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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MONITORING SYSTEM
Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublikacjaA problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...
Planowanie zintegrowane i monitoring rozwoju zrównoważonego obszarów lokalnych a ich zagospodarowanie dla turystyki
PublikacjaPrzez planowanie zintegrowane rozumie się planowanie kompleksowe, wieloaspektowe, łączące aspekty społeczno-gospodarcze i ekologiczne z aspektami przestrzennymi. Autorzy prezentują ideę rozwoju zrównoważonego, typy obszarów wiejskich i formy planowania w polskich gminach. Proponują zintegrowane planowanie rozwoju obszaru turystycznego. Formułują postulaty co do monitoringu rozwoju zrównoważonego obszarów lokalnych oraz sposobu...
Methodology for assessing end-user requirements in the Ella4Life project: elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to explore elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring and using specially developed sensor technology for measuring health indicators. The qualitative research method is focus-groups with guidelines that were designed for understanding elder’s requirements about monitoring health indicators. We present them two devices: the first sensor is a device for monitoring of cardiac action potential fixed into...
Computationally-efficient design optimisation of antennas by accelerated gradient search with sensitivity and design change monitoring
PublikacjaElectromagnetic (EM) simulation tools are of primary importance in the design of contemporary antennas. The necessity of accurate performance evaluation of complex structures is a reason why the final tuning of antenna dimensions, aimed at improvement of electrical and field characteristics, needs to be based on EM analysis. Design automation is highly desirable and can be achieved by coupling EM solvers with numerical optimisation...
Planning, Configuration and Usefulness of Microseismic Monitoring on Eastern-Europe Platform – Example from East Pomerania
PublikacjaThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. The method uses array of geophones to localize micro tremors induced by liquid pumped underground at high rate and pressure. The acquired information helps to optimize fracturing process and prevents fracture growth to aquifer levels. It proved to be useful on several unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the USA....
Monitoring of n-butanol vapors biofiltration process using an electronic nose combined with calibration models
PublikacjaMalodours, by definition, are generally unpleasant, nuisance smells that are a mixture of volatile chemical compounds which can be perceptible even at low concentrations. Due to the more frequent occurrence of odour nuisance associated with the odour sensations, and thus the need to remove them from the air, deodorization techniques are commonly used. Biofiltration is one of the methods of reducing odorants in the air stream. In...
Implementation of spatial information for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port using laser scanning techniques
PublikacjaNowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was...
Effect of housing geometry on the performance of Chemcatcher passive sampler for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in water
PublikacjaZaprojektowano nową obudowę próbnika typu Chemcatcher, tzw. próbnik typu Chemcatcher drugiej generacji. Większość badań kalibracyjnych przeprowadzono stosując próbnik typu Chemcatcher pierwszej generacji. Dlatego zbadano wpływ obudowy próbnika typu Chemcatcher na jego działanie.
Application of passive sampling technique in monitoring research on quality of atmospheric air in the area of Tczew, Poland.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research in Tczew (adjacent to the Vistula River) on the content of BTEX compounds. Analytical procedure applied during the sampling of the analytes from the air used the passive sampling technique (diffusive passive sampler, Radiello®). For determination of BTEX compounds in atmospheric air, two-stage thermal desorption technique combined with gas chromatography (TD-GC-FID)...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation
PublikacjaThe paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...
Monitoring technologicznych ram zabezpieczenia przejść poprzecznych tunelu pod Martwą Wisłą w Gdańsku
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy systemu pomiarowego zastosowanego podczas monitoringu ram technologicznych wspierających drążenie przejść poprzecznych łączących oba główne korytarze tunelu pod Martwą Wisłą w Gdańsku. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dwóch typów ram, uzyskane podczas wykonywania dwóch przejść. Wyniki pomiarów pozwalają na określenie stanu wytężenia konstrukcji ram w czasie prowadzenia robót oraz na oszacowaniu rzeczywistego stanu...
PublikacjaA hydraulic fracturing job was performed to stimulate gas flow from a horizontal wellbore located in Poland. The whole operation was overseen by means of microseismic monitoring. For this purpose, an array of 12000 geophones was deployed on ground in form of patches distributed unevenly in a region of 4km from the wellbore. The array was constantly recording seismic signals during whole fracturing processed. Such recorded signals...
Real-time isothermal DNA amplification monitoring in picoliter volumes using an optical fiber sensor
PublikacjaRolling circle amplification (RCA) of DNA can be considered as a great alternative to the gold standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR), especially during this pandemic period, where rapid, sensitive, and reliable test results for hundreds of thousands of samples are required daily. This work presents the first research to date on direct, real-time and label-free isothermal DNA amplification monitoring using a microcavity in-line...
