Search results for: sensory analysis
The Use of Sensory Analysis Techniques to Assess the Quality of Indoor Air
PublicationThe quality of indoor air is one of the significant elements that influences people's well-being and health inside buildings. Emissions of pollutants, which may cause odor nuisance, are the main reason for people's complaints regarding the quality of indoor air. As a result, it is necessary to perform tests aimed at identifying the sources of odors inside buildings. The article contains basic information on the characteristics...
Use of Sensory Analysis Methods to Evaluate the Odor of Food and Outside Air
PublicationSensory analysis is applied in many areas of daily life. It is used to carry out the sensory evaluation of foodstuffs or other products and to evaluate the properties of odors present in the environment. The authors attempt to summarize the knowledge on the classification and application of sensory analysis methods to evaluate the odor nuisance of air, which allows the identification of sensory impressions and determination of...
Sensory analysis of confectionery products.
Open Research DataThe data set presents the results of the sensory analysis of confectionery products, which was carried out by the sensory profiling analysis method based on the PN-ISO 11035: 1999 standard – “Sensory analysis - Identification and selection of descriptors for determining the sensory profile using multivariate methods”. The method was used to evaluate...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublicationThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
PublicationThe paper compares two methods of analysis of odour of volatile organic compounds: classical sensory analysis and electronic nose technique. Eight volunteers participated in the classical sensory analysis investigations, which lasted two weeks. An instrumental odour analysis involved a prototype of 6-sensor electronic nose designed by the authors. The research performed with this device provided higher reproducibility and reliability...
The use of gas chromatography combined with chemical and sensory analysis to evaluate nuisance odours in the air and water environment
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Sensory analysis of bread samples with the addition of beetroot
Open Research DataThe data set presents the results of the sensory analysis of bread samples with the addition of beetroot, which was carried out by the sensory profiling analysis method based on the PN-ISO 11035: 1999 standard – “Sensory analysis - Identification and selection of descriptors for determining the sensory profile using multivariate methods”. The method...
Comparison of an Electronic Nose Based on Ultrafast Gas Chromatography, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, and Sensory Evaluation for an Analysis of Type of Whisky
PublicationWhisky is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. There are many types of whisky, for example, Scotch, Irish, and American whisky (called bourbon). The whisky market is highly diversified, and, because of this, it is important to have a method which would enable rapid quality evaluation and authentication of the type of whisky. The aim of this work was to compare 3 methods: an electronic nose based on the technology of ultrafast...
Comparison of the Physical and Sensory Properties of Hybrid Citrus Fruit Jaffa® Sweetie in Relation to the Parent Fruits
PublicationIn the presented study, an overall Jaffa sweetie evaluation was made to find a correlation between Citrus grandis Osbeck × Citrus paradisi Macf. and its parent fruits’ (Citrus grandis Osbeck, Citrus paradisi Macf.) properties. Based on the sensory analysis, it was found that the taste and aroma of the new hybrid fruit are close to pummelo. By the use of chromatographic analysis, the selected monoterpenes present in the fruits were...
Sensory Characteristics of Tonic Waters with Various Sweetening Substances vs Young Consumers' Opinion
PublicationThe attitude of young consumers towards food products containing low calorie sweeteners was analyzed as well as consumers’ awareness to the medical recommendations regarding artificial sweeteners. The questionnaire was carried out within the group of 97 respondents at the age of 21 – 30. Strongly negative attitude towards consumption of food products containing low calorie sweeteners was declared by almost half of respondents....
Authenticity Assessment of the "Onisiówka" Nalewka Liqueurs Using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Sensory Evaluation
PublicationThe “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur is a regional Polish alcoholic beverage, which is inscribed on the list of regional and traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Poland. It is produced from multiflower honey, black elderberry flower syrup, and spirit. Due to fact that the “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur has never been investigated, these studies are the foundation for further work on this regional...
