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Search results for: SIT
Działalność pastora Jamesa Lawsona w Nashville 1958-1960 („nonviolent workshop”, sit-ins) – studium przypadku walki o zmiany społeczno-polityczne
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Trisity###6, festiwal sitodruku
PublicationFestiwal Sitodruku Trisity organizowany przez MORZE przy wsparciu Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku to obecnie największe w Europie wydarzenie poświęcone popularyzacji sitodruku – jednej z tradycyjnych technik grafiki artystycznej zwanej również serigrafią. Zaprezentowane zostały prace 100 autorów.
A Proposal for Using Modified Site-specific Recombination Systems for Making Insertions into a Chosen Chromosomal Sitein vivoBased on the Analysis of I Phage Integration
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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with total situs inversus – case report
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Wyznaczanie położenia trójwymiarowego sita w przestrzeni roboczej robota
PublicationSystemy wizyjne są coraz częściej stosowane w różnego rodzaju zrobotyzowanych stanowiskach produkcyjnych do sterowania, nadzorowania oraz kontroli pracy robotów spawających. Niniejsza praca opisuje dalszy rozwój systemu wizyjnego powstałego w firmie AIC w Gdyni, którego zadaniem jest integracja danych otrzymywanych z obrazu uzyskanego z kamery oraz pochodzących z laserowego czujnika odległości. Przedstawiono sposób dopasowania...
Middle Eastern Christian Spaces in Europe: Multi-sited and Super-diverse
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PublicationChapter contains information regarding project and situational reports from all participants.
Promotion of MXene (Ti3C2Tx) as a robust electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction via active sites of ZIF-67 - In situ mechanism investigations
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Situational Awareness Network for the Electric Power System: the Architecture and Testing Metrics
PublicationThe contemporary electric power system is highly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to new types of threats, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The most exposed components are Industrial Control Systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the cyber security of...
Wind Speed Probabilistic Forecast Based Wind Turbine Selection and Siting for Urban Environment
PublicationWind energy being a free source of energy is becoming popular over the past decades and is being studied extensively. Integration of wind turbines is now being expanded to urban and offshore settings in contrast to the conventional wind farms in relatively open areas. The direct installation of wind turbines poses a potential risk, as it may result in financial losses in scenarios characterized by inadequate wind resource availability....
Alignment of the Sternum and Sacrum as a Marker of Sitting Body Posture in Children
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Alignment of the Sternum and Sacrum as a Marker of Sitting Body Posture in Children
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Satellite Laser Ranging technique as a tool for the determination of the Schwarzschild, de Sitter and Lense-Thirring effects
PublicationSatellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is a modern technique used in various research areas and applications related to geodesy and geodynamics. It is commonly used for tasks such as establishing the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), monitoring Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), determining the geocenter, measuring fundamental physical constants, calibrating microwave tracking techniques, conducting time transfer experiments,...
PublicationThe location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...
GNSS reference solution for permanent sition stability monitoring and geodynamical investigations - the ASG-EUPOS case study
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the strategy of determination of the reference solution for the ASG-EUPOS (ActiveGeodetic Network – European Position Determination System) coordinate monitoring system. ASG-EUPOS is a network of permanent GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) stations controlled by the Polish Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (HOGC), which main role is to realize the ETRS89 (European Terrestrial Reference...
Integration of heterogeneous web services in exceptional situations
PublicationWeb services are intended to enable interoperability between heterogeneous distributed systems. Although the technology has been widely adopted and accepted, there are still differences between runtime platforms in exception structure and handling. This results in difficulties in effective handling of exceptions during Web services invocation. The paper presents a solution that enables coordinated exception handling between different...
Simulation Environment in Python for Ship Encounter Situations
PublicationTo assess the risk of collision in radar navigation distance-based safety measures such as Distance at the Closest Point of Approach and Time to the Closest Point of Approach are most commonly used. Also Bow Crossing Range and Bow Crossing Time measures are good complement to the picture of the meeting situation. When ship safety domain is considered then Degree of Domain Violation and Time to Domain Violation can be applied. This...