The added value of using the HEPA PAT for physical activity policy monitoring: a four-country comparison
PublikacjaBackground Public policy is increasingly recognized as an important component of physical activity promotion. This paper reports on the current status of physical activity policy development and implementation in four European countries based on the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy Audit Tool (HEPA PAT) developed by WHO. It compares the findings to previous studies and discusses the general utility of this tool and its...
Decisional DNA (DDNA) Based Machine Monitoring and Total Productive Maintenance in Industry 4.0 Framework
PublikacjaThe entire manufacturing spectrum is transforming with the advent of Industry 4.0. The features of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA) were utilized for developing Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO), Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Virtual Engineering Factory (VEF), which in turn facilitate the creation of smart factories. In this study, DDNA based Machine Monitoring for Total Maintenance...
Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing
PublikacjaPresentation on the use of instrumental analytical techniques for the assessment of emission of volatiles and particulates during fdm 3d printing.
Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni drogowej w ujęciu geotechnicznym - przyczyny, monitoring, możliwe metody naprawy
PublikacjaNadmierne osiadania nawierzchni stanowią „wieczny” problem użytkowników dróg. Z odkształceniami nawierzchni łączy się obniżenie komfortu i bezpieczeństwa jazdy (BRD). Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego zjawiska jest zachowanie się podłoża gruntowego. Najczęściej dotyczy to zjawiska osiadania podłoża gruntowego, stanowiącego efekt ściśliwości gruntów w wyniku przyłożenia obciążenia i jest przekroczeniem stanów granicznych użytkowalności...
Monitoring Regenerative Heat Exchanger in Steam Power Plant by Making Use of the Recurrent Neural Network
PublikacjaArtificial Intelligence algorithms are being increasingly used in industrial applications. Their important function is to support operation of diagnostic systems. This paper pesents a new approach to the monitoring of a regenerative heat exchanger in a steam power plant, which is based on a specific use of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The proposed approach was tested using real data. This approach can be easily adapted to...
Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing
PublikacjaThe proliferation of consumer-grade three-dimensional (3D) printers using fused deposition, also known as fused filament fabrication, has given rise to concerns over the exposure of users to potentially harmful substances. Thermoplastic filaments made of different polymers are extruded through a heated printer nozzle and deposited layer by layer on a build platform to form the printed object. This process leads to the emission...
Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni drogowej w ujęciu geotechnicznym – przyczyny, monitoring, możliwe metody naprawy
PublikacjaNadmierne osiadania nawierzchni stanowią „wieczny” problem użytkowników dróg. Z odkształceniami nawierzchni łączy się obniżenie komfortu i bezpieczeństwa jazdy (BRD). Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego zjawiska jest zachowanie się podłoża gruntowego. Najczęściej dotyczy to zjawiska osiadania podłoża gruntowego, stanowiącego efekt ściśliwości gruntów w wyniku przyłożenia obciążenia i jest przekroczeniem stanów granicznych użytkowalności...
Real-time monitoring of the emission of volatile organic compounds from polylactide 3D printing filaments
PublikacjaEstablishing the emission profile of volatile organic compounds generated during fused deposition modeling 3D printing using polymer filaments is important in terms of both understanding the processes taking place during thermal degradation of thermoplastics, and assessing the user's exposure to potentially harmful volatiles. However, obtaining detailed, real-time qualitative and quantitative results poses a challenge. In this...
Evaluation of the use of reindeer droppings for monitoring essential and non-essential elements in the polar terrestrial environment
PublikacjaExcess or toxic metals, non-metals and metalloids can be eliminated from the organism by deposition in inert tissue (e.g. fur) or excretion with body secretions, urine and faeces. Droppings are one of the main routes for the elimination of multiple elements and they can be collected without direct contact with the animal. Contaminant concentration has been examined in non-lethally collected tissues of several species (especially...
sp2-rich dendrite-like carbon nanowalls as effective electrode for environmental monitoring of explosive nitroaromatic
PublikacjaNitroaromatic compounds are commonly used explosive materials that pose a risk to human health and ecosystems due to their acute toxicity and carcinogenicity. Nitroaromatics have numerous pathways into the environment via discarded munitions (e.g. into the Baltic Sea after World War II), after use in mining operations, and in industrial run-off from factories producing these compounds (which are produced across the world to date)....
