Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IMAGE ANNOTATION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IMAGE ANNOTATION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IMAGE ANNOTATION

  • Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing

    The literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that Trust affects Collaborative Culture. The opposite also proves to be true: Collaborative Culture influences Trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing based on...

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  • Testing Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy as an Early Predictor of Entrepreneurial Activities. Evidence From the SEAS Project

    Over the last forty years, since Bandura (1977) introduced the concept of self-efficacy, there have been a constantly growing number of research publications using this concept. Its early development resulted in the creation of a new construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) proposed for the first time by (Chen et al. 1998). Since then, many different groups of research concerning ESE have emerged - one of them is the study...

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  • Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Phenomenon: Antecedents, Processes, Impact across Cultures and Contexts


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  • The Perception of an Entrepreneur’s Structural, Relational and Cognitive Social Capital among Young People in Poland - An Exploratory Study

    The goal of the current paper is to verify how an entrepreneur’s structural, relational and cognitive social capital levels are perceived by young people in Poland. The research involved a group of 374 undergraduate business students from a Polish university as participants. Participants completed a survey on entrepreneurial cognitions. It was found that participants assess the level of an entrepreneur’s social capital as relatively...

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  • Robert Bajko mgr inż.

  • Explainable machine learning for diffraction patterns

    • S. Nawaz
    • V. Rahmani
    • D. Pennicard
    • S. P. R. Setty
    • B. Klaudel
    • H. Graafsma

    - Journal of Applied Crystallography - Rok 2023

    Serial crystallography experiments at X-ray free-electron laser facilities produce massive amounts of data but only a fraction of these data are useful for downstream analysis. Thus, it is essential to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable data, generally known as ‘hit’ and ‘miss’, respectively. Image classification methods from artificial intelligence, or more specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), classify...

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  • Style Transfer for Detecting Vehicles with Thermal Camera


    In this work we focus on nighttime vehicle detection for intelligent traffic monitoring from the thermal camera. To train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) detector we create a stylized version of COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset using Style Transfer technique that imitates images obtained from thermal cameras. This new dataset is further used for fine-tuning of the model and as a result detection accuracy on images...

  • Guido: a musical score recognition system


    - Rok 2007

    This paper presents an optical music recognition system Guido that can automatically recognize the main musical symbols of music scores that were scanned or taken by a digital camera. The application is based on object model of musical notation and uses linguistic approach for symbol interpretation and error correction. The system offers musical editor with a partially automatic error correction.

  • Focus on Misinformation: Improving Medical Experts’ Efficiency of Misinformation Detection


    - Rok 2021

    Fighting medical disinformation in the era of the global pandemic is an increasingly important problem. As of today, automatic systems for assessing the credibility of medical information do not offer sufficient precision to be used without human supervision, and the involvement of medical expert annotators is required. Thus, our work aims to optimize the utilization of medical experts’ time. We use the dataset of sentences taken...

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  • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr

    Marta Kuc-Czarnecka jest zastępczynią kierownika Katedry Statystyki i Ekonomii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pełni również funkcję pełnomocniczki Dziekana ds. akredytacji AMBA. Jest współzałożycielką Rethinking Economics Gdańsk oraz członkinią Fundacji im. Edwarda Lipińskiego na rzecz promocji pluralizmu w naukach ekonomicznych. W latach 2018-2022 była ekspertką Europejskiej Fundacji na Rzecz Poprawy...

  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Urodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...

  • A Note on Knowledge Management Education: Towards Implementing Active Learning Methods


    - Rok 2018

    Knowledge Management as an area of education is still a big challenge for teachers and practitioners. Nevertheless, there are several useful teaching methods in active education, especially oriented towards courses where innovation and delivering dynamic knowledge are critical. The goal of the paper is to present and discuss criteria relevant in the selection of active educational methods supporting knowledge management courses....

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  • Tworzenie miejskości po 1990r., Geneza niemieckiej urbanistyki współczesnych założeń mieszkaniowych

    Artykuł jest przyczyną do przypomnienia genezy współczesnej formy niemieckich miejskich struktur mieszkaniowych w kontekście zmian rozumienia ich wymiaru miejskości. Niemiecka myśl urbanistyczna łączy w sobie dwie wyraziste tradycje dwudziestego wieku - Gründerzeit i KlassischeModerne. Pozostaje jednak silnie otwarta na innowację generowaną nie tylko dzięki postępowi technicznemu, ale przede wszystkim poprzez planowanie interdyscyplinarne...