The time spent sitting does not always mean a low level of physical activity
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Spatial pattern of ASG-EUPOS sites
PublicationThe article presents the spatial pattern analysis of the ASG-EUPOS permanent GNSS stations in Poland. Using different methods and tools (nearest neighbour, Riplay’s K-function, morphology of Thiessen polygons) we proved that the station distribution model changes within scales. At short distances up to 65 km, which are typical lengths in the network, stations are irregularly dispersed. Increasing this distance to 130 km and over...
PublicationChapter presents common causes of fires in industrial places
Evolutionary approach to solving multi-ship encounter situations
PublicationW artykule wprowadzono nowe podejście do rozwiązywania sytuacji spotkań wielu statków poprzez połączenie założeń teorii gier z programowaniem ewolucyjnym. Spotkanie wielu statków jest zamodelowane jako gra rozgrywana przez ''myślących graczy'' - statki o różnych, potencjalnie zmiennych strategiach. Rozwiązanie - zbiór kooperujących (niekolidujących) trajektorii jest znajdowane za pomocą algorytmu ewolucyjnego.
Tuning of eg electron occupancy of MnCo2O4 spinel for oxygen evolution reaction by partial substitution of Co by Fe at octahedral sites
PublicationTo study the effect of partial Co substitution by Fe in the B site of MnCo2O4 spinel on its physicochemical and electrochemical properties, a series of MnCo2-xFexO4 powders (x=0.125; 0.250; 0.500; 0.750; 1.000) were synthesized by means of the sol-gel method. The produced powders were characterized by powder X ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM & TEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy...
In situ soil mixing.
PublicationOpracowanie stanowi 9-ty rozdział w książce ''Ground Improvement'' (Wzmacnianie gruntu).W podrozdziałach 9.1 i 9.2 przedstawiono rys historyczny oraz aktualny stan zaawansowania technologii mieszania gruntu na sucho i na mokro. Wprowadzono także klasyfikację metod wdrożonych na świecie przez firmy specjalistyczne. W podrozdziale 9.3 opisano sprzęt i technologię i przebieg mieszania, z podziałem na urządzenia do mieszania głębokiego...
Calculation of flatness errors formed on the tool during finishing machining by lapping. Second International Tribology Conference, SITC 2002.
PublicationPłaskość przedmiotów obrabianych zależy głównie od płaskości narzędzia stosowanego w docieraniu. Orientacja przedmiotu na docieraku musi być wyznaczona w celu określenia korelacji pomiędzy błędami płaskości obu powierzchni. Metoda wyznaczania błędów niepłaskości narzędzia przedstawiona została w referacie. Pokazane zostały przykładowe położenia przedmiotów o różnych kształtach na czynnej powierzchni docieraka z błędem wklęsłości.
The situation of young mothers in the Polish labour market
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to present the situation of young women combining professional and paternal responsibilities in the Polish labour market. The papaer presents the results of interviews conducted with six young mothers.
PublicationIn recent years the polish real estate market has been characterised by a significant increase in supply and demand. This was facilitated by a number of macroeconomic factors. In recent years, housing has been commissioned as 30 years ago. Therefore, the depth analysis issue of the causes and consequences for the Polish economy of these trends is now relevant. Among the reasons are significant economic growth, low interest rates...
The point forecast of the situation of the examined company on the market
PublicationOkreślono sytuację badanego przedsiębiorstwa na rynku za pomocą analizy portfolio, w aspektach wzrostu rynku oraz względnego udziału badanego przedsiębiorstwa w rynku. Analiza objęła zarówno okres retrospektywny jak i prognozowany.
Wisłoujście Fortress, site 12
PublicationThis introductory article provides a synopsis of the range of archaeological work carried out at Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk in 2013 and 2014. An outline is given of the circumstances in which this work was undertaken, the fieldwork methodology used and the technical problems encountered during excavation.
