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Search results for: COLD-FORMED SECTION
Modeling of truss with cold-formed section and positive eccentricity in the node
PublicationThis work is dedicated to establishing the load carrying capacity of tensed and compressed truss’ nodes made of cold-formed open cross sections. The occurrence of bending in the truss’ nodes is the result of a specific production technology for system lattice girders assumed by the designer and the producer. The aim of this research is to present the methodology of conduct for creation of computational models that best depict the...
Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section
PublicationThis paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...
Innovative cold-formed GEB section under compression
PublicationCold-formed steel sections extensively affect the modern steel construction industry. Not only are they used as secondary elements like purlins or sheeting, but also they can serve as primary load-bearing members in fabricated steel panels and trusses. A new cross-section called shortly a GEB may serve as that member. However, its existence of the metal building structures industry depends on the exact, optimal dimensional parameters...
Innovative Cold-formed GEB Section under Bending
PublicationThis paper is concerned with the numerical bending capacity study of the innovative cold-formed GEB sections. Both linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis incorporating geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out employing a shell structural model. The magnitudes of buckling load and limit load with respect to GEB section depth and thickness were obtained. The opened cold-formed section was tested assuming...
Modelowanie kratownicy z kształtowników giętych na zimno z mimośrodami dodatnimi w węźle = Modelling of truss with cold-formed section and positive eccentricyty in the node.
PublicationThe topic of this research is establishing load-carrying capacity of compressed and tensed chords of trusses made of cold-formed open cross-sections. Occurrence of bending in the truss’ chord is the result of specific production technology assumed by the designer and producer of lattice girder’s systems. The aim of this research is to present methodology of conduct while creating numerical models that best depict the behaviour...
Stability and limit load analysis of a cold-formed channel section column
PublicationThe paper presents stability and limit load analysis of a steel column 1440 mm high of a cold-formed channel section, subjected to a combination of compression and bending. Experimental results were compared to the resistance of a code procedure and to the outcome of numerical non-linear analysis. Comparison was made of numerical solutions by means of static (Riks) and dynamic (Explicit and Implicit) methods. Perfectly elastic...
Simple Computational Methods in Predicting Limit Load of High-Strength Cold-Formed Sections due to Local Buckling: A Case Study
PublicationCold-formed thin-walled sections are prone to local buckling caused by residual stresses, geometrical imperfections and inconsistency of material properties. We present a real case of buckling failure and conduct a numerical and experimental study aimed to identify methods capable of predicting such failures. It is important because designers of structures are getting more FEA-oriented and tend to avoid lengthy procedures of cold-formed...
Experimental Testing of Innovative Cold-Formed "GEB" Section / Badania Eksperymentalne Innowacyjnego Kształtownika Giętego Na Zimno Typu „Geb“
PublicationOne of the major advantages of light gauge steel structures made of cold-formed steel sections is their low weight, so manufacturers are increasingly using the possibilities of those sections for the production of typical single-storey steel structures systems. Well known profiles, such as Z, C and the so called hat sections that have been studied and described in the literature, are used mainly as purlins or truss components....
PublicationPermanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light...
Buckling Analysis of Cold Formed Silo Column
PublicationThe paper is devoted to stability analysis of different models of steel cold formed silo column. The steel cylindrical silos are often composed of corrugated walls and vertical open-sectional columns uniformly placed along the silo circumference. Both the whole 3D silo, a simplified model consisting of one column with a part of the silo walls, and a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls were analyzed....
On local buckling of cold-formed channel members
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of the compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel beams subjected to pure bending or axially compressed columns. Arbitrarily shaped flanges of open cross-sections and the web-flange interactions are taken into account. Buckling deformation of a beam flange is described by displacement related to torsion of the flange about the line of its connection with the web. Total potential energy...
