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Search results for: SMALL NAVY SHIP
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
PublicationThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Cargo ships heat demand - operational experiment
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experiment conducted on two cargo ships – a 5300 TEU container with a steam heating system and a 7500 dwt general cargo ship with a thermal oil system. On both ships research has been carried out using specially designed measuring equipment. After gathering data about flow velocity and temperatures (steam/ cooling water/ thermal oil/ seawater/ outside air), calculations have been done, resulting...
Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities
PublicationIn recent years, global demands for safe and sustainable ships led to dramatic changes in the maritime industry. Digitalization is expected to play an important part in the future. This is supported by analysis of the autonomous ships market which shows that digitalization of large ship types such as tankers and container ships is well on track. Although to date designs of autonomous High-Speed Craft (HSC) have been developed,...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różnice w sposobie kształtowania wartości wskaźników z obszaru płynności finansowej pomiędzy małymi, średnimi i dużymi przedsiębiorstwami. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 97 471 sprawozdań finansowych przedsiębiorstw, prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 12 różnych działach polskiej gospodarki narodowej. Do potwierdzenia zróżnicowania płynności finansowej w zależności od wielkości przedsiębiorstwa...
Zróżnicowanie zadłużenia w zależności od wielkości przedsiębiorstwa
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różnice w sposobie kształtowania wartości wskaźników z obszaru zadłużenia pomiędzy małymi, średnimi i dużymi przedsiębiorstwami. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 97 471 sprawozdań finansowych przedsiębiorstw, prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 12 różnych działach polskiej gospodarki narodowej. Do potwierdzenia zróżnicowania zadłużenia w zależności od wielkości przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystano...
Innovation and Knowledge Management in the SME Sector and the Role of Normative Management Systems
PublicationThe article presents deliberations related to importance and specificity of innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises. Basing on results of the research the characteristics of the SMEs concerning process related and organizational innovation has been determined. Interrelations between innovation activities and knowledge management within the framework of normative management systems have been emphasized.
Size-Reduction-Oriented Design of Compact CPW-Fed UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA structure and design optimization of compact CPW-fed UWB monopole antenna is presented. Explicit size reduction through constrained numerical optimization of all relevant geometry parameters of the structure leads to a very small footprint of only 321 mm2. At the same time, a very wide antenna bandwidth is achieved from 3.1 GHz to 17 GHz.
Technological Problems in Lapping on Flat Surfaces of Ceramic Parts
PublicationThis paper will present the results of research on single-disc lapping of flat surfaces of small ceramic elements. Machining with the use of different tools such as metallic, two-metallic and abrasive-metallic will be analyzed. The basics and techniques of reinforcement of laps will be discussed. The results of the influence of parameters on the surface quality of ceramic conponents (sealing) for three treatments on lapping machines...
Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Public Water Transportation Systems by Parametric Design and Optimization of Vessels’ Hulls. Study of the Gdańsk’s Electric Passenger Ferry (2015-2016).
PublicationThe paper presents the potential and risks of utilizing Rhinoceros and Grasshopper software for parametric design and multi-varietal optimization of the hull of a small sustainable ferry. The sustainability criteria, parametric design flowchart and optimizing methods are described. As the result, the advantages and disadvantages of this approach obtained in the research-by-design process conducted by an intercollegiate team at...
Szybkie uziemniki do ograniczania skutków zwarć łukowych w okrętowych rozdzielnicach SN
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano moc i napięcie łuku, jak również przedstawiono model termodynamiczny służący do obliczania ciśnienia i temperatury gazów w otoczeniu łuku zwarciowego. Przedstawiono przykładowy układ elektrowni okrętowej i zasilania najważniejszych odbiorników na statku do przewozu gazu ziemnego w stanie ciekłym. Na podstawie parametrów prądnic i silników odbiorników zasilanych z rozdzielnicy głównej obliczono prądy...
Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions
PublicationRespiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...
Exploring governance among social co-operatives: three models from Poland
PublicationThere has been overly interest regarding social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in theory and practice. In this paper the author introduces the workings of governance of small social enterprises i.e. social co-operatives, acting in most cases for the purpose of work and social integration of the marginalized, at the bottom of the pyramid of socio-economic system. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into under researched...
On the Origin of Protein Superfamilies and Superfolds
PublicationDistributions of protein families and folds in genomes are highly skewed, having a small number of prevalent superfamiles/superfolds and a large number of families/folds of a small size. Why are the distributions of protein families and folds skewed? Why are there only a limited number of protein families? Here, we employ an information theoretic approach to investigate the protein sequence-structure relationship that leads to...
