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Search results for: RUTING

  • Sign Language Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks


    The objective of this work was to provide an app that can automatically recognize hand gestures from the American Sign Language (ASL) on mobile devices. The app employs a model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for gesture classification. Various CNN architectures and optimization strategies suitable for devices with limited resources were examined. InceptionV3 and VGG-19 models exhibited negligibly higher accuracy than...

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  • Seabed characterisation using spectral moments of the echo signal


    Zbadano użyteczność zastosowania momentów spektralnych obwiedni echa w rozpoznawaniu i klasyfikacji dna morskiego. Przeprowadzono obliczenia momentów spektralnych dla około 15000 ech od dna zarejestrowanych w rejonie Bałtyku Południowego i potwierdzono tezę, że wartości tych momentów skorelowane są silnie z typem dna i rodzajem osadów.

  • Photo-oxidation of dissolved cyanide using TiO2 catalyst

    Zbadano utlenianie katalityczne jonów cyjankowych w układzie UV/TiO2. Szybkość utleniania zbadano dla różnego stężenia początkowego CN-, wartość pH, formy katalizatora, temperatury oraz wprowadzanej formy gazowej. Stwierdzono że szybkość degradacji cyjanków w układzie UV/TiO2/O2 wzrasta dwukrotnie, jakkolwiek jest niezależna od ciśnienia cząstkowego tlenu (0,2-1,0 atm.). Wzrost temperatury środowiska reakcji w zakresie od 20 do...

  • Towards Cancer Patients Classification Using Liquid Biopsy

    Liquid biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive diagnostic and monitoring tool for cancer disease. Yet, developing accurate methods, given the potentially large number of input features, and usually small datasets size remains very challenging. Recently, a novel feature parameterization based on the RNA-sequenced platelet data which uses the biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, combined with a classifier...

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  • Smart city and fire detection using thermal imaging


    In this paper, we summarize the results obtained from fire experiments. The aim of the work was to develop new methods of fire detection using IR thermal imaging cameras and dedicated image processing. We conducted 4 experiments in different configurations and with the use of different objects. The conducted experiments have shown the great usefulness of infrared cameras for detecting the seeds of a fire. Even cheap low-resolution...

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  • Analysing the Residential Market Using Self-Organizing Map


    - Year 2022

    Although the residential property market has strong connections with various sectors, such as construction, logistics, and investment, it works through different dynamics than other markets; thus, it can be analysed from various perspectives. Researchers and investors are mostly interested in price trends, the impact of external factors on residential property prices, and price prediction. When analysing price trends, it is beneficial...

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  • Detection of petroleum products using optical coherence tomography

    In this work, we present a novel method developed for the analysis of the properties of thin layers for detecting petroleum products on a water surface using a commercially available optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The spectral density analysis of the signal from a spectroscopic OCT (S-OCT) enables us to perform the precision calculation of the thin layer thickness and other properties like homogeneity, and dispersion,...

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  • Analysis of Agricultural and Engineering Systems using Simulation Decomposition


    - Year 2022

    This paper focuses on the analysis of agricultural and engineering processes using simulation decomposition (SD). SD is a technique that utilizes Monte Carlo simulations and distribution decomposition to visually evaluate the source and the outcome of different portions of data. Here, SD is applied to three distinct processes: a model problem, a nondestructive evaluation testing system, and an agricultural food-water energy system....

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  • Agent-Based Data Reduction Using Ensemble Technique


    - Year 2013

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  • Crack identification using wavelets on experimental staticdeflection profiles


    Artykuł prezentuje metodę lokalizacji uszkodzeń w belce wspornikowej za pomocą transformaty falkowej statycznej linii ugięcia. Efektywnośc proponowanej techniki jest sprawdzona na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych. Do pomiaru statycznej linii ugięcia proponuje się metodę fotogrametryczną.

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  • Product development using rapid prototyping for pump rotors


    W artykule zaprezentowano zastowanie techniki szybkiego prototypowania do wytwarzania fizycznych modeli produktów i ich części składowych oraz prototypów funkcjonalnych, technicznych i wizualnych z pominięciem tradycyjnych technologii mechanicznych jak odlewanie, skrawanie czy też obróbko elektroerozyjna. Przedstawione studium przypadku oparto na rozwoju konstrukcji wirnika pompy począwszy od etapu projektowania poprzez wytwarzanie...

  • Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using an Electronic Nose

    The paper presents the application of an electronic nose instrument to fast evaluation of agricultural distillates differing in quality. The investigations were carried out using a prototype of electronic nose equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co., an electronic circuit converting signal into digital form and a set of thermostats able to provide gradient temperature characteristics to a gas mixture. A volatile fraction...

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  • Detection of Face Position and Orientation Using Depth Data


    In this paper an original approach is presented for real-time detection of user's face position and orientation based only on depth channel from a Microsoft Kinect sensor which can be used in facial analysis on scenes with poor lighting conditions where traditional algorithms based on optical channel may have failed. Thus the proposed approach can support, or even replace, algorithms based on optical channel or based on skeleton...

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  • Collaborative Editing of Ontologies Using Fluent Editor and Ontorion


    - Year 2016

    In this paper we present two tools that we are developing at Cognitum for managing large knowledge bases: Fluent Editor and the Ontorion Server. We have been able to build a collaborative knowledge management system using these two tools. We show how this system can be used for the concurrent modification of knowledge and how we can manage multiple modifications to the same knowledge.

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  • Framework for Product Innovation Using SOEKS and Decisional DNA


    - Year 2016

    Product innovation always requires a foundation based on both knowledge and experience. The production and innovation process of products is very similar to the evolution process of humans. The genetic information of humans is stored in genes, chromosomes and DNA. Similarly, the information about the products can be stored in a system having virtual genes, chromosomes and decisional DNA. The present paper proposes a framework for...

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  • Diagnosis of damages in family buildings using neural networks


    The article concerns a problem of damages in family buildings, which result from traffic-induced vibrations. These vibrations arise from various causes and their size is influenced by many factors. The most important is the type of a road, type and weight of vehicles that run on the road, type and condition of the road surface, the distance from the house to the source of vibrations and many others which should be taken into account....

  • Human voice modification using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2010

    The paper presents the possibilities of changing human voice by modifying instantaneous complex frequency (ICF) of the speech signal. The proposed method provides a flexible way of altering voice without the necessity of finding fundamental frequency and formants' positions or detecting voiced and unvoiced fragments of speech. The algorithm is simple and fast. Apart from ICF it uses signal factorization into two factors: one fully...

  • Determination of pesticide residues in food matrices using the QuEChERSmethodology


    - FOOD CHEMISTRY - Year 2011

    Oznaczanie pozostałości pestycydów w próbkach żywności jest ogromnym wyzwaniem głównie z powodu dużych ilości substancji przeszkadzających, które podlegają ekstrakcji razem z analitami i najczęściej wywierają negatywny wpływ na tok analizy. Z drugiej strony, zapewnienie "bezpieczeństwa żywności" wymaga monitorowania w niej pozostałości pestycydów. W artykule przedstawiono nowe podejście do oznaczania pozostałości pestycydów w próbkach...

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  • A Reputation System for MANETs and WSNs Using Traffic Shedding


    - Year 2010

    Wymuszanie kooperacji węzłów w ruchomych i sensorowych sieciach pakietowych zwykle wykorzystuje odrębne mechanizmy detekcyjne i penalizacyjne wykluczające węzły egoistyczne z protokołów routingu i ograniczający ich dostęp do sieci. Powoduje to, że ruch tranzytowy musi być przenoszony przez węzły kooperatywne. W pracy zaproponowano system reputacyjny powiązany z wymuszaniem kooperacji poprzez przerzucanie ruchu na węzły egoistyczne....

  • Implementation of discrete convolution using polynomial residue representation


    - Year 2010

    Convolution is one of the main algorithms performed in the digital signal processing. The algorithm is similar to polynomial multiplication and very intensive computationally. This paper presents a new convolution algorithm based on the Polynomial Residue Number System (PRNS). The use of the PRNS allows to decompose the computation problem and thereby reduce the number of multiplications. The algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx...

  • Identity verification using complex representations of handwritten signature

    This paper is devoted to handwritten signature verification using the cross-correlation approach (adopted by the authors from telecommunications) and dynamic time warping. The following invariants of the handwritten signature: the net signature, the instantaneous complex frequency and the complex cepstrum are analyzed. The problem of setting the threshold for deciding whether the current signature is authentic or forged is discussed....

