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Search results for: resistance
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4, Fe2O3 and CuO: Unravelling the effect of simultaneous addition of Cu and Fe on the microstructural, thermo-mechanical and corrosion properties of in-situ modified spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationA systematic microstructural, thermo-mechanical and electrical characterization of simultaneous Fe–Cu doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition on Crofer 22 APU is here reported and discussed. An innovative approach for the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of three spinel precursors is designed, conceived and optimised, with the aim of outlining time- and energy-saving spinel modification routes....
Development of Microstructured Carbon Coatings by Substrate-Catalytic CVD
PublicationCarbon nanostructured films were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on H18 stainless steel (AISI 440C) sheets with an H2/CH4/N2 gas mixture at various substrate temperatures. During the synthesis, the iron and chromium oxide layer was formed between the steel and carbonaceous layer. The carbon films exhibited wall-like and spherical morphologies and structures, as characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Raman...
Phage therapy as a novel strategy in the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are regarded as one of the most common bacterial infections affecting millions of people, in all age groups, annually in the world. The major causative agent of complicated and uncomplicated UTIs are uropathogenic E. coli strains (UPECs). Huge problems with infections of this type are their chronicity and periodic recurrences. Other disadvantages that are associated with UTIs are accompanying complications...
Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Open Research DataDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
Heat tint colours on stainless steel and welded joints
PublicationSurface layer condition of stainless steels and welded joints influences strongly their corrosion resistance. This problem seems to be underestimated. This current study explains the phenomenon of heat tint forming on welds, the methods of its removal, inspection procedures after heat tint removing and post weld finishing
Electrochemical performance of boron-doped electrodes on silicon substrates in Fe(CN)₆³-/⁴- and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex)
Open Research DataIn this study, we explored the electrochemical behavior of boron-doped electrodes fabricated on silica substrates, using two distinct redox probes: 5 mM ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)₆³⁻/⁴⁻) and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex) in a 0.5 M Na₂SO₄ electrolyte. The electrochemical characterization was performed using cyclic voltammetry (CV) to assess the redox reactions...
Ocena odporności na pękanie podbudów drogowych z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE)
PublicationPodbudowy z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE) są jednym z wielu materiałów stosowanych do wykonywania warstw nawierzchni w ramach przebudów dróg w Polsce. Mieszanki MCE pozwalają na maksymalne powtórne wykorzystanie istniejących warstw konstrukcyjnych do budowy lub przebudowy nawierzchni. Do wykonania podbudów z MCE stosuje się materiał pochodzący z rozbiórki istniejących warstw (destrukt) bitumicznych, warstw związanych...
Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for nitrogen dioxide sensing
Open Research DataNetworks consisting of randomly oriented carbon nanotubes (CNN) were investigated toward nitrogen dioxide detection by means of electrical and low-frequency noise measurements. UV-activation of CNN layers improved gas sensitivity and reduced the limit of detection, especially by employing 275 nm-LED. This data set includes DC resistance measurements...
Investigating the Effects of Geometrical Parameters of Re-Entrant Cells of Aluminum 7075-T651 Auxetic Structures on Fatigue Life
PublicationIn this study, the effects of two geometrical parameters of the re-entrant auxetic cells, namely, internal cell angle (θ) and H/L ratio in which H is the cell height, and L is the cell length, have been studied on the variations of Poisson’s ratio and fatigue life of Aluminum 7075-T6 auxetic structures. Five different values of both the H/L ratio and angle θ were selected. Numerical simulations and fatigue life predictions have...
Hardened Steel Surface Waviness Created by Rolling Burnishing Process
PublicationThe surface of the finishing machined parts is defined mainly by roughness parameters. Growing demands on the part, especially mating sliding or rolling, require the specification of additional parameters, such as waviness parameters, particularly when there is significant resistance to seizing or noise reduction. This paper presents surface waviness characteristics of hardened burnished steel.
PublicationPrzedstawiono doświadczenia Zespołu Pojazdów Katedry Konstrukcji Maszyn i Pojazdów Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej dotyczące urządzeń badawczych (przyczep) do pomiaru oporu toczenia opon do samochodów osobowych i nawierzchni drogowych. Opisano przyczepy pomiarowe tego typu. Pomiary oporu toczenia opon samochodowych wymuszane są koniecznością osiągania przez pojazd jak największej swojej sprawności...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Evaluation of Low Temperature Properties of Rubberized Asphalt Mixtures
PublicationThe paper presents low-temperature test results of asphalt mixtures designed with use of bitumen modified by crumb rubber and also SBS polymer. Laboratory tests were conducted on two types of asphalt mixtures for wearing course – stone matrix asphalt (SMA 8) and porous asphalt (PA 8). This paper presents results of the following laboratory tests at low temperatures: TSRST test, three point bending creep test, fracture toughness...
