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Generalized temperature dependence model for anammox process kinetics
PublicationTemperature is a key operational factor influencing the anammox process kinetics. In particular, at temperatures below 15 °C, the specific anammox activity (SAA) considerably decreases. This study aimed to describe the temperature dependence of the anammox process kinetics in the temperature range from 10 to 55 °C, including the specific characteristics of“cold anammox”. The commonly used Arrhenius and extended and modifiedRatkowsky...
Temperature Dependence of the Dissociative Electron Attachment to 2-Thiothymine
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Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size
PublicationCommonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...
Pressure and temperature dependence of the emission in BaF2:Eu and SrF2:Eu
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Temperature dependence of current response to sub-terahertz radiation of AlGaN/GaN and graphene transistors
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Anomalous temperature dependence of layer spacing of de Vries liquid crystals: Compensation model
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A Series of Novel 3D Coordination Polymers Based on the Quinoline-2,4-dicarboxylate Building Block and Lanthanide(III) Ions—Temperature Dependence Investigations
PublicationA series of novel 3D coordination polymers [Ln2(Qdca)3(H2O)x]yH2O (x = 3 or 4, y = 0–4) assembled from selected lanthanide ions (Ln(III) = Nd, Eu, Tb, and Er) and a non-explored quinoline- 2,4-dicarboxylate building block (Qdca2 = C11H5NO4 2) were prepared under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures of 100, 120, and 150 C. Generally, an increase in synthesis temperature resulted in structural transformations and the formation...
Modification and Optimization of the United-Residue (UNRES) Potential Energy Function for Canonical Simulations. I. Temperature Dependence of the Effective Energy Function and Tests of the Optimization Method with Single Training Proteins
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Dependence of the toxic components exhaust emission from the car engine starting temperature
PublicationW publikacji opisano wyniki badań empirycznych zależności stężeń toksycznych składników spalin od stanu cieplnego silnika w chwili rozruchu. Zwrócono uwagę na duże stężenia w pierwszych kilkudziesięciu sekundach po rozruchu. Badano silniki samochodów osobowych zarówno w eksploatacji jak i na hamowni podwoziowej.
Temperature and pressure dependence of the luminescence of Eu2+-doped fluoride crystals BaxSr1−xF2(x= 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 1): experiment and model
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Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublicationIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
PublicationExperiments were carried out to determine the dependence of the physical form of supercoiled DNA films on the initial temperature of the substrate. Such films are often used in irradiation experiments involving low energy particles, like electrons or photons. In order to obtain absolute values for cross sections for such experiments, the spatial distribution of the sample in the film has to be well estimated. These investigations...
Extended phase diagram of RNiC2 family: Linear scaling of the Peierls temperature
PublicationPhysical properties for the late-lanthanide-based RNiC2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm) ternary compounds are reported. All the compounds show antiferromagnetic ground state with the Néel temperature ranging from 3.4 K for HoNiC2 to 8.5 K for ErNiC2. The results of the transport and galvanomagnetic properties confirm a charge density wave state at and above room temperature with transition temperatures TCDW = 284, 335, 366, and 394 K for...
Molecular Dynamics simulations of thermal conductivity of penta-graphene
PublicationThe thermal conductivity of penta-graphene (PG), a new two dimensional carbon allotrope and its dependence on temperature, strain, and direction are studied in this paper. The thermal conductivity of PG is investigated using a non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation (NEMD) with the Two Region Method by applying the optimized Tersoff interatomic potential. Our study shows that the thermal conductivity of PG (determined for...
Low temperature broad band dielectric spectroscopy of multiferroic Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ceramics
PublicationIn the present research the tool of broadband dielectric spectroscopy was utilized to characterize dielectric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) Aurivillius-type multiferroic ceramics. Dielectric response of BFTO ceramics was studied in the frequency domain (Δν=0.1Hz – 10MHz) within the temperature range ΔT=-100°C – 200°C. The Kramers-Kronig data validation test was employed to validate the impedance data measurements and it was found...
Deposition and Electrical and Structural Properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 Thin Films for Application in High-Temperature Electrochemical Cells
PublicationLow-temperature deposition of electroceramic thin films allows the construction of new devices and their integration with existing large-scale fabrication methods. Developing a suitable low-cost deposition method is important to further advance the development of microdevices. In this work, we deposited a 1-lm-thick La0.6Sr0.4CoO3d (LSC) perovskite with high electrical conductivity on sapphire substrates at 400C and analyzed its...
Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationThe results of heat capacity measurements for the lanthanum orthoniobate substituted with 10, 20 and 30 mol% of antimony (LaNb0.9Sb0.1O4, LaNb0.8Sb0.2O4 and LaNb0.7Sb0.3O4) are presented and discussed. Temperature dependence of low temperature heat capacity was analyzed within the Debye and Einstein models. The Debye temperature decreased, whereas the Einstein temperature increased with antimony content. The decrease of the Debye...
The dependence of linear viscoelasticity limits of cold-recycled mixtures on time of curing and compaction method
PublicationCold-recycled mixtures are currently among the most widely used and investigated methods that enable recycling of old pavement structures in an environmentally friendly manner. Upon milling, the old pavement structure – whose gradation can be improved with addition of virgin aggregate – is mixed and compacted at ambient temperature. The main binding agents are bituminous emulsion and cement. Due to their dual binding behaviour,...
Geminate-pair dissociation yield in systems with exponential energetic disorder — A Monte Carlo study
PublicationGeminate electron–hole recombination in systems with exponential energetic disorder is studied by Monte Carlo method. The field and temperature dependencies of geminate-pair dissociation probability are calculated. It is established that the dissociation yield of carrier pairs depends mainly on the extent of carrier thermalization, which influences the Einstein relationship. The approximate limiting temperature is given by Te =...
High-accuracy polarimetric studies on lead germanate single crystals
PublicationA high-accuracy polarimetric technique has been used for the characterization of a lead germanate ferroelectric single crystal. The measurement results of the linear and circular birefringence in the [010] direction at a wavelength of 633 nm under the influence of an electric field are presented. Gyration–electric field hysteresis loops at alternative crystal positions in the polarization system have been used to determine the...
Ti4Ir2O : A time reversal invariant fully gapped unconventional superconductor
PublicationHere we report muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments on the temperature and field dependence of the effective magnetic penetration depth λ(T ) in the η-carbide-type suboxide Ti4Ir2O, a superconductor with a considerably high upper critical field. The temperature dependence of λ(T ), obtained from transverse-field (TF)-μSR measurements, is in perfect agreement with an isotropic fully gaped superconducting state. Furthermore, our...
Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublicationThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...
Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications
PublicationDevelopment of the so-called global navigation satellite system (GNSS) meteorology is based on the possibility of determining a precipitable water vapor (PWV) from a GNSS zenith wet delay (ZWD). Conversion of ZWD to the PWV requires application of water vapor weighted mean temperature (Tm) measurements, which can be done using a surface temperature (Ts) and its linear dependency to the Tm. In this study we analyzed up to 24 years...
Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Barium-vanadate Glasses
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in barium-vanadate glasses was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The XRD results show that all samples are amorphous but microscopy investigation reveals that glasses with greater amount of V2O5...
Fermi-liquid behavior of binary intermetallic compounds Y3 M (M = Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt)
PublicationA series of polycrystalline samples of Y3 M (M = Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt), intermetallic binary compounds were synthesized by the arc-melting method. Powder x-ray diffraction (pXRD) confirmed the orthorhombic cementite-type crystal structure and allowed for the estimation of the lattice parameters. Physical properties were investigated by means of electrical resistivity and heat capacity measurements between 1.9 K and 300 K. All...
Predicting the viscosity and electrical conductivity of ionic liquids on the basis of theoretically calculated ionic volumes
PublicationSelected physical properties of the ionic liquids might be quantitatively predicted based on the volumes of the ions these systems are composed of. It is demonstrated that the ionic volumes calculated using relatively simple theoretical quantum chemistry methods can be utilised to estimate the viscosities and electrical conductivities of various commonly used ionic liquids. The fitting formulas of the exponential form are offered...
Effect of Semiconductor Element Substitution on the Electric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics
PublicationThe investigated ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction from simple oxides and carbonates with the use of a mixed oxide method (MOM). The morphology of BaTi0.96Si0.04O3 (BTSi04) ceramics was characterised by means of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that Si+4 ion substitution supported the grain growth process in BT-based ceramics. The EDS results confirmed the high purity and expected quantitative composition...
A DSC and NMR-Relaxation study of the molecular mobility of water protons interacting with chemically modified starches
PublicationChanges in the mobility of water protons in the chemically modified starches (CMS)–water system are studied by differential scanning calorimetry and NMR relaxation. The amounts of unfrozen water at negative temperatures and additional (after gelation) unfrozen for CMS are lower than those for native starch. The proton spin–spin relaxation time T2 for CMS samples, conventionally attributed to the water fraction in starch granules,...
Ac and dc conductivities in v2o5-p2o5 glasses containing alkaline ions
PublicationWe investigated the ac and dc conductivity in 50V2O5-(50 − x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Li, Na, K) glasses as a function of temperature. The measurements were carried out in the frequency range from 10−4 to 107 Hz. For all compositions, the dc conductivity decreased with the increasing alkali ion content. The decrease in conductivity was more pronounced for larger alkali ions. The ac conductivity exhibited a universal dynamic response: σac...
