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Search results for: dna mismatch enrichment
Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS - Unknown, 62 - Tissue image [3300730069389141]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of FLOOR OF MOUTH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS - Unknown, 62 - Tissue image [3300730069386931]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of FLOOR OF MOUTH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Cardinal regenerative features of the MRL mouse
PublicationIn this review, we discuss recent studies relating to major features of adult MRL mouse biology that contribute to the regenerative responses seen. These include an increased inflammatory cell profile, a unique glycolytic metabolic state typically found during embryogenesis, and a cell cycle phenotype of DNA damage and G2/M arrest. These traits have been found in other mammalian and non-mammalian regenerative systems. How these...
Analysis of a gene expression model
PublicationWe study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the number of active binding sites, the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For a simplified model that consist of three ordinary differential equations with time delay we derive conditions for stability of the positive steady state and for the...
Seafloor backscattering: numerical simulation vs. filter theory approach.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model opisujący rozpraszanie sygnału akustycznego na nierównomiernej, regularnie sfalowanej powierzchni dna morskiego jako filtr liniowy z odpowiedzią impulsową o zmieniającej się w czasie chwilowej dominującej częstotliwości. Porównano przewidywania modelu z wynikami otrzymanymi w wyniku złożonych obliczeniowo symulacji numerycznych opartych na fizycznym modelu zjawiska wykorzystującym aproksymację Kirchhoffa. Wstępnie...
Targeting yeast topoisomerase II by imidazo and triazoloacridinone derivatives resulting in their antifungal activity
PublicationFungal pathogens are considered as serious factors for deadly diseases and are a case of medical concern. Invasive fungal infections also complicate the clinical course of COVID-19, leading to a significant increase in mortality. Furthermore, fungal strains' multidrug resistance has increased the demand for antifungals with a different mechanism of action. The present study aimed to identify antifungal compounds targeting yeast...
Results from a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) in Mastocytosis Reveal New Gene Polymorphisms Associated with WHO Subgroups
PublicationMastocytosis is rare disease in which genetic predisposition is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to analyze associations between mastocytosis and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by a genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach. A total of 234 patients were enrolled in our study, including 141 with cutaneous mastocytosis (CM; 78 children and 63 adults) and 93 with systemic mastocytosis (SM, all adults)....
Anticancer Imidazoacridinone C-1311 is Effective in Androgen-Dependent and Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells
PublicationAndrogen receptor (AR) plays a crutial role in prostate cancer (PCa) development and metastasis. Here, we reported potent anti-PCa activity of a small molecule imidazoacridinone C-1311. In AR-positive PCa cells, C-1311 was found to inhibit the transcriptional activity of AR uncovering a novel mechanism that may be relevant for its anticancer effect. Mechanistically, C-1311 decreased AR binding to prostate-specific antigen (PSA)...
The comparison of cytotoxic and genotoxic activities of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and indoles
PublicationChemopreventive properties of Brassica vegetables are attributed mainly to their characteristic compounds—glucosinolates (GLs) and their main hydrolysis products—isothiocyanates (ITCs) and indoles. In this study, we compared antiproliferative activity (MTT test in HT29 cells) and genotoxic effects (comet assay in HT29 cells and restriction analysis in a cell-free system) of three GLs (sinigrin (SIN), glucotropaeolin (GTL), and...
Diagnostic Accuracy of Liquid Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer
PublicationBackground: Liquid biopsy is a minimally invasive collection of a patient body fluid sample. In oncology, they offer several advantages compared to traditional tissue biopsies. However, the potential of this method in endometrial cancer (EC) remains poorly explored. We studied the utility of tumor educated platelets (TEPs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) for preoperative EC diagnosis, including histology determination. Methods:...
Generalized regression neural network and fitness dependent optimization: Application to energy harvesting of centralized TEG systems
PublicationThe thermoelectric generator (TEG) system has attracted extensive attention because of its applications in centralized solar heat utilization and recoverable heat energy. The operating efficiency of the TEG system is highly affected by operating conditions. In a series-parallel structure, due to diverse temperature differences, the TEG modules show non-linear performance. Due to the non-uniform temperature distribution (NUTD) condition,...
Sample preparation techniques for determination of pesticide residues in food samples
PublicationPesticides are very important in increasing the efficiency and quality of agricultural production. They are applied in many spheres of life, not only in agriculture, and their applications are expanding. Despite their numerous merits, pesticides are some of the most toxic substances contaminating our environment and have a negative impact on the human health. Properties of pesticides such as stability, ability to bioaccumulation...
