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Search results for: NATURAL COMPOSITES
Management of ground tire rubber waste by incorporation into polyurethane-based composite foams
PublicationRapid economic growth implicated the developing multiple industry sectors, including the automotive branch, increasing waste generation since recycling and utilization methods have not been established simultaneously. A very severe threat is the generation of enormous amounts of post-consumer tires considered burdensome waste, e.g., due to the substantial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, it is essential...
Fire-Retardant Flexible Foamed Polyurethane (PU)-Based Composites: Armed and Charmed Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) Particles
PublicationInadequate fire resistance of polymers raises questions about their advanced applications. Flexible polyurethane (PU) foams have myriad applications but inherently suffer from very high flammability. Because of the dependency of the ultimate properties (mechanical and damping performance) of PU foams on their cellular structure, reinforcement of PU with additives brings about further concerns. Though they are highly flammable and...
Visible light photocatalysis employing TiO2/SrTiO3-BiOI composites: Surface properties and photoexcitation mechanism
PublicationA series of binary TiO2/SrTiO3 and ternary TiO2/SrTiO3_BiOI composites have been synthesized using multistep preparation method. Characterization of the obtained photocatalysts covered complex analysis including morphology + y (SEM), BET specific surface area, porosity, optical properties (DRS), chemical composition of surface (XPS), crystal structure and crystal size (XRD). UV–vis and Vis ligh induced photocatalytic activity was...
Recent progress in ultra-low formaldehyde emitting adhesive systems and formaldehyde scavengers in wood-based panels: a review
PublicationTraditional wood-based panels are produced with synthetic, formaldehyde-based adhesives, commonly made from fossil-derived constituents, such as urea, phenol, melamine, etc. Along with their numerous advantages, such as chemical versatility, high reactivity and excellent adhesive performance, these adhesives are characterized by certain problems, connected with the hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mostly free formaldehyde...
Development of polyurethanes for bone repair
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to review recent developments on polyurethanes aimed at the design, synthesis, modifications, and biological properties in the field of bone tissue engineering. Different polyurethane systems are presented and discussed in terms of biodegradation, biocompatibility and bioactivity. A comprehensive discussion is provided of the influence of hard to soft segments ratio, catalysts, stiffness and hydrophilicity...
Nonlinear viscoelasticity in Three Dimensional filler reinforced rubber composites and nanocomposites
PublicationThis chapter describes the influence of three-dimensional nanofillers used in elastomers on the nonlinear viscoelastic properties. In particular, this part focuses and investigates the most important three-dimensional nanoparticles, which are used to produce rubber nanocomposites. The rheological and the dynamic mechanical properties of elastomeric polymers, reinforced with spherical nanoparticles, like POSS, titanium dioxide and...
A variational approach of homogenization of piezoelectric composites towards piezoelectric and flexoelectric effective media
PublicationThe effective piezoelectric properties of heterogeneous materials are evaluated in the context of periodic homogenization, whereby a variational formulation is developed, articulated with the extended Hill macrohomogeneity condition. The entire set of homogenized piezoelectric moduli is obtained as the volumetric averages of the microscopic properties of the individual constituents weighted by the displacement and polarization...
Novel Low-Loss Substrates for 5G Applications
PublicationThis paper presents a feasibility study of a new type of microwave low-loss dielectric substrates for 5G network applications. The new substrate materials are composites of polypropylene and high-dielectric-constant micro-ceramics. This combination is expected to form a very low-loss dielectric material at low fabrication cost. Two substrate samples with different dielectric properties are fabricated and their characteristics at...
Interrelated shape memory and Payne effect in polyurethane/graphene oxide nanocomposites
PublicationWe report the fabrication of graphene oxide (GO) based polyurethane (PU) nanocomposites by a simple method of mixing and their shape memory properties at different temperatures. Both the polymer and the filler were synthesized in the laboratory by simple and easy methods – PU by pre-polymer method and GO by improved graphene oxide synthesis method. High molecular level dispersion of GO platelets within the PU matrix and thus good...
