Search results for: context analysis
Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow, PG_00057408
e-Learning CoursesReiteration of information on thermodynamic cycles and extension of information on their modelling using commercial software tools. Presentation of balances, constitutive equations, how to set up conditions in CFD type codes. Equipment regulation and control in the context of heat exchangers.Presentation of the computational capabilities of the CFD calculation code ANSYS Fluent. Mass, momentum and energy balances in 0D and 3D terms.Analysis...
To Survive in a CBRN Hostile Environment: Application of CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments in First Responder Training
PublicationThis paper is of a conceptual nature and focuses on the use of a specific virtual reality environment in civil-military training. We analyzed the didactic potential of so-called CAVE automatic virtual environments for First Responder training, a type of training that fills the gap between First Aid training and the training received by emergency medical technicians. Since real training involves live drills based on unexpected situations,...
Rapid tolerance‐aware design of miniaturized microwave passives by means of confined‐domain surrogates
PublicationThe effects of uncertainties, primarily manufacturing tolerances but also incomplete information about operating conditions or material parameters, can be detrimental to the performance of microwave components. Quantification of such effects is essential to ensure a meaningful evaluation of the structure, in particular, its reliability under imperfect fabrication procedures. The improvement of the circuit robustness can be achieved...
PublicationPurpose: To determine the availability of non-alcoholic wines and spirit substitutes in various distribution channels and understand the factors shaping store assortments to identify potential product strategies in category management. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review using desk research and a two-part study on the availability of non-alcoholic substitutes, utilizing observation and interview methods. Findings:...
Managing safety of industrial hazardous installations with emphasis on the control systems, interfaces and human factors
PublicationIn the paper a procedure for the layer of protection analysis (LOPA) as a tool to evaluate the risk of accident scenarios occurrence in hazardous installations is outlined. In such installations several protection layers exist. Human operator performance in each layer is unavoidable, but the role and tasks are different and depend on the context of situation. Based on suggestions form literature (EEMUA, CREAM) and own proposals...
Trzej prorocy: Sołżenicyn, Friedman, Dugin. Część pierwsza: Sołżenicyn
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia na tle biograficznym dzieło i myśl profetyczną Aleksandra Sołżenicyna. Podstawą jej analizy jest mowa z okazji przyznania autorowi Oddziału chorych na raka literackiej Nagrody Nobla oraz jego wykład na temat stanu cywilizacji Zachodu wygłoszony na Uniwersytecie Harvarda – zatytułowany Zmierzch odwagi. Proroctwa Sołżenicyna dotyczące Zachodu pokazane są w kontekście jego pracy Jak odbudować Rosję? W artykule...
Kontekstowo zorientowany model bezpieczeństwa systemów internetowych
PublicationW rozprawie dokonano analizy usługowych systemów internetowych pod względem bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono autorskie uniwersalne modele bezpieczeństwa CoRBAC oraz jego rozszerzenie TCoRBAC, będące rozwinięciem tradycyjnego modelu RBAC. Uwzględniono analizę szeroko rozumianego kontekstu funkcjonowania systemu oraz poziom jego zaufania do użytkownika. Opracowano metodę wyznaczania dwóch parametrów: zaufania do systemu (λ) będącego...
Koncepcja analizy stanów emocjonalnych użytkowników w kontekście systemów zabezpieczeń transportowych
PublicationAutorzy, przywołując własne i światowe badania nad rozpoznawaniem emocji ludzkich z obrazu twarzy, wskazują na możliwość zastosowania algorytmów komputerowych i ich implementacji w komputerach osobistych (i innych urządzeniach personalnych wyposażonych w dostatecznie silny procesor obliczeniowy). Zastosowanie takiego rozwiązania może poprawić bezpieczeństwo użytkowania urządzeń, maszyn i pojazdów, których operatorzy muszą gwarantować...
