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Business processes implementation using agent systems
PublicationThis paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...
Computational algorithm for the analysis of mechatronic systems with distributed parameter elements
PublicationThe paper presents a systematic computational package for analysis of complex systems composed of multiple lumped and distributed parameter subsystems. The algorithm is based on the transfer function method (DTFM). With this algorithm, a bond graph technique for the modelling is developed to simplify computations. Analysis of different systems requires only changing the inputs data in the form of the bond graph diagram
PublicationThe authors conducted a research experiment to verify the hypothesis that it is possible to preserve the mesh in the operating field in large direct hernias (M3) without the need to use fixing materials. The results showed that mesh fixation is not the only alternative to preventing recurrence in complex defects and that the type of implant seems to be a key factor from the point of view of mechanics and biophysics.
A procedure for the identification of effective mechanical parameters of additively manufactured elements using integrated ultrasonic bulk and guided waves
PublicationThe subject of the current work was a simple but robust novel two-stage procedure for the non-destructive determination of effective elastic constants using ultrasonic wave propagation. First, ultrasonic bulk wave velocities measured on cubic samples were used to calculate most of the elements of the stiffness matrix. Secondly, the remaining elements were determined using the dispersion curves of elastic guided waves measured on...
Nina Rizun dr
PeopleNina Rizun is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In October 1999, she obtained a PhD in Technical Sciences from the Faculty of Enterprise Economy and Production Organization, National Mining Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. PhD thesis title: Development of Complex Subsystem of the Organization and Planning of Mining and Transport Processes. From 1993-2000,...
Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleDr. Eng. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski studied geodesy and cartography at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn from 2004-2009, where he obtained the title of Master of Science in Engineering. In the years 2009-2016, he worked as a land surveyor in Iława and Gdańsk. He gained professional experience during the construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway, which helped him obtain a national surveying license in 2015. In...
Singular curves in the resultant thermomechanics of shells
PublicationSome geometric and kinematic relations associated with the curve moving on the shell base surface are discussed. The extended surface transport relation and the extended surface divergence theorems are proposed for the piecewise smooth tensor fields acting on the regular and piecewise regular surfaces. The recently formulated resultant, two-dimensionally exact, thermodynamic shell relations - the balances of mass, linear and angular...
Kacper Radziszewski mgr inż. arch.
PeopleIn 2016, he completed his master's studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Architect. Co-organizer and leader of research workshops in the field of parametric architecture and modern fabrication methods, e.g. at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Sopot University of Technology, at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Technology in Bratislava,...
Heat transfer intensification by jet impingement – numerical analysis using RANS approach
PublicationJet impingement is a method of the heat transfer enhancement applied in the engineering systems. The idea is to generate fast-flow fluid jet which impinge on the heated (or cooled) surface, causing significantly higher heat transfer rate. Although some flat surface jet impingement cases are described in the literature, the validated data is still limited. The reason is coming from the fact, that these flows are hydrodynamically...
Determination of aminoglycoside antibiotics: current status and future trends
PublicationThe use of aminoglycoside antibiotics is prevalent in medicine and agriculture. Their overuse increases their mobility in the environment, resulting in a need for reliable methods for their determination in a variety of matrices. However, the properties of aminoglycosides, in particular their high polarity, make the development of such methods a non-trivial task, inciting researchers to tackle this complex issue from different...
Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature creep of VT6 titanium alloy under multi-axial loading conditions
PublicationIn the framework of damage mechanics, we discuss a new mathematical model that describes the kinetics of the stress–strain state and damage accumulation during material degradation by the mechanism of long-term strength under complex multiaxial stress state. An experimental and theoretical technique is proposed for determination of material parameters and scalar constitutive functions for damaged media based on specially set experiments...
Novel Investigation of Higher Order Spectral Technologies for Fault Diagnosis of Motor-Based Rotating Machinery
PublicationIn the last decade, research centered around the fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using non-contact techniques has been significantly on the rise. For the first time worldwide, innovative techniques for the diagnosis of rotating machinery, based on electrical motors, including generic, nonlinear, higher-order cross-correlations of spectral moduli of the third and fourth order (CCSM3 and CCSM4, respectively), have been comprehensively...
Fixed point indices of iterated smooth maps in arbitrary dimension
PublicationWe give a complete description of possible sequences ofindices of iterations of f at an isolated fixed point, answering inaffirmative the Chow, Mallet-Paret and Yorke conjecture posed in[S.N. Chow, J. Mallet-Parret, J.A. Yorke, A periodic point index whichis a bifurcation invariant, in: Geometric Dynamics, Rio de Janeiro,1981, in: Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1007, Springer, Berlin, 1983,pp. 109-131].
