wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Rigid finite elements and multibody modelling used in estimation and reduction of rod vibrations
PublikacjaIn the paper, a mechanical set composed of a robot (manipulator) and of an elastic beam is considered. The beam is fixed to the top of the robot structure. In most of the similar cases, undesired vibrations can be excited in the beam. They are especially significant, when dynamics in the robot braking period is examined. In the paper, estimation and modification of length of the braking period is proposed, in order to reduce the...
A role of an Enterprise Identification Card in a building process of water tourist investments
PublikacjaAn essential element of a building process for water tourist investments in Poland is a document called the Enterprise Identification Card. It is required for the investments, which are classified according to the Regulation [1] as the ones that could potentially impact the environment. It is assumed that KIP is there to protect the environment against the excessive human interference and it just provides the guidelines regarding...
Dissecting gamma frequency activities during human memory processing
PublikacjaGamma frequency activity (30-150 Hz) is induced in cognitive tasks and is thought to reflect underlying neural processes. Gamma frequency activity can be recorded directly from the human brain using intracranial electrodes implanted in patients undergoing treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy. Previous studies have independently explored narrowband oscillations in the local field potential and broadband power increases. It is not...
Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle efficiency and vapor generator heat transfer surface in function of the reduced pressure
PublikacjaIn the paper presented is analysis of the influence of reduced pressure on efficiency and heat transfer area of vapor generator of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in case of subcritical and supercritical parameters of operation. Compared are two cases of subcritical and supercritical ORC featuring a similar arrangement of heat source supply and heat removal, that is featuring the same temperatures of working fluid before the turbine,...
Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Grid-Connected Operations
PublikacjaThe nonadaptive speed and position estimation scheme for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this article. The observer structure is based on the extension of the mathematical model of DFIG to the introduced H vector. Based on the defined H vector, the nonadaptive position and speed estimation is proposed. The Lyapunov method is extended to the practical stability theorem to stabilize the structure. The classic...
Selecting a transport and forwarding company for meeting a customer’s needs when organizing international road cargo transportation
PublikacjaThe object of this study is the process of planning the work of a manufacturing enterprise that needs transport and forwarding services when exporting goods to counterparties in different countries of the world. The problem being solved is predetermined by the need to devise recommendations for choosing a transport and forwarding company when serving an individual customer, based on its individual needs and conditions of cooperation. A...
Radar Signal Parameters Estimation Using Phase Accelerogram in the Time-Frequency Domain
PublikacjaRadar signal parameter estimation, in the context of the reconstruction of the received signal in a passive radar utilizing other radars as a source of illumination, is one of the fundamental steps in the signal processing chain in such a device. The task is also a crucial one in electronic reconnaissance systems, e.g. ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) systems. In order to obtain accurate results it is important to measure, estimate...
Applying artificial neural networks for modelling ship speed and fuel consumption
PublikacjaThis paper deals with modelling ship speed and fuel consumption using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. These tools allowed us to develop ANN models that can be used for predicting both the fuel consumption and the travel time to the destination for commanded outputs (the ship driveline shaft speed and the propeller pitch) selected by the ship operator. In these cases, due to variable environmental conditions, making...
Naval mine detection system based of FPGA circuit
PublikacjaElectrochemical processes take place in a metal object immersed into sea water even if an anticorrosive coating is applied [1]. As a result, flowing field appears around the object. There are naval mines between many other objects situated in the sea. Naval mines can be put in the seabed in order to be more difficult to detect by sonars. Such a mine is located on the line demarking two environments of different electrical conductivity....
The Space for Preservation and Dilapidation of Historical Houses in Modlimowo Village in the Light of Post-Dependence Studies and Historical Politics after 1945
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this article is to present the results of the research on spatial degradation of Modlimowo village. Modlimowo is an example of a settlement form typical of the Western Pomerania region. Until 1945, half-timbered buildings of Modlimowo village constituted a wellpreserved architectural and cultural heritage of this region. Over the past 25 years, changes in the spatial layout of Modlimowo Village irreversibly...
A modelling approach to the transport support for the harvesting and transportation complex under uncertain conditions
PublikacjaThe article proposes a modelling approach based on structural and parametric identification of the transport support of the harvesting and transportation complex. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods of structural and parametric identification for the development of a system for harvesting and transportation complex operation has been proved. A mathematical model based on fuzzy logic has been developed. It reflects...
Rapid design optimization of antennas using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublikacjaPurpose – Development of techniques for expedited design optimization of complex and numerically expensive electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of antenna structures validated both numerically and experimentally. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – The optimization task is performed using a technique that combines gradient search with adjoint sensitivities, trust region framework, as well as...
