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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: AGE DIVERSE TEAMS

  • Fast Fading Influence on the Deep Learning-Based LOS and NLOS Identificationin Wireless Body Area Networks

    In the article, the fast fading influence on the proposed DL (Deep Learning) approach for LOS (Line-of-Sight) and NLOS (Non-Line-of-Sight) conditions identification in Wireless Body Area Networks is investigated. The research was conducted on the basis of the off-body communication measurements using the developed mobile measurement stand, in an indoor environment for both static and dynamic scenarios. The measurements involved...

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  • Biodegradable polymer packaging materials - influence on environment


    - Rok 2010

    Awareness of the waste problem and its impact on the environment has awakened new interest in the area of biodegradable polymers. Biodegradation of various polymers have been studied under diverse environments like in soil, in sewage sludge, in compost conditions and in sea water by different research groups. The aim of this paper is to present the research methods on the biodegradation of the commercially available biodegradable...

  • A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules


    - Rok 2021

    Various molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....

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  • Organizacja systemu opieki nad seniorami wyzwaniem dla samorządów lokalnych

    A significant part of the activities undertaken so far under the senior policy, also at the local level, have been focused on seniors’ social (physical and educational) activation. The growing number of the oldest seniors, with limited independence, living alone in single‑person households, away from their families, will force the policy priorities to be reoriented in such a way as to develop efforts to provide different types...

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  • Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region


    An increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against...

  • Multi-objective optimization of water quality, pumps operation, and storage sizing of water distribution systems


    A multi-objective methodology utilizing the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) linked to EPANET for trading-off pumping costs, water quality, and tanks sizing of water distribution systems is developed and demonstrated. The model integrates variable speed pumps for modeling the pumps operation, two water quality objectives (one based on chlorine disinfectant concentrations and one on water age), and tanks sizing cost...

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    Zarządzanie zespołami zróżnicowanymi powinno przejawiać się aktywnym i świadomym działaniem prowadzącym do pełnego wykorzystania potencjału zespołu. To, czy potencjał ten zostanie wykorzystany, zależy od wielu czynników. Wydaje się, że jednym z najważniejszych jest nie tyle rzeczywiste,obiektywne zróżnicowanie członków zespołu, ile to, w jaki sposób różnorodność ta jest subiektywnie postrzegana. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań...

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  • Adam Smith - pięć razy o racjonalności w ekonomii (Z okazji 240 rocznicy ukazania się "Bogactwa Narodów").


    Niniejszy tekst jest syntetyczną próbą, próbą wykraczającą poza ramy samej ekonomii i wkraczającą w pole filozofii, socjologii i antropologii, umiejscowienia myśli Adama Smitha w szerszej perspektywie, perspektywie mechanizmów kształtowania się w nowożytności nowego rodzaju społeczeństwa i związanych z tym zmian mentalnych mających odbicie w myśli europejskiej. Ogrom problematyki zawęża temat do fundamentalnego dla ekonomii jako...

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  • Visual and auditory attention stimulator for assisting pedagogical therapy . Stymulator uwagi wzrokowej i słuchowej do wspomagania terapii pedagogicznej


    Visual and auditory attention stimulator provides a system developed in order to improve reading skills using simultaneous presentation of text in its visual form and in transformed auditory form accompanied by related movie material. The described research employed 40 children at the age of 8 13 years having difficulties in learning of reading, who were diagnosed as having developmental dyslexia. It was shown that application...

  • Visual and Auditory Attention Stimulator for Assisting Pedagogical Therapy


    - Rok 2018

    Visual and auditory attention stimulator provides a system developed in order to improve reading skills using simultaneous presentation of text in its visual form and in transformed auditory form accompanied by related movie material. The described research employed 40 children at the age of 8 13 years having difficulties in learning of reading, who were diagnosed as having developmental dyslexia. It was shown that application...

