Search results for: EXTERNAL CARBON
The influence of the motor filtrers on harmonic current emmision in the pro-ective connection of drive systems.
PublicationThis paper contains detailed analysis of currents in protective wire in engine supplied from frequency converter without any external filters added. It was found that the peak value of current in protective conductor of engine was about 1500 mA at frequencies 5 Hz 50 Hz. In the continuation of research the dU/dt type motor filter and the sinusoidal filter were tested. It was found that the current in protective wire decreased...
Nonlinear model of a synchronous generator for analysis of more electric aircraft power systems
PublicationA nonlinear model for studying a variable-speed synchronous generator (SG) in more electric aircraft (MEA) power system has been developed. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The model has been implemented in the Synopys/Saber simulation environment. The modelling language MAST has been used to elaborate the SG model. The model exhibit a network with the same number of external terminals/ports...
Implementation of Business Intelligence in an IT organization - the concept of an evaluation model
PublicationThis paper presents the issue of assessing the validity and effectiveness of implementing a Business Intelligence system in an IT Support Organization. This entity provides IT services to external clients involving, in particular, the storage and processing of large amounts of data. The vast amount of realized projects and also incidents reported in connection with those projects prevented effective decisions from being made without...
The role of case studies and management experience in the education and personal developement of IT project managers
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to indicate the need for project management experience and knowledge in order to improve the competence of IT project managers. In the first part of the article there is shown the impact of experience on the development of project management skills. Also the need for having historical data about the projects - in order to make better project decisions - is shown in the article.In the following parts...
Exploring universities' efficiency differentials between countries in a multi-year perspective: an application of bootstrap DEA and Malmquist index to Italy and Poland, 2001-2011
PublicationThis study employs data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate relative efficiency of a sample of 54 Italian and 30 Polish public universities for the period between 2001 and 2011. The examination is conducted in two steps: first unbiased DEA efficiency scores are estimated and then are regressed on external variables to quantitatively asses the direction and magnitude of the impact of potential determinants. The analysis shows...
Model Predictive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control for An Autonomous Surface Vehicle
PublicationThis paper presents a new robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm for trajectory tracking of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) in presence of the time-varying external disturbances including winds, waves and ocean currents as well as dynamical uncertainties. For fulfilling the robustness property, a sliding mode control-based procedure for designing of MPC and a super-twisting term are adopted. The MPC algorithm has been...
The analysis of the determination of points positions using photogrammetric methods
PublicationThis article was created as a result of research conducted within the master thesis. The purpose of the research was to analyze the accuracy of determining the actual position of the photographed points according to the calculated parameters. The accuracy of photos alignment was determined as parameters, which determine their external and internal orientation. In order to determine the location of the determined points, it was...
Robust Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle – Manipulator System with Fuzzy Compensator
PublicationThis paper proposes an improved Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach including a fuzzy compensator in order to track desired trajectories of autonomous Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems (UVMS). The tracking performance can be affected by robot dynamical model uncertainties and applied external disturbances. Nevertheless, the MPC as a known proficient nonlinear control approach should be improved by the uncertainty estimator...
Decomposition of Acoustic and Entropy Modes in a Non-Isothermal Gas Affected by a Mass Force
PublicationDiagnostics and decomposition of atmospheric disturbances in a planar flow are considered in this work. The study examines a situation in which the stationary equilibrium temperature of a gas may depend on the vertical coordinate due to external forces. The relations connecting perturbations are analytically established. These perturbations specify acoustic and entropy modes in an arbitrary stratified gas affected by a constant...
Relicts of the 16th-century cellar by the St Mary's Church in Gdansk / Relikty piwnicy z XVI w. przy kościele Wniebowzięcia NMP w Gdańsku
PublicationSaint Mary’s church in Gdańsk, one of the largest brick Gothic temples in the World, has got no external chapels – except the House of Councils. Its architectural form, however, is not the result of implementation of one project, but realization of a few transforming concepts. The discovery of the relicts of the 16 th century cellars, located in the corner of the transept and the northern aisle, gives an idea of the process...
Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublicationThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
An analysis of solar energy conversion systems based on photon and thermal processes
PublicationSolar spectral irradiance covers a fairly broad wavelength range. Solar radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is described by the concept of wave-particle duality. The corpuscular theory of electromagnetic radiation states that energy is transmitted by photons. Photons carry specific amounts of energy which can be used to convert solar energy into other types of energy, in particular electricity. The internal...