Dataset of phase portraits of the fractional prey-predator model with Holling type-II interaction (without predator harvesting)
Open Research DataThe need for a fractional generalization of a given classical model is often due to new behaviors which cannot be taken into account by the model. In this situation, it can be useful to look for a fractional deformation of the initial system, trying to fit the fractional exponent of differentiation in order to catch properly the data.
Presence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment in Europe and their analytical monitoring: Recent trends and perspectives
PublicationThe presence of antibiotics and their metabolites in the aquatic environment exerts a negative impact on all organisms. Moreover, the easy migration of these substances to drinking water may also have serious consequences for public health, such as drug resistance. Although antibiotics and their metabolites are detected in surface waters and wastewater, there are still no systemic solutions preventing environmental pollution with...
Art of Space – Art in Space / The Role of Sound Art in Public
PublicationThe article presents a discussion of the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space revitalisation and improving its quality in the context of multisensory dimension of public spaces. The unique manifestation of art and creativity in public space could be detected and stimulated using participatory architecture, for instance interactive installations, projects related...
Specialist Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea
PublicationThe size and shape of the largest pavilion hospitals established in West Prussia in the 19th century changed along with the advancing technical and medical knowledge, the progress of ideas regarding modern society, architectural patterns, and the needs for which the hospitals were built. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social and technical facilities, all constituting parts of the complex. The...
Analiza skuteczności wybranych strategii kontrariańskich na warszawskiej GPW w latach 2014–2018
PublicationCapital multiplication is the main goal of investors and for many years they have been looking for methods and strategies that would enable them to achieve it to the greatest possible extent. Due to the fact that the expectations and characteristics of investors, including those concerning the investment period, are diverse, multiple strategies have emerged. One of such strategies, mainly long-term in nature, is the so-called...
Subjective tests for gathering knowledge for applying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot, and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with or...
Design-oriented computationally-efficient feature-based surrogate modelling of multi-band antennas with nested kriging
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures heavily depends on electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. EM analysis provides reliable evaluation of increasingly complex designs but tends to be CPU intensive. When multiple simulations are needed (e.g., for parameters tuning), the aggregated simulation cost may become a serious bottleneck. As one possible way of mitigating the issue, the recent literature fosters utilization of faster representations,...
Rapid on-line method of wastewater parameters estimation by electronic nose for control and operating wastewater treatment plants toward Green Deal implementation
PublicationIn order to comply with legal regulations related to wastewater quality, the operational mode of facilities at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) should be properly adjusted according to parameters of influents, however it is very difficult without frequently performed measurements. Currently there are known many techniques and devices for assesment of wastewater parameters such as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand,...
Subjective tests for gathering konwledge for applaying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot,and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with...
Excited states of mono- and biruthenium(II) complexes adsorbed on nanocrystalline titanium dioxide studied by electroabsorption spectroscopy
PublicationComprehensive characterization of the lowest energy electronic excited states for mono- and binuclear Ru(II) complexes containing bipyridine ligands has been performed by electroabsorption (EA) spectroscopy. The EA spectra of Ru complexes sensitizing a TiO2 semiconductor were compared with the spectra of these complexes in the form of solid neat films, both of which parametrized within the Liptay theory. The extracted values of...
„Jeśli my zapomnimy, kto będzie pamiętał?". Dzieło sztuki jako manifestacja postpamięci
PublicationTekst jest próbą ujęcia relacji między postpamięcią (lub inaczej ujmując - „pamięcią zastępczą”) a sztuką, przy czym szczególny akcent położono na sztuki wizualne. Dokonano analizy dzieł artystów młodszego pokolenia, podejmujących temat pamięci o Szoa (między innymi Libera, Bałka, Żmijewski, do pewnego stopnia Betlejewski), traktując je jako formy manifestacji postpamięci. Wychodząc z założenia, że analiza zjawisk artystycznych...