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  • Tunable Dielectric Switching of (Quinuclidinium)[MnCl4] Hybrid Compounds

    • N. A. Wójcik
    • D. A. Kowalska
    • M. Trzebiatowska
    • E. Jach
    • A. Ostrowski
    • W. Bednarski
    • M. Gusowski
    • P. Staniorowski
    • A. Ciżman

    - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Rok 2021

    Inorganic−organic hybrid QMnCl (Q = quinuclidinium) crystals were synthesized and characterized. The X-ray and variable-temperature IR/Raman analysis demonstrate that the crystals undergo a reversible structural phase transition, which originates from an order−disorder process and is related to the dynamics of the organic Q cation. Dielectric function measurements disclose a switchability between low (“OFF”) and high (“ON”) dielectric...

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  • PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE / Shared values in diversified urban communities as a foundation for participatory provision of local public spaces, 23-27 May 2017, Ljubljana Slovenia


    - Rok 2017

    The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and partners hosted a 5-day international event addressing participatory planning of local urban public space in socially, economically and ethnically diverse communities. The event was structured in three interrelated activities: a seminar, a workshop and a field-trip. Special emphasis was given to the means of revealing shared values that local inhabitants and other...

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  • Azo group(s) in selected macrocyclic compounds

    Azobenzene derivatives due to their photo- and electroactive properties are an important group of compounds finding applications in diverse fields. Due to the possibility of controlling the trans–cis isomerization, azo-bearing structures are ideal building blocks for development of e.g. nanomaterials, smart polymers, molecular containers, photoswitches, and sensors. Important role play also macrocyclic compounds well known for...

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  • Exploring Relationships Between Data in Enterprise Information Systems by Analysis of Log Contents


    - Rok 2024

    Enterprise systems are inherently complex and maintaining their full, up-to-date overview poses a serious challenge to the enterprise architects’ teams. This problem encourages the search for automated means of discovering knowledge about such systems. An important aspect of this knowledge is understanding the data that are processed by applications and their relationships. In our previous work, we used application logs of an enterprise...

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  • Rapid development of custom web application with ruby on rails framework on the example of group project system


    - Rok 2010

    Technology industry labor market requires engineers with a good preparation for work with project's tasks and team cooperation skills. One of the way for achieve that abilities during technical university education are students group projects. Running of group projects at university brings new challenges, from recruitment of students with required skills for par-ticular project, to lack of industrial procedures and ready to use...

  • Making agile retrospectives more awesome


    According to the textbook [23], Scrum exists only in its entirety, where every component is essential to Scrum’s success. However, in many organizational environments some of the components are omitted or modified in a way that is not aligned with the Scrum guidelines. Usually, such deviations result in missing the full benefits of Scrum [24]. Thereby, a Scrum process should be frequently inspected and any deviations should be...

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  • Risk assessment methodologies for pedestrian crossings without traffic lights – Warsaw case study – pedestrian safety assessment


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    Based on data from 2015 [1], it was found that 31% of all fatalities in road accidents in Poland were pedestrians. In places accessible to pedestrian traffic 74.2% of total accidents involving pedestrians were recorded. Approximately 53.9% of accidents involving pedestrians take place in the proximity of pedestrian crossings. In the context of improving the safety of vulnerable road users, an assessment of the condition of infrastructure...

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  • Innowacyjne MSP dzięki wykorzystaniu potencjału kobiet i osób starszych – projekt QUICK IGA

    Wykorzystanie potencjału kreatywności tkwiącego w osobach starszych i kobietach w niedługiej perspektywie stanie się koniecznością. W obliczu zmian demograficznych przedsiębiorstwa – w poszukiwaniu zasobu siły roboczej – skierują swoją uwagę na grupy społeczne zagrożone obecnie wykluczeniem. Dzięki temu będą mogły utrzymać/ uzyskać przewagę konkurencyjną lub zwiększyć swój potencjał innowacyjny. Wiele projektów międzynarodowych...

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  • Framing the Temporal Dimensions of a Brand


    - Rok 2017

    Drawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand’s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers’ age...

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  • Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe


    - Rok 2019

    Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe provides a single point of reference on a diverse set of regional ETF markets, illuminating the roles ETFs can play in risk mitigation and speculation. Combining empirical data with models and case studies, the authors use diffusion models and panel/country-specific regressions—as well as graphical and descriptive analyses— to show how ETFs are more than conventional, passive investments. With new...

