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Search results for: GEOMETRIC LAY-OUT
Pipeline geometry defects in high resolution pig's data
PublicationMost of the pipelines have been inspected at least once using intelligent pigging. The problem of specific software for interactive presentation, analysis and comparison of features revealed during the consecutive geometry surveys is emphasized. Capabilities of a simultaneous measurement of internal geometry and metal loss features in a single run are illustrated. Advantages of application of statistical characteristics of both...
The hydromechanics of hydrocephalus: Steady-state solutions for cylindrical geometry
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Fast geometry scaling of UWB band-notch antennas
PublicationImplementation of band-notch capability plays an important role in the design of ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas. At the same time, appropriate sizing of antenna geometry parameters in order to precisely allocate the notch at the required frequency as well as to ensure sufficient reflection level is quite challenging and has to be based—for reliability reasons—on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations of the structure. In this...
Analyzing the Geometry of the Turnouts and Their Adjustment Basing on the Tacheometer Measurements
PublicationThe article presents the results of tacheometric measurements of a station throat, as well as the method of data preparation and analysis. The calculations covered the verification of the geometry and the location of railway turnouts and crossings. The analyses were performed for the selected parameters of the turnout geometry, including their lengths and track gauge in main sections. In addition, the data were analyzed to confirm...
Elementary, binary and schlesinger transformations in differential ring geometry
PublicationPrzedstawiono elementarne przekształcenia Darboux dla rozwiązania równań różniczkowych w pierścieniu. Przedstawiono nowe rozwiązania za pomocą przekształcenia Shlesingera jako granicy elementarnego pD.
Search for the most useful geometry of an acoustic journal bearing
PublicationComputer simulations of a number of journal bearing’s geometries utilising acoustic levitation were carried out. The choice of the best geometry depended on the ability of a deformed shape, created by piezo-electric elements, to facilitate squeeze film ultrasonic levitation, and also to create three evenly distributed diverging aerodynamic gaps. Deformations of analysed variants of the bearing’s shape were generated by numerical...
The effect of heat exchanger geometry on adsorption chiller performance
Publication -
PublicationThe process of the design of the 1MW steam turbine includes designing the stator and rotor blades, the steam turbine inlet and exit, the casing and the rotor. A turbine that operates at rotation speeds other than 3000 rpm requires a gear box and generator with complex electronic software. This paper analyses the efficiency of eight turbine variants, including seven inlet geometries and three stages of stator as well as an eight...
Journals -
Zarys teoretyczny i praktyczny geometrii wykreślnej na kierunku Geodezja i Kartografia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono program nauczania przedmiotu geometria wykreślna oraz środki jego realizacji dla studentów Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej na kierunku Geodezja i Kartografia.
Zastosowanie programowania parametrycznego w planowaniu operacji obróbki elementów o powtarzalnej geometrii
PublicationPorównywano zastosowania dostępnych technik programowania obróbki numerycznej przedmiotów o powtarzających się elementach konstrukcji. Analizowano możliwości stosowania programowania parametrycznego w trybie programowania zorientowanego warsztatowo oraz pracy w środowisku systemu klasy CAM. Zwrócono uwagę na przejrzystość tworzonego programu w aspekcie możliwości jego edycji i korekty składni, formy zapisu programu w pamięci obrabiarki...
Zastosowanie programowania parametrycznego w planowaniu operacji obróbki elementów o powtarzalnej geometrii
PublicationPorównywano zastosowania dostępnych technik programowania obróbki numerycznej przedmiotów o powtarzających się elementach konstrukcji. Analizowano możliwości stosowania programowania parametrycznego w trybie programowania zorientowanego warsztatowo oraz pracy w środowisku systemu klasy CAM. Zwrócono uwagę na przejrzystość tworzonego programu w aspekcie możliwości jego edycji i korekty składni, formy zapisu programu w pamięci obrabiarki...