Characterization of magnesium doped lanthanum orthoniobate synthesized by molten salt route
PublicationMolten salt synthesis method has been used to prepare the single phase magnesium doped lanthanum orthoniobate. The phase composition has been checked by X-ray diffraction method and the microstructure studies have been performed by scanning electron microscopy. The high temperature properties of the material have been investigated by thermogravimetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A dependence between sample total...
Tailoring structural properties of lanthanum orthoniobates through an isovalent substitution on the Nb-site
PublicationTetragonal polymorph of lanthanum orthoniobate can be stabilized to room temperature by the substitution of Nb with an isovalent element. LaNb1-xAsxO4 (0 < x ≤ 0.3), where As is an element stabilizing tetragonal structure, were successfully synthesized with combined co-precipitation and solid-state reaction method. The phase transition temperature, above which the material has tetragonal structure, decreases linearly with increasing...
Molecular mobility of water protons under interaction with chemically modified starches. DSC and HMR-relaxation investigations
PublicationThe change of water protons mobility in the system chemically modified starches – water were investigated by DSC and NMR-relaxation methods. The amount of unfrozen water at subzero temperature as well as additional unfrozen water which appears after gelatinization have lower values for chemically modified starches in comparison with the native starch. The proton spin-spin relaxation time Т2 for chemically modified starch samples,...
Monitoring of breast tissue thermo-ablation by means of impedance measurements
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące monitorowania jakości termoablacji zmian nowotworowych w piersi przy pomocy pomiarów impedancyjnych. Pokazano prototypowe konstrukcje sond do termoablacji jak również zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji i pierwszych eksperymentów. A usefulness of a developed probe combining power delivery to ablated breast tumour and simultaneous impedance measurements is discussed in the paper. It consists...
Thermodynamic Properties of Inorganic Salts in Nonaqueous Solvents. VI. Apparent Molar Volumes, Expansibilities, and Compressibilities of Divalent Transition Metal Ions in Methanol and Dimethylsulfoxide
PublicationThe temperature dependence of the density of divalent transition metal perchlorates in dimethylsulfoxide as well as cobalt(II), nickel(II) perchlorates, and copper(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate in methanol was determined. Moreover, sound velocities for solutions of cobalt(II), nickel(II) perchlorates, and copper(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate in methanol have been measured at 298.15 K. From these data, the partial molar volumes,...
A Development of a Capacitive Voltage Divider for High Voltage Measurement as Part of a Combined Current and Voltage Sensor
PublicationThis article deals with the development of capacitive voltage divider for high voltage measurements and presents a method of analysis and optimization of its parameters. This divider is a part of a combined voltage and current sensor for measurements in high voltage power networks. The sensor allows continuous monitoring of the network distribution status and performs a quick diagnosis and location of possible network failures....
Influence of Antimony Substitution on Spontaneous Strain and Thermodynamic Stability of Lanthanum Orthoniobate
PublicationThe analysis of the antimony substitution influence on temperature dependence of unit cell distortion has been done. The values of spontaneous strain and Landau order parameter for three different antimony contents varied had been calculated. The phase transition occurring for antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate was found to be second order. The high temperature solution calorimetry method has been used to investigate...
Nonlinear and linear impedance of bismuth vanadate ceramics and its relation to structural properties
PublicationThe nonlinear and linear electrical properties, topography, and microstructure of bismuth-vanadate ceramics, were studied. The structurewas observed with the use of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results showed that ceramic is porous. Two phase transitionswere determinedwith the use of DSC measurements. The linear and nonlinear ac...
Flow structure, heat transfer and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a differentially heated cylindrical enclosure
PublicationThe experimental, numerical and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a thermosyphon-like enclosure filled with a paramagnetic fluid is presented. Visualization of temperature field together with the numerical simulation gave an information about the flow structure, which indicated “finger-like” structures of hot and cold streams advecting each other. Their number depended on the Rayleigh number and also...
New ceramic materials derived from pyrolyzed poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) and starch as a potential anode for Li-ion batteries
PublicationNewmaterialswere obtained by pyrolysis of starch (S) and poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) (weight ratio: PSN/S 30/70) at temperature a) 500 °C, b) 700 °C and c) 900 °C. Ceramic materials were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, TGA, Raman spectroscopy and SEM. New Si\O and shifted Si\C stretching vibration modes emerged confirming direct interaction between silicon originating fromsilazane and oxygen coming fromstarch. The...
