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Search results for: spatial data model
Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system
PublicationThe main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means,...
Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling
PublicationThe primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...
Wzrost gospodarczy a zapotrzebowanie na prace - teoria i rzeczywistość gospodarcza Polski w latach 1995-2014
PublicationW części teoretycznej artykułu w pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono makroekonomiczne podstawy zapotrzebowania na pracę w warunkach postępu technicznego oraz zmian kapitału rzeczowego. W następnej kolejności sformułowano założenia dla modelu opisującego zależności pomiędzy stopami wzrostu produktu krajowego i zatrudnienia. W części empirycznej artykułu rozważano wybrane wersje oszacowanego modelu opisujące gospodarkę Polski. Do...
Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design
PublicationWhy the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners...
The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning
PublicationWith the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...
PublicationThe article presents some problems of seat belt use by car drivers and passengers. It looks in particular at seat belt use and effectiveness in selected countries. Next, factors of seat belt use are presented and methodology of model development. A macro model of seat belt use is presented based on data from around fifty countries from different continents.
Suitability study of hybrid model of electrodynamic actuator
PublicationThe paper presents the proposal of the hybrid circumferential model of an electrodynamic actuator. The field model uses the inductor current as the input data which is obtained from the circumferential model or experimentally.
Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull
PublicationThis paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...
Hydrological responses to large-scale changes in land cover of river watershed: Review
PublicationDespite many studies on the hydrological responses to forest cover changes in micro and mesoscale watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest cover alterations and associated mechanisms through the large spatial scale of the river watershed have not been comprehensively perceived. This paper thus reviews a wide range of available scientific evidence concerning the impacts exerted by the forest removal on precipitation, water...
Investigation of H2:CH4 plasma composition by means of spatially resolved optical spectroscopy
PublicationThe system based on spatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy dedicated for in situ diagnostics of plasma assisted CVD processes is presented in this paper. Measurement system coupled with chemical vapour deposition chamber by dedicated fiber-optic paths enables investigation of spatial distribution of species densities (Hx, H+, CH, CH+) during chemical vapour deposition process. Experiments were performed for a various...
Impact of Visual Image Quality on Lymphocyte Detection Using YOLOv5 and RetinaNet Algorithms
PublicationLymphocytes, a type of leukocytes, play a vital role in the immune system. The precise quantification, spatial arrangement and phenotypic characterization of lymphocytes within haematological or histopathological images can serve as a diagnostic indicator of a particular lesion. Artificial neural networks, employed for the detection of lymphocytes, not only can provide support to the work of histopathologists but also enable better...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublicationThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Space syntax analysis - methodology of understanding the space
PublicationNowadays space is considered as a net of connections between different areas. The questions how to delineate its character and how it is possible to objectively compare two spaces is the matter under consideration. This was the reason for creating new theories about the structure of place. "Space syntax analysis" (SSA) or simply "Space Syntax" defines a number of theories and research areas devoted to the analysis of space configuration....
Aspects of pollution in Gdansk and gdynia Harbours at the coastal zone of the South Baltic Sea
PublicationOrganotin compounds (OTC), as well as metals, are toxic to many organisms. Even at very low concentrations OTC and metals can have several negative effects. The paper discusses key issues relating to the location of harbours in the coastal zone (including near the river mouths and semi-closed access to the sea) and the pollution of harbour sediments with heavy metals (e.g. zinc, copper, nickel and lead) and organotin derivatives...
Territorial Aspects of Entrepreneurial Activity in Polish Suburban Zones
PublicationGlobalization has led to an increased correlation and integration of various fields in modern civilization, including those connected with allocation of entrepreneurial functions. Connection, on a global scale, has shown an increased significance of worldwide corporations. Territorial allocation of the entrepreneurial function has become the subject of translocation and revaluation. Translocation can be understood as the change...
Multimedia interface using head movements tracking
PublicationThe presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...
Camera Orientation-Independent Parking Events Detection
PublicationThe paper describes the method for detecting precise position and time of vehicles parking in a parking lot. This task is trivial in case of favorable camera orientation but gets much more complex when an angle between the camera viewing axis and the ground is small. The method utilizes background subtraction and object tracking algorithms for detecting moving objects in a video stream. Objects are classified into vehicles and...
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublicationThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
Ultimate strength of stiffened plates subjected to compressive load and spatially distributed mechanical properties
PublicationThe present study deals with the ultimate strength of stiffened plates subjected to spatially distributed mechanical properties and compressive load. Normally, mean values of mechanical properties based on tensile tests are used to validate the numerical assessment with experimental results. However, mechanical properties may vary within a single specimen. To investigate the impact of that, random fields of yield stress and Young...
EIA in teaching sustainable development and environmental protection in engineering education
PublicationA multifaceted approach in teaching the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a way to stress the role of environmental education in technical sciences is the focus of this article. The EIA is an example of an effective tool that supports spatial planning in implementing sustainable development. The aim is to present the idea and benefits of a facilitative and collaborative approach in teaching the EIA, stressing the role of...