Study of the NO2 sensing mechanism of PEDOT-RGO film using in situ Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationIn this work, the mechanism of the NO2 reaction with PEDOT-RGO composite film has been investigated via in situ Raman spectroscopy. Reduced graphene oxide (RGO), poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)-reduced graphene oxide (PEDOT-RGO) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)/ClO4− (PEDOT/ClO4−) films were fabricated using an electrodeposition method and used as resistance sensors of gaseous nitrogen dioxide. The experimental results indicate...
PublicationWater lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...
Fracture susceptibility of high RAP content asphalt concrete in terms of aging
PublicationDue to the reduction of CO2 emissions during the production of asphalt mixtures and the decrease in the demand for mineral resources, the addition of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is becoming indispensable. The durability of asphalt pavements containing a high RAP content may be reduced due to a decrease in the cracking resistance of the material, especially under the influence of operational aging. The article presents the...
Evaluation of a Small Inland Ferry’s Energy Requirements from the Acceleration Stage of Towing Tank Model Tests
PublicationComputing the power required to meet a ship’s operational needs is one of the most important tasks in naval design. The power required to propel a vessel is directly related to the resistance the hull experiences as it moves through the water. The conventional method of determining a ship’s resistance involves towing tank tests of ship models at a fixed speed; however, for short-range vessels, where constant speed is not the primary...
Resistive gas sensors – Perspectives on selectivity and sensitivity improvement
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and relatively inexpensive; they can operate at elevated or room temperature for years on end. The main disadvantage of resistive gas sensors is their limited selectivity and sensitivity, but various methods have been applied to improve their behavior. The composition of the porous gas sensing layer, or changes in the sensor’s operating temperature, can enhance the gas detection ability. Furthermore, emerging...
Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the full-scale cfd simulations
PublicationThe ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflect very difficult operational conditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft, B-bow...
Novel Cast Polyurethanes Obtained by Using Reactive Phosphorus-Containing Polyol: Synthesis, Thermal Analysis and Combustion Behaviors
PublicationPhosphorus-containing polyol applications in polyurethane synthesis can prevent volatilization of flame retardants and their migration on the surface of a material. In this work, novel cast polyurethanes were prepared by a one-step method with the use of different amounts of phosphorus-containing polyol, 4,4′–diphenylmethane diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol. The chemical structure, thermal, physicochemical and mechanical properties...
Electrochemical investigations on corosivity of de-icing liquids for railway infrastructure
PublicationThe paper presents the results of electrochemical tests of the de-icing fluid for railway infrastructure. DC and AC electrochemical tests were performed to determine the corrosion rates of structural steel, cast iron and aluminium in the newly produced fluid. The results were compared with the corrosion rates of the same materials in the fluid without corrosion inhibitors. The obtained test results indicate a low corrosion risk...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
A new assay for simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains
PublicationBacterial strain typing, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics.
Titanium Scaffolds – Hopes and Limitations
PublicationThe state-of-art on titanium scaffolds is briefly reviewed. The real hopes from medicine associated with scaffolds are indicated. The limitations of different scaffolds associated with their mechanical, chemical and biological properties are discussed. The great importance of titanium scaffolds is demonstrated as the materials of high biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, fair mechanical properties and important biological...
Analiza porównawcza metod obliczania przebicia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych normowych metod wyznaczania nośności na przebicie konstrukcji płytowo-słupowej. Przeanalizowano trzy normowe sposoby wyznaczania nośności na przebicie.Wykonane obliczenia pozwoliły na wskazanie różnic w wyznaczonych wartościach nośności płyty na przebicie w konstrukcji płytowo-słupowej.
Effect of illumination on noise of silicon solar cells
PublicationTransport and noise properties of silicon solar cells in darkness and under illumination have been studied. The measurements were carried out for both reverse and forward bias of the device. The changes in the sample behaviour are due to the variation of PN junction dynamic resistance and, also, the occurence of both 1/f and generation-recombination noise components
The flux compression generator load parameters selection
PublicationComputer simulation results of the flux compression generator (FCG) loaded with an inductor has been presented in this paper. Simulation research has been performed in order to select the parameters of FCG load coil properly. The influence of the load inductance and resistance on the current gain factor and the magnetic field energy accumulated in a load coil has been investigated.
Electric transport in organic system with planar DBP/F16ZnPc junction on the basis of direct current and small signal admittance spectra analysis
PublicationThe objective of this work was to determine electric transport in the organic device based on a planar junction of electron donor and electron acceptor materials, namely ITO/MoO3/DBP/F16ZnPc/BCP/Ag. The analysis reported herein was based on direct current-voltage measurements and small-signal admittance spectra in the dark and under illumination. Such analysis may provide information on potential barriers, parasitic resistances...
