Search results for: SYSTEM HYDROFITOWY - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: SYSTEM HYDROFITOWY

Search results for: SYSTEM HYDROFITOWY

  • WordNet -bazodanowy system jako słownik języka angielskiego


    - Year 2006

    WordNet[1] to alternatywne podejście do organizacji danychsłownikowych, w stosunku do klasycznej listy słów wraz z ich defnicjami. Koncepcja słownika opiera się na utworzeniu sieci koncepcji (sensów) powiązanych ze sobą relacjami określonego typu. Opisane zostały podstawowe założenia dotyczące budowy systemu WordNet oraz sposób organizacji danych językowych w postaci sieci semantycznej.

  • Monitoring of the circular saw vibrations with machine vision system.


    - Year 2007

    Praca przedstawia metodologię wyznaczania drgań obracających się pił tarczowych z wykorzystaniem technik wizyjnych. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników można wyznaczyc prędkości krytyczne piły oraz podac obszary prędkości zalecanych (najmniejsze wartości drgań poprzecznych piły).

  • Heuristic scheduling algorithms for uniform load of computer system


    - Year 2006

    W pracy zaprezentowano opracowany heurystyczny algorytm szeregowania zadań UNILO (ang. UNIform LOad - jednakowe obciążenie), umożliwiający redukcję całkowitego zapotrzebowania na moc obliczeniową systemu komputerowego bez pogarszania jego wydajności. Algorytm ten realizuje takie przydzielenie zadań obliczeniowych do poszczególnych jednostek (procesorów), aby zapewnić ich jednakowe obciążenie. Opracowany algorytm został zweryfikowany...

  • Ontological queries supporting decision process in KaSea system

    Wraz z rozwojem baz wiedzy pojawiły się systemy ekspertowe, które wykorzystują je do wsparcia procesu podejmowania decyzji. Systemy Wsparcia Decyzyjnego (SWD), które są tematem niniejszego artykułu, komunikują się z bazami wiedzy, wypełniając je znanymi faktami i odczytując nowo wywnioskowane informacje. Jednakże istnieją sytuacje, w których SWD otrzymują niejednoznaczną odpowiedź od bazy wiedzy. Wówczas pojawia się potrzeba określenia,...

  • System monitorowania ładunków kontenerowych w transporcie morskim

    W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu monitorowania kontenerów przewożonych drogą morską. Scharakteryzowano główne cechy oraz przedstawiono modułowo-warstwowy schemat funkcjonalny. Ponadto opisano założenia funkcjonalno-użytkowe dotyczące Inteligentnego Modułu Kontenerowego (IMK), będącego podstawowym elementem składowym systemu. Przedstawiono również główne zadania projektowe związane z realizacją projektu.

  • The analysis of the system towing rope with long underwater object


    W artykule zawarta jest analiza zestawu złożonego z liny holującej i długiego obiektu podwodnego o małej sprężystości.Sformułowane zagadnienie brzegowe rozwiązywane jest iteracyjnie z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych. Z warunków brzegowych znany jest punkt zaczepienia liny holującej na okręcie oraz głębokość na jaką zanurza się koniec holowanego obiektu. Rozwiązanie tego zagadnienia doprowadziło do równań źle uwarunkowanych...

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  • Niskokoherentny, interferometryczny system do badaniawłaściwości materiałów ceramicznych

    Przedstawiono światłowodowy system dwuwymiarowej wizualizacjiniejednorodnych struktur warstw ceramicznych. Omówiono projekti fizyczną realizację układu wykorzystującego optyczną, niskokoherentną reflektometrię optyczną, która umożliwia nieinwazyjne i bezkontaktowe obrazowanie wewnętrznych struktur różnych materiałówsilnie rozpraszających promieniowanie. Przedstawiono przykładowewyniki pomiarów wewnętrznych warstw ceramiki LSFO....