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  • Efficient synthesis and antifungal investigation of nucleosides’ quaternary ammonium salt derivatives



    Quaternary ammonium salts are a group of compounds with diverse biological properties, the most important of which are their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. The quaternization reactions of 5'-O-tosyl derivatives of uridine and thymidine with triethylamine, trimethylamine, 4-(N ,N -dimethylamino)pyridine, 2-methylpyridine, and pyridine are described in this article. Two of the synthesized compounds are exceptional...

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  • Individual Resources and Intercultural Interactions


    - Rok 2017

    The work environment in multinational corporations (MNCs) is specific and demanding including intercultural interactions with co-workers and clients and using a foreign language. Some individual resources can help in dealing with these circumstances. Individual resources refer to personal dispositions, competencies and prior experiences. With regard to previous studies, a caravan of personal resources, namely Psychological Capital...

  • What fosters firm-level labour productivity in Eastern European and Central Asian countries?


    This study examines labour productivity performance and its determinants in Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) firms using micro-level data. We find significant differences in labour productivity among members of the European Union in Eastern Europe and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries. We also confirm the important impact of foreign ownership, exporter status, and highly skilled workers on productivity...

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  • Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodological challenges


    Population ageing in Europe and mass withdrawal from professional activity leads to a number of adverse phenomena, such as increased public spending, reduced consumer demand and the growing problem of social exclusion. The study focuses on the problems of population ageing in Europe as well as on the feasible steps that may be taken with a view to professional activation of the elderly. The first part is concerned with the trends...

  • Poczucie zadowolenia z pracy - czy wiek ma znaczenie?

    W artykule podjęto tematykę satysfakcji z pracy. Dokonano przeglądu podstawowych aspektów tego zjawiska: sposobów definiowania, znaczenia z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorstwa oraz czynników wpływających na występowanie lub niewystępowanie zadowolenia z pracy. Celem głównym była próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy charakterystyki demograficzne pracownika – a konkretnie jego wiek – mają znaczenie dla odczuwania zadowolenia z pracy. Dla...

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  • Mercury in Different Feather Types from Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo L.) Inhabiting the Vistula Lagoon Ecosystem in Poland


    Total mercury levels in different feather types (down, contour, tail and flight) in Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo L.) were determined using CV-AAS. Feathers from Great Cormorants inhabiting the Vistula Lagoon ecosystem have an average Hg level of 7.14 ± 3.99 (μg/g w.w.). Age-dependent concentrations of Hg were statistically significant (ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.0001). There were also significant differences in Hg levels...

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  • DAB vs DAB+ Radio Broadcasting: a Subjective Comparative Study


    In the age of digital media, delivering high quality content to consumers is one of the most demanding tasks. There exist numerous broadcasting standards, with different pros and cons, and the DAB/DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) system is one of the most popular among them. From an engineer’s perspective, efficient resource management under limited bandwidth conditions has always been a challenge. In this paper a subjective quality...

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  • The effect of tire aging on acoustic performance of CPX reference tires

    Reduction of tire/road noise is one of the biggest environmental challenges of road traffic. To reduce that noise it is necessary to perform acoustic measurements on the base of wellproven standard procedures. One method of measurements that is in common use, namely the Close Proximity Method (CPX), is described in standard ISO-DIS 11819-2. As this method is used to classify road surfaces regarding their influence on vehicle noise,...

  • State of the art in sample preparation for human breast milk metabolomics—merits and limitations

    Human breast milk (HBM) contains metabolites that are diverse in chemical structure and concentration. These metabolites range from high-abundance to low-abundance compounds and from polar to nonpolar. This complex nature of HBM makes HBM samples difficult to analyze, especially in global metabolomic studies for the determination and characterization of complete sets of metabolites. In this review, the state of the art in sample...

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  • Dissociative photo-double-ionization of the isoxazole molecules


    - Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science - Rok 2020

    The five-membered heterocyclic rings are incorporated into a wide variety of structures that play a vital role in many biochemical processes. In particular, the isoxazole molecule appears in many bioactive compounds due to its unique ring structure that consists of one oxygen atom and one nitrogen atom at adjacent positions. The unique atomic composition and bond arrangement of isoxazole imply its specific electronic properties...