Solubility Characteristics of Acetaminophen and Phenacetin in Binary Mixtures of Aqueous Organic Solvents: Experimental and Deep Machine Learning Screening of Green Dissolution Media
PublikacjaThe solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients is a mandatory physicochemical characteristic in pharmaceutical practice. However, the number of potential solvents and their mixtures prevents direct measurements of all possible combinations for finding environmentally friendly, operational and cost-effective solubilizers. That is why support from theoretical screening seems to be valuable. Here, a collection of acetaminophen...
Metoda analizy wielokryterialnej do planowania rozwoju sieci elektroenergetycznej średniego i niskiego napięcia
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę wspomagającą decyzje w zakresie wyboru wariantu przyłączenia odbioru do sieci elektroenergetycznej dystrybucyjnej niskiego napięcia lub średniego napięcia oraz mikrogeneracji do sieci niskiego napięcia. Metodę tą zaimplementowano w skoroszycie kalkulacyjnym Microsoft Excel i zastosowano do analizy złożonych przypadków przyłączenia odbioru lub mikrogeneracji.
Ocena zasobów oraz weryfikacja granic obszaru ochronnego GZWP nr 133 Młotkowo za pomocą numerycznego modelu przepływu wód podziemnych
PublikacjaModel Głównego Zbiornika Wód Podziemnych powstał w celu dokonania oceny dostępnych zasobów wód oraz zweryfikowania granic strefy ochronnej. GZWP Młotkowo jest położony w południowej części Pojezierza Krajeńskiego. Ze względu na konieczność weryfikacji granic zbiornika wyznaczonych przez Kleczkowskiego i in. (1990) do badań modelowych przyjęto obszar cztery razy większy niż rozmiar GZWP. W celu osiągnięcia najbardziej wiarygodnych...
Diagnostic PCR assay for Microsporum and Trichophyton infections
PublikacjaWe have previously described a highly sensitive 5-hour PCR test for the rapid diagnosis of onychomycosis which detects any dermatophyte and species-identify T. rubrum from patient specimens. We have subsequently developed and evaluated new PCR tests for detection of Trichophyton and Microsporum canis/audouinii infections.58 dermatophyte isolates (21) Microsporum spp. (4 different species), 35 Trichophyton spp (10 different species)...
Market Regeneration in Line with Sustainable Urban Development
PublikacjaThis article presents the study of the optimal design solutions for regeneration of marketplaces. It examines the design variants for the revitalisation of the marketplace, in particular, investment in their modernisation in order to find the most optimal model for transforming these public spaces to have a significant impact on the city’s development. The research is a comparative analysis of the implementation of regeneration...
Analysis of the state of preservation the historic arcaded houses in Vistula Delta listed in the National Inventory of Historical Monuments
PublikacjaHistoric arcaded houses are part of the material heritage of the Vistula Delta. Unfortunately, their number is decreasing year by year. The article is the result of a query of available sources and field research carried out by the author in 2015-2020. The paper presents the current state of preservation the historic arcaded houses in Vistula Delta listed in the National Inventory of Historical Monuments. Criteria for the selection...
The Concept of a Methodology for Selecting the Optimal Parameters of Heat Received from a Nuclear Power Plant Operating in a Partial Cogeneration Mode
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of the objective function which is to allow the selection of optimal parameters of the district heating system using a nuclear power plant operating in partial cogeneration mode. The concept is based on research carried out a number of years ago. The size of annual expenses was proposed as the objective function, which allows to compare the operation of a nuclear power plant in partial cogeneration...
Research on entrepreneurship – the forms of entrepreneurship
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present suggestions for future directions of research on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on different forms of entrepreneurship. The suggestions are preceded by a brief review of research on entrepreneurship. The article is theoretical in nature and does not present any own research, although its content is based on multiple years of experience in studying this phenomenon. The forms of entrepreneurship...
Identification, Assessment and Automated Classification of Requirements Engineering Techniques
PublikacjaSelection of suitable techniques to be used in requirements engineering or business analysis activities is not easy, especially considering the large number of new proposals that emerged in recent years. This paper provides a summary of techniques recommended by major sources recognized by the industry. A universal attribute structure for the description of techniques is proposed and used to describe 33 techniques most frequently...
Wind Conditions in Urban Layout – Numerical and Experimental Research
PublikacjaThis paper presents research which compares the numerical and the experimental results for different cases of airflow around a few urban layouts. The study is concerned mostly with the analysis of parameters, such as pressure and velocity fields, which are essential in the building industry. Numerical simulations have been performed by the commercial software Fluent, with the use of a few different turbulence models, including...