Potencjometryczne sensory smaku z membranamii polimerowymi
PublicationOmówiono wielkanałowe, potencjometryczne sensory smaku z elektrodami zawierającymi polimerowe membrany ze związkamoi jonoselektywnymi. Wykazano, że te sensory mozna zastosować do rozrózniania produktów podobnych z róznych firm. Wadą ich jest niewystarczająca stabiloność membrany polimerowej.
Combination of instrumental and qualitative descriptive analysis for evaluation of selected tonic waters quality features
PublicationThe combination of sensory and instrumental analysis was applied for quality assurance of selected tonic waters. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) in terms of fourteen sensory attributes (aroma, astringency, bite, burn, numbing, tongue heaviness, carbonation, mouth coating, sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, sour aftertaste, bitter aftertaste) of selected tonic waters was performed by sensory experts....
Analysis of odor interactions in ternary gas mixtures using electronic nose
PublicationIn recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the use of electronic noses in analytical chemistry. These devices perform a holistic analysis of the gas mixtures composition, without the separation and identification of its individual components. For this reason e-noses are increasingly replacing the conventional olfactometers, due to the significantly shorter analysis time and possible automation. In the work...
PublicationThis paper discusses the design of sensory gardens, created especially to provide for the needs of sight impaired children and youth. These gardens should be inclusively available to general public. A sensory garden may have both therapeutic and educational effects. The research findings concerning therapeutic effects of contact with nature on children and youth are reviewed. The design problems related to providing a space for...
Influence of the Addition of Selected Spices on Sensory Quality and Biological Activity of Honey
PublicationBee honey is nutritious and has numerous health benefits, but its taste is for many people too bland. Honey with addition of spices could be important to the food industry as a functional product with positive health image and interesting taste. Such product would definitely meet health-driven consumers’ expectations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of addition of selected spices on sensory, antimicrobial,...
Optoelektroniczne sensory fluorescencyjne dla monitoringu zanieczyszczeń środowiska
Publicationw pracy zaproponowano i opisano optoelektroniczny fluorescencyjny sensor do pomiaru stężenia kobaltu w wodzie. opisano zasadę działania tego typu sensorów. zaproponowano konfigurację laboratoryjnego stanowiska pomiarowego i przeprowadzono dobór niektórych jego komponentów. przedstawiono także etapy dalszych prac badawczych nad konstrukcją sensora.
Światłowodowe sensory odkształceń i temperatury wykorzystujące pomiar czasu .
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zasadę działania światłowodowych sensorów wykorzystujących pomiar czasu przelotu krótkich impulsów laserowych. Sensory te mogą pracować w trybie transmisyjnym lub odbiciowym. Dzięki swej małej tłumienności można je łatwo łączyć w sieci o różnych topologiach, mających wiele (dziesiątki lub setki punktów pomiarowych). Przykładem sensora z pomiarem czasu przelotu jest odcinek światłowodu jednomodowego poddany...
The microbial and sensory quality of mackerel hot smoked in mild conditions
PublicationThe quality indices of Atlantic mackerel, hot smoked at core temperature not exceeding 60°C, containing 14–27 g salt and 580–670 g water per kg meat, was determined just after smoking and during storage. The aerobic plate count after smoking, chilling and packing in cardboard boxes was 0–12 cfu/25 cm2of the skin of the smoked fish and 10–240 cfu/g of flesh. It was 1.9 log cycle lower than that in the frozen raw material. At 2°C,...
On the sensitivity, selectivity, sensory information and optimalsize of resistive chemical sensors
PublicationWykorzystano pojęcia teorii informacji do określenia możliwości poprawy selektywności i czujności rezystancyjnych sensorów gazu. Podano ogólne rozważania dotyczące limitu selektywnoœci dla tych sensorów. Porównano iloraz sygnału do szumów oraz pojemność kanału informacyjnego dla sensorów chemicznych wykorzystujących jako sygnał zjawiska fluktuacyjne z klasycznymi sensorami charakteryzowanymi jedną wartością. Ogólne rozważania wsparto...