Application of the Mathar method to identify internal stress variation in steel as a welding process result
PublicationThe paper deals with the method to identify internal stresses in two-dimensional steel members. Steel members were investigated in the delivery stage and after assembly, by means of electric-arc welding. In order to perform the member assessment two methods to identify the stress variation were applied. The first is a non-destructive measurement method employing local external magnetic field and to detecting the induced voltage,...
Metody wnioskowania kontekstowego z danych zapisanych w zewnętrznych źródłach
PublicationW poprzednich pracach autorów został przedstawiony system wnioskowania z danych zapisanych w zewnętrznych źródłach - KL (Knowledge Layer). Metody SED (Semantic Enrichment of Data) i RED (Reasoning over External Data) zastosowane w tym systemie umożliwiają wzbogacenie danych o semantykę oraz wnioskowanie z tych danych analogicznie jak z ontologicznego opisu świata. Dane zapisane w źródłach zewnętrznych są wzbogacone o terminologię...
An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems
PublicationAbstract: A multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system is presented. The demostrator enables modeling, monitoring and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators, as well as experimentation and scientific research. A block diagram of the system is presented and the selection of its components is discussed. Availability of the system via Ethernet or GSM...
Nonlinear Model of Synchronous Generator for Autonomous Electrical Power Systems Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents the nonlinear lookup table model for synchronous generator (SG) analysis. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The saturated characteristic of the SG magnetic circuit are based on the open circuit saturation curve for magnetizing inductances. The model has been implemented into the Synopsys/Saber software using the MAST modelling language. To implement the no-load voltage characteristic...
Application of magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic solid-phase extraction in preparing biological, environmental and food samples
PublicationThe need to obtain meaningful results as the basis for determining the content of trace amounts of analytes has become the driving force behind the development of modern analytical techniques, including sample-preparation techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE). Recently, great interest was aroused in the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in SPE. These materials exhibit high selectivity, and, in small amounts, can provide...
Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices
PublicationRandomness is a fundamental concept, with implications from security of modern data systems, to fundamental laws of nature and even the philosophy of science. Randomness is called certified if it describes events that cannot be pre-determined by an external adversary. It is known that weak certified randomness can be amplified to nearly ideal randomness using quantum-mechanical systems. However, so far, it was unclear whether randomness amplification...
Exploring efficiency differentials between Italian and Polish universities, 2001-2011
PublicationIn this study, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to evaluate the relative efficiency of a sample of 54 Italian and 30 Polish state universities over the period 2001–11. The investigation was conducted in two steps. Unbiased DEA efficiency scores were first estimated and then regressed on external variables to quantitatively assess the direction and size of the impact of potential determinants. The analysis reveals a strong...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
Identification of Risk Factors for Collisions Involving Cyclists Based on Gdansk Example
PublicationThe role of pedestrian and bicycle traffic in Poland has growing trend. The comprehensive traffic study, conducted in Gdansk in 2016, has confirmed the increase in the number of cyclists and their share in the modal split. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure the safety of this group of unprotected road users. Only in 2015 on the roads of Gdansk occurred 93 accidents (excluding collisions) involving cyclists. As a...
Elemental and tight monogamy relations in nonsignaling theories
PublicationPhysical principles constrain the way nonlocal correlations can be distributed among distant parties. These constraints are usually expressed by monogamy relations that bound the amount of Bell inequality violation observed among a set of parties by the violation observed by a different set of parties. We prove here that much stronger monogamy relations are possible for nonsignaling correlations by showing how nonlocal correlations...
Light-Powered Starter for Micro-Power Boost DC–DC Converter for CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThe design of a starter for a low-voltage, micro-power boost DC–DC converter intended for powering CMOS image sensors is presented. A unique feature of the starter is extremely low current, below 1 nA, supplying its control circuit. Therefore, a high-voltage (1.3 V) configuration of series-connected photovoltaic diodes available in a standard CMOS process or a small external LED working in photovoltaic mode can be used as an auxiliary...
Identification of residual force in static load tests on instrumented screw displacement piles
PublicationOccurrence of the so-called residual force of an unknown value significantly disturbs interpretation of static load tests performed on piles equipped with additional measuring instruments. Screw displacement piles are the piling technology in which the residual force phenomenon is very common. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the installation method of this type of piles, which initiates generation of negative pile...
Validation of Interpolation Algorithms for Multiscale UV-VIS Imaging Using UAV Spectrometer
PublicationIn this study, we present a comparison of popular methods for the interpolation of irregular spatial data in order to determine the applicability of each algorithm for hyperspectral reflectance estimation. The algorithms were benchmarked against a very high-resolution orthoimage from an RGB camera and medium-resolution satellite imagery from Sentinel-2A. We tested five interpolation algorithms: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN),...