Microstructure, mechanical properties, and flame retardancy of nanoclay-incorporated polyurethane flexible foam composites
PublicationThe present work seeks to investigate microstructure, mechanical properties, and flame retardancy of polyurethane/nanoclay flexible foam composites. In this regard, we prepared various nanocomposites with and without nanoclay and observed the resulting morphologies to correlate them with the other corresponding characteristics. The results provided support for the fact that tensile strength and compression set will increase with...
Fe local structure in Pt-free nitrogen-modified carbon based electrocatalysts: XAFS study
PublicationThe paper presents a new results on the bonding environment (coordination number and geometry) and on oxidation states of Fe in nitrogen-modified Fe/C composites used as Pt-free catalysts for oxygen reduction in Direct Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Starting from glucose or fructose, two catalysts displaying different electrochemical performance were prepared and studied in the form of pristine powder and thin catalytic layer of electrode...
Estimation of Broadband Complex Permeability Using SIW Cavity-Based Multimodal Approach
PublicationIn this article, an attractive multimodal substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based methodology is presented for the characterization of magnetic materials in the broadband microwave frequency. The proposed approach employs a modified feed under-coupled SIW cavity instead of conventional feed over-coupled multiple SIW cavities; it uses the modified closedform expression, developed from the first principle to consider the effect...
Sustainable chemically modified poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/thermoplastic starch/poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose biocomposites: looking at the bulk through the surface
PublicationSustainable polymer composites (or biocomposites) based on renewable and green polymers are progressively under development in a technological paradigm shift from “just use more and more” to “convert into value-added products”. Therefore, significant efforts should focus not only on their reduced environmental impact but also on maximizing their performance and broadening their application range. Herein, the bio-based blends based...
Prediction of maximum tensile stress in plain-weave composite laminates with interacting holes via stacked machine learning algorithms: A comparative study
PublicationPlain weave composite is a long-lasting type of fabric composite that is stable enough when being handled. Open-hole composites have been widely used in industry, though they have weak structural performance and complex design processes. An extensive number of material/geometry parameters have been utilized for designing these composites, thereby an efficient computational tool is essential for that purpose. Different Machine Learning...
The effect of metal cluster deposition route on structure and photocatalytic activity of mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles supported on TiO2 by radiolytic method
PublicationTiO2 (P25) was modified with small and relatively monodisperse mono- and bimetallic clusters (Ag, Pd, Pt, Ag/Pd, Ag/Pt and Pd/Pt) induced by radiolysis to improve its photocatalytic activity. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), photoluminescence spectrometry (PL), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), scanning transition electron microscopy (STEM)...
Tuning of microstructure in engineered poly (trimethylene terephthalate) based blends with nano inclusion as multifunctional additive
PublicationImmiscible blends and their composites are heterogeneous and have variable morphology due to variation in mesophase regions. Tuning, i.e. controlling the phase dimension is important, thereof we report a “super-combo” effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in poly (trimethylene terephthalate)/polypropylene (PTT/ PP) blend system. MWCNTs act as a good reinforcing agent and compatibilizer in the otherwise immiscible PTT/...
A facile structural manipulation strategy to prepare ultra-strong, super-tough, and thermally stable polylactide/nucleating agent composites
PublicationPolylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable thermoplastic widely used in diferent felds, but it should be adequately modifed considering high-performance applications. However, the current processes for developing PLA materials achieve high strength at the expense of toughness or ductility of the materials. Therefore, there is need to develop new strategies for generation of PLA materials with high strength, great toughness, good ductility,...
Polyurethane Nanocomposites Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide, FTIR, Raman, and XRD Studies
PublicationRecently, graphene and other graphene-based materials have become an essential part of composite science and technology. Their unique properties are not only restricted to graphene but also shared with derivative compounds like graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, functionalized graphene, and so forth. One of the most structurally important materials, graphene oxide (GO), is prepared by the oxidation of graphite. Though removal...
