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Search results for: chemical composition of lipids
Spatial Differences in the Chemical Composition of Surface Water in the Hornsund Fjord Area: A Statistical Analysis with A Focus on Local Pollution Sources
PublicationSurface catchments in Svalbard are sensitive to external pollution, and yet what is frequently considered external contamination may originate from local sources and natural processes. In this work, we analyze the chemical composition of surface waters in the catchments surrounding the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, Hornsund fjord area. We have pooled unpublished and already published data describing surface water composition...
PublicationRhododendron tomentosum possesses the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties, determined by the chemical composition of its essential oil. The effects of place (Miszewko, Lubichowo) and time of harvesting (June, November) as well as drying (air-drying, oven-drying, freeze-drying) and isolation (in Deryng, Clevenger and Likens-Nickerson apparatus) procedures on the yield and quality of R. tomentosum essential...
The influence of chemical composition of amide block on the thermal properties and structure of terpoly(ester-b-ether-b-amide) elastomers
PublicationMultiblock terpolymers-(PBT-b-PTMO-b-PA12,10)(n)- constituting the polymer systems, in which one of the three blocks (PBT) does not dissolve in PA12,10 block (hard phase) and, depending on its molecular weight is slightly soluble in PTMO block (soft phase), have been obtained. The DSC method was applied to investigate the thermal properties of these polymers and it was found that PBT block acts as an element that produces stiffness...
Evaluation of the yield, chemical composition and biological properties of essential oil from bioreactor-grown cultures of Salvia apiana microshoots
PublicationMicroshoot cultures of the North American endemic Salvia apiana were established for the first time and evaluated for essential oil production. Stationary cultures, grown on Schenk-Hildebrandt (SH) medium, supplemented with 0.22 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ), 2.0 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine and 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, accumulated 1.27% (v/m dry weight) essential oil, consisting mostly of 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, α-pinene, β-myrcene and camphor....
Effect of storing persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruits under shelf life conditions on selected physical parameters and chemical composition
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Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Air in Nemoral Scots Pine Forests and Submountainous Beech Forests: The Potential Region for the Introduction of Forest Therapy
PublicationStudies show that forests are one of the main recreational destinations. This can be explained by their beneficial effects on the health of their visitors, which can be attributed to compounds from the terpene group. The aim of this research was to determine the chemical composition of air in the interiors of Nemoral Scots pine forests and submountainous beech forests, with the determination of compounds of the terpene group. Samples...
Trypsin inhibitor, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities as well as chemical composition of potato sprouts originating from yellow- and colored-fleshed varieties
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Chemical Composition and Physical Characteristics of Fruits of Two Cultivars of Blue Honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) in Relation to their Degree of Maturity and Harvest Date
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Anthropogenic enrichment of the chemical composition of bottom sediments of water bodies in the neighborhood of a non-ferrous metal smelter (Silesian Upland, Southern Poland)
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Preliminary studies comparing the chemical composition of goitschiteand Saxonian succinite = Wstępne badania dotyczące porównania chemicznego składu goitszytu i sukcynitu saksońskiego
PublicationChemiczny skład goitszytu i sukcynitu saksońskiego porównano metodą spektroskopową (FTIR). Dalsza analiza została przeprowadzona z ekstraktów niepolarnych za pomocą chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej ze spektrometrią mas (GC-MS). Potwierdzono podobieństwo składu chemicznego bursztynu bitterfeldzkiego i sukcynitu z regionu Morza Bałtyckiego. Substancje zidentyfikowane w ekstrakcie goitszytu mogą sugerować jego genetyczne podobieństwo...
Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 2: Organic and inorganic chemicals in snow cover at the Warszawa Icefield
PublicationThe study area is located on King George Island, where 90% of the area is permanently glaciated. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the inorganic and organic chemistry of snow cover in the icefield and a comparison against previous results obtained in fresh water. Snow samples were collected in the summer of 2017 in the Warszawa Icefield area. Sampling points are located along two transects: between the Arctowski Polish...