Signal filtering method of the fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of the impact of external distortions originating on laboratory test stands on the results of measurements of fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature. It has been stressed how significant the aspect of the test stand adaptation is during an experiment to ensure the smallest possible impact. This paper, however, focuses on the methods of mathematical processing of a signal recorded during experimental...
The carbohydrate glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor chain under mechanical stress
PublicationCarbohydrates have quite complicated micro heterogenic structure which may undergo different structural transitions. Due to their extreme flexibility it is very difficult to investigate such structural changes experimentally. In these studies we want to predict what structural and conformational changes are possible in the carbohydrate
Magnetically recyclable TiO2/MXene/MnFe2O4 photocatalyst for enhanced peroxymonosulphate-assisted photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and ibuprofen under simulated solar light
PublicationIn this study, a novel TiO2/Ti3C2/MnFe2O4 magnetic photocatalyst with dual properties, enabling (i) improved photocatalytic degradation with PMS activation under simulated solar light and (ii) magnetic separation after the degradation process in an external magnetic field was developed and applied for the efficient photodegradation pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) frequently present in wastewater and surface waters worldwide. MXene...
Application of Structural Control Systems for the Cables of Cable-Stayed Bridges: State-of-the-Art and State-of-the-Practice
PublicationStay cables are one of the key elements of cable-stayed bridges and are characterized by lightweight, low inherent damping, and high flexibility. They are continuously subjected to small-to large-amplitude vibrations due to various types of dynamic loads that may, in the long term, cause fatigue and fracture problems for the cable system, and may eventually compromise the safety of cable-stayed bridges. Thus, several countermeasures...
Towards an integrated assessment of environmental and human health impact of energy sector in Poland
PublicationReferat prezentuje system zintegrowanej oceny wpływu sektora energetycznego na stan środowiska i zdrowie ludzkie w Polsce. W podejściu wykorzystano kombinację modelu transportu zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu POLAIR 3D z modelem informacyjno-symulacyjnym RAINS. Model oszacowuje emisje i koncentracje zanieczyszczeń powietrza, koszty kontroli emisji zanieczyszczeń i inne koszty związane z różnymi scenariuszami rozwoju sektora energetycznego.The...
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is a challenging topic in an underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the...
Assessing the Effects of the Road Surface and Weather Conditions on Road Safety
PublicationWhen transport is analysed for its safe delivery the focus is mainly on assessing the safety of roads and the risk of undesired events. These include road accidents, an occurrence which is relatively rare and random. Randomness means that accidents depend on several factors which are partly deterministic (can be controlled) and partly stochastic (random and unpredictable). The set of crash contributing factors can be classified...
Models of Structures in Didactics
PublicationThe final aim of teaching students subjects, such as structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, and steel structures is to teach them how structures work in a given building as well as to provide them with skills enabling them to calculate and design structures. The behavioral model of the structure, contrary to the architectural model, which focuses mainly on the external form of the building, shows workings from both the static...
An evaluation and explanation of (in)efficiency in higher education institutions in Europe and the U.S. with the application of two-stage semi-parametric DEA
PublicationIn this study the technical efficiency of number of public European and American HEIs is assessed over a decade. Efficiency scores are determined using nonparametric DEA with different input-output sets and considering different frontiers: global frontier (all HEIs pooled together), regional frontier (Europe and the U.S. having their own frontiers) and country-specific ones. The external factors affecting the degree of HEI inefficiency...
Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric frontier techniques. Our analysis is based on a sample of 259 public HEIs from 7 European countries across the time period of 2001-2005. We conduct a two-stage DEA analysis (Simar and Wilson in J Economet 136:31-64, 2007), first evaluating DEA scores...
Degradation of stiffness of building columns exposed to bending and impact load during ground motions
PublicationThe safety of civil engineering structures under external loads, including ground motions, is one of the issues related to the idea of sustainable society. The earthquake-induced soft-storey failure is a typical type of damage observed in buildings due to seismic excitation. The failure of an intermediate soft storey of a structure results in large vertical impact loading acting on the lower floors due to the fall of the upper...
Technical diagnostics and monitoring of traction current collectors
PublicationNew evaluation methods of the technical condition of rolling stock current collectors are proposed in this paper. The method of automatic measurement of the pantograph static force characteristic, realized when the vehicle runs through the test section of the track with especially prepared overhead line height distribution, has been practically implemented by the Polish Railways. The method of testing the slipper spring suspension...