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  • Color Processing for Color-Blind Individuals Using Smart Glasses

    In this paper we investigated image processing methods for color-blind individuals. In particular we experimentally verified color naming procedure, generation of maps with color perception differences for average observers and for dichromats, and two color transformation methods. In experiments 7 mobile devices were used: 3 smart glasses and 4 smartphones. User studies were performed with 38 average observers and 9 dichromats....

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  • The new version of contact-less method for localisation of catenary contact wire – theoretical assumption


    This article presents the theoretical basic of a new version of contact-less method for localising the catenary contact wires, using the advanced video techniques and image analysis. So far, contact line diagnostic systems exploited nowadays uses the contact measuring methods with special design current collector. This solutions make it impossible to measure the contact line geometry in a static way. The proposed measurement method...

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  • Air flow phenomena in the model of the blind drift


    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2016

    In the presented paper, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate flow pattern and turbulent structure in the model of blind drift. The presented model exist in mining, and has been analyzed to resolve ventilation issues. Blind region is particularly susceptible to unsafe methane accumulation. The measurement system allows us to evaluate all components of the velocity vector in channel cross-section simultaneously....

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  • Active dynamic thermography method for TRAM flap blood perfusion mapping in breast reconstruction


    - QIRT Journal - Rok 2017

    This paper presents the new method of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap blood perfusion mapping based on the active dynamic thermography. The method is aimed at aiding a surgeon during breast reconstruction procedure. A pair of dTnorm and t90_10 parameters were used as parametric image descriptors of the flap blood perfusion. The method was tested on 38 patients that were subjected to breast reconstruction procedure....

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  • Badania deformacji w materiałach sypkich podczas dynamicznego przepływu w silosach


    - Rok 2014

    Monografia stanowi próbę połączenia analizy zagadnień powstawania zmian objętościowych oraz pomiaru zmian koncentracji materialu sypkiego podczas opróżniania silosu. W pracy przedstwiono wyniki pomiarów wykonanych z zastooswaneim metody Particle Image Velocimetry, Electrical Capacitance Toomography oraz promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Zamieszczono równeiz wyniki obliczeń wykoanaych z zastooswaniem metody DEM (Discrete Element...

  • A quaternion-based modified feistel cipher for multimedia transmission

    In this paper a quaternion-based modified Feistel Cipher is proposed. The algorithm is based on the scheme proposed by Sastry and Kumar (2012). Our algorithm uses special properties of quaternions to perform rotations of data sequences in 3D space for each of the cipher rounds. The plaintext (image in gray-tone) is divided into two square matrices of equal size which consist of Lipschitz quaternions. A modular arithmetic was implemented...


    In the paper authors present a special measurement system for observing phase objects. The diffraction phas microscopy makes it possible to measure the dimensions of a tested object with a nanometre resolution. To meet this requirement, it is proposed to apply a spatial transform. The proposed setup can be based either on a two lenses system (called 4 f ) or a Wollaston prism. Both solutions with all construction aspects are described...

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    The paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...

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  • Marita Mcphillips dr inż.

    Prowadzę badania dotyczące współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej i międzyzespołowej, w szczególności dot. otwartych innowacji. Biorę udział w międzynarodowych projektach/zespołach. Prowadzę zajęcia dydaktyczne w zakresie przedsiębiorczości, praw własności intelektualnej oraz badań jakościowych. 

  • Assessment of OpenMP Master–Slave Implementations for Selected Irregular Parallel Applications


    - Electronics - Rok 2021

    The paper investigates various implementations of a master–slave paradigm using the popular OpenMP API and relative performance of the former using modern multi-core workstation CPUs. It is assumed that a master partitions available input into a batch of predefined number of data chunks which are then processed in parallel by a set of slaves and the procedure is repeated until all input data has been processed. The paper experimentally...

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  • Process engineering in circular economy

    Kursy Online
    • J. Mąkinia

    Definition and principles of the circular economy (CE). The transition from a linear model to a circular model. Business models for the CE. Circular design and innovation. CE assessment carbon footprint, life cycle assessment. Case studies of the cities implementing the CE concept. CE policy and legislation (EU and Poland). Wastewater treatment plants as an element of the CE. Energy and nutrient recovery technologies in wastewater...

  • Otoczenie instytucjonalne a innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw


    Problematyka innowacyjności w Polsce zajmuje wiele miejsca, zarówno w badaniach, raportach oraz w konstruowanych narzędziach wsparcia. Badania literaturowe wskazują na wagę instytucji w procesie przedsiębiorczym. Wykorzystując badania prowadzone wśród mikroprzedsiębiorstw w Polsce, przeanalizowano czynniki instytucjonalne, które mogą, według badań literaturowych, wpływać na innowacyjność tych podmiotów. Z badań wynika, że przedsiębiorcy...