Gas sensors based on conducting polymers-recent developments
PublicationThis work discusses sensing performance dependence of PEDOT polymer and its composites on the counter ions used in the polymerization process. The sensors based on PEDOT-RGO composite show reversible response to NO2, while on PEDOT/LiClO4 irreversible. As a result, PEDOT-RGO could be used as a typical gas sensor, while sensor based PEDOT/LiClO4 could be used as an integrating gas sensor, also known as an accumulating gas sensor....
Fabrication of ILs-Assisted AgTaO3 Nanoparticles for the Water Splitting Reaction: The Effect of ILs on Morphology and Photoactivity
PublicationThe design of an active, stable and ecient photocatalyst that is able to be used for hydrogen production is of great interest nowadays. Therefore, four methods of AgTaO3 perovskite synthesis, such as hydrothermal, solvothermal, sol-gel and solid state reactions, were proposed in this study to identify the one with the highest hydrogen generation eciency by the water splitting reaction. The comprehensive results clearly show that...
Composite GFRP U-shaped footbridge
PublicationThe paper presents proposals for the use of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for the construction of engineering objects, known and commonly used in the shipbuilding industry. An example of a pedestrian footbridge was used in this case, which, despite the considerable thickness of the structural material, was made using infusion technology in one production cycle. The designed and produced footbridge span is durable, dynamically...
Fabrication and photoactivity of organic-inorganic systems based on titania nanotubes and PEDOT containing redox centres formed by different Prussian Blue analogues
PublicationHerein, the heterojunction composed of an inorganic substrate: ordered hydrogenated titania nanotubes (H-TiO2NTs) and a deposited organic film: poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is reported. The conducting polymer is modified with different transition metal haxacyanoferrates (Mehcf), wherein as metal: copper, iron, cobalt and nickel are introduced. The presence of various metal centres provides characteristic redox activity...
Some kind of joints in composite polymer bridges
PublicationContemporary, polymer composites bridge structures are of two types: truss or arch structures(with many joints along the length) and beam structures with limited number of joints. Both of them have special types of composite polymer decks. An ideal solution is to join advantages of two types of structuresdescribed below and create long span FRP beam bridge structure system using joints along the length. Theproblem is to find the...
Photocatalytic Decomposition of Air Pollutants using Electrodeposited Photocatalysts on Stainless Steel
PublicationThe aim of research was to develop an immobilization method for photocatalysts, which is an alternative to the sol-gel or dip coating methods and can be simply scaled up for technical applications. The investigated photocatalyst was TiO2, which was electrochemically deposited onto a cathode made of stainless steel. This deposited film was photocatalytically active. In order to enhance the photoactivity of the TiO2 film, commercially...
A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
Shape Memory Materials from Rubbers
PublicationSmart materials are much discussed in the current research scenario. The shape memory effect is one of the most fascinating occurrences in smart materials, both in terms of the phenomenon and its applications. Many metal alloys and polymers exhibit the shape memory effect (SME). Shape memory properties of elastomers, such as rubbers, polyurethanes, and other elastomers, are discussed in depth in this paper. The theory, factors...
Effect of Porosity on the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Friction-Stir-Welded Spark-Plasma-Sintered Aluminum Matrix Composites with Bimodal Micro- and Nano-Sized Reinforcing Al2O3 Particles
PublicationThe thermo-mechanical behavior of nanosized Al2O3 particles reinforcing aluminum was analyzed in the present paper. The material was prepared by spark plasma sintering and friction stir welding. The thermal stresses affecting the composite behavior during welding were modeled through COMSOL MultiPhysics, and the results were validated by the analyses of the composites’ mechanical properties. The spark-plasma-sintered materials...
Morphology and properties of recycled polyethylene/ground tyre rubber/thermoplastic poly(ester-urethane) blends
PublicationThe growing amount of plastics waste produced every year resulted in development of mechanical and chemical recycling methods of polymers and their blends or composites. From the environmental point of view, the possibility of plastics waste reusing and recycling is desirable. In this study three polymer blends were obtained with using recycled polyethylene (RPE), ground tyre rubber (GTR) and thermoplastic poly(ester-urethane)...