Methods of determination of C coefficient for period of rolling vessel in calm water for example of pax cargo ship
PublikacjaThis article presents a different approach to calculate the C coefficient needed to determine the period of own rolling vessel in calm water. The C coefficient is usually adopted as the approximate value from the available literature, usually depending on the type of vessel, and less dependent on the loading condition. In experimental studies of marine properties (seakeeping) often have a problem with the selection of the correct...
Load Testing of GFRP Composite U-Shape Footbridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents the scope of load tests carried out on an innovative shell composite footbridge. The tested footbridge was manufactured in one production cycle and has no components made from materials other than GFRP laminates and PET foam. The load tests, performed on a 14-m long structure, were the final stage of a research program in the Fobridge project carried out in cooperation with: Gdańsk University of Technology (leader),...
Estimating the Cost of Cybersecurity Activities with CAsPeA: A Case Study and Comparative Analysis
PublikacjaContemporary approaches to the estimation of cybersecurity costs in organisations tend to focus on the cost of incidents or technological investments. However, there are other, less transparent costs related to cybersecurity management that need to be properly recognised in order to get a complete picture. These costs are associated with everyday activities and the time spent by employees on cybersecurity-related actions. Such...
Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis of wood and straw based biochars
Dane BadawczeThis data set includes the BJH and BET analysis results for straw and wood chips-based biochars generated at 450 Celsius degrees.
Cathodic Protection System of the Spiral Classifier at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant—Case Study of Commissioning and Control of Operating Parameters
PublikacjaThe project involved designing, constructing and commissioning a cathodic protection system for a selected spiral classifier operating at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant (O/ZWR). The authors developed a concept and assumptions regarding the corrosion protection of a large industrial device using a cathodic protection system with an external power source. Pre-project studies included conducting a trial polarization...
Occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in environment and the statistical analysis of this phenomenon
PublikacjaIntroduction: In this study the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance patterns among fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) was analyzed in water and wastewater samples. The trends in antimicrobial resistance were analyzed using basic statistical methods. Methods: Samples were obtained from two local watercourses (Oliwski Stream and Reda River) as well as from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Gdansk - Wschod....
Do clusters help companies to "go green"? Experience of Polish National Key Clusters
PublikacjaThis study aims to explore cluster activity in the field of green transformation, taking into account the green, low-carbon and circular economy. Our intention was to identify the main green practices used by cluster organizations, which we showed through the lens of the attributes of both the cluster and the cluster organization. Through our study, we sought to answer the question: what is the role of cluster organizations in...
Wzrost gospodarczy a zapotrzebowanie na prace - teoria i rzeczywistość gospodarcza Polski w latach 1995-2014
PublikacjaW części teoretycznej artykułu w pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono makroekonomiczne podstawy zapotrzebowania na pracę w warunkach postępu technicznego oraz zmian kapitału rzeczowego. W następnej kolejności sformułowano założenia dla modelu opisującego zależności pomiędzy stopami wzrostu produktu krajowego i zatrudnienia. W części empirycznej artykułu rozważano wybrane wersje oszacowanego modelu opisujące gospodarkę Polski. Do...
Performance evaluation of parallel background subtraction on GPU platforms
PublikacjaImplementation of the background subtraction algorithm on parallel GPUs is presented. The algorithm processes video streams and extracts foreground pixels. The work focuses on optimizing parallel algorithm implementation by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access, data transfers and work group organization. The algorithm is implemented in both OpenCL and CUDA. Various optimizations of...
Automated hearing loss type classification based on pure tone audiometry data
PublikacjaHearing problems are commonly diagnosed with the use of tonal audiometry, which measures a patient’s hearing threshold in both air and bone conduction at various frequencies. Results of audiometry tests, usually represented graphically in the form of an audiogram, need to be interpreted by a professional audiologist in order to determine the exact type of hearing loss and administer proper treatment. However, the small number of...
Zagrożenia korozyjne stali nierdzewnych w przemyśle spozywczym
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono przyczyny występowania zagrożeń korozyjnych stali nierdzewnych w przemyśle spożywczym. Szczegółowo omówiono mechanizm oraz sposób zapobiegania korozji wżerowej, szczelinowej oraz pękania korozyjnego. Zaprezentowano dokumentację fotograficzną omówionych typów korozji. Wskazano podstawowe problemy związane z doborem materiałów konstrukcyjnych do budowy instalacji w przemyśle spożywczym.