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  • Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska dr hab. inż. arch.

    Dr hab. inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska, profesorka Politechniki Gdańskiej, jest od 2002 roku związana z Katedrą Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wieloletnia Kierowniczka Studiów Podyplomowych Urbanistyki i Gospodarki Przestrzennej „Projektowanie przestrzeni i zarządzanie”, odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

  • Odnowa modelu biznesu


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych nad istotą odnowy strategicznej biznesu. Odnowę tę oparto na restauracji ciągu zarządzania strategicznego.

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  • Metoda TrustCritic oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych


    - Rok 2013

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych TrustCritic. Powszechnie występujące nadużycia w handlu elektronicznym sprawiają, że zaufanie do przedsiębiorcy staje się kluczowym czynnikiem decyzji konsumentów. Przedsiębiorca narażony jest na niezgodność z prawem, utratę wizerunku i klientów. Artykuł omawia problematykę nadużyć w sferze e-biznesu oraz proponuje wielokryterialny model oceny sklepu internetowego,...

  • The role of the human factor in the companies' innovativeness


    - Rok 2015

    Innovation is one of the factors enabling the development of both individual companies and entire economies. While previously the possibilities offered by technology were focused on, including information and communication technology (ICT), recently the potential of human resources has been gaining more and more attention. This capital — often underestimated — can in the right conditions and with a conducive organizational culture...

  • Comparison of requirements for location, maintenance and removal of road advertising between polish and foreign regulations


    The article gives an overview of Polish and international formal and legal requirements for roadside advertising and the relevant road safety impacts. The analysis focussed on outdoor advertising life cycle consisting of three stages: location, operation and removal of advertising. Experience of road authorities from Australia (Queensland), Republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom was collected. The article is part of a...

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  • Urban scene semantic segmentation using the U-Net model


    - Rok 2023

    Vision-based semantic segmentation of complex urban street scenes is a very important function during autonomous driving (AD), which will become an important technology in industrialized countries in the near future. Today, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) improve traffic safety thanks to the application of solutions that enable detecting objects, recognising road signs, segmenting the road, etc. The basis for these functionalities...

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  • Study on the Coastline Evolution in Sopot (2008–2018) Based on Landsat Satellite Imagery


    - Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - Rok 2020

    The coastline is the boundary between the water surface in a reservoir or watercourse and the land, which is characterised by high instability and functional diversity. For these reasons, research on coastal monitoring has been conducted for several decades. Currently, satellite images performed with synthetic aperture radars (SARs) are used to determine its course and variability together with high-resolution multispectral imagery...

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  • An Experimental and Numerical Study of Tip Vortex Cavitation


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2011

    Artykuł przedstawia eksperymentalne i numeryczne badanie kawitujacych wirów wierzchołkowych. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w tunelu kawitacyjnym na modelu płata nośnego, wykonując pomiary pola prędkości wokół wiru przy pomocy metody Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Równolegle przeprowadzono numeryczne symulacje kawitującego wiru wierzchołkowego dla różnych parametrów przepływu. Symulacje wykonano programami Fluent i CFX, stosując...

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  • Multimedia polysensory integration training system dedicated to children with educational difficulties

    This paper aims at presenting a multimedia system providing polysensory train- ing for pupils with educational difficulties. The particularly interesting aspect of the system lies in the sonic interaction with image projection in which sounds generated lead to stim- ulation of a particular part of the human brain. The system architecture, video processing methods, therapeutic exercises and guidelines for children’s interaction...

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  • KEMR-Net: A Knowledge-Enhanced Mask Refinement Network for Chromosome Instance Segmentation



    This article proposes a mask refinement method for chromosome instance segmentation. The proposed method exploits the knowledge representation capability of Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) to capture the semantics of the chromosome’s shape, texture, and key points, and then it uses the captured knowledge to improve the accuracy and smoothness of the masks. We validate the method’s effectiveness on our latest high-resolution chromosome...

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  • Reversible Video Stream Anonymization for Video Surveillance Systems Based on Pixels Relocation and Watermarking


    A method of reversible video image regions of interest anonymization for applications in video surveillance systems is described. A short introduction to theanonymization procedures is presented together with the explanation of its relation to visual surveillance. A short review of state of the art of sensitive data protection in media is included. An approach to reversible Region of Interest (ROI) hiding in video is presented,...