Buckling analysis of cold formed steel column
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę słupa zimnogiętego o przekroju otwartym. Przeprowadzono analizy statyczne liniowe i nieliniowe. Analizowano wpływ podłoża sprężystego oraz sztywność połączenia dwóch sąsiednich słupów.
PublicationThis work describes the restraints in the optimization problem. This is an important and complicated issue because it requires taking into account a vast range of information related to the design and production. In order to describe the relations of a specific optimization problem, it is essential to adopt appropriate criteria and to collect information on all kinds of restraints, i.e. boundary conditions. The following paper...
Failure of cold-formed beam: How does residual stress affect stability?
PublicationIn machine industry, stresses are often calculated using simple linear FEM analysis. Occasional failures of elements designed in such a way require recomputation by means of more sophisticated methods, eg. including plasticity and non-linear effects. It usually leads to investigation of failure causes and improvement of an element in order to prevent its unwanted behavior in the future. The study presents the case where both linear...
The buckling analysis of a cold-formed steel C-sectional column resting on an elastic foundation
PublicationThe paper is focused on stability analysis of different models of steel cold-formed C-section column. The analysed element may be applied as a primary load-bearing member in steel trusses or silo columns. The column can be used as a support for a wall of roof plates made of corrugated sheets. The wall sheeting that restrains the column against buckling may be considered as an elastic foundation. Due to the design solutions the...
Local buckling of compressed flange of cold-formed channel members made of aluminum alloy
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of a compressed single flange of thin-walled channel cold- formed columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. Material is described by means of the Ramberg-Osgood constitutive equation. Axial compression of the columns and beams undergoing bending is taken into consid- eration. A simple model of the member flange in the form a long beam elastically connected to the web is used to find the critical...
Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange
PublicationThe initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation...
The Idea of Using Adhesive Bonds in Shaping of Cold-formed Thin-walled Beam-columns
PublicationThe chapter concerns the idea of using adhesive bonds in the shaping of cold-formed thin-walled beam-columns. The idea of adhesive-bonded connections is not new but is unlikely to have been used in the design and shaping of thin-walled beam-columns in civil engineering up to date. Metal bar structures, including (due to economic reasons) thin-walled structures, are the most common and effective means to build engineering superstructures/loadbearing...
Normal stress distribution in built‑up cold‑formed column in relation to interconnecting bolt spacing
PublicationIn order to increase a stiffness of cold-formed steel (CFS) elements it is practised to built-up the cross-section. In the analysed case, a main element is strengthened by adding extra chord in contact partially along the column. This additional chord acts as a longitudinal stiffener connected with the main section by series of bolts. Authors check whether rules applied over the years, for hot-rolled elements, can be indiscriminately...
TS-based RSM-aided design of cold-formed steel stiffened C-sectional columns susceptible to buckling
PublicationThe paper focuses on joint-performance analysis of a built-up cold-formed thin-walled C-sectional column with a fillister (stiffener) of the same type, interconnected with a series of bolts located along the length of the compressed members in specific spacing. The quantity of bolts and the non-connected starting distance of the fillister are considered random variables of the problem. Optimal distribution of joints on the stiffener...
Influence of nodes with positive eccentricity on load-carrying capasity of truss' top chords in trusses made of welded cold-formed members.
PublicationIn order to establish the influence of eccentric crossing of truss members on the load-carrying capacity of the folded chord of a hat-section truss, a research model was created and preliminary numerical analysis of the truss was performed with the use of Marc Mentat programme. Distorial instability of crossheads caused by deviation of loose (unmounted) channel section web’s bends was observed. Due to the slenderness of the section’s...
Thin-walled cross section shape influence on steel member resistance.
PublicationThis work describes why trending thin-walled technology is achieving popularity in steel construction sector. A purpose of this article is to present the influence of the cold-formed element cross-section shape on an axial compression and a bending moment resistance. The authors have considered four different shapes assuming constant section area and thickness. Calculations were based on three different steel grades taking into...
