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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LEFT VENTRICLE

  • A commercial of the shelf components for a unmanned air vehicle photogrammetry


    A photogrammetry from a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be understood as a new measurement tool. Is introduces a low-cost alternatives for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS), that are commercially available for a costumers, are the standard manufactures products, not custom. COTS products are available in the commercial market and can be bought and used under government contract. That...

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  • Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase benzene

    In this paper we are presenting calculations of the elastic cross section of positrons with gas-phase benzene for the energy range from 0.25 eV to 9.0 eV. The calculations are done with the molecular R-matrix method for positron-scattering from poly-atomic molecules using a scaling factor to scale the electron-positron interaction. The scaling factor influences the position of the poles of the R-matrix. We adjust the scaling factor...

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  • Constructing genuinely entangled multipartite states with applications to local hidden variables and local hidden states models


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2018

    Building upon the results of R. Augusiak et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030404 (2015)] we develop a general approach to the generation of genuinely entangled multipartite states of any number of parties from genuinely entangled states of a fixed number of parties, in particular, the bipartite entangled ones. In our approach, certain isometries whose output subspaces are either symmetric or genuinely entangled in some multipartite...

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  • Parallel computations in the volunteer based Comcute system


    The paper presents Comcute which is a novel multi-level implemen- tation of the volunteer based computing paradigm. Comcute was designed to let users donate the computing power of their PCs in a simplified manner, requiring only pointing their web browser at a specific web address and clicking a mouse. The server side appoints several servers to be in charge of execution of particular tasks. Thanks to that the system can survive...

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  • Rekuperace elektrické energie v MHD

    Asynchronní pohony, motory BLDC, trakční invertory, IGBT tranzistory, rekuperace energie – to jsou hesla, se kterými se můžeme často potkat, když si pročteme propagační materiály výrobců moderních tramvají a trolejbusů. Často se nám tyto prvky jeví jako indikátory hypermoderních technologií, ale ve skutečnosti se stává, že pod některými názvy se skrývá řešení známé inženýrům už dlouhá desetiletí. Tak je tomu také s rekuperací elektrické...

  • Unicyclic graphs with equal total and total outer-connected domination numbers


    Let G = (V,E) be a graph without an isolated vertex. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total dominating set if D is dominating and the in- duced subgraph G[D] does not contain an isolated vertex. The total domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a total domi- nating set of G. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total outer–connected dominating set if D is total dominating and the induced subgraph G[V (G)−D] is a connected graph. The total outer–connected...

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  • Computations of the least number of periodic points of smooth boundary-preserving self-maps of simply-connected manifolds

    Let $r$ be an odd natural number, $M$ a compact simply-connected smooth manifold, $\dim M\geq 4$, such that its boundary $\partial M$ is also simply-connected. We consider $f$, a $C^1$ self-maps of $M$, preserving $\partial M$. In [G. Graff and J. Jezierski, Geom. Dedicata 187 (2017), 241-258] the smooth Nielsen type periodic number $D_r(f;M,\partial M)$ was defined and proved to be equal to the minimal number of $r$-periodic points...

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  • A New Method for Automatic Generation of Animated Motion


    - Rok 2012

    A new method for generation of animation with a quality comparable to a natural motion is presented. Proposed algorithm is based on fuzzy description of motion parameters and subjective features. It is assumed that such processing increases naturalness and quality of motion, which is verified by subjective evaluation tests. First, reference motion data are gathered utilizing a motion capture system, then these data are reduced...

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  • Cluster donation: How medical students bound certain types of tissues and biomedical research and how it affects their willingness to donate.


    - Healthcare - Rok 2023

    Although biomedical research requires cooperation with a large number of donors, its success also depends on the input of healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in promoting biomedical research and influencing an individual’s decision to donate one’s biospecimens that are left over after a medical procedure. This work was aimed at investigating the correlation between medical and healthcare students’ willingness to...

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    Kacza river is located in northern Poland in the neighborhood of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. A Kacza having length of 15 km and catchment area of 53 km2 collects the water into the Gulf mostly from inhabited and forested areas within the administrative boundaries of the city of Gdynia. On the 14th and 15th of July 2016 in northern Poland on the large area of Tri-City agglomeration (Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot) total daily...

