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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: new towns, urban planning, urban transformation

  • New First - Path Detector for LTE Positioning Reference Signals


    - Rok 2014

    In today's world, where positioning applications reached a huge popularity and became virtually ubiquitous, there is a strong need for determining a device location as accurately as possible. A particularly important role in positioning play cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). In the LTE Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning method, precision of device location estimation depends on accuracy...

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  • Artificial intelligence in architectural education - green campus development research

    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced new possibilities and challenges in design education. This article explores the need for changes and adaptations in the teaching process of design as AI-related technologies, based on image generation, transform the creative process and offer novel opportunities. In a research-by-design studio in an architectural faculty in Poland, students who utilised...

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  • Baltic Sea climate fever. Creative solutions for waterfront cities in the context of climate change


    - Rok 2016

    The goal of the research is to recognize climate change impact on Baltic Sea cities and description of strengths and weaknesses of cities strategies and activities. The range of research has been limited to 3 cities in the Baltic Sea (Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Tallinn) and Tricity as an area for which recommendations will be proposed actions in the field of adaptation to climate change. Recommendations for Tricity as a unique group...

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  • Comprehensive Comparison of a Few Variants of Cluster Analysis as Data Mining Tool in Supporting Environmental Management

    • A. Astel
    • K. Astel
    • S. Tsakovski
    • M. Biziuk
    • K. Obolewski
    • K. Glińska-Lewczuk
    • K. Bigus
    • I. Craciun
    • C. M. Timofte

    - Environmental Engineering and Management Journal - Rok 2016

    A few variants of hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) as tool of assessment of multidimensional similarity in environmental dataset are compared. The dataset consisted of analytical results of determination of metals (Na, K, Ca, Sc, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Br, Rb, Mo, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Hf and Th) in ambient air dried and kept alive, by the means of hydroponics, moss baskets collected in 12 locations on the area of Tricity (Poland)....

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  • Medieval Bourgeois Tenement Houses as an Archetype for Contemporary Architectural and Construction Solutions: The Example of Historic Downtown Gdańsk

    The basic urban tissue of medieval European cities consisted of brick townhouses. In the cities of northern Europe, these tenements were characterised by a block based on an elongated rectangular plan, covered with a gable roof with a ridge oriented perpendicularly to the street. The side walls of the tenement house were common for both neighbours and constituted a basic structural element. The gable façades were not loaded with...

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  • Wybrane problemy geotechniczne na terenach zurbanizowanych na przykładzie Trójmiasta

    Wybrane, współczesne problemy geotechniczne na terenach zurbanizowanych, miejskich i poprzemysłowych na przykładzie Trójmiasta. Dwie grupy problemów związane z podłożem oraz z otoczeniem inwestycji. Problemy związane z wodą gruntową i jej przepływem, z zanieczyszczeniami oraz pozostałościami budowlanymi z przeszłości. Sąsiedztwo zabudowy i brak miejsca. Przykłady z zrealizowanych obiektów budowlanych. Europejskie Centrum Solidarności,...

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  • Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon

    The banking sector is one of the key sectors in every economy, therefore, the issue of stability is one of the main interests not only of researchers but also policy-makers. The stability of the banking sector is especially important during a process of transformation. The aim of this article is to present a new tool for estimating the stability of the banking sector as a whole. Although the tool can be used to estimate the level...

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  • The implementation of green transformation through clusters



    The paper addresses a poorly documented issue in the literature, namely the role of clusters in green transformation, including processes related to green, low-carbon, and circular economies. The purpose was to identify and understand the practices of clusters in this area. The adopted mixed research strategy consisted of both qualitative and quantitative research. Both research phases were conducted in a group of Polish Key National...

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  • eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience

    • A. Pasic
    • R. Girao-Silva
    • F. Mogyorosi
    • B. Vass
    • T. Gomes
    • P. Babarczi
    • P. Revisnyei
    • J. Tapolcai
    • J. Rak

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    This paper focuses on how to increase the availability of a backbone network with minimal cost. In particular, the new framework focuses on resilience against natural disasters and is an evolution of the FRADIR/FRADIR-II framework. It targets three different directions, namely: network planning, failure modeling, and survivable routing. The steady state network planning is tackled by upgrading a sub-network (a set of links termed...