Estimating Traffic Intensity Employing Passive Acoustic Radar and Enhanced Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor
PublicationInnovative road signs that can autonomously display the speed limit in cases where the trac situation requires it are under development. The autonomous road sign contains many types of sensors, of which the subject of interest in this article is the Doppler sensor that we have improved and the constructed and calibrated acoustic probe. An algorithm for performing vehicle detection and tracking, as well as vehicle speed measurement,...
A Multi-Antenna Scheme for Early Detection and Mitigation of Intermediate GNSS Spoofing
PublicationThis article presents a method for detecting and mitigating intermediate GNSS spoofing. In this type of attack, at its early stage, a spoofer transmits counterfeit signals which have slight time offsets compared to true signals arriving from satellites. The anti-spoofing method proposed in this article fuses antenna array processing techniques with a multipath detection algorithm. The latter is necessary to separate highly correlated...
A study about daylighting knowledge and education in Europe. Results from the first phase of the DAYKE project
PublicationThis paper presents selected results from the first stage of DAYKE (Daylight Knowledge in Europe), a 3- phase project that investigates the knowledge on daylighting in buildings among architecture students and practitioners across Europe. Subjective judgements from 561 students from 8 architecture universities in the EU, collected through two surveys in 2018. The key findings are: (i) the spatial distribution of comfort and mood...
Ergonomic Aspects of Development of Architecture in the Context of Sanitary and Hygiene Safety
PublicationAbstract Ergonomics answers the need of safe development of space by creating spatial forms which help to implement the safety procedures and limit the threats involved both in ordinary use of the spaces and in case of unforeseen events. Using the knowledge of ergonomics and architecture on the basis of defining the routes of germ transmission, allows to limit the spread of those organisms. Ergonomics of developing architectural...
Toward Robust Pedestrian Detection With Data Augmentation
PublicationIn this article, the problem of creating a safe pedestrian detection model that can operate in the real world is tackled. While recent advances have led to significantly improved detection accuracy on various benchmarks, existing deep learning models are vulnerable to invisible to the human eye changes in the input image which raises concerns about its safety. A popular and simple technique for improving robustness is using data...
Markov Model of Disease Development and Recovery
PublicationMarkov models are commonly used to simulate diseases and allow modeling of multiple health states and outcomes. Starting with the well known Le Bras multistate model (cascading failure model) with time-independent transitions we will see how simple Markov mortality models may be pressed into the service of survival and event history analysis. We will focus on more complex models which will be able to take into account remission,...
A Text as a Set of Research Data. A Number of Aspects of Data Acquisition and Creation of Datasets in Neo-Latin Studies
PublicationIn this paper, the authors, who specialise in part in neo-Latin studies and the his-tory of early modern education, share their experiences of collecting sources for Open Research Data sets under the Bridge of Data project. On the basis of inscription texts from St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, they created 29 Open Research Data sets. In turn, the text of the lectures of the Gdańsk scholar Michael Christoph Hanow, Praecepta de arte...
Platelet RNA Sequencing Data Through the Lens of Machine Learning
PublicationLiquid biopsies offer minimally invasive diagnosis and monitoring of cancer disease. This biosource is often analyzed using sequencing, which generates highly complex data that can be used using machine learning tools. Nevertheless, validating the clinical applications of such methods is challenging. It requires: (a) using data from many patients; (b) verifying potential bias concerning sample collection; and (c) adding interpretability...
SMAQ - A Semantic Model for Analitical Queries
PublicationWhile the Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) becomes an important part of organizational BI solutions there is a great need for new tools allowing to construct ad-hoc queries by users with various responsibilities and skills. The paper presents a Semantic Model for Analytical Queries – SMAQ allowing to construct queries by users familiar with business events and terms, but being unaware of database or data warehouse concepts...
Collaborative Data Acquisition and Learning Support
PublicationWith the constant development of neural networks, traditional algorithms relying on data structures lose their significance as more and more solutions are using AI rather than traditional algorithms. This in turn requires a lot of correctly annotated and informative data samples. In this paper, we propose a crowdsourcing based approach for data acquisition and tagging with support for Active Learning where the system acts as an...
Analiza danych typu Big Data 2023/24 KOPIA
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the methods of storing and analysis of big data. Practical tools for these tasks are presented.
Synteza algorytmu detekcji pęknięcia szyby metodą ''data fission - data fusion''
PublicationPrzedstawiono założenia projektowe oraz proces syntezy algorytmu detekcyjnego akustycznego detektora pęknięcia szyby. W konstrukcji algorytmu użyto techniki rozszczepiania i syntezy danych. Przedstawiono użyte narzędzia badawcze, opracowany model pęknięcia szyby oraz wynki testowania finalnego algorytmu detekcyjnego. Metoda znalazła zastosowanie w konstrukcji akustycznego detektora pęknięcia szyby stosowanego w systemach alarmowych.