Shaping the City Responding to Climate Change – Concept of Development of the Right Bank of the Vistula River in Toruń, Poland,
PublicationThe problems of cities of the 21st century are caused by anthropogenic oppression of the environment, through the growth of economic activity and continuous urbanisation, and taking away ecologically important open areas and biologically active areas. Increasingly frequent and sudden rains, strong winds, turbulence and rising world water levels are some of the consequences of climate change that have a direct impact on the functioning...
Adaptive resolution simulation of liquid para-hydrogen: testing the robustness of the quantum-classical adaptive coupling
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New Eu2 +sites in KMgF3:Eu2 +crystal
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Investigation on stability of mountainous EUPOS sites’ coordinates
PublicationThe paper concerns analysis of solutions obtained during common processing of data from GNSS permanent stations situated on mountainous terrain: the Western Carpathians, the Sudetes Mountains and adjacent areas. As the outcome daily and weekly solutions (ellipsoidal coordinates) of forty Polish, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian and German sites were obtained. Weekly solutions were used to determine velocity field and vertical movements,...
In-situ and ex-situ resistance measurements of polypyrrole film using double-band electrode
PublicationMany in-situ techniques are performed in order to determine the resistance of conducting polymer film. However, the resistance measured in solution can be the combination of polymer resistance and that of other components, such as resistance of supporting electrolyte. Therefore, in this work, the influence of the solution on the resistance of polypyrrole (PPy) film has been studied. PPy film was electrchemically synthesized onto...
The Acute Post-Activation Performance Enhancement of the Bench Press Throw in Disabled Sitting Volleyball Athletes
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Optical sensor of a person sitting on a chair and dressed in multi-layered clothes vital signs monitoring
PublicationAn optoelectronic device enhancing a smart chair functionality is presented in the paper. Its essential purpose is a detection of a sitting person presence on the chair by means of detecting the vital signs. Additionally, it could be used for determining of clothes layer parameters useful in adjusting a system of a capacitive electrocardiography.
CSR education in Poland- current situation and future challenges
PublicationThe importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in nowadays business reality is constantly growing thanks to many factors, including the important promotional effort at all possible authorities levels and increasing educational effort of universities and in particular of business schools. Since there is no commonly accepted guideline/curriculum/content of social responsibility (SR) education, business schools at higher...
Testing Situation Awareness Network for the Electrical Power Infrastructure
PublicationThe contemporary electrical power infrastructure is exposed to new types of threats. The cause of such threats is related to the large number of new vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses introduced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in such complex critical systems. The power grid interconnection with the Internet exposes the grid to new types of attacks, such as Advanced Persistent...
Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation
PublicationThis article presents the use of a multi-population distributed evolutionary algorithm for path planning in navigation situation. The algorithm used is with partially exchanged population and migration between independently evolving populations. In this paper a comparison between a multi-population and a classic single-population algorithm takes place. The impact on the ultimate solution has been researched. It was shown that using...
PublicationThe economic significance of the banking sector is well recognized in the theory and practice. In the literature there are discussed various topics concerning banking: banking sectors stability and its determinants, as well as influence of the banking sector on other sectors of the economy. Moreover the situation in the banking sector has been studied from different perspectives: its stability, profitability, efficiency, competition,...
System of Safe Ship Steering In a Collision Situation at Sea.
PublicationPrzedstawiony hybrydowy system sterowania statkiem w sytuacji kolizyjnej na morzu, ma umożliwić nawigatorowi podjęcie decyzji pozwalającej na bezpieczne przejście przez dany akwen z uwzględnieniem warunków pogodowych, i spotkanych ograniczeń nawigacyjnych o charakterze statycznym i dynamicznym. System ten łączy pracę dwóch technik komputerowych, algorytmów ewolucyjnych do wyznaczania optymalnej ścieżki przejścia i sterowania rozmytego...