Chemical composition of essential oils isolated from Mexican giant hyssop [Agastache mexicana (Kunth.) Link. & Epling.] via hydrodistillation in Deryng and Clevenger apparatuses
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Growth Performance, Chemical Composition of Fillets, Liver and Intestinal Histology, and Expression of Lipid-Dependent Genes in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fed Artificial Diets
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Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station
PublicationThe paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water...
Próbki wód spływnych - sposób pobierania z różnych powierzchni i ich skład chemiczny = Samples of runoff water - sampling procedures for different surfaces and chemical composition
PublicationPrzedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu wód spływnych dostających się do środowiska w wyniku zmywania przez opady atmosferyczne zanieczyszczeń z takich powierzchni jak: arterie komunikacyjne, dachy budynków, obszary rolnicze i leśne oraz hałdy odpadów. Wyniki uzyskane w trakcie badań własnych zestawiono z danymi literaturowymi. Informacje o metodyce pobierania próbek i położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego warunkują prawidłowy wynik...
Wpływ obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód powierzchniowych niewielkich zagłębień bezodpływowych = The impact of the Gdańsk's ring road on the chemical composition of the surface waters in small outflowless pools
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód niewielkich zbiorników bezodpływowych. Próbki poddano analizie na zawartość wybranych kationów i anionów oraz zbadano takie parametry jak pH oraz przewodnictwo. Uzyskane wyniki bardzo jasno wskazują na wysoki wpływ obwodnicy na skład i rodzaj zanieczyszczeń obecnych w badanych próbkach. Zaobserwowano alkalizację badanych wód oraz wysoki poziom stężeń takich...
Effect of Bear Garlic Addition on the Chemical Composition, Microbiological Quality, Antioxidant Capacity, and Degree of Proteolysis in Soft Rennet Cheeses Produced from Milk of Polish Red and Polish Holstein-Friesian Cows
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Chemistry of human breast milk – a comprehensive review of the composition and role of milk metabolites in child development
PublicationEarly nutrition has an enormous influence on a child's physiological function, immune system maturation and cognitive development. Human breast milk (HBM) is recognized as the gold standard for human infant nutrition. Accordingly to WHO report breastfeeding is consider as an unequalled way of providing ideal food to the infant, which is required for his healthy growth and development. HBM contains various macronutrients (carbohydrates,...
Bile salts in digestion and transport of lipids
PublicationBecause of their unusual chemical structure, bile salts (BS) play a fundamental role in intestinal lipid digestion and transport. BS have a planar arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, which enables the BS molecules to form peculiar self-assembled structures in aqueous solutions. This molecular arrangement also has an influence on specific interactions of BS with lipid molecules and other compounds of ingested food...
Lipids and Food Quality
PublicationThis chapter deals with lipids present in food as well as their chemical, biological, and functional properties. The chapter begins with a presentation of the main groups of lipids including their chemical structure and physical properties. The physical properties of lipids affecting food processing are covered. Then, the role of lipids in human nutrition is presented. This is followed by a description of the undesirable changes...
The influence of plant protection by effective microorganisms on the content of bioactive phytochemicals in apples
PublicationThe phytochemicals of two apple cultivars (Yellow Transparent and Early Geneva) protected in two ways, conventionally with chemical pesticides or by effective microorganisms (EM), were compared. Two types of components were determined: lipids synthesised constitutively and generated via inducible pathways polyphenols along with antioxidant activity and profiles. The antioxidant activities assessed with ABTS, DPPH and Folin–Ciocalteu...
Cuticular lipids of insects as potential biofungicides
PublicationThe term ''lipids'' refers to fatty acids, their derivatives and substances related with them biochemically or by the functions in the body. Lipids include compounds with different chemical structure. There are lipids with structures based on long-chain carboxylic acids and their direct derivatives, namely: fatty acids, alkanes, some alkenes, aldehydes and long chain alcohols and their derivatives (esters). The variety of lipid...