  • Application of an online judge & contester system in academic tuition


    Praca zawiera opis systemu typu ''Online judge & contester'' o nazwie SPOJ, wykorzystywanego do zdalnej nauki programowania. Został on pomyślnie wdrożony w nauczaniu informatyki na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Omówiono zasadę działania i mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa systemu SPOJ. Przedstawiono wnioski z doświadczeń przy stosowaniu tego typu systemów w nauczaniu na etapie studiów 1. i 2. stopnia w ciągu ostatnich czterech lat.

  • Application of an online judge & contester system in academic tuition


    Praca zawiera opis systemu typu ''Online judge & contester'' o nazwie SPOJ, wykorzystywanego do zdalnej nauki programowania. Został on pomyślnie wdrożony w nauczaniu informatyki na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Omówiono zasadę działania i mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa systemu SPOJ. Przedstawiono wnioski z doświadczeń przy stosowaniu tego typu systemów w nauczaniu na etapie studiów 1. i 2. stopnia w ciągu ostatnich czterech lat.

  • Ontological queries supporting decision process in KaSea system

    Wraz z rozwojem baz wiedzy pojawiły się systemy ekspertowe, które wykorzystują je do wsparcia procesu podejmowania decyzji. Systemy Wsparcia Decyzyjnego (SWD), które są tematem niniejszego artykułu, komunikują się z bazami wiedzy, wypełniając je znanymi faktami i odczytując nowo wywnioskowane informacje. Jednakże istnieją sytuacje, w których SWD otrzymują niejednoznaczną odpowiedź od bazy wiedzy. Wówczas pojawia się potrzeba określenia,...

  • Factors determining selection of production planning and control system


    - Year 2013

    The article contains a comparative characteristics of selected systems of production planning and control, such as: MRP, kanban/JiT, DBR/TOC. The results of the performed analyses served as a basis for determining key market factors related to production planning and control functions, which determine the choice of an appropriate system.

  • System budżetowania parametrów jakościowych dla połączeń wielodomenowych

    Rozwiązanie problemu gwarancji jakości usług dla wielodomenowych sieci NGN przy jednoczesnej optymalizacji wykorzystania zasobów jest nadal otwarte. Zaproponowano modyfikację dotychczasowego podejścia, które sprowadza się do budżetowania bilansowania) dwóch, a nie trzech parametrów jakościowych (średniego opóźnienia i prawdopodobieństwa straty) przy jednoczesnej kontroli parametru zmienności opóźnienia w powiązaniu z prawdopodobieństwem...

  • Bezprzewodowy moduł detekcji źródeł dźwięku – system klasyfikatorów

    Monitoring bezpieczeństwa osób starszych i chorych przebywających samotnie w pomieszczeniach można realizowaćpoprzez detekcję dźwięków nietypowych. W tym celu zbudowano moduł nasłuchujący, który analizuje dźwięki z otoczenia. Oblicza on szereg parametrów dźwięku, także bazujących na STFT i MFCC. Umożliwiają one wychwycenie i sklasyfikowanie takich odgłosów jak jęki, krzyki, kaszel oraz huki. Przedstawiono...



    The concept of the “Integrated System of Transport Safety” in Poland is a novel solution, built upon the best practices available from only a handful of countries in the world. In the last few decades, the extent of applying integrated transport safety systems to improve transport safety systems has varied; nevertheless, studying the experience of the safest countries in the world we can say that enormous progress has been achieved...

  • Wireless intelligent audio-video surveillance prototyping system


    The presented system is based on the Virtex6 FPGA and several supporting devices like a fast DDR3 memory, small HD camera, microphone with A/D converter, WiFi radio communication module, etc. The system is controlled by the Linux operating system. The Linux drivers for devices implemented in the system have been prepared. The system has been successfully verified in a H.264 compression accelerator prototype in which the most demanding...

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    This paper presents a modelling of accumulation and dissipation energy in simple drive system. The simple drive system is presented by laboratory stand designed for calculate fatigue life of material for bending and rotation tests pieces. The laboratory stand was prepared to diagnosis of fatigue life of material by use energetic methods. This idea was submitted as utility model to Polish Patent Office. This laboratory stand gives...