Concentrations and loads of DOC, phenols and aldehydes in a proglacial arctic river in relation to hydro-meteorological conditions. A case study from the southern margin of the Bellsund Fjord – SW Spitsbergen
PublicationClimate warming accelerates the melting and thawing of cryosphere components. Therefore, it favours the release of contaminants stored in High-Arctic glaciers for many years. The rate of land-based glacier retreat is of particular importance for the hydrological regime of glacial rivers, but also for the chemical composition of their waters. In this study, we examined 84 surface water samples collected during a period of 42 days...
Impacts on human health in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling – The EU ArcRisk project policy outcome
PublicationResults of the EU ArcRisk project on human health impacts in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling are summarized in the context of their policy application. The question on how will climate change affect the transport of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury, both to and within the Arctic has been addressed, as well as the issue of human health impacts of these pollutants in the...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublicationPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
Analysis of different tillage implements with respect to reduced fuel consumption, tractor operating speed and its wheel slippage
PublicationNowadays the prices of agricultural farm produced products are increasing with ant-speed and the prices of input for raising crops are increasing with rocket-speed. Therefore, there is a dire need to conduct some important studies to innovate the techniques which can lower the costs of crop production. In this context, this study was conducted to evaluate the consumption of fuel at different tillage implements, tractor operating...
Ocena wpływu polityki zdrowotnej na jakość życia starzejącego się społeczeństwa w krajach UE
PublicationStarzenie się społeczeństw w Europie powoduje wiele problemów społecznych i ekonomicznych. Polityka zdrowotna i jakość opieki zdrowotnej wpływają na stan zdrowia osób starszych, a tym samym na jakość ich życia. Artykuł jest próbą oceny polityki zdro-wotnej w krajach Unii Europejskiej w kontekście jakości życia. Wykorzystano metodę Data Envelopment Analysis i koncepcję helmsmana, powszechnie stosowane do oceny różnych rodzajów polityki....
Computer Simulation in Predicting Biochemical Processes and Energy Balance at WWTPs
PublicationNowadays, the use of mathematical models and computer simulation allow analysis of many different technological solutions as well as testing various scenarios in a short time and at low financial budget in order to simulate the scenario under typical conditions for the real system and help to find the best solution in design or operation process. The aim of the study was to evaluate different concepts of biochemical processes and...
Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks
PublicationInvestigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...
Sex contribution to average age at onset of Huntington's disease depends on the number of (CAG)n repeats
PublicationHuntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by the extension of the CAG repeats in exon 1 of the HTT gene and is transmitted in a dominant manner. The present study aimed to assess whether patients’ sex, in the context of mutated and normal allele length, contributes to age on onset (AO) of HD. The study population comprised a large cohort of 3723 HD patients from the European Huntington’s Disease...
Results of research on the SME sector in the context of applying tax reliefs
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the quantitative results of the survey conducted in the period June 2019 - April 2020. In total, 274 completed survey questionnaires were obtained.
Impact of Large-scale urban interventions on contemporary city centers. Gdansk case study. Wpływ przedsiewzięć urbanistycznych dużej skali na centra miast. Studium przypadku Gdańska
PublicationLarge scale urban interventions have become a common development practice in cotemporary cities, allowing achieving rapid changes in their urban structure. They can be analyzed taking into account various perspectives. Some of them include planning and development models, transformation of brownfields and other types of distressed urban areas, as well as consequences and results of their implementation in existing urban structures....
Zarządzanie programami badawczymi z uwzględnieniem filozofii nauki
PublicationZarządzanie projektami i programami badawczymi powinno być realizowane z zastosowaniem specyficznych metod zarządzania ze względu na specyfikę badań naukowych. W tym rozdziale zaprezentowano wyniki analiz mających na celu lepsze zrozumienie roli zarządzania programem badawczym z następujących perspektyw: analizy rzeczywistości projektów badawczych, zarządzania projektem i programem oraz filozofii nauki. Praktycznym zastosowaniem...
