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Search results for: EARTH FAULT CURRENTS
Broken rotor bar impact on sensorless control of induction machine
PublicationThe aim of the research is analysis of the sensorless control system of induction machine with broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. Increasing popularity of sensorless controlled variable speed drives requires research in area of reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods. T transformation (Cunha et al.,2003) used for conversion of instantaneous rotor currents electrical circuit...
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublicationThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublicationThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
Bacterial presence in polar regions associated with environment modification by chemical compounds including contaminants
PublicationMicrobes are omnipresent and diverse members of all biological communities. In marine and freshwater ecosystems, microorganisms form the base of the food chain supporting higher trophic levels. Even though, microbes generally are thought to live in warm regions of Earth, many of them develop in cold climates. Polar regions remain relatively protected from widespread anthropogenic disturbances, which is a consequence of its remoteness...
The interaction between bacterial abundance and selected pollutants concentration levels in an arctic catchment (southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublicationPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been a topic of interest in environmental sciences for > 60 years. POPs in the Arctic have been investigated since the 1970s, when first atmospheric measurements revealed the presence of these pollutants in the polar regions. Major contaminant transport routes to the Arctic include atmospheric and oceanic transport, as well as inflow from rivers and sea ice. The sources of pollutants, such...
A Clustering-Based Methodology for Selection of Fault Tolerance Techniques
PublicationDevelopment of dependable applications requires selection of appropriate fault tolerance techniques that balance efficiency in fault handling and resulting consequences, such as increased development cost or performance degradation. This paper describes an advisory system that recommends fault tolerance techniques considering specified development and runtime application attributes. In the selection process, we use the K-means...
Modeling the impact of surface currents in a harbor using graph theory
PublicationEnsuring security in a harbor requires research into its infrastructure using spatial environmental data. This paper presents a methodology that defines the design of a graph for modeling the interactions between surface currents and moving objects. Combining this graph with port charts that integrate electronic navigation charts with coastal orthophotographs allows us to perform a multidimensional analysis. In addition, the complete...
PCA based Fault Tolerant MPC
PublicationThis chapter presents a Fault Tolerant - Model Predictive Control (FT-MPC) schemes for sensor faults accommodation. A Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) Unit, which is an integral part of FT-MPC system, is based on the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. Introduced approach enables efficient bias and drift faults accommodation in single, as well as simultaneous faults case. Simple simulation exercise is presented.Rozdział...
Faults and Fault Detection Methods in Electric Drives
PublicationThe chapter presents a review of faults and fault detection methods in electric drives. Typical faults are presented that arises for the induction motor, which is valued in the industry for its robust construction and cost-effective production. Moreover, a summary is presented of detectable faults in conjunction with the required physical information that allow a detection of specific faults. In order to address faults of a complete...
Disturbances of magnetic field of plane caused by eddy currents
PublicationResults of the numerical analysis of the magnetic disturbances of a plane caused by eddy currents induced in conducting elements of the plane were presented in this paper. Magnetic disturbances of the object's model were carried out in Opera 3D.
Time-current tripping curves of arc fault detection devices
PublicationTripping curves of arc fault detection devices, in accordance with PN-EN 62606 “General requirements for arc fault detection devices” have been presented in the paper. Consequently the most fundamental differences in arc fault detection devices tripping compared to circuit-breakers and residual current devices have been indicated.
Surf Zone Currents in the Coastal Zone of the Southern Baltic Sea – a Modelling Approach
PublicationNearshore currents in a multi-bar non-tidal coastal zone environment located in the Southern Baltic Sea are studied. Spatiotemporal seaward-directed jets – so-called rip currents – are an important part of the nearshore current system. In previous research, Dudkowska et al. (2020) performed an extended modelling experiment to determine the wave conditions that are conducive to the emergence of rip currents. In this paper, the...
On Earth as in Universe
PublicationOn Earth as in Universe Ślady zostawione na podobraziu przygotowanym własnoręcznie przez Kazimierza Ostrowskiego. Kilka pociągnięć pędzlem ciemną farbą na odwrocie płótna, tu i ówdzie przyklejone włosy do powierzchni gruntu, kurz nagromadzony przez lata - słowem każdy element artefaktu, który trafił do mnie, był kapsułą czasu sprzed około pięćdziesięciu lat. Jedyne co mogłem zrobić, to wpisać drobiny obecności Kazimierza Ostrowskiego...
