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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FAST FASHION
Wide-band modulation and adaptive equalization techniques for fast and reliable underwater data transmission.
PublikacjaSzybkość transmisji w płytkim kanale podwodnym jest ograniczona ze względu na wielokrotne odbicia fal dźwiękowych oraz niestacjonarność kanału. Dla zapewnienia szybkiej i niezawodnej transmisji danych w systemach komunikacji stosowane są złożone techniki modulacji oraz equalizacji kanału. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie modulacji OFDM oraz equalizacji adaptacyjnej w systemie komunikacji podwodnej. Modulacja OFDM stosowana...
New, fast and cheap prediction tests for BRCA1 gene mutations identification in clinical samples.
PublikacjaDespite significant progress in cancer therapy, cancer is still the second cause of mortality in the world. The necessity to make quick therapeutic decisions forces the development of procedures allowing to obtain a reliable result in a quick and unambiguous manner. Currently, detecting predictive mutations, including BRCA1, is the basis for effectively treating advanced breast cancer. Here, we present new insight on gene mutation...
Integrated model for the fast assessment of flood volume: Modelling – management, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
PublikacjaThe specific flood volume is an important criterion for assessing the performance of sewage networks. It has been shown that its value is greatly influenced by the layout of the sewers in the catchment area, which is usually expressed by a fractal dimension. Currently, only mechanistic models (such as SWMM) enable the determination of the impact of the layout of the sewers on flooding volume, but they require additional and robust...
Fast Algorithms for Identification of Time-Varying Systems with Both Smooth and Discontinuous Parameter Changes
PublikacjaThe problem of noncausal identification of a time-varying linear system subject to both smooth and occasional jump-type changes is considered and solved using the preestimation technique combined with the basis function approach to modeling the variability of system parameters. The proposed estimation algorithms yield very good parameter tracking results and are computationally attractive.
Efficient method for octahedral NH2-MIL-125 (Ti) synthesis: Fast and mild conditions
PublikacjaA new hot injection method for preparing octahedral NH2-MIL-125 (Ti) was developed. This method is six times faster and conducted under milder conditions, i.e., at 120°C in a flask, and exhibits higher crystal formation efficiency than the commonly used solvothermal method while maintaining comparable structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties.
Fast Machine-Learning-Enabled Size Reduction of Microwave Components Using Response Features
PublikacjaAchieving compact size has emerged as a key consideration in modern microwave design. While structural miniaturization can be accomplished through judicious circuit architecture selection, precise parameter tuning is equally vital to minimize physical dimensions while meeting stringent performance requirements for electrical characteristics. Due to the intricate nature of compact structures, global optimization is recommended,...
SCRAMBLE’N’GAMBLE: a tool for fast and facile generation of random data for statistical evaluation of QSAR models
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Community innovators: 'shock troops' of the new order or safety brake in the era of 'fast policy'?
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera krytyczną analizę zinstytucjonalizowanej innowacji w zakresie polityki przestrzennej. Hasło kongresu ''szybkie planowanie'' jest interpretowane jako strategia modernizacyjna, mogąca w efekcie preferować ograniczoną liczbę prorynkowych modeli rozwoju i rolę głosu eksperckiego. Artykuł podsumowuje pierwsze doświadczenia związane ze społecznym oporem przeciwko takim formom kształtowania polityki rozwoju miast w Polsce.
The fast identification of explosives, natcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers
PublikacjaThe fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is an advanced technique used in state-of-the art laboratories for fast identification of chemicals. No sample preparation is required, and identification can be carried out through transparent packing, such as plastic or glass,...
Fast EM-driven optimization using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublikacjaA robust and computationally efficient technique for microwave design optimization is presented. Our approach exploits variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulation models and adjoint sensitivities. The low-fidelity EM model correction is realized by means of space mapping (SM). In the optimization process, the SM parameters are optimized together with the design itself, which allows us to keep the number...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublikacjaThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
Fast frequency sweep based on the model order reduction technique for calculating scattering parametersjinjFDFDj
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje ulepszoną, efektywną metodę przemiatania częstotliwościowego dla metody FDFD. Liczba równań opisujących analizowaną strukturę jest redukowana za pomocą metody redukcjirzędu modeli, a następnie macierz wynikowa jest diagonalizowana. Kosztowne czasowo odwracanie dużych macierzy jest zastąpione prostym mnożeniem małej macierz diagonalnej przez wektor. Zaprezentowana metoda przemiatania częstotliwościowego może...