Znaczenie i dynamika efektuacji w działaniach zespołów projektowych IT
PublicationCel: Celem opracowania jest sprawdzenie, na ile wdrażanie zasad efektuacji jest korzystne dla efektywności zespołów projektowych pracujących nad innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i czy wpływa na ich satysfakcję. Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowano w studenckich zespołach projektowych z branży IT, opracowujących rozwiązania na zlecenie interesariuszy zewnętrznych. Do pomiaru zmiennych wykorzystano autorskie kwestionariusze....
Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy
PublicationArchitektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...
Age, frequency of volunteering, and Present-Hedonistic time perspective predict donating items to people in need, but not money to combat COVID-19 during lock-down
PublicationRestrictions due to COVID-19 necessitated staying at home, but in some cases, encouraged charitable behavior, e.g., donating items to people in need (e.g., clothes, food), or money to support combatting COVID-19. Drawing on the previous findings regarding helping during disastrous situations and roles of time perspective in helping behaviors, the study tested the predictive value of age, gender, previous volunteering, altruistic...
The experience of movement in orbital space architecture: A narrative of weightlessness
PublicationBased upon a combination of architectural theories, the knowledge of space environment, and psychology of isolated and confined environments, this qualitative research aims to study orbital space settlement in a way to get the built space congenial to the human experience of movement. In this sense, sensors, self-propulsion or mechanical actuators, the inhabitant’s mental and visual capacity for movement, as well as the represented...
Data-Driven Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: A Critical Review
PublicationFiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) is extensively used in diverse structural engineering applications, and its mechanical properties are crucial for designing and evaluating its performance. The compressive, flexural, splitting tensile, and shear strengths of FRCs are among the most important attributes, which have been discussed more extensively than other properties. The accurate prediction of these properties, which are required...
Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review
PublicationThe phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity...
Upward convergence patterns in chosen environmental-related SDGs
PublicationSustainable development is a challenge facing humanity. EU countries not only strive to reach their specific objectives, but they also work collaboratively towards shared goals. There is a need to balance synergies and compromises to address these objectives effectively. When discussing countries' development and people's well-being, one often focuses on socio-economic development. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental...
Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea
PublicationIn the 19th century a number of modern curative and healthcare hospitals with complex functional and spatial layout were erected in the territory of the West Prussia. The largest of them were specialist centers treating physical and mental illnesses and disabilities: institutions for mentally ill patients (including addicts), epileptics and disabled people. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social...
Psychological capital and happiness at work: The mediating role of employee thriving in multinational corporations
PublicationWorking in multicultural work environments of multinational corporations (MNCs) creates challenges whose expected impact on happiness is equivocal. In the following paper, we examine the relationship between psychological capital and happiness at work in the specific MNCs’ context. We assume that thriving (eudemonic well-being) at work fosters individuals’ development and enhances their happiness composed of both the affective...
Developing a Framework for the Implementation of Landscape and Greenspace Indicators in Sustainable Urban Planning. Waterfront Landscape Management: Case Studies in Gdańsk, Poznań and Bristol
PublicationUrban landscape (UL) management and urban greenspace (UG) delivery require effective planning tools. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for the implementation of ecological, structural and visual landscape and greenspace indicators (LGI) in spatial development of urban areas. The UL and UG management provisions in Poland are identified at various levels of urban planning (local, municipal and regional). Furthermore,...
The experience of movement in orbital space architecture: A narrative of weightlessness
PublicationBased upon a combination of architectural theories, the knowledge of space environment, and psychology of isolated and confined environments, this qualitative research aims to study orbital space settlement in a way to get the built space congenial to the human experience of movement. In this sense, sensors, self-propulsion or mechanical actuators, the inhabitant’s mental and visual capacity for movement, as well as the represented...