Entrepreneurship nests in a polish edge city
PublicationThe last two decades in Poland have been a period of both a dynamic development of the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and a transformation of the city surrounding territories. This development began during the economy transformation after 1989. Population migration and movement of economic entities away from central cities resulted in development of territorial structures within some Polish suburban areas, defined as...
Multimodal Particle Swarm Optimization with Phase Analysis to Solve Complex Equations of Electromagnetic Analysis
PublicationIn this paper, a new meta-heuristic method of finding roots and poles of a complex function of a complex variable is presented. The algorithm combines an efficient space exploration provided by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the classification of root and pole occurrences based on the phase analysis of the complex function. The method initially generates two uniformly distributed populations of particles on the complex...
Optical flow method for measuring deformation of soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing
PublicationIn this study optical flow method was used for soil small deformation measurement in laboratory tests. The main objective was to observe how the deformation distributes along the whole height of cylindrical soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing (TS test). The experiments were conducted on dry non-cohesive soil specimens under two values of isotropic pressure. Specimens were loaded with low-amplitude cyclic torque to analyze...
MobileNet family tailored for Raspberry Pi
PublicationWith the advances in systems-on-a-chip technologies, there is a growing demand to deploy intelligent vision systems on low-cost microcomputers. To address this challenge, much of the recent research has focused on reducing the model size and computational complexity of contemporary convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The state-of-the-art lightweight CNN is MobileNetV3. However, it was designed to achieve a good trade-off between...
Cascade Object Detection and Remote Sensing Object Detection Method Based on Trainable Activation Function
PublicationObject detection is an important process in surveillance system to locate objects and it is considered as major application in computer vision. The Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based models have been developed by many researchers for object detection to achieve higher performance. However, existing models have some limitations such as overfitting problem and lower efficiency in small object detection. Object detection in remote...
Steam turbines governors in power system restoration process
PublicationThe paper discusses problems related to electric power system restoration process. The turbine controller operating mode influence in small subsystem is analyzed. There are considered abilities, advantages and drawbacks of the controller's two operating modes: power control and speed (frequen-cy) control, to rebuild electric power system from a single generating unit to a few parallel running generators.
On Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Elastic Micropolar Shells with Rigid Inclusions
PublicationIn the framework of the linear theory of micropolar shells, existence and uniqueness theorems for weak solutions of boundary value problems describing small deformations of elastic micropolar shells connected to a system of absolutely rigid bodies are proved. The definition of a weak solution is based on the principle of virial movements. A feature of this problem is non-standard boundary conditions at the interface between the...
Ships - inspiring objects in architecture
PublicationSea-going vessels have for centuries fascinated people, not only those who happen to work at sea, but first and foremost, those who have never set foot aboard a ship. The environment in which ships operate is reminiscent of freedom and countless adventures, but also of hard and interesting maritime working life. The famous words of Pompey: “Navigare necesseest, vivere non estnecesse” (sailing is necessary, living – is not necessary),...
Małe miasta z funkcją przemysłową w aktywizacji obszarów peryferyjnych północnej Polski
PublicationBadaniami objęto małe miasta na obszarach peryferyjnych (czyli poza obszarami metropolitalnymi) w 3 województwach Polski północnej (pomorskim, warmińsko-mazurskim i zachodniopomorskim). Autor stawia tezę, że rozwój przemysłu w małych miastach może być ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju części obszarów peryferyjnych. Autor rozpoznaje poziom rozwoju funkcji przemysłowej miast i analizuje jego korelacje z niektórymi cechami miast i ich otoczenia....
Portable raman spectrometer with two excitation wavelengths
PublicationSelected problems of development of a portable Raman spectrometer having small size, reduced power consumption and robust construction are shown. The device dedicated for semiskilled personnel uses two lasers: 785nm and 355nm. Results of preliminary tests are presented. Also data processing procedures as well as problems referred to Raman signals acquisition through packages and influence of interfering signals are discussed.
Reactions of methyl radicals with silica supported silver nanoparticles in aqueous solutions
PublicationSilica supported silver nanoparticles (Ag°–SiO2 –NCs, NCs=nanocomposites) suspended in aqueous solutions are efficient catalysts for the dimerization of methyl radicals to produce ethane, while bare silica is quite inert towards the interaction with methyl radicals. In the presence of small amounts of ethanol adsorbed on the SiO2 surface, the reaction path with methyl radicals is changed and methane is formed as the major product.