Mechanical Strength of MV Ship-switchgear During Fault Arc
PublicationIn the paper the analysis of pressure stressed in enclosure during fault arc inside switchgear is pre-sented as well. There is introduced the method based on determining stresses which are sum of tensile stresses (membrane) and deflection stresses. For tensile stresses nalysis the energy method, for unrestrainedly supported rectangular plate, was used. In the further part of the paper, the calculations and measurements results...
Isolation Improvement in MIMO Antenna with a Simple Hybrid Technique of Orthogonal and Inverse Currents
PublicationThis paper presents a compact high-isolation multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna developed using a hybrid approach. The proposed technique combines induced orthogonal currents and self-inverse currents to enhance the antenna's performance. Orthogonal currents are generated by strategically etching open slots on the antenna patches, while self-inverse currents are introduced by integration of annular vias. By carefully...
Electrolytic corrosion of water pipeline system in the remote distance from stray currents– case study
PublicationCase study of corrosion failure of urban water supply system caused by the harmful effects of stray currents was presented. The failure occurred at a site distant from the sources of these currents namely the tramway and railway traction systems. Diagnosis revealed the stray currents flow to pipeline over a remote distance of 800 ÷ 1,000 meters from the point of failure. At the point of failure stray currents flowed from the pipeline...
Possibility of Fault Detection in Sensorless Electric Drives
PublicationThe work presents a fault detection method for an induction motor drive system with inverter output filter. This approach make use of a load torque state observer, which complete structure is presented along with the used control structure. Moreover, the demonstrated drive system operates without rotor speed measurement in conjunction with the multiscalar control. The verification of the demonstrated idea was performed on an experimental...
Common-Mode Voltage and Bearing Currents in PWM Inverters: Causes, Effects and Prevention
PublicationIn modern induction motor drives an increase of transistors' switching frequency and a decrease of switching times are the sources of some serious problems. The high dv/dt and the common mode voltage generated by the inverter PWM control results in the appearances of bearing currents, shaft voltages, motor terminal overvoltages, the decrease of motor efficiency, and electromagnetic interference. The aspects of common mode (CM)...
Harmony Search for Self-configuration of Fault–Tolerant and Intelligent Grids
PublicationIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Self-configuration of computer grids lies in the fact that new computer nodes are automatically configured by software agents and then integrated into the grid. A base node works due to several configuration parameters that define some aspects of data communications and energy power consumption. We...
Computer-Aided Calculations of Earth Potential Rise in High Voltage Overhead Lines
PublicationHigh voltage overhead power lines with earth wires comprise towers made of conductive material. Some towers are in locations where people can be expected to be either for a long time or for a short time but very frequently. Evaluation of shock hazard near such towers requires calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit current, earth current and especially earth potential rise. Number of towers in high voltage power lines can exceed...
Fast Real-Time RDFT- and GDFT-Based Direct Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drive
PublicationThis paper presents the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a direct fault harmonic identification approach in a converter-fed electric drive for automated diagnosis purposes. On the basis of the analytical model of the proposed real-time direct fault diagnosis, the fault-related harmonic component is calculated using recursive DFT (RDFT) and Goertzel DFT (GDFT), applied instead of the full spectrum calculations...
Novel Fault Identification for Electromechanical Systems via Spectral Technique and Electrical Data Processing
PublicationIt is proposed, developed, investigated, and validated by experiments and modelling for the first time in worldwide terms new data processing technologies, higher order spectral multiple correlation technologies for fault identification for electromechanical systems via electrical data processing. Investigation of the higher order spectral triple correlation technology via modelling has shown that the proposed data processing technology...
The effectivness of fault detection in common rail injectors examination methods
PublicationThe article presents the effectiveness tests of fault detection in common rail injectors. 40 injectors with different wear levels were tested. Testing was made on two test benches of a completely different design. Research includes comparison of accuracy, reproducibility and testability to detect specific defects. A device was created for visualization of the fuel injector spraying steam.
Determination of Earth Pressure and Displacement of the Retaining Structure According to the Eurocode 7-1
PublicationComparative analysis of standard guidelines and findings given in EC7-1 and in Polish Standard PN-83/B-03010. Discussed guidelines concerning active and passive earth pressure as well as at rest pressure state. Wall displacement causing limit states of earth pressure and resistance. Interactive assumptions concerning intermediate earth pressure and resistance values. Conclusions and final remarks.
Enthalpies of formation of rare earth niobates, RE3NbO7
PublicationHigh-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry was used to investigate energetics of a series of rare earth niobates RE3NbO7. All of investigated compounds were found to be stable in enthalpy in respect to their oxides. The enthalpy of formation from oxides becomes more exothermic as the size of the RE cation increases, a trend seen previously in other RE compounds including pyrochlores, perovskites, and phosphates. For smaller...