Beyond quid pro quo: good soldiers and characteristics of their helping behaviours
PublicationPurpose – Good soldiers are people who engage in citizenship behaviours “to do good” instead of “to look good”. The purpose of this article is to explore the motivations behind and the specific characteristics of behaviours of the good soldiers in the context of work using social exchange theory (SET) as a theoretical framework. Design/methodology/approach – 47 dyadic interviews with 94 individuals from three organisations...
Scheduling on Uniform and Unrelated Machines with Bipartite Incompatibility Graphs
PublicationThe problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines under an incompatibility relation is considered in this paper. In this model, a binary relation between jobs is given and no two jobs that are in the relation can be scheduled on the same machine. We consider job scheduling under the incompatibility relation modeled by a bipartite graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, on uniform and unrelated machines. Unrelated machines...
A Vision of Sustainable Design Concepts for Upgrading Vulnerable Coastal Areas in Light of Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study from Beirut, Lebanon
PublicationRapid urbanization combined with the effects of climate change has increased the vulnerability of poor urban communities to natural hazards, particularly to informal settlements located in coastal areas. Apart from socio-economic challenges, the effects of climate change threaten the very existence of these settlements. They are particularly vulnerable due to their poor structural quality and lack of adequate infrastructure to...
Interdisciplinary research as a form of monument protection and preparation for the investment process on the example of the former Gdańsk Shipyard complex
PublicationThe multi-layered heritage of many industrial plants operating until the end of the 20th century creates a particular challenge for conservators, designers and investors. In the process of protecting its values, displaying qualities and managing the property, it is necessary to recognize a wider transformation of technology of the entire plant and the individual functions of its buildings, as well as the context of intangible...
Hospitality Human Capital process model in crisis management: Managing human capital and revealing employees’ hidden capabilities
PublicationAs the hospitality industry is highly human-dependent, proper Human Capital management is crucial for responding to these challenges and becoming resilient in the long-term perspective. This study aims to verify the Value-Driven Process Model of Hospitality Human Capital management in the context of Crisis Management in restaurant SMEs, which is an underresearched part of the industry. The authors adjust the model by Young et al....
Circular economy dynamics and country clusters: evidence for European countries
PublicationThis study examines trends in circular economy (CE) adoption across 27 European nations from 2012 to 2021. Two key objectives are explored: the evolution of cross-country disparities in CE practices and the identification of clusters with similar CE adoption patterns. Our analysis reveals a gradual convergence in CE adoption, which did not always lead to positive outcomes. Some countries improved recycling rates but saw increased...
Prehabilitation approaches for gastrointestinal cancer surgery: a narrative review
PublicationGastrointestinal (GI) cancer patients undergoing surgery are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, which can significantly impact surgical outcomes. Prehabilitation interventions encompassing nutritional, physical, and psychosocial support have gained attention for their potential to mitigate these risks. However, the efficacy of multidisciplinary prehabilitation programs in this context remains underexplored. This narrative...
The Space for Preservation and Dilapidation of Historical Houses in Modlimowo Village in the Light of Post-Dependence Studies and Historical Politics after 1945
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present the results of the research on spatial degradation of Modlimowo village. Modlimowo is an example of a settlement form typical of the Western Pomerania region. Until 1945, half-timbered buildings of Modlimowo village constituted a wellpreserved architectural and cultural heritage of this region. Over the past 25 years, changes in the spatial layout of Modlimowo Village irreversibly...
Na granicy wody i lądu – pojęcie niebieskiej przestrzeni urbanistycznej
PublicationObecnie obserwuje się wzrost zainteresowania projektowaniem urbanistycznym i architektonicznym z wykorzystaniem wody lub wręcz projektowania nowych terenów miejskich na obszarach wodnych. Sposób postrzegania strefy graniczenia wody i lądu w mieście ulega transformacji, a związek między tymi dwoma tkankami – znacznemu zacieśnieniu, w skutek czego w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu zaczęło kształtować się pojęcie niebieskich przestrzeni miejskich....