Computing methods for fast and precise body surface area estimation of selected body parts
PublikacjaCurrently used body surface area (BSA) formulas give satisfactory results only for individuals with typical physique, while for elderly, obese or anorectic people accurate results cannot be expected. Particularly noteworthy are the results for individuals with severe obesity (body-mass index greater than 35 kg/m2), for which BSA estimation errors reached 80%. The main goal of our study is the development of precise BSA models for...
Fast Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization Using Sequential Domain Patching and Multifidelity Models
PublikacjaExploration of design tradeoffs for aerodynamic surfaces requires solving of multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems. The major bottleneck here is the time-consuming evaluations of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model used to capture the nonlinear physics involved in designing aerodynamic surfaces. This, in conjunction with a large number of simulations necessary to yield a set of designs representing the best possible...
Unidirectional DC/DC Converter with Voltage Inverter for Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries
PublikacjaThe paper proposes the adaptation of the industrial plant’s power network to supply electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging converters (above 300 kW) using renewable energy sources (RESs). A 600 V DC microgrid was used to supply energy from RESs for the needs of variable speed motor drives and charging of EV batteries. It has been shown that it is possible to support the supply of drive voltage frequency converters (VFCs) and charging...
Analysis of AC/DC/DC Converter Modules for Direct Current Fast-Charging Applications
PublikacjaThe paper is a comprehensive laboratory comparison study of two galvanic isolated solution off-board battery chargers: (1) Si-based cost-effective case, and (2) SiC-bidirectional ready for vehicle to grid concept case. All circuits are modular, and in both cases the DC/DC converter can be replaced according to the end user requirements (the coupled transformer remains the same and is constructed based on 12xC100 cores to avoid...
Fusion of data from AIS and tracking radar for the needs of ECDIS
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Analysis of data fusion algorithms for the vessel with the dynamic positioning system
PublikacjaThe dynamic positioning (DP) system on the vessel is operated to control the position and heading of the vessel with the use of propellers and thrusters installed on the board. On DP vessels redundant measurement systems of position, heading and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces are required for safety at sea. In this case, a fusion of data is needed from individual measurement devices. The article proposes a...
Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublikacjaRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
Evaluation of Decision Fusion Methods for Multimodal Biometrics in the Banking Application
PublikacjaAn evaluation of decision fusion methods based on Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) and its modifications is presented in the article, studied over real biometric data from the engineered multimodal banking client verification system. First, the approaches for multimodal biometric data fusion for verification are explained. Then the proposed implementation of comparison scores fusion is presented, including details on the application...
Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu w branży odzieżowej - perspektywa polskiego konsumenta
PublikacjaPrzesunięcie produkcji do krajów dotkniętych ubóstwem towarzyszy podejściu kładącemu nacisk na szybkie odpowiedzialność i tanie udostępnianie trendów modowych konsumentom oraz systemowi wytwarzania opartemu na popycie biznesu, w przemyśle odzieżowym. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na: świadomość, postawy, zachowania etyczne oraz zrównoważony sposób postrzegania jakości produktów „fast fashion” w perspektywie społecznej odpowiedzialności....
The Sustainable Link - the Haze of the Past in the Future
PublikacjaThe aim of the topic is to explore the site by focusing on historical elements and life cycle thinking. The history and sustainability will thereby be the core approach and method during the ongoing design process. These themes will encourage the interdisciplinary and iterative design process.
Geodesic monitoring of tower and mast structures
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono obciążenia jakim są poddawane konstrukcje wieżowe i masztowe. Opisano zakres oraz wymagania dotyczące pomiarów geodezyjnych przeprowadzanych w czasie eksploatacji konstrukcji smukłych. Wskazano metody pomiaru oraz zaprezentowano niektóre sposoby pomiaru w praktyce. Zamieszczono wyniki pomiarów przemieszczeń elektrowni wiatrowej o mocy 2 MW i wysokości elementu wsporczego 80 m oraz zaprezentowano pomiary...
Jewish Communities in Azerbaijan: Past and Present
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Structure and properties of magnesium cast alloys
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Charging of the cast iron lapping tools.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono technikę i technologię zbrojenia wymuszonego powierzchni docieraków tarczowych. Omówiono konstrukcję przyrządu oraz wyniki badań intensywności zbrojenia docieraków mikroziarnami węglika krzemu. Analizowano docieraki z żeliwa szarego i sferoidalnego oraz mikroziaren o numerze 320 i 300.
