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  • Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value

    Measuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...

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  • Context of Digitalized Employment for Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the New Normal


    - Rok 2022

    Employers are actively considering how to normalize remote work technology across different industries. The residual risk of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) will necessarily lower the bar for allowing some workers to stay remote on a more permanent basis. This is based on the realization that many essential jobs can be teleworked while retaining or enhancing productivity. The decisions employers make regarding future work arrangements...

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  • Hybrid use of the building as a method supporting epidemic safety

    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in changing organisational and technical requirements in the operation of treatment facilities. This paper summarises the available knowledge on the principles of hybrid design of the architecture of treatment units to ensure that different levels of sanitary and hygienic safeguards can be implemented. The basis of this narrative overview is an analysis of the existing Polish legislation on required...

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  • Public Perception of Digital Contact Tracing App and Implications for Technology Acceptance and Use Models


    - Rok 2021

    Governments are increasingly adopting digital contact tracing applications (DCT) as a key component of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, governments are struggling to achieve widespread adoption of DCT necessary for obtaining the expected individual and public benefits associated with its use. Consequently, studies on DCT have focused on the barriers to DCT adoption in different contexts and possible ways of overcoming...

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  • Godna praca – koncepcja, pomiar i praktyka w wymiarze rynkowym i organizacyjnym


    - Rok 2021

    W opracowaniu przedstawiono koncepcję „godnej pracy”, podejmując próbę analizy definicyjnej tego złożonego pojęcia. Dokonano analizy istniejących podejść, wychodząc od prac Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy służących wzmacnianiu godnej pracy w wymiarze globalnym, a także działań podejmowanych na rzecz rozwoju koncepcji „jakości pracy” w wymiarze europejskim. Dokonano przeglądu metod pomiaru godnej pracy oraz pracy wysokiej jakości,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Analysis of Factors Influencing the Prices of Tourist Offers

    Tourism is a significant branch of many world economies. Many factors influence the volume of tourist traffic and the prices of trips. There are factors that clearly affect tourism, such as COVID-19. The paper describes the methods of machine learning and process mining that allow for assessing the impact of various factors (micro, mezzo and macro) on the prices of tourist offers. The methods were used on large sets of real data...

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    - Rok 2014

    The article expresses an idea of the privileged role of universities in the process of shaping the new culture for urban mobility. Mobility management of the academic community is adopted in order to indirectly influence a wider group of the population. The aim of the study was to investigate the situation at the Polish universities and the willingness of their authorities to implement integrated tools to manage the transportation...

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  • Analysing Ways to Achieve a New Urban Agenda-Based Sustainable Metropolitan Transport

    The New Urban Agenda (NUA) sets a new vision of sustainable urban development to help cities deal with the challenges of changing demography. While numerous articles have addressed how the NUA can be implemented at different levels and in different areas, this article points out the potential limitations in incorporating the NUA into metropolitan transport policies. The relevance of the limitations can be seen in three main fields:...

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  • Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting as Post-pandemic Dangers to Knowledge Management


    - Rok 2023

    Purpose: COVID-19 pandemic aftermaths include the emergence of new tendencies, such as the Quiet Quitting, and continuation of trends such as the Great Resignation, both of which have multiple knowledge-related impacts on individual, organizational and even national level. The aim of this paper is to show the mechanisms behind the Quiet Quitting and the Great Resignation from individual and organizational perspectives. Understanding...

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  • Transforming a Traditional, Family-Run Car Dealership into a Digital-Era Modern Service Provider


    - Rok 2021

    The automotive industry today faces multiple challenges. The automotive market is characterised by frequent changes and technological developments in comfort and safety of travel by all types of vehicles. The division between traditional and modern services is related to their susceptibility to technological progress. We should differentiate between two types of technology: technology used directly in vehicles and technology utilized...

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  • Impact of Work from Home on Agile Software Project Execution – the Empirical Study


    - Rok 2024

    Background: The outbreak of a Covid-19 pandemic changed the working patterns of software projects delivery. Aim: The study examines how the work from home (WFH) impacted the software project execution for emergence of differentiating patterns. Method: The data on project execution in two country locations was examined. The population is 3711 projects across 52 months (26 pre- and 26 post-pandemic) is analyzed. The paper identifies the...