Towards a Framework for Context Awareness Based on Textual Process Data
PublicationContext awareness is critical for the successful execution of processes. In the abundance of business process management (BPM) research, frameworks exclusively devoted to extracting context from textual process data are scarce. With the deluge of textual data and its increasing value for organizations, it be-comes essential to employ relevant text analytics techniques to increase the awareness of business process (BP) workers,...
Active Learning Based on Crowdsourced Data
PublicationThe paper proposes a crowdsourcing-based approach for annotated data acquisition and means to support Active Learning training approach. In the proposed solution, aimed at data engineers, the knowledge of the crowd serves as an oracle that is able to judge whether the given sample is informative or not. The proposed solution reduces the amount of work needed to annotate large sets of data. Furthermore, it allows a perpetual increase...
Streaming Real-time Data in Distributed Dispatcher and Teleinformation Systems for Visualization of Multimedia Data of the Border Guard
PublicationSurveillance of the sea borders is a very important task for the Border Guard. Monitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. This task can be accomplished using a technology that allows to collect information from distributed sensors of different...
On the impact of Big Data and Cloud Computing on a scalable multimedia archiving system
PublicationMultimedia Archiver (MA) is a system build upon the promise and fascination of the possibilities emerging from cloud computing and big data. We aim to present and describe how the Multimedia Archiving system works for us to record, put in context and allow a swift access to large amounts of data. We introduce the architecture, identified goals and needs taken into account while designing a system processing data with Big Data...
Evaluating the position of a mobile robot using accelerometer data
PublicationThis paper analyses the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on...
Suitability study of hybrid model of electrodynamic actuator
PublicationThis paper presents the proposal of the hybrid circuit-field model of an electrodynamic actuator. The field model uses the inductor current as the input data which is obtained from the circuit model or experimentally. The field model implemented using the FLUX program makes it possible to easily determine the pressure distribution acting on the disc. The results have been verified experimentally.
Big Data Analytics for ICT Monitoring and Development
PublicationThe expanded growth of information and communication technology has opened new era of digitization which is proving to be a great challenge for researchers and scientists around the globe. The utmost paradigm is to handle and process the explosion of data with minimal cost and discover relevant hidden information in the least amount of time. The buzz word “BIG DATA” is a widely anticipated term with the potential to handle heterogeneous,...
PublicationDespite the increasing availability of measured laser scanning data and their widespread use, there is still the problem of rapid and correct numerical interpretation of results. This is due to the large number of observations that carry similar information. Therefore, it is necessary to extract from the results only the essential features of the modelled objects. Usually, it is based on a process using filtration, followed by...
CoRBAC – kontekstowo zorientowany model bezpieczeństwa
PublicationZaproponowano uogólniony model kontroli dostępu do usługowych systemów internetowych uwzględniający różne kategorie kontekstu. Określono wpływ kontekstu na model jak i architekturę systemu bezpieczeństwa. Podano przykład implementacji modelu i architektury bezpieczeństwa dla zestawu usług dotyczących e-uczelni i wstępnie oszacowano zalety takiego rozwiązania.
Evolution of electrohydrodynamic flow of sduspended particles in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge in air
PublicationCorona discharges are used for collecting dust in electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). The dust collection is mainlyrealized by the electric forces which move the ionized dust particles to the collecting electrodes. However, the presence of coronadischarge in the space between the charging and collecting electrodes in ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind which set the gasmolecules and dust...
Linking music data in executable documents
PublicationThis paper presents the application of Interactive Open Document Architecture (IODA) to music and video data. This architecture was design to create multilayer documents which consist of many files. The paper shows the method of creating media documents on the basis of IODA. These kind of documents were called IODA Media Documents (IMD). IMD have links that connect many different kinds of files containing music and video data....
Big Data 2023
e-Learning Courses -
Data quality assurance
e-Learning CoursesThe first lecture: 22.02.2021 at 8:15 on Teams Pierwszy wykład: 22.02.2021 o 8:15 w Teams ---------------------------------------------- Kierunek: Inżynieria danych (WETI) Studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, semestr 6
Data quality assurance
e-Learning Courses -
Advanced data mining
e-Learning Courses -
PublicationSDN is the approach in telecommunication networks that separates control plane from data forwarding plane by specifying a single network entity as a controller that defines rules (called flows) of traffic forwarding for the switches connected to it. The time that is required for installation of these rules might be a hindrance for the overall performance of SDN network. In the paper, a model for testing and evaluating the influence...
Model of identification of events and accident scenarios for a method of risk and safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions
PublicationW pracy opisano podstawowe problemy związane z identyfikacją zdarzeń i scenariuszy wypadku oraz modelowaniem ryzyka dla alternatywnej metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Zastosowano podejście do bezpieczeństwa statków oparte na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka wypadku. Wskazano możliwości zastosowania modelowania do analizy bezpieczeństwa statków na etapie projektowania, w czasie eksploatacji i...