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  • Krajobraz wiejski i turystyka. Poszukiwanie równowagi pomiędzy widzeniem i wizerunkiem wsi


    - Rok 2013

    Najważniejszym składnikiem marki wsi jest krajobraz. Wizerunek wsi kreowany w turystyce i dostępny widok różnią się jednak coraz bardziej: przekaz reklamowy identyfikuje wieś z przyrodą oraz ciszą i spokojem; wieś realna stanowi, najczęściej dysharmonijną, mozaikę wiejsko-miejskiego zagospodarowania. Konfrontacja dostarczonego przez turystykę komunikatu z oglądanym krajobrazem podważa wiarygodność marki wsi, co stanowi zagrożenie...

  • Architekt miasta wczoraj i dziś - wizjoner czy administrator? Uwagi na temat roli architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu wizji miasta

    Artykuł jest próbą oceny roli architekta miejskiego od początków XX wieku do czasów obecnych. Opracowanie bazuje na pytaniu badawczym, czy we współczesnym mieście wciąż jest miejsc na wizjonerską i wiodącą rolę architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu przestrzeni, jak to miało miejsce w przeszłości. Architekci miejscy są dziś raczej związani z pełnieniem funkcji administracyjnych, natomiast kwestie przekształceń urbanistycznych powierzane...

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  • Application of road map of operating condition for estimation of fuel and electric energy consumption from city transport


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents procedure of data collecting and generation of road map of operating condition in the selected urban area. This map allows forecasting the selected vehicle operating parameters for the assumed road. The main parameters calculated using the road maps of operating conditions are: total energy spent to drive the selected vehicle, consumed fuel, travel time, average speed of travel, CO2 emissions. Presented example...

  • Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim


    - Rok 2021

    Współczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...

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  • Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)

    • P. Banasik
    • S. Morawska
    • M. Porada - Rochoń
    • I. Rudawska
    • M. Godlewska
    • B. Kryk
    • D. Jaskuła
    • N. Skalska

    - Rok 2022

    Rising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...

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    Ever since we began illuminating the exterior of the slender skyscrapers built during the of 20s and 30s in XX century, urban lighting has been considered a way to beautify cities, and make them more visually prominent and safe. At that time, we knew so little about the impact of lighting on humans, flora and fauna, so it never occurred to lighting designers then, that their actions would have harmful consequences. In those days,...

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  • Stan estetyczny przestrzeni a kultura korzystania z miasta


    - METROPOLITAN - Rok 2014

    Artykuł jest analizą zagadnień estetyzacji przestrzeni w kontekście kulturowym. Istnieje potrzeba analizy, czy przynajmniej szkicu przybliżającego kulturowe uwarun- kowania kształtowania przestrzeni, które doprowadziły do obecnej sytuacji w polskich miastach. Szkic ten może być jednym z głosów w obecnie prowadzonej dyskusji na temat tak zwanej estetyzacji przestrzeni oraz podej- mowanych przez zainteresowanych decyzji.

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  • Don't forget the dark side of green transformation


    - Rok 2022

    Design/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update on the literature on knowledge risks and green transformation and describes knowledge risks that can be faced in this process. Originality/value – The paper offers new insights for researchers dealing with the topic of knowledge risks in...

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  • Impact of the Kanban Maturity Model on a Team’s Agile Transformation: Tripling Throughput and Elevating Quality in Three Months


    - Rok 2024

    Agile transformations have been a significant challenge since the beginning of the agile movement, with numerous researchers and practitioners suggesting various structured approaches and guidelines. The Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) is a relatively new approach that focuses on assessing the current maturity level of an organisation, with an emphasis on a spectrum of Kanban practices. This paper presents the initial results of applying...

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  • Rural Landscape Planning for Sustainable Development. The Case of Poland


    - Rok 2014

    This text results from theoretical study on the possibilities of rural landscape renovation in Poland. The introduction marks new spatial phenomena and the scope of their influence. It indicates social and cultural reasons of the changes, and states the need of their renewed interpretation. The second part of the article contains a description of the degrading cultural landscape of the country and presents its features. It then...

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  • Licht, Luft, Sonne und Farbe. Ucząc się dziś od Gustava Oelsnera

    Artykuł przedstawia główne przesłanki podjęcia tematu całego tomu. Jest kluczem do powiązania wszystkich zamieszczonych w tomie prac, poruszających temat współczesnych interpretacji miasta, czerpiących z dorobku modernistycznych planistów i architektów - reformatorów miasta, oraz modernistycznej myśli architektonicznej i urbanistycznej. Główną postacią nie tylko tego artykułu, ale i całego tomu, jest Gustav Oelsner, architekt miejski...