Solvation of ionic liquids based on N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium cations in N,N-dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide – A volumetric and acoustic study
PublicationApparent molar volumes and molar isentropic compressibilities for N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborates in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been determined from density and speed of sound measurements over the temperature range T = (298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15 and 328.15) K at experimental pressure p = 0.1 MPa. This data has been used to calculate...
A method of determination of electrical conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials
PublicationA novel approach to determine conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials was presented and tested on a real system. In the first step of the presented method, total electrical admittance of the material is analyzed in order to separate a couple of processes, each of which can be described by Jonscher's universal dielectric response. In the following step, a temperature dependence of dielectric response parameters of the...
Effect of temperature and ionic strength on volumetric and acoustic properties of solutions of urea alkil derivatives in aqueous NaCl
PublicationThe present work was undertaken to study volumetric and acoustic properties for diluted solutions of tetramethylurea in pure water and for urea, n-propylurea, n-butylurea and tetramethylurea in 0.5 or 1 moldm3 aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. This paper presents measured values of densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, , adiabatic compressibilities,...
Detection and Model of Thermal Traces Left after Aggressive Behavior of Laboratory Rodents
PublicationAutomation of complex social behavior analysis of experimental animals would allow for faster, more accurate and reliable research results in many biological, pharmacological, and medical fields. However, there are behaviors that are not only difficult to detect for the computer, but also for the human observer. Here, we present an analysis of the method for identifying aggressive behavior in thermal images by detecting traces...
Mechanism of hopping conduction in Be–Fe–Al–Te–O semiconducting glasses and glass–ceramics
PublicationElectrical properties of beryllium-alumino-tellurite glasses and glass–ceramics doped with iron ions were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity was measured over a wide frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and the temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The D.C. conductivity values showed a correlation with the Fe-ion concentration and ratio of iron ions on different valence states in the samples. On the basis of...
Dual-wavelength laser polarimeter and its performance capabilities
PublicationA dual-wavelength optical polarimetric approach has been proposed as a means of elimination of the systematic errors and estimation of the optical anisotropy parameters for a single DKDP crystal. Our HAUP-related polarimeter uses two semiconductor lasers with the neighbouring wavelengths of 635 nm and 650 nm. Based on the temperature dependence analysis of small characteristic azimuths of light polarization with respect to the...
Dual-wavelength polarimeter application in investigations of the optical activity of a langasite crystal
PublicationA method of high accuracy polarimetry, which includes optical activity measurements systematic errors, was realized with dual-wavelength polarimeter for two wavelengths of 635 and 650 nm. Simultaneous measurements with neighboring wavelengths significantly improved the data processing, by increasing the amount of data to eliminate the systematic errors. For langasite crystal La3Ga5SiO14 we measured temperature dependence of the...
Utilization of ionic liquids for the enrichment of biogas
PublicationThis article discusses the dependence of biogas composition on organic feed material. High amounts of CO2 decrease the calorific value of biogas. Several technologies are reviewed which can be used to increase the calorific value. Special emphasis is laid on ionic liquids as a new absorbing material. ILs have a number of advantages due to their unique properties such as: low melting point, high thermal conductivity, no flammability,...
Solvent dependency of carbon dioxide Henry's constant in aqueous solutions of choline chloride-ethylene glycol based deep eutectic solvent
PublicationThe Henry's constants of carbon dioxide absorbed in aqueous solutions of ethaline (choline chloride-ethylene glycol) were determined for temperatures ranging from 303.15 to 323.15 K based on solubility measurement at CO2 pressure ranging from 0 to 6 bar (0.6 MPa). These studies revealed that the Henry's constant increased with the increase of temperature. Data indicated the highest capacity of CO2 absorption is obtained for ethaline...
Role of nitrogen in optical and electrical band gaps of hydrogenated/hydrogen free carbon nitride film
PublicationWe report the optical and electrical band gap energy of amorphous hydrogenated carbon nitride (a-HCNx) and carbon nitride (a-CNx) as a function of nitrogen concentration (N/C). The optical band gap of a-HCNx and a-CNx films has been determined by means of Ellipsometry and UV-VIS. Both optical and electrical band gaps increase with elevated nitrogen concentration. Experimentally obtained electrical band gap is compared with the...
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of heat transfer from densely packed gold nanoparticles to isotropic media
PublicationThis work aims to determine and compare heat generation and propagation of densely packed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) induced by a resonant laser beam (532 nm) according to the Mie theory. The heat flux propagation is transferred into the materials, which here are: silica glass; soda-lime-silica glass; borosilicate glass; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); polycarbonate (PC); and polydimetylosiloxane (PDMS). This analysis aims to...