukcji ze sobą sąsiadujących, co mogło prowadzić nawet do jej całkowitego zniszczenia. Na podstawie obserwacji, badań numeryczny i eksperymentalnych stwierdzono, że przyczyną kolizji jest niedostateczna przerwa pomiędzy konstrukcjami. Ponadto czynnikami, które również mogą doprowadzić do zderzeń są różnice w masach lub sztywnościach...
A Deformation Sweep Testing Procedure to Evaluate Damage in Cold Recycled Material Mixtures
PublicationThis chapter describes a new testing procedure to assess damage in cold recycled material mixtures. Specifically, stiffness modulus tests were performed at increasing deformation levels, with the objective of creating a gradual increase in damage. The succession of tests with increasing deformation was interspersed with tests at small deformation, with the objective of evaluating the damage gradually inflicted on the specimen....
Fracture Energy of Bonded Joints with 2D Elastic Adhesive Layer
PublicationWhen bonded joint is subjected to mode I fracture loading, the adhesive joints analytical solutions treats the adhesive layer, usually, as not existing or 1D Hooke elastic layer. In the case of 1D elastic layer, represented as Hookes spring element, is acting, only, in direction contrary to the applied load. Basing on the information yielded from sensitive laser profilometry technique, where deflections of bonded part of the joint...
Inwestycje w surowce w połączeniu z polskim rynkiem kapitałowym, analiza ryzyka i efektywności
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono główne kategorie i rodzaje inwestycji w surowce. Cel opracowania to zbadanie czy inwestycja w Warszawski Indeks Giełdowy stanowi główny składnik optymalnego tj. cechującego się minimalnym ryzykiem portfela inwestycyjnego. Ponadto ustalono czy wspomniana inwestycja tradycyjna stanowi najważniejszy element portfela inwestycyjnego odznaczającego się najwyższą efektywnością. Stwierdzono, że wszystkie z 29 analizowanych...
Recovery of Pure Lead-Tin Alloy from Recycling Spent Lead-Acid Batteries
PublicationSpent lead–acid batteries have become the primary raw material for global lead production. In the current lead refining process, the tin oxidizes to slag, making its recovery problematic and expensive. This paper aims to present an innovative method for the fire refining of lead, which enables the retention of tin contained in lead from recycled lead–acid batteries. The proposed method uses aluminium scrap to remove impurities...
Determination of Peak Impact Force for Buildings Exposed to Structural Pounding during Earthquakes
PublicationStructural pounding between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings, or bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during seismic excitations. Such earthquake-induced collisions may cause severe structural damage or even lead to the collapse of colliding structures. The aim of the present paper was to show the results of the study focused on determination of peak impact forces during collisions between buildings exposed...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublicationClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
Experimental study on earthquake-induced pounding between steel structures
PublicationPounding between adjacent structures has been repeatedly observed during major earthquakes. The phenomenon may cause some local damage at the points of interactions, it may also lead to substantial destruction, permanent deformations or total collapse of colliding structures. The effects of earthquake-induced structural pounding have been studied for more than three decades now. However, most of the studies concerned masonry as...
Harmony Search for Self-configuration of Fault–Tolerant and Intelligent Grids
PublicationIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Self-configuration of computer grids lies in the fact that new computer nodes are automatically configured by software agents and then integrated into the grid. A base node works due to several configuration parameters that define some aspects of data communications and energy power consumption. We...
The Use of Vegetables in the Biomonitoring of Cadmium and Lead Pollution in the Environment
PublicationLead and cadmium emitted from various anthropogenic sources have the ability to accumulate in tissues of living organisms. The phenomenon of accumulation of metals in the body is harmful and undesirable. On the other hand, the ability of plants to accumulate heavy metals from the individual elements of the environment has been used in biomonitoring of pollution. Leaf and root of vegetables have particular predisposition for accumulating...
Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya
PublicationLead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...
An Analysis of Multistrip Line Configuration on Elliptical Cylinder
PublicationA configuration of multistrip lines mounted on a multilayer dielectric coated elliptic cylinder is investigated in this paper. A full-wave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. The analysis is carried out considering the expansion of the field as a series of Mathieu functions. Both open and shielded lines are considered in the analysis. Propagation coefficients and characteristic impedances are calculated for the...
Dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 improvements for mobile nodes
PublicationIn wireless networks mobile clients change their physical location, which results in changing point of attachment to the network. Such handovers introduce unwanted periods, when node does not have communication capabilities. Depending on many conditions, such events may require reconfiguration of layer 2 (e.g. IEEE 802.16) or both 2 and 3 layers (IPv6). This paper investigates delays introduced in the latter type of handover. IPv6...
Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.
High Speed Milling vibration surveillance with optimal spindle speed based on optimal speeds map
PublicationThe paper presents the method of the surveillance of the self-excited chatter vibration. At first, the workpiece modal parameters are estimated based on experimental data which leads to verification of computational model. Then, for selected surface points optimal spindle speeds are calculated. By considering sufficient amount of points it is possible to build a map of optimal spindle speeds. Experimental results show that this...
Lead(II)-selective ionophores for ion-selective electrodes: A review
PublicationIn potentiometry, high selectivity of the ion-selective membranes must be assured in order to reliably measure various analytes in clinical, industrial and environmental samples. Due to the toxic nature of lead(II) it is important to monitor Pb2+ distribution in natural waters. This may be achieved by implementation of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with high selectivity towards lead(II) and low detection limit. A great number...
Next generation automatic IP configuration deployment issues
PublicationAlthough Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) protocol was defined in 2003, it was designed as a framework rather than a complete solution to the automatic configuration in IPv6 networks. There are still some unsolved problems and new options yet to be defined. One example of such case is Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) option, which final version has been published in late 2007. It describes DHCPv6 client...
Three electrode configuration measurements of electrolyte-diffusion barrier-cathode interface
PublicationMeasurements of a system consisting of cathode/doped ceria diffusion barrier/doped zirconia electrolyte were made using two- and three-electrode configuration. Results obtained on a three-electrode measurement configuration were compared with and reflect the results obtained in two-electrode configuration. Three-electrode measurements allowed separating the impact of the symmetrical interface in the investigated system. They also...
Novel Diazocrowns with Pyrrole Residue as Lead(II) Colorimetric Probes
PublicationNovel 18- and 23-membered diazomacrocycles were obtained with satisfactory yields by diazocoupling of aromatic diamines with pyrrole in reactions carried under high dilution conditions. X-ray structure of macrocycle bearing five carbon atoms linkage was determined and described. Compounds were characterized as chromogenic heavy metal ions receptors. Selective color and spectral response for lead(II) was found in acetonitrile and...
Pyrrole bearing diazocrowns: Selective chromoionophores for lead(II) optical sensing
PublicationDiazocrowns of 18-, 21- and 23-membered rings with pyrrole residue as a part of macrocycle were for the first time used as chromoionophores in lead(II) selective optodes. Sensing properties of optodes depend on the type of macrocycle, namely its size and the type of linker: oligoether or hydrocarbon chain. The best results were obtained for optode bearing 18-membered crown with oligoether linker showing linear response range of...
The structure and melting of lead nanocrystalline layer in reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationNanokrystaliczna warstwa granul Pb na powierzchni szkieł ołowiowo-germanianowych została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wysokich temperaturach, w atmosferze wodoru. Właściwości tej warstwy silnie zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł prezentuje rentgenowskie i mikroskopowe badania struktury warstwy oraz wpływ topnienia i krzepnięcia granul Pb na jej przewodnictwo.
Lead in human teeth dentine as a bio-indicator of environmental exposure to lead
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Macrocyclic derivatives of imidazole as chromoionophores for bismuth(III)/lead(II) pair
Publication18-membered diazomacrocycles with imidazole or 4-methylimidazole residue as a part of macrocycle were used as chromoionophores in bismuth(III) and lead(II) dual selective optodes for the first time. Cellulose triacetate membranes doped with macrocyclic chromoionophores are bismuth(III) and lead(II) selective with color change from orange/red to different shades of blue and violet, respectively. Results obtained for model and real...