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  • Reliable routing and resource allocation scheme for hybrid RF/FSO networks


    - Rok 2014

    Significant success of wireless networks in the last decade has changed the paradigms of communication networks design. In particular, the growing interest in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) is observed. WMNs offer an attractive alternative to conventional cable infrastructures, especially in urban areas, where the cost of new installations is almost prohibitive. Unfortunately, the performance of WMNs is often limited by the cluttered...

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  • Sport as a Tool for the Development of Healthy and Sustainable Cities: A Strategic Documentation Review


    The rapidly changing cities and their environment are causing new challenges for which actions and solutions must be sought. Most of all, a major challenges facing cities are adverse environmental changes and issues related to public health and citizens well-being. Sport is present in the lives of most of us and is an essential component of urban infrastructure, while in relation to this, to what extent is it being used to support...

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  • A hybrid-mesh solution for coverage issues in WiMAX metropolitan area networks.

    The new WiMAX technology offers several advantages over the currently available (GSM or UMTS-based) solutions. It is a cost effective, evolving, and robust technology providing quality of service guarantees, high reliability, wide coverage and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) transmission capabilities. All these features make it particularly suitable for densely populated urban environments. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation...

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  • Od zrównoważonego rozwoju do dewzrostu - paradygmaty krytyczne wobec wzrostu i ich implikacje dla planowania przestrzennego



    Pomimo ponad trzech dekad wdrażania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju środowisko Ziemi ulega dalszej degradacji i destabilizacji. Sytuacja ta przekłada się na ożywienie antycypowanej już w latach 70. XX w. krytyki założeń leżących u podstaw koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju – spośród których kluczowe wydaje się założenie możliwości rozłączenia (decoupling) wzrostu gospodarczego i negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko. W niniejszym...

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  • Critical analysis of laboratory measurements and monitoring system of water-pipe network corrosion-case study.

    Case study of corrosion failure of urban water supply system caused by environmental factors was presented. Nowadays corrosion monitoring of water distribution systems is an object of major concern. There is possibility of application broad range of techniques like gravimetric and electrochemical. Both kinds of techniques can be applied in laboratory and field conditions. In many cases researches limit the case analysis to measurements...

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  • Przekształcenie portowej struktury miejskiej (Studium przypadku: Le Havre)


    Artykuł przedstawia całościowy program rewitalizacji dla dzielnicy na przykładzie miasta Le Havre, zawiera on analizę narzędzi odnowy przestrzeni miejskiej. Program inicjatyw lokalnych (Le Programme d'Initiative Communautaire URBAN) dla miasta Le Havre jest projektem ekonomiczno-społeczno-przestrzennym, grupującym całość zadań prowadzących do rewitalizacji dzielnicy portowej. Celem projektu jest stworzenie warunków wspierających...

  • Description of the Dataset Hanow – Praecepta de Arte Disputandi – Transcription and Photographs


    - Rok 2022

    This article briefly characterises the “Hanow – Praecepta de arte disputandi – transcription and photographs” research dataset. The dataset was created based on photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript of the Latin lectures on the rules of effective discussion (the title of the manuscript: Praecepta de arte disputandi) by Michael Chris-toph Hanow (1695–1773), professor of Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The original document...

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  • Selected properties and parameters of radio channel impulse response estimation in ISM 2.4 GHz band


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2019

    The article presents experimental research indicating that the impulse response of the communication channel, determined in practice, are not of an universal character, but only represent its approximate value for the frequency on which this measurement was made. Phases for each of the replicas of the measurement signal were determined during the analysis of the received signals in the baseband. Phase changes of individual replicas...

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  • Abandoned heritage – the first European airports


    Due to the development of air transport and urban expansion, the locations of pre-war airports were often changed. The question of the fate of the abandoned airports and their entire infrastructure arose. This article looks at the issue of derelict, pre-war airfields. Examples of airports which were successfully adapted as well as the ones which were abandoned and closed yet but equally important in historical context are shown....