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR): The time perception approach
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Oat–buckwheat breads – technological quality, staling and sensory properties
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Technological Sensitizing Of Mosaic Optical Fibres For Sensory And Microoptics Applications
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Exploring the technological dimension of Autonomous sensory meridian response-induced physiological responses
PublicationBackground In recent years, the scientific community has been captivated by the intriguing Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), a unique phenomenon characterized by tingling sensations originating from the scalp and propagating down the spine. While anecdotal evidence suggests the therapeutic potential of ASMR, the field has witnessed a surge of scientific interest, particularly through the use of neuroimaging techniques...
Determination of authenticity of brand perfume using electronic nose prototypes
PublicationThe paper presents practical application of an electronic nose technique for fast and efficient discrimination between authentic and fake perfume samples. Two self-built electronic nose prototypes equipped with a set of semiconductor sensors were employed for that purpose. Additionally 10 volunteers took part in sensory analysis. The following perfumes and their fake counterparts were analysed: Dior – Fahrenheit, Eisenberg – J’ose,...
An experimental EEG study of brain activities underlying the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
PublicationAutonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is an audio-visual phenomenon that has recently become popular. Many people have reported experiencing a tingling-like sensation through their body while watching audio/video clips known as ASMR clips. People capable of having such experiences have also reported improved overall well-being and feeling relaxed. However, the neural activity underlying this phenomenon is not yet well-studied....
Cortical Activation Changes Associated with Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)
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Effect of organic calcium supplements on the technological characteristic and sensory properties of gluten-free bread
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Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Raw and Roasted Buckwheat Groats Fermented by Rhizopus Oligosporus
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Development of novel optoelectronic sensory structures utilising colour centres in nanodiamonds and their interactions with analytes
PublicationThe goal of this dissertation was to develop and assess surface modifications of fluorescent nanodiamonds (NDs) for optical sensing. Three modification routes were tested, each aimed at a different application. Modification with poly-L-lysine (pLys) was verified for optical sensing of pH via an interrelationship between electrically negative (NV¯) and neutral (NV0) nitrogen-vacancy centres. Immobilisation of Ochratoxin A (OTA),...
Interoperability analysis of sensor interface in ubiquitous environments
PublicationSystemy przetwarzania wszechobecnego pozwalają na integrację różnorodnych sensorów monitorujących i dostarczających informacje dotyczące środowiska oraz jego kontekstu.Fakt, że sensory te implementowane są przez niezależnych dostawców skutkuje problemami integracyjnymi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy interfejsów sensorów w trzech warstwach: fizycznej, protokołów oraz usług sensorów.Usługa sensora implementuje interfejs...
Sensory Quality, Volatile Compounds, and Physical Properties of Sheep’s Milk Cheese with Herbs (Allium ursinum L.)
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Highly Reliable Passive RFID-Based Inductor–Capacitor Sensory System Strengthened by Solvatochromism for Fast and Wide-Range Lactate Detection
PublicationA passive radio frequency-identification-based inductor-capacitor (LC) lactate sensory system with a specific dye-containing interdigitated capacitor (IDC) in which the sensing signal is amplified by the solvatochromic effect is proposed. When a lactate solution contacts the IDC of the LC lactate sensor, the capacitance of the IDC changes, changing the resonance frequency of the sensor. This changes the oscillation frequency of...
Analysis of odour interactions in model gas mixtures using electronic nose and fuzzy logic
PublicationMeasurement and monitoring of air quality in terms of odour nuisance is an important problem. Although the source of these nuisances is different (e.g. wastewater treatment plants, municipal landfills), their common feature is that they are a complex mixture of odorants with different odour thresholds. An additional problem is occurrence of the odour interactions between mixture components. From a practical point of view, it would...