Wpływ zaburzeń geometrii na proces wypierania w przestrzeni pierścieniowej otworów wiertniczych
PublicationIzolacja stref zbiornikowych, przenoszenie części naprężeń oraz spowolnienie tempa erozji rur okładzinowych to główne zadania płaszcza cementacyjnego. Powstaje on na skutek stopniowego wyparcia płuczki przez ciecze buforowe, a następnie cieczy buforowych przez zaczyn cementowy. Niepowodzenie tej operacji skutkować może katastrofą na miarę wycieku ropy w Zatoce Meksykańskiej w 2010 roku. Mimo że problem niewystarczającego związania płaszcza...
Molecular geometry of hexachlorobenzene
Open Research DataPresented data shows molecular geometry of the ground singlet state of hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorobenzene with potassium atom in 10 angstrom distance. The geometry was obtained via MP2 and CCSD calculations using balanced polarized triple-zeta def2-TZVP basis set. Geometry is provided in the XYZ file format.
Ifluence of geometrical and thermophysical parameters on two-phase thermosiphon performance
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących wpływu geometrii pęku rur, rodzaju powierzni przejmowania ciepła parownika oraz płynu pośredniego na całkowitą wydajność dwufazowego termosyfonowego wymiennika ciepła (DTWC).
Generative Process Planning with Reasoning Based on Geometrical Product Specification
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Analysis of geometrical layout of tram tracks based on the railway methods
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Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification
PublicationThe focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...
Calculation methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with objects of complex geometries
PublicationModeling of the electromagnetic interaction with different homogeneous or inhomo-geneous objects is a fundamental and important problem. It is relatively easy to solve Maxwellequations analytically when the scattering object is spherical or cylindrical, for example. How-ever, when it loses these properties all that is left for us is to useapproximation models, to ac-quire the solution we need. Modeling of complex, non-spherical,...
Computer-aided reconstruction of the railway track axis geometrical shape
PublicationIn the paper a method of the railway track axis geometrical shape identification in a horizontal plane, directly from the continuous satellite measurements, is presented. In this method, an algorithm for the design of railway track sections located in the horizontal arc is used. The algorithm uses an analytical description of the layout by means of suitable mathematical formulas. The design procedure has a universal character and...
Analysis of High Resolution Clouds of Points as a Source of Biometric Data
PublicationThe article presents the analysis devoted to human face data obtained by means of precise photographic scanners. Collected point clouds were used to make high precision meshes of human face. The essence of these studies is the comparison of relative features as well as the comparison of absolute models which require as precisely as possible matching of face models. The article focuses on the analysis of various parts of the human...
Optical measurements for thin oil film investigation in rheometric processes.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań jest pomiar parametrów cienkiej warstwy oleju silikonowego AK106, powstającej na ścianach dyszy w trakcie procesu reologicznego wyciskania do form past ceramicznych, przygotowywanych ze sproszkowanego tlenków wodorotlenków AlOOH oraz oleju AK106. Parametrami badanymi były: grubość warstwy oleju, charakterystyka reflektancyjna pasty oraz skład mieszaniny. Przedstawione zagadnienie ma istotne znaczenie dla rozwoju...
Effect of Sinusoidal Corrugated Geometries on the Vibrational Response of Viscoelastic Nanoplates
PublicationThe vibrational behavior of viscoelastic nanoplates with a corrugated geometry is a key topic of practical interest. This problem is addressed here for wrinkled nanoplates with small corrugations related to incorrect manufacturing. To this end, a new One-Variable First-order Shear Deformation plate Theory (OVFSDT) is proposed in a combined form with a non-local strain gradient theory. The Kelvin–Voigt model is employed to describe...