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  • Design of battery charging system update for glider launcher

    This paper presents an innovative solution for increasing life of lead-acid batteries used in a glider launcher. The study is focused on upgrading a charging system instead of a costly full replacement of it. Based on literature review, the advanced three-stage charging profile was indicated. The new topology of the power converter was proposed and a simulation model was developed. A simulation study was performed which leads to...

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  • Designing control strategies of aeration system in biological WWTP


    The paper presents the complete design processes of a novel aeration control systems in the SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Due to large energy expense and high influence on biological processes, the aeration system plays a key role in WWTP operation. The paper considers the aeration system for a biological WWTP located in the northeast of Poland. This system consists of blowers, the main collector...

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    - Year 2020

    The aim of this thesis is to solve a disturbing problem, which is illegal sewage discharge, without any previous treatment in a village Kamień, Szemud commune, Poland, by developing a multivariate sewerage system concept. The introduction submits the theory concerning the division of sewer systems as well as the wastewater treatment’s level. Moreover, there is also the problem of rural sanitation presented and main locality –...

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  • The concept of stream and system reliability on the example of the bakery industry


    - Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna - Year 2019

    This article presents a new concept of technological system reliability based on the analysis of the relationship of associations of elements of energy streams, matter, information, time and finance. The method of stream specification and the method of determining the reliability values of significant and supporting relationships are given. Relevant relationships between elements of system streams were defined as having one-time...

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  • Application of Traction Supply System for Charging Electric Cars


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The development of electromobility involves the development of electric cars charging infrastructure. The increase of the number of chargers poses new demands for the AC power grid, especially in regard to its capacity of delivering high peak power. As an alternative for the public AC power grid, urban electrified transportation systems (trams, trolleybuses, and metro) can be used for supplying electric cars chargers. The article...

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  • Ho2Pd1.3Ge2.7 – a ternary AlB2-type cluster glass system

    We report a successful synthesis of a ternary AlB2-type intermetallic compound. The phase purity was obtained by fine-tuning the Pd-Ge ratio out of the idealized 1-3. Attempts to synthesize an Er analogue were not successful. We discuss the instability of the Er analogue based on the atomic size ratio and also suggest that the increased stability of Ho2Pd1+xGe3−x in the Pd-rich range likely stems from a combination of atomic size...

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  • Design and implementation of the driver system for Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer

    Recent miniaturization developments in devices for spectroscopy have reduced greatly their costs and increased their availability for a wide range of users and applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of a driver system for a Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer. The system implementation was carried out and compared using two independent microcontroller modules: Arduino Uno and STM32F411RE Nucleo. We assessed...

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  • Stress Monitoring System for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders


    - IEEE Access - Year 2020

    In this article, a stress monitoring system tailored for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and developed for the educational institution is presented. People with ASD face problems with effective stress management due to their high self-perceived levels of stress, poor ability to cope with it, and dificulties with the accurate detection of the source of stress. Consistently, being able to measure stress appears to...

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    Syncope phenomena is an abrupt and transient loss of consciousness leading to interruption of awareness of one’s surroundings and falls with risk of injury. Syncope is often followed by complete and usually rapid spontaneous recovery. It is said that half of all individuals experience syncopal event at least once during their life. The condition can occur at any age and happens in people with and without other medical problems....

  • Voltage control in a power system with renewable sources of energy


    - Year 2019

    Intensive development of distributed generation in power systems, caused by the European Union energy policy, gives possibility for improving safety in power delivery as well as optimizing the costs of the systems functioning. In this context, distributed generation can be used for voltage control in power systems – it can be performed by the control of reactive power of each source of energy or a group of energy sources. This...

