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  • Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking


    - Rok 2017

    Recently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...

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  • Współczesne trendy i strategie rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających w Polsce


    - Rok 2023

    Podjęty w rozprawie temat Współczesne trendy i strategie rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających w Polsce miał na celu zebranie i usystematyzowanie wiedzy z zakresu budownictwa nawodnego oraz określenie potencjalnej wizji przyszłości w celu opracowania strategii rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających uwzględniającej wszystkie sfery otoczenia zewnętrznego. W pracy przedstawiono złożoność problemu budownictwa nawodnego, dokonano...

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  • Affect-awareness framework for intelligent tutoring systems


    - Rok 2013

    The paper proposes a framework for construction of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), that take into consideration student emotional states and make affective interventions. The paper provides definitions of `affect-aware systems' and `affective interventions' and describes the concept of the affect-awareness framework. The proposed framework separates emotion recognition from its definition, processing and making decisions on...

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  • Computational collective intelligence for enterprise information systems


    - Enterprise Information Systems - Rok 2019

    Collective intelligence is most often understood as a kind of intelligence which arises on the basis of a group (collective) of autonomous unites (people, systems) which is taskoriented. There are two important aspects of an intelligent collective: The cooperation aspect and the competition aspect (Levy 1997). The first of them means the possibility for integrating the decisions made by the collective members for creating the decision of...

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  • Fluorescence of p-hydroxyazobenzocrowns – Tautomeric equilibrium effect

    The spectroscopic properties of a series of para-hydroxyazobenzocrowns, including three novel compounds, were investigated using UV–Vis absorption and emission spectroscopy. This study presents, for the first time, determined quantum yield (QY) values for macrocycles of this category, ranging between 0.122 and 0.195. The highest values were obtained for crowns bearing two phenyl substituents in benzene rings. The impact of aromatic...

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  • The demand for skills and labour cost in partner countries. Evidence from the enlarged EU



    We analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how the labour costs in partner countries affect the domestic demand for high- and low-skilled labour in 'Old' (EU-15) and five 'New' EU member states. In general, independently of the skill level of workers, the results suggest complementarity between domestic and foreign labour. However, when we take into account the typology of sectors, the demand...

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  • The use of Markov chains in the social convergence analysis


    - Rok 2015

    The main goal of this article is to analyze the social convergence process using Markov chains. In this research, term social convergence refers to the reduction of dispersion in the standard of living among countries. The use of Markov chains in the social convergence analysis allowed describing movements of observational units within the distribution and providing more details about the mechanism of the convergence process. A...

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  • Closed-form expression for the magnetic shielding constant of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac–Coulomb Green function


    We present analytical derivation of the closed-form expression for the dipole magnetic shielding constant of a Dirac one-electron atom being in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. The external magnetic field, by which the atomic state is perturbed, is assumed to be weak, uniform, and time independent. With respect to the atomic nucleus we assume that it is pointlike, spinless, motionless, and of charge Ze. Calculations are...

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  • Elimination and migration of hydrogen in the vacuum-ultraviolet photodissociation of pyridine molecules



    Elimination of the excited hydrogen atoms H(n), n = 4–7, and hydrogen migration in formation of the excited NH(A 3Π) free radicals in the photodissociation of pyridine, C5H5N, molecules have been studied over the 17.5–70 eV photon energy range. In the measurements the photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy technique has been applied. Both fragments are produced through excitation of pyridine molecules into higher-lying superexcited...

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  • Superconductivity of Ta-Hf and Ta-Zr alloys: Potential alloys for use in superconducting devices


    The electronic properties relevant to superconductivity are reported for bulk Ta-Hf and Ta-Zr body centered cubic alloys, in a large part to determine whether their properties are suitable for potential use in superconducting qbits. The body centered cubic unit cell sizes increase with increasing alloying. The results of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity characterization are reported. While elemental...

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  • Superadditivity of two quantum information resources


    - Science Advances - Rok 2017

    Entanglement is one of the most puzzling features of quantum theory and a principal resource for quantum information processing. It is well known that in classical information theory, the addition of two classical information resources will not lead to any extra advantages. On the contrary, in quantum information, a spectacular phenomenon of the superadditivity of two quantum information resources emerges. It shows that quantum...

