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Search results for: MARINE GAS TURBINE
A rapid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds in animal feed coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublicationA rapid analytical procedure is proposed for determining two antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds, propyl disulfide (PDS) and propyl propane thiosulfonate (PTSO), in animal feed. The use of PTSO as a natural ingredient in animal feed is allowed due to its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic organisms. Two analytical methodologies using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are compared. After the extraction...
Study on the Structure-Property Dependences of Rigid PUR-PIR Foams Obtained from Marine Biomass-Based Biopolyol
PublicationThe paper describes the preparation and characterization of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams obtained with biopolyol synthesized in the process of liquefaction of biomass from the Baltic Sea. The obtained foams differed in the content of biopolyol in polyol mixture (0–30 wt%) and the isocyanate index (IISO = 200, 250, and 300). The prepared foams were characterized in terms of processing parameters (processing...
Study on the Structure-Property Dependences of Rigid PUR-PIR Foams Obtained from Marine Biomass-Based Biopolyol
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Influence of Lubrication Water Contamination by Solid Particles of Mineral Origin on Marine Strut Propeller Shafts Bearings of Ships
PublicationThe stern tube or strat bearings are key important component for safety of shipping. Modern global regulations required a low as possible negative impact on environment including lubricants leaking to the sea. The ship owners are looking for reliable and durable solutions. The costs of each ship components are carefully studied. The water lubricated bearings for ship propeller shafts are an environmentally friendly solution. That...
PublicationThis paper reports on a study of the influence of solid particle contamination on the wear process in water-lubricated slide bearings (steel-acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) and steel- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)). To compare the wear of the shaft journal and bushes (NBR and PTFE) when lubricated with fresh water and contaminated water, an experiment was carried out to identify key factors that influence the state of wear...
3D calculations of aerodynamic forces causing self-excited vibrations of turbine rotor systems. Part II: Pressure forces
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych sił generowanych w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego przeprowadzone metodą Fluent. Uwzględniono niecentryczne położenie osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Rozpatrzono bandaże o różnej geometrii. Niektóre wyniki zweryfikowano doświadczalnie.
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution
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Capillary gas chromatography using a -cyclodextrin forenantiomeric separation of methylamphetamine, its precursors andchloro intermediates after optimization of the derivatization reaction
PublicationtThe enantiomeric ratio of methylamphetamine (MAMP) is closely related to the optical activity of precur-sors and reagents used for the synthesis and this knowledge can provide useful information concerningthe origins and synthetic methods used for illicit manufacture. The information can be utilized for reg-ulation of the precursors and investigation of the manufacturing sources but this requires analyticalprocedures to determine...
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationIbuprofen is widely used in human and veterinary medicine for the treatment of chronic pain as well as rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. However, t he anal- gesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ibuprofen have contributed to frequent drug abuse in equestr ian s ports. A sensitive and rapid gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry based method with a simple liquid-liquid extraction and deriva- tization requiring...
Method for the determination of carboxylic acids in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with injection port derivatization gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
PublicationThe paper presents a new method for the determination of 15 carboxylic acids in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using ion-pair dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with injection port derivatization. Several parameters related to the extraction and derivatization efficiency were optimized. Under optimized experimental conditions,the...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
The effect of aeration mode (intermittent vs. continuous) on nutrient removal and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment plant of Corleone (Italy)
PublicationThe paper reports the results of an experimental study aimed at comparing two configurations of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): conventional activated sludge (CAS) and oxic-settling-anaerobic process (OSA) with intermittent aeration (IA). A comprehensive monitoring campaign was carried out to assess multiple parameters for comparing the two configurations: carbon and nutrient removal, greenhouse gas emissions, respirometric...
First deep eutectic solvent-based (DES) stationary phase for gas chromatography and future perspectives for DES application in separation techniques
PublicationThe paper presents the first application of deep eutectic solvents (DES) as stationary phases for gas chromatography. DES obtained by mixing tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) with heptadecanoic acid being a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) in a mole ratio of HBA:HBD equal to 1:2 was characterized by its ability to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Rohrschneider – McReynolds constants determined...
Characterization of diatomaceous earth coated with nitrated asphaltenes as superior adsorbent for removal of VOCs from gas phase in fixed bed column
PublicationAsphaltenes isolated from bitumen possess unusual adsorption characteristics that can be further enhanced by chemical modifications to promote interactions with VOCs’. Herein, nitrated asphaltenes are used as an active layer coated on a surface of a diatomaceous earth, in order to prepare an efficient adsorbent (AsfNitro). Breakthrough experiments with benzene, pyridine, and 1-nitropropane revealed significant increase in adsorption...
