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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PEEK bushing

  • Concrete mix design using machine learning


    Designing a concrete mix is a process of synthesizing many components, it is not a simple process and requires extensive technical knowledge. The design process itself focuses on obtaining the required strength of concrete. Very often designing a concrete mix takes into account the need to maintain the proper water-demand and frost-resistance features. The parameters that influence the concrete class most significantly are the...

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  • Measuring Tilt with an IMU Using the Taylor Algorithm


    This article addresses the important problem of tilt measurement and stabilization. This is particularly important in the case of drone stabilization and navigation in underwater environments, multibeam sonar mapping, aerial photogrammetry in densely urbanized areas, etc. The tilt measurement process involves the fusion of information from at least two different sensors. Inertial sensors (IMUs) are unique in this context because...

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  • Heat transfer augmentation using liquid crystal

    Praca przedstawia zastosowanie techniki wizualizacji ciekłokrystalicznej dobadań wymiany ciepła na płaskiej powierzchni z zaburzaczami. Folia ciekło-krystaliczna została umieszczona na powierzchni, aby określić przebieg izoterm. Obraz rejestrowano kamerą JVC, a następnie analizowano komputerowo. Procedura eksperymentalna pozwala na otrzymanie pełnej informacji dotyczącej wymiany ciepła (na powierzchni płaskiej z elementami ustawionymi...

  • Interaction with medical data using QR-codes


    Bar-codes and QR-codes (Quick Response ) are often used in healthcare. In this paper an application of QR-codes to exchange of laboratory results is presented. The secure data exchange is proposed between a laboratory and a patient and between a patient and Electronic Health Records. Advanced Encryption Standard was used to provide security of data encapsulated within a QR-code. The experimental setup, named labSeq is described....

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  • Business processes implementation using agent systems


    - Rok 2012

    This paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...

  • Degradation of xylose using a microbial fuel cell

    It is generally known, that many kind of microorganisms are capable of using carbohydrates as a source of carbon and energy in an environment. The biodegradation process of monosaccharides from pentoses (in this case- racemic mixture of D - and L – xylose) is an immense opportunity for an entire reduction of biological contamination to neutral compounds through MFC. The process is occurred in a single-chamber MFC, which is contained...

  • Algorithms of chemicals detection using raman spectra

    Raman spectrometers are devices which enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices utilize the Raman phenomenon to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives)without the necessity of their preparation. Now, Raman devices can be portable and therefore can be more widely used to improve security at public places. Unfortunately, Raman spectra measurements is a challenge...

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  • Analyzing sets of phylogenetic trees using metrics


    The reconstruction of evolutionary trees is one of the primary objectives in phylogenetics. Such a tree represents historical evolutionary relationships between different species or organisms. Tree comparisons are used for multiple purposes, from unveiling the history of species to deciphering evolutionary associations among organisms and geographical areas. In this paper, we describe a general method for comparing phylogenetictrees...

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  • Multimedia interface using head movements tracking

    The presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...

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  • Identification of category associations using a multilabel classifier

    Description of the data using categories allows one to describe it on a higher abstraction level. In this way, we can operate on aggregated groups of the information, allowing one to see relationships that do not appear explicit when we analyze the individual objects separately. In this paper we present automatic identification of the associations between categories used for organization of the textual data. As experimental data...

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  • Using A Particular Sampling Method for Impedance Measurement

    The paper presents an impedance measurement method using a particular sampling method which is an alternative to DFT calculation. The method uses a sine excitation signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance is calculated without using Fourier transform. The method was first evaluated in MATLAB by means of simulation. The method was...

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  • Analysis of activity of people using motion sensors

    The article presents the designed and implemented system for activity monitoring of people using passive motion sensors and methods for activity maps generation. In the paper he method is presented and results obtained for simulated data and for data from observations with the participation of people.