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  • A Family of Pb-based Superconductors with Variable Cubic to Hexagonal Packing



    We describe three previously unreported superconductors, BaPb3, Ba0.89Sr0.11Pb3, and Ba0.5Sr0.5Pb3. These three materials, together with SrPb3, form a distinctive isoelectronic family of intermetallic superconductors based on the stacking of Pb planes, with crystal structures that display a hexagonal to cubic perovskite-like progression, as rarely seen in metals. The superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) are similar for...

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  • The migration policy of Armenia


    Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe the legal bases of the migration policy of Armenia and its practical implementation in 1995–2013. The author examined the international and national documents that provide the legal bases of Armenia’s migration policy, as well as the balance between departures and arrivals in the period 1995–2013, Armenian citizens’ reasons for emigrating and the occupations of emigrants. The study...

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  • Multiple reference frame theory in the synchronous generator model considering harmonic distortions caused by nonuniform pole shoe saturation

    The paper describes a synchronous generator model developed based on the multiple reference frame theory. The main physical phenomena included in the model are the machine armature non-sinusoidal voltage waveform and the influence of armature current in load conditions on the armature voltage waveform higher harmonic components. The modified multiple reference frame theory model is proposed. In this modified theory model the field...

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  • Hydration of amino acids: FTIR spectra and molecular dynamics studies

    The hydration of selected amino acids, alanine, glycine, proline, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine, has been studied in aqueous solutions by means of FTIR spectra of HDO isotopically diluted in H2O. The difference spectra procedure and the chemometric method have been applied to remove the contribution of bulk water and thus to separate the spectra of solute-affected HDO. To support interpretation of obtained spectral results,...

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  • Thermal Transitions and Structural Characteristics of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/cucurbit[7]uril) Polypseudorotaxane and Polyrotaxane Thin Films


    - Materials - Rok 2024

    Herein, we report the thermal transitions and structural properties of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/cucurbit[7]uril) pseudopolyrotaxane (PEDOT∙CB7-PS) and polyrotaxane (PEDOT∙CB7-PR) thin films compared with those of pristine PEDOT. The structural characteristics were investigated by using variable-temperature spectroscopic ellipsometry (VTSE), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force...

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  • Principles and applications of Ligation Mediated PCR methods for DNA-based typing of microbial organisms


    - Acta Biochimica Polonica - Rok 2016

    A significant number of DNA-based techniques has been introduced into the field of microorganisms’ characterization and taxonomy. These genomic fingerprinting methods were developed to detect DNA sequence polymorphisms by using general principles, such as restriction endonuclease analysis, molecular hybridization, and PCR amplification. In recent years, some alternative techniques based on ligation of oligonucleotide adapters before...

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    - Rok 2016

    The question investigated in this paper is how to maintain the environmental quality of the polder landscape encompassing the city in the condition of urban pressure on this landscape. On the basis of theoretical approaches, historical surveys and introductory study models new ideas are tested on the case study of Gdansk, a city located in the Vistula River delta in northern Poland. Research shows that the city was created as a...

  • Koncepcja analizy stanów emocjonalnych użytkowników w kontekście systemów zabezpieczeń transportowych

    Autorzy, przywołując własne i światowe badania nad rozpoznawaniem emocji ludzkich z obrazu twarzy, wskazują na możliwość zastosowania algorytmów komputerowych i ich implementacji w komputerach osobistych (i innych urządzeniach personalnych wyposażonych w dostatecznie silny procesor obliczeniowy). Zastosowanie takiego rozwiązania może poprawić bezpieczeństwo użytkowania urządzeń, maszyn i pojazdów, których operatorzy muszą gwarantować...

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  • Żuławski dom podcieniowy - przykłady i skala współczesnych działań konserwatorskich


    Początki zainteresowania architekturą regionalną na terenach Prus Zachodnich sięgają przełomu XIX/XX wieku i związane są z osobą Bernharda Schmida. Koniec II wojny światowej przyniósł na Żuławach zniszczenie ponad 2 744 zagród chłopskich. Ze względu na priorytet ratowania zabytków Gdańska, historyczne obiekty z okolicznych wsi doczekały się szerszej uwagi służb konserwatorskich dopiero w połowie lat pięćdziesiątych. Opracowanie...

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  • Quantum mechanical which-way experiment with an internal degree of freedom


    - Nature Communications - Rok 2013

    For a particle travelling through an interferometer, the trade-off between the available which-way information and the interference visibility provides a lucid manifestation of the quantum mechanical wave-particle duality. Here we analyse this relation for a particle possessing an internal degree of freedom such as spin. We quantify the trade-off with a general inequality that paints an unexpectedly intricate picture of wave-particle...

