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Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing in practice
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Fluctuation phenomena in semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationCzujniki gazu mogą być wytwarzane z cienkiej warstwy półprzewodnika, która po podgrzaniu do odpowiedniej temperatury staje się czuła na gaz. Zjawisko to jest dobrze znane i szeroko opisane w literaturze. Jako wskaźnik detekcji gazu wykorzystuje się zmianę rezystancji stałoprądowej czujnika. Zwiększenie czułości i, co najważniejsze z praktycznego punktu widzenia, selektywności dyskryminacji można uzyskać jeśli warstwa półprzewodnika...
Tools for signal analysis of gas sensors
PublicationStatystyki drugiego rzedu oraz jklasyczna analiza widmowa są zwykle stosowane do badania sygnałów losowych o rozkładzie gaussowskim. Są one jednak często nieodpowiednie w przypadku analizy niestacjonarnych sygnałów niegaussowskich. Pewne narzędzia do analizy takich sygnałów sa dostępne w bibliotekach środowiska MATLAB. Zostały one wykorzystane do do analizy fluktuacji sygnałów czujników gazów. W artykule przedstawiono system do...
Solid-state electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania wybranych typów elektrochemicznych czujników gazów zbudowanych na bazie elektrolitów stałych.
Materials for potentiometric electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationPublikacja przeglądowa na temat zasady działania oraz rodzajów czujników elektrochemicznych gazów.
Gas turbine: advanced marine propulsion.
PublicationPrzedstawiono rys historyczny rozwoju okrętowych turbin gazowych. Omówiono główne problemy zastosowania turbiny gazowej jako głównego silnika okrętowego i współczesne tendencje rozwoju tego napędu.
Hydraulic impact in a long gas-pipelines
PublicationPrzedstawiono model hydraulicznej linii długiej rurociągu gazowego. Obliczenia numeryczne dotyczą procesów dynamicznych w rurociągu gazowym przy nagłym zamknięciu zaworu na końcu rurociągu. Badano wpływ współczynnika izentropy przesyłanego gazu na wielkość uderzenia hydraulicznego oraz wpływ inercyjności zaworu na możliwość łagodzenia uderzenia hydraulicznego.
The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublicationThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
The use of thermal imaging camera to estimate velocity profiles based on temperature distribution in a free convection boundary layer
PublicationThis work describes an attempt to assess whether the temperature field from a thermal imaging camera can be converted into a velocity field with an accuracy sufficient for qualitative conducting or describing the phenomenon, i.e. when the Navier-Stokes, Fourier-Kirchhoff and continuity equations are mutually coupled. The consequence of this link between temperature fields and velocity is the possibility to formulate the hypothesis...
Thermo-mechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber via extrusion at low temperature: Efficiency and limits
PublicationThermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR) was performed at different temperatures (60, 120, and 180°C) using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Obtained samples were used in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) blends. As reference samples, SBR compounds containing untreated GTR were used. Curing characteristics, static and dynamic mechanical properties, and morphology of the obtained blends were determined. The results...
Using On-line Measurement by Electronic Nose and Computer Simulations for Real-time Control at WWTP
PublicationContinuous investigation of wastewater quality can be carried out by a device called an e-nose. One important feature of the proposed real-time control system for WWTP is that using on-line measurements by e-nose together (Figure 1) with technological sets picked on this basis by means of computer models, it is possible to change treatment process parameters, depending on the current quality of wastewater. It can be used for the...
Methods of assaying volatile oxygenated organic compounds in effluent samples by gas chromatography—A review
PublicationThe paper is a review of the procedures for the determination of volatile and semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds (O-VOCs) in effluent samples by gas chromatography. Current trends and outlook for individual steps of the procedure for the determination of O-VOCs in effluents are discussed. The available sample preparation techniques and their limitations are described along with GC capillary columns used for O-VOCs separation...
Load effect impact on the exploitation of concrete machine foundations used in the gas and oil industry
PublicationMachine foundations is a critical topic in the gas and oil industry, which design and exploitation require extensive technical knowledge. Machine foundations are the constructions which are intended for mounting on it a specific type of machine. The foundation has to transfer dynamic and static load from machine to the ground. The primary difference between machine foundations and building foundations is that the machine foundations...