Composites in energy storing prosthetic feet
PublicationComposites reinforced with carbon and glass fibers have become the commonly used material in the production of energy storing prosthetic feet (ESPF/elastic feet prostheses). Their properties ensure a stable and light structure that allows for accumulation, storage and release of energy during walking, thus ensuring an increase in gait efficiency. Depending on the modification of the composite in terms of fiber selection, their...
Impact resistance of plain and twill fabric in GFRP measured by active thermography
PublicationThis paper discusses the impact resistance of glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites depending on the type of reinforcement – plain or twill weave. The values of impact energy were: 3J, 10J and 15J. Specimens featuring twill weave transferred higher force during the impact as compared with plain weave specimens. It was observed that an increase of impact energy was accompanied by an increase of the disproportion in...
Widening of the electroactivity potential range by composite formation – capacitive properties of TiO2/BiVO4/PEDOT:PSS electrodes in contact with an aqueous electrolyte
PublicationComposites based on the titania nanotubes were tested in aqueous electrolyte as a potential electrode material for energy storage devices. The nanotubular morphology of TiO2 was obtained by Ti anodization. TiO2 nanotubes were covered by a thin layer of bismuth vanadate using pulsed laser deposition. The formation of the TiO2/BiVO4 junction leads to enhancement of pseudocapacitance in the cathodic potential range. The third component,...
Fabrication of toughened plastic using styrene butadiene rubber-poly (methyl methacrylate) interpenetrating polymer networks
PublicationA standard set of interpenetrating polymeric networks (IPNs) has been contrived using an elastomerstyrene butadiene rubber and a thermoplastic poly (methyl methacrylate) through sequential polymerization protocol. This low-cost material can be hopefully engaged as a toughened plastic with cocontinuous morphology. Different morphological protocols including Raman imaging are effectively utilized to envisage the effect of blend ratio...
Grafting and reactive extrusion technologies for compatibilization of ground tyre rubber composites: Compounding, properties, and applications
PublicationChemical modification of ground tyre rubber (GTR) to compatibilize it with the matrix is a well-known approach. Based on our recent review of the surface etching methods used in GTR modification, the purpose of the current work is to take a deeper look into more advanced methods such as grafting and reactive extrusion. While grafting is more efficient in achieving compatibility, however, it usually involves multi-step synthesis...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublicationIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
PublicationMastic containing asphalt in its composition is an example of a viscoelastic material. It is an effective binder in asphalt. It consists of a filler (<0.063 mm) and asphalt mixed in the right proportions. Just like in asphalt, its response depends on the temperature level, the load and stress time. Changing the stress stiffness of the mastic affects the non-linear course of the stress-strain relationship. Modelling of the non-linear...
Reactive extrusion of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters in the presence of free-radical-initiators: A review
PublicationNowadays, growing attention is being paid to the environment and sustainability, what fully justified research works focused on modification of biodegradable polymers and their composites. In this field of research reactive extrusion seems to be the most promising approach, which fits well to sustainable development strategy. In In the present work, the in-situ modification of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters and the compatibilization...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublicationLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
Hybrid all-cellulose reinforcement in polypropylene matrix biocomposites for injection moulding - influence of particle geometry and volume fraction on hybrid effect
PublicationThe presented study is focused on evaluation of influence of reinforcement volume fraction and geometry on the occurrence of positive hybrid effect by the hybridisation of man-made cellulose fibres (rayon viscose) with cellulose microparticle fillers applied in polypropylene matrix. Four volume fractions of reinforcement were used at 1:1 combination of short man-made cellulose fibres with cellulose microfillers of different aspect...
