Search results for: energy dependence
The Effect of Full-Cell Impregnation of Pine Wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) on Changes in Electrical Resistance and on the Accuracy of Moisture Content Measurement Using Resistance Meters
PublicationThe impact of the full-cell impregnation of pine wood was investigated with respect to changes in electrical resistance and the accuracy of moisture content measurement. This study compared the resistance of impregnated and untreated pine timber harvested from the northern part of Poland (Pomeranian region). The wood was impregnated by the vacuum-pressure method. The preservative (TANALITH E 3475) and coloring (TANATONE 3950) agents...
GaN Nanowire Array for Charge Transfer in Hybrid GaN/P3HT:PC71BM Photovoltaic Heterostructure Fabricated on Silicon
PublicationAbstract: We demonstrate that a GaN nanowire array can be used for efficient charge transfer between the organic photovoltaic layer and silicon in a Si/GaN/P3HT:PC71BM inverted hybrid heterostructure. The band alignment of such a material combination is favorable to facilitate exciton dissociation, carrier separation and electron transport into Si. The ordered nature of the GaN array helps to mitigate the intrinsic performance...
On the influence of a surface roughness on propagation of anti-plane short-length localized waves in a medium with surface coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of localized surface waves in the framework of the linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity and taking into account a roughness of a free boundary. We derive a boundary-value problem for anti-plane motions with curvilinear boundary and surface stresses. Using the asymptotic technique developed earlier, we obtain the form of a localized wave and analyze its amplitude evolution. As the main result we present...
New Method of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with an Amplitude-Modulated Perturbation Signal
PublicationThe paper presents a new method of non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS), which allows fast and nondestructive evaluation of the corrosion rate and determination of the Tafel coefficients values for a corrosion system under investigation. This method employs amplitude modulation of the ac perturbation signal. The study demonstrated that it was possible to obtain impedance characteristic as a function of the...
Gas sensors based on conducting polymers-recent developments
PublicationThis work discusses sensing performance dependence of PEDOT polymer and its composites on the counter ions used in the polymerization process. The sensors based on PEDOT-RGO composite show reversible response to NO2, while on PEDOT/LiClO4 irreversible. As a result, PEDOT-RGO could be used as a typical gas sensor, while sensor based PEDOT/LiClO4 could be used as an integrating gas sensor, also known as an accumulating gas sensor....
On the Application of Magnetoacoustic Emission for a Nondestructive Assessment of the Post Welding Heat Treatment of High Chromium Steel Weld Seams
PublicationThe paper analyses the possibility of post weld heat treatment (PWHT) quality assessment with the help of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal measurements. Two welded superheater tubes, made of high chromium VM12 steel, were analysed—as welded and heat treated one. The analysed sample in the as welded state exhibited significantly higher hardness, accompanied by a big difference in the MAE signal intensity (of order of about...
Wood Moisture-Content Measurement Accuracy of Impregnated and Nonimpregnated Wood
PublicationThe influence of the impregnation process of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) samples on the electrical resistance changes and the moisture-content measurement accuracy is presented in this paper. In this study, the resistances of impregnated and nonimpregnated green pine timber harvested from northern Poland were compared. An impregnation method based on a vacuum-pressure chamber was used. Copper salts were applied as the impregnated...
Assessment of User Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Several Body-to-Body Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, Body-to-Body communications in indoor and outdoor environments for different on-body antenna configurations and different mobility scenarios were studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The main objective is to properly characterise the influence of the Transmitter-Receiver configuration on system loss and fast fading behaviour, the latter being modelled by the Rice Distribution. Globally, it is observed...
PublicationThe paper presents results of studies on the structure of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films (ta-C) with a thickness in the range from 20 to 280 nm, deposited using pulsed vacuum arc technique with an electromagnetic Venetian blind plasma filter. The results of the phase structure analysis, obtained using visible Raman spectroscopy and UV Raman spectroscopy methods, showed a strong dependence of the results on the presence, on...