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  • Considerations of Adaptive Digital Communications in Underwater Acoustic Channel


    Down-link communication (DLC) and air transportable communication (ATAC) buoys as well as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) use acoustic links for gathering oceanographic data from underwater monitoring systems. The underwater channel propagation conditions are diverse in nature and require a special adaptive approach to the communication system design. The article presents a methodology for the communication systems design,...

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  • Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport

    • M. Zych
    • R. Hanus
    • L. Petryka
    • D. Świsulski
    • A. Strzępowicz
    • P. Zych

    - Rok 2014

    The work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...

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  • Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport

    • M. Zych
    • R. Hanus
    • L. Petryka
    • D. Świsulski
    • A. Strzępowicz
    • P. Zych

    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2015

    The work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...

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  • Innovative strategies: Combining treatments for advanced wastewater purification

    • R. A. de Jesus
    • N. Łukasik
    • A. Kumar
    • L. F. R. Ferreira

    - Rok 2024

    Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, driving the urgent need for effective wastewater treatment solutions. With untreated wastewater extensively employed, particularly in agriculture, the significance of proper treatment becomes evident, as it presents a more practical and ecologically responsible alternative. This chapter explores the diverse treatment approaches encompassing chemical, physical, and biological methods,...

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  • Udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym w Polsce z uwzględnieniem województw


    W literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje się na liczne przyczyny występowania zmian udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym. Zróżnicowanie udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym można badać nie tylko w skali światowej, ale również odnosząc się do poszczególnych gospodarek i regionów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie zróżnicowania udziału czynnika pracy w dochodzie narodowym w poszczególnych województwach w Polsce. Zakres opracowania...

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  • Uniwersytet na rozdrożu

    W artykule pokazano różne postrzeganie społecznej odpowiedzialności uniwersytetu w literaturze przedmiotu. Omawiając pokrótce model uniwersytetu badawczego i przedsiębiorczego, starano się wyjaśnić źródła polaryzacji poglądów na miejsce i rolę uczelni oraz kierunek zmian, w którym powinny zmierzać. Korzystając z kwadrantów wiedzy D. Stokesa, zaproponowano ewolucję uniwersytetów w kierunku opisanym kwadrantem Pasteura. Podejmując...

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  • The environmental dimension of city dwellers’ quality of life and the city’s social and spatial variability


    - Miscellanea Geographica - Rok 2023

    The purpose of this paper is to attempt an analysis of the environmental dimension of the quality of life using quantitative surveys conducted among residents of Gdańsk. In the paper, we make reference to the theoretical assumptions ensuing from the concept of a comprehensive and integrated approach to the development of the urban environment, whilst noting the profound impact humans bring to their evaluation of the environmental...

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  • Layered background modeling for automatic detection of unattended objects in camera images


    - Rok 2011

    An algorithm for automatic detection of unattended objects in video camera images is presented. First, background subtraction is performed, using an approach based on the codebook method. Results of the detection are then processed by assigning the background pixels to time slots, based on the codeword age. Using this data, moving objects detected during a chosen period may be extracted from the background model. The proposed approach...

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  • Creating a more conscious built environment for day- and night-time setting through interdisciplinary collaboration


    - Rok 2017

    The last decades have seen an increase in the speed, scale and scope of urbanisation, fundamentally shifting the character of the built environment and engendering a radical search for new and resilient design practices. Although we, as society, live in the age of technology, inventions and almost unlimited access to information, we rarely use these opportunities to our advantage to improve the quality of life. It seems that multidisciplinary...

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  • Impact of Climate Change on a Runoff Formation in Seaside Catchment Area on the Example of the Babica River Catchment


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the impact of taking into account climate change in the perspective of 2050 on the results of hydrological calculations of characteristic flows in the hydrographically diverse seaside catchment area on the example of the Babica river catchment. A mathematical model of the Babica river catchment was made in the HEC-HMS program. The SCS method was used. The outflow from the basin was analysed for waters with...

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  • A Convenient Way to Methylated 2-Imidazolines. Syntheses of Fluorene and Triazine Cyclic Diamidines


    One N-methyl- and 4-substituted 2-imidazolines are described. Fluorene bisimidazolines were obtained in good yield (64-92%), starting from 2,7-dicyanofluorene and ammonium sulfide. In a two-step procedure the crude bisthioamide was reacted with excess diaminoalkane-ethanol (1:1 mixt.) in an oil bath. This new procedure is superior over std. methods. For the sake of comparison, a new triazine bisimidazoline (I) was prepd. by...