Studies on origin of Polish honeys by two-dimensional gas chromatography Ocena pochodzenia surowcowego polskich miodów przy użyciu dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej
PublicationPolish acacia, linden, rapessed and buckwheat-derived honeys and a honydew were analysed for presence of hydrocarbons, alcs., ketones and esters by 2-dimensional gas chromatog. to establish the markers for the honey origin. PrOH was found characteristic for acacia honey, Me(CH2)11OH for linden honey, Me(CH2)6CHOMe for honeydew and Me(CH2)8COOEt for the rapeseed honey. Wykorzystano technikę dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej...
Thermodynamic Cycles of Air Microturbine Power Plants Working on Biomass Fuels
PublicationThe gas turbine engine is modified to work as an air turbine set which consists, in the simplest arrangement, of a compressor, a heat exchanger and a turbine. Air is a working medium for both: the compressor and the turbine. This kind of air turbine set can be applied in power plants working on biomass fuels. In this solution we can burn fuels of varying parameters in the external combustion chamber without any harmful effects...
Hardening of (Pb,Cd)Te Crystal Lattice with an Increasing CdTe Content in the Solid Solution
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Comparative analysis of thermodynamic cycles of selected nuclear ship power plants with high-temperature helium-cooled nuclear reactor
PublicationThis paper presents a comparative analysis of thermodynamic cycles of two ship power plant systems with a high-temperature helium- cooled nuclear reactor. The first of them is a gas system with recuperator , in which classical gas chamber is substituted for a HTGR reactor (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) . The second of the considered cycles is a combined gas-steam system where working medium flux from gas turbine outlet...
Impact of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Excitation of EntropyPerturbations in a Bounded Volume of Newtonian Gas
PublicationExcitation of the entropy mode in the field of intense sound, that is, acoustic heating, is theoreticallyconsidered in this work. The dynamic equation for an excess density which specifies the entropy mode,has been obtained by means of the method of projections. It takes the form of the diffusion equation withan acoustic driving force which is quadratically nonlinear in the leading order. The diffusion coefficient isproportional...
Propagation of initially sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals in a quasi-isentropic magnetic gas
PublicationThe characteristics of propagation of sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals at a transducer are analytically studied in this work. A plasma under consideration is motionless and uniform at equilibrium, and its perturbations are described by a system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some generic heating/cooling function, which in turn depends on equilibrium thermodynamic parameters, may destroy adiabaticity of a flow and...
Determination of Odour Interactions of Three-Component Gas Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose
PublicationThe paper presents an application of an electronic nose prototype comprised of six TGS-type sensors and one PID-type sensor to identify odour interaction phenomena in odorous three-component mixtures. The investigation encompassed eight odorous mixtures—toluene-acetone-triethylamine and formaldehyde-butyric acid-pinene — characterized by different odour intensity and hedonic tone. A principal component regression (PCR) calibration...
Separation of CO2 from flue gas in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ash) reactor
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań była absorpcja dwutlenku węgla w wodnym roztworze wodorotlenku sodu, z fazy gazowej w skali laboratoryjnej i technologicznej z wykorzystaniem reaktora typu ash. Natężenie przepływu powietrza wynosiło 900 dm3/min a wodnego roztworu NaOH 15 dm3/min w skali technologicznej. Zbadano stężenie CO2, pH w fazie ciekłej, wpływ natężenia przepływu fazy gazowej i fazy ciekłej na efektywność absorpcji
An application of advanced data processing methods to response analysis of electrocatalytic gas sensor
PublicationPrzedstawiono stosowane dotychczas oraz zaproponowano nowe metody analizy odpowiedzi czujników elektrokatalitycznych. Porównano ich właściwości.
Experimental investigation of utilizing waste flue gas desulfurized gypsum as backfill materials
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Experimental research on low-cost cold gas propulsion for a space robot platform
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Combined gas chromatography—mass spectrometry for the analysis of central and peripheral biogenic amines
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Chemometric optimization of derivatization reactions prior to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
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Influence of Gas-Flow Conditions on the Evolution of Thermally Insulating Si3N4 Nano-Felts
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The Impact of Innovation and Information Technology on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case of the Visegrád Countries
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The existence and gas phase acidity of the HAlnF3n+1 superacids (n=1–4)
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Photocatalytic activity of anatase powders for oxidation of methylene blue in water and diluted NO gas
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Influence of rotating magnetic field on gas-liquid volumetric mass transfer coefficient
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Multidimensional Gas Chromatography in Essential Oil Analysis. Part 1: Technical Developments
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Headspace liquid phase microextraction for quantitation of hexanal in potato crisps by gas chromatography
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Determination of aliphatic amines in water by gas chromatography using headspace solvent microextraction
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Gas to liquid mass transfer in mixing system with application of rotating magnetic field
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Resistance noise in tio2-based thin film gas sensors underultraviolet irradiation
PublicationBadano możliwości wykorzystania fluktuacji rezystancji w cienkich warstwach TiO2 do wykrywania gazów. Pomiary przeprowadzono, gdy próbka była oświetlona promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym o długości 370nm, w obecności gazu H2S. Stwierdzono, że fluktuacje rezystancji są indukowane promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym i pozwalają na wykrycie obecności H2S w stężeniu do 1.5 ppm.
