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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CW FM SONAR
Wpływ substancji organicznej w ściekach na natlenienie pionowych złóż hydrofitowych
PublikacjaW procesie oczyszczania ścieków w złożach hydrofitowych z pionowym przepływem ścieków (z jęz. ang. Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland, VF-CW) istotne znaczenie ma dopływ tlenu. Obiekty badań stanowiły złoża pionowe stanowiące jeden z elementów biologicznego oczyszczania dwóch hybrydowych systemów hydrofitowych zlokalizowanych w Wieszynie i Wiklinie w woj. pomorskim. Analizowane złoża są zunifikowane pod względem budowy (materiału...
Dependence between quality and removal effectiveness of organic matter in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublikacjaW procesie oczyszczania ścieków w Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VF-CW) jednym z czynników jest dopływ tlenu. Niewystarczający dopływ tlenu do złoża może być przyczyną braku efektywności usuwania zanieczyszczeń, a więc wskazywać na niewłaściwą eksploatację obiektu.Obiekty badań stanowiły złoża pionowe stanowiące jeden z elementów biologicznego oczyszczania dwóch hybrydowych systemów hydrofitowych zlokalizowanych w Wieszynie...
Recent developnents in wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands in Poland
PublikacjaNowadays more than 100 constructed wetlands are in operation in Poland. Most of them are one stage wetland systems with horizontal subsurface flow. Such constructed wetlands ensure efficient removal of organic matter (BOD5, CODCr) and suspended solids but efficiency of nitrogen compounds removal in many cases is insufficient.In the period from 1995 to 2003 measurements of removal of contaminations in 11 individual pilot household...
Wpływ substancji organicznej na natlenienie i efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń w złożach hydrofitowych.
PublikacjaCelem pracy było rozpoznanie dynamki i akumulacji substancji organicznej (SO) w złożach hydrofitowych nawadnianych ściekami, jak również warunków wykluczających jej akumulację w gruncie, a zarazem zapewniających efektywne usuwanie zanieczyszczeń. W okresie 2 lat monitorowano trzy lokalne hybrydowe obiekty hydrofitowe działające w Polsce i Niemczech. Jakośc SO w ściekach określono na podstawie udziału stężenia ChZT charakteryzującego...
Kwadraturowy DDS z ułamkowo-opóźniającym filtrem o strukturze flash-Farrow.
PublikacjaW pracy omawiamy nieliniowy algorytm cyfrowego generatora z syntezą bezpośrednią, zwanego krótko DDS od ang. Direct Digital Synthesizer. Proponujemy nowy algorytm kwadraturowego DDS. Pozwala on osiągnąć zarówno wysoki stopień czystości generowanej sinusoidy kwadraturowej, jak i bardzo małe błędy modulacji częstotliwości (FM) przy małej pojemności pamięci ROM, od której zależy pobór mocy zasilania. Ponadto proponujemy nowe podejście...
On a 3D material modelling of smart nanocomposite structures
PublikacjaSmart composites (SCs) are utilized in electro-mechanical systems such as actuators and energy harvesters. Typically, thin-walled components such as beams, plates, and shells are employed as structural elements to achieve the mechanical behavior desired in these composites. SCs exhibit various advanced properties, ranging from lower order phenomena like piezoelectricity and piezomagneticity, to higher order effects including flexoelectricity...
Removal of selected sulfonamides and sulfonamide resistance genes from wastewater in full-scale constructed wetlands
PublikacjaSulfonamides are high-consumption antibiotics that reach the aquatic environment. The threat related to their presence in wastewater and the environment is not only associated with their antibacterial properties, but also with risk of the spread of drug resistance in bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of eight commonly used sulfonamides, sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and integrase genes...
Numerical Model of Surface and Quasi-Spherical Sea Noise and Its Application to Analysis of DIFAR Systems
PublikacjaVarious types of passive sonar systems are used to detect submarines. These activities are complex and demanding. Therefore, computer simulations are most often used at the design stage of these systems. For this reason, it is also necessary to simulate the acoustic ambient noise of the sea. The article proposes a new numerical model of surface and quasi-spherical sea noise and presents its statistical parameters. The results of...
Empirical verification in industrial conditions of fracture mechanics models of cutting power prediction
PublikacjaA comparison of experimental results obtained in the industrial conditions at a sawmill located in the Baltic Natural Forest Region (PL) and theoretical cutting power consumption forecasted with the models which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction has been described. In computations of cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) values of...
General concept of reduction process for big data obtained by interferometric methods
PublikacjaInterferometric sonar systems apply the phase content of the sonar signal to measure the angle of a wave front returned from the seafloor or from a target. It collect a big data – datasets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing application software is inadequate to deal with them. The recording a large number of data is associated with the difficulty of their efficient use. So data have to be reduced. The main...
Investigation of photothermolysis therapy of human skin diseases using optical phantoms
PublikacjaDermatological diseases, such as neurofibroma (Recklinghausen disease) or hemangiomas can be efficiently treated using photothermolysis from laser irradiation. We have utilized a developed 975 nm fiber diode laser as a low-cost alternative over common Nd:YAG lasers. This paper describes the investigations of interaction of 975 nm diode laser radiation-pulses with optical skin phantoms which were designed and manufactured in our...
Robot mobilny dla celów edukacyjnych.
PublikacjaPrzedstwiono ogólne problemy nawigacji w robotach mobilnych. Opisano konstrukcję mechaniczną, moduł komunikacyjny, sonar cyfrowy oraz płytę główną autonomicznego robota mobilnego przeznaczonego do zadań laboratoryjnych. Podano jego zasadę działania, opisano niektóre przeprowadzone badania oraz przedstawiono możliwości rozwojowe robota. Zasygnalizowano także, w jaki sposób zaspokoić potrzebę dużej mocy obliczeniowej na zazwyczaj...
Subjective and Objective Comparative Study of DAB+ Broadcast System
PublikacjaBroadcasting services seek to optimize their use of bandwidth in order to maximize user’s quality of experience. They aim to transmit high-quality digital speech and music signals at the lowest bitrate. They intend to offer the best quality under available conditions. Due to bandwidth limitations, audio quality is in conflict with the number of transmitted radio programs. This paper analyzes whether the quality of real-time digital...
Real-time web-based gis for analysis, visualization, and integration of marine environment data
PublikacjaWizaulizacja i integracja przestrzennych danych morskich zbieranych przez różnego rodzaju sensory i pochodzących z różnych źródeł stanowi istotny aspekt monitorowania środowiska morskiego. Ta praca przedstawia system GIS powstały na Katedrze Systemów Geoinformatycznych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. System umożliwia integrecję i wizualizację różnego rodzaju danych morskich, w szczególności pochodzących z sensorów akustycznych takich,...
Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods
PublikacjaSearching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...
Processing of Hydroacoustic and LiDAR Data for Three-dimensional Surface Reconstruction
PublikacjaThe technologies of sonar and laser scanning are commonly used for obtaining spatial information about underwater and over ground environments in the form of point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a more practical solution of visualising such data involves the creation of solid three-dimensional meshes composed of edges and facets. In this paper, several methods for 3D shape reconstruction of data obtained...
Automatic Analysis of Trajectories of Moving Objects
PublikacjaOngoing monitoring is essential to providing security and safety of maritime and air operations. This paper presents the research in the area of automatic analysis of movement of unrestricted vehicles like ships and air-planes. The analysis is aimed at extraction of trajectory information, and the results can be used to identify anomalous behaviour in archived and real-time data. In this paper we focus on data acquired using the...
On dynamic modeling of piezomagnetic/flexomagnetic microstructures based on Lord–Shulman thermoelastic model
PublikacjaWe study a time-dependent thermoelastic coupling within free vibrations of piezomagnetic (PM) microbeams considering the flexomagnetic (FM) phenomenon. The flexomagneticity relates to a magnetic field with a gradient of strains. Here, we use the generalized thermoelasticity theory of Lord–Shulman to analyze the interaction between elastic deformation and thermal conductivity. The uniform magnetic field is permeated in line with...
MgPd2Sb : A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
PublikacjaWe report the synthesis and physical properties of a full Heusler compound, MgPd2Sb, which we found toshow superconductivity belowTc=2.2K. MgPd2Sb was obtained by a two-step solid-state reaction methodand its purity and cubic crystal structure [Fm-3m,a=6.4523(1) Å] were confirmed by powder x-ray diffrac-tion. Normal and superconducting states were studied by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, andheat...
Photophysics of Soret-Excited Tin(IV) Porphyrins in Solution
PublikacjaThe photophysics of low-chlorin tin(IV) tetraphenylporphyrin dihydroxide, a core building block for axially substituted supramolecular tin porphyrin constructs, has been studied in a variety of hydrogen-bonding, nonpolar, and aprotic polar solvents using steady-state, nanosecond, and femtosecond time-resolved emission, and femtosecond time-resolved absorption methods. In hydrogen-bonding solvents the metalloporphyrin exists as...