Solid phase microextraction: state of the art, opportunities and applications
PublicationSolid phase microextraction is one of the most popular green techniques used for sample preparations in analytical chemistry. It is a simple, rapid, sensitive, and solvent-free technique. Since SPME was first introduced in the early 1990s, there has been an intensification of research in order to elaborate new methodical solutions in many research facilities around the world, which could increase the use of this technique. More...
Microextraction Techniques Used in the Procedures for Determining Organomercury and Organotin Compounds in Environmental Samples
PublicationDue to human activities, the concentrations of organometallic compounds in all parts of the environment have increased in recent decades. The toxicity and some biochemical properties of mercury and tin present in the environment depend on the concentration and chemical form of these two elements. The ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at very low concentration levels in samples with complex matrices requires...
Magnetic deep eutectic solvents for vortex-assisted liquid phase microextraction method for selective and green extraction of patulin from fruits and fruit juices
PublicationIn this study, a vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent based liquid phase microextraction (VA-MDES-LPME) technique was developed for the extraction of patulin prior to its determination by ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry (UV–Vis). For this purpose, the use of a magnetic deep eutectic solvent (MDES) consisting of trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride, MnCl2, and octanoic acid (molar ratio 1:2:2) was tested to perform...
Optimization of vortex-assisted hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid phase microextraction for quantification of niclosamide in real samples
PublicationIn this manuscript, a green and fast vortex-assisted hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid phase microextraction (VA-HMDES-DLPME) method was developed for the selective extraction and determination of niclosamide in read samples, including rice, medicine tablets, and water samples. Here, hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvents were used as the extracting solvent without requiring any centrifugation...
Combination of homogeneous liquid–liquid extraction and vortex assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the extraction and analysis of ochratoxin A in dried fruit samples: Central composite design optimization
PublicationThis paper presents a new analytical procedure based on combination of homogeneous liquid–liquid extraction (HLLE) and vortex-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (VA-DLLME) for the accurate and reliable determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) in dried fruit samples. To enable selective extraction of the OTA, six hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (hDESs) were prepared and tested as extraction solvents. Optimization of...
Investigation of use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic NADESs for selective extraction of As(III) and Sb(III) ions in vegetable samples: Air assisted liquid phase microextraction and chemometric optimization
PublicationIn this paper, a green, cost-effective sample preparation method based on air assisted liquid phase microextraction (AA-LPME) was developed for the simultaneous extraction of As(III) and Sb(III) ions from vegetable samples using hydrophilic/hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs). Central composite design was used for the optimization of extraction factors including NADES volume, extraction cycle, pH, and curcumin concentration....
An in situ derivatization – dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with gas-chromatography – mass spectrometry for determining biogenic amines in home-made fermented alcoholic drinks
PublicationA novel dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography mass-spectrometry(GC–MS) method was developed for the determination of 13 biogenic amines in home-made wine sam-ples. The method allows to simultaneous extraction and derivatization of the amines providing a simpleand fast mode of extract enrichment. During the study, two different procedures were examined. Sta-tistical analysis was performed to choose...
A fast start-up of the organotrophic anammox process inoculated with constructed wetland sediment
PublicationOrganotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria can utilize small volatile fatty acids with nitrate as electron acceptors with less energy consumption and no biomass production. To achieve a faster and stable start-up of organotrophic anammox process, in this study, the growth of organotrophic anammox bacteria seeded from hybrid constructed wetland (CW) sediment under different TOC/TN ratios and different chloramphenicol...
Molecular detection of Candida krusei
PublicationThe species identification of fungi belonging to genus Candida is an important issue as this genus becomes the emerging problem of nosocomial infections. As Candida krusei presents intrinsicresistance to the fluconazole that is the drug of the first choice in case of invasive candidiasis the PCR identifying the DNA of C. krusei was elaborated. The analytical sensitivity of the assay on spiked blood samples was estimated at 3-5...
PCR detection of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis
PublicationScopulariopsis brevicaulis is known as a most common etiological factor of the mould toenail infections. There are also reports indicating that S. brevicaulis could cause organ and disseminated infections. Nowadays microscopic observations from the direct sample and culture are crucial for the appropriate recognition of the infection. In this paper is presented a PCR-based method for S. brevicaulis detection. The specificity of...