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  • The system for remote monitoring of a vertical axis wind farm

    The article presents a system for remote monitoring of working parameters of a wind turbine with a vertical axis. The monitoring system was built using a Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer with the Raspbian operating system and a MicroDAQ E2000 measuring card. The developed system enables monitoring the power output of the generator, torque on the turbine shaft, turbine speed and wind speed. The values of the monitored parameters are...

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  • Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration

    This paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.

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  • Power System Dynamics. Stability and Control. 3rd edition


    - Year 2020

    Comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of information on the electric power system dynamics and stability. It places the emphasis first on understanding the underlying physical principles before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms. The book explores the influence of classical sources of energy, wind farms and virtual power plants, power plants inertia and control strategy on power system stability. The book cover...

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  • Low-Power WSN System for Honey Bee Monitoring


    - Year 2019

    The paper presents a universal low-power system for biosensory data acquisition in scope of bees monitoring. We describe the architecture of the system, energy-saving components as well as we discuss the selection of used sensors. The work focuses on energy optimization in a scope of wireless communication. A custom protocol was implemented, which is the basis for presented energy-efficient devices. Data exchange process during...

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  • Regional Observatory as a Part of Road Safety Information System


    - Year 2013

    EU experience clearly indicates that it is necessary to inform and motivate the public on road unsafety to undertake specific preventive efforts, as well as making road users feel responsible for the state of road safety and seek to improve this state gradually to protect their health and life. The implementation of the Warmia-Mazury Road Safety Observatory project will not only be an excellent addition to the activities carried...

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  • On the Transcendental Philosophy in the Light of the Kantian Aggregate - System Opposition

    Th e article represents an attempt to determine the essence of critical philosophy in the light of Kantian distinction between aggregate and system. In order to achieve this, the article harks back to Kant’s work and to accomplishments of Marburg School of neo-Kantianism and particularly to Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy. Discrimination between aggregate and system as two possible types of knowledge representation rests on the precedent...

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  • System Automatycznej Lokalizacji Osób do Zastosowań Specjalnych

    W artykule opisano założenia funkcjonalne i budowę demonstratora technologicznego systemu do lokalizacji osób wewnątrz budynków. Przedstawiono poszczególne węzły sieci radiowej służącej do określania pozycji osób wraz z wyszczególnieniem najważniejszych podzespołów tych węzłów, a także funkcjonowanie całego systemu i możliwości jego dalszej rozbudowy.

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  • Remote Spatial Database Access in the Navigation System for the Blind

    The article presents the problem of a database access in the navigation systems. The authors were among the main creators of the prototype navigation system for the blind - “Voice Maps”. In the implemented prototype only exemplary, limited spatial data were used, therefore they could be stored in the mobile device’s memory without any difficulties. Currently the aforementioned system is being prepared for commercialization - the...

  • System polityczny i gospodarczy Turcji: wybrane aspekty


    - Year 2012

    Turcja stała się w ostatnich latach jednym z kluczowych graczy w globalnej polityce i gospodarce. Od 2002 r. władzę w tym kraju sprawuje konserwatywna partia AKP pod przywództwem premiera Erdoğana, który doprowadził do zmniejszenia wpływów wojska oraz istotnych zmian w polityce zewnętrznej, w wyniku których Turcja jest coraz bliżej pozycji lidera całego regionu. Nadal utrzymywane są przyjazne stosunki z USA oraz UE, mimo zahamowania...

  • SHM System of the Roof Structure of Sports Arena “Olivia”


    The paper presents a structural health monitoring system of the Sports Arena “Olivia” in Gdansk, Poland. The system was installed because of doubts about the roof stability due to observed buckling of the steel truss members. The SHM system was based on nonlinear FEM models used for detection of type of near failure modes of the roof. The application of detailed FEM model in current state updated on data from in situ loading testes...

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    The approach of system thinking is completely different from traditional forms of analysis. Even the ancient meaning of word analysis is “a breaking up”. Set of Experience Knowledge Structure is an atomic record of decision event that can be grouped together and form some form of decision DNA of an organization. The question that this paper is trying to answer in how those concepts can be merged.