Thermodynamics of solid phases containing rare earth oxides
PublicationRare earth elements (RE) are incorporated into a large variety of complex oxide phases to provide tailored mechanical, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. Thermodynamics control phase stability, materials compatibility in use, corrosion, and transformation. This review presents, in one compilation, the thermodynamic properties of a large number of such materials and discusses systematic trends in energetics and the factors...
Fault diagnosing system of wheeled tractors
PublicationA defect of complex wheeled tractor assembles most frequently negative influence on exploitation efficiency, safety and exhaust gases emission. Structure complexity of wheeled tractors requires more and more advanced diagnostic methods for identification of their serviceable possibilities as well in manufacturing step as in exploitation. In classical diagnosing methods of wheeled tractor defects states mapping by measured diagnostic...
Using an IEEE1149.1 Test Bus for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Parts of Electronic Embedded Systems
PublicationThe new solution of a BIST called the JTAG BIST for self-testing of analog parts of electronic embedded systems is presented in the paper. The JTAG BIST consists of the BCT8244A and SCANSTA476 integrated circuits of Texas Instruments controlled via the IEEE 1149.1 bus. The BCT8244A is a scan test device with octal buffers, and the SCANSTA476 is a 12-bit ADC with 8 analog input channels. Self-testing approach is based on the fault...
Analysis of transformer inrush currents
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model i wyniki obliczeń prądu i strumienia magnetycznego w układzie zawierającym transformator trójfazowy i wyłącznik. Opracowano obwodowy model łącznika z łukiem elektrycznym. Model łuku zbudowano w oparciu o jego statyczną i dynamiczną charakterystykę prądowo-napięciową. Przeprowadzone symulacje wykazały, że wartość maksymalna prądu włączania transformatora zależy zarówno od chwili włączenia napięcia...
Long-term Hindcast Simulation of Currents, Sea Level, Water Temperature and Salinity in the Baltic Sea
PublicationThis dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of currents, sea level, water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958–2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (PM3D) based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The spatial resolution was 3 nautical miles, i.e. about 5.5 km. Currents, water temperature, and salinity were recorded...
Derivation of motor mean phase currents in PMSM drives operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublicationPulse width modulation (PWM) of inverter output voltage causes the waveforms of motor phase cur-rents to consist of distinctive ripples. In order to provide suitable feedback for the motor current con-trollers, the mean value must be extracted from the currents’ waveforms in every PWM cycle. A com-mon solution to derive the mean phase currents is to sample their value at the midpoint of a symmetrical PWM cycle. Using an assumption...
Modeling the impact of rotor movement on non-linearity of motor currents waveforms in high-speed PMSM drives
PublicationMotor current measurement techniques as well as predictive control algorithms for electric drives rely on an assumption of linear motor currents changes resulting from constant inverter output voltages. Recent research has reported that this assumption does not hold in motors with short electrical time constant, and in drives whose rotor position advances substantially during a control period. This paper proposes a simulation model...
A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationThis paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.
PublicationThe properties of doped barium cerate barium zirconate solid solution are presented in presented work. It was found that doping of solid solution of barium cerate and zirconate by rare-earth elements have an influence on microstructure and electrical properties of the samples.
Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data
PublicationIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...
New Two-center Ellipsoidal Basis Function Neural Network for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Electronic Circuits
PublicationIn the paper a new fault diagnosis-oriented neural network and a diagnostic method for localization of parametric faults in Analog Electronic Circuits (AECs) with tolerances is presented. The method belongs to the class of dictionary Simulation Before Test (SBT) methods. It utilizes dictionary fault signatures as a family of identification curves dispersed around nominal positions by component tolerances of the Circuit Under Test...
Evaluation of applicability of classic methods of a fault loop impedance measurement to circuits with residual current devices
PublicationMeasurement of fault loop impedance in low voltage grids and systems is in most cases performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against electric shock by automatic disconnection of supply. For the sake of measurement accuracy, it is advisable to perform it using large current. Unfortunately, in circuits with residual current devices which are very widely used nowadays, a large measurement current may trigger those devices...
Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses
PublicationA survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...