The effect of pre-hydrogen charging on corrosion behaviour of superduplex stainless steel welded joints
PublicationThe paper presents results of research undertaken to determine the influence of hydrogen on passivity and corrosion resistance of 2507 super duplex stainless steel welded joints. Butt welded joints were made with low heat input using flux corded arc welding (FCAW) method. Coupons of 5.0 x 5.0 mm were cut from the welded joints containing weld metal (WM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and parent metal (PM). Hydrogen was introduced...
Experimental investigation of Steel–Concrete–Polymer composite barrier for the ship internal tank construction
PublicationTransportation of dangerous cargo by ships demands ensuring an appropriate protection level in case of an accident. Two of the most dangerous accident types resulting in an oil spill are grounding and ship to ship collision. The article presents results of research on a new composite construction for a ship hull that increases structural safety during collision. The concept of semi-elastic Steel–Concrete–Polymer structure is presented....
Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the Full-scale CFD simulations – case study
PublicationThe ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflects very difficult operational con-ditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft,...
Mn-Co spinel coatings on Crofer 22 APU by electrophoretic deposition: Up scaling, performance in SOFC stack at 850 °C and compositional modifications
PublicationCeramic coatings for metallic interconnects play a key role in limiting corrosion and chromium evaporation in solid oxide cells. This study presents the upscaling of the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to process Mn-Co spinels on real-dimension Crofer 22 APU interconnects and the test in a SOFC stack. Area specific resistance of long-term test conducted for 5000 h at 850 °C demonstrated that two-steps sintering has a...
Effect of sintering temperature on electrochemical performance of porous SrTi1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.35, 0.5, 0.7) oxygen electrodes for solid oxide cells
PublicationThis work evaluates the effects of the sintering temperature (800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C) of SrTi1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.35, 0.5, 0.7) porous electrodes on their electrochemical performance as potential oxygen electrode materials of solid oxide cells. The materials were prepared by a solid-state reaction method and revealed the expected cubic perovskite structure. After milling, the powders were characterised by a sub-micrometre particle...
Effect of double thermal and electrochemical oxidation on titanium alloys for medical applications
PublicationThe research focuses on the development and characterization of innovative thin hybrid oxide coatings obtained in subsequent processes of thermal (TO) and electrochemical (EO) oxidation. Four different surface modifications were investigated and the microstructure was determined, the mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy were assessed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersion analysis,...
Effect of TiO2 Concentration on Microstructure and Properties of Composite Cu–Sn–TiO2 Coatings Obtained by Electrodeposition
PublicationIn this work, Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings were electrochemically obtained from a sulfate bath containing 0–10 g/L of TiO2 nanoparticles. The effect of TiO2 particles on kinetics of cathodic electrodeposition has been studied by linear sweep voltammetry and chronopotentiometry. As compared to the Cu–Sn alloy, the Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings show rougher surfaces with TiO2 agglomerates embedded in the metal matrix. The highest...
Verification of punching shear outside the shear cap by the direct method
PublicationThe proposition of a method to verify the punching resistance for very large supports based on the EN 1992-1-1 standard is described in this paper. The present standard guidelines for the calculation of the punching resistance for large supports are also summarised. The proposed direct method is compared with other standard methods using an example taken from design practice. This method consists of a direct check of the shear...
Polymer Materials for U-Shaped Optic Fiber Sensors: A Review
PublicationFiber optic sensors have gained popularity over the last few decades. This is due to their numerous advantages, such as good metrological parameters, biocompatibility and resistance to magnetic and electric fields and environmental pollution. However, those built from glass fiber have one main disadvantage—they are fragile, meaning they can be easily damaged, even by the presence of vibration. Due to the great progress made by...
Emerging anticancer activity of candidal glucoseamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors upon nanoparticle-mediated delivery
PublicationNumerous glutamine analogues have been reported as irreversible inhibitors of the glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase in pathogenic Candida albicans in the last 3.5 decades. Among the reported inhibitors, the most effective N3-(4-methoxyfumaroyl)-L-2,3- diaminopropanoic acid (FMDP) has been extensively studied in order to develop its more active analogues. Several peptide−FMDP conjugates were tested to deliver FMDP to its...
A newly-developed model for predicting cutting power during wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationIn the classical approach, cutting forces and cutting power in sawing processes of orthotropic materials such as wood are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance kc (cutting force per unit area of cut). For every type of sawing kinematics (frame saws, band saws and circular sawing machines) different empirical values of specific cutting resistance kc have to be applied. It should be emphasised that...