Selected local stability problems of channel section flanges made of aluminium alloys
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of local buckling of compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel columns and beams with nonstandard flanges composed of aluminium alloys. The material behaviour follows the Ramberg–Osgood law. It should be noted that the proposed solution may be also applied for other materials, for example: stainless steel, carbon steel. The paper is motivated by an increasing interest in nonstandard cold-formed...
Load carrying capacity of the eccentric joint in the truss made of open cross-sections
PublicationThe influence of eccentricity at intersections of truss members on the load carrying capacity of the truss joint is presented in the paper. The research truss elements were designed as cold-formed open cross section. Analytical calculations, numerical analysis and experimental research were conducted to reveal how the eccentricity affects the effort of material in the joint area. The results of analysis and investigations are compared...
The validation process of truss model with joint eccentricities
PublicationNowadays, due to the technological reasons in modern lightweight steel trusses, fabricated from cold-formed sections, positive eccentricities appear in the truss nodes, to induce additional forces truss chords. In order to account for the real load-carrying capacity of truss node area the steel structure research was conducted in scale 1:1. As a result of experimental research, the forms of deformation and strains of the walls...
Badania nośności na zginanie innowacyjnego kształtownika giętego na zimno typu GEB
PublicationLekkie konstrukcje metalowe wytwarzane z kształtowników giętych na zimno to jedna z najszybciej rozwijających się dyscyplin w zakresie budownictwa. Do niedawna profile gięte na zimno stosowano wyłącznie jako elementy drugorzędne, czyli płatwie oraz rygle. Nowo opatentowany przekrój typu GEB ma być wykorzystywany jako element nośny konstrukcji ramowych. Jednak jego zaistnienie na rynku budowlanych konstrukcji metalowych jest uwarunkowane...
Impact of Geometrical Imperfections on Estimation of Buckling and Limit Loads in a Silo Segment Using the Vibration Correlation Technique
PublicationThe paper examines effectiveness of the vibration correlation technique which allows determining the buckling or limit loads by means of measured natural frequencies of structures. A steel silo segment with a corrugated wall, stiffened with cold-formed channel section columns was analysed. The investigations included numerical analyses of: linear buckling, dynamic eigenvalue and geometrically static non-linear problems. Both perfect...
Experimental investigation of joint with positive eccentricity in CFS truss
PublicationDue to technological restrictions, in the case of trusses made of CFS open cross-sections, positive eccentricities in the truss joints have become very frequent. Therefore studies concerning the load-bearing capacity of truss joints with positive eccentricity were undertaken. It was assumed that the resistance of cold-formed steel (CFS) open cross-section truss joints located on compression chords and with positive eccentricity...
Glaciers: The dynamic giants of cold regions
PublicationGlaciers, often described as nature’s formidable ice giants, are essential components of the Earth's cryosphere, with profound influence on the global water cycle, energy production, and landscape stability. These massive bodies of ice, formed over centuries from accumulated snow, are not just frozen relics of the past; they are dynamic systems that play a critical role in cold region environments. As the climate changes, understanding...
One year performance evaluation of low volume road with cold recycled base course on the basis of FWD and Dynamic Modulus tests
PublicationArticle presents results of assessment of performance of trial section of flexible pavement with cold recycled base constructed on low volume road within typical contract conditions. Performance evaluation was made based on Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test performed during construction stage – 2 times on the top of cold recycled base course – 28 and 180 days after compaction of base course and 2 times on the top of the wearing...
Application of Barkhausen method to determine internal stresses in cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheets
PublicationThe paper presents investigations on internal stress distribution in plane hot—or cold-rolled sheets dedicated for the cold-formed profiles. The motivation of the research is a new profile design whose bending technology, incorporating a longitudinal welded joint and hot-dip galvanization after bending and welding introduces additional internal stresses. In order to identify the entirety of stresses in the process of sheet production...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Thrusting on the Shore of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and the Proposed Artificial Island
PublicationCoastal lagoons are inland and shallow water bodies, separated from the ocean by a barrier. In cold regions, ice phenomena in shallow water coastal lagoons occur every winter season. Ice is predominantly formed on the surface due to density stratification and surface cooling. The ice dynamics in such areas are dominantly affected by winds. Water dynamics also cause ice movement, but due to the large areal scale of lagoons, the...