Noninvasive method for rotor fault diagnosis in inverter fed induction motor drive
PublicationThis article presents a proposal, simulation and experimental results of a noninvasive rotor fault diagnosis method for the inverter fed induction motor drive. Comparing to reported methods the proposed one does not require any load, rotor brake, slip, mechanical or electrical system physical modification e.g. machine disassembly and can be applied regardless the rotor speed measurement or estimation method.
Fault Diagnostics in PEMFC Stacks by Evaluation of Local Performance and Cell Impedance Analysis
PublicationStarvation, flooding, and dry‐out phenomena occur in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), due to heterogeneous local conditions, material inhomogeneity, and uneven flow distribution across the single cell active area and in between the individual cells. The impact of the load level and air feed conditions on the performance was identified for individual single cells within a 10‐cell stack. Analysis of the current density...
Broadband Modeling of Motor Cable Impact on Common Mode Currents in VFD
PublicationExamination of conducted EMI generation and propagation in AC motor drives fed by frequency converter requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. AC motor winding voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in converter's load circuits. Intensity levels of these phenomena depend...
Modeling of Common Mode Currents Induced by Motor Cable in Converter Fed AC Motor Drives
PublicationInvestigation of conducted EMI generation in AC motor fed by pulse width modulated frequency converters requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance-frequency characteristics...
Diatomaceous earth as a drug-loaded carrier in a glass-ionomer cement
PublicationThe effect of a natural filler (diatomaceous earth [DE], a promising drug-delivery agent) and its content was investigated on the performance of a model glass-ionomer cement (GIC). Three sample series, differing in DE content (0, 2.5 and 5 wt%), were prepared using a commercial GIC as a matrix (3M Ketac Molar Easymix). The resultant surface microhardness and roughness, wear performance, and compressive strength of the samples were...
Open-Phase Fault Detection Method for Sensorless Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives with an Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents the sensorless five-phase induction motor drive implementation with an inverter output filter with third harmonic injection. For the sensorless operation, the required observers are presented for the first and third harmonics with consideration of the inverter output filter. Moreover, the interaction of the observers and the control system is capable to handle a deactivation of one or two phases, which improves...
Brief Literature Review and Classification System of Reliability Methods for Evaluating the Stability of Earth Slopes
PublicationThe issue of slope stability is one of the most important and yet most difficult geotechnical problems. Assessing slope stability is particularly difficult because of the many uncertainties involved in the process. To take these uncertainties into account, probabilistic methods are used, and the reliability approach is adopted. There are many methods for reliability assessment of earth slope stability. However, there is no system...
Sensorless Fault Detection of Induction Motor with Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of monitoring and fault detection of a sensorless voltage inverter fed squirrel cage induction motor with LC filter. The detection is based on load torque estimation of the investigated torque transmission system. The load torque is calculated besides the computation of other variables that are mandatory for sensorless drive operation such as rotor flux and speed. The implemented LC filter smooths...
Open-transistor fault diagnostics in voltage-source inverters by analyzing the load current
PublicationA novel method is presented for the detection andisolation of open-transistor faults in voltage-source invertersfeeding low-power AC motors. The method is based onmonitoring two diagnostic signals, one indicating sustained nearzerovalues of output current and thus permitting fault detection,the other permitting the isolation of the particular transistorwhich went faulty. The latter signal is the ratio of the averagephase current...
Fault tolerant guarding of grids
PublicationW pracy rozważano problem strzeżenia krat dwuwymiarowych przez dwa niezależne zespoły straży. Wykazano, że zagadnienie minimalizacyjne jest NP-trudne i zaproponowano dla niego wielomianowy algorytm 6/5-przybliżony.
Analog fault signature based on sigma-delta modulation and oscillation-test methodology.
PublicationW artykule dokonano przeglądu prac z zakresu testowania układów elektronicznych metodą oscylacyjną. Wskazując na niedostatki aktualnie stosowanej techniki testowania oscylacyjnego zaproponowano nową sygnaturę uszkodzeń dla układów analogowych. Proponowany parametr diagnostyczny jest wydobywany z odpowiedzi czasowej oscylatora testującego, w układzie złożonym z detektora szczytowego, modulatora sigma-delta oraz licznika rewersyjnego....
Sensorless field oriented control for five-phase induction motors with third harmonic injection and fault insensitive feature
PublicationThe paper presents a solution for sensorless field oriented control (FOC) system for five-phase induction motors with improved rotor flux pattern. In order to obtain the advantages of a third harmonic injection with a quasi-trapezoidal flux shape, two vector models, α1–β1 and α3–β3, were transformed into d1– q1, d3– q3 rotating frames, which correlate to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. A linearization approach of the...