Concrete elements cast in febric forms
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych elementów betonowych wylewanych w wiotkich formach wykonanych z materiałów syntetycznych. Badania przeprowadzono dla modelu ściany/słupa. Zbadano mechaniczne i chemiczne własności 10 różnych materiałów syntetycznych. Wybrano materiał o przepuszczalności umożliwiającej wykonanie monolitycznej konstrukcji. Z 12 zbadanych mieszanek betonowych do dalszej analizy wyselekcjonowano trzy. Badania...
A 3D-FEM mesh technique for fast analysis of waveguide problems containing rotatable tuning elements
PublikacjaIn this paper a meshing technique for 3D Finite Element Method is presented. It allows for fast analysis and optimization of the waveguide structures, which contain rotatable tuning elements. In the proposed procedure a thin layer of varying cylindrical mesh buffer is introduced in order to reuse unchanged mesh and FEM matrices in the rest of the domain.
Poultry meat freshness evaluation using electronic nose technology and ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaTo ensure that chicken meat products are safe to consume, it is important to be able to reliably determine its shelf-life. To assess the applicability of ultra-fast gas chromatography and electronic nose technology in evaluation of poultry, an analysis of the headspace of ground chicken meat samples refrigerated over a period of 7 days was performed. Chemometric techniques were used to mine additional information from a multiparametric...
f-Cycles - a new approach to providing fast service recovery at low backup capacity overhead
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano klasowy algorytm doboru tras przeżywalnych, wykorzystujący autorską koncepcję f-Cykli ochronnych. Celem podejścia było zminimializowanie wartości czasu odtwarzania uszkodzonych strumieni ruchu. Cel ten został osiągnięty poprzez dostosowanie wielkości obszaru ochrony w zależności od klasy usług. Badania symulacyjne pokazały, że wykorzystując autorką koncepcję f-Cykli ochronnych, możliwe jest również jednoczesne...
A novel class-based protection algorithm providing fast service recovery in IP/WDM networks
PublikacjaW artykule rozważa się warstwową strukturę sieci IP-MPLS/WDM. Węzły sieci mają funkcjonalność zarówno optycznych krotnic transferowych (OXC), jak i routerów IP. Dowolne dwa routery IP mogą być ze sobą połączone poprzez logiczne łącze IP realizowane przez ścieżkę optyczną WDM. Zaproponowano metodę klasową doboru tras przeżywalnych zapewniającą szybkie odtwarzanie uszkodzonych strumieni ruchu zarówno w warstwie WDM jak i IP-MPLS....
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Fast and Accurate Assessment of Transthoracic Echocardiogram Image Quality
PublikacjaHigh-quality echocardiogram images are the cornerstone of accurate and reliable measurements of the heart. Therefore, this study aimed to develop, validate and compare machine learning and deep learning algorithms for accurate and automated assessment of transthoracic echocardiogram image quality. In total, 4090 single-frame two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram...
Continuous wave methods applied in determining the velocity of fast ultrasonic waves in saturated porous media
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SU‐GG‐T‐357: Initial Evaluation of a Fast Optical CT Scanner for Gel Dosimetry
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Optimized IP-based vs. explicit paths for one-to-one backup in MPLS fast reroute
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Comments on ''An innovative fast powerful method for tackling electromagnetic eigenvalue problems for multistrip transmission lines''
PublikacjaPraca stanowi komentarz do publikacji Casanuevy i Garcii dotyczącej techniki szybkiego obliczania charakterystyk dyspersyjnych falowodów z niejednorodnym wypełnieniem. Zwrócono uwagę na niepotrzebną komplikację zagadnienia poprzez zastosowanie techniki rozkładu na wartości szczególne.
Fast and accurate vision-based pattern detection and identification using color and grey image segmentation
PublikacjaPraca opisuje niewymagającą obliczeniowo metodę wykrywania i identyfikacji robotów mobilnych, która może być wykorzystywana w zawodach gry robotów w piłkę nożną. Wykrywanie robotów opiera się na przetwarzaniu obrazu otrzymanego z kamery. Zasadniczym elementem przetwarzania obrazu jest jego segmentacja opierająca się na rozpoznaniu koloru w systemie HSI.
