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Search results for: ADR AGREEMENT
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 24 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 53 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 49 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublicationQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach
PublicationThis work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...
Analiza czasowa pasywnych układów mikrofalowych o dużej dobroci.**2003, 186s. 72 rys. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska /15.04.2003./ Wydz. ETI Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. M. Mrozowski.
PublicationCelem niniejszej pracy było zaproponowanie szeregu kryteriów pozwalającychna automatyczne tworzenie dużej wiarygodności modeli sygnałów, uzyskiwanychza pośrednictwem metod analizy układów mikrofalowych w dziedzinie czasu, jakrównież opracowanie definicji funkcji celu umożliwiających projektowaniefiltrów pasmowo-przepustowych w oparciu o analizę układów metodą FD-TD orazwykazanie skuteczności techniki automatycznej kreacji...
Measurements of absolute elastic and vibrational cross sections for electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran
PublicationPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki pomiaru absolutnych przekrojów czynnych na zderzenie elektronów z drobinami tetrahydrofuranu przy energii 10eV.
The high-energy critical minimum in elastic electron scattering by argon.
PublicationZostało zbadane położenie wysokoenergetycznego minimum krytycznego w rozpraszaniu elektronów na argonie. W celu przeprowadzenia dyskusji zachowania się czynnego przekroju różniczkowego w okolicy minimum krytycznego przeprowadzono analizę położenia minimum zarówno dla energii, jak i kątów.
Elastic electron scattering by argon in the vicinity of the high-energy critical minimum.
PublicationZostały obliczone różniczkowe przekroje czynne na sprężyste rozpraszanie elektronów na argonie. Przedział energetyczny rozpraszanych elektronów został tak dobrany, aby zbadać położenie tzw. minimum krytycznego.
System of breath collection and analysis for diseases detection
PublicationCollection and study of composition of the exhaled air is now intensively investigated to develop non-invasive medical diagnostics based on presence of metabolic compounds in the exhaled air. The process of collecting and processing of the exhaled air must fulfill relevant conditions to achieve satisfactory results. The paper presents the system of collecting samples of exhaled breath and the proposed methods of its analysis, using...
Seismic performance evaluation of steel buckling-restrained braced frames including SMA materials
PublicationThe permanent deformation of the building after seismic excitations can be determined by the Maximum Residual Interstory Drift Ratio (MR-IDR), which may be used for measuring the damage states. Low-post yield stiffness of the steel buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) makes this system vulnerable to large MR-IDR after a severe earthquake event. To overcome this issue, this paper investigates the seismic limit state performances...
Dew Formation and Chemistry Near a Motorway in Poland
PublicationIn this study, the influence of traffic intensity on dewformation efficiency and chemistry is presented. The measurementswere conducted near the A4 motorway in SW Poland in almost flatland relief with intense agricultural activity. The dew/hoarfrost wascollected by means of insulated plain passive radiative condensersat three sites: AN and AS located in the close vicinity of themotorway (30 m) on the opposite sides of the road,...
Sławomir Ledwoń dr inż. arch.
People -
Squashed entanglement for multipartite states and entanglement measures based on the mixed convex roof
PublicationNew measures of multipartite entanglement are constructedbased on two definitions of multipartite information anddifferent methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. Oneis a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takesthe mutual information of parties conditioned on the state's extensionand takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity ofthe multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for both versionsof...
Measurements of fundamental properties of homogeneous tissue phantoms
PublicationWe present the optical measurement techniques used in human skin phantom studies. Their accuracy and the sources of errors in microscopic parameters’ estimation of the produced phantoms are described. We have produced optical phantoms for the purpose of simulating human skin tissue at the wavelength of 930 nm. Optical coherence tomography was used to measure the thickness and surface roughness and to detect the internal inhomogeneities....
Finite element/mode-matching analysis of ferrite/dielectric line junctions of arbitrary cross-section
PublicationThis paper is focused on the analysis of line junctions obtained as a cascade of dielectric and ferrite guides of arbitrary cross-section. The main application of such structures is nonreciprocal devices such as isolators, circulators, or phase shifters. The efficient finite element/mode-matching approach is proposed to the analysis of such structures. In this approach, thefiniteelementmethod is applied todetermine propagation...
Lamp of adjustable spectrum for photographic usage
PublicationPhotography is a unique rapidly growing interdisciplinary field encompassing aspects of science, art and technology. Expectations of photographers are steadily increasing with the development of technology. One of the areas playing a crucial role in photography is lighting. Consequently, several types of light sources for photographic use have been developed. The ongoing research in this field concentrates on lamps with tunable...
Copper-based 2D-coordination polymer as catalyst for allylation of aldehydes
PublicationA copper-tartrate, [Cu2(Tart)2(H2O)2]·4H2O, was synthesized at room temperature in aqueous media using copper chloride and D-tartaric acid. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system P21 space group and was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray powder diffraction and the results are in good agreement with the single crystal...