FFT spectrum based matching algorithm for activedynamic thermography
PublicationIn Active Dynamic thermography (ADT) sequences of consecutive temperature distributions are analyzed. In biomedical applications of ADT, the problems of a patient's movements in front of a thermal camera should be eliminated before data analysis. Complete mechanical stabilization of the patients is impossible due to natural voluntary and involuntary moves caused by pulse breathing, etc. This paper presents a simple and efficient...
Interval incidence coloring of subcubic graphs
PublicationIn this paper we study the problem of interval incidence coloring of subcubic graphs. In [14] the authors proved that the interval incidence 4-coloring problem is polynomially solvable and the interval incidence 5-coloring problem is N P-complete, and they asked if χii(G) ≤ 2∆(G) holds for an arbitrary graph G. In this paper, we prove that an interval incidence 6-coloring always exists for any subcubic graph G with ∆(G) = 3.
Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJanusz KOZAK Born 04.07.1953 Puck, Poland Intermediate school” Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” Gdansk, 1973. Graduated on Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, 1978. Employed: From 1978 - Gdynia Shipyard 1978 as designer, from 1980 as a specialist in Chair of Technology in Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, 1993 as assistant, PhD (1993), “Method for assessment...
Estimation of wind pressure acting on the new palm house in Gdansk
PublicationThis paper deals with the problem of numerical simulations of wind loads acting on a Palm House with complex geometry. Flow simulations with aid of computational fluid dynamics procedures have been performed to check if the pressure distributions for the structure are greater than those calculated using the standard design codes with assumption that the Palm House horizontal cross sections are described by smooth cylinders.
Fourier transforms on Cantor sets: A study in non-Diophantine arithmetic and calculus
PublicationFractals equipped with intrinsic arithmetic lead to a natural definition of differentiation, integration, and complex structure. Applying the formalism to the problem of a Fourier transform on fractals we show that the resulting transform has all the required basic properties. As an example we discuss a sawtooth signal on the ternary middle-third Cantor set. The formalism works also for fractals that are not self-similar.
Thermodynamics of solid phases containing rare earth oxides
PublicationRare earth elements (RE) are incorporated into a large variety of complex oxide phases to provide tailored mechanical, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. Thermodynamics control phase stability, materials compatibility in use, corrosion, and transformation. This review presents, in one compilation, the thermodynamic properties of a large number of such materials and discusses systematic trends in energetics and the factors...
Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) filter design using space mapping
PublicationIn this paper, we present a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters in substrate integrated wave (SIW) technology. The proposed methodology combines the space mapping technique with a cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of filter’s transfer and reflection function and uses a rectangular waveguide as a surrogate model. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with...
Wstępny plan badań węzła z mimośrodem dodatnim w kratownicy z kształtowników o przekrojach poprzecznych otwartych. -(Autorka otrzymała wyróżnienie za tą publikację)
PublicationW celu określenia wpływu mimośrodowego przecinania się prętów w kratownicy z kształtowników giętych na zimno, o przekrojach poprzecznych otwartych na nośność i stateczność węzłów dźwigarów kratowych, opracowano model badawczy oraz przeprowadzono wstępną analizę numeryczną przedmiotowego węzła, w programie Marc Mentat. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na potrzebę uzupełnienia obciążenia o parę sił poziomych w modelu badawczym.
Drug-resistant and hospital-associated Enterococcus faecium from wastewater, riverine estuary and anthropogenically impacted marine catchment basin.
PublicationEnterococci, ubiquitous colonizers of humans and other animals, play an increasingly important role in health-care associated infections (HAIs). Acquisition of resistance determinants not only seriously limits available therapeutic options but also increases available gene pool for other species. It is believed that the recent evolution of two clinically relevant species, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium occurred...
Distribution and removal efficiency of heavy metals in two constructed wetlands treating landfill leachate
PublicationThe results of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd) removal and partitioning between aqueous and solid phases at two wetlands (TWs) treating municipal landfill leachates are presented. One of the TWs is a surface flow facility consisting of 10 ponds. The other TW is a newly constructed pilot-scale facility consisting of three beds with alternately vertical and horizontal sub-surface flow. The metals concentrations were...
Quantitative fluorescent determination of DNA – Ochratoxin a interactions supported by nitrogen-vacancy rich nanodiamonds
PublicationOchratoxin A (OTA) is a hazardous contaminant of a large variety of plant and animal originated food. Herein, we report an interaction of OTA with calf thymus DNA (ct DNA) on the nanodiamond surface. We employed multispectroscopic techniques to elucidate the binding mechanism of OTA with ct DNA. The fluorescence and UV–Vis spectroscopy results show that OTA binds to ds ct DNA and forms complexes. We obtained the binding constants...