Low-Voltage LDO Regulator Based on Native MOS Transistor with Improved PSR and Fast Response
PublikacjaIn this paper, a low-voltage low-dropout analog regulator (ALDO) based on a native n-channel MOS transistor is proposed. Application of the native transistor with the threshold voltage close to zero allows elimination of the charge pump in low-voltage regulators using the pass element in a common drain configuration. Such a native pass transistor configuration allows simplification of regulator design and improved performance,...
Application of a magnetically separable Zr-MOF for fast extraction of palladium before its spectrophotometric detection
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A Fast Method of Separation of the Noisy Background from the Head-Cross Section in the Sequence of MRI Scans
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method of removing the noisy background from the sequence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRl) scans. The sequence of scans is required in order to monitor a passage of a contrast agent through the brain tissue. The scans contain the noisy head-cross data and also the noisy background data. The latter has to be removed and excluded from a further analysis. It is achieved by applying some basic morphological...
Comparison of Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using Prototype of Electronic Nose and Fast/Flash GC
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. In case of the prototype volatile fraction of the agricultural distillate was prepared via barbotage process. HERACLES II analysed the...
Simulation-Based Design of Microstrip Linear Antenna Arrays Using Fast Radiation Response Surrogates
PublikacjaFast yet accurate technique for simulation-based design of linear arrays of microstrip patch antennas is presented. Our technique includes: (i) optimization of the corrected array factor of the antenna array under design for a phase excitation taper resulting in reduced side lobes; (ii) simulation-driven optimization of the array element for element dimensions resulting in matching at and about operational frequency, and (iii)...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Optimization Using Sequential Patching and Variable-Fidelity EM Models
PublikacjaIn this work, a technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures is presented. In our approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting design objectives is obtained by means of sequential patching of the design space. The latter is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs (obtained...
Fast EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures by means of adjoint sensitivities and trust regions
PublikacjaIn this letter, a simple yet robust and computationally efficient optimization technique for explicit size reduction of antenna structures is presented. Our approach directly handles the antenna size as the main design objective, while ensuring satisfactory electrical performance by means of suitably defined penalty functions. For the sake of accuracy, the antenna structure is evaluated using high-fidelity EM simulation. In order...
Novel analytical method for detection of orange juice adulteration based on ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaThe food authenticity assessment is an increasingly important issue in food quality and safety. The application of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique enables rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food samples. Due to the fact that this technique provides chemical profiling of natural products, it can be a powerful tool for authentication in combination with chemometrics. In this article,...
Fast multi-objective optimization of antenna structures by means of data-driven surrogates and dimensionality reduction
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antenna structures needs to account for several and often conflicting objectives. These are pertinent to both electrical and field properties of the antenna but also its geometry (e.g., footprint minimization). For practical reasons, especially to facilitate efficient optimization, single-objective formulations are most often employed, through either a priori preference articulation, objective aggregation,...
Fast Real-Time RDFT- and GDFT-Based Direct Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drive
PublikacjaThis paper presents the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a direct fault harmonic identification approach in a converter-fed electric drive for automated diagnosis purposes. On the basis of the analytical model of the proposed real-time direct fault diagnosis, the fault-related harmonic component is calculated using recursive DFT (RDFT) and Goertzel DFT (GDFT), applied instead of the full spectrum calculations...
On Fast Multi-objective Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Pareto Front Triangulation and Inverse Surrogates
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antenna systems is a challenging endeavor, where conceptual developments and initial parametric studies, interleaved with topology evolution, are followed by a meticulous adjustment of the structure dimensions. The latter is necessary to boost the antenna performance as much as possible, and often requires handling several and often conflicting objectives, pertinent to both electrical and field properties...
Fast and reliable knowledge-based design closure of antennas by means of iterative prediction-correction scheme
PublikacjaA novel framework for expedited antenna optimization with an iterative prediction-correction scheme is proposed. The methodology is comprehensively validated using three real-world antenna structures: narrow-band, dual-band and wideband, optimized under various design scenarios. The keystone of the proposed approach is to reuse designs pre-optimized for various sets of performance specifications and to encode them into metamodels...
Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Computation of Scattering Parameters of Electromagnetic Systems
PublikacjaThis paper attempts to develop a new automated multipoint model-order reduction (MOR) technique, based on matching moments of the system input–output function, which would be suited for fast and accurate computation of scattering parameters for electromagnetic (EM) systems over a wide frequency band. To this end, two questions are addressed. Firstly, the cost of the wideband reduced model generation is optimized by automating a...