Gas sensing by resistance fluctuations in Pd x WO 3 nanoparticle films
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The measurement and calculation of gas temperature inside a switchgear during fault arc period.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania temperatury gazu wewnątrz rozdzielnicy szczelnej z izolacją powietrzną podczas zwarć łukowych w oparciu o równanie przewodnictwa cieplnego. Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych temperatury gazów podczas zwarć z łukiem wędrującym. Opisano model do badań, układ probierczy i warunki badań. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Dynamic stability and spatial heterogeneity in the indyvidual-based modelling of a Lotka-Volterra gas.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki symulacji systemu drapieżnik-ofiara. Dynamika populacji jest opisana oddziaływaniami typu Lotki Volterry ala uzyskane efekty przestrzenne różnia się od rozwiązań równań Lotki Voltery. Do analizy wyników symulacji uzyto miary entropii i korelacji. Entropia oscyluje w rytmie zgodnym z całą populacją, zaś średnie wartości korelacji skrosnej są zależne od rozmiarów okna obserwacji.
Balance of pesticides mass in gas, liquid and solid phase after their chemical degradation.
PublicationOpisano metodę usuwania pestycydów z wody przy zastosowaniu fotodegradacji (UV) i katalizatora (TiO2). Efektywność procesu usuwania pestycydów była kontrolowana przy zastosowaniu chromatografu gazowego z detektorem wychwytu elektronów. Oznaczano zawartość pestycydów w wodzie, a także zaadsorbowanych na powierzchni stałej, oraz w fazie gazowej. Największa zawartość pestycydów znajdowała się na fazie stałej, następnie w cieczy i...
Piecewise continuous distribution function method in the theory of wave disturbances of inhomogeneous gas
PublicationUkład równań typu hydrodynamicznego dla warstwowych gazów w polu grawitacyjnym pochodzi od równania BGK metodą częściowej ciągłej funkcji dystrybucji. Otrzymany system równań uogólnia układ Naviera-Stokesa w dowolnych liczbach Knudsena.
Experimental investigations of commercial gas boiler as a heat source for the domestic micro-CHP
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na prototypowym stanowisku mikrosiłowni domowej ORC z kotłem gazowym jako źródłem ciepła. Wykazano, iż jest możliwa adaptacja komercyjnego kotła gazowego dla potrzeb kogeneracji w skali mikro.
Use of imidazolium ionic liquids for carbon dioxide separation from gas mixtures
PublicationNowoczesnym podejściem do separacji tlenku węgla (IV) z mieszanin gazowych jest zastosowanie cieczy jonowych jako materiału absorpcyjnego. Niemierzalna prężność par i możliwość modyfikacji budowy kationu i wyboru anionu cieczy jonowych sprawiają, że związki te mogą zastąpić obecnie stosowane aminy. Przedstawiono wpływ struktury chemicznej cieczy jonowych, ciśnienia oraz temperatury na efektywność absorpcji CO2 i innych gazów w...
Solid electrolyte gas sensors based on cyclic voltammetry with one active electrode
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań elektrokatalitycznego czujnika gazów toksycznych z jedną elektrodą aktywną.
Volatile organic compound separation from gas phase using ionic liquids
PublicationZanieczyszczenie powietrza lotnymi związkami organicznymi staje się światowym problemem ochrony środowiska w związku z ich toksycznymi właściwościami. W związku z tym poszukuje się nowych, efektywnych technologii oczyszczania strumieni gazowych. Powszechnie stosowaną metodą jest utlenianie termiczne. Wiąże się ono jednak z Wysokiem zużyciem energii i efektami ubocznymi w postaci emisji dwutlenku węgla i tlenków azotu. Alternatywą...
Determination of MDPBP in postmortem blood samples by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
PublicationMDPBP (1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanone) is a new psychoactive substance sold on the black market. It has been a controlled drug of abuse in Poland and China since 2015 as some toxic and fatal cases connected with use of synthetic cathinone derivatives were observed. The fatal case outlined here concerns a 19 year-old man, who was found dead with an envelope containing white powder lying nearby the cadaver....
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for in situ determination of biogenic amines in meat: Estimation of meat's freshness
PublicationA dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) technique was developed for the determination of selected biogenic amines (BAs) in samples of poultry, pork and beef. Prior to the extraction process, an appropriate volume of sodium hydroxide solution was added to each of the portioned samples. Next, samples were homogenized, centrifuged and finally sonicated at an increased temperature....
Mercury in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea: A response to decreased atmospheric deposition and changing environment
PublicationOur review of the literature showed that since the beginning of the socio-economic transformation in Poland in the 1990s, the downward trend in Hg emissions and its deposition in the southern Baltic Sea was followed by a simultaneous decrease in Hg levels in water and marine plants and animals. Hg concentrations in the biota lowered to values that pose no or low risk to wildlife and seafood consumers. However, in the first decade...