Search results for: RECSYS CHALLENGE 2015 - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: RECSYS CHALLENGE 2015

Search results for: RECSYS CHALLENGE 2015

  • Reakcja miesięcznej i sezonowej temperatury powietrza na północnym skłonie Karkonoszy i ich przedpolu na zmiany wskaźnika NAO.


    - Year 2019

    Przedstawiono wpływ wskaźnika NAO na kształtowanie temperatury powietrza w warunkach górskich na przykładzie Karkonoszy. Stwierdzono zmniejszanie się wpływu NAO na temperaturę powietrza ze wzrostem wysokości. Stwierdzono, że relacje między NAO a temperaturą powietrza są istotne jedynie w okresie zimowym od grudnia do marca włącznie. Związki te są niestacjonarne i wynikają ze wzrostu ciśnienia w Wyżu Azorskim w okresie 1988-2015....

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  • Otwarte innowacje w polskich małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach


    - Year 2021

    Niniejsza monografia poświęcona jest analizie związku między działalnością in­nowacyjną małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw a otwartymi innowacjami. Publikacja wpisuje się w szeroki nurt badań empirycznych nad otwar­tymi innowacjami oraz stanowi uzupełnienie luki poznawczej dotyczącej badania zależności między wykorzystaniem OI a aktywnością innowacyjną polskich małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Badania empiryczne, których fragment...

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  • Elżbieta Marczak dr inż. arch.

      Elżbieta Marczak (Architect, Phd) –  Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes (since 1997). Studies at the Faculty of Architecture GUT graduated in 1995. Degree of Doctor obtained in 2006 presenting dissertation The ship’s architecture against the background of the maritime transport development. Her research and publications focus on...

  • Redukcja obciążeń odmorskich ścian falochronów pionowościennych przy zastosowaniu ścian ażurowych i komór wygaszających


    Poszukiwanie optymalnych rozwiązań w projektowaniu falochronów portowo-morskich stanowi ciągłe wyzwanie dla projektantów w dziedzinie hydrotechniki portowo-morskiej. W przypadku falochronów morskich jednym z decydujących czynników mających wpływ na wybór rodzaju konstrukcji jest uzyskanie maksymalnej możliwej redukcji obciążeń od falowania morskiego. Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest rozwiązaniom konstrukcyjnym skrzyń żelbetowych,...

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  • Modeling emotions for affect-aware applications

    The chapter concerns emotional states representation and modeling for software systems, that deal with human affect. A review of emotion representation models is provided, including discrete, dimensional and componential models. The paper provides also analysis of emotion models used in diverse types of affect-aware applications: games, mood trackers or tutoring systems. The analysis is supported with two design cases. The study...

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  • New technologies for green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation

    • B. Barros
    • N. Łukasik
    • J. Kulesza
    • J. D. da Silva Fonseca

    - Year 2024

    Developing new green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation technologies is a highly complex and multidisciplinary endeavor. This challenge arises from integrating various scientific, engineering, and environmental considerations. Effective evaluation of green hydrogen technologies involves a holistic approach that considers not only the technical aspects but also economic, environmental, and social factors. These criteria...

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  • Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom Pyramid Concept Revisited in the Context of Deep Learning


    - Year 2023

    In this paper, the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom (DIKW) pyramid is revisited in the context of deep learning applied to machine learningbased audio signal processing. A discussion on the DIKW schema is carried out, resulting in a proposal that may supplement the original concept. Parallels between DIWK pertaining to audio processing are presented based on examples of the case studies performed by the author and her collaborators....

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  • Eksperymenty z zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych do problemu kolorowania grafów


    - Year 2005

    Niniejsza praca przedstawia wykorzystanie algorytmów genetycznych (AG) do problemu kolorowania wierzchołków grafu (GCP). Przeprowadzono szereg symulacji mających na celu porównanie skuteczności operatorów krzyżownia, mutacji i selekcji oraz sposobu generacji i parametrów populacji. Uzyskane wyniki pokazały znaczną przewagę operatorów korzystających z wiedzy o problemie nad operatorami losowymi. Dla wybranej konfiguracji algorytmu...