The energy consumption during the birch tree sap concentration process using the reverse osmosis system
PublicationBirch tree sap was concentrated by mens of the reversed osmosis technique. The energy consumption in a small-scale pilot apparatus was estimated. The threshold value for the water removal above which the specific energy consumption significantly increased was identified. Below the threshold value the reversed osmosis had low energy demand and could be an attractive method for the production of birch tree sap-based beverages.
PublicationThe centrifugal magnetic fluid seals have important advantage over the conventional centrifugal seals. They maintain very good sealing capacity at static, medium and high speeds of shaft rotation, with the increased seal lifetime, and minimum torque and static friction. These seals are particularly useful in cases when the angular shaft velocity varies and sometimes decreases to nearly or exactly zero, such as in flywheel applications,...
Gdansk Bay sea bed sounding and classification of its results
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by using a SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler. Quality of data obtained during trials depends inter alia on a proper location of transducer array to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship self noise (resulting from bubbles due to propeller and flow around hull, vibration generated by main engine and...
Comparison of Single and Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation
PublicationIn this paper a comparison of single and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is presented. Tested algorithms are used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. Principle of operation of single-population and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is described....
Diagnostic testing of marine propulsion systems with internal combustion engines by means of vibration measurement and results analysis
PublicationIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been presented, carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration’s level had been observed. Used diagnosing system has been characterised. A procedure of longitudinal and transverse vibrations shaft lines of the mechanical system within...
The scope of fiscal decentralisation in EU countries: a comparative analysis
PublicationMotivation: Decentralization is one of the main challenges in public sector reform. In democratic countries the level of decentralisation in individual countries is not identical. The varying scope of decentralization affects the quality, quick and efficient decision-making by public leaders. Aim: Comparison of the extent of fiscal decentralisation in EU Member States; creation of groups of states with similar levels of decentralisation;...
Application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for solving volume integral equation in light scattering simulations
PublicationVarious numerical methods were proposed for analysis of the light scattering phenomenon. Important group of these methods is based on solving the volume integral equation describing the light scattering process. The popular method from this group is the discrete dipole approximation (DDA). DDA uses various numerical algorithms to solve the discretized integral equation. In the recent years, the application of the Monte Carlo (MC)...
Zależność pomiędzy wielkością przedsiębiorstwa a strukturą źródeł finansowania
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różnice w sposobie kształtowania struktury źródeł finansowania pomiędzy małymi, średnimi i dużymi przedsiębiorstwami. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 97 471 sprawozdań finansowych przedsiębiorstw, prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 12 różnych działach polskiej gospodarki narodowej. Do potwierdzenia zróżnicowania struktury kapitałowej w zależności od wielkości przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystano...
Kształtowanie wartości wskaźników wspomagania finansowego przez przedsiębiorstwa z sektora MSP w zależności od osiąganej rentowności aktywów
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różnice w sposobie kształtowania wartości wskaźników z obszaru wspomagania finansowego pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami z sektora MSP w zależności od osiąganego przez nie poziomu rentowności aktywów. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 109 174 sprawozdania finansowe przedsiębiorstw, prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 27 różnych działach gospodarki narodowej. Do potwierdzenia zróżnicowania wspomagania...
Proton affinities of simple organic compounds
PublicationThe Restricted Hatree-Fock method with 6-311G** split-valence molecular orbitals basis sets has been applied to geometrical optimizations and calculations of total electronic, zero point vibrational energies and proton affinities at 298 K for small neutral and protonated alkanes, alcohols, acetic acid, methyl and ethyl acetate, acetone, and acetaldehyde. Calculated values of proton affinities are compared with experimental data.
Toxicity of ionic liquid cations and anions towards activated sewage sludge organisms from different sources – Consequences for biodegradation testing and wastewater treatment plant operation
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted great interest in academia and industry during the last decade. So far, several ILs have been used in technological processes, from small scale to industrial applications, which makes it more and more likely that they will be released into the environment. Researches have been actively studying the environmental and toxicological bevaviour of ILs, but their influence on the activated sewage sludge...
Using contextual conditional preferences for recommendation taska: a case study in the movie domain
PublicationRecommendation engines aim to propose users items they are interested in by looking at the user interaction with a system. However, individual interests may be drastically influenced by the context in which decisions are taken. We present an attempt to model user interests via a set of contextual conditional preferences. We show that usage of proposed preferences gives reasonable values of the accuracy and the precision even when...