Reactions of R<sub>2</sub>P-P(SiMe<sub>3</sub>)Li with [(R'<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>PtCl<sub>2</sub>]. A General and Efficient Entrance to Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes of Platinum. Syntheses and Structures of [(η<sub>2</sub>-P=P<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>)Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>], [(η<sub>2</sub>-P=P<sup>t</sup>Bu<sub>2</sub>)Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>], [{η<sub>2</sub>-P=P(N<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>)2}Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>] and [{(Et<sub>2</sub>PhP)<sub>2</sub>Pt}<sub>2</sub>P<sub>2</sub>].
PublicationReakcje pochodnych litowych difosfanów R2P-P(SiMe3)Li z (R'3P)2PtCl2 zachodzą łatwo i prowadzą do wytworzenia bocznie (side-on) związanych fosfanofosfinidenowych kompleksów platyny [(η2-P=PR2)Pt(PR'3)2] (dla R=tBu, iPr, Et2N, iPr2N). Reakcja Ph2P-P(SiMe3)Li...
Fast collaborative graph exploration
PublicationWe study the following scenario of online graph exploration. A team of k agents is initially located at a distinguished vertex r of an undirected graph. At every time step, each agent can traverse an edge of the graph. All vertices have unique identifiers, and upon entering a vertex, an agent obtains the list of identifiers of all its neighbors. We ask how many time steps are required to complete exploration, i.e., to make sure...
Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration
PublicationWe study the following scenario of online graph exploration. A team of k agents is initially located at a distinguished vertex r of an undirected graph. At every time step, each agent can traverse an edge of the graph. All vertices have unique identifiers, and upon entering a vertex, an agent obtains the list of identifiers of all its neighbors. We ask how many time steps are required to complete exploration, i.e., to make sure...
Ductal carcinoma in situ, NOS - Female, 28 - Tissue image [9270729565554251]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Ductal carcinoma in situ, NOS - Female, 28 - Tissue image [9270729565553351]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Ductal carcinoma in situ, NOS - Female, 28 - Tissue image [9270729565554581]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Ductal carcinoma in situ, NOS - Female, 28 - Tissue image [9270729565555611]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Integrated production technology of cylindrical surfaces by turning and burnishing
PublicationThe method is based on a combination of previously used two separate operations namely machining and burnishing in a one complex operation implemented on a lathe.In the case of machining shafts and hydraulic cylinders of steel C45 is possible to obtain a surface roughness Ra=0,16 - 0,32 micrometers, dimensional accuracy class 7-8 according to ISO standards, and increase in the hardness of the surface up to 40%.
Programming Geometry as a Creative Play with Architectural Form
PublicationIn the twenty-first century "programming" is the key word that opens unprecedented opportunities for design and materialization of geometrically complex architectural objects. From the digital designer perspective programming geometry can be seen as a creative play with a form and a process of generation/exploration as well as the possibility of applying the computing power as a co-designer in the process of finding solutions for...
Adaption of Open Science Paradigm at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper describes the basic principles standing behind Open Access and will try to dispel the doubts behind them. Further the solution adapted by the Gdańsk University of Technology is presented. Later on the systems that the University uses and means of their integration into a complex Open Science platform are described. Finally the procedures needed to publish a document in the repository alongside the University's policy...
Krylov Space Iterative Solvers on Graphics Processing Units
PublicationCUDA architecture was introduced by Nvidia three years ago and since then there have been many promising publications demonstrating a huge potential of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in scientific computations. In this paper, we investigate the performance of iterative methods such as cg, minres, gmres, bicg that may be used to solve large sparse real and complex systems of equations arising in computational electromagnetics.
Using GPUs for Parallel Stencil Computations in Relativistic Hydrodynamic Simulation
PublicationThis paper explores the possibilities of using a GPU for complex 3D finite difference computation. We propose a new approach to this topic using surface memory and compare it with 3D stencil computations carried out via shared memory, which is currently considered to be the best approach. The case study was performed for the extensive computation of collisions between heavy nuclei in terms of relativistic hydrodynamics.
Primary degradation of antidiabetic drugs
PublicationType 2 diabetes is a chronic disease affecting a large portion of the world population and is treated by orally administered drugs. Since these drugs are often taken in high doses and are excreted unchanged or partially metabolised many of them are nowadays detected in surface waters or wastewater treatment plants effluents. Unmetabolised antidiabetics or some of their transformation products retain their pharmacological activity,...
Pilot installation for thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidised bed boiler
PublicationThe technology of thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is still at the research state. However, there are already a number of existing pilot-scale installations that provide the complete, effective and environmentally safe process conducting. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste, including animal waste, municipal waste and sludge, mixed at any ratio with different types...
Stanisław Galla dr inż.