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  • The effect of road restraint systems on the level of road safety - Polish experience


    Roadside accidents happen when a vehicle runs off the road. The majority of these accidents are very severe because leaving the road is usually followed by hitting a solid obstacle (tree, pole, support, culvert front wall, barrier). Roadsides are some of the most important issues of road safety. They have been studied for years to identify roadside hazards and the effectiveness of road safety measures such as restraint systems....

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  • Enhanced-Performance Circularly Polarized MIMO Antenna with Polarization/Pattern Diversity


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    Design of a compact wideband circularly polarized (CP) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with polarization diversity is proposed and characterized for off-body communication. The antenna is based on a simple coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed monopole extension of the microstrip line. The orthogonal field components required by CP are induced using a simply modified right/left side ground plane. In particular, a stub extending...

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  • Numeryczna symulacja pracy gazowego kotła wodnego oraz ocena jego wpływu na środowisko


    - Mechanik - Rok 2013

    Ilość dostarczanego powietrza oraz rozkład jego koncentracji w komorze paleniskowej mają istotny wpływ na prawidłowość przebiegu procesu spalania. Uzyskanie jednorodnego rozkładu jest praktycznie niemożliwe, dlatego powietrze dostarczane jest w nadmiarze. Konieczne jest jednak dobranie takiej wartości współczynnika nadmiaru powietrza, która pozwoli ograniczyć stratę wylotową, utrzymując przy tym wartości emisji na możliwie niskim...

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  • "Numeryczna symulacja pracy gazowego kotła wodnego oraz ocena jego wpływu na środowisko"


    - Rok 2013

    Ilość dostarczanego powietrza oraz rozkład jego koncentracji w komorze paleniskowej mają istotny wpływ na prawidłowość przebiegu procesu spalania. Uzyskanie jednorodnego rozkładu jest praktycznie niemożliwe, dlatego powietrze dostarczane jest w nadmiarze. Konieczne jest jednak dobranie takiej wartości współczynnika nadmiaru powietrza, która pozwoli ograniczyć stratę wylotową, utrzymując przy tym wartości emisji na możliwie niskim...

  • "Numeryczna symulacja pracy gazowego kotła wodnego raz ocena jego wpływu na środowisko"


    - Rok 2013

    Ilość dostarczanego powietrza oraz rozkład jego koncentracji w komorze paleniskowej mają istotny wpływ na prawidłowość przebiegu procesu spalania. Uzyskanie jednorodnego rozkładu jest praktycznie niemożliwe, dlatego powietrze dostarczane jest w nadmiarze. Konieczne jest jednak dobranie takiej wartości współczynnika nadmiaru powietrza, która pozwoli ograniczyć stratę wylotową, utrzymując przy tym wartości emisji na możliwie niskim...

  • An O ( n log n ) algorithm for finding edge span of cacti

    Let G=(V,E) be a nonempty graph and xi be a function. In the paper we study the computational complexity of the problem of finding vertex colorings c of G such that: (1) |c(u)-c(v)|>=xi(uv) for each edge uv of E; (2) the edge span of c, i.e. max{|c(u)-c(v)|: uv belongs to E}, is minimal. We show that the problem is NP-hard for subcubic outerplanar graphs of a very simple structure (similar to cycles) and polynomially solvable for...

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  • Global defensive secure structures


    Let S ⊂ V (G) for a given simple non-empty graph G. We define for any nonempty subset X of S the predicate SECG,S(X) = true iff |NG[X]∩S| ≥ |NG[X]\S|. Let H be a non-empty family of graphs such that for each vertex v ∈ V (G) there is a subgraph H of G containing v and isomorphic to a member of H. We introduce the concept of H-alliance extending the concept of global defensive secure structures. By an H-alliance in a graph G we...

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  • Quantum privacy witness


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2012

    While it is usually known that the mean value of a single observable is enough to detect entanglement or its distillability, the counterpart of such an approach in the case of quantum privacy has been missing. Here we develop the concept of a privacy witness, i.e., a single observable that may detect the presence of the secure key even in the case of bound entanglement. Then we develop the notion of secret-key estimation based...

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    Laminates - layered composites containing at least two elements (matrix and reinforcement) widely used in industry have also found their usage in medicine. Their main feature is the ability to modify the material in order to obtain the required properties. Depending on the needs, we can modify reinforcement, type of resin or the method of bonding substrates. Commonly used fibers are: carbon fiber, glass and aramid fibers; resins...

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    The scope of the paper is to determine the mechanical properties of the Precontraint 1302 polyester coated fabric under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. The results are compared for Precontraint 1302 fabric and other types of coated fabrics. The author applied an orthotropic model and a dense net model to reflect the polyester coated fabric performance under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. Material parameters are specified...