EU-Turkey Customs Union and Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Flows
PublicationMain aim of this text is presentation of the effects of customs union between the European Union and turkey on bilateral FDI flows in light of the theory of linkages between economic integration and FDI flows. First section of the text is a survey of main theoretical links between economic integration and FDI flows. Second section focuses on the history and scope of the customs union. Third and fourth sections are empirical and...
Arbutin: Isolation, X-ray structure and computional studies
PublicationArbutin, an active component originated from Serratula quinquefolia for skin-whitening use and treating skin related allergic inflammation, was characterized by microanalysis, FTIR, UV-Vis, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, and single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The geometries of the studied compound were optimized in singlet states using the density functional theory (DFT) method with B3LYP functional. Electronic spectra were...
New lanthanide–CB[6] coordination compounds: relationships between the crystal structure and luminescent properties
PublicationThe reaction between cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) and lanthanide chlorides (Eu, Sm, Tb and Tm) in acidic aqueous media led to four new structures. The compounds obtained are isostructural with general formula [Ln2(H2O)12(H2O@CB[6])]Cl6(H2O)4 (Ln = Eu3+ (1), Sm3+ (2), Tb3+ (3) and Tm3+ (4)) and crystallize in the P21/c space group. For the complexes with Eu3+, Sm3+ and Tb3+, the luminescent properties in the solid state and aqueous media...
Superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism of Y9Co7 probed by ac susceptibility
PublicationThe ac magnetic susceptibility of a single crystal sample of the compound Y9Co7 has been measured in applied dc fields ranging from 0–6.7 kOe by utilizing a tunnel diode resonator circuit. In agreement with previous measurements on this material, a superconducting transition has been observed to occur at TSC ≈ 2.5 K. A broad maximum has been observed in the zero field susceptibility measurements from 2.5 K < T < 8 K and its behavior...
Impact of surface skin temperature change on blood flow characteristics in palm
PublicationHeating a human palm during 3 minutes period causes changes in superficial skin temperature and leads to thermoregulation system response. The response time and level of flow characteristics change depend on the subject hand size and health of his vascular tree. A solution of Pennes bioheat propagation model was analyzed in order to see how much heat has to be transferred into the tissue to extort the observable reaction. The reflective...
Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete
PublicationThis paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...
Monitoring of absorptive model biogas purification process using sensor matrices and gas chromatography
PublicationThis study examined the process of purifying model biogas using a new type of absorbent based on a Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) and a commercially available absorbent (Genosorb) to remove acetone, toluene, and cyclohexane. The main aim of the research was to control the purification efficiency using gas chromatography (GC) and an alternative method based on sensor matrices (SM). As a result of comparing the multidimensional SM signals...
Crystal structure and physical properties of new Ca2TGe3 (T = Pd and Pt) germanides
PublicationThe crystallographic, electronic transport and thermal properties of Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3 are reported. The compounds crystalize in an ordered variant of the AlB2 crystal structure, in space group P6/mmm, with the lattice parameters a = 8.4876(4) Å/8.4503(5) Å and c = 4.1911(3) Å/4.2302(3) Å for Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3, respectively. The resistivity data exhibit metallic behavior with residual-resistivity-ratios (RRR) of 13 for...
A study about daylighting knowledge and education in Europe. Results from the first phase of the DAYKE project
PublicationThis paper presents selected results from the first stage of DAYKE (Daylight Knowledge in Europe), a 3- phase project that investigates the knowledge on daylighting in buildings among architecture students and practitioners across Europe. Subjective judgements from 561 students from 8 architecture universities in the EU, collected through two surveys in 2018. The key findings are: (i) the spatial distribution of comfort and mood...
Design Evolution of the Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublicationThe development process and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. The proposed design consists of three individual cells integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system. Those elements are combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. The two new prototypes have been designed, simulated and tested. Finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain...
On the plastic buckling of curved carbon nanotubes
PublicationThis research, for the first time, predicts theoretically static stability response of a curved carbon nanotube (CCNT) under an elastoplastic behavior with several boundary conditions. The CCNT is exposed to axial compressive loads. The equilibrium equations are extracted regarding the Euler–Bernoulli displacement field by means of the principle of minimizing total potential energy. The elastoplastic stress-strain is concerned...
Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms
PublicationThis study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....
Modelling of Longitudinal Elastic Wave Propagation in a Steel Rod Using the Discrete Element Method
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of modelling elastic wave propagation using the discrete element method (DEM). The case of a longitudinal wave in a rod with a circular cross-section was considered. A novel, complex algorithm consisting of the preparation of models and simulation of elastic waves was developed. A series of DEM models were prepared for simulations, differing in discretisation and material parameters. Additional calculations...
Experimental study and numerical simulation of the dynamic penetration into dry clay
PublicationTests of dry clay were carried out in a uniaxial stress state using the experimental setup which implements the split Hopkinson pressure bar method. Based on the results of these experiments, the compressive strength of clay was determined as an important element of S.S. Grigoryan’s model of the soil medium. In addition, the parameters of this model are determined from the results of experiments using the modified Kolsky method...