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  • State tax policy and reform tools as a risk of running a business. Case study based on Polski Ład – Polish tax reform


    The aim of the article is to describe and present the Polish tax reform introduced at the beginning of 2022. Tax changes introduced in Poland had a strong impact on the risk of running a business in Poland because in their assumption they directly changed the rules of running a business. Due to the pace of the introduced changes, as well as the scope of the reform, the new tax law was subject to numerous criticisms of taxpayers...

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  • Recent advances in aqueous virus removal technologies

    • H. Al-Hazmi
    • H. Shokrani
    • A. Shokrani
    • K. Jabbour
    • O. Abida
    • S. S. Mousavi Khadem
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • S. H. Sonawane
    • M. Saeb
    • A. Bonilla-Petriciolet
    • M. Badawi

    - CHEMOSPHERE - Rok 2022

    The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered a massive research, but still urgent detection and treatment of this virus seems a public concern. The spread of viruses in aqueous environments underlined efficient virus treatment processes as a hot challenge. This review critically and comprehensively enables identifying and classifying advanced biochemical, membrane-based and disinfection processes for effective treatment of virus-contaminated...

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  • A Concept of Freight Traffic Flow Regulations in the City of Gdansk


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents a review of state-of-art efforts in urban freight transport modelling in the context of their requirements and applicability as a basis for evaluation of city's freight transport policy. Freight transport mirrors all aspects of the city's economic activity and for that reason its proper planning is of extreme importance. However, urban freight system may be considered as the most varied and fragmented element...

  • Oddziaływania taboru na mosty kolejowe przy zmiennych parametrach ruchu


    - Rok 2014

    W pracy poruszono zagadnienia związane z identyfikacją oraz modelowaniem układu dynamicznego most-pojazd ruchomy. Za element szczególnie istotny uznano czynnik obciążający. Opracowano i wdrożono metodykę identyfikacji cech dynamicznych rzeczywistego pojazdu szynowego. Eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzono dla jednostki trakcyjnej EN57, jednak nie ma żadnych ograniczeń w stosowaniu metody dla innego, konwencjonalnego taboru szynowego....

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  • Car-sharing: The Impact on Metropolitan Spatial Structures


    Many examples from the past show that new technologies designed to solve particular problems can also create side effects generating new problems. Some unforeseen or unwanted results may influence space use and spatial structures. Car-sharing is an invention to compete with car ownership. It drastically rise efficiency of car use, reducing the number of vehicles per users. Diffusion of car-sharing is going to accelerate in the...

  • Designing efficient A-D-A1-D-A type fullerene free acceptor molecules with enhanced power conversion efficiency for solar cell applications

    • M. M. Iqbal Asif
    • M. Arshad
    • M. Y. Mehboob
    • M. S. Khan
    • S. Piracha


    The achievement of highly efficient power conversion efficiency (PCE) is a big concern for non-fullerene organic solar cells (NF-OSCs) because PCE can depend on numerous variables. Here, new five novel acceptor molecules without fullerenes were developed and investigated using DFT (density functional theory) and TD-DFT (time dependent-density functional theory). Compared to the recently synthesized molecule (PZ-dIDTC6), the developed...

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  • The role of sport in the Smart City concept

    Sport brings to cities innovative solutions that influence urban life, yet considerations about sport still rarely contribute to the development of the very popular smart city concept. This raises the question: what is the perception of sport in the city from the perspective of the smart city concept? One of the challenges of future urban policy is to provide initiatives that ensure the wellbeing and promote the model of a healthy...

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  • Projekt "Walizka"


    - Rok 2021

    Projekt "Walizka", koncepcja: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szot Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku. W projekcie wzięło udział 23 artystów z Polski oraz z Czech, Niemiec, Gruzji I Japonii. Koncepcja projektu dotyczy szeroko pojętego tematu podróży. W obecnych czasach zagrożenia COVID-19 słowo „podróż” zaczyna nabierać zupełnie innego znaczenia. Żyjąc i tworząc w izolacji od wielu miesięcy, została stworzona...

  • Problemy i wyzwania w zakresie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Nowej Dekadzie

    Po wieloletnim okresie systematycznego spadku liczby ofiar śmiertelnych i rannych w wypadkach drogowych w ostatnich kilku latach nastąpiła stagnacja, a nawet odwrócenie tej korzystnej tendencji. Pandemia COVID-19, w wyniku której nastąpiło zmniejszenie mobilności mieszkańców, przyczyniła się do powrotu do tendencji spadkowej liczby ofiar śmiertelnych i ciężko rannych. W artykule przedstawiono prognozę liczby ofiar śmiertelnych...