Towards understanding the role of peroxide initiators on compatibilization efficiency of thermoplastic elastomers highly filled with reclaimed GTR
PublikacjaThermoplastic elastomers based on recycled high density polyethylene (rHDPE) and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymer were highly filled with reclaimed ground tire rubber (RR). The impact of various organic peroxides (dicumyl peroxide (DCP), benzoyl peroxide (BP) and di-tert-butyl peroxide (DB)), applied as free-radical initiators, on the processing, structure and performance properties of rHDPE/SBS/RR blends was investigated....
Massively parallel linear-scaling Hartree–Fock exchange and hybrid exchange–correlation functionals with plane wave basis set accuracy
PublikacjaWe extend our linear-scaling approach for the calculation of Hartree–Fock exchange energy using localized in situ optimized orbitals [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 139, 214103 (2013)] to leverage massive parallelism. Our approach has been implemented in the ONETEP (Order-N Electronic Total Energy Package) density functional theory framework, which employs a basis of non-orthogonal generalized Wannier functions (NGWFs) to achieve...
Przestrzeń pamięci – pamięć przestrzeni. Refleksja nad przestrzeniami symbolicznymi miasta Szczecin w świetle postmodernistycznej transformacji sztuki i architektury
PublikacjaW zamiarze autorek artykułu było dokonanie pogłębionej analizy przestrzeni miasta Szczecin, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miejsc kreowanych, jako symboliczne przestrzenie pamięci w celu ujawnienia procesów, jakim owe obszary podlegały w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach. Analiza postmodernistycznej transformacji przestrzeni miejskich Szczecina objęła zarówno obiekty (pomniki, obiekty architektury, układy urbanistyczne) stanowiące...
PublikacjaLand surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...
Modelowanie zmiennej krzywizny na długości toru zwrotnego rozjazdu
PublikacjaW pracy została przedstawiona analityczna metoda wyznaczania krzywizny toru zwrotnego rozjazdu kolejowego posiadającego na swojej długości odcinki zmiennej krzywizny. Taki rozjazd jest dedykowany w głównym stopniu kolejom dużych prędkości. Rozpatrzono dwa odrębne przypadki obejmujące liniowy przebieg krzywizny oraz przebieg nieliniowy, w postaci wielomianowej. Uzyskane rozwiązania problemu pozwalają na przyjmowanie dowolnych wartości...
Studies on the influence of technological variants of finishing machining on flow of parts in flexible manufacturing
PublikacjaIn the article below the problems of influence of variants of finishing processing on flow of machining parts in flexible manufacturing system were presented. The investigations were carried out the technological processes for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders. There were also presented model variants of technological processes for piston rods finished with the burnishing. In these studies the influence of technological...
Distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall
PublikacjaShort-term memory enables incorporation of recent experience into subsequent decision-making. This processing recruits both the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, where neurons encode task cues, rules, and outcomes. However, precisely which information is carried when, and by which neurons, remains unclear. Using population decoding of activity in rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampal CA1, we confirm that mPFC...
Kinetics of nitrogen removal processes in constructed wetlands
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review of the kinetics of nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands. Biological processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater can be described using equations and kinetic models. Hence, these kinetic models which have been developed and evaluated allow for predicting the removal of nitrogen in treatment wetlands. One of the most important, first order removal model, which is...
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-Se: Harvesting adults only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Hj-Se: Harvesting juveniles only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Hj-S1: Harvesting juveniles only, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case He-S1: Equal harvesting of juveniles and adults, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-S1: Harvesting adults only, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case He-Se: Equal harvesting and equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Company versus consumer performance: does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand?
PublikacjaThis study investigates the effect of community identification in building brand loyalty (attitudinal and behavioural) and a personal brand via social networks. The proposed model explained the main community identification antecedents and how identification can lead to enhanced company and consumer performance. This study adopts the theoretical lens of uses and gratifications theory and identifies three motivational drivers of...
Results of the application of tropospheric corrections from different troposphere models for precise GPS rapid static positioning
PublikacjaIn many surveying applications, determination of accurate heights is of significant interest. The delay caused by the neutral atmosphere is one of the main factors limiting the accuracy of GPS positioning and affecting mainly the height coordinate component rather than horizontal ones. Estimation of the zenith total delay is a commonly used technique for accounting for the tropospheric delay in static positioning. However, in the...
Opracowanie metodologii rozpoznawania i klasyfikowania emocji w filmach przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublikacjaCelem rozprawy doktorskiej jest opracowanie metodologii pozwalającej na rozpoznawanie i klasyfikację emocji w filmie za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych. W pracy przedstawiono tematykę związaną z kolorowaniem sceny filmowej w kontekście oddziaływania koloru na emocje widza. W celu analizy wpływu filmow na emocje widza dokonano wyboru tytułow filmowych, następnie przeprowadzono szereg wstępnych testow subiektywnych pozwalających...