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  • Conjectured strong complementary-correlations tradeoff

    • A. Grudka
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • R. Horodecki
    • W. Kłobus
    • Ł. Pankowski

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2013

    We conjecture uncertainty relations that restrict correlations between the results of measurements performed by two separate parties on a shared quantum state. The first uncertainty relation bounds the sum of two mutual informations when one party measures a single observable and the other party measures one of two observables. The uncertainty relation does not follow from the Maassen-Uffink uncertainty relation and is much stronger...

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  • Markov Model of Disease Development and Recovery


    - Rok 2016

    Markov models are commonly used to simulate diseases and allow modeling of multiple health states and outcomes. Starting with the well known Le Bras multistate model (cascading failure model) with time-independent transitions we will see how simple Markov mortality models may be pressed into the service of survival and event history analysis. We will focus on more complex models which will be able to take into account remission,...

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  • Influence of Protonation State on the Excited State Dynamics of a Photobiologically Active Ru(II) Dyad

    • C. Reichardt
    • T. Sainuddin
    • M. WäCHTLER
    • S. Monro
    • S. Kupfer
    • J. Guthmuller
    • S. Gräfe
    • S. A. Mcfarland
    • B. Dietzek


    The influence of ligand protonation on the photophysics of a ruthenium (Ru) dyad bearing the 2-(1-pyrenyl)-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]-phenanthroline (ippy) ligand was investigated by time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy. It was found that changes in the protonation state of the imidazole group led to changes in the electronic configuration of the lowest lying excited state. Formation of the fully deprotonated imidazole...

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  • Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting



    Recently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...

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    - Rok 2013

    Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) are important organosulfur compounds, which act as inhibitors of metal dependant and sulphydryl enzymes and have a serious consequence on biological systems. They possess variety of applications in agriculture as fungicides, as well as, in the rubber industry as vulcanization accelerators and antioxidants. In this way, DTCs are the main group of fungicides used to control approximately 400 pathogens of more...

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  • Source-related Wavefields in Fluids and Dielectrics: A new way of Thinking about Medium Dynamics


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    Acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena may seem to have a proper formal representation in field theory dating from the 19th century, founded on the mathematics of complex functions. This paper shows, however, that when replacing the classical spectrum-domain approach related to the assumption of harmonic timeform of signals, with a time-domain approach imposingnorestrictionastotheclassoftimeevolutionofsourceandfieldsignals,...

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  • The role of trade in intra industry productivity growth - the case of old and new European Union countries.

    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of trade in productivity growth in a sample of 30 sectors in 25 EU countries in the period of rapid East–West integration (1995–2007). Shift-share analysis is used to show that changes in value added per hour worked in these countries appear to be mainly due to positive developments (rising productivity) within single industries and only to a lower extent result from a shift towards...

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  • Towards the boundary between easy and hard control problems in multicast Clos networks

    In this article we study 3-stage Clos networks with multicast calls in general and 2-cast calls, in particular. We investigate various sizes of input and output switches and discuss some routing problems involved in blocking states. To express our results in a formal way we introduce a model of hypergraph edge-coloring. A new class of bipartite hypergraphs corresponding to Clos networks is studied. We identify some polynomially...

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  • Hierarchical Estimation of Human Upper Body Based on 2D Observation Utilizing Evolutionary Programming and 'Genetic Memory'

    New method of the human body pose estimation based on single camera 2D observation is presented. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, motion cost metric is employed, considering current pose and history of the body movement, favouring the estimates with the lowest...

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    • A. Kastrau
    • M. Koronowski
    • M. Liksza
    • P. Jasik

    - Rok 2021

    This study examined the machine learning-based approach allowing the recognition of human emotional states with the use of EEG signals. After a short introduction to the fundamentals of electroencephalography and neural oscillations, the two-dimensional valence-arousal Russell’s model of emotion was described. Next, we present the assumptions of the performed EEG experiment. Detail aspects of the data sanitization including preprocessing,...

  • Experimental research on a hydrodynamic thrust bearing with hydrostatic lift pockets: Influence of lubrication modes on bearing performance



    The aim of the study is to investigate the performance of a thrust bearing equipped with hydrostatic lift pockets under different lubrication modes. Three types of flat land bearing lubrication modes are studied experimentally: hydrostatic lubrication (HS; forced oil injection to the pockets), hybrid lubrication (HS + HD; hydrostatic lubrication combined with the external forced bearing oil supply) and hydrodynamic lubