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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOUNDING ROCKET

  • Ultrasonic diagnostics of concrete T-beams used in bridge structures


    This paper describes a method of ultrasonic diagnostics used for prefabricated concrete elements. The studies are focused on the applicability of nondestructive techniques based on impulse and wave packet induced elastic waves for the condition assessment of T-shaped bridge beams. Experimental tests were performed for the prestressed beam used for the superstructure of the viaduct on A1 highway near Toruń. In addition numerical...

  • Sytuacja gospodarcza Polski


    - Rok 2005

    Przystąpienie Polski w poczet państw należących do Wspólnoty Europejskiej w maju 2004 roku zobowiązuje nasz kraj w dalszej perspektywie do prowadzenia wspólnej polityki pieniężnej z krajami Eurolandu oraz przyjęcia waluty euro. Ocena gotowości polskiej gospodarki do zastąpienia złotego nową, europejską walutą opierać się będzie na weryfikacji wypełnienia przez nasz kraj nominalnych kryteriów konwergencji. W artkule przedstawiona...

  • Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification

    Mappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...

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  • Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT

    • P. Jagannathan
    • S. Gurumoorthy
    • A. Stateczny
    • P. B. Divakarachar
    • J. Sengupta

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    In recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...

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  • Computer-aided Analysis of Induced Sheath Voltages in High Voltage Power Cable System

    This paper concerns the effect of configuration of high voltage power cables on induced voltages in their metallic sheaths. One, two or three cables per phase and phase sequence of the cables are considered. Computing of the voltages was performed for a normal operation and in case of earth fault. Various ways of the sheaths bonding are considered as well. Shock hazard and voltage stress of non-metallic outer sheath of cables are...

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  • Analysis of different tillage implements with respect to reduced fuel consumption, tractor operating speed and its wheel slippage


    - Rok 2016

    Nowadays the prices of agricultural farm produced products are increasing with ant-speed and the prices of input for raising crops are increasing with rocket-speed. Therefore, there is a dire need to conduct some important studies to innovate the techniques which can lower the costs of crop production. In this context, this study was conducted to evaluate the consumption of fuel at different tillage implements, tractor operating...

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  • Determinants and effects of Poland’s road accidents in the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development – poviat level analysis for the years 2010-2019


    - Ekonomia i Środowisko - Rok 2022

    The objective of the research was to assess how selected factors influence road safety in Poland’s poviats. To that end, an analysis was conducted of road accident determinants and effects in the poviats in the years 2010-2019. The time horizon fits in with Goal 3.6. of Agenda 2030, which is to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020. The article pres-ents the analysis results for the...

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  • Correlation between the Reactivity and Spectroscopic Properties of N-Substituted Secondary Thioamides. New Intramolecular N• •H+• •N Binding Approach and Proton Complexes Based on Thioamide Ligation

    From a comparison of chem. shifts and wavenumbers of several secondary thioamides and amides having monocationic substituents attached to thiocarbamoyl or carbamoyl groups by a polymethylene chain, new intramol. unconventional N···H+···N H bonding effects were discovered.  It is argued that the CH2-N rotation is hindered and two +H···NHMe nonequiv. protons occur in a proton spectrum of hydrochloride RCH2C(S)NH(CH2)3NHMe-HCl...

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  • Mapping the Structural and Dynamic Determinants of pH-Sensitive Heparin Binding to Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor


    - BIOCHEMISTRY-US - Rok 2020

    Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF) is an immunomodulatory cytokine that is harnessed as a therapeutic. GMCSF is known to interact with other clinically important molecules, such as heparin, suggesting that endogenous and administered GMCSF has the potential to modulate orthogonal treatment outcomes. Thus, molecular level characterization of GMCSF and its interactions with biologically active compounds is critical...

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  • Hydration of Oxometallate Ions in Aqueous Solution



    The strength of hydrogen bonding to and structure of hydrated oxometallate ions in aqueous solution have been studied by double difference infrared (DDIR) spectroscopy and large-angle X-ray scattering (LAXS), respectively. Anions are hydrated by accepting hydrogen bonds from the hydrating water molecules. The oxygen atom of the permanganate and perrhenate ions form weaker and longer hydrogen bonds to water than the hydrogen bonds...

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  • Speech synthesis controlled by eye gazing


    A method of communication based on eye gaze controlling is presented. Investigations of using gaze tracking have been carried out in various context applications. The solution proposed in the paper could be referred to as ''talking by eyes'' providing an innovative approach in the domain of speech synthesis. The application proposed is dedicated to disabled people, especially to persons in a so-called locked-in syndrome who cannot...

  • Neoneo-Kantianizm - Transcendental Philosophy as a Reflection on Validity (Geltung)


    The article presents the philosophical thought of Rudolf Zocher, Wolfgang Cramer and Hans Wagner, whose theoretical stance can be dubbed Neoneo-Kantianism. The article investigates their philosophical output and argues that they developed a transcendental reflection of a different kind than that of Baden Neo-Kantianism. The transcendental reflection of Neoneo-Kantianism, especially in the work of Hans Wag-ner, takes on the topic...

  • Method of Decision-Making Logic Discovery in the Business Process Textual Data


    - Rok 2019

    Growing amount of complexity and enterprise data creates a need for novel business process (BP) analysis methods to assess the process optimization opportunities. This paper proposes a method of BP analysis while extracting the knowledge about Decision-Making Logic (DML) in a form of taxonomy. In this taxonomy, researchers consider the routine, semi-cognitive and cognitive DML levels as functions of BP conceptual aspects of Resources,...

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  • Dotacje unijne jako źródło finansowania innowacji w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach


    - Rok 2016

    Artykuł dotyczy wskazania możliwości pozyskania źródeł finansowania innowacji małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Przykładem tego mają być dostępne obecnie lub w przyszłości granty i fundusze unijne. W artykule przedstawiono owe dotacje i ogólne ich zasady z uwzględnieniem programu z jakiego pochodzą i dla jakiego podmiotu mają być dedykowane. Ponadto zaprezentowano propozycje na co mogą być przeznaczone środki z poszczególnych...

  • How much is Impact Factor worth?


    - Rok 2019

    The  purpose  of  this   work  is  to  present  an aspect  of  counting citations,  which is  correlated  to  the Impact  Factor,  very  important  for journals  in  scientific communication,   and   provides   information   about   the position of a scientific journal in a particular research area. Sometimes citations don’t count in a research output, e.g. if an article is  published  in a predatory  journal.  Those journals ...

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  • High Growth Aspirations of Nascent Entrepreneurs: Why Do They Fall?

    Intention-based research become more and more popular in various domains, including entrepreneurship. Achieving growth by a business must be planned or at least consciously accepted by the business owner. That is why it is vital to take growth intentions into account when trying to predict growth of business. Personal attitude of an entrepreneur towards growth is important from the very beginning of business operations or even...

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  • Materials for Mediator-free Electron Transfer in the Enzymatic Electrodes of Biobatteries and Biofuel Cells


    - ECS Transactions - Rok 2013

    We present functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and their application in the enzymatic fuel cells construction. SWCNTs were covalently modified with different types of aromatic moieties. Free radical reaction was employed to create direct carbon-carbon bond between moiety and SWCNTs. In second approach functionalization takes place through amide bonding. Functionalized SWCNTs were characterized by spectroscopy...

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  • Mobile application technology in levelling


    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2014

    The topic of this article is the use of mobile application technology in geodetic measurements with an emphasis on levelling. Reference points were registered as data from levelling benchmarks, performed with a traditional dumpy level. The created application allowed the recording of measurements on location, sending them to a remote server for processing and preparing a report to be saved in a database. The project was to decrease...

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  • Development of beltless respiration and heartbeat sensor based on flexible piezoelectric film

    The main goal of this work is to report initial development on a respiration and heartbeat measurement sensor that can be used in continuous monitoring conditions at a minimal impact on the patient. General description of the sensor, consisting of a PVDF film and the bonding layer, is given. Open-circuit voltage generated by the sensor is estimated by analytical and numerical calculations. Analog and digital interface used to extract...

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  • The Influence of Different Hydrothermal Processes Used in the Preparation of Brussels Sprouts on the Availability of Glucosinolates to Humans

    • A. Sadowska-Rociek
    • J. Doniec
    • B. Kusznierewicz
    • T. Dera
    • A. Filipiak-Florkiewicz
    • A. Florkiewicz

    - Foods - Rok 2024

    Cruciferous vegetables represent a valuable source of bioactive compounds. However, there is currently a deficiency of information regarding the extent to which these compounds remain bioaccessible to the body following thermal treatment and digestion processes within the digestive tract. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of heat treatment and in vitro digestion on the level of selected bioactive compounds...

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  • The supramolecular organization of self-assembling chlorosomal bacteriochlorophyll c, d, or e mimics

    • T. Jochum
    • C. M. Reddy
    • A. Eichhofer
    • G. Buth
    • J. Szmytkowski
    • H. Kalt
    • D. Moss
    • T. S. Balaban


    Bacteriochlorophylls (BChls) c, d, and e are the main light-harvesting pigments of green photosynthetic bacteria that self-assemble into nanostructures within the chlorosomes forming the most efficient antennas of photosynthetic organisms. All previous models of the chlorosomal antennae, which are quite controversially discussed because no single crystals could be grown so far from these organelles, involve a strong hydrogen-bonding...

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  • Cellulosic bionanocomposites based on acrylonitrile butadiene rubber and Cuscuta reflexa: adjusting structure-properties balance for higher performance

    • M. Dominic C.D.
    • R. Joseph
    • P. S. Begum
    • A. S. Kumar
    • P. A. Jeemol
    • T. Jose
    • D. Padmanabhan
    • K. Formela
    • S. Siengchin
    • J. Parameswaranpillai
    • M. Saeb

    - CELLULOSE - Rok 2021

    Design and manufacture of cellulosic nanocomposites with acceptable performance is in the period of a transition from fantasy to reality. Typically, cellulosic nanofillers reveal poor compatibility with polymer matrices. Thus, adjusting the balance between structure and properties of cellulosic bionanocomposites by careful selection of parent ingredients is the first priority. Herein, we incorporated Cuscuta reflexa derived cellulose...

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  • The Impact of Long-Time Chemical Bonds in Mineral-Cement-Emulsion Mixtures on Stiffness Modulus

    Deep cold in-place recycling is the most popular method of reuse of existing old and deteriorated asphalt layers of road pavements. In Poland, in most cases, the Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixture technology is used, but there are also applications combining foamed bitumen and cement. Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixtures contain two different binding agents – cement as well as asphalt from the asphalt emulsion. Asphalt creates asphalt...

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  • Multiple access in ad-hoc wireless LANs with noncooperative stations


    - Rok 2002

    A class of contention-type MAC protocols (e.g., CSMA/CA) relies on random deferment of packet transmission, and subsumes a deferment selection strategy and a scheduling policy that determines the winner of each contention cycle. This paper examines contention-type protocols in a noncooperative an ad-hoc wireless LAN setting, where a number of stations self-optimise their strategies to obtain a more-than-fair bandwidth share. Two...

  • Flow Control Algorithm for UMTS HSDPA


    - Rok 2005

    HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) jest istotnym etapem ewolucji systemu UMTS. Pozwala na transmisję do użytkownika z prędkością dochodzącą do 14.4 Mbit/s; aby to umożliwić, wprowadzono w wersji 5 UMTS szereg nowych mechanizmów w warstwie fizycznej oraz MAC. W tej pracy przedstawiono szczegółową analizę jednego z nowych mechanizmów - algorytmu kontroli natężenia ruchu między MAC-hs i MAC-d. Zaproponowano nowy, efektywny...

  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, casualty reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland - the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, fatality reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Współpracować i konkurować w szkolnictwie wyższym – czy to ma sens? Analiza wybranych związków statystycznych


    Cel: Celem głównym artykułu jest wykazanie, że współpraca i pozycja konkurencyjna uczelni są ze sobą powiązane. Celem szczegółowym jest wykazanie, że sukces, jakim jest uzyskanie finansowania projektu badawczego jest powiązany z poziomem współpracy międzynarodowej konkurujących uczelni, a także z relacją liczby studentów do liczby nauczycieli akademickich. Materiał i metoda: W artykule przyjęto metodę ilościową, której elementem...

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  • Criteria for evaluation and selection of the best offer for the Contract Engineer service

    The purpose of the legal regulations regarding public procurement in EU countries is to ensure effective funds' spending. When assessing and selecting the best offer, the contracting entities have at their disposal many different criteria, including non-price criteria. Their proper selection and application is necessary to ensure the high quality of the ordered product, delivery or service. Making an order for intellectual services,...

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  • Elastic wave propagation for condition assessment of steel bar embedded in mortar

    This study deals with experimental and numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in steel bars partially embedded in mortar. The bars with different bonding lengths were tested. Two types of damage were considered: damage of the steel bar and damage of the mortar. Longitudinal waves were excited by a piezoelectric actuator and a vibrometer was used to non-contact measurements of velocity signals. Numerical calculations...

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  • Decision making techniques for electronic communication: an example for Turkey


    - Rok 2017

    Communication is the way for people exchanging information with each other by using various tools. Electronic communication or Ecommunication is the process of sending, receiving and processing information or messages electronically. Electronic communication that is closely related to the development levels of countries, has made considerable progress especially in terms technology, innovation and entrepreneur. In this study, it...

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  • Creating new voices using normalizing flows

    • P. Biliński
    • T. Merritt
    • A. Ezzerg
    • K. Pokora
    • S. Cygert
    • K. Yanagisawa
    • R. Barra-Chicote
    • D. Korzekwa

    - Rok 2022

    Creating realistic and natural-sounding synthetic speech remains a big challenge for voice identities unseen during training. As there is growing interest in synthesizing voices of new speakers, here we investigate the ability of normalizing flows in text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) modes to extrapolate from speakers observed during training to create unseen speaker identities. Firstly, we create an approach for TTS...

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  • Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.


    - Rok 2013

    The purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...

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  • High frequency impulse ground penetrating radar application in assessment of interlayer connections


    - Rok 2018

    Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique is commonly used in the nondestructive evaluation of pavement structures. In particular, this method is used to estimate thicknesses of pavement layers as well as it can be utilized in advanced studies of pavement structures. The device presented in this paper comprise the high frequency impulse antennas that allow for investigating the interlayer zones in terms of their electromagnetic...

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  • Effect of Aromatic System Expansion on Crystal Structures of 1,2,5-Thia- and 1,2,5-Selenadiazoles and Their Quaternary Salts: Synthesis, Structure, and Spectroscopic Properties


    - Materials - Rok 2020

    Rational manipulation of secondary bonding interactions is a crucial factor in the construction of new chalcogenadiazole-based materials. This article reports detailed experimental studies on phenanthro[9,10-c][1,2,5]chalcogenadiazolium and 2,1,3-benzochalcogenadiazolium salts and their precursors. The compounds were synthesized, characterized employing NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. TD-DFT calculations were also performed. The influence...

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  • Determining QoS in the Video Telephony Service in an IP Environment



    IP networks are indispensable nowadays. They are among the most efficient platforms. The constantly growing number of users and new services in these networks - the largest being the Internet - requires a good quality of any application used.Determining the QoS in real-time services is particularly important. This work is dedicated to exactly this aspect of the real-time service Video Telephony over IP (VToIP). First, the ITU-T...


    The primary aim of this paper is to present a new application which is at this moment the only open source real-time VoIP quality monitoring tool that supports IPv6 networks. The application can keep VoIP system administrators provided at any time with up-to-date voice quality information. Multiple quality scores that are automatically obtained throughout each call reflect influence of variable packet losses and delays on voice...


    • J. Badur
    • P. Ziółkowski

    - Rok 2013

    It is well-known that, nano-mechanics should take into account not only physical phenomena occuring within the bulk but, first of all, the physical phenomena appropriate for a surface of two materials contact. The huge volume density of internal surfaces as well countours lines located within the nanomaterial results in our interest in, apart from classical form of mass, momentum and entropy transport, those modes of transportation...

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  • Recovering Evaluation of Narrow-Kerf Teeth of Mini Sash Gang Saws


    - Materials - Rok 2021

    Sash gang saws with narrow-kerf saw blades are used in the production of glued laminate flooring elements in plants where dry technology is applied. This means that boards or friezes are sawn into top layer lamellae in dry conditions (moisture content of about 10–12%) from expensive wood species, often exotic. The object of this research was stellite-tipped teeth of narrow kerf saw blades sharpened under industrial conditions....

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  • Sound engineering as our commitment to its creators in Poland

    Sound engineering is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding domain. It covers many aspects, such as sound perception, studio and sound mastering technology, music information retrieval including content-based search systems and automatic music transcription frameworks, sound synthesis, sound restoration, electroacoustics, and other ones constituting multimedia technology. Moreover, machine learning methods applied to the topics...

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  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory. A practical approach : Second edition


    The second edition defines the tools used in QA/QC, especially the application of statistical tools during analytical data treatment. Clearly written and logically organized, it takes a generic approach applicable to any field of analysis. The authors begin with the theory behind quality control systems, then detail validation parameter measurements, the use of statistical tests, counting the margin of error, uncertainty estimation,...

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  • Cybersecurity Assessment Methods—Why Aren’t They Used?


    A recent survey of cybersecurity assessment methods proposed in academic and research environments revealed that their adoption in operational settings was extremely scarce. At the same time, the frameworks developed by industrial communities have been met with broad reception. The question arises of what contributed to the success of the methods. To answer it, three-part research that employed evaluation criteria, qualitative...

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  • A study on the interaction of rhodamine B with methylthioadenosine phosphorylase protein sourced from an Antarctic soil metagenomic library.


    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2013

    The presented study examines the phenomenon of the fluorescence under UV light excitation (312 nm) of E. coli cells expressing a novel metagenomic-derived putative methylthioadenosine phosphorylase gene, called rsfp, grown on LB agar supplemented with a fluorescent dye rhodamine B. For this purpose, an rsfp gene was cloned and expressed in an LMG194 E. coli strain using an arabinose promoter. The resulting RSFP protein was purified...

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  • Rigid finite elements and multibody modelling used in estimation and reduction of rod vibrations

    In the paper, a mechanical set composed of a robot (manipulator) and of an elastic beam is considered. The beam is fixed to the top of the robot structure. In most of the similar cases, undesired vibrations can be excited in the beam. They are especially significant, when dynamics in the robot braking period is examined. In the paper, estimation and modification of length of the braking period is proposed, in order to reduce the...

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  • Enhanced Mobility and Large Linear Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance in the Magnetically Ordered States of TmNiC2

    We have studied the magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of TmNiC2. We find that the antiferromagnetic and field induced metamagnetic and ferromagnetic orderings do not suppress the charge density wave. The persistence of Fermi surface pockets, open as a result of imperfect nesting accompanying the Peierls transition, results in an electronic carriers mobility of the order of 4 × 103 cm2 V−1 s−1 in ferromagnetic...

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  • Direct design of Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC) based on in-situ testing


    - Rok 2023

    In this paper, the serviceability limit state and bearing capacity of tension screw displacement piles were analyzed using the results of static pile load tests, carried out on the test plot near the Elbląg city, and field, and laboratory tests. The paper presents the methodology of determining the pile load-settlement curve using different types of t-z transfer functions. The new method of constructing the pile load-settlement...

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  • Filtering EBG Structures Implemented in Coplanar Waveguide Feedline of Planar Slot Antenna


    A novel compact dual-band slot antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) incorporating electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures has been proposed. At first, a classic wideband slot antenna fed by a CPW, dedicated to work in 2 ÷ 18 GHz band, has been designed. Subsequently, by adding simple EBG filtering structures into a CPW feedline, a dual-band performance ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 GHz and from 13.5 to 16.3 GHz, with the voltage...

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  • Mikro- i makrootoczenie jako determinanta ryzyka kredytowego banków komercyjnych w Polsce

    Banki jako instytucje finansowe, działające w turbulentnym otoczeniu, ze względu na znaczenie działalności kredytowej w kształtowaniu ich podstawowych parametrów ekonomiczno - finansowych, powinny ze szczególną uwagą analizować wszelkie sygnały z niego płynące. Zarówno mikrootoczenie ) jak i makrootoczenie wpływają na standing banków i ich postrzeganie przez obecnych i potencjalnych klientów, w szczególności decydują o wynikach...

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  • Nanosorbents as Materials for Extraction Processes of Environmental Contaminants and Others


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2022

    The aim of this work focuses on the application of nanomaterials (NMs) in different sorp- tive extraction techniques for the analysis of organic contaminants from environmental samples of distinct matrix compositions. Without any doubt, the integration of specific NMs such as carbona- ceous nanomaterials, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), silica na- noparticles, and ion-imprinted NPs with so lid-phase...

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  • Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications


    Development of the so-called global navigation satellite system (GNSS) meteorology is based on the possibility of determining a precipitable water vapor (PWV) from a GNSS zenith wet delay (ZWD). Conversion of ZWD to the PWV requires application of water vapor weighted mean temperature (Tm) measurements, which can be done using a surface temperature (Ts) and its linear dependency to the Tm. In this study we analyzed up to 24 years...

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