Site-to-site distance distribution in flexible molecules: theoretical evaluation of the donor and/or acceptor fluorescence decay function
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyrażenie teoretyczne opisujące zależność funkcji zaniku fluorescencji od rozkładu odległości P(r) pomiędzy donorami i akceptorami w giętkich molekułach dwuchromoforowych. Wyrażenie uwzględnia wiekoeksponencjalny zanik izolowanych donorów i akceptorów, a także możliwość niekompletnego oznakowania molekuł akceptorami. Przyjęto, że względne zmiany odległości donorów i akceptorów w czasie życia fluorescencji donora mogą...
Solving Multi-Ship Encounter Situations by Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Trajectories
PublicationAutor zaproponował nowe podejście do sytuacji kolizyjnych na morzu. Polega ono na zastąpieniu ewolucyjnej trajektorii własnej ewolucyjnym zbiorem trajektorii wszystkich obiektów. Podejście to umożliwia predykcję manewrowania obiektów obcych przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu efektywności algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Dodatkowo, opracowany już wstępnie przez autorów zbiór kryteriów, ograniczeń i operatorów specjalizowanych powinien zapewnić...
A model of occurrence of the situations endangering inland waterways passanger ships and the environment
PublicationZaproponowano czterostanowy semimarkowski model pojawiania się sytuacji zagrażających pasażerskim statkom śródlądowym. Model ten został opracowany w formie semimarkowskiego procesu dyskretnego w stanach i ciągłego w czasie, którego wartościami są rodzaje stanów, interpretowanych jako sytuacje: normalna, skomplikowana, niebezpieczna oraz awaryjna. Zobrazowano przykładową realizację procesu zmian sytuacji, jakie mogą pojawić się...
Methods of Artificial Intelligence for Prediction and Prevention Crisis Situations in Banking Systems
PublicationIn this paper, a support vector machine has been studied due to prediction of bank crisis. To prevent outcomes of crisis situations, artificial neural networks have been characterized as applied to stock market investments, as well as to test the credibility of the bank's customers. Finally, some numerical experiments have been presented.
Copper containing protein sites - structure, properties and models
PublicationEnzymy organizmów żywych katalizują wiele reakcji stosowanych w przemyśle chemicznym. Przykładem potencjalnego zastosowania enzymu w produkcji jest synteza L-Dopy przy udziale tyrozynazy. Ze względu na możliwe praktyczne zastosowanie w katalizie, otrzymano i opisano wiele prostych modeli miejsc aktywnych enzymów. W artykule opisano niektóre modele białek zawierających miedź.
Inhomogeneous broadening of the dominant Cr3+sites in LiTaO3 system
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PublicationThe hazards on the list are assessed on two levels, namely as minor and serious, and the risk relating to work at the site at three levels: small, average and high, within the range from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest value meaning a small risk, and 10 the value meaning a high risk.
Simplified AutoDock force field for hydrated binding sites
Publicationhas been extracted from the Protein Data Bank and used to test and recalibrate AutoDock force field. Since for some binding sites water molecules are crucial for bridging the receptor-ligand interactions, they have to be included in the analysis. To simplify the process of incorporating water molecules into the binding sites and make it less ambiguous, new simple water model was created. After recalibration of the force field on...
Chemometric analysis of rainwater and throughfall at several sites in Poland.
PublicationPróbki pobrano w stacjach w różnych rejonach Polski. Stacje te były umieszczone na terenach specjalnie chronionych (Wielkopolski Park Narodowy i Ojcowski Park Narodowy) oraz na niechronionych formacjach leśnych (leśnictwo Stara Piła). Celem badań było porównanie parametrów występujących w opadach atmosferycznych pod względem podobieństwa charakterystyki miejsca a także podobieństw i różnic związanych z przejściem wody opadowej...
The Impact of Internal Compensatory Mechanisms on Musculoskeletal Pain in Elite Polish Sitting Volleyball Players – A Preliminary Study