Application of a Gas Sensor Array to Effectiveness Monitoring of Air Contaminated with Toluene Vapors Absorption Process
PublikacjaThis article demonstrates the application of a gas sensor array to monitor the effectiveness of the absorption process of air stream purification from odorous compounds (toluene vapors). A self-constructed matrix consisting of five commercially available gas sensors was used. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was selected as the statistical technique used to calibrate the matrice. Gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization...
A Surrogate-Assisted Measurement Correction Method for Accurate and Low-Cost Monitoring of Particulate Matter Pollutants
PublikacjaAir pollution involves multiple health and economic challenges. Its accurate and low-cost monitoring is important for developing services dedicated to reduce the exposure of living beings to the pollution. Particulate matter (PM) measurement sensors belong to the key components that support operation of these systems. In this work, a modular, mobile Internet of Things sensor for PM measurements has been proposed. Due to a limited...
Continuous blood pressure monitoring by photoplethysmography - signal preprocessing requirements based on blood flow modelling
PublikacjaObjective. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the signal sampling frequency and low-pass filtering on the accuracy of the localisation of the fiducial points of the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG), and thus on the estimation of the blood pressure (i.e. the accuracy of the estimation). Approach. Statistical analysis was performed on 3,799 data samples taken from a publicly available database. Four PPGfiducial...
The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublikacjaBackground A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of physical activity (PA). This article describes the development process of the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework, a tool to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This involved a review of policy...
Microcracking monitoring and damage detection of graphene nanoplatelets-cement composites based on acoustic emission technology
PublikacjaThis study aims to identify the micro-cracking pattern and structural applications of cement composites replaced with 0 wt%, 0.04 wt%, and 0.08 wt% contents of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) over cement weight through acoustic emission (AE) monitoring under mechanical degradation. The ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV–vis) results showed that at 60 min sonication period, GNP-4 showed maximum absorbance rate of 16.15% compared...
Hierarchiczny system sterowania dwukołowym balansującym pojazdem mobilnym
PublikacjaPojazdy mobilne są projektowane i rozwijane od kilkunastu lat. W artykule opisano dwukołowy balansujący pojazd mobilny. Zastosowane rozwiązania mechaniczne i elektroniczne są jego cechami charakterystycznymi. Ponadto sposób kierowania pojazdem jest nietypowy i polega na pochylaniu się w danym kierunku, a zmiany kierunku jazdy dokonuje się za pomocą drążka kierowniczego. W celu opracowania algorytmów sterowania koniecznym okazało...
System nawigacji bezkolizyjnej autonomicznego robota mobilnego SCORPION.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono opracowany i wykonany system nawigacji autonomicznego robota mobilnego ERSP Scorpion umożliwiający realizację zadania unikania kolizji z przeszkodami statycznymi znajdującymi się w otoczeniu, w którym robota się porusza. Do akwizycji wiedzy o otoczeniu wykorzystano czujniki odometryczne oraz podczerwieni aktywnej. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań systemu nawigacji w różnych warunkach pracy, począwszy...
System optoelektroniczny do kontroli procesów μPA CVD
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono prototyp optoelektronicznego systemu do monitorowania in-situ procesu CVD, wspomaganych plazmą mikrofalową. System składa się z układu optycznej spektroskopii emisyjnej OES oraz specjalizowanego spektroskopu ramanowskiego RS. Umożliwia on równoczesne monitorowanie składu plazmy oraz określanie dynamiki wzrostu i zawartości defektów warstwy. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przebiegu procesu wytwarzania warstw diamentopodobnych...
Rozproszony system wyznaczania trajektorii poruszających się obiektów
PublikacjaW pracy rozważa się problem śledzenia trajektorii poruszających się obiektów przy użyciu rozproszonego systemu śledzenia. W systemie takim trajektoria poruszającego się obiektu jest wyznaczana przez grupę lokalnych estymatorów. Każdy z tych estymatorów korzysta z filtru Kalmana i danych z pojedynczego źródła w celu określenia trajektorii obiektu. Wyznaczone trajektorie są następnie przesyłane do systemu centralnego, gdzie następuje...
Innovative Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device—Performance under Various Resistances and Operating Frequency Conditions
PublikacjaThis paper presents the operation of an innovative left ventricular assist device under various resistances and operating frequencies. The operating principle of the device is based on pulsatile blood flow, which is forced by a suction–discharge device pumping helium into a set of intra-cardiac balloons. In this way, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle is increased, and the mitral valve is additionally occluded. What is...
Airborne and mobile laser scanning in measurements of sea cliffs on the southern Baltic
PublikacjaMeasurements of sea cliffs performed using periodic surveying based on laser scanning is currently one of the fastest and most accurate solutions. Supported with the technology of satellite measurements using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning and photographic measurements with the use of aerial vehicle, they enable an effective monitoring of the sea cliffs affected by the erosion. In case of the coast of southern...