On the interspike-intervals of periodically-driven integrate-and-fire models
PublicationWe analyze properties of the firing map, which iterations give information about consecutive spikes, for periodically driven linear integrate-and-fire models. By considering locally integrable (thus in general not continuous) input functions, we generalize some results of other authors. In particular, we prove theorems concerning continuous dependence of the firing map on the input in suitable function spaces. Using mathematical...
Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublicationIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
Evaluating Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Modeling and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
PublicationThe fourth industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0 is reshaping and evolving the way industries produce products and individuals live and work therefore, gaining massive attraction from academia, business and politics. The manufacturing industries are optimistic regarding the opportunities Industry 4.0 may offer such as, improved efficiency, productivity and customization. The present research contributes to the Industry 4.0...
A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
Flow structure, heat transfer and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a differentially heated cylindrical enclosure
PublicationThe experimental, numerical and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a thermosyphon-like enclosure filled with a paramagnetic fluid is presented. Visualization of temperature field together with the numerical simulation gave an information about the flow structure, which indicated “finger-like” structures of hot and cold streams advecting each other. Their number depended on the Rayleigh number and also...
An Analysis of Uncertainty and Robustness of Waterjet Machine Positioning Vision System
PublicationThe paper presents a new Automatic Waterjet Positioning Vision System (AWPVS) and investigates components of workpiece positioning accuracy. The main purpose of AWPVS is to precisely identify the position and rotation of a workpiece placed on a waterjet machine table. Two webcams form a basis for the system, and constitute its characteristics. The proposed algorithm comprises various image processing techniques to assure a required...
Effect of temperature and ionic strength on volumetric and acoustic properties of solutions of urea alkil derivatives in aqueous NaCl
PublicationThe present work was undertaken to study volumetric and acoustic properties for diluted solutions of tetramethylurea in pure water and for urea, n-propylurea, n-butylurea and tetramethylurea in 0.5 or 1 moldm3 aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. This paper presents measured values of densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, , adiabatic compressibilities,...
Applicability of an effective conductivity approach in modeling thoracic impedance changes
PublicationThis paper describes numerical simulations of the influence of conductivity changes inside a volume conductor on impedance changes measured on its surface. A simple model based on the finite element method has been developed to estimate an applicability of the effective conductivity theory in human chest modeling. The model consisted of a cylinder with two concentric spheres inside. Simulations were performed for two cases: first...
Analysis of thoracic regional impedance changes using PCA approach
PublicationA multichannel impedance and one lead electrocardiographic recording system has been developed. The impedance measurement unit is built using a four-electrode technique. It consists of a sinusoidal, 40 kHz, current source and five measurement channels. Circumferential current electrodes have been located at a neck and an abdomen. Voltagemeasurement disk electrodes formed five two-electrode measurement ports. The impedance change...
Influence of Antimony Substitution on Spontaneous Strain and Thermodynamic Stability of Lanthanum Orthoniobate
PublicationThe analysis of the antimony substitution influence on temperature dependence of unit cell distortion has been done. The values of spontaneous strain and Landau order parameter for three different antimony contents varied had been calculated. The phase transition occurring for antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate was found to be second order. The high temperature solution calorimetry method has been used to investigate...
Rapid Yield Estimation and Optimization of Microwave Structures Exploiting Feature-Based Statistical Analysis
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a simple, yet reliable methodology to expediteyield estimation and optimization of microwave structures. In our approach,the analysis of the entire response of the structure at hand (e.g., $S$-parameters asa function of frequency) is replaced by response surface modeling of suitablyselected feature points. On the one hand, this is sufficient to determinewhether a design satisfies given performance specifications....
Experimental results of full scattering profile from finger tissue-like phantom
PublicationHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. We suggest a new optical method for sensing physiological tissue state, based on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. We built a unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. We use a laser, a photodetector and finger tissues-mimicking phantoms presenting different optical...