  • Study of displacements of a bridge abutment using FEM

    Steel sheet piles are often used to support excavations for bridge foundations. When they are left in place in the permanent works, they have the potential to increase foundation bearing capacity and reduce displacements; but their presence is not usually taken into account in foundation design. In this article, the results of finite element analysis of a typical abutment foundation, with and without cover of sheet piles, are presented...

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  • Facial emotion recognition using depth data


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper an original approach is presented for facial expression and emotion recognition based only on depth channel from Microsoft Kinect sensor. The emotional user model contains nine emotions including the neutral one. The proposed recognition algorithm uses local movements detection within the face area in order to recognize actual facial expression. This approach has been validated on Facial Expressions and Emotions Database...

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  • Interactions with recognized patients using smart glasses


    - Rok 2015

    Recently, different smart glasses solutions have been proposed on the market. The rapid development of this wearable technology has led to several research projects related to applications of smart glasses in healthcare. In this paper we propose a general architecture of the system enabling data integration for the recognized person. In the proposed system smart glasses integrates data obtained for the recognized patient from health...

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  • Using Redis supported by NVRAM in HPC applications


    Nowadays, the efficiency of storage systems is a bottleneck in many modern HPC clusters. High performance in the traditional approach – processing using files – is often difficult to obtain because of a model’s complexity and its read/write patterns. An alternative approach is to apply a key-value database, which usually has low latency and scales well. On the other hand, many key-value stores suffer from a limitation of memory...

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  • NLP Questions Answering Using DBpedia and YAGO

    In this paper, we present results of employing DBpedia and YAGO as lexical databases for answering questions formulated in the natural language. The proposed solution has been evaluated for answering class 1 and class 2 questions (out of 5 classes defined by Moldovan for TREC conference). Our method uses dependency trees generated from the user query. The trees are browsed for paths leading from the root of the tree to the question...

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  • Decision making process using deep learning


    - Rok 2019

    Endüstri 4.0, dördüncü endüstri devrimi veya Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti (IIoT) olarak adlandırılan sanayi akımı, işletmelere, daha verimli, daha büyük bir esneklikle, daha güvenli ve daha çevre dostu bir şekilde üretim yapma imkanı sunmaktadır. Nesnelerin İnterneti ile bağlantılı yeni teknoloji ve hizmetler birçok endüstriyel uygulamada devrim niteliği taşımaktadır. Fabrikalardaki otomasyon, tahminleyici bakım (PdM – Predictive...



    - BAU Journal - Science and Technology - Rok 2020

    The behaviour of concrete, whether fresh or har dened, depends basically on the beha viour of its components and the r elationship between them, ther efore, obtaining a concr ete with cer tain pr operties depends fundamentally on the concr ete mix design. Concr ete mix design gener ally includes two main steps: 1-Selection of the main components suitable for the concr...

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  • Nano soil improvement technique using cement


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    Nano soil-improvement is an innovative idea in geotechnical engineering. Nanomaterials are among the newest additives that improve soil properties. Herein, laboratory tests, such as unconfined compressive strength, direct shear test, and initial tests, were conducted to investigate the geotechnical properties of Kelachay clay with micro- and nanosized cement to evaluate its particles in untreated soil and observe changes in the...

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  • Creating new voices using normalizing flows

    • P. Biliński
    • T. Merritt
    • A. Ezzerg
    • K. Pokora
    • S. Cygert
    • K. Yanagisawa
    • R. Barra-Chicote
    • D. Korzekwa

    - Rok 2022

    Creating realistic and natural-sounding synthetic speech remains a big challenge for voice identities unseen during training. As there is growing interest in synthesizing voices of new speakers, here we investigate the ability of normalizing flows in text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) modes to extrapolate from speakers observed during training to create unseen speaker identities. Firstly, we create an approach for TTS...

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  • Modelling of behavior of plain concrete using DEM


    - Rok 2013

    W artykule pokazano rozwój różnych zjawisk mikrostrukturalnych na poziomie kruszywa w betonie podczas jednoosiowego ściskania i rozciągania.. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę DEM. Wyniki na poziomie globalnym porównano doświadczalnymi. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na propagację rys i szerokość lokalizacji odkształceń.

  • Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull


    - Rok 2010

    This paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...

  • Removal of hydrophobic organic pollutants from soil by surfactants and biosurfactants solution flushing

    Przedstawiono wyniki solubilizacji dwóch związków hydrofobowych - tetrachloroetylenu i dodekanu oraz dwóch bazowych olejów mineralnych - SAE 30/95 i PAO6 w wodnych roztworach syntetycznych związków powierzchniowo czynnych oraz biosurfaktantów. Zaobserwowano liniowy wzrost solubilizacji wraz ze wzrostem stężenia surfaktantu.Przedstawiono także wyniki wymywania oleju PAO6 ze sztucznie zaolejonego piasku (w kolumnie) z pomocą roztworów...

  • Detection of Blastocystis hominis in unpreserved stool specimens byusing polymerase chain reaction



    Blastocystis hominis jest pasożytem występującym na całym świecie. Patogenność tego pasożyta nie jest jeszcze w pełni udowodniona, aczkolwiek opisanych jest wiele przypadków, sugerujących, że B. hominis może wywoływać objawy żołądkowo-jelitowe. Wykrywanie tego pasożyta opiera się na bezpośredniej obserwacji mikroskopowej rozmazów i zagęszczonych próbek kału lub rozmazów utrwalonych, jednakże w pewnych przypadkach nie jest to możliwe.Celem...

  • Modification of ASM3 for the determination of biomass adsorption/storage capacity in bulking sludge control



    Systemy osadu czynnego z selektorami (SAS) umożliwiają ograniczenie nadmiernego wzrostu bakterii nitkowatych, które odpowiadają za zjawisko zwanę ''puchnięciem osadu''. Celem tych badań było opracowanie modelu matematycznego opisującego szybkie usuwanie substratu w systemach SAS. W tym celu zmodyfikowano Model Osadu Czynnego nr 3 (ASM3) poprzez dodanie równań opisujących zjawiska adsorpcji i bezpośredniego wzrostu bakterii na zaadsorbowanym...

  • Oil removal from polluted soil by washing with surfactants solutions in dynamic conditions


    For washing of the oil from polluted soil surfactants solutions were applied. In a research a nonionic synthetic surfactant - polyoxyethylene ether of synthetic fatty alcohol (Rokanol NL6), rhamnolipid biosurfactant JBR 425 (Jeneil Biosurfactant Co. LLC) and their mixtures were used. Results of oil removal from peat soil and sand with mixtures of surfactants solutions at concentration 0,5 g/dm...

  • Shading, Dusting and Incorrect Positioning of Photovoltaic Modules as Important Factors in Performance Reduction


    The amount of solar radiation reaching the front cover of a photovoltaic module is crucial for its performance. A number of factors must be taken into account at the design stage of the solar installation, which will ensure maximum utilization of the potential arising from the location. During the operation of a photovoltaic installation, it is necessary to limit the shading of the modules caused by both dust and shadowing by trees...

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  • Procedura dopuszczenia do eksploatacji maszyn do produkcji mas bitumicznych

    W treści artykułu przedstawiono procedury postępowania przy uruchamianiu masbitumicznych. Ponadto opisano wymogi bhp na terenie wytwórni wraz z przeglą-dem aktualnym przepisów związanych z ochroną środowiska w tym odpadami pow-stającymi podczas produkcji, poziomu hałasu w środowisku maszyny i substan-cji zanieczyszczających powietrze.

  • Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites

    • N. P. Asrani
    • G. Murali
    • H. Abdelgader
    • K. Parthiban
    • M. K. Haridharan
    • K. Karthikeyan


    Recent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...