Audio Content and Crowdsourcing: A Subjective Quality Evaluation of Radio Programs Streamed Online
PublikacjaRadio broadcasting has been present in our lives for over 100 years. The transmission of speech and music signals accompanies us from an early age. Broadcasts provide the latest information from home and abroad. They also shape musical tastes and allow many artists to share their creativity. Modern distribution involves transmission over a number of terrestrial systems. The most popular are analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and...
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The Fuzzy Analysis of Western Windfarm Transportation Safety
PublikacjaThe previously completed route planning research of Navigational Transportation Safety in the Taiwan Western wind farm analyzed delves into the expansion of sustainable wind energy and navigation safety together along the Taiwan Western for confronting the challenge of balancing resource coexistence and displacement. Previous studies primarily focused on route planning and vessel traffic density which developed the necessary comprehensive...
Assessment of metal removal in a surface flow constructed wetland treating landfill leachate
PublikacjaThe study concerns heavy metal retention and transformation processes in a free water surface constructed wetland treating landfill leachate in a temperate climate. The total effectiveness of heavy metals removal in the analyzed CW was evaluated basing on heavy metals inflow and outflow concentrations. The concentrations of eight heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd) in landfill leachate (LL) and sediments were measured....
Oczyszczalnie hydrofitowe w świetle przepisów UE
PublikacjaW pracy opisano dotychczasowe doświadczenia z eksploatacji tych obiektów. Wykazano, że złoża z pionowym przepływem ścieków (VF-CW) budowane w postaci złóż kompaktowych mogą być predystynowane jako oczyszczalnie przyzagrodowe zaś obiekty hybrydowe jako oczyszczalnie lokalne ze względu na wyższą i bardziej stabilną skuteczność usuwania zanieczyszczeń.Europejska Wytyczna 91/271/EC nakłada obowiązek zrealizowania kanalizacji na zamkniętych...
Application of Regression Line to Obtain Specified Number of Points in Reduced Large Datasets
PublikacjaModern measurement techniques like scanning technology or sonar measurements, provide large datasets, which are a reliable source of information about measured object, however such datasets are sometimes difficult to develop. Therefore, the algorithms for reducing the number of such sets are incorporated into their processing. In the reduction algorithms based on the...
Modeling of performance of a AUV vehicle towards limiting the hydro-acoustic field.
PublikacjaSome results of research devoted to the modeling of a AUV-Stealth vehicle performance towards limiting its hydro-acoustic field are presented in the paper. At the beginning the AUV-Stealth autonomous underwater vehicle concept is described. Then the method of research is introduced. Next the key design drivers of the AUV-Stealth vehicle are presented. Between them are the AUV-Stealth hull form, arrangement of internal spaces,...
Sensors and Sensor’s Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles
PublikacjaAutonomous vehicle navigation has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, and deep learning are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. New ideas such as 3D radar, 3D sonar, LiDAR, and others are based on autonomous vehicle revolutionary development. The Special...
Multibeam Echosounder and LiDAR in Process of 360-Degree Numerical Map Production for Restricted Waters with HydroDron
PublikacjaIn order to increase the safety of inland navigation and facilitate the monitoring of the coastal zone of restricted waters, a model of multi-sensory fusion of data from hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems mounted on the autonomous survey vessel HydroDron will be developed. In the research will be used the LiDAR laser scanner and multibeam echosounder. To increase the visual quality and map accuracy, additionally side scan...
Multibeam data processing for 3D object shape reconstruction
PublikacjaThe technology of hydroacoustic scanning offers an efficient and widely-used source of geospatial information regarding underwater environments, providing measurement data which usually have the structure of irregular groups of points known as point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a different form of representation based on representing surfaces with simple geometric structures, such as edges and facets,...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublikacjaThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Experiment with small objects floating under water in the harbor security aspect.
PublikacjaObservation of the underwater area is the element of general trend which primary purpose is to protect and enhance the safety of the selected region. The aim of the paper is to present the acoustic characteristics of typical objects floating on the surface or under the water, which constitute some knowledge on how to detect these objects. Create a catalog of acoustic signatures and acoustic images of objects mostly floating under...
Experimental tests of selected damping and sound-absorbing materials to determine their suitability for sound attenuation of hydroacoustic measuring tank
PublikacjaThe article contains a description and results of the measurements necessary to select the optimal material for damping two hydroacoustic measuring tanks according to simple suitability criteria, i.e. obtaining minimal sound reflections from the water surface, walls and bottom in these pools by covering the surfaces with sound-dispersing materials or acoustic absorbers. One will be larger (15x10x10 m) for measurements in the range...
Flexomagneticity in buckled shear deformable hard-magnetic soft structures
PublikacjaThis research work performs the first time exploring and addressing the flexomagnetic property in a shear deformable piezomagnetic structure. The strain gradient reveals flexomagneticity in a magnetization phenomenon of structures regardless of their atomic lattice is symmetrical or asymmetrical. It is assumed that a synchronous converse magnetization couples both piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic features into the material structure....
Thermal buckling of functionally graded piezomagnetic micro- and nanobeams presenting the flexomagnetic effect
PublikacjaGalerkin weighted residual method (GWRM) is applied and implemented to address the axial stability and bifurcation point of a functionally graded piezomagnetic structure containing flexomagneticity in a thermal environment. The continuum specimen involves an exponential mass distributed in a heterogeneous media with a constant square cross section. The physical neutral plane is investigated to postulate functionally graded material...
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Termodynamika, PG_00041776 ćw 2BOiJ
Kursy OnlineKierunek: Oceanotechnika (WOiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2019/2020 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 2)
Termodynamika, PG_00041776 ćw 1BOiJ
Kursy OnlineKierunek: Oceanotechnika (WOiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2019/2020 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 2)
Termodynamika, PG_00041776 ćw 3SiU
Kursy OnlineKierunek: Oceanotechnika (WOiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2019/2020 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 2)
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New Screening Protocol for Effective Green Solvents Selection of Benzamide, Salicylamide and Ethenzamide
PublikacjaNew protocol for screening efficient and environmentally friendly solvents was proposed and experimentally verified. The guidance for solvent selection comes from computed solubility via COSMO-RS approach. Furthermore, solute-solvent affinities computed using advanced quantum chemistry level were used as a rationale for observed solvents ranking. The screening protocol pointed out that 4-formylomorpholine (4FM) is an attractive...
Superconductivity in LiGa2Ir Heusler type compound with VEC = 16
PublikacjaPolycrystalline LiGa2Ir has been prepared by a solid state reaction method. A Rietveld refnement of powder x-ray difraction data confrms a previously reported Heusler-type crystal structure (space group Fm-3m, No. 225) with lattice parameter a= 6.0322(1) Å. The normal and superconducting state properties were studied by magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, and electrical resistivity techniques. A bulk superconductivity with...
A risk comparison framework for autonomous ships navigation
PublikacjaMaritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) may operate in three predefined operational modes (OM): manual, remote, or autonomous control. Determining the appropriate OM for MASS is important for operators and competent authorities that monitor and regulate maritime traffic in given areas. However, a science-based approach to this respect is currently unavailable. To assist the selection of the proper OM, this study presents a risk-based...
Late cultivars of cabbage can better cope with cadmium- involved stress than early one
PublikacjaThe usefulness of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea ssp. capitata L. f. alba) for phytoremediation of heavy metals (cadmium and zine) due to the rapid growth and a large biomass of its heads has been already described (Bączek-Kwinta et al., 2011. Kusznierewicz et al., 2012). As the photosynthetic apparatus supplies the whole plant with sugars necessary for various physiological processes and, in consequence, results in the yield,...
Hydrodron — New Step for Professional Hydrography for Restricted Waters
PublikacjaHydrographic surveys in restricted areas are becoming increasingly important, but often impossible to carry out with conventional hydrographic vessels. Presumably in this case an employment of unmanned vehicles is the only reasonable solution. As restricted water areas include, among others: harbours, roadsteads, rivers or lakes. The HydroDron platform, due to its mobility, can operate in the above-mentioned areas. It is adapted...
Adaptive identification of sparse underwater acoustic channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters
PublikacjaWe consider identification of sparse linear systems with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such systems are typical in underwater acoustics (UWA), for instance, in applications requiring identi- fication of the acoustic channel, such as UWA communications, navigation and continuous-wave sonar. The recently proposed fast local basis function (fLBF) algorithm provides high performance when identi- fying time-varying systems....
Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel
PublikacjaThe visualization of riverbeds and surface facilities on the banks is crucial for systems that analyze conditions, safety, and changes in this environment. Hence, in this paper, we propose collecting, and processing data from a variety of sensors—sonar, LiDAR, multibeam echosounder (MBES), and camera—to create a visualization for further analysis. For this purpose, we took measurements from sensors installed on an autonomous, unmanned...
WCh - TCh (ćw g2), Ch (ćw g2) Matematyka s1: 2021/22 (H.Guze)
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