  • Online sound restoration system for digital library applications.

    Audio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...

  • Online sound restoration system for digital library applications

    Audio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...

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  • Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface


    - Year 2013

    In this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...

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  • A System for Cooling Electronic Elements with EHD Coolant Flow

    • M. Tański
    • M. Kocik
    • R. Barbucha
    • K. Garasz
    • J. Mizeraczyk
    • J. Kraśniewski
    • M. Oleksy
    • A. Hapka
    • W. Janke

    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Year 2014

    A system for cooling electronic components where the liquid coolant flow is forced with ion-drag type EHD micropumps was tested.

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  • Eye-Gaze Tracking-Based Telepresence System for Videoconferencing

    An approach to the teleimmersive videoconferencing system enhanced by the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera, controlled by the eye-gaze tracking system, is presented in this paper. An overview of the existing telepresence systems, especially dedicated to videoconferencing is included. The presented approach is based on the CyberEye eye-gaze tracking system engineered at the Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) of Gdańsk University of Technology...

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  • Module of priorities for public transport vehicles in the TRISTAR system


    One of the most important elements of the intelligent traffic control systems is the ability to control movement in such a way as to privilege the selected users movement, in particular public transport vehicles. Implemented at the Tri-City the TRISTAR system will also have a module for prioritizing public transport vehicles. The article presents a characteristics of the priority action system: the way of communication with the...

  • Analytical method of modelling the geometric system of communication route


    The paper presents a new analytical approach to modelling the curvature of a communication route by making use of differential equations. The method makes it possible to identify both linear and nonlinear curvature. It enables us to join curves of the same or opposite signs of curvature. Solutions of problems for linear change of curvature and selected variants of nonlinear curvature in polynomial and trigonometric form were analyzed....

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  • Multipoint Ultrasonic Diagnostics System of Prestressed T-Beams

    This paper is devoted to the application of ultrasonic wave propagation phenomena for the diagnostics of prestressed, concrete, bridge T-beams. A multi-point damage detection system is studied with use of numerically obtained data. The system is designed to detect the presence of the material discontinuities as well as their location.

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  • The UK's banking system as financial hub for Islamic banking

    This paper examines the phenomenon of London as "the Islamic banking hub". It contends that London has become not only an international centre for Islamic finance, but also that there is big interest and demand for Islamic banking products. The authors are also positive that Islamic banking may be a certain solution for the problems that Europe has been suffering since 2007 when the global debt crisis started. Our intention is...

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  • Cognitive network model dedicated to transport system telematics

    The paper defines the concept of cognitive radio, in the context of transport systems, with particular emphasis on modern ecological concept of “green cognitive radio”. In addition, in the paper a modified cognitive network model dedicated to transport system telematics is proposed and presented. Algorithms to support the functioning of the cognitive radio are discussed. Sensors necessary to use the network to support cognitive...


    The hazards on the list are assessed on two levels, namely as minor and serious, and the risk relating to work at the site at three levels: small, average and high, within the range from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest value meaning a small risk, and 10 the value meaning a high risk.

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  • Reliable underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2014

    This paper presents a reliable and robust low data rate spread spectrum approach which is implemented in the acoustic underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters. It shows operation assumptions of spread spectrum techniques based on the wellknown Shannon equation. It describes two methods of spread spectrum: frequency hopping spread spectrum and direct sequence spread spectrum; their block diagram and their characteristics...

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  • Cykliczny system otwarty i cyrkularne kolorowanie grafów.


    - Year 2002

    W pracy rozważany jest cykliczny system otwarty - modyfikacja otwartego systemu procesów dedykowanych polegająca na założeniu, że praca jest wykonywana w ruchu ciągłym, czyli kolejne cykle pracy wykonywane są bezpośrednio po sobie. Rozważana jest złożoność obliczeniowa problemów związanych z układaniem harmonogramu w systemach tego typu.