  • Analysis of elementary cellular automata using the theory of conflict

    The paper contains decomposition of elementary cellular automata (ECA in short) to subsystems that are defined according to a new theory called theory of conflict (ToC in short). The decomposition is a completely new approach to analysis of ECA and complex systems in general.

  • Impeller pump development using rapid prototyping methods

    Metody szybkiego prototypowania przy wspomaganiu komputerowym projektowania 3D wraz z systemami wspomagania inżynierskiego pozwalają uzyskać wyrób o prognozowanych właściwościach technologicznych i użytkowych.W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku zastosowania metod szybkiego prototypowania w rozwoju elementów pomp wirowych.

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  • Broken-dam simulations using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

    • K. Szewc

    - Year 2011

  • The rheological properties of hydroxylated soybean oil by using bioglycols


    Praca zawiera opis właściwości fizykochemicznych i reologicznych hydroksylowanych olejów sojowych zmodyfikownych przy użyciu wybranych bioglikoli.

  • Determination of impurities in pharmaceutical products using LC-MS


    - Year 2012

    Pharmaceutical products can be contaminated by residues of solvents, reagents (used for the synthesis) or degradation products. Impurities in drug may pose a risk to human health and life, therefore analysis and identification of impurities in pharmaceutical products is veryimportant and inevitable.High performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is very useful technique for identification impurities in...

  • Separation of CO2 from biogas using absorption columns


    Biogaz zawiera ok. 50-70% metanu, 30-40% di tlenku węgla oraz niewielkie ilości innych związków jak siarkowodór czy amoniaku. Dla uzyskania wysokokalorycznego gazu konieczne jest usunięcie ze strumienia di tlenku węgla. Praca opisuje potencjał użycia do tego celu kolumn absorpcyjnych oraz cieczy jonowych jako absorbenta

  • Implementation of discrete convolution using polynomial residue representation


    - Year 2010

  • Voice command recognition using hybrid genetic algorithm


    Abstract: Speech recognition is a process of converting the acoustic signal into a set of words, whereas voice command recognition consists in the correct identification of voice commands, usually single words. Voice command recognition systems are widely used in the military, control systems, electronic devices, such as cellular phones, or by people with disabilities (e.g., for controlling a wheelchair or operating a computer...

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  • Online pitch estimation using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2011

    W pracy opisano nowe wyniki dotyczące skuteczności algorytmu potokowego estymującego częstotliwość podstawową sygnału mowy. Algorytm wykorzystuje zespoloną pulsację chwilową dla klasyfikacji mowy na dźwięczną i bezdźwięczną oraz estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej dla każdej próbki sygnału. Skuteczność klasyfikacji oraz dokładność estymacji zostały ocenione eksperymentalnie z wykorzystaniem dwóch baz nagrań, zawierających wypowiedzi...

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  • Self diagnostics using smart glasses - preliminary study

    n this preliminary study we analyzed the possibility of the reliable measurement of biomedical signals with some potential hardware extensions of smart glasses. Using specially designed experimental prototypes four category of biomedical signals were measured: electrocardiograms, electromyograms, electroencephalograms and respiration waveforms. Experi- ments with volunteers proved that using even simple construc- tion of sensors...

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  • Determining heat transfer coefficients using evolutionary alogrithms

    • K. Tesch
    • M. Atherton
    • T. Karayiannis
    • M. Collins
    • P. Edwards


    Pokazano sposób kalibracji współczynnika wymiany ciepła za pomocą algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Wykorzystano tu minimalizację błędu między pomiarami a obliczeniami. Pokazano dwie metody optymalizacji: wielokryterialną i jednokryterialną.

  • Dimensionless Analysis of Stirling Engine using of Optimization Methods


    - Year 2009

    W pracy zaprezetowano wyniki analizy wpływu parametrów konstrukcyjnych silnika Stirlinga na jego wskaźniki jakości.Analizę przeprowadzono na modelu bezwymiarowym wykorzystując metody optymalizacji parametrycznej.

  • Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach


    In this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...

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  • Free randomness amplification using bipartite chain correlations

    • A. Grudka
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • M. Pawłowski
    • R. Ramanathan

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2014

    A direct analysis of the task of randomness amplification from Santha-Vazirani sources using the violation of the chained Bell inequality is performed in terms of the convex combination of no-signaling boxes required to simulate quantum violation of the inequality. This analysis is used to find the exact threshold value of the initial randomness parameter from which perfect randomness can be extracted in the asymptotic limit of...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification


    In our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...