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  • The literature review on boundary conditions of use for non-residential buildings


    - Rok 2022

    This paper describes the results of qualitative and quantitative literature reviews on boundary conditions within educational buildings, emphasising the users' perspective. The reviews were performed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic using Scopus, Taylor& Francis, Web of Science databases. The boundary conditions understood as special characteristics for use and or precondition, determining specific features of buildings...

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  • The literature review on boundary conditions of use for non-residential buildings. Educational buildings.


    - Rok 2022

    This paper describes the results of qualitative and quantitative literature reviews on boundary conditions within educational buildings, emphasising the users' perspective. The studies were performed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic using Scopus, Taylor& Francis, and Web of Science databases. The boundary conditions are understood as special characteristics for use and or precondition, determining specific features of...

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  • Impact evaluation of a cycling promotion campaign using daily bicycle counters data: The case of Cycling May in Poland

    The promotion of active and sustainable transport modes as an alternative to motorised individual transport has become a key policy priority in Europe, to reduce air pollution, road congestion, noise, traffic injuries, and the adverse health outcomes of sedentary lifestyles. Policymakers are implementing a wide range of measures to encourage this shift in attitudes and behaviours. These interventions are most valuable when targeting...

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  • The Impact of Weather on Traffic Speed in Urban Area

    The issue of the impact of weather conditions on trip speed of vehicles has been studied for a long time and it is still the subject of many scientific researches. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the speed with which drivers drive their vehicles seems to be obvious. Good weather conditions, sunny weather with good visibility surely provokes higher speed while rainfall, wind...

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  • Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics

    • C. Busch
    • F. Deravi
    • D. Frings
    • E. Kindt
    • R. Lessmann
    • A. Nouak
    • J. Salomon
    • M. Achcar
    • F. Alonso-Fernandez
    • D. Bachenheimer... i 38 innych

    - IET Biometrics - Rok 2023

    Due to migration, terror-threats and the viral pandemic, various EU member states have re-established internal border control or even closed their borders. European Association for Biometrics (EAB), a non-profit organisation, solicited the views of its members on ways which biometric technologies and services may be used to help with re-establishing open borders within the Schengen area while at the same time mitigating any adverse...

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    Artykuł dotyczy procesu żywiołowej suburbanizcji (urban sprawl) w Polsce. Jego celami są: (1) analiza powiązań między negatywnymi skutkami tego procesu, (2) prezentacja negatywnych skutków dla transportu i zużycia energii oraz ładu przestrzennego, (3) analiza sposobów przeciwdziałania negatywnym procesom, w tym uwarunkowań (w szczególności ograniczeń) stosowania tych sposobów i ich skuteczności. Jako metody zastosowano: obserwację,...

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  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system


    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working on the 868 MHz frequency band. Described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, base station and a PC application from which the whole system is managed. This architecture...

  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system

    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working in the 868 MHz frequency band. The described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, a base station and a PC application from which the whole system is mamaged. This...

  • Experimental Research on the Energy Efficiency of a Parallel Hybrid Drive for an Inland Ship

    The growing requirements for limiting the negative impact of all modes of transport on the natural environment mean that clean technologies are becoming more and more important. The global trend of e-mobility also applies to sea and inland water transport. This article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a life-size, parallel diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system. The eciency of the propulsion system was...

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  • Optical-Fiber Microsphere-Based Temperature Sensors with ZnO ALD Coating—Comparative Study


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    This study presents the microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with the ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition coating thickness of 100 nm and 200 nm for temperature measurements. Metrological properties of the sensor were investigated over the temperature range from 100 °C to 300 °C, with a 10 °C step. The interferometric signal was used to monitor the integrity of the microsphere and its attachment to the connecting fiber. For the sensor...

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  • The Energy of Finance in Refining of Medical Surge Capacity


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The availability of resources and their concentration in the place of greatest need, will not allow us to successfully overcome a medical surge without the energy required to activate these resources and activities, and increase their quantities if necessary, that is why the staff and management of healthcare institutions are forced to making ethical crisis decisions about who wins and who loses. This study highlights the versatility...