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
PublicationThe present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
An ultrawideband monopulse feed with slant polarization for tracking radar systems
PublicationAn ultrawideband slant-polarized monopulse feed is designed and fabricated for microwave applications. The proposed configuration features four end-launched diagonal horns allowing for the production of sum and difference channels in two principal planes. The key advantage of this proposed monopulse antenna over traditional monopulse feeds is its ability to combine the benefits of ultrawideband performance with slant polarization...
Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried...
Novel adaptive flux observer for wide speed range sensorless control of induction motor
PublicationA new adaptive flux observer of induction motor is presented in the paper. The Lyapunov theory is utilized for derivation of the adaptation law of rotor flux angular speed, which acts as unknown parameter in an augmented induction motor model. In the field weakening region, where stray fluxes are comparable with rotor flux magnitude, the air-gap flux stabilization is proposed. An air-gap flux multiscalar model is derived for stator...
Pilot-Scale Studies of WO3/S-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunction toward Photocatalytic NOx Removal
PublicationDue to the rising concentration of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air, effective methods of NOx removal have been extensively studied recently. In the present study, the first developed WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 nanocomposite was synthesized using a facile method to remove NOx in air efficiently. The photocatalytic tests performed in a newly designed continuous-flow photoreactor with an LED array and online monitored NO2 and NO system...
Marek Wysocki dr hab. inż. arch.
PeoplePracownik naukowy Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, zatrudniony na PG od 15 listopada 1989 r. w Katedrze Techniki Budownictwa (obecnie Katedrze Technicznych Podstaw Projektowania Architektonicznego). W 2001 roku uzyskał tytuł doktora w zakresie nauk technicznych, a w 2012 r. na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Wrocławskiej uzyskał tytuł dr. hab. W maju 2017 roku powołany został na stanowisko profesora nadzwyczajnego...
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Methods for Delimitation of the Boundaries of Registered Parcels in the Process of Modernization of Land and Building Registration
PublicationIn the article, a comparative analysis of two methods for delimitation of the boundaries of registered parcels was carried out: the method of direct measurement in the field and the photogrammetric method. One of the analyzed factors was the attendance of parcels’ owners during the development of boundary recognition agreements. Research has shown that in this aspect the method of direct measurement...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublicationThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
Moisture content during and after high- and normal-temperature drying processes of wood
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the results of moisture content of wood during and after the high-temperature steam and air–steam mixture drying processes and after an open air-drying process. The knowledge of moisture content changes of wood in the process of its drying is one of the important parameters to economy drying process and to keep the quality of dried wood. Wood samples, namely, spruce (Picea abies K.) and beech...
A novel degree-hour method for rational design loading
PublicationCooling degree-hours (CDH) received the broadest application in evaluation of the ambient air cooling efficiency in power engineering (engine intake air cooling systems) and air conditioning. The current CDH numbers are defined as a drop in air temperature multiplied by associated time duration of performance and their summarized annual number is used to estimate the annual effect achieved due to sucked air cooling in power plants...
PublicationReferat przedstawia porównanie projektów dwóch farm wiatrowych. Częścią referatu jest opis kryteriów, które muszą zostać uwzględnione w trakcie analizy porównawczej projektów budowy FW. Tego typu analiza znajduje zastosowanie w przypadku zakupu projektów inwestycyjnych będących w fazie przygotowania. Spowodowane jest to koniecznością uwzględnienia wymogów określonych w ustawodawstwie polskim...
Ekspertyza techniczna dotycząca oceny stanu technicznego płyty lądowiska dla helikopterów przy Regionalnym Szpitalu Specjalistycznym im dr Władysława Biegańskiego zlokalizowanego w Grudziądzu przy ulicy Rydygiera 15/17
PublicationZakres prac obejmował wykrycie awarii i sposób naprawy płyty lądowiska spowodowanej wpływem warunków atmosferycznych.
Równoległe algorytmy wydobywania wiedzy w bazach danych obiektów graficz-nych.**2003 s. ...maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska (25.11.2003) PG, Wydz. ETI Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Krawczyk
PublicationZdefiniowano i opracowano algorytmy wydobywania wiedzy wykorzystujące danegraficzne. W odniesieniu do bieżących osiągnięć nauki zaproponowano metodęwłączenia obrazów (w szczególności medycznych) do reguł wiedzy. Algorytmysekwencyjne budowy reguł wiedzy i klasyfikacji zastąpiono ich odpowiednikamirównoległymi. Omówiono cechy środowiska które pozwala takie algorytmy efek-tywnie wykonywać. Przeprowadzono teoretyczne oszacowanie...
Efektywność mechanizmów QoS w lokalnych sieciach bezprzewodowych.**2004 s....rys... bibliogr. ...maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska: /30.03.2004/ P. Gdań. Wydz. ETI Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. J. Woźniak.