Natural radioactivity of solid and liquid phases from shale oil and gas prospection in Pomerania
PublicationIonizing radiation intensity data and estimation of equivalent absorbed dose from solid and liquid samples from prospection of shale gas and oil at selected sites in Pomerania are presented. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are associated with geological formations or fluids and can be enhanced during oil and gas production. They appear in e.g. drilling cuttings, flow back water, produced water, scale and sludge....
Navier number and transition to turbulence
PublicationThe motivation behind this article is to explain a role of the Navier number (Na -dimensionless slip-length) in prediction of closures for laminar to turbulent transition undergoing via eddies detachment from the slip layer in nano-cannals. Additionally the role of the Navier number Na in universal modeling of phenomenon of enhanced mass flow rate reported in micro- and nano-channels has been explained. The Na number should be...
Friction and Lubrication of Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings
PublicationFluid film bearings have been extensively used in the industry because of their unbeatable durability and extremely low friction coefficient, despite a very low coefficient of friction dissipation of energy being noticeable, especially in large bearings. Lubricating systems of large tilting pad thrust bearings utilized in large, vertical shaft hydrogenerators are presented in this paper. A large amount of heat is generated due...
Typology of towns in the peripheries of Polish coastal regions: conclusions for urban policy
PublicationPeripheries means the land outside metropolitan areas. One of the main problemsin these areas is a lack of growth factors. Some towns can contribute to the developmentof these regions, because there are few such factors, and it is easier to create the newones, especially in urban policy.The subject of this paper is a typology of towns within the Polish peripheral coastalregions, limited to towns with more than 5 thousand inhabitants....
Publication• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
Developing a methodology for model tests of floating platforms in a towing tank of low depth
PublicationThe paper presents two ways to mooring model of semi-submersible platform for research in the small depth towing pool. The tested model was made in the likeness of 1:100 Thunder Horse platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced Star-shape and attached at the bottom to the suction piles. The tests were performed in the towing pool...
Electromodulation and magnetomodulation of exciton dissociation in electron donor (starburst amine) : electron acceptor (bathocuproine) system
PublicationElectric field dependencies of electromodulated photoluminescence and photocurrents as well as the magnetic field effects on photocurrents, photovoltaic characteristics, electromodulated photoluminescence and photoluminescence have been investigated in vacuum evaporated films of m-MTDATA:BCP (4,4',4''-tris(N-(3-methylphenyl)-N-phenylamino)triphenylamine and bathocuproine) system. The electromodulation processes do remain in accordance...
The Selection of Anchoring System for Floating Houses by Means of AHP Method
PublicationThis paper indicates and analyses the use of anchoring systems, such as mooring piles, booms, mooring cables, and deadweight anchors with additional elastic connectors, which are the most frequently applied by the producers of floating houses. The selection of the most advantageous anchoring system is complicated and requires the application of quantitative and qualitative data and methods. This publication presents the results...
CyberEye: New Eye-Tracking Interfaces for Assessment and Modulation of Cognitive Functions beyond the Brain
PublicationThe emergence of innovative neurotechnologies in global brain projects has accelerated research and clinical applications of BCIs beyond sensory and motor functions. Both invasive and noninvasive sensors are developed to interface with cognitive functions engaged in thinking, communication, or remembering. The detection of eye movements by a camera offers a particularly attractive external sensor for computer interfaces to monitor,...
Investigation of praseodymium and samarium co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFC fueled by biogas
PublicationThe Pr and Sm co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) compounds were examined as catalytic layers on the surface of SOFC anode directly fed by biogas to increase a lifetime and the efficiency of commercially available DIR-SOFC without the usage of an external reformer. The XRD, SEM and EDX methods were used to investigate the structural properties and the composition of fabricated materials. Furthermore, the electrical...
Ultrafast degradation of brilliant cresyl blue under hydrodynamic cavitation based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
PublicationThe study highlights effectiveness of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) in the degradation of effluents polluted by Brilliant Cresyl Blue (BCB) dye. Optimal process parameters were cavitation number 0.27, inlet pressure 1.70 bar, temperature 20 °C and pH 7. The efficiency of HC was investigated in combination with other advanced oxidation processes, including the addition of external oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and sodium persulfate)...
PublicationPhotovoltaic modules are one of the renewable energy sources with great potential for application in various regions of the world as well as for different terrain. They are, however, sensitive to external factors, affecting the overall amount of energy generated, such as solar irradiance, shading effects and any form of soil build-up on the front glass cover of solar device. The latter issue happens over a course of weeks, months...