By-Products from Food Industry as a Promising Alternative for the Conventional Fillers for Wood–Polymer Composites
PublicationThe present paper describes the application of two types of food-industry by-products, brewers’ spent grain (BSG), and coffee silverskin (ŁK) as promising alternatives for the conventional beech wood flour (WF) for wood–polymer composites. The main goal was to investigate the impact of partial and complete WF substitution by BSG and ŁK on the processing, structure, physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of resulting...
Characterization of fatty acid composition in Eurasian badger (Meles meles)
PublicationPolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs, LA and ALA) are not synthesized in mammals in the absence of their essential fatty acid precursors. However, hibernating animals and animals sleeping through the winter need sufficiently high amounts of these acids. The Eurasian badger does not hibernate, but sleeps over winter. In the autumn the body weight of adult badgers increases even twofold, since they put on fat before the winter. Fat...
Direct injection liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-LC-MS) analysis for rapid lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles
PublicationExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are small, spherical particles produced by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, surrounded by a bilayer membrane and carrying various bioactive molecules, such as proteins, surface receptors, membrane and soluble proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. EVs are of substantial interest because of their important roles in cell communication, epigenetic regulation and possible application in disease diagnosis...
Rapid Characterization of the Human Breast Milk Lipidome Using a Solid-Phase Microextraction and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Based Approach.
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) is a biofluid consisting of various biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and bioactive substances. Due to its unique and complex composition, HBM provides not only nutritional components required for the growth of the infant, but also additional protection against infections. Global insight into the composition of HBM is crucial to understanding the health benefits infants receive...
Advanced nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks for catalytic bio-diesel production from microalgal lipids – A review
PublicationIncreasing energy demands require exploring renewable, eco-friendly (green), and cost-effective energy resources. Among various sources of biodiesel, microalgal lipids are an excellent resource, owing to their high abundance in microalgal biomass. Transesterification catalyzed by advanced materials, especially nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is a revolutionary process for overcoming the energy crisis. This review...
Untargeted Lipidomics Analysis of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: Lipid Composition Variation in Response to Alternative Cultivation Setups and to Gene Deletion
PublicationCyanobacteria play an important role in several ecological environments, and they are widely accepted to be the ancestors of chloroplasts in modern plants and green algae. Cyanobacteria have become attractive models for metabolic engineering, with the goal of exploring them as microbial cell factories. However, the study of cyanobacterial lipids’ composition and variation, and the assessment of the lipids’ functional and structural...
Development of chromatographic and mass spectrometry conditions for untargeted lipidomic analysis of human breast milk
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) is a complex biofluid containing components which are essential for the proper growth of the newborn (for example nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) and also bioactive substances. According to the literature, most of studies involving HBM nutrients investigations focused essentially on the determination of proteins. The molecular composition of lipids in HBM is not well known as the protein...
New sample preparation strategies for comprehensive lipidomics of human breast milk
The effect of exogenous application of methyl jasmonate on the lipid and carbohydrate content and composition of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) grain and the severity of fungal infections in triticale plants and grain
PublicationKernels of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm. cv. Dinaro) were analyzed. In the autumn of 2015, the effect of methyl jasmonate (MJ) on the germination of triticale kernels and the development of triticale seedlings was analyzed in a laboratory before kernels were sown in experimental plots. Kernels harvested from plots in August 2016 were analyzed to determine their lipid and carbohydrate content and composition and the severity...
Comparison of oil yield and quality obtained by different extraction procedures from salmon (Salmo salar) processing byproducts
PublicationThe content and composition of lipids in different byproducts (skins, heads, and backbones) from mechanically processed farmed Atlantic salmon were determined and compared with that obtained from wild salmon. Three different procedures were used to establish the optimal conditions of oil extraction (at high temperature −95°C, “cold” extraction at temperature not exceeding 15°C and enzyme assisted with Alcalase). “Cold” extraction...
Untargeted Lipidomics Reveals Differences in the Lipid Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus Resistant and Sensitive to Antibiotics
PublicationStaphylococcus aureus resistance to antibiotics is a significant clinical problem worldwide. In this study, an untargeted lipidomics approach was used to compare the lipid fingerprints of S. aureus clinical isolates that are resistant and sensitive to antibiotics. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry was employed to rapidly and comprehensively analyze bacterial lipids. Chemometric...
