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Search results for: DEAD-TIME EFFECTS
The time of the first transition of the semi-Markov process in the evaluation of diesel engine operation
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono rozwinięcie prezentowanej w literaturze metody ilościowej oceny działania na przykładzie okrętowego silnika głównego z zapłonem samoczynnym. Według tej interpretacji, działanie silnika może zostać przedstawione jako wielkość fizyczna. W tym aspekcie, na przykładzie okrętowego silnika napędu głównego dokonano oceny przydatności tej wielkości do opisu własności niezawodnościowych silnika. Precyzyjne określenie...
Application of time-series-cross-section data in case of sale forecasting in an enterprise
PublicationW artykule wskazano możliwości wykorzystania danych przestrzenno-czasowych do prognozowania sprzedaży w przedsiębiorstwie. Przedstawiono różne podejścia do prognozowania ekonometrycznego przy użyciu tego typu danych. Wyznaczono krótkookresowe prognozy sprzedaży benzyny bezołowiowej Pb95 w przekroju województw oraz dokonano oceny ich jakości przy użyciu mierników ex-post. Dwie najdokładniejsze metody prognozowania wykorzystano do...
Effect of extracting time and temperature on yeild of gelatin from different fish offal
PublicationCelem pracy było określenie optymalnych warunków otrzymywania żelatyny z różnych rodzajów odpadów powstających podczas obróki wstępnej lub przetwarzania surowców rybnych. Wydajność ekstrakcji żelatyny w 45°C z surowych skór łososia i kręgosłupów wynosiła 71-75% oraz 86% ze skór łososia wędzonego. W przypadku skór z marynowanego i solonego śledzia przemianie do żelatyny ulegało w tych warunkach około 100% kolagenu. Optymalny czas...
Uncharacteristic forms of employment and work time management constituting a chance for MSP sector
PublicationElastyczność funkcjonowania rynku pracy może być traktowana jako jedna z metod ograniczania nierównowagi pojawiajacej się na lokalnych rynkach pracy oraz sposobu dostosowywania się pracodawców do wahań koniunkturalnych, które w znacznym stopniu wpływają na zmiany w poziomie i strukturze zatrudnienia. Poza tym elastyczne formy zatrudnienia i czasu pracy przyczyniają się do ograniczania kosztów funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw, co...
Microstructure and properties of the cobalt base clad layers after long time service
PublicationBadaniu poddano napawane laserowo warstwy ze stopu na bazie kobaltu. Warstwy wykonane na przylgni grzybka zaworu wylotowego silnika diesla badano po dwóch latach eksploatacji w dwóch silnikach laboratoryjnych. Badania mikrostruktury nie wykazały znaczących zmian. Przeprowadzono również badania chemiczne oraz pomiary twardości warstw po eksploatacji. Badany typ napoin nie wykazał znaczących uszkodzeń po długim czasie eksploatacji.
A method of RTS noise identification in noise signals of semiconductor devices in the time domain
PublicationIn the paper a new method of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise identification is presented. The method is based on a standardized histogram of instantaneous noise values and processing by Gram-Charlier series. To find a device generating RTS noise by the presented method one should count the number of significant coefficients of the Gram-Charlier series. This would allow to recognize the type of noise. There is always one (first)...
Face Profile View Retrieval Using Time of Flight Camera Image Analysis
PublicationMethod for profile view retrieving of the human face is presented. The depth data from the 3D camera is taken as an input. The preprocessing is, besides of standard filtration, extended by the process of filling of the holes which are present in depth data. The keypoints, defined as the nose tip and the chin are detected in user’s face and tracked. The Kalman filtering is applied to smooth the coordinates of those points which...
Task Allocation and Scalability Evaluation for Real-Time Multimedia Processing in a Cluster Envirinment
PublicationAn allocation algorithm for stream processing tasks is proposed (Modified best Fit Descendent, MBFD). A comparison with another solution (BFD) is provided. Tests of the algorithms in an HPC environment are descrobed and the results are presented. A proper scalability metric is proposed and used for the evaluation of the allocation algorithm.
A calculation proposal of labour time input when concreting in difficult atmospheric conditions
PublicationThe paper presents a selected proposal of establishing labour input in concreting jobs carried out in difficult atmospheric conditions.
PublicationThe paper presents the proposal to apply the normal distribution to solve the problem of the frequency of diagnostic tests. Particular emphasis is placed on simplicity of the method. This method may be useful for the average user technical system. The method reduces the number of assumptions to a minimum. The results do not raise of serious doubts but they require verification of course.
Real-Time connection Between Immerse 3D Vizualization Laboratory and Kaskada Platform
PublicationMultimedia stream processing into two cooperative different systems (cluster platform and virtual lab) is considered. The considered selected information about the systems is presented and the idea of its communication when executing the distributed application is proposed. A general schema of the communication architecture is given. Tests of data transmission quality are considered and their results are presented.
Energy storage device based on flywheel, power converters and Simulink real-time
PublicationThis electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. Paper presents information on Energy Storage Device based on Flywheel and bi-directional IGBT Power Converters – designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Paper is divided into four sections. First section of the paper provides introductory information...