Cold recycled mixtures for binder courses - laboratory evaluation of mechanical properties
PublicationCold recycled mixtures composed with cement and bituminous emulsion are nowadays commonly used material for base layer. Typical pavement with cold recycled mixtures usually consists of two asphalt courses (wearing and binding course) constructed over cold recycled base. Therefore the next step in cold recycling is possibility of design of binding courses with recycled materials, but with potential to obtain high quality mixtures...
The influence of the temperature treatment method on the quality of French fries.
Open Research DataThe video presents instructional work on the temperature treatment of French fries and the assessment of oil changes during frying. The results of the measurements show that placing the fries in cold oil, heating them to the frying temperature compared to the conventional method of frying, reduces the amount of primary oxidation products and free fatty...
Preliminary experimental research on stability of truss' joint with positive eccentricity
PublicationRecently, a very large interest in lightweight steel structures made from cold-formed sections has been noticeable. In the design practice, a large emphasis is put on rational shaping of both the thin-walled elements and constructions designed on them. The aim of this paper is to present the methodology for preparation of experimental research that model the behaviour of members in trusses made of cold-formed sections with positive...
The dependence of linear viscoelasticity limits of cold-recycled mixtures on time of curing and compaction method
PublicationCold-recycled mixtures are currently among the most widely used and investigated methods that enable recycling of old pavement structures in an environmentally friendly manner. Upon milling, the old pavement structure – whose gradation can be improved with addition of virgin aggregate – is mixed and compacted at ambient temperature. The main binding agents are bituminous emulsion and cement. Due to their dual binding behaviour,...
PublicationNowadays, more often than before, civil engineering designers are willing to use steel build-up members composed of single or doubled cold-formed chords interconnected using different mechanical connectors. This paper subject is an analysis of cooperation of a closely spaced built-up cold-formed chord interconnected with series of bolts that are located along the length of the member in a specific spacing. This distance along the...
Structural and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite coatings formed by ion-beam assisted deposition
PublicationThe ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) is an advanced method capable of producing crystalline coatings at low temperatures. We determined the characteristics of hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 target and coatings formed by IBAD using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The composition of the coatings'...
Wstępny plan badań węzła z mimośrodem dodatnim w kratownicy z kształtowników o przekrojach poprzecznych otwartych. -(Autorka otrzymała wyróżnienie za tą publikację)
PublicationW celu określenia wpływu mimośrodowego przecinania się prętów w kratownicy z kształtowników giętych na zimno, o przekrojach poprzecznych otwartych na nośność i stateczność węzłów dźwigarów kratowych, opracowano model badawczy oraz przeprowadzono wstępną analizę numeryczną przedmiotowego węzła, w programie Marc Mentat. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na potrzebę uzupełnienia obciążenia o parę sił poziomych w modelu badawczym.
Imaging of morphological and physicochemical changes occuring in the structure of austenitic steel due to the thermal sensitization
Open Research DataIn polycrystalline materials, grain boundaries are always where phenomena such as surface diffusion, sedimentation and corrosion occur. They have a significant impact on the macroscopic properties of the construction material [1]. In addition to inhomogeneities such as manganese sulphide inclusions formed during the metallurgical process, interfacial...
Właściwości stali S460M napawanej pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek ze stali S460M wykonanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej. Pomiary twardości oraz analiza strukturalna wykazały, że dla określonych ilości wprowadzonego ciepła możliwe jest wykonanie złączy bez niezgodności spawalniczych. Stwierdzono formowanie się w pewnych warunkach pęknięć zimnych w SWC wywołanych procesami odprowadzania ciepła z materiału, które są charakterystyczne dla spawania...