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  • Face Recognition: Shape versus Texture


    - Rok 2015

    This paper describes experiments related to the application of well-known techniques of the texture feature extraction (Local Binary Patterns and Gabor filtering) to the problem of automatic face verification. Results of the tests show that simple image normalization strategy based on the eye center detection and a regular grid of fiducial points outperforms the more complicated approach, employing active models that are able to...

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  • Data for meta-analysis on interversions reducing car use

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of a meta-analysis of reported interventions reducing car use. To standardise intervention effects reported in different scales, the  Hedges’ g effect size measure was used (ratio of raw difference in samples’ means and pooled standard deviation).  The standardised studies outcomes, along with overall outcome, were...

  • Business Process Modelling and Enterprise Improvement Analysis


    The main trends in developing an approach and tools for business process modelling are discussed. Business Process Management (BPM) and BPM Notation (BPMN) are presented. Moreover, the possibilities of C2NIWA in a wide range of these tools running on a supercomputer are suggested. Firstly, the company development strategy can be planned . Secondly, quick and flexible changes of its processes can be modelled, analysed and implemented....

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  • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz dr hab. inż.

  • Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine

    In this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...

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  • SACAM A Model for Describing and Classifying Sentiment Analysis Methods


    In this paper we introduce SACAM — a model for describing and classifying sentiment analysis (SA) methods. The model focuses on the knowledge used during processing textual opinions. SACAM was designed to create informative descriptions of SA methods (or classes of SA methods) and is strongly integrated with its accompanying graphical notation suited for presenting the descriptions in diagrammatical form. The paper discusses applications...

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  • Human capital quality indicators for measuring regional knowledge economy advances


    Building Knowledge Economies (KE) is a long-term process. However, civilizational and technological changes together with EU's Lisbon Strategy help in creating solutions that may speed up economical growth of countries and their regions. This seems to be a very important issue, as during last two centuries history shown, that wisdom and human invention and innovation are the most important factor driving economical growth. In this...

  • Decision making techniques for electronic communication: an example for Turkey


    - Rok 2017

    Communication is the way for people exchanging information with each other by using various tools. Electronic communication or Ecommunication is the process of sending, receiving and processing information or messages electronically. Electronic communication that is closely related to the development levels of countries, has made considerable progress especially in terms technology, innovation and entrepreneur. In this study, it...

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    • A. Tomporowski
    • A. Al - Zubiedy
    • J. Flizikowski
    • W. Kruszelnicka
    • P. Bałdowska-Witos
    • J. Rudnicki

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2019

    The design of a floating, innovative device for river water aeration and conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy required the analysis of a number of geometrical and dynamic features. Such an analysis may be carried out on the basis of existing methods of numerical fluid mechanics. Models of pressures, forces and torques characteristic for the conversion of watercourse energy were developed for two basic concepts of...

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  • Entrepreneurship after the Age of Sixty–Five? Reflections of Third Age University students


    The common synonyms for entrepreneurship usually include such concepts as creativity, innovation, and activity. These, in turn, are more often associated with youth rather than people of older age (Górniak, 2013). On the basis of literature research and interviews conducted with students from the Sopot School of Social Psychology of the University of the Third Age, the authors determined that among individuals...

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  • Strengthening the local communities’ competence for engaging in participatory planning

    The article describes the genesis of undertaking the subject of improving the planning competencies in local communities, in order to eliminate communication gaps to strengthen the civil attitudes. It puts forward a thesis that innovation in this issue involves creation of new participatory planning techniques, i.e. the described urban mentoring model. Describing the inclinations for undertaking the subject of the “Quo Vadis Gdansk?...

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  • Radio system for monitoring and acquisition of data from traffic enforcement cameras - features and assumptions of the system

    The study presents the architecture and selected functional assumptions of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (RSMAD). Ultimately, the system will be used for transmission and archiving image data of traffic offenses, but can also perform other duties related to traffic safety. Implementation of the RSMAD system will facilitate, inter alia, issuing the fine process and supervision...

  • A Visual Method of Measuring Railway-Track Weed Infestation Level


    This paper concerns the assessment of railway track surface conditions in relation to the degree of weed infestation. The paper conceptually describes the proposed method using a visual system to analyse weed infestation level. The use of image analysis software for weed detection is also proposed. This new measurement method allows for a mobile assessment of the track’s weed infestation status. Validation of the assessment method...

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  • The field–dependent interface recombination velocity for organic–inorganic heterojunction


    We have derived an analytical formula which describes the field–dependent interface recombination velocity for the boundary of two materials characterized by different permittivities. The interface recombination of charge carriers has been considered in the presence of image force Schottky barrier. We suggest that this effect may play an important role in the loss of current for organic–inorganic hybrid heterojunctions. It has...

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