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  • Determinanty i efekty uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych publicznych szkół wyższych województwa pomorskiego


    - Rok 2018

    Publiczne uczelnie wyższe jako twory przez lata bardzo zhierarchizowane, ze znacznymi przejawami biurokratyzmu i silnie scentralizowaną władzą, w XXI wieku mają przed sobą długą drogę w dążeniu do doskonalenia własnej zdolności do uczenia się. Głównym celem pracy było zdiagnozowanie stanu determinant i efektów uczenia się badanych organizacji. Postawiono następujące hipotezy badawcze: poziom determinant uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych...

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  • Factors disturbing Internet usage in opinion of elderly users


    Internet became truly widespread in modern societies. This created its huge economic potential, which is widely used, especially in traditionally communication-oriented societies like USA and Scandinavian countries. This trend enables to create economic growth even despite of worldwide economic slowdown.Together with demographic changes this raise the necessity of research on how older users perceive modern, Internet-based tools...



    Purpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....

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  • Accuracy of Pretreatment Ultrasonography Assessment of Intra-Abdominal Spread in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Prospective Study

    • A. Tomasińska
    • M. Stukan
    • M. Badocha
    • A. Myszewska

    - Diagnostics - Rok 2021

    The aim of this study was to test the accuracy of ultrasonography performed by gynecological oncologists for the preoperative assessment of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) spread in the pelvis and abdominal cavity. A prospective, observational cohort study was performed at a single tertiary cancer care unit. Patients with suspected EOC were recruited and underwent comprehensive transvaginal and abdominal ultrasonography performed...

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  • Pial artery and subarachnoid width response to apnoea in normal humans

    • M. Wszędybył-Winklewska
    • J. Wolf
    • E. Świerblewska
    • K. Kunicka
    • M. Gruszecki
    • W. Gumiński
    • P. J. Winklewski
    • A. F. Frydrychowski
    • L. Bieniaszewski
    • K. Narkiewicz
    • K. Narkiewicz


    Background: Little is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral haemodynamic interplay during repetitive apnoea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Method: We tested the complex response of the pial artery and subarachnoid width to apnoea...

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  • Late Aortic Remodeling after Endovascular Repair of Complicated Type B Aortic Dissection—TEVAR Protects Only the Covered Segment of Thoracic Aorta



    Introduction: TEVAR is the preferred way of treatment of complicated type B aortic dissection. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of TEVAR on aortic remodelling in the thoracic and abdominal segment in long-term follow-up. Methods: 23 patients with complicated type B aortic dissection were treated by TEVAR in years 2004-2012 in our Department. Aortic remodelling was rated based on preoperative and final follow-up...

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    Crowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...

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  • Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems

    The learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....

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  • Semantics for an Interdisciplinary Computation


    - Rok 2013

    Semantics for an interdisciplinary computation is becoming increasingly difficult to capture while dealing with multi-domain problems. Expertise from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other disciplines merges as engineering challenges in modern systems, such as, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Bionic Systems must be tackled in a methodological manner. In this paper, a paradigm for formalization...

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    - Rok 2015

    The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of geostatistical interpolation kriging method using in the process of generating digital terrain models (DTM). The source of data is a direct measurements realized with a precision GNSS positioning kinematic measurement technique RTN. Kriging algorithm was analysed, especially in the meaning of a semivariogram every step. Theoretical semivariogram selection influence on the...

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  • QoS Extensions for Flow-Awareness Networks

    The paper contains a description and research results of the proposal for distributed QoS extensions for Flow-Based Networking. These QoS extensions let the network accept or reject flows based on current network load and QoS promises for each of the flows. Proposed solution consists of two distributed components, each of them performing in every node, measurement system and access control. The solution could be applied in any...

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  • Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities


    The 1996 experiment by Brune et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1800 (1996)] on vacuum Rabi oscillation is analyzed by means of alternative models of atom-reservoir interaction. Agreement with experimental Rabi oscillation data can be obtained if one defines jump operators in the dressed-state basis and takes into account thermal fluctuations between dressed states belonging to the same manifold. Such low-frequency transitions could...