A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublicationGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...
The Impact of Different Drying Methods on the Metabolomic and Lipidomic Profiles of Arthrospira platensis
PublicationDrying is an inseparable part of industrial microalgae production. In this work, the impacts of eight different drying methods on the metabolome and lipidome of Arthrospira platensis were investigated. The studied drying methods were freeze drying (FD), sun drying (SD), air drying at 40 and 75 °C (AD′ and AD″), infrared drying at 40 and 75 °C (IRD′ and IRD″), and vacuum drying at 40 and 75 °C (VD′ and VD″). Results gathered by...
A review on homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic microalgal lipid extraction and transesterification for biofuel production
PublicationExtracting lipids from microalgal biomass presents significant potential as a cost-effective approach for clean energy generation. This can be achieved through the chemical conversion of lipids to produce fatty acid methyl esters via transesterification. The extraction mainly involves free fatty acids, phospholipids, and triglycerides, and requires less energy, making it an attractive option for satisfying the growing demand for...
A new dilution-enrichment sample preparation strategy for expanded metabolome monitoring of human breast milk that overcomes the simultaneous presence of low- and high-abundance lipid species
PublicationThe complex nature of human breast milk (HBM) makes samples difficult to analyze, requiring several extraction techniques and analytical platforms to obtain high metabolome coverage. In this work, we combined liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) techniques to prepare HBM samples to overcome the challenge of low- and high-abundance lipid species, enabling the semiquantitative analysis of total HBM lipids...
Ocena stanu technicznego rurociągu przesyłowego zawiesiny popiołów w Elektrowni Ostrołęka B
PublicationPrzedmiotem pracy był rurociąg przesyłowy zawiesiny popiołów przesyłanych z Elektrowni Ostrołęka B. Celem pracy było potwierdzenie przynależności próbek yvyciętych z rurociągu do określonego gatunku stali i ocena stanu materiału po eksploatacji. Dla zrealizowania tego celu wykonano: - analizę składu chemicznego materiału pobranego ze stalowych rur, - mikroanalizę warstw wierzchnich na powierzchni wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, -...
The effect of UV-C irradiation on lipids and selected biologically active compounds in human milk
PublicationThe effect of UV-C irradiation of human milk on lipid oxidation, content of antioxidants (vitamin C and catalase, CAT) and bactericidal compounds (lysozyme), as well as the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), of the breast milk was investigated. In parallel, the extent of inactivation of some bacteria was also determined. UV-C at doses from 85 to 740 J L−1 caused total inactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, but...
O07 Filaggrin insufficiency renders keratinocyte-derived small extracellular vesicles capable of affecting CD1a-mediated T-cell responses and promoting allergic inflammation
PublicationThe association between FLG loss-of-function mutations and the development of atopic dermatitis (AD) indicates that filaggrin is critical to skin barrier function; the mutations are also linked to additional allergic manifestations, but it is unknown how the skin may influence inflammation in distant tissues. Here we investigated the impact of filaggrin insufficiency on keratinocyte-derived exosome-enriched small extracellular...
Analytical Strategies and Applications in Lipidomics
PublicationLipidomics is a field of study aiming at a comprehensive analysis of a set of lipids in biological systems. This includes both quantitative and qualitative characterization of lipid profiles, comparative studies of lipidomes, and analysis of lipid-protein interactions. Lipids are structurally diversified that make their analysis a challenging task. The constant advances in analytical technologies, especially in the field of high-performance...
Rapana venosa consumption improves the lipid profiles and antioxidant capacities in serum of rats fed an atherogenic diet
PublicationIn the recent years, the consumption of seafood has increased. There are no results on the studies of Rapana venosa (Rv) as a supplementation to the diets. We hypothesized that Rv would increase antioxidant capacity and reduce blood lipids, based on the composition of bioactive compounds and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo actions of Rv from contaminated (C) and non-C (NC)...