Charakterystyka bakterii rodzaju Thermus i ich przydatność w biotechnologii
PublicationGram ujemne, termofilne bakterie rodzaju Thermus o optymalnych temperaturach wzrostu mieszczących się w zakresie 55-85 C są przydatne jako źródło nukleaz, polimeraz DNA oraz wielu innych termostabilnych enzymów. W przedstawionym artykule wymieniono występowanie i morfologię bakterii rodzaju Thermus, sposoby odżywiania i warunki ich wzrostu, budowę struktur powierzchniowych, sposoby adaptacji do wzrostu w podwyższonej temperaturze...
Isolation and identification of Mycobacterium avium subspecies silvaticum from a horse
PublicationPo raz pierwszy opracowano metodę identyfikacji Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum na podstawie analizy sekwencji DNA alfa antygenu. Zastosowanie enzymu HhaI do trawienia produktu PCR z uzyskanego z udziałem starterów specyficznych wobec genu kodującego alfa antygen pozwoliło na identyfikację Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum. Opracowana nowa metoda pozwala na prowadzenie badań epidemiologicznych bezpośrednio z próbek pochodzących...
A first-principles study of electron attachment to the fully hydrated bromonucleobases
PublicationDegradation mechanism of four brominated nucleobases (BrX), potential DNA radiosensitizers, is studied in explicit water solution, using ab initio molecular dynamics. Several fs long dynamics is needed to localize an electron on the nucleobase. Produced by electron attachment BrX anion radical degrades through the bromide anion abstraction, barrier-free (purines) or with low barrier (pyrimidines), to a reactive nucleobase radical....
Relation of the polymorphism of cyp51A sequence and the susceptibility of Aspergillus fumigatus isolates to triazoles determined by commercial gradient test (Etest) and by reference methods
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of commercial gradient test (Etest) in the detection of triazole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus isolates using reference microdilution methods and the analysis of sequences of the cyp 51A gene. The study was performed on twenty clinical isolates which were identified as Aspergillus fumigatus based on the DNA sequences of the ITS1-2 fragment of ribosomal DNA and the β-tubulin gene,...
Nowoczesne metody diagnostyki zakażeń dermatofitowych
PublicationGrzyby należące do rodzajów Microsporum, Trichophyton i Epidermophyton są główną przyczyną powierzchownych zakażeń grzybiczych. Klasyczna identyfikacja gatunkowa czynnika etiologicznego tych grzybic oparta na obserwacjach mikro- i makroskopowych możliwa jest dopiero po uzyskaniu czystej hodowli dermatofitów. W związku z powolnym tempem wzrostu jest ona możliwa po dwóch, trzech tygodniach po pobrania próbki. Molekularne metody diagnostyczne...
Epigenetic inhibitor zebularine activates ear pinna wound closure in the mouse
PublicationBackground:Most studies on regenerative medicine focus on cell-based therapies and transplantations.Small-molecule therapeutics, though proved effective in different medical conditions, have not been extensivelyinvestigated in regenerative research. It is known that healing potential decreases with development and devel-opmental changes are driven by epigenetic mechanisms, which suggests epigenetic repression of regenerativecapacity.Methods:We...
Relationship between conversion rate of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates/indoles and genotoxicity of individual parts of Brassica vegetables
PublicationThe studies on the characterisation of glucosinolates (GLs) and their breakdown products in Brassicaceae species focus mainly on the edible parts. However, other products, e.g., dietary supplements, may be produced also from non-edible parts such as roots or early forms of growth: seeds or sprouts. Biological activity of these products depends on quantitative and qualitative GL composition, but is also strictly determined by GL...
Epigenetic regulation and regeneration: the search for differentially methylated genes in the MRL mouse
PublicationThe MRL mouse is an inbred laboratory strain, which was developed in the 60’s of the 20th century and has been extensively used as a model of lupus erythematosus. The regenerative abilities of the strain were discovered in the 90' when the MRL mouse was shown to close 2 mm hole punches made in the ear pinnae four weeks after injury without scarring. The phenomenon has not been observed in other mouse strains, where the holes...