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  • Parki tematyczne w rozwoju lokalnym miasteczek i wsi

    Obecnie niemal każde polskie miasto i wieś ​​ma na celu znalezienie dobrego pomysłu na swój rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy. Najczęściej jest nim założenie parku tematycznego. Dobrze się dzieje, gdy takie przedsięwzięcie wspiera lokalne tradycje, zwyczaje i walory kulturowe miasta czy wsi; gdy promowane są miejscowe produkty i żywność. Niestety, nie zawsze tak jest. Niektóre miasta i gminy chętniej przyjmują zupełnie inną politykę...

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  • Design Methodology for Small Passenger Ships On the Example of the Ferryboat Motława 2 Driven by Hybrid Propulsion System

    Dynamic development in practically all elds of science and engineering has not passed over shipbuilding . In last years , engineers got to their use computer soware which makes it possible to perform strength and hydrodynamic calculations as well as to visualize design projects in 3 D space [1-4]. At their disposal they have full spectrum of modern solutions associated with the use of advanced materials and technologies [5-7]....

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  • Machine Learning Assisted Interactive Multi-objectives Optimization Framework: A Proposed Formulation and Method for Overtime Planning in Software Development Projects


    Machine Learning Assisted Interactive Multi-objectives Optimization Framework: A Proposed Formulation and Method for Overtime Planning in Software Development Projects Hammed A. Mojeed & Rafal Szlapczynski Conference paper First Online: 14 September 2023 161 Accesses Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNAI,volume 14125) Abstract Software development project requires proper planning to mitigate risk and...

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    The buildings considered as raising the prestige and promoting cities are those related to culture. Their impact on urban life is undeniable, which is reflected in a continuous increase in the number of new museum buildings. Apart from places intrinsically linked with culture, which, as such, may be considered as standard - like museum, theatres or galleries - there also appear alternative places of development and promotion of...

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  • Dzielnica Reprezentacyjna Gdyni i jej powojenne oraz współczesne interpretacje


    - Rok 2011

    The concept of the Premiere District in Gdynia was first conceived in the 1920s and from that time on it constantly accompanied the history of the city. It derivated from the idea of creating a symbol of Poland's regaining independence after the first World War and the successful creation of the new port and city on the Baltic coast. As the result of that development, Gdynia was named the maritime capital of Poland and was treated...

  • A universal standard for health-promoting places. Example of assessment -on the basis of a case study of Rahway River Park


    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to development of approaches to the evaluation of the design of public open green spaces (POS). This paper presents a universal standard for the design of health-promoting urban places. The standard is a conceptual framework which was developed after visiting over one hundred public parks and therapeutic gardens in Europe and the United States. The universal standard is a simple and...

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  • Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem


    - Rok 2023

    Electric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...

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  • Analiza obudowy wykopu dla budynku z kondygnacją podziemną


    W pracy poruszono tematykę analizy obudowy wykopu dla budynku z jedną kondygnacją podziemną, zlokalizowanego w gęstej zabudowie śródmiejskiej. Obliczenia przeprowadzono za pomocą dwóch programów obliczeniowych: GEO5 (moduł: Ściana analiza) i Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional. Całość wyników podsumowano, a wnioski sformułowano w odniesieniu do obecnej sytuacji na rynku budowlanym, charakteryzującej się coraz to trudniejszymi...

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  • Ośrodki wzrostu na obszarach peryferyjnych regionów. W poszukiwaniu kapitału terytorialnego

    Przedmiotem badań były gminy miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie na obszarach peryferyjnych województw, czyli poza obszarami funkcjonalnymi miast wojewódzkich i aglomeracji śląskich. Cele badań było: (1) rozpoznanie najbardziej rozwiniętych gospodarczo gmin na badanym obszarze; (2) rozpoznanie, w jaki sposób czynniki rozwojowe i ich kombinacje, które mogą tworzyć kapitał terytorialny, są postrzegane i wykorzystywane w strategiach miejskich....

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  • Digital transformation and economic growth - DESI improvement and implementation

    The paper aims to improve the methodology of the Digital Economic and Society Index (DESI), the European Commission’s newest index to assess the development of the digital economy. In particular, we investigate whether methodological changes to the structure of DESI improve its ability to capture the digital transformation of EU economies. Using the sensitivity- based analysis, we check whether the selection of weights of individual...

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  • Informal Settlements and International Migrants: The city of Rome (Italy) as Case Study


    - Rok 2021

    Today, urbanization is happening at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, owing heavily to the influx of migrants. Empirical evidence shows the development of informal settlements in cities as a result of migration, including Rome. Furthermore, information on informal settlements is either insufficient or inadequate, which makes it challenging for architects, urban planners, and policymakers to form viable solutions to deal with the situations...