Comparative Lipidomic Study of Human Milk from Different Lactation Stages and Milk Formulas
PublicationIn this report, we present a detailed comparison of the lipid composition of human milk (HM) and formula milk (FM) targeting different lactation stages and infant age range. We studied HM samples collected from 26 Polish mothers from colostrum to 19 months of lactation, along with FM from seven brands available on the Polish market (infant formula, follow-on formula and growing-up formula). Lipid extracts were analysed using liquid...
Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases: Effects of altered expression in breast and pancreatic cancer cell lines.
PublicationIncreased aerobic glycolysis and de novo lipid biosynthesis are common characteristics of invasive cancers. UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are phase II drug metabolizing enzymes that in normal cells possess the ability to glucuronidate these lipids and speed their excretion; however, de-regulation of these enzymes in cancer cells can lead to an accumulation of bioactive lipids, which further fuels cancer progression. We hypothesize...
Characterization of GM3 Gangliosides in Human Milk throughout Lactation: Insights from the Analysis with the Use of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Quadrupole Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
PublicationGangliosides are complex lipids found in human milk that play important structural and biological functions. In this study, we utilized reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry to evaluate the molecular distribution of GM3 in human milk samples collected at distinct lactation stages, ranging from colostrum to advanced lactation samples. Throughout lactation, GM3 d40:1 emerged as...
Qualitative analysis of phospholipids and their oxidised derivatives – used techniques and examples of their applications related to lipidomic research and food analysis
PublicationPhospholipids (PLs) are important biomolecules that not only constitute structural building blocks and scaffolds of cell and organelle membranes, but also play a vital role in cell biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, dietary exogenous PLs are characterized by high nutritional value and other beneficial health effects, which are confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. For this reason, PLs are of high interest in lipidomics...
Identyfikacja gatunku stali zastosowanej w obiektach budowlanych
PublicationEksploatacja istniejących metalowych konstrukcji budowlanych często związana jest z zagadnieniem koniecznej szczegółowej identyfikacji rodzaju materiału stalowego pod kątem je go cech wytrzymałościowych i składu chemicznego. Dostępne standardowe metody laboratoryjne zazwyczaj wymagają pobrania z konstrukcji próbek materiału do badań, co nie zawsze jest możliwe. W artykule zaprezentowano alternatywne metody oceny wymienionych cech...
Opracowanie ekspertyzy dotyczącej przyczyn pękania łopatek wirnika SP turbiny PG1 typu 13UP55
PublicationZakres badań i analiz dotyczył ustalenia przyczyn pękania elementów łopatek wirnika SPA5 turbiny TG1 typu 13UP55 obejmował: 1. wykonanie badań składu chemicznego stali, z której wykonano łopatki dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę dwoma metodami, 2. badania mikroobszarów zniszczenia łopatek na mikroskopie elektronowym skaningowym z mikroanalizatorem EDS, 3. badania metalograficzne makroskopowe i mikroskopowe fragmentów...
Modyfikacja cementu kostnego w celu uzyskania długotrwałej ochrony antybakteryjnej
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska stanowi przewodnik po jednotematycznym cyklu publikacji, dotyczącym modyfikacji akrylowego cementu kostnego celem uzyskania długotrwałej i efektywnej ochrony antybakteryjnej. W ramach niego przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne polegające na opracowaniu technologii wytwarzania modyfikowanego cementu kostnego oraz procedury medycznej jego stosowania. Cement kostny był modyfikowany przez zastosowanie...
Wpływ azotowania jarzeniowego i laserowego nadtapiania na odporność kawitacyjną stali X5CrNi18-10
PublicationNierdzewne stale austenityczne charakteryzują się doskonałą odpornością korozyjną, aczkolwiek niskimi właściwościami mechanicznymi. W wielu przypadkach ogranicza to ich eksploatację w warunkach przemysłowych. Ponadto, nierdzewne stale austenityczne są wrażliwe na korozję lokalną w obecności jonów halogenkowych. Technologie materiałowe, które dają potencjalne możliwości otrzymywania korzystnego wpływu na właściwości mechaniczne...