Long-term measurement of physiological parameters - a teenager (9h and 20min)
Open Research DataThe data set was obtained during the project focus on the determination of changes in physiological parameters due to a stressful situation.The measurements were conducted with the system which consists e.g. sensors of temperature, skin resistance, and pulse.Long-term (9 hours and 20 minutes) measurement of physiological parameters was performed on...
Mechanism of Reduced Sintering Temperature of Al2O3–ZrO2 Nanocomposites Obtained by Microwave Hydrothermal Synthesis
PublicationA novel method to obtain Al2O3–ZrO2 nanocomposites is presented. It consists of the co-precipitation step of boehmite (AlO(OH)) and ZrO2, followed by microwave hydrothermal treatment at 270 ◦ C and 60 MPa, and by calcination at 600 ◦ C. Using this method, we obtained two nanocomposites: Al2O3–20 wt % ZrO2 and Al2O3–40 wt % ZrO2. Nanocomposites were characterized by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy,...
VOCs absorption from gas streams using deep eutectic solvents – A review
PublicationVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) are one of the most severe atmospheric pollutants. They are mainly emitted into the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources such as automobile exhaust, incomplete fuel combustion, and various industrial processes. VOCs not only cause hazards to human health or the environment but also adversely affect industrial installation components due to their specific properties, i.e., corrosive and reactivity....
Digital measurement of frequency with linear interpolation in dynamic states
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody rejestracji częstotliwości sygnałów impulsowych. Zastosowanie interpolacji pozwala na uzyskanie wyniku dla dowolnej chwili. Opisano pracę w trybie on-line i off-line.
Fast impedance measurement method using Laplace transformation
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia metodę pomiaru impedancji wykorzystującą rzeczywisty uskok jednostkowy step jako sygnał pobudzenia i transformację Laplace jako narzędzie analizy sygnału odpowiedzi testowanego obiektu. Metoda jest dedykowana do badania różnych obiektów technicznych (np. powłok antykorozyjnych, czujników gazu, ceramik, tkanek biologicznych itp.) gdy czas pomiaru nie może być długi. Przedstawiona metoda jest znana ale niezbyt...
Design of rail-track geometric systems by satellite measurement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty zastosowania ciągłych pomiarów satelitarnych toru kolejowego, z antenami zainstalowanymi na poruszającym się pojeździe szynowym. Wykazano, że zastosowana pilotażowo technika pomiarowa umożliwia bardzo precyzyjne określenie podstawowych danych do projektowania modernizacji linii kolejowej (kierunków głównych trasy i jej kąta zwrotu), a także - ze stosunkowo niewielkim błędem - współrzędnych istniejącej...
Study of QoS Parameters Measurement Methodology and Requirements in RSMAD
PublicationThe paper presents the results of analysis and research of the quality of service requirements (defined by the QoS parameters) for data transmission services in Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short: RSMAD). The paper also presents and discusses the results of test of impact of the size of images from traffic enforcement cameras (TECs) on the average transmission time. Moreover,...
Electrochemical sensor for measurement of volatile organic compounds in air
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań prototypowego czujnika do oznaczania mrówczanu etylu i formaldehydu w powietrzu. Określono czułość wskazań czujnika i jego granice oznaczalności wykorzystując jako techniki detekcyjne pulsową woltamperometrię różnicową (DPV) oraz woltamperometrię fali prostokątnej (SWV). Elektrodę roboczą i przeciwelektrodę stanowiły elektrody z Pt. Elektrolitem wewnętrznym była ciecz jonowa (chlorek 1-heksylo,3-metyloimidazolinowy)....
Geodesy measurement techniques as an enrichment of archaeological research workflow
PublicationUse of geodesy techniques is widespread in different fields of science. Especially in such an emerging and dynamic branch of science as archaeology. Warsaw Institute of Archaeology, conducts many archaeological expeditions, among the others Polish-Georgian archaeological expedition in Gonio, where ancient Roman Bath has been discovered and excavated. Gonio is located in Adjara, Georgia, placed on the Black Sea coast. Fortress...