EPI-REG The epigenetic basis of regeneration in mammals: Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in the MRL mouse
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2011/01/B/NZ2/05352 agreement from 2011-12-27
Diagnostyka molekularna w zakażeniach szpitalnych
PublicationOpisano najczęściej wykorzystywane techniki genotypowania w badaniach zakażeń szpitalnych z uwzględnieniem ich powtarzalności i potencjału różnicującego oraz problemów technicznych i ponoszonych kosztów. Makrorestrykcyjna analiza genomowego DNA z wykorzystaniem PFGE (ang. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis)jest uważana za ''złoty standard'' w typowaniu molekularnym. Jednak jest ona czasochłonna, pracochłonna i dlatego nie nadaje...
Genotoxic effects of antitumor 1-nitroacridines C-857 and its novel analoque 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine C-1748
Publication4-podstawione 1-nitroakrydyny reprezentują nową grupę pochodnych akrydyny zsyntetyzowanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. W przeprowadzonych badaniach nad pochodnymi C-1748 i C-857 zastosowano dwie metody badawcze: test kometowy oraz zmodyfikowany test mikrojąderkowy (CBMN assay). W teście kometowym wykazano wzrost uszkodzeń DNA w zależności od czasu i stężenia badanych pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny. Badania aberracji chromosomalnych...
Właściwości podłoża gruntowego jako czynnik determinujący proces inwestycyjny farmy wiatrowej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono opis usterek i uszkodzeń fundamentu kołowegowieży turbinyelektrowni wiatrowej spowodowanych lokalnym osłabieniem podłoża gruntowego, będących następstwem błednego, na etapie prac przygotowawczychrozpoznania warunków gruntowychw stosunku do warunków rzeczywistych, zweryfikowanych na etapiewznoszenia obiektu. W czasie realizacji fundamentu nastąpiło jego zalanie woda gruntowąspowodowane wyłamaniem dna wykopu....
Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of small esters studied by high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
PublicationEsters are an important class of oxygenated volatile organic compounds used in food flavorings, perfumes and other cosmetic products. They are present in fruits and pheromones and are emitted to the atmosphere naturally. Esters are also formed in the atmosphere as a product of the oxidation of ethers. Some of them form poly-molecule chains and are used in plastics. Phosphoesters form DNA backbone, while nitroesters are known for...
Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle
PublicationThe present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...
Physical modelling of water flow in 'Wild River' type water slide
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki fizycznego modelowania przepływu w zjeżdżalni wodnej typu Dzika Rzeka. Badania dotyczyły obiektu należącego do parku wodnego "Świat Wodny Nemo" w Sopocie. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w Laboratorium Hydrauliki i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zaobserwowany w systemie kanałów i zbiorników przepływ wody można ocenić jako szybkozmienny. Wskutek zmian spadku dna kanałów oraz łuków trasy zjazdu obserwowano...
Wpływ planowanej przystani jachtowej w Sopocie na brzeg morski.
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano wpływ planowanej przystani jachtowej w sąsiedztwie molo w Sopocie na kształtowanie procesów hydro- i litodynamicznych w strefie brzegowej morza. Przeprowadzono symulacje komputerowe zarówno dla przeciętnych jak i sztormowych warunków meteorologicznych występujących w średnim roku statystycznym. W rezultacie stwierdzono, że usytuowanie przystani po odmorskiej stronie bocznej ostrogi molo nie spowoduje...
Green aspects, developments and perspectives of liquid phase microextraction techniques
PublicationDetermination of analytes at trace levels in complex samples (e.g. biological or contaminated water or soils) are often required for the environmental assessment and monitoring as well as for scientific research in the field of environmental pollution. A limited number of analytical techniques are sensitive enough for the direct determination of trace components in samples and, because of that, a preliminary step of the analyte...
Silica-Based Ionogels: Nanoconfined Ionic Liquid-Rich Fibers for Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Barrier Discharge Ionization Detection
PublicationIn this work, hybrid silica-based materials with immobilized ionic liquids (ILs) were prepared by sol–gel technology and evaluated as solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber coatings. High loadings of the IL 1-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4MIM][TFSI]) were confined within the hybrid network. Coatings composition and morphology were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive...
Direct solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry for the determination of biogenic amines in wine
PublicationA direct method based on immersion solid phase microextraction (DI-SPME) gas chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) was optimized and validated for the determination of 16 biogenic amines in Polish wines. In the analysis two internal standards were used: 1,7-diaminoheptane and bis-3-aminopropylamine. The method allows for simultaneous extraction and derivatization, providing a simple and fast mode of extraction and enrichment....