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  • Accessibility to urban green spaces: A critical review of WHO recommendations in the light of tree-covered areas assessment

    • P. Przewoźna
    • A. Inglot
    • M. Mielewczyk
    • K. Mączka
    • P. Matczak


    Easy accessibility of Urban Green Spaces (UGSs) is essential to the quality of life in urban areas. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations focus on spatial access to UGSs, define as accessible those larger than 0.5 ha situated up to 300 m of residential areas, and disregard the social significance of smaller green spaces. This paper assesses the extent to which the WHO recommendations permit the identification of locations...

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  • Relationships between concentrations of selected organohalogen contaminants and thyroid hormones and vitamins A, E and D in Faroese pilot whales

    • K. Hoydal
    • T. Ciesielski
    • A. Borrell
    • A. Wasik
    • R. Letcher
    • M. Dam
    • B. Jenssen


    Pilot whales (Globicephala melas) from the Faroe Islands, North-East Atlantic, have high body concentrations of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). The aim of the present study was to examine if and to what extent blood plasma and liver concentrations of several groups of these OHCs are related to concentrations...

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  • Wpływ zmian struktury demograficznej ludności na lokalny rynek pracy


    - Rok 2015

    Na wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarki wpływa wiele czynników. Jednym z nich mogą być dostępne zasoby ludzkie. Ważna jest nie tylko dynamika zmian liczby ludności, również jej struktura. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie zmian zachodzących na rynku pracy, będących konsekwencjami zmian struktury demograficznej ludności, które w przyszłości mogą wywierać negatywny wpływ na sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą regionu i kraju....

  • Sektorowe zróżnicowanie płynności finansowej przed-siębiorstw


    Płynność finansowa warunkuje prawidłowość funkcjonowania całej firmy. Uzależniona jest od niej możliwość przetrwania przedsiębiorstwa na rynku oraz perspektywa jego rozwoju. Artykuł podejmuje tematykę zróżnicowania płynności finansowej przedsiębiorstw w zależności od ich przynależności sek-torowej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wartość wskaźników z obsza-ru płynności finansowej jest silnie zróżnicowana w przekroju sektorowym....

  • Decisional DNA for modeling and reuse of experiential clinical assessments in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment

    • E. Sanchez
    • W. Peng
    • C. Toro
    • C. Sanin
    • M. Grana
    • E. Szczerbicki
    • E. Carrasco
    • F. Guijarro
    • L. Brualla

    - NEUROCOMPUTING - Rok 2014

    Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are active knowledge resources that use patient data to generate case specific advice. The fast pace of change of clinical knowledge imposes to CDSS the continuous update of the domain knowledge and decision criteria. Traditional approaches require costly tedious manual maintenance of the CDSS knowledge bases and repositories. Often, such an effort cannot be assumed by medical teams, hence...

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  • Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology


    This book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation...

  • Overview of new product development strategies and models


    - Catallaxy - Rok 2023

    Motivation: The motivation for the overview presented in this article is to provide a starting point for considering whether existing new product development methodology and its level of detail allows product teams to develop high-quality and business-effective product concepts. Aim: The aim of this article is recognise the current state of research into new product development methodology and to present the strategies and models...

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  • Formal Institutions: the Source of Unproductive Entrepreneurship in Poland


    The purpose of this article is to determine the entrepreneurs' perception of formal institutions in Poland as a source of non-productive behaviours. The research methodology was developed based on many years of the teams' research experience. It involved three stages of research: 1) panel of experts and 2) telephone surveys of 1,612 entrepreneurs in Poland, which were the basis for 3) development of detailed research to be conducted...

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  • Labour resources in Azerbeijan


    - Rok 2021

    The article aims to assess the changes of the Azerbaijani labour resources through deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. Analysis shows that, during the period considered, the population of Azerbaijan increased, with a majority living in cities. Universal access to education enabled a growing group of Azerbaijanis to complete...

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