Towards Methodology for User Experience Measurement in On-line Services
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badań, których celem była identyfikacja czynników kształcących jakość postrzeganą wybranych usług on-line udostępnianych przez Internet oraz ocena wpływu czynników kształtujących lojalność ich użytkowników. Badania wykazały, że czynnikami najbardziej istotnymi są: ''atrakcyjna cena'', następnie ''poczucie bezpieczeństwa'' oraz ''wyczerpująca informacja'', a w dalszej kolejności ''wygoda'' korzystania z...
In Vitro Measurement of Conformational Stability of Fibrinogen Adsorbed on Siloxane
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<title>Automatic measurement system for astronomical education</title>
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Advances in Measurement and Data Analysis of Surfaces with Functionalized Coatings
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Using E from ESG in Systemic Risk Measurement
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Workplace performance measurement: digitalization of work observation and analysis
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Thickness monitoring of thin lamellae by optical measurement method
PublicationDo dnia dziesiejszego do pomiaru grubosci tarcicy używa się głównie suwmiarek. Celem projektu było opracowanie skanera, nie wymagajacego wysokich nakładów finansowych, do pomiarów grubości lameli po operacji rozpiłowywania drewna. Opracowany system jest zdolny do wykrywania elementów odbiegajacych od okreslonych tolerancji wymiarowych. zastosowano metodę pomiaru typu sandwich wykorzystująca 4 głowice laserowe. Wyazano, że przy...
Direct measurement of nonlinear properties of bipartite quantum states
PublicationNieliniowe własności stanów kwantowych, takie jak entropia, splątania, określają ilość ważnych fizycznych źródeł i są często używane w informatyce kwantowej. Na ogół są one obliczane z pełnego opisu stanu kwantowego, pomimo tego, że zależą od niewielkiej ilości parametrów opisujących dany stan. Wyciągamy nielokalną i nieliniową wielkość, mianowicie entropię Renyi, z lokalnych pomiarów dwóch par fotonów splątanych polaryzacyjnie.
The methods of braking forces measurement for e mechanical vehicle
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody pomiaru sił hamowania pojazdów samochodowych.
Measurement of filling and discharging loads in a full scale hopper.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki doświadczalne naporu piasku na ścinanie uzyskane podczas napełniania i opróżniania leja silosu o pojemności 2.5 m3. Pokazane zostały wartości naporu w funkcji czasu oraz kształt powierzchni górnej materiału dla poszczególnych etapów napełniania i opróżniania.
PublicationSDN is the approach in telecommunication networks that separates control plane from data forwarding plane by specifying a single network entity as a controller that defines rules (called flows) of traffic forwarding for the switches connected to it. The time that is required for installation of these rules might be a hindrance for the overall performance of SDN network. In the paper, a model for testing and evaluating the influence...
Adaptation of radar software to work with ambiguous distance measurement
PublicationA software extension for radar stations designed to work in the low-PRF mode that allows them to correctly measure range to targets outside of their instrumented range, is proposed. The solution does not require substantial modifications of the radar software. Additionally, we describe tools that allow one to simulate the output of a low-PRF radar observing targets that are outside its instrumented range. The proposed approach...
PublicationSyncope phenomena is an abrupt and transient loss of consciousness leading to interruption of awareness of one’s surroundings and falls with risk of injury. Syncope is often followed by complete and usually rapid spontaneous recovery. It is said that half of all individuals experience syncopal event at least once during their life. The condition can occur at any age and happens in people with and without other medical problems....
Global and regional economic inequality: Methods of measurement and evidences
PublicationThe lack of countries’ statistical income data, comparable across countries and years, seems to be the main reason of controversial conjectures concerning global inequality and its evolution over time. In the databases, which purport to collect income data on a worldwide scale, only some summary statistics (quantile income shares, means, Gini indices) are presented. Therefore, the development of efficient methods of extracting...
An active electrode for mixed measurement techniqes, with application to EIT
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono budowę elektrody aktywnej wraz z opisem procedur pomiarowych prowadzących do poprawy stosunku sygnał-szum. Elektroda zbudowana jest w technice cyfrowo analogowej.
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase pyrimidine: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublicationWe are reporting detailed quantum scattering calculations that describe the diffusion of a beam of low-energy positrons interacting with the pyrimidine target as a gas-phase partner. The calculations have employed an essentially ab initio model for the short-range correlation interaction and for the electrostatic interaction of an impinging positron and the electron+nuclear structure of the target molecule at its equilibrium geometry.