UV-assisted fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing by ink-printed MoS2 devices
PublicationIn this work, MoS2 flakes were printed on ceramic substrates and investigated toward 1–10 ppm of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), 2–12 ppm of ammonia (NH3), and 2–12 ppm acetone (C3H6O) under UV light (275 nm). The structure of overlapping MoS2 flakes and UV light assistance affected high responsivity to NO2 when DC resistance was monitored, and superior sensitivity to NH3 was obtained from the low-frequency noise spectra. MoS2 exhibited...
Experimental study on the seepage flow through the ice jam
PublicationIn light of the observed climate change, there is a need for better understanding of river ice processes for managing water resources in the cold regions. Ice jams produce significant resistance which may cause rise of water level and flooding. The jam resistance is only referred to the roughness of its underside, and this approach lead to exceptional roughness coefficients which has no physical explanation. Number of evidences...
Design and characterization of apatite La9.8Si5.7Mg0.3O26±δ-based micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationIn this study, electrolyte-supported (Cell A) and anode-supported (Cell B) micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) based on the La9.8Si5.7Mg0.3O26±δ (LSMO) electrolyte is built through an extrusion and dip-coating processes. The formulations and process conditions for these cells are established and optimized. Both cell configurations show no visible delamination or cracking, and reaction zones and inter-diffusion of any species...
Analysis of features of stainless steels in dissimilar welded joints in chloride inducted corrosion
PublicationStainless steels of femtic-austenitic microstructure that means the duplex Cr-Ni-Mo steels, in comparison with austenitic steel includes less expensive nickel and has much better mechanical properties with good formability and corrosion resistance, even in environments containing chloride ions. Similar share of high chromium ferrite and austenite, which is characterized by high ductility, determines that the duplex steels have...
Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants of emerging concern in Admiralty Bay as a result of untreated wastewater discharge: Status and possible environmental consequences
PublicationConsidering how the impact of human activity in Antarctica is growing, the aim of this study was to conduct the first assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), other emerging contaminants (ECs), and antibiotic resistance genes present in the western shore of the Admiralty Bay region of King George Island. In total, more than 170 substances were evaluated to assess the potential environmental risks they pose...
Wpływ azotowania jarzeniowego i laserowego nadtapiania na odporność kawitacyjną stali X5CrNi18-10
PublicationNierdzewne stale austenityczne charakteryzują się doskonałą odpornością korozyjną, aczkolwiek niskimi właściwościami mechanicznymi. W wielu przypadkach ogranicza to ich eksploatację w warunkach przemysłowych. Ponadto, nierdzewne stale austenityczne są wrażliwe na korozję lokalną w obecności jonów halogenkowych. Technologie materiałowe, które dają potencjalne możliwości otrzymywania korzystnego wpływu na właściwości mechaniczne...
Wpływ strat mechanicznych w siłowniku teleskopowym zespołu zagęszczającego w pojeździe do usuwania odpadów z pojemników na skuteczność prasowania odpadów
PublicationHydraulic telescopic cylinders are used to power the moving wall of rear loader garbage trucks equipped with the traditional "sweep and slide" system. As the garbage compression force is directly dependent on the resistance force of the moving wall, losses in the hydraulic telescopic cylinder influence the compaction process. Taking them into account in the control system may improve the operation of the compaction...
Electrical measurements of the dewetting of metal thin films
Open Research DataIn situ observations of dewetting of thin films is very complicated. One of the method, that helps to observe it, could be electrical measurements. For experiments, thin gold, silver and gold-silver nanoalloy films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method. Films were deposited on a Corning glass substrates. Samples were measured by four point method...
Wear of Ultra-thin DLC or Tungsten-modified DLC Coatings under Reciprocating Sliding
PublicationIn the paper results are presented from tests in reciprocating sliding of self mated specimens of DLC and tungsten modified DLC coatings on stainless steel substrate. The contact geometry chosen for the research task was ball on flat. The contacts were lubricated either with distilled water or medical saline solution. Results are presented with regard to wear resistance as a function of material type and lubricant used.
The influence of drying parameters on wood properties
PublicationThe influence of drying conditions on wood properties is presented. The classical approach was used to determine energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process on the basis of the wood specific cutting resistance, material constant. Before mashining wood material (soft and hard) was dryied at various conditions using air at 25oC, air-steam meaxture at 80oC and steam at 110oC.
Układ kompensacji wpływu wzniesienia oraz przyspieszenia w przyczepie do badania oporu toczenia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę pomiaru współczynnika oporu toczenia przy wykorzystaniu przyczepy opracowanej w Zakładzie Pojazdów na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Następnie omówiono opatentowany układ bezwładnościowy do korekcji wpływu wzniesienia oraz metodę korekcji wpływu przyspieszenia wzdłużnego. W dalszej części przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki obrazujące pomiar współczynnika CRR na wzniesieniu przy zmiennej prędkości.