Plant-Based Antioxidants in Gluten-Free Bread Production: Sources, Technological and Sensory Aspects, Enhancing Strategies and Constraints
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Fatty Acid Profile, Health Lipid Indices, and Sensory Properties of Meat from Pekin Ducks of Different Origins
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The role of microbial coagulants on the physicochemical, proteolysis, microstructure and sensory properties of low-fat Edam cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered buffalo milk
PublicationThis work investigates the influence of using microbial coagulants, including Rhizomucor miehei (MCR) protease and Cryphonectria parasitica (MCC) protease, on the quality characteristics of low-fat Edam cheese made from ultrafiltered buffalo milk (LFUE). Concurrently, a benchmark with calf rennet (CR) has been also performed. Throughout a 90-day ripening period, the cheeses were assessed for their physicochemical features, proteolysis,...
Real-time web-based gis for analysis, visualization, and integration of marine environment data
PublicationWizaulizacja i integracja przestrzennych danych morskich zbieranych przez różnego rodzaju sensory i pochodzących z różnych źródeł stanowi istotny aspekt monitorowania środowiska morskiego. Ta praca przedstawia system GIS powstały na Katedrze Systemów Geoinformatycznych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. System umożliwia integrecję i wizualizację różnego rodzaju danych morskich, w szczególności pochodzących z sensorów akustycznych takich,...
The Application of Lamiaceae Lindl. Promotes Aroma Compounds Formation, Sensory Properties, and Antioxidant Activity of Oat and Buckwheat-Based Cookies
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Nutritional value and sensory properties of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fillets enriched with sustainable and natural feed ingredients
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The Effects of Morus alba L. Fortification on the Quality, Functional Properties and Sensory Attributes of Bread Stored under Refrigerated Conditions
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Effect of Oyster Mushroom Addition on Improving the Sensory Properties, Nutritional Value and Increasing the Antioxidant Potential of Carp Meat Burgers
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EEG-Based Analysis of ASMR Stimuli: A Pilot Study of Neuropsychological Responses through Conventional vs. Bone-Conduction Headphones
PublicationIn this study, the impact of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) experiences delivered through different types of headphones was evaluated with respect to neural responses and anxiety levels. The EEG data of a 24-year-old participant was recorded while he underwent ASMR stimulation using conventional and bone-conduction headphones. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) assessed anxiety levels before and after ASMR stimulation,...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing
PublicationFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is an exciting and relatively new research field that promises to extend the range of information that can be extracted from a single sensor. In FES, the stochastic fluctuations of the sensor signal, rather than its average value, are recorded and analyzed. Typical components of such fluctuations are due to interactions at the microscopic level. Proper statistical analysis provides optimum sensory...
Supplementation of beer with Pinus sylvestris L. shoots extracts and its effect on fermentation, phenolic content, antioxidant activity and sensory profiles
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Defining Whole Grain Sorghum Flour and Water Levels to Improve Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Gluten-Free Bread—A Factorial Design Approach
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Effect of roasted buckwheat flour and hull enrichment on the sensory qualities, acceptance and safety of innovative mixed rye/wheat and wheat bakery products
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Synergic Effect of Selected Ingredients and Calcium Chloride on the Technological, Molecular and Microbial Usefulness of Eggshells and Their Impact on Sensory Properties in a Food Model System
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A 1-nS 1-V Sub-1-µW Linear CMOS OTA with Rail-to-Rail Input for Hz-Band Sensory Interfaces
PublicationThe paper presents an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with low transconductance (0.62–6.28 nS) and low power consumption (28–270 nW) for the low-frequency analog front-ends in biomedical sensor interfaces. The proposed OTA implements an innovative, highly linear voltage-to-current converter based on the channel-length-modulation effect, which can be rail-to-rail driven. At 1-V supply and 1-Vpp asymmetrical input driving,...
Electronic noses in classification and quality control of edible oils: A review
PublicationThe growing demand for wholesome and nutritious food leads to intensification of production, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on quality and well-being of consumers. For that reason, it is important to develop novel methods of food control which would be characterized by a short time of analysis, adequate sensitivity and relatively low cost. One such technique involves the use of multi-sensory devices called electronic...