Local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of channel member flange - analytical approach
PublicationThe local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of the cold-formed channel member flange is investigated. The governing nonlinear differential equation for axially compressed columns and beams undergoing pure bending is derived using the stationary total potential energy principle. The critical stress and initial post-buckling equilibrium path is determined by means of a perturbation approach. The results obtained allow...
PublicationDue to the technological reasons in modern lightweight steel trusses, fabricated from cold- formed sections, positive eccentricities appear in the truss nodes what induce additional forces in the truss chords. To account for the real load-carrying capacity of truss node area the steel structure research in scale 1:1 were conducted. The experiments consisted of two parts: preliminary and proper one, when conclusions from...
Flow Boiling in Minigap in the Reversed Two-Phase Thermosiphon Loop
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental investigations of a model of a heat exchanger featuring a minigap, which is perceived as an evaporator for an inverted thermosiphon. The system works with a single component test fluid. The tested evaporator generates pumping power in the test loop in a way similar to the mammoth pump. The tests regarded a module of the heat exchanger, consisting of a hot leg and a cold leg with the...
Dissociative Electron Attachment to 5-Iodo-4-thio-2′-deoxyuridine: A Potential Radiosensitizer of Hypoxic Cells
PublicationIn the search for effective radiosensitizers for tumor cells, halogenated uracils have attracted more attention due to their large cross section for dissociation upon the attachment of low-energy electrons. In this study, we investigated dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to 5-iodo-4-thio-2'-deoxyuridine, a potential radiosensitizer using a crossed electron-molecule beam experiment coupled with quadrupole mass spectrometry....
Thermal-FSI modeling of flow and heat transfer in a heat exchangerbased on minichanels
PublicationIn this paper selected numerical modelling problems for an advanced thermal-FSI ("Fluid Solid Interaction") mini-channel heat exchanger model are presented. Special attention is given to the heat transfer between the separated mediums for different mass flows. Similar modelling problems have also been discussed in the literature dedicated to numerical and theoretical modelling problems for typical heat exchangers [1, 2, 3]. Basic...
Investigation of natural frequencies of axially loaded thin-walled columns
PublicationThe paper deals with correlation between natural frequencies of two steel thin-walled columns and the corresponding applied load. The structures are made of cold-formed lipped channel sections. The columns lengths were assumed to follow two buckling patterns – global flexural and flexural-torsional buckling. In the thicker structure two material models were considered – linearly-elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic. Numerical...
Treated wasetewater as a source of humic substances in surface waters
PublicationHumic substances impose substantial effect on the aquatic environment as well as the water organisms and human health. Among other features, the humic acids determine organoleptic properties of surface waters. Therefore explanation of the origin and properties of humic acids in surface waters is one of the priorities of water technology.Recently it was pointed out that in the wastewater treatment process organic compounds characterized...
Drewno w adoptowanym zabytku - studium przypadku. Budynek nr 2 w dawnych koszarach garnizonu we Wrzeszczu
PublicationThe current structure along with adapted listed buildings and surroundings will create "Garrison of Culture".This part of Gdańsk and Wrzeszcz has been reconnected after eight decades of isolation from the city by joining the square area formed by Grunwaldzka, Słowackiego, Chrzanowskiego, Szymanowskiego streets and the city center. It is a project whitch fits into an aspect of revitalisation related to the socio-economic and environmental...
Freeze-Up Ice Jam Formation in the River Bend, a Case Study on the Inner Mongolia Reach of Yellow River
PublicationConcern has been expressed regarding the impacts of climate change on river ice and ice jam formation in cold regions. Ice jams are easily initiated in bends and narrow channels and cause disasters. In this study, observations and remote sensing monitoring are used to study the freeze-up ice jam formation of bends. Sediment transport and freezing process of the river interact, influencing bed changes profile and sedimentary budget....