Aptamer based tools for environmental and therapeutic monitoring: A review of developments, applications, future perspectives
PublicationNucleic acids in the form of aptamers play a growing and significant role in the targeted and rapid analysis of environmental sample composition and medical analyses. In this paper, the review of both aptamers synthesis methods as well as application of these short chain oligonucleotides (with critical comments on their strong and weak features) are given. The first ones include: systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment...
Selection of Organic Coating Systems for Corrosion Protection of Industrial Equipment
PublicationThe most important element of corrosion protection in industrial conditions is the protective coating system. However, selecting the right coating can often be a real problem due to the sheer number of coating manufacturers and their products on the market. A quantitative approach based on the data mining technique used to analyze the obtained multi-site exposure data has been proposed. This was demonstrated by the example of the...
A rapid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds in animal feed coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublicationA rapid analytical procedure is proposed for determining two antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds, propyl disulfide (PDS) and propyl propane thiosulfonate (PTSO), in animal feed. The use of PTSO as a natural ingredient in animal feed is allowed due to its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic organisms. Two analytical methodologies using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are compared. After the extraction...
Sequence variants of p21 gene of the MRL/MpJ mouse: a possible association with the deficit of p21 protein and regenerative phenotype.
PublicationThe MRL/MpJ mouse is known for its enhanced regeneration abilities that manifested themselves by scarless ear-hole wound closure. The deficit of p21 found in the MRL is associated with the regenerative capacity as the p21 gene knockout in a mouse strain unrelated to the MRL mouse results in an ear-hole closure effect, similar to that observed in the MRL mouse. Cdkn1a gene encodes p21 protein, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor,...
Polyacrylamide substrate viscosity impact on temozolomide activity in glioblastoma cells by flow cytometry and rheological measurements
Open Research DataDataset includes raw data on cell lines LN-229 and LN-18 treated with temozolomide measured by flow cytometry, rheometry and cell projections. It also includes calculations necessary for creation of figures and conclusions based on those figures in the publication titiled: "Substrate viscosity impairs temozolomide-mediated inhibition of glioblastoma...
System detekcji miny morskiej oparty na układzie FPGA
PublicationObiekt metalowy znajdujący się w wodzie morskiej wytwarza wokół siebie pole elektryczne. Źródłem tego pola są procesy elektrochemiczne. Wśród wielu metalowych obiektów znajdujących się w morzu są miny morskie. Miny denne często ukryte są w dnie morza w celu utrudnienia ich wykrycia przez sonary. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy numerycznej wpływu przewodności elektrycznej dna na rozkład pola elektrycznego oraz opisano system...
Dissociative electron attachment of furan, tetrahydrofuran, and fructose
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania wychwytu dysocjacyjnego elektronów w cząsteczkach furanu, tetrahydrofuranu i fruktozy w przedziale energii 0-14eV. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku wychwytu elektronów o energiach poniżej progu wzbudzenia (< 3eV), jedynie fruktoza jest podatna na rozerwanie pierścienia cukrowego. W cząsteczkach furanu i tetrahydrofuranu struktury rezonansowe odpowiadające fragmentom pierścienia pojawiają się dla energii elektronów...
Electrooxidation of dissolved dsDNA backed by in situ UV-Vis spectroscopy
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania elektrochemicznego utleniania dsDNA stosując metody cyklowoltametryczne na elektrodzie weglowej, platynowej, platynowej w formie siatki oraz z siatki platynowej osadzonej na węglu. Otrzymane wyniki analizy spektroelektrochemicznej wykazały, że wraz ze wzrostem potencjału i piku prądowego absorpcja roztworu dsDNA wzrasta w sposób zależny od typu elektrody. Jednak położenie maksimum absorpcji nie zmieniało...
Pre-clinical evaluation of 1-nitroacridine derived chemotherapeutic agent that has preferential cytotoxic activity towards prostate cancer
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań przedklinicznych pochodnej 1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 wobec komórek ludzkiego raka prostaty CaP in vitro, jak i przeszczepialnego na zwierzęta. W oparciu o fosforylację histonu H2AX jako markera podwójnych cięć DNA wykazano, że C-1748 jest bardziej aktywny w komórkach CaP niż HL60. Zidentyfikowano poza tym receptor androgenny (AR) jako cel molekularny badanego związku. W doświadczeniach na zwierzętach stwierdzono...