  • Konsekwencje zmian w prawie budowlanym. Rezygnacja z projektów?


    W 2015 r. wprowadzono wiele zasadniczych zmian do ustawy prawo budowlane, ostatnia z nich została opublikowana już w 2016 r. Na skutek tych zmian zmienił się przebieg procesu budowlanego. Szereg inwestycji z zakresu inżynierii środowiska będzie realizowane na podstawie "zgłoszenia" a nie jak dotychczas "pozwolenia". Równocześnie zgodnie ze stanowiskiem GUNB zarówno -przyłącza do sieci infrastruktury jak też odpowiednie instalacje...

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  • Abdeslam Ennabili Prof.


    Abdeslam Ennabili is Professor, Superior School of Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes-Morocco (since 2004), Researcher and Senior Manager (1999-2003) and Assistant Project (1996-1999), Luxembourg University Foundation (FUL), Arlon- Belgium. He earned his PhD in Environmental Sciences (1999) at the FUL, becoming since 2004 the Department of Environmental Sciences and Management, Faculty of Sciences, University...

  • Mariusz Franciszek Kaszubowski dr

    Biogram Mariusz Kaszubowski works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is teaching descriptive and mathematical statistics, as well social statistics and insurance statistics. He is lecturer of statistics in at postgraduate studies „Lean Six Sigma Black Belt”.   He is a graduate of two majors: Management (specializing Insurance...

  • Wisdom in the context of globalization and civilization


    - Year 2019

    The book seeks to answer the question - what is wisdom and how should it be used in everyday life? A model of wisdom is presented in which wisdom describes three attributes: knowledge, qualifications (skills) and inspirations leading to consciously controlled processes of correct assessment of the situation and the correct choice of solution options in the context of the art of living. For each attribute, we can specify a set of...

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  • Stormwater and snowmelt runoff storage control and flash flood hazard forecasting in the urbanized coastal basin.

    City of Gdańsk is located in a coastal region where changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of extreme weather events. Developing urbanization affects the hydrology of natural basins by simplification of the drainage system and reduction of infiltration and base flow. Consequently greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems, reservoirs and surrounding water bodies. Not only infrastructures of urban...

  • Impact of Climate Change on Water Sources and River‐Floodplain Mixing in the Natural Wetland Floodplain of Biebrza River



    The origins of river and floodplain waters (groundwater, rainfall, and snowmelt) and their extent during overbank flow events strongly impact ecological processes such as denitrification and vegetation development. However, the long-term sensitivity of floodplain water signatures to climate change remains elusive. We examined how the integrated hydrological model HydroGeoSphere and the Hydraulic Mixing-Cell method could help us...

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  • Consequences of russia’s military invasion of Ukraine for Polish-Ukrainian trade relations


    - Journal of International Studies - Year 2022

    An accurate forecast of interstate trade volume allows for short-term and long-term planning, particularly deciding on state budget revenues, foreign exchange earnings, border arrangement, other infrastructure, migration and social policies. Hostilities are destructive so the russian military aggression against Ukraine in 2022 needs to be assessed in terms of its effects on key economic aspects of Polish-Ukrainian relations, as...

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  • Długodystansowy pojazd wodny napędzany energią słoneczną ''Solar-Energa''


    Koło Studentów Techniki Okrętowej Politechniki Gdańskiej KORAB prowadzi prace nad jednostką pływającą napędzaną energią słoneczną. Pojazd ten ma spełnić wymogi regulaminowe i wystartować w regatach ''Frisian Nuon Solar Challenge 2006''. Regaty te składają się z sześciu etapów o łącznej długości 210km. Trasa wyścigu prowadzi w większości kanałami. Jedyną energią przeznaczoną do napędu jednostki podczas trwania wszystkich etapów...

  • The Reference Model of Tools Adaptation in the Perspective of Technological Agile Transformaton in IT Organizations

    • C. Orłowski
    • B. Chrabski
    • A. Ziółkowski
    • T. Deręgowski
    • M. Kurzawski

    - Year 2016

    The scientific aim of the presented paper is the analysis of agile transformation processes in IT organizations in technological perspective of such transformation. The phenomenon of agile transformation becomes a complex challenge for an IT organization, since it has not been analysed in detail so far. There is not any research on the readiness of IT organizations for the realization of agile transformation processes, and such...

  • Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid

    Security evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...

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  • Damian Rosiak dr inż.


    Education 2010–2014: Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty (Eng.) field of study: biotechnology specialty: drug biotechnology 2014–2015: Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty (M.Sc.) field of study: biotechnology specialty: drug biotechnology 2015–2020: Gdansk University of Technology, Department of Inorganic Chemistry (Ph.D.) discipline: chemical sciences specialty: inorganic chemistry Scientific...

  • Turystyka sportowa w Polsce - stan i perspektywy rozwoju

    W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane z wpływem zarządzania polską turystyką na rozwój turystyki sportowej. Kwestie te przedstawiono w nawiązaniu do "Strategii Rozwoju Sportu" i jej miejsca w ramach realizacji "Kierunków rozwoju turystyki do 2015 roku". Oceniono wielkość ruchu turystycznego w odniesieniu do turystyki sportowej. Kategorią poddaną analizie była - w ramach turystyki międzynarodowej - zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa....

  • Efektywność dwuetapowego procesu dydaktycznego w publicznych uczelniach technicznych


    - Studia Ekonomiczne - Year 2017

    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest oszacowanie efektywności dwóch etapów (tj. pierwszy–kształcenia studentów, a drugi–kończenia edukacji przez absolwentów) zachodzących w procesie dydaktycznym w publicznych uczelniach technicznych. Przedstawiono ocenę efektywności działalności dydaktycznej 18 publicznych wyższych szkół technicznych w latach 2014–2015 za pomocą metody DEA. W badaniu wykorzystano model relacyjny DEA, zakładający...

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  • Wykorzystanie sieciowego modelu DEA do pomiaru efektywności wydziałów Politechniki Warszawskiej


    - Edukacja - Year 2017

    W artykule podjęto temat efektywności publicznych szkół wyższych oraz zaprezentowano wstępne wyniki badania w zakresie efektywności dla 18 wydziałów Politechniki Warszawskiej przeprowadzonego w roku akademickim 2014/2015. W analizie za rezultaty przyjęto: liczbę absolwentów (działalność dydaktyczna), liczbę punktów za publikacje („teoretyczna” działalność naukowa) oraz liczbę projektów realizowanych przez wydziały („praktyczna”...

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  • Phosphate and Thiophosphate Biphenyl Analogs as Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors



    In the present work, we report convenient methods for the synthesis and biological evaluation of phosphate and thiophosphate biphenyl derivatives exhibiting steroid sulfatase (STS) activity. The described synthesis is based on straightforward preparation of biphenyl-4-ol and 40-hydroxybiphenyl- 4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester modified with various phosphate or thiophosphate moieties. The inhibitory effects of these compounds were...

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  • Composite Sandwich Footbridge – Numerical ESL FEM Calculations vs. In Situ Measurements

    Selected results of the static analysis of composite sandwich footbridge with the corresponding in situ measured values are compared in the paper. The analysed bridge is a research object, which was built in 2015 and is currently located at the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. Since it is a novel structure, a proper definition of the bridge numerical model, allowing its safe design, is very important. Therefore, instead...

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  • Quaternion encryption methods for multimedia transmission, a survey of existing approaches

    In this paper we review quaternion encryption methods for multimedia transmission. We explain their weak and strong properties as well as suggest possible modifications. Our main focus is an algorithm QFC presented in paper by Dzwonkowski et al. (2015). All encryption methods, presented in this paper, use special properties of quaternions to perform rotations of data sequences in 3D space. Each method uses a common key generation...

  • Analysis of the state of preservation the historic arcaded houses in Vistula Delta listed in the National Inventory of Historical Monuments


    Historic arcaded houses are part of the material heritage of the Vistula Delta. Unfortunately, their number is decreasing year by year. The article is the result of a query of available sources and field research carried out by the author in 2015-2020. The paper presents the current state of preservation the historic arcaded houses in Vistula Delta listed in the National Inventory of Historical Monuments. Criteria for the selection...