On the tendency of temperature and electric field dependences of interface recombination in P3HT:PCBM organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublicationWe demonstrate theoretical explanation of the temperature and electric field dependences of recombination coefficients in an organic P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cell. Based onthe model of interface recombination, two analytical formulas describing the relative ratio of the interface (γI ) to the Langevin (γL) recombination coefficients have been derived. Our analysis indicates that the sign of parameters φT and φF determines...
Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
PublicationMeasurements in the coastal zone are carried out using various methods, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop coordinate transformation models that will enable the conversion of data from the land and marine parts to one coordinate system. The article presents selected issues related to the integration of geodetic and hydrographic data....
High temperature monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transition in magnesium doped lanthanum ortho-niobate
PublicationMagnesium doped lanthanum ortho-niobate (La0.98Mg0.02NbO4) was prepared by the molten salt synthesis method. X-ray diffraction and dilatometry methods were used to study high temperature behavior of the ceramic material. Special attention was paid to the phase transition between the monoclinic and tetragonal phases. The values of spontaneous strain on the basis of unit cell parameter, obtained by Rietveld refinement, have been...
Formaldehyde detection with chemical gas sensors based on WO3 nanowires decorated with metal nanoparticles under dark conditions and UV light irradiation
PublicationWe report results of formaldehyde gas (CH2O) detection under dark conditions and UV light irradiation with pristine tungsten trioxide nanowires (WO3 NWs) and metal nanoparticles decorated WO3 NWs gas sensing layers. The resistive layers were deposited by one step aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD) on commercial alumina substrates with 10-pair interdigitated platinum electrodes. The elaborated gas sensors, based...
Impact of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) on low-temperature properties of asphalt concrete
PublicationHot mix recycling is a practice which enables reusing materials from old asphalt pavements. Current Polish regulations allow usage of RAP only for binder and base courses, and its amount is limited. Asphalt mixtures with RAP material have to fulfil requirements stated for typical asphalt mixtures. The research presents low-temperature properties of twelve different asphalt concretes with RAP material, determined using three-point...
The hydration of selected biologically relevant molecules – the temperature effect on apparent molar volume and compression
PublicationThe densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K were measured for aqueous solutions of glycine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, taurine and N-methylacetamide. From these data, the apparent molar volumes, V the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KS,, and the Passynski hydration numbers of solutes were determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities, their limiting values...
Monitoring the gas turbine start-up phase on the platform using a hierarchical model based on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks
PublicationVery often, the operation of diagnostic systems is related to the evaluation of process functionality, where the diagnostics is carried out using reference models prepared on the basis of the process description in the nominal state. The main goal of the work is to develop a hierarchical gas turbine reference model for the estimation of start-up parameters based on multi-layer perceptron neural networks. A functional decomposition...
Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Gas Sensors: An Appraisal of Different Evaluation Techniques
PublicationVolatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, can be used as biomarkers in human exhaled breath in order to non-invasively detect various diseases, and the same compounds are of much interest also in the context of environmental monitoring and protection. Here, we report on a recently-developed gas sensor, based on surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles, which is able to generate voltage noise with a distinctly non-Gaussian...
Effects Induced by the Temperature and Chemical Environment on the Fluorescence of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Perylene-Derivative Dye
PublicationWe developed a fluorescent molecular probe based on gold nanoparticles functionalized with N,N′-bis(2-(1-piperazino)ethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid diimide dihydrochloride, and these probes exhibit potential for applications in microscopic thermometry. The intensity of fluorescence was affected by changes in temperature. Chemical environments, such as different buffers with the same pH, also resulted in different fluorescence...
Revalorisation of the Szewalski’s concept of the law of varying the last-stage blade retraction in a gas-steam turbine
PublicationThe article presents the implementations of the free vortex law to the blade of the last stage of a gas-steam turbine. First, a thermodynamic analysis was carried out, determining the parameters at the inlet, then the number of stages of the high and low-pressure part of the turbine was constructed, together with the kinematics and velocity vectors for subsequent stages of the axial turbine. The last step of article was to take...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on the outside of the bathtub on one side- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes at the feet, drl behind the back - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...