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  • Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method


    This paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...

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  • Analysis of the Accuracy of Pulse Estimation Using Smart Watches


    The purpose of this paper is to perform an analysis of the accuracy of the pulse estimation by comparing readings from a smartwatch with readings from medical devices. The study required writing applications that allow continuous pulse measurement. As a result, two applications were created for the smartwatch. The first one is dedicated to Android Wear devices, while the other one is compatible with Tizen watches. The next step...

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  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Year 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors

    A method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...

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  • The Imaging of Gdansk Bay Seabed by Using Side Sonar

    This paper is mainly aimed at presentation of an impact of environmental conditions on imaging accuracy by using hydro-acoustic systems in waters of a high non-uniformity of spatial distribution of hydrological parameters. Impact of refraction on erroneous estimation of range, in case of wave radiation into water under a large angle, like in side sonars or multi-beam echo-sounders, is especially important. In this paper seasonal...

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  • Hydrogen production from biomass using dark fermentation

    Hydrogen applicability in the power, chemical and petrochemical industries is constantly growing. Efficientmethods of hydrogen generation from renewable sources, including waste products, are currently being de-veloped, even though hydrogen is mainly produced through steam reforming or thermal cracking of natural gasor petroleum fractions. In paper alternative methods of hydrogen production with a particular emphasis on darkfermentation...

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  • Detection of the Bee Queen Presence Using Sound Analysis


    - Year 2018

    This work describes the system and methods of data analysis we use for beehive monitoring. We present overview of the hardware infrastructures used in hive monitoring systems and we describe algorithms used for analysis of this kind of data. Based on acquisited signals we construct the application that is capable to detect an absence of honey bee queen. We describe our method of signal analysis and present results that allow us...

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  • The analysis of the determination of points positions using photogrammetric methods


    This article was created as a result of research conducted within the master thesis. The purpose of the research was to analyze the accuracy of determining the actual position of the photographed points according to the calculated parameters. The accuracy of photos alignment was determined as parameters, which determine their external and internal orientation. In order to determine the location of the determined points, it was...

  • Production of self-compacting concrete using limestone powder


    - Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik - Year 2019

    Although there are visible signs of its gradual acceptance in North Africa through its limited use in construction, Libya has yet to explore the feasibility and applicability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in new construction. The current study revolves around SCC made of locally available materials and the harsh environmental conditions. This paper deals with the investigation into the effect of the water to powder ratio and...

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  • Quadrotor Flight Controller Design Using Classical Tools

    A principal aspect of quadrocopter in-flight operation is to maintain the required attitude of the craft’s frame, which is done either automatically in the so-called supervised flight mode or manually during man-operated flight mode. This paper deals with the problem of flight controller (logical) structure and algorithm design dedicated for the man-operated flight mode. The role of the controller is to stabilise the rotational...

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  • Assessing Industry 4.0 Features Using SWOT Analysis


    - Communications in Computer and Information Science - Year 2020

    This paper assesses some features of industry 4.0 by using SWOT analysis that affects the adoption and implementation of industry 4.0. The paper identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to industry 4.0. By the consideration of these four groups of factors, the industrial practitioners can understand how to implement industry 4.0. Moreover, industrial practitioners can use the strengths/opportunities...

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  • Using Moodle as a Solution to Interdisciplinary E-collaboration Issues

    Rapid technological development in recent years has contributed to numerous changes in many areas of life, including education and communication. Establishing interdisciplinary collaboration brings many benefits, however, it is often associated with numerous problems and inconveniences, as well as the need of constant improvement, lifelong learning, professional development (CPD) and finding an effective way of information transferring....

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  • On autoregressive spectrum estimation using the model averaging technique

    The problem of estimating spectral density of a nonstationary process satisfying local stationarity conditions is considered. The proposed solution is a two step procedure based on local autoregressive (AR) modeling. In the first step Bayesian-like averaging of AR models, differing in order, is performed. The main contribution of the paper is development of a new final-prediction-error-like statistic, which can be used to select...

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  • Pedestrian safety management using the risk-based approach

    The paper presents a concept of a multi-level pedestrian safety management system. Three management levels are distinguished: strategic, tactical and operational. The basis for the proposed approach to pedestrian safety management is a risk-based method. In the approach the elements of behavioural and systemic theories were used, allowing for the development of a formalised and repeatable procedure integrating the phases of risk...

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