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  • Oznaczenie rtęci w tytoniu cygarowym jako wyzwanie analityczne

    Przed wybuchem pandemii COVID-19 obserwowano wyraźny i systematyczny wzrost rynku cygarowego, a co za tym idzie, również i grona cigar aficionado, czyli miłośników cygar. W pracy poruszono tematykę zawartości rtęci w cygarach i przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań. Z racji wielu podobieństw porównano ją z zawartością tego pierwiastka w tytoniu papierosowym. Stężenie Hg w tytoniu papierosowym na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu...

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  • Ultrasound assisted synthesis of 3-alkynyl substituted 2-chloroquinoxaline derivatives: Their in silico assessment as potential ligands for N-protein of SARS-CoV-2

    • S. Shahinshavali
    • K. A. Hossain
    • A. V. D. N. Kumar
    • A. G. Reddy
    • D. Kolli
    • A. Nakhi
    • M. V. B. Rao
    • M. Pal


    In view of recent global pandemic the 3-alkynyl substituted 2-chloroquinoxaline framework has been explored as a potential template for the design of molecules targeting COVID-19. Initial in silico studies of representative compounds to assess their binding affinities via docking into the N-terminal RNA-binding domain (NTD) of N-protein of SARS-CoV-2 prompted further study of these molecules. Thus building of a small library of...

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  • Międzynarodowy Projekt Walizka. Wystawa w Galerii Feininger. Trzebiatów


    - Rok 2021

    Projekt "Walizka", koncepcja: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szot Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku. W projekcie wzięło udział 23 artystów z Polski oraz z Czech, Niemiec, Gruzji I Japonii. Koncepcja projektu dotyczy szeroko pojętego tematu podróży. W obecnych czasach zagrożenia COVID-19 słowo „podróż” zaczyna nabierać zupełnie innego znaczenia. Żyjąc i tworząc w izolacji od wielu miesięcy, została stworzona...

  • Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • S. M. Sajadi
    • F. Seidi
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • M. T. Munir
    • O. Abida
    • S. Ahmadi
    • D. Kowalkowska-Zedler
    • N. Rabiee
    • M. Rabiee... i 4 innych

    - OpenNano - Rok 2022

    Early diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...

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  • Wireless Body Area Network for Preventing Self-Inoculation Transmission of Respiratory Viral Diseases


    - SENSORS - Rok 2023

    This paper proposes an idea of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) based on Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) standards to recognize and alarm a gesture of touching the face, and in effect, to prevent self-inoculation of respiratory viral diseases, such as COVID-19 or influenza A, B, or C. The proposed network comprises wireless modules placed in bracelets and a necklace. It relies on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements...

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  • Potential for ITS/ICT Solutions in Urban Freight Management

    The article presents a study on applying ITS solutions in planning and management of urban freight transport in Gdynia. The traffic management system Tristar which is under implementation and its related systems show a potential to assist in development of freight transport measures. Recommendations for urban freight policy development supplementing Gdynia's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were used as a basis for identification...

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  • A quasi-2D small-signal MOSFET model - main results

    Dynamic properties of the MOS transistor under small-signal excitation are determined by kinetic parameters of the carriers injected into the channel, i.e., the low-field mobility, velocity saturation, mobility at the quiescent-point (Q-point), longitudinal electric field in the channel, by dynamic properties of the channel, as well as by an electrical coupling between the perturbed carrier concentration in the channel and the...

  • Unveiling the Green Mirage: Unearthing Weaknesses in Pro-Environmental Applications

    • E. Duda
    • H. Obracht-prondzyńska
    • H. Anacka
    • J. Kowal

    - Rok 2023

    Growing ecological concerns and a general shift towards tailored digitized solutions in cities lead to an increased popularity of pro ecological applications, especially those associated with transport-oriented functionalities. This research focuses on the results from a testbed of a pro-environmental application deployment among early adopters. Based on quantitative and cartographic analysis enriched with interviews’ results,...

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  • Caring for Children with Dravet Syndrome: Exploring the Daily Challenges of Family Caregivers


    - Children-Basel - Rok 2023

    While Polish studies focus on the symptoms, causes and treatment of people suffering from Dravet syndrome (DS), much less is known about the situation of the family caregivers of DS children. This study was designed to explore the experiences, daily challenges and needs related to caring for DS children. An anonymous self-administered online questionnaire was developed. Thesurvey was completed by 75 family caregivers affiliated...