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  • City scan as a tool to assess resilience challenges and vulnerabilities at the community level


    - Rok 2021

    The majority of the world’s population lives in cities and cities are the key to achieving resilience. Local governments own only part of the land and can only partially decide about measures that should be taken ‘on the ground’. Local governments are therefore highly dependent on individuals, communities, and businesses to adapt and transform and take action in their own backyards or neighbourhoods. Since, for many people, climate...

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  • Yacht harbour as a part of city public space


    - Rok 2016

    Transformation of harbors opens opportunities to introduce new functions into city centers. Very often abandoned ports’ infrastructure is adopted into a yacht harbor. The article elaborates typology of yacht harbors and theirs’ potential which can be used in creation of city center. Thesis are illustrated by examples of Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain and Sundby Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Container port expansion towards the sea in the context of maritime spatial planning


    - EUROPA XXI - Rok 2019

    The growth of ships causes a significant increase in demand for new port surfaces and demands for the depths of water bodies in the ports. Due to technological changes in the transshipment and development pressure ports lacks space and they move towards the sea with their activities. The paper discusses the reasons for the phenomenon of expansion of ports towards the sea and its effects on maritime spatial planning.

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  • Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot

    • O. Lewicka
    • M. Specht
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Specht
    • C. Dyrcz
    • P. Dąbrowski
    • B. Szostak
    • A. Halicki
    • M. Stateczny
    • S. Widźgowski

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2022

    Measurements in the coastal zone are carried out using various methods, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop coordinate transformation models that will enable the conversion of data from the land and marine parts to one coordinate system. The article presents selected issues related to the integration of geodetic and hydrographic data....

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  • State of the Art of Automated Buses

    • J. Ainsalu
    • V. Arffman
    • M. Bellone
    • M. Ellner
    • T. Haapamäki
    • N. Haavisto
    • E. Josefson
    • A. Ismailogullari
    • E. Pilli-sihvola
    • O. Madland... i 13 innych

    - Sustainability - Rok 2018

    Urban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...

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  • Socially sustainable housing environment = Społeczne równoważenie środowiska mieszkaniowego


    Omówiono najnowsze tendencje w ksztaltowaniu środowiska mieszkaniowego, oparte na strategii przemieszania, połączenia i poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono realizowaną w Wielkiej Brytanii politykę wspierania zrównoważonych osiedli mieszkaniowych, określanych jako 'wspólnoty zróżnicowanych dochodów' (Mixed Income Communities) oraz wyniki badań nad trzema koncepcjami kształtowania zrównoważonego środowiska mieszkaniowego typu...

  • Maritime heritage of small port towns of the Polish coast


    - PORTUSPlus - Rok 2019

    The article describes problems of the gradual disappearance of real maritime heritage in small Polish port cities. The maritime heritage of small port cities was shaped by coastal processes and urban historical conditions what has led to creation of specific types of landscapes. Special architectural objects of the post-port heritage of small ports of the Polish coast are hydrotechnical constructions (i.e. breakwaters, quays),...

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  • Aerodynamics in the education of prospective architects

    The inclusion of issues of aerodynamics in the education of architecture students is discussed in this article. The field of aerodynamics knowledg of the nature of wind phenomena around building developments. It is especially important to know how to influence the occurrence of such phenomena by means of shaping buildings through architectural and urban design. The method applied for working with Master’s degree students in...

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  • Meeting Modernisms in Gdynia

    The paper focused on the architectural heritage of the city of Gdynia, in Poland, built in 1920s and 1930s. The city was established (founded) on the seaside of the Baltic Sea as the only port of Poland – a country that regained independence after Versailles Treaty. The history of the city, built from scratch is outstanding in Europe. Modernist architecture of the city is represented by buildings built for different purposes: housing,...

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  • Speace frienly for the blind = Przestrzeń przyjazna dla niewidomych


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents issues connected with accessibility of public space for people with eyesight disabilities. The use of the extravisual spatial stimuli in shaping the urban environment has been analysed. Spaces in which musltisensory spatial reception is feasible become user-friendly, as they come to meet the changing needs of their users. The article introduces a system of textures aiding spatial orientation, navigation and...