PeopleStanisław Galla was born in 1970 in Gdańsk. He graduated from the Secondary Technical School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in Gdansk (1990). He studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology (graduated in 1996). His PhD thesis entitled "Methodology for increasing the accuracy of low frequency measurements of periodic disturbance indicators in low voltage networks" was defended in...
Comparative Greenness Evaluation
PublicationGreenness of analytical procedure is multivariable aspect as many greenness criteria should be taken into consideration. On the other hand, modern analytical chemistry offers dozens of analytical procedures, based on different sample preparation and final determination techniques that are used for the determination of a given analyte in a given matrix. For such complex decision-making processes, multi-criteria decision analysis...
New empirical correlations for the viscosity of selected organic phase change materials
PublicationAlthough there are many methods and instruments for measuring viscosity, it is still difficult to determine a reliable value of the dynamic viscosity of complex chemicals such as paraffins and fatty acids. This is due to the complex and heterogeneous structure of these compounds in the case of commercial products. On the other hand, the measuring instrument should be selected very carefully, including its measuring principle and...
A memory efficient and fast sparse matrix vector product on a Gpu
PublicationThis paper proposes a new sparse matrix storage format which allows an efficient implementation of a sparse matrix vector product on a Fermi Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Unlike previous formats it has both low memory footprint and good throughput. The new format, which we call Sliced ELLR-T has been designed specifically for accelerating the iterative solution of a large sparse and complex-valued system of linear equations arising...
Kompleksowa analiza symulacyjna układu napędowego zespołu trakcyjnego
PublicationThe paper describes an approach to comprehensive analysis of traction electric drive. The drivetrain of ED-74 electric unit equipped with four inverter-fed induction motors was modeled in Matlab/Simulink. The model consists of functional blocks as: motors, inverters, drive controllers, filters. Structure and operation of the model was described. Chosen simulation results were presented and discussed. Two methods of modeling the...
Topological modifications for performance improvement and size reduction of wideband antenna structures
PublicationCompact antennas belong to the key components of modern communication systems. Their miniaturization is often achieved by introducing appropriate topological changes such as simple ground plane slots or tapered feeds. More sophisticated modifications are rarely considered in the literature because they normally lead to significant increase of the number of tunable parameters, which makes the antenna design process more challenging....
Result of the 6-min walk test is an independent prognostic factor of surgically treated non-small-cell lung cancer
PublicationPathological tumour, node and metastasis (TNM) stage remains the most significant prognostic factor of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Meanwhile, age, gender, pulmonary function tests, the extent of surgical resection and the presence of concomitant diseases are commonly used to complete the prognostic profile of the patient with early stage of NSCLC. The aim of this study is to assess how the result of a 6-min walk test (6MWT)...
Equitable coloring of hypergraphs
PublicationA hypergraph is equitablyk-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into k sets/colorclasses in such a way that monochromatic edges are avoided and the number of verticesin any two color classes differs by at most one. We prove that the problem of equitable 2-coloring of hypergraphs is NP-complete even for 3-uniform hyperstars. Finally, we apply the method of dynamic programming for designing a polynomial-time algorithm to...
The estrogenicity of wastewater samples.
Open Research DataThe principle of operation of the kit is based on the fact that the tested sample with endocrine activity (containing compounds capable of binding to the human estrogen receptor α, hERα) releases the fluorescently labeled ligand (FluormoneTM ES2) from the receptor-ligand complex, which results in a reduction of the polarization value fluorescence. The...
Free-surface elevation in open vortex flow controls
PublicationRotational form of fluid motion is complex, but very important in science and technology. The paper is devoted to the hydraulic mechanism of flow in open vortex flow controls, or regulators. The velocity field was described by the kinematic model, and intensity of rotation - by means of the energy balance between the input and dissipation. In consequence some algebraic expresions were obtained, which can be useful in approximated...
Interference aware bluetooth scatternet (re)configuration algorithm IBLUERA
PublicationThis paper presents a new algorithm IBLUEREA, which enables reconfiguration of Bluetooth scatternet to reduce interference. IBLUEREA makes use of the complex model comparing ISM environment efficiency. The mechanism envisages the use of the assessment of the probability of successful (unsuccessful) frame transmission in order to take a decision concerning co-existence of technologies which make use of the same ISM band (here Bluetooth...
Compact antenna array comprising fractal-shaped microstripradiators
PublicationA design method of antenna array consisting of eight microstrip patches modified with Sierpinski fractal curves has been presented andexperimentally validated in this paper. Method proposed has enabled the achievement of considerable miniaturization of array length (26%),together with multi-band behavior of the antenna, which proves the attractiveness of presented design methodology and its ability to be implemented in more complex...