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  • Optimization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Seeding with the Use of sp³/sp² Raman Band Ratio

    The influence of various nanodiamond colloids used for seeding nondiamond substrates in microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond process was investigated. Colloids based on deionized water, isopropanol alcohol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used with different grain size dispersion: 150, 400 and 35 nm, respectively. The influence of growth time was also taken into consideration and bias enhanced nucleation....

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  • Distribution of relaxation times as a method of separation and identification of complex processes measured by impedance spectroscopy


    Impedance spectroscopy is one of the most commonly performed measurements to characterize electronic and electrochemical systems. Impedance spectra have limited resolution and many different processes may overlap what could be the reason of obstructions in its proper later analysis. Up to date, there are three approaches to solve this problem: examining impedance spectra itself, fitting spectra with equivalent circuits, and calculating...

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  • The accuracy assessment of determining the axis of railway track basing on the satellite surveying

    W 2009 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej rozpoczęto badania nad wykorzystaniem serwisu pomiarów fazowych NAVGEO aktywnej sieci geodezyjnej ASG-EUPOS dla przeprowadzania ciągłych pomiarów przebiegu trasu kolejowej. Celem kontynuowanych badań jest próba oceny możliwości zastosowania pomiarów fazowych GNSS, realizowanych przez kilka odbiorników, dla projektowania oraz inwentaryzacji toru kolejowego. Do oceny dokładności określenia osi...

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  • Metal dusting phenomena of 501 AISI furnace tubes in refinery fractional distillation unit

    The purpose of this investigation was to conduct the failure analysis of 501 AISI furnace tubes places before distillation column in fractional distillation unit. The investigated furnace tubes were planned to work for ten years however after just two years of exploitation <30% of the material left. The observed corrosion process had the intense and complex character. The well-adhered shiny black deposits and deep, round pits were...

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  • Influence of H2S on degradation of 9Cr-1Mo steel in advanced stage of metal dusting process


    - Advances in Materials Science - Rok 2007

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań stali 9Cr-1Mo w zaawansowanym stadium procesu pylenia metalu po 10 latach eksploatacji w piecu rafineryjnej instalacji platformingu CCR, przeprowadzonych w celu podjęcia decyzji o dozowaniu związków siarki do wsadu instalacji. Na podstawie długotrwałej ekspozycji próbek stali w 600C w mieszaninie wodoru i siarkowodoru wykazano, że siarka może być powodem procesów wpływających niekorzystnie na stan materiału...

  • Oiled soil washing in dynamic conditions by micellar surfactants solutions and obtained effluents treatment

    Zbadano możliwość zastosowania micelarnych roztworów biosurfaktantu (JBR 425), surfaktantów syntetycznych (Rokanolu NL5, NL6, NL8) i ich mieszanin (Rokanol NL6 : JBR 425) do wymywania oleju syntetycznego z gruntu w procesie mycia gleby w warunkach dynamicznych. Micelarne roztwory Rokanolu NL6 oraz NL8 wykazały nieznacznie wyższą efektywność wymywania oleju z gruntu w porównaniu z efektywnością usuwania oleju przy pomocy roztworów...

  • Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (I) Bursting, spike-adding and chaos

    In a series of two papers, we investigate the mechanisms by which complex oscillations are generated in a class of nonlinear dynamical systems with resets modeling the voltage and adaptation of neurons. This first paper presents mathematical analysis showing that the system can support bursts of any period as a function of model parameters, and that these are organized in a period-incrementing structure. In continuous dynamical...

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  • Comparative Study of the Reinforcement Type Effect on the Thermomechanical Properties and Burning of Epoxy-Based Composites

    • K. Salasinska
    • M. Barczewski
    • J. Aniśko
    • A. Hejna
    • M. Celiński

    - Journal of Composites Science - Rok 2021

    Aramid (AF), glass (GF), carbon (CF), basalt (BF), and flax (FF) fibers in the form of fabrics were used to produce the composites by hand-lay up method. The use of fabrics of similar grammage for composites’ manufacturing allowed for a comprehensive comparison of the properties of the final products. The most important task was to prepare a complex setup of mechanical and thermomechanical properties, supplemented by fire behavior...