Influence of conductive carbon and MnCo2O4 on morphological and electrical properties of hydrogels for electrochemical energy conversion
PublicationIn this work, a strategy for one-stage synthesis of polymer composites based on PNIPAAm hydrogel was presented. Both conductive particles in the form of conductive carbon black (cCB) and MnCo2O4 (MCO) spinel particles were suspended in the three-dimensional structure of the hydrogel. The MCO particles in the resulting hydrogel composite acted as an electrocatalyst in the oxygen evolution reaction. Morphological studies confirmed...
Encapsulation of Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite photocatalyst with polythiophene for prolonged activity in oxidizing and humid environment
PublicationDespite their growing popularity in modern technology, halide perovskites suffer from susceptibility to oxidation, limiting their applications. Our aim was to enhance Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite's performance in humid environments through polythiophene encapsulation. This extended its lifespan while preserving photocatalytic abilities, as demonstrated in toluene decomposition experiments. We confirmed the stability of Cs3Bi2Br9 encapsulated...
Interactions of fish gelatin and chitosan in uncrosslinked and crosslinked with EDC films: FT-IR study
PublicationFilms based on fish gelatin, chitosan and blend of fish gelatin and chitosan before and after cross-linking with EDC have been characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectrum of fish gelatin film showed the characteristic amide I, amide II and amide III bands, and the FT-IR spectrum of chitosan film confirmed that the polymer was only a partially deacetylated product, and included CH3-C=O and NH2 groups, the latter both...
PublicationNowadays, considering the environmental trends and law regulations associated with the circular economy, it is very important to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization. The example of such material, which requires the attention and recycling method is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, but to enhance its effectivity...
The use of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to show the modern engineering, in which sustainability and taking care of ecology play a significant role. The authors are focused on FRP composite materials and their applications in civil engineering. Case studies showing renovation and design of new bridges with the use of FRP are presented and discussed to clarify benefits, which this solution provides. Main advantages of FRP materials in comparison...
PublicationLaminates - layered composites containing at least two elements (matrix and reinforcement) widely used in industry have also found their usage in medicine. Their main feature is the ability to modify the material in order to obtain the required properties. Depending on the needs, we can modify reinforcement, type of resin or the method of bonding substrates. Commonly used fibers are: carbon fiber, glass and aramid fibers; resins...
Performance properties of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate/brewers’ spent grain foamed composites as function of isocyanate index
PublicationIn the presented work, rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams filled with brewers’ spent grain (BSG) were prepared. The influence of the isocyanate index (II) on its performance was investigated. Foams obtained with higher isocyanate index required a higher amount of hydrofluorocarbon physical blowing agent to provide the same apparent density of material. An increase of isocyanate index resulted in a slight decrease...
Nano-engineered diamond-based materials for supercapacitor electrodes: A review
PublicationOwing to the popularity of carbon-based supercapacitors, diamond has also been examined as a potential candidate with unique advantages such as a wide electrochemical potential window and stable capacitive behavior in both aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. Moreover, its chemical stability in harsh environments at extreme applied potential and current provides rare opportunities for designing new supercapacitors. Owing to the...
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review
PublicationEpoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...
Validation Process for Computational Model of Full-Scale Segment for Design of Composite Footbridge
PublicationExperimental tests and numerical simulations of a full-scale segment of a foot and cycle bridge made of polymer composites are presented in the paper. The analysed structure is made of sandwich panels, which consist of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) multi-layered laminate faces and a PET foam (obtained from recycling) core. The dimensions of the segment cross-section are the same as for the target footbridge; however, span...
Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases
PublicationEarly diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...
New-fangled sources of cellulose extraction: comparative study of the effectiveness of Cissus latifolia and Ficus benghalensis cellulose as a filler
PublicationRecycled polymers and biopolymers are receiving a great deal of attention these days. If these two can be combined, it will lead to an environment-friendly green material with a great deal of applications. Here the present work is about incorporating bio-based fillers in a recycled polyurethane matrix. Two unusual and extremely novel sources of cellulose have been proposed. The celluloses obtained from Cissus latifolia and Ficus...