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  • Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities. II. Direct test of uniqueness of vacuum


    The paper continues the analysis of vacuum Rabi oscillations we started in part I [Phys. Rev. A 79, 033836 (2009)]. Here we concentrate on experimental consequences for cavity QED of two different classes of representations of harmonic-oscillator Lie algebras. The zero-temperature master equation, derived in part I for irreducible representations of the algebra, is reformulated in a reducible representation that models electromagnetic...

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  • Analiza drgań przewodu jezdnego sieci trakcyjnej w aspekcie oceny jej stanu technicznego.


    Górna sieć trakcyjna jest nadal najefektywniejszym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Sieć jezdna nie ma możliwości technicznych redundancji, co wymaga okresowej oceny stanu technicznego w celu zapewnienia prawidłowej współpracy z odbierakami prądu pojazdów. W artykule przedstawiono aspekty oceny stanu technicznego górnej sieci trakcyjnej na podstawie modelowania matematycznego i wybranych badań laboratoryjnych....

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  • Biomechanics of the medial meniscus in the osteoarthritic knee joint


    - PeerJ - Rok 2021

    Background. Increased mechanical loading and pathological response of joint tissue to the abnormal mechanical stress can cause degradation of cartilage characteristic of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Despite osteoarthritis is risk factor for the development of meniscal lesions the mechanism of degenerative meniscal lesions is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the influence of medial compartment knee OA...

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  • Wavelet transform analysis to assess oscillations in pial artery pulsation at the human cardiac frequency

    • P. J. Winklewski
    • M. Gruszecki
    • J. Wolf
    • E. Świerblewska
    • K. Kunicka
    • M. Wszędybył-Winklewska
    • W. Gumiński
    • J. Zabulewicz
    • A. F. Frydrychowski
    • L. Bieniaszewski... i 2 innych


    Pial artery adjustments to changes in blood pressure (BP)may last only seconds in humans. Using a novelmethod called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) in humans, we aimed to assess the relationship between spontaneous oscillations in BP and cc-TQ at frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 5 Hz. We hypothesized that analysis of...

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  • Political Sources of Government Redistribution in High-Income Countries


    - Rok 2013

    In cross-national empirical work on income inequality and government redistribution, the greatest emphasis has been on the extremes of the income scale. Less work has been done on groups that are neither rich nor poor—the middle class. The lack of attention to this group is unfortunate for several reasons. Most obviously, the middle class, if defined as the three middle income quintile groups, is by far the largest income group,...

  • Nowe zakresy kreowania wizerunku fasad przy zastosowaniu technologii filtrów optycznych.


    Modern facades, whether made of glass or including transparent, translucent or reflective elements, let through a particular light spectrum or change its intensity in many different ways. “Filtering facades” may change the image seen through them or change the colour of passing light according to specific circumstances: the angle of observation or temperature. These indicated properties of facades acting as “filters” were made...

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  • Erroneous GNSS Strain Rate Patterns and their Application to Investigate the Tectonic Credibility of GNSS Velocities


    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2016

    The paper concerns investigation of the credibility of tectonic interpretation of GNSS strain rates. The analysis was focused on stable regions, where the crustal deformations are small and the reliability of GNSS velocities is questionable. We are showing how the unreliable motion of stations affects calculated strains around them. We expressed distribution of local principal strains by a sinusoidal function and used them to investigate...

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  • Rola GIS w badaniach środowiska morskiego


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Środowisko morskie nadal pozostaje „białą plamą” z punktu widzenia systemów GIS. Trudno jest znaleźć analogie pomiędzy cyfrowym modelem terenu a danymi batymetrycznymi, ponieważ odzwierciedlają one tylko jedno z możliwych obliczy środowiska morskiego, drugim bardzo ważnym, jest falowanie. Jednakże dopiero informacja wspólna o batymetrii i falowaniu jest naprawdę wartościowa dla ludzi korzystających z morza zawodowo. Mając do dyspozycji...

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  • Wzmocnienie przestrzennych dźwigarów kratowych z zastosowaniem dodatkowego podparcia i sprężenia


    - Rok 2017

    Podczas obowiązkowego przeglądu technicznego obiektu budowlanego stwierdzone zostały deformacje stalowych prętów wykratowania przestrzennych dźwigarów dachowych. Opinie techniczne dotyczące stanu technicznego potwierdziły wstępnie wykryte nieprawidłowości i nakazywały podjęcie kroków zaradczych w postaci opracowania koncepcji naprawy, a w jej ślad projektu budowlanego i wykonawczego. Do czasu naprawy obiekt został dopuszczony do...