PublicationMRI is increasingly used in radiation treatment planning because of the excellent soft tissue contrast in the obtained images. It allows more precise definition of the boundaries between healthy tissues and those affected by cancerous lesions. To obtain good image quality, the difference in signal between two types of tissue must be significant despite the noise so it must be properly calibrated. This calibration includes...
The influence of time of hearing aid use on auditory perception in various acoustic situations
PublicationThe assessment of sound perception in hearing aids, especially in the context of benefits that a prosthesis can bring, is a complex issue. The objective parameters of the hearing aids can easily be determined. These parameters, however, do not always have a direct and decisive influence on the subjective assessment of quality of the patient’s hearing while using a hearing aid. The paper presents the development of a method for...
Improving methods for detecting people in video recordings using shifting time-windows
PublicationWe propose a novel method for improving algorithms which detect the presence of people in video sequences. Our focus is on algorithms for applications which require reporting and analyzing all scenes with detected people in long recordings. Therefore one of the target qualities of the classification result is its stability, understood as a low number of invalid scene boundaries. Many existing methods process images in the recording...
Radar Signal Parameters Estimation Using Phase Accelerogram in the Time-Frequency Domain
PublicationRadar signal parameter estimation, in the context of the reconstruction of the received signal in a passive radar utilizing other radars as a source of illumination, is one of the fundamental steps in the signal processing chain in such a device. The task is also a crucial one in electronic reconnaissance systems, e.g. ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) systems. In order to obtain accurate results it is important to measure, estimate...
Price bubbles in commodity market – A single time series and panel data analysis
PublicationThis paper examines thirty-five commodities, grouped into three market sectors (energy, metals, agriculture & livestock) in terms of the occurrence of price bubbles. The study was based on monthly data for each commodity separately and, in a panel approach, for selected sectors and for all commodities combined. The GSADF test and its version for panel data – panel GSADF – were used to identify bubbles. The beginning and end of...
Porous Phantoms Mimicking Tissues – Investigation of Optical Parameter Stability Over Time
PublicationIn terms of optical parameters, optical phantoms can now replace live tissues and be used to validate optical measurement methods. Therefore, whether these parameters would be maintained after storage for 6 months was examined. The absorption and scattering coefficients were obtained from the measured transmittance and reflectance measurements taken 6 months apart and then compared. All of the measurements were conducted using...
Optimally regularized local basis function approach to identification of time-varying systems
PublicationAccurate identification of stochastic systems with fast-varying parameters is a challenging task which cannot be accomplished using model-free estimation methods, such as weighted least squares, which assume only that system coefficients can be regarded as locally constant. The current state of the art solutions are based on the assumption that system parameters can be locally approximated by a linear combination of appropriately...
Spin and Orbital Effects on Asymmetric Exchange Interaction in Polar Magnets: M(IO3)2 (M = Cu and Mn)
PublicationMagnetic polar materials feature an astonishing range of physical properties, such as magnetoelectric coupling, chiral spin textures, and related new spin topology physics. This is primarily attributable to their lack of space inversion symmetry in conjunction with unpaired electrons, potentially facilitating an asymmetric Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) exchange interaction supported by spin–orbital and electron–lattice coupling. However,...
PublicationAbstract: The paper presents a possibility of determining (assessing) operation of sliding bearings with multilayer bushings in crank-piston mechanisms of diesel engines. Properties of load and wear, particularly fatigue and abrasive, are characterized in general. Acoustic emission as a diagnostic signal was proved to be useful for detection of the wear of sliding and barrier layers. Results of measurements of acoustic emission...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublicationThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Time-Gating method with automatic calibration for accurate measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in Non-Anechoic environments
PublicationNon-anechoic sites represent a cheap alternative to measurements of antennas in dedicated facilities. However, due to a high noise—from the external EM signal sources and multipath interferences—the quality of radiation patterns obtained in non-anechoic conditions is poor. The characteristics can be corrected using a time-gating method (TGM), which involves filtering of the noise based on temporal analysis of the measured signals....
Enhancing seismic performance of steel buildings having semi-rigid connection with infill masonry walls considering soil type effects
PublicationUnpreventable constructional defects are the main issues in the case of steel Moment-Resisting Frames (MRFs) that mostly occur in the rigidities of beam-to-column connections. The present article aims to investigate the effects of different rigidities of structures and to propose Infill Masonry Walls (IMWs) as retrofitting strategy for the steel damaged buildings. A fault or failure to meet a certain consideration of the soil type...
Analytical and reliability data from the real-time simulator biogas plant
Open Research DataThe dataset represents the results of biogas plant simulation. The described plant is an agricultural biogas system, which can produce electrical energy with power estimated up to 1070 kW and heat energy that can reach 1200 kW simultaneously.
Jan Franz dr hab.