Design and Configuration of Context-aware VoIP Telephony Systems
PublicationVoice over IP is a widely used concept with regard to a realization technology of different types of telephony systems, including those that are used in enterprises. Such systems of a call procesing component and a set of desk endpoints that are pervasove from a user perspective. Those andpoints are usually not mobile, but in result can deliver a much greater set of functions needed in an everyday office work. Those functions also...
Monosaccharides as Potential Chiral Probes for the Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Secondary Alcohols
PublicationHerein, a new method for the elucidation of the absolute configuration of chiral secondary alcohols is proposed. This method is an alternative for a widely used approach reported by Mosher and Dale and similar methods that are based on the 1H NMR shift (δ) changes of protons that are attached to the substituents of the oxymethine carbon atom. The presented method is not based on tracking the chemical shift changes and utilizes...
Superconducting lead granular layer prepared by reducting in hydrogen lead of germanate glass
PublicationCienka warstwa granul Pb została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wodorze, w wysokiej temperaturze. Struktura i nadprzewodzące właściwości warstwy ołowiu zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł analizuje wpływ warunków redukcji na wytworzoną warstwę granul Pb.
High-accuracy polarimetric studies on lead germanate single crystals
PublicationA high-accuracy polarimetric technique has been used for the characterization of a lead germanate ferroelectric single crystal. The measurement results of the linear and circular birefringence in the [010] direction at a wavelength of 633 nm under the influence of an electric field are presented. Gyration–electric field hysteresis loops at alternative crystal positions in the polarization system have been used to determine the...
Solid-contact lead(II) ion-selective electrodes for potentiometric determination of lead(II) in presence of high concentrations of Na(I), Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Ca(II) and Mg(II)
PublicationLead and its compounds are a serious threat to the environment. Monitoring of this toxic heavy metal is a driving force for the continuous development of novel lead(II) ionophores to be applied in ion-selective electrodes. In this work a highly selective lead(II) ionophore, namely 25,26,27,28-tetrakis(piperidinylthiocarbonylmethylene)-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene, was used in solid-contact ion-selective electrodes for determination...
Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data
PublicationIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...
Computer study of the lead-germanium alloy formation in over-reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest badaniom dynamiczno-molekularnym struktury zredukowanego szkła ołowiowo-germanianowego o składzie 1Pb 1Ge 1GeO2. Analizie poddano strukturę matrycy szkła, GeO2 i osadzonej w niej fazy metalicznej, którą formują neutralne atomy Pb i Ge.
Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review
PublicationDue to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available...
The Optimal Location of Ground-Based GNSS Augmentation Transceivers
PublicationModern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) allow for positioning with accuracies ranging from tens of meters to single millimeters depending on user requirements and available equipment. A major disadvantage of these systems is their unavailability or limited availability when the sky is obstructed. One solution is to use additional range measurements from ground-based nodes located in the vicinity of the receiver. The highest...
The company's ability to adapt and proactively lead in oil and gas industry - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of introducing the company’s ability to adapt and proactively lead based on the available literature of the subject. The article describes comprehensive tools that can be used in practice by managers whilst supporting their abilities in leading the company. The publication begins with an indication of adaptability in the light of current literature...
Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile robots following dynamically created trajectories
PublicationIn practice, the problem of motion control of the wheeled mobile robots is often neglected. Wheeled mobile robots are strongly nonlinear systems and restricted by non-holonomic constraints. Motion control of such systems is not trivial task and usage of non-optimal control signals can lead to deterioration of the overall robot system’s performance. In case of autonomous application of the mobile robots all parts of its control...
Parametric method for evaluating optimal ship deadweight
PublicationThe paper presents a method of choosing the optimal value of the cargo ships deadweight. The method may be useful at the stage of establishing the main owners requirements concerning the ship design parameters as well as for choosing a proper ship for a given transportation task. The deadweight is determined on the basis of a selected economic measure of the transport effectiveness of ship – the Required Freight Rate (RFR). The...
Application of the 2-deoxyglucose scaffold as a new chiral probe for elucidation of the absolute configuration of secondary alcohols
PublicationHerein, we present the application of 2-deoxy-D-glucose derivatives as chiral probes for elucidation of the absolute configuration of chiral secondary alcohols. The probes are attached to the studied molecules via glycosylation reaction and the resulting products are examined by a set of standard 2D NMR experiments. The absolute configuration of an oxymethine carbon atom binding the probe is established on a basis of a set of diagnostic...