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  • A palatal prosthesis from archaeological research in the St Francis of Assisi church in Cracow (Poland)


    - Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports - Rok 2024

    The hard palate is a septum that not only prevents food from entering between the oral and nasal cavity, but also plays an important role during breathing or speech. The presence of cavities within it negatively affects the comfort of life of people with this type of impairment. Hence, in the literature one can find examples of the use of hard palate prostheses to restore the separation between the nasal and oral cavity. During...

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  • Applications of semi-definite optimization in quantum information protocols


    - Rok 2016

    This work is concerned with the issue of applications of the semi-definite programming (SDP) in the field of quantum information sci- ence. Our results of the analysis of certain quantum information protocols using this optimization technique are presented, and an implementation of a relevant numerical tool is introduced. The key method used is NPA discovered by Navascues et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010401 (2007)]. In chapter...

  • Properties of dimension witnesses and their semidefinite programming relaxations


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2014

    In this paper we develop a method for investigating semi-device-independent randomness expansion protocols that was introduced in Li et al. [H.-W. Li, P. Mironowicz, M. Pawłowski, Z.-Q. Yin, Y.-C. Wu, S. Wang, W. Chen, H.-G. Hu, G.-C. Guo, and Z.-F. Han, Phys. Rev. A 87, 020302(R) (2013)]. This method allows us to lower bound, with semi-definite programming, the randomness obtained from random number generators based on dimension...

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  • Parity vertex colouring of graphs


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2011

    A parity path in a vertex colouring of a graph is a path along which each colour is used an even number of times. Let Xp(G) be the least number of colours in a proper vertex colouring of G having no parity path. It is proved that for any graph G we have the following tight bounds X(G) <= Xp(G) <=|V(G)|− a(G)+1, where X(G) and a(G) are the chromatic number and the independence number of G, respectively. The bounds are improved for...

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  • Behaviometrics of Digital Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Te paper reports current stage of the project Automated Terapy Monitoring for Children with Developmental Disorders of Autism Spectrum (AUTMON), that aims at development of methods and tools to allow for the automatic evaluation of the therapy progress among children with autism. Finding objective measures suitable for evaluating therapy progress would let create a system supporting those who diagnose autism and the therapists...

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  • Identification of 1H‐indene‐(1, 3, 5, 6)‐tetrol derivatives as potent pancreatic lipase inhibitors using molecular docking and molecular dynamics approach

    Pancreatic lipase is a potential therapeutic target to treat diet-induced obesity in humans, as obesity-related diseases continue to be a global problem. Despite intensive research on finding potential inhibitors, very few compounds have been introduced to clinical studies. In this work, new chemical scaffold 1H-indene-(1,3,5,6)-tetrol was proposed using knowledge-based approach, and 36 inhibitors were derived by modifying its...

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  • Pozwól płynąć swojemu produktowi


    - Rok 2011

    Autor: Joanna Czerska Autorki i współautorki rozdziałów: Anna Sarbiewska:15.2 OEE dla maszynMarzena Leszczyk-Kabacińska:18. 5S i wizualizacja pracy w gnieździe19. Standaryzacja pracy w gnieździe22. Program ciągłego doskonalenia Recenzja naukowa:Prof. zw. ds. hab. Bogdan Nogalski, Uniwerystet Gdański, 27.02.2010 --- Jeśli poszukujesz...

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  • Charakterystyka eksploatacyjna pomp ciepła zainstalowanych w oczyszczalni ścieków


    - Instal - Rok 2015

    W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę eksploatacyjną sprężarkowych pomp ciepła zainstalowanych w oczyszczalni komunalnej i wykorzystujących ścieki oczyszczone jako dolne źródło ciepła. Zastosowanie ścieków oczyszczonych jest uzasadnione ich dostępnością oraz stosunkowo wysoką temperaturą (10-25°C). Prawidłowa eksploatacja układu wymaga zastosowania pośredniego obiegu parowacza oraz regularnych zabiegów czyszczenia wymiennika...

  • On the size of identifying codes in triangle-free graphs



    In an undirected graph G, a subset C⊆V(G) such that C is a dominating set of G, and each vertex in V(G) is dominated by a distinct subset of vertices from C, is called an identifying code of G. The concept of identifying codes was introduced by Karpovsky, Chakrabarty and Levitin in 1998. For a given identifiable graph G, let gammaID(G) be the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in G. In this paper, we show that for any connected...

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