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3-D finite-difference time-domain modelling of ground penetrating radar for identification of rebars in complex reinforced concrete structures
PublicationThis paper presents numerical and experimental investigations to identify reinforcing bars using the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method. A novel element of the paper is the inspection of different arrangements of reinforcement bars. Two particular problems, i.e. detection of few adjacent transverse bars and detection of a longitudinal bar located over or under transverse reinforcement, have been raised. An attention was also...
Time-of-flight electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Benchmark cross sections for excitation of the X1Σ+g→b3Σ+u transition
PublicationThe electron impact X1Σ+g to b3Σ+u transition in molecular hydrogen is one of the most important dissociation pathways to forming atomic hydrogen atoms, and is of great importance in modeling astrophysical and industrial plasmas where molecular hydrogen is a substantial constituent. Recently it has been found that the convergent close-coupling (CCC) cross sections of Zammit et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 022708 (2017)] are up to a factor...
The effect of alkyl chain length on synergistic effects in micellization and surface tension reduction in nonionic gemini (S-10) and anionic surfactants mixtures
PublicationMixtures of nonionic gemini surfactant S-10 ( α, α'-[2,4,7,9-tetrametyl-5-decyne-4,7-diyl]bis[ω-hydroxy -polioxyetylene] with anionic SRS (sodium alkylsulfates) and SRSO3 (sodium alkylsulfonates) of different alkyl chain length (from 10 to 14 carbon atoms) were investigated. Surface tension measurements were used to find the cmc values and other adsorption parameters. The Clint, Rubingh’s and Rosen theories were applied for evaluation...
Investigation of the Effects of Tool Positioning Factors on Peak Temperature in Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 Aluminum Alloys
PublicationAmong the emerging new welding techniques, friction stir welding (FSW) is used frequently for welding high-strength aluminum alloys that are difficult to weld by conventional fusion-welding techniques. This paper investigated the effects of tool-positioning factors on the maximum temperature generated in the dissimilar FSW joint of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 aluminum alloys. Three factors of plunge depth, tool offset, and tilt angle...
Computational analysis of substituent effects on proton affinity and gas-phase basicity of TEMPO derivatives and their hydrogen bonding interactions with water molecules
PublicationThe study investigates the molecular structure of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) and its derivatives in the gas phase using B3LYP and M06-2X functional methods. Intermolecular interactions are analyzed using natural bond orbital (NBO) and atoms in molecules (AIM) techniques. NO2-substituted TEMPO displays high reactivity, less stability, and softer properties. The study reveals that the stability of TEMPO derivatives...
Potential Skyrmion Host Fe(IO3)3: Connecting Stereoactive Lone-Pair Electron Effects to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
PublicationMagnetic skyrmions, which are topologically distinct magnetic spin textures, are gaining increased attention for their unique physical properties and potential applications in spintronic devices. Here we present a design strategy for skyrmion host candidates based on combinations of magnetic spin, asymmetric building units having stereoactive lone-pair electrons, and polar lattice symmetry. To demonstrate the viability of the proposed...
Investigations of the circulation effects in the structure using ferrite coupled slot-line section
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono badania cyrkulatora zrealizowanego w oparciu o magnesowaną wzdłużnie sekcję ferrytowych szczelinowych linii sprzężonych. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala na minimalizację rozmiarów układu cyrkulatora oraz na uzyskanie parametrów porównywalnych z dotychczas publikowanymi. W treści artykułu opisano kolejne etapy projektu. Wyniki numeryczne zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie. Pomierzony układ charakteryzował...
Effects of whole-body vibration warm-up on subsequent jumping and running performance
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Effects of Contamination with Gasoline and Diesel Oil on Shear Strength of Coarse Grained Soil
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Unraveling the Protective Effects of Cognitive Reserve on Cognition and Brain: A Cross-Sectional Study
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The effects of short-term passive smoke exposure on endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilation
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Central Vagotonic Effects of Atropine Modulate Spectral Oscillations of Sympathetic Nerve Activity
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Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study
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Residual Effects of Different Cropping Systems on Physicochemical Properties and the Activity of Phosphatases of Soil
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The Effects of Two Kinds of Dietary Interventions on Serum Metabolic Profiles in Haemodialysis Patients
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2D numerical simulation of tear film dynamics: Effects of shear-thinning properties
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Detrimental effects of chemotherapeutics and other drugs on the endothelium: A call for endothelial toxicity profiling
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The Effects of Cross-Link Density and Chemical Exchange on Magnetization Transfer in Polyacrylamide Gels
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Solvent effects on the nitrogen NMR chemical shifts in 1-methylazoles – a theoretical study
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Effects of geomagnetic disturbances in daytime variations of the atmospheric electric field in polar regions
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Theoretical analysis of solvent effects on nitrogen NMR chemical shifts in oxazoles and oxadiazoles
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Size effects in wedge indentation predicted by a gradient-enhanced crystal-plasticity model
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Neuroprotective Effects of Cannabidiol in Hypoxic Ischemic Insult. The Therapeutic Window in Newborn Mice
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Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Induction in the Antitumorigenic and Neurotoxic Effects of 2-Methoxyestradiol