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  • Wystawa międzynarodowa w galerii „Koridor” Podlahova 3. Ostrava – Marianske Hory Czechy w ramach kontynuacji projektu „Walizka”.


    - Rok 2023

    Projekt "Walizka", koncepcja: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szot Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku. W projekcie wzięło udział 39 artystów z Polski oraz z Czech, Niemiec, Gruzji I Japonii. Koncepcja projektu dotyczy szeroko pojętego tematu podróży. W obecnych czasach zagrożenia COVID-19 słowo „podróż” zaczyna nabierać zupełnie innego znaczenia. Żyjąc i tworząc w izolacji od wielu miesięcy, została stworzona...

  • In silico assessment and sonochemical synthesis of 2-alkynyl 3-chloropyrazines as prospective ligands for SARS-CoV-2

    • M. Satyanarayana
    • A. G. Reddy
    • M. Yedukondalu
    • M. B. Tej
    • K. A. Hossain
    • M. V. B. Rao
    • M. Pal


    The recent global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has triggered an intense effort worldwide towards the development of an effective cure for this disease. In our effort we have explored the 2-alkynyl substituted 3-chloropyrazine framework as a potential template for the design of molecules for this purpose. Our strategy was supported by the in silico studies of representative compounds to assess their binding affinities via docking...

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  • Międzynarodowy Projekt "Walizka". Galeria R+ Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie


    - Rok 2021

    Projekt "Walizka", koncepcja: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szot Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku. W projekcie wzięło udział 23 artystów z Polski oraz z Czech, Niemiec, Gruzji I Japonii. Koncepcja projektu dotyczy szeroko pojętego tematu podróży. W obecnych czasach zagrożenia COVID-19 słowo „podróż” zaczyna nabierać zupełnie innego znaczenia. Żyjąc i tworząc w izolacji od wielu miesięcy, została stworzona...

  • Improving Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation by Restoring High Resolution Features With Transformers and Recursive Convolutional Models


    - Rok 2021

    Non-contact evaluation of vital signs has been becoming increasingly important, especially in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic, which is causing the whole world to examine people’s interactions in public places at a scale never seen before. However, evaluating one’s vital signs can be a relatively complex procedure, which requires both time and physical contact between examiner and examinee. These re- quirements limit the number...

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  • Techniki wielokanałowe wykorzystywane w koncertach i nagraniach muzycznych na odległość


    W czasie pandemii koronawirusa COVID-19 nowego znaczenia nabrały możliwości transmisji dźwięku z obrazem – zwłaszcza do pracy zdalnej, która w przypadku muzyków jest szczególnym wyzwaniem zarówno w kontekście wspólnych ćwiczeń i prób, jak i koncertów. Wynikła konieczność wieloźródłowego połączenia ujawniła potrzebę uprzestrzennienia dźwięku w celu łatwiejszej lokalizacji źródeł dźwięku. Tworzenie zdalnych nagrań muzycznych stało...

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  • Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks


    Diseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is common for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected as...

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  • Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks


    Diseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is not uncommon for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected...

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  • DevEmo—Software Developers’ Facial Expression Dataset

    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of remote activities and digital tools for education, work, and other aspects of daily life. This reality has highlighted the need for emotion recognition technology to better understand the emotions of computer users and provide support in remote environments. Emotion recognition can play a critical role in improving the remote experience and ensuring that individuals are able...

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  • Charge density wave and large nonsaturating magnetoresistance in YNiC2 and LuNiC2

    We report a study of physical properties of two quasi-low-dimensional metals YNiC2 and LuNiC2 including the investigation of transport, magnetotransport, galvanomagnetic, and specific heat properties. In YNiC2 we reveal two subsequent transitions associated with the formation of weakly coupled charge density wave at TCDW=318K and its locking in with the lattice at T1=275K. These characteristic temperatures follow the previously...

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  • Energy efficiency of electric multiple units in suburban operation


    - Rok 2023

    This thesis presents approach to analysis of energy efficiency of a suburban rail network, using novel models developed on the Matlab/Simulink basis. Necessary features and requirements for such models were determined thru in-depth review of the source literature in all applicable fields: electrified transportation systems, electric multiple units construction, vehicle drivetrains and finally, existing simulation methods. Existing...

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