Effect of electron count and chemical complexity in the Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy superconductor
PublicationHigh-entropy alloys are made from random mixtures of principal elements on simple lattices, stabilized by a high mixing entropy. The recently discovered body-centered cubic (BCC) Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy superconductor appears to display properties of both simple crystalline intermetallics and amorphous materials; e.g., it has a well-defined superconducting transition along with an exceptional robustness against disorder....
Rapid surrogate-assisted statistical analysis of compact microstrip couplers
PublicationIn this paper, a technique for low-cost statistical analysis and yield estimation of compact microwave couplers has been presented. The analysis is executed at the level of a fast surrogate model representing selected characteristic points of the coupler response that are critical to determine satisfaction/violation of the prescribed design specifications. Because of less nonlinear dependence of the characteristic points on geometry...
Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationThe results of heat capacity measurements for the lanthanum orthoniobate substituted with 10, 20 and 30 mol% of antimony (LaNb0.9Sb0.1O4, LaNb0.8Sb0.2O4 and LaNb0.7Sb0.3O4) are presented and discussed. Temperature dependence of low temperature heat capacity was analyzed within the Debye and Einstein models. The Debye temperature decreased, whereas the Einstein temperature increased with antimony content. The decrease of the Debye...
Monosubstituted hydrazone β-cyclodextrin derivatives for pH-sensitive complex formation with aromatic drugs
PublicationA new and convenient synthetic pathway was developed to produce monosubstituted cyclodextrins with high yields. Each of the β-cyclodextrin derivatives described in this work has an aromatic substituent connected with cyclodextrin core by a pH-sensitive hydrazone linker and a carbon chain. Carbon chains differ in lengths having one or three carbon atoms. The correlation between water solubility and linker length was determined using...
Extended phase diagram of RNiC2 family: Linear scaling of the Peierls temperature
PublicationPhysical properties for the late-lanthanide-based RNiC2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm) ternary compounds are reported. All the compounds show antiferromagnetic ground state with the Néel temperature ranging from 3.4 K for HoNiC2 to 8.5 K for ErNiC2. The results of the transport and galvanomagnetic properties confirm a charge density wave state at and above room temperature with transition temperatures TCDW = 284, 335, 366, and 394 K for...
Dirac fermions and possible weak antilocalization in LaCuSb2
PublicationLayered heavy-metal square-lattice compounds have recently emerged as potential Dirac fermion materials due to bonding within those sublattices. We report quantum transport and spectroscopic data on the layered Sb square-lattice material LaCuSb2. Linearly dispersing band crossings, necessary to generate Dirac fermions, are experimentally observed in the electronic band structure observed using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,...
Propagation of acoustic pulses in some fluids with yield stress
PublicationThis study is devoted to the derivation of approximate equations governing acoustic pulses in flows with yieldstress, including some time-dependent flows with a slow dependence on time of yield stress and apparent viscosity. Themodeling of yield stress and apparent viscosity in the vicinity of a zero deformation rate allows us to consider a thixotropicfluid as a Bingham plastic with coefficients that are dependent on time. The...
Behaviour of steel columns under impact
PublicationOne of import issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigation focused on dynamic behaviour of steel columns under impact loading. Modal and transient dynamic analyses using Finite Element...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Modeling the effect of external load variations on single, serie and parallel connected microbial fuel cells
PublicationThis paper presents a microbial fuel cell (MFC) model designed to analyze the effect of the external load on MFC performance. The model takes into account the voltage and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) dependence on the external load. The value of the model parameters were calibrated by means of the voltage relaxation method tests using a controlled load current. Laboratory measurements and MATLAB Simulink model computations...
Investigation of long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of daily GPS solutions
PublicationThe long-range dependence (LRD) of the stochastic part of GPS-derived topocentric coordinates change (North, East, Up) results with relatively high autocorrelation values with a focus on self-similarity. One of the reasons for such self-similarity in the GPS time series are noises that are commonly recognised to prevail in the form of the flicker noise model. To prove the self-similarity of the stochastic part of GPS time series...