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  • Security and Anonymity in Agent Systems


    - Year 2012

    Many agent systems have been developed and suggested for commercial application. However, in spite of the significant potential offered by the agent paradigm, the lack of such important properties as security, anonymity and untracebility especially in open dynamical environment, such as the Internet, has blocked the active implementation of agent technologies. Protecting agent systems poses a more demanding challenge comparing...

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  • Lifelong Learning Idea in Architectural Education

    The recent advances in IT and technology are forcing changes in the approach to educating society. In the 20th century, life-long learning was understood as educating adults in order to improve their occupational qualifications. Life-long learning allows the needs of the present-day world to be addressed through providing the individual with education at every stage of his/her life various forms. The search for a new model...

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  • Underwater acoustic communication system using broadband signal with hyperbolically modulated frequency

    The implementation of reliable acoustic underwater communication in shallow waters is a scientific and engineering challenge, mainly due to the permanent occurrence of the multipath phenomenon. The article presents the concept of a transmission system using a broadband signal with hyperbolically modulated frequency (HFM) to transmit data symbols and synchronize data frames. The simulation tests were carried out in channels with...

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  • Performance of Coherent Modulation Scheme Used in Acoustic Underwater Communication System

    The development of an acoustic underwater communication system for shallow waters is still a big scientificand construction challenge. Currently, non-coherent modulations in combination with strong channel coding are used to achieve reliable communication with low rate in such a channel. To obtain transmission with a higher transmission rate, it is required to use coherent modulation. This paper presents the assumptions of such...

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  • Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem


    - Year 2023

    Electric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...

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  • Impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline


    - Year 2016

    The paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline in selected soil conditions. The research was inspired by a real-life failure of a water pipeline which was caused by a nearby unsecured excavation (Sikora et al. 2015). The failure was triggered by displacement of soil mass in the vicinity of the pipeline. The study conducted in the framework of Finite Element...

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  • Zyskowność sektora bankowego a jego transformacja w wybranych krajach Bałkanów Zachodnich

    Okres transformacji gospodarczej jest istotnym etapem zmian w gospodarce. Szczególnie istotnym z punktu widzenia gospodarki jako całości jest sektor bankowy i osiągane przez niego wyniki finansowe. Celem artykułu jest ocena zyskowności sektorów bankowych w okresie transformacji, na przykładzie wybranych krajów regionu Bałkanów Zachodnich w okresie 2001 - 2015. W celu zmierzenia zyskowności zastosowano cztery wskaźniki finansowe,...

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  • Transformacja Dworca Morskiego w Gdyni na Muzeum Emigracji


    Artykuł omawia współczesne adaptacje budynków historycznych w Polsce, określając dwa główne nurty: komercyjny i niekomercyjny. Jako przykład niekomercyjnej transformacji przedstawiony został przypadek modernistycznego Dworca Morskiego w Gdyni z lat 30. XX w. przekształconego na Muzeum Emigracji. Przedsięwzięcie zakończone uroczystym otwarciem muzeum w 2015 r. zyskało wiele przychylnych opinii i zostało laureatem w konkursie "Zabytek...

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  • International architectural - urban - landscape design workshops to strengthen students’ education, capabilities and mobility

    Five international architectural/urban/landscape workshops in Poland and Portugal between 2011 and 2015 are discussed in this article. The general aims of the workshops were to plan to connect divided city spaces, to harmonise them and make them attractive for different uses. The main task was to create in multicultural groups of students the vision of sustainable development in the context of architecture, urban and landscape...

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  • Application of Web-GIS and Geovisual Analytics to Monitoring of Seabed Evolution in South Baltic Sea Coastal Areas


    Regular surveys of coastal zone seabed deliver important information about geomorphologic processes such as silting of waterways. The recent introduction of the Sentinel series of sensors has allowed for the use of satellite sensing for shallow bathymetry morphology monitoring. In this context, this article presents a dedicated Geographic Information System for Baltic Sea shallow water depth monitoring on the basis of Sentinel-2...