Nonlocal Models of Plates and Shells with Applications in Micro- and Nanomechanics
PublicationNowadays, the use of small-scale structures in micro/nanomachines has become more and more widespread. The most important applications of such small-sized parts are in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) as well as nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS) as actuators, sensors, energy harvesters. For example, nanosensors are nanoscale devices that measure physical quantities and convert these to signals that can be detected and...
Kształtowanie wartości wskaźników płynności finansowej przez przedsiębiorstwa z sektora MSP w zależności od osiąganej rentowności aktywów
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różnice w sposobie kształtowania wartości wskaźników z obszaru płynności finansowej pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami z sektora MSP w zależności od osiąganego przez nie poziomu rentowności aktywów. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 109 174 sprawozdania finansowe przedsiębiorstw, prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 27 różnych działach gospodarki narodowej. Do potwierdzenia zróżnicowania płynności...
Mobile monitoring system for gaseous air pollution
PublicationThe concept of a mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air is presented. The proposed system can be applied to measure industrial and car traffic air pollution. A monitoring station is relatively small and can be placed on cars or public transportation vehicles. Measured concentrations of air pollutants are collected and transferred via the GSM network to a central data base. Exemplary results from a measurement...
Giant Nernst effect in the incommensurate charge density wave state of P4W12O44
PublicationWe report the study of Nernst effect in quasi-low-dimensional tungsten bronze P4W12O44 showing a sequence of Peierls instabilities. We demonstrate that both condensation of the electronic carriers in the charge density wave state and the existence of high-mobility electrons and holes originating from the small pockets remaining in the incompletely nested Fermi surface give rise to a Nernst effect of a magnitude similar to that...
Measuring radioactive powder samples on the highresolution powder diffraction beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
PublicationThis laboratory note describes a new sample preparation technique to enable high-resolution powder diffraction experiments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility on radioactive samples. The sample preparation involves setting the active material in resin and several layers of encapsulation suitable for measurement at the beamline. This has allowed low-temperature measurements on very small quantities of samples, providing...
Acoustic Streaming Induced by Periodic and Aperiodic Sound in a Bubbly Liquid
PublicationThe vortex ow which follows intense sound propagating in a bubbly liquid, is considered. The reasons for acoustic streaming are both nonlinearity and dispersion. That makes streaming especial as compared with that in a Newtonian uid. Conclusions concern the vortex ow induced in a half-space by initially harmonic or impulse Gaussian beam. The vortex ow recalls a turbulent ow with increasing in time number of small-scale vortices...
Measurement of distance, velocity and angle of arrival using FMCW-CW combined waveform
PublicationA procedure of tacking small flying object based on a general principle of FMCW and Doppler radar is presented. In order to increase measurement range, this technique uses active signal source on the moving object. For simultaneous measurements of distance, radial velocity and direction (AoA) as well as simplified synchronization a combined FMCW-CW waveform is proposed. The presented measurement system was realized and verified...
Further development of the poroelastic road surface within the new Polish project SEPOR
PublicationRoad surfaces have a direct impact on noise generated by rolling tyres, the main and dominant source of noise of moving vehicles. Road surface texture, porosity and stiffness/elasticity govern the pavement contribution to tyre/road noise the most. An experimental PoroElastic Road Surface (PERS) is a wearing course with a high content of interconnected voids (pores) and with an elastic behavior due to the use of small particles...
A Parallel MPI I/O Solution Supported by Byte-addressable Non-volatile RAM Distributed Cache
PublicationWhile many scientific, large-scale applications are data-intensive, fast and efficient I/O operations have become of key importance for HPC environments. We propose an MPI I/O extension based on in-system distributed cache with data located in Non-volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) available in each cluster node. The presented architecture makes effective use of NVRAM properties such as persistence and byte-level access behind...
Vertical Temperature Stratification of the Gulf of Gdansk Water
PublicationThe Baltic Sea is characterized by variable hydroacoustic conditions, which depend on hydrological conditions throughout the year. The temperature of the water is the factor that has the greatest impact on the changes in the speed of the sound in this basin. Even at a small depth, we can observe a large temperature gradient affecting the accuracy of the conducted research using hydroacoustic devices. A characteristic feature of...
Flexomagneticity in buckled shear deformable hard-magnetic soft structures
PublicationThis research work performs the first time exploring and addressing the flexomagnetic property in a shear deformable piezomagnetic structure. The strain gradient reveals flexomagneticity in a magnetization phenomenon of structures regardless of their atomic lattice is symmetrical or asymmetrical. It is assumed that a synchronous converse magnetization couples both piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic features into the material structure....