ECG-based prediction of ventricular fibrillation by means of the PCA
PublikacjaA Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a death resulting from cardiac failure with no significant symptoms earlier than one hour before occurrence. It is the cause of for approximately 400000 deaths per year in United States and millions of deaths worldwide. The proposed system, including two-stage algorithm and wearable diagnostic device allows for SCD risk estimation and continuous monitoring of high risk patients. A single channel...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublikacjaIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
PublikacjaKoszty utrzymania centrum danych istotnie zależą od kosztów zużycia energii elektrycznej. Zapotrzebowanie na energię elektryczną w tego typu obiektach można optymalizować poprzez monitoring warunków klimatycznych oraz odpowiednie sterowanie czasem pracy urządzeń je utrzymujących. W pracy przedstawiono analizę czynników wpływających na zużycie energii elektrycznej w centrach danych oraz ich wpływ na koszty zużycia energii. Przedstawiono...
Changes in the addiction prevalence in Polish population between 1990-2019: Review of available data
PublikacjaThe 1989 collapse of the socialist political system in Poland initiated an avalanche of modifications regarding healthcare policy resulting with new institutions and programs dedicated to monitoring and preventing addiction. In the current article, we look at the available data allowing to track changes in (1) the prevalence of exposure to addictive substances and behaviors, and (2) changes of addictions prevalence in Poland...
Low current transformer utilizing Co-based amorphous alloys
PublikacjaMetal oxide surge arresters have been widely used for protection of power system networks against overvoltages due to atmospheric discharges or malfunction of devices connected to the network. During its operation a surge arrester structure is degradated, what can be observed as an increase of a surge arrester leakage current. Paper presents an implementation of a new, high-permeability, Co64Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy as a current...
Low Current Transformer Utilizing Co-Based Amorphous Alloys
PublikacjaMetal oxide surge arresters have been widely used for protection of power system networks against overvoltages due to atmospheric discharges or malfunction of devices connected to the network. During its operation a surge arrester structure is degradated, what can be observed as an increase of a surge arrester leakage current. Paper presents an implementation of a new, high-permeability, Co64Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy as a current...
The Influence of LED Lighting Sources on the Nature of Power Factor
PublikacjaThis article presents measurements of electric power absorbed by a newly built facility for office and scientific research activities. These measurements highlighted the need for compensation of capacitive reactive power—not predicted by the designer—due to the vast use of LED lighting in the facility. The article also describes a reactive power compensation system, designed on the basis of the above-mentioned measurements, and...
Vehicle Detection with Self-Training for Adaptative Video Processing Embedded Platform
PublikacjaTraffic monitoring from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on embedded systems is the subject of the performed experiments. Solving this problem encounters difficulties related to the hardware limitations, and possible camera placement in various positions which affects the system performance. To satisfy the hardware requirements, vehicle detection is performed using a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named...
Considerations of Adaptive Digital Communications in Underwater Acoustic Channel
PublikacjaDown-link communication (DLC) and air transportable communication (ATAC) buoys as well as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) use acoustic links for gathering oceanographic data from underwater monitoring systems. The underwater channel propagation conditions are diverse in nature and require a special adaptive approach to the communication system design. The article presents a methodology for the communication systems design,...
Automatic Analysis of Trajectories of Moving Objects
PublikacjaOngoing monitoring is essential to providing security and safety of maritime and air operations. This paper presents the research in the area of automatic analysis of movement of unrestricted vehicles like ships and air-planes. The analysis is aimed at extraction of trajectory information, and the results can be used to identify anomalous behaviour in archived and real-time data. In this paper we focus on data acquired using the...
Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...
Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...
The chemistry of river–lake systems in the context of permafrost occurrence (Mongolia, Valley of the Lakes) Part II. Spatial trends and possible sources of organic composition
PublikacjaThe chemistry of river–lake systems located in Central Mongolia near the southern border of permafrost occurrence has not been well studied. The main aim of this paper is to summarize patterns in water chemistry in supply springs, rivers and lakes in relation to permafrost occurrence, as well as other natural and anthropogenic impacts. The analyses involved water samples taken from two river–lake systems: the Baydrag River–Böön...
Identification of the featured-element in fine road dust of cities with coal contamination by geochemical investigation and isotopic monitoring
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The application of isotopically labeled analogues for the determination of small organic compounds by GC/MS with selected ion monitoring
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In-vivo monitoring of oxygen saturation in murine carcinoma during PDT by diode laser light diffuse reflectance