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    W artykule, przyjmując za punkt wyjścia teorię interesariuszy Freemana, autorki podjęły się refleksji na temat specyfiki odpowiedzialności społecznej firm rodzinnych i przedsiębiorstw społecznych. Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne, uznawane są powszechnie za ucieleśnienie pełnej, wręcz doskonałej formy odpowiedzialności społecznej. Z kolei przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne, charakteryzują się szczególną paletą interesariuszy oraz specyficznymi...

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  • Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic


    - Remote Sensing - Year 2020

    One of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...

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  • Współczesne zmiany klimatyczne i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów miejskich (na przykładzie miast strefy nadmorskiej Polski)

    The purpose of this article is to present contemporary climatic changes in their actual scale, and to assess their impact on functioning of urban areas situated on the Polish coast. The results of the analysis of variability of hydro-climatic conditions that occurred in the last 65 years (1951-2015) in the area of the Polish coast suggest that important changes were concerning: (1) temperature of the air, and thickness and length...

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  • Piotr Marczak dr inż. arch.

    Piotr Marczak is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology and since 2016 a Vice-Dean for Education and Promotion. He is also is also a member of the Pomeranian District Chamber of Architects (POIA RP). His research and publications focus on the theory of architecture, revitalization and transformation within the ports areas and the Baltic coast. These studies are associated with the...

  • Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods


    Searching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...

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  • Bridging the gap between business process models and use-case models


    - Year 2014

    Today's software development methodologies are equipped with a plethora of methods and techniques for business process engineering and Requirements Engineering. However, heavy investments in IT have not brought forth expected results. What seems to be lacking is a systematic approach that consolidates both disciplines to gain a synergistic effect. To address this challenge we extend Use-Case Driven Approach (UCDA) by binding use...

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  • High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System

    Conveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...

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  • Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2024

    This paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph...

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  • Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union in Comparison to European Union Integration


    - Year 2018

    The aim of the article is to show the specificity of the integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on the example of the integration of the European Union (EU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. Its creators try to give the Eurasian integration process a different...

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  • Computational collective intelligence for enterprise information systems


    - Enterprise Information Systems - Year 2019

    Collective intelligence is most often understood as a kind of intelligence which arises on the basis of a group (collective) of autonomous unites (people, systems) which is taskoriented. There are two important aspects of an intelligent collective: The cooperation aspect and the competition aspect (Levy 1997). The first of them means the possibility for integrating the decisions made by the collective members for creating the decision of...

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  • e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów, czyli MOOC tegorocznej konferencji


    Dnia 30 kwietnia 2015 r. odbyła się na Politechnice Gdańskiej II Konferencja „e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów” („e-Technologies in Engineering Education”). Konferencja miała na celu popularyzację najnowszych technologii w edukacji oraz pokazanie dobrych praktyk w tym zakresie. W czasie tegorocznej edycji, podobnie jak poprzedniej, przedstawiano przykłady wykorzystania najnowszych technologii w kształceniu na kierunkach...

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  • Destruction of AFM probes during normal operation

    Open Research Data

    The quality of the images obtained with the use of an atomic force microscope is determined by the state of the blade interacting with the tested material. Image artifacts can be generated by various reasons, such as oxidation, contamination or an error in blade fabrication, but also appear as a result of the repeated scanning process and inevitable...

  • Marta Dudek


  • Regional resting state perfusion variability and delayed cerebrovascular uniform reactivity in subjects with chronic carotid artery stenosis

    • A. Szarmach
    • M. F. Kaszubowski
    • A. Sabisz
    • A. Frydrychowski
    • G. Halena
    • M. Piskunowicz
    • J. Dzierzanowski
    • M. Studniarek
    • E. Szurowska
    • P. Winklewski

    - Acta Biochimica Polonica - Year 2018

    The aim of this study was to assess regional perfusion at baseline and regional cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) to delayed acetazolamide challenge in subjects with chronic carotid artery stenosis.Sixteen patients (ten males) aged 70.94±7.71 with carotid artery stenosis ≥90% on the ipsilateral side and ≤50% on the contralateral side were enrolled into the study. In all patients, two computed tomography perfusion examinations were...

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