Liveness measurements using optical flow for biometric person authentication
PublicationAutomatyczne rozpoznawanie twarzy jest jedną z najpopularniejszych technik biometrycznych, jednak nawet najdokładniejsze algorytmy identyfikacji okażą się bezużyteczne, jeśli będzie można je oszukać, np. używając zdjęcia zamiast rzeczywistej osoby. Dlatego też odpowiedni pomiar żywotności jest niezwykle istotny. W pracy zaprezentowano metodę, która jest w stanie rozróżnić pomiędzy sekwencjami wideo pokazującymi żywe osoby oraz...
Performance Analysis of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic handwritten signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed...
The pressure–strain work indices in response to isometric handgrip exercise
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Handwritten signature verification system employing wireless biometric pen
PublicationThe handwritten signature verification system being a part of the developed multimodal biometric banking stand is presented. The hardware component of the solution is described with a focus on the signature acquisition and on verification procedures. The signature is acquired employing an accelerometer and a gyroscope built-in the biometric pen plus pressure sensors for the assessment of the proper pen grip and then the signature...
Geometrical versus analytical approach in problem solving- an exploatory study
PublicationAbstract. In this study we analyse the geometrical visualization as a part of the process of solution. In total 263 students in the first year of study at three different universities in three different countries (Poland, Slovakia and Spain) were asked to solve four mathematical problems. The analysis of the results of all students showed that geometrical visualization for problems where there is a possibility to choose different ways...
Facial data registration facility for biometric protection of electronic documents
PublicationIn modern world, information is crucial, and its leakage may lead to serious losses. Documents as the main medium of information must be therefore highly protected. Nowadays, the most common way of protecting data is using passwords, however it seems inconvenient to type complex passwords, when it is needed many times a day. For that reason a significant research has been conducted on biometric authentication...
Buckling of thin-walled columns accounting for initial geometrical imperfections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to the effect of some geometrical imperfections on the critical buckling load of axially compressed thin-walled I-columns. The analytical formulas for the critical torsional and flexural buckling loads accounting for the initial curvature of the column axis or the twist angle respectively are derived. The classical assumptions of theory of thin-walled beams with non-deformable cross-sections are adopted. The...
Pilot Testing of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed at engineered...
2017 Baltic Geodetic Congress
EventsThe intended purpose of the Baltic Geodetic Congress is to integrate geodetic bevy and exchange of experiences and achievements in the fields.
Bone healing under different lay‐up configuration of carbon fiber‐reinforced PEEK composite plates
PublicationSecondary healing of fractured bones requires an application of an appropriate fixa-tor. In general, steel or titanium devices are used mostly. However, in recent years,composite structures arise as an attractive alternative due to high strength to weightratio and other advantages like, for example, radiolucency. According to Food andDrug Administration (FDA), the only unidirectionally reinforced composite allowed tobe implanted...
Fianl report on carrying out tasks within the project Best Agers Lighthouses - strategic age management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region.
PublicationThe report presents the origin of the project, as well as its characteristics and aims. Project partners are workpackages are described and main project results are listed. the report is concluded with the part dedicated to dissemination measures carried out within the project
Starch-clay nanocomposite films
PublicationStarch is a natural polymer which, due to its renewability, biodegrability, availability and a relatively low cost, has a high potential for applications in biodegradable materials. However, because of its hydrophilic nature, the number of commercially available starch-based products is still limited. Recently, starch-based nanocomposites with the addition of clay minerals as nanofillers have given rise to large-scale improvements...
On some extensions of Murray's Law
PublicationThis paper cites the original Murray's law about optimal radii.Extensions to some class of non-newtonian flows that aredescribedby Ostwalda-de Waele model and newtonian flows foreliptical crosssections. A generalisation of Murray's law formultiobjectiveformulation is also given. It is shown that theoriginal formulation of optimal condition is a particular case ofmultiobjective formulation.
Chinese Law Research Guide
PublicationA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This Research Guide will be the first step in your journey with Chinese law. China grows more important every day from a global perspective. However, studying and conducting research on Chinese law can be extremely challenging, especially if you do not know Mandarin well. This book is intended as a compact but comprehensive research guide that would provide students (especially...