Impact of configuration of earth continuity conductor on induced sheath voltages in power cables
PublicationIn high voltage power cable systems a problem of induced sheath voltages exist. Due to these voltages electric shock and damage of non-metallic outer sheath of the cables may occur. Exposure to voltage of the outer sheath may be very high in case of earth fault with high value of earth current. In order to reduce induced sheath voltages an earth continuity conductor (conductors) along power cables is applied. Configuration of this...
Planning, Configuration and Usefulness of Microseismic Monitoring on Eastern-Europe Platform – Example from East Pomerania
PublicationThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. The method uses array of geophones to localize micro tremors induced by liquid pumped underground at high rate and pressure. The acquired information helps to optimize fracturing process and prevents fracture growth to aquifer levels. It proved to be useful on several unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the USA....
A comparison of structural and luminescence properties of lead(II) coordination polymers with isomeric thiophenecarboxylate ligands
PublicationTwo new lead(II) coordination polymers with isomeric thiophenecarboxylates, namely [Pb(2tpCOO)2]n (1) and [Pb(3tpCOO)2(H2O)]n (2) (2tpCOO− = thiophene-2-carboxylate, 3tpCOO− = thiophene-3-carboxylate), were synthesized and characterized. Single crystal X-ray crystallography revealed a distorted pentagonal pyramidal geometry {PbO6} around Pb in 1 and a distorted dodecahedral geometry {PbO8} in 2. The distortion derived from the...
Optimal bandgap of a single-junction photovoltaic cell for the mobile Internet-of-Things
PublicationThe procedure for determining the maximum power of a single-junction photovoltaic cell operating in various types of lighting is presented. This is a key issue for photovoltaics powering the mobile Internet-of-Things (IoTs). The simulations performed are based on the detailed balance principle, without any of simplifying assumptions included in the Shockley-Queisser model. Optimal energy bandgap for diffuse solar light was found...
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of ventral hernia repair. The main goals are to find an optimal surgical mesh for hernia repair and to define its optimal orientation in the abdominal wall to minimise the maximum force at the tissue-implant juncture. The optimal mesh is chosen from a set of orthotropic meshes with different stiffness ratios for typical hernia placement in the abdominal area. The implant is subjected to an anisotropic...
A Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Bandpass Filter in A Box Configuration With Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublicationThis letter presents the design of a microwave bandpass filter with frequency-dependent coupling implemented in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. The proposed filter implements a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filtering function with two transmission zeros. Resonators are arranged in an extended box configuration with dispersive coupling on a main signal path, which produces an extra zero in comparison to classical...
A new optimal algorithm for a time-dependent scheduling problem
PublicationIn this article a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are n given jobs j_1, ..., j_n and the processing time pi of the i-th job is given by p_i = 1 + b_is_i, where si is the starting time of the i-th job, i = 1, ..., n. If all jobs have different and non-zero deterioration rates and bi > bj => bi >= (b_min+1)/(b_min) b_j + 1/b_min, where b_min = min{b_i}, then...
Optimal Multivariable Control for Modified Z-source Based IPT
PublicationThis paper describes Z-source based inductive power transfer topologies control approaches. The goal of this work is a multi-variable control approach which involves a constant voltage/constant current control along with an optimal frequency control to obtain maximum efficiency. This control is applied to the wireless power transfer system based on a modified Z-source topology. The description of the control method along with simulation...
Titanium lanthanum three oxides decorated magnetic graphene oxide for adsorption of lead ions from aqueous media
PublicationThe current study presents a viable and straightforward method for synthesizing titanium lanthanum three oxide nanoparticles (TiLa) and their decoration onto the ferrous graphene oxide sheets to produce FeGO-TiLa as efficient magnetic adsorbent. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and vibration sample magnetometer (VSM) were used to evaluate...
PublicationThe main goal of modern machining operations is to achieve increasingly better performance. High Speed Machining and/or High Performance Cutting, despite a lot of advantages, have also some drawbacks, for example, a possibility of losing stability and development of self-excited chatter vibration. This paper presents an approach of vibration surveillance during high speed milling with a use of active optimal control. Non-stationary...