Study of swimbladder morphometry of Baltic herring and sprat (development of measurement methodology)
PublicationEffective management of Baltic clupeids, which are valuable commercially and ecologically,requires the biomass control. The acoustical techniques are recognized as effective in fishstock assessment. The study of Baltic herring and sprat individual backscatteringcharacteristics is required for the accurate biomass estimation using acoustical techniques.The previous measurements demonstrated significant...
Adsorption-assisted transport of water vapour in super-hydrophobic membranes filled with multilayer graphene platelets
PublicationThe effects of confinement of multilayer graphene platelets in hydrophobic microporous polymeric membranes are here examined. Intermolecular interactions between water vapour molecules and nanocomposite membranes are envisaged to originate assisted transport of water vapour in membrane distillation processes when a suitable filler-polymer ratio is reached. Mass transport coefficients are estimated under different working conditions,...
Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Cylinder to Nanofluids
PublicationThe results of free convection heat transfer investigation from a horizontal, uniformly heated tube immersed in a nanofluid are presented. Experiments were performed with five base fluids, i.e., ethylene glycol (EG), distilled water (W) and the mixtures of EG and water with the ratios of 60/40, 50/50, 40/60 by volume, so the Rayleigh (Ra) number range was 3 104 Ra 1.3 106 and the Prandtl (Pr) number varied from 4.4 to 176....
Performance Evaluation of GAM in Off-Body Path Loss Modelling for Body Area Networks
PublicationThis paper addresses the performance evaluation of an off-body path loss model, based on measurements at 2.45 GHz, which has been developed with the use of the Generalised Additive Model, allowing to model a non-linear dependence on different predictor variables. The model formulates path loss as a function of distance, antennas’ heights, antenna orientation angle and polarisation, results showing that performance is very sensitive...
Effect of strain level on the stiffness of cold recycled bituminous mixtures
PublicationCold recycling is a sustainable technology for the rehabilitation of bitumi-nous pavements. This study investigates the stiffness response of cement-bitumen treated materials (CBTM)manufactured with 80% reclaimed asphalt and treated with 2.0% Portland cement and 4.0% bitumen emulsion. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus tests were carried out to assess the strain dependence of stiffness at target horizontal deformation levels between...
Analytical solution of non-stationary heat conduction problem for two sliding layers with time-dependent friction conditions
PublicationIn this article we conduct an overview of various types of thermal contact conditions at the sliding interface. We formulate a problem of non-stationary heat conduction in two sliding layers with generalized thermal contact conditions allowing for dependence of the heat-generation coefficient and contact heat transfer coefficient on time. We then derive an analytical solution of the problem by constructing a special coordinate...
Photovoltaic phenomena in devices with perfluorozincphthalocyanine layer
PublicationThe course of photovoltaic phenomenon in organic photovoltaic cells utilizing thin layers of perfluorozincphthalocyanine was studied in few single and planar bilayer configurations. Mechanisms of photogeneration and recombination of free charge carriers were determined and active interfaces were localized. In case of single layer cells these interfaces were located at the front electrode/F16ZnPc junctions, whereas photogeneration...
MgPd2Sb : A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
PublicationWe report the synthesis and physical properties of a full Heusler compound, MgPd2Sb, which we found toshow superconductivity belowTc=2.2K. MgPd2Sb was obtained by a two-step solid-state reaction methodand its purity and cubic crystal structure [Fm-3m,a=6.4523(1) Å] were confirmed by powder x-ray diffrac-tion. Normal and superconducting states were studied by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, andheat...