Transforming the Gdansk Bay Area
PublicationThe political transformation of Poland in the early nineties from a centrally steered economy to a free market economy entailed changes of the spatial planning system. The impact of these changes on the spatial transformations and current shape of urban structures in the Gdansk Bay Metropolitan Area is apparent and significant. The paper concentrates on the present spatial phenomena of Gdansk Agglomeration resulting from the main...
Palao de las Artes.
PublicationOmówiono najnowszą realizację S. Calatravy Paleo de las Artes", stanowiącą wraz z trzema innymi obiektami przykład rewitalizacji terenów dawnego koryta rzeki Turia w centrum Walencji w Hiszpanii.
30 lat galerii Milano
PublicationWystawa zorganizowana na 30. Galerii Milano - najstarszej istniejącej prywatnej galerii sztuki w Warszawie- jest wyrazem podziękowania za wiele lat współpracy, zaangażowania, wzajemnego wsparcia i przyjaźni, zarówno z artystami jak i jej klientami. Wydarzenie uhonoruje wiele znakomitych nazwisk świata sztuki. Ekspozycja obejmie najnowsze prace przygotowane na jubileusz przez 70 autorów.
Mentor & Student Reserch Lab
PublicationRelacja z realizacji projektów badawczych przygotowanych w ramach Mentor&Student Research Lab - Urban Transformations 2014
Games and play with light in architecture
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of the influence of daylight on the creation of architecture in the view of designers` play with light in the architectural space. Using the examples of contemporary realizations of some art museums, the work demonstrates the impact of exploration and experimentation conducted by the creators of visual arts on the design styles and architectural solutions. It also reveals the historical continuity...
Daniel Załuski dr hab. inż. arch.
People -
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania pasywnej intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła w postaci przegród dla podniesienia efektywności energetycznej wymiennika wężownicowego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem modułowego wymiennika z wężownicą w postaci grzałki elektrycznej. Medium odbierającym ciepło była woda o stałych parametrach cieplnoprzepływowych na wlocie do modułu. Pomiary przeprowadzono dla szerokiego zakresu...
100 years of the technical university education in Gdańsk 1904-2004.
PublicationNa tle warunków polityczno-społecznych książka przedstawia szczegółowo narodziny i działalność niemieckiej politechniki w Gdańsku w latach 1904-1945 oraz trudne początki Politechniki Gdańskiej po jej uruchomieniu w roku 1945. Angielskojęzyczna wersja książki pozwala na jej upowszechnienie za granicą, gdzie sprawy te nie są znane lub też są naświetlane dość jednostronnie.
WP7 Applications proposed by GUT. Use Cases and Benchmarks
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Modeling of cut layer's thickness for circular saw blade
PublicationW pracy omówiono sposób modelowania grubości warstwy skrawanej na podstawie wyprowadzonych zależności matematycznych.
Stadtumbau Ost - program ratowania miast wschodnich landów.
PublicationW dziesięć lat po ponownym zjednoczeniu Niemiec dochodzi do ogromnej zapaści ekonomicznej nowych landów. Postępująca suburbanizacja, strukturalne bezrobocie zmiany demograficzne powodują niespotykaną po wojnie nadprodukcję mieszkań. Pogłębia to obserwowany od 10 lat kryzys miast wschodnich landów.''Strategie kurczenia'', ''Rozwój przez jakość a nie przez ilość'' to hasła sygnalizujące zwrot w planowaniu przestrzennym. ''Stadtumbau...
Sound engineering as our commitment to its creators in Poland
PublicationSound engineering is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding domain. It covers many aspects, such as sound perception, studio and sound mastering technology, music information retrieval including content-based search systems and automatic music transcription frameworks, sound synthesis, sound restoration, electroacoustics, and other ones constituting multimedia technology. Moreover, machine learning methods applied to the topics...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.