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  • Modeling of low calorific gas burning in a deficient oxygen environment and high-temperature oxidizer

    The experimental research will be performed using the experimental facility with a combustion chamber. The oxygen concentration in combustion oxidizers will be varied from 21% by volume (normal) air to 2%. The test combustion chamber will be fed with propane or methane as the reference fuel, then with low calorific fuels as test gases obtained by mixing various combustible components, e.g. H2, CH4, CO, and neutral gases, e.g. N2,...

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  • Effect of grain crushing on shear localization in granular bodies within micro-polar hypoplasticity

    W artykule przedstawiono efekt miażdżenia ziaren na zachowanie się materiału granulowanego podczas ścinania nieskończenie długiej warstwy piasku. Obliczenia wykonano przy pomocy mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego rozszerzonego o efekt miażdżenia ziaren w oparciu o teorię mechaniki zniszczenia. Zbadano wpływ wstępnego zagęszczenia i poziomu naprężeń na strefy lokalizacji.

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  • Detection of the Bee Queen Presence Using Sound Analysis


    - Rok 2018

    This work describes the system and methods of data analysis we use for beehive monitoring. We present overview of the hardware infrastructures used in hive monitoring systems and we describe algorithms used for analysis of this kind of data. Based on acquisited signals we construct the application that is capable to detect an absence of honey bee queen. We describe our method of signal analysis and present results that allow us...

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  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Rok 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors

    A method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...

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  • On autoregressive spectrum estimation using the model averaging technique

    The problem of estimating spectral density of a nonstationary process satisfying local stationarity conditions is considered. The proposed solution is a two step procedure based on local autoregressive (AR) modeling. In the first step Bayesian-like averaging of AR models, differing in order, is performed. The main contribution of the paper is development of a new final-prediction-error-like statistic, which can be used to select...

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  • Selecting the optimum location for logistics facilities using Solver


    Siting logistics facilities strategically in the most costeffective geographic location is one of the key decisions a contemporary company will make. The aim of the paper is to present a solution to this problem using the Solver add-on. In the case study discussed in the paper, the company’s central warehouse location was selected based on the classic location theory, which addresses the need to minimize the cost of transport....

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  • Regeneration of marine engine valves using laser surfacing


    - Welding International - Rok 2016

    This article presents an analysis of the applicability of laser surfacing of the exhaust valve face of a marine diesel engine using cobalt-based powder. After preparation by machining, the selected valves were subjected to laser surfacing using a high-power ROFIN DL020 laser. The EuTroLoy 16012 powder was used in the surfacing process. One of the valves was cut and subjected to metallographic examination and hardness measurements,...

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  • Nanoparticles displacement analysis using optical coherence tomography

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a versatile optical method for cross-sectional and 3D imaging of biological and non-biological objects. Here we are going to present the application of polarization sensitive spectroscopic OCT system (PS-SOCT) for quantitative measurements of materials containing nanoparticles. The PS-SOCT combines the polarization sensitive analysis with time-frequency analysis. In this contribution the benefits...

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  • Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...

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  • Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using an Electronic Nose

    The paper presents the application of an electronic nose instrument to fast evaluation of agricultural distillates differing in quality. The investigations were carried out using a prototype of electronic nose equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co., an electronic circuit converting signal into digital form and a set of thermostats able to provide gradient temperature characteristics to a gas mixture. A volatile fraction...

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  • Analysis of the Accuracy of Pulse Estimation Using Smart Watches


    The purpose of this paper is to perform an analysis of the accuracy of the pulse estimation by comparing readings from a smartwatch with readings from medical devices. The study required writing applications that allow continuous pulse measurement. As a result, two applications were created for the smartwatch. The first one is dedicated to Android Wear devices, while the other one is compatible with Tizen watches. The next step...

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