Navier number and transition to turbulence
PublicationThe motivation behind this article is to explain a role of the Navier number (Na -dimensionless slip-length) in prediction of closures for laminar to turbulent transition undergoing via eddies detachment from the slip layer in nano-cannals. Additionally the role of the Navier number Na in universal modeling of phenomenon of enhanced mass flow rate reported in micro- and nano-channels has been explained. The Na number should be...
Novel approach to ecotoxicological risk assessment of sediments cores around the shipwreck by the use of self-organizing maps
PublicationMarine and coastal pollution plays an increasingly important role due to recent severe accidents which drew attention to the consequences of oil spills causing widespread devastation of marine ecosystems. All these problems cannot be solved without conducting environmental studies in the area of possible oil spill and performing chemometric evaluation of the data obtained looking for similar patterns among pollutants and optimize...
Ultrafast Intramolecular Relaxation and Wave-Packet Motion in a Ruthenium-Based Supramolecular Photocatalyst
PublicationThe hydrogen-evolving photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2 Ru(tpphz)Pd(Cl)2 ](2+) (tbbpy=4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridine, tpphz=tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c:3'',2''-h:2''',3'''-j]phenazine) shows excitation-wavelength-dependent catalytic activity, which has been correlated to the localization of the initial excitation within the coordination sphere. In this contribution the excitation-wavelength dependence of the early excited-state relaxation...
Surface sediments pollution due to shipwreck s/s “Stuttgart”: a multidisciplinary approach
PublicationShipwrecks may pose a serious source of pollution for marine ecosystems. For this reason, it is of great importance to perform a marine ecosystem risk assessment due to plausible wreck presence. One of elements of such an assessment is determining the state of the environment in the vicinity of the wreck. In the work presented, the results of studies on surface sediments samples collected around the s/s Stuttgart ship sunk during...
Properties of Thermally Dewetted Thin Au Films on ITO-Coated Glass for Biosensing Applications
PublicationNoble metal nanostructures are object of great interest due to their unique optical and electronic properties exploited in nanotechnology, medicine, biochemistry, and surface-enhanced spectroscopies. In this work, the Au nanoparticle (NP) structures for application in biosensing obtained by dewetting are investigated in dependence on their preparation conditions. Structures are produced from thin Au films (5–30 nm) sputtered onto...
Overall color parameter as a parameter determining the level of oxidation of olive oil
PublicationEdible fats are an important part of a human daily diet. They have a significant effect on the proper functioning of the human body. During frying, the oil is chemically modified and the fats consumed should have the highest oxidation stability. The subject of the study were samples of olive oil bought at local markets in Gdansk. Samples were heated at 20 °C, 60 °C, 100 °C, 140 °C and 180 °C. The aim of the study was to determine...
Eurozone or National Inflation Projections: Which has Greater Impact on Consumer Expectations?
PublicationWe compare the dependence of consumer inflation expectations on European Central Bank (ECB) inflation projections with that on national central bank (NCB) projections in four economies: Austria, Belgium, Finland, and Germany. We aim to assess whether the information published by central banks affects consumers, and whether inflation projections published by NCBs are more relevant to consumers than those published for the entire...
Stress-driven nonlocal elasticity for nonlinear vibration characteristics of carbon/boron-nitride hetero-nanotube subject to magneto-thermal environment
PublicationStress-driven nonlocal theory of elasticity, in its differential form, is applied to investigate the nonlinear vibrational characteristics of a hetero-nanotube in magneto-thermal environment with the help of finite element method. In order to more precisely deal with the dynamic behavior of size-dependent nanotubes, a two-node beam element with six degrees-of freedom including the nodal values of the deflection, slope and curvature...
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublicationThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
On rotational instability within the nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublicationWithin the six-parameter nonlinear shell theory we analyzed the in-plane rotational instability which oc- curs under in-plane tensile loading. For plane deformations the considered shell model coincides up to notations with the geometrically nonlinear Cosserat continuum under plane stress conditions. So we con- sidered here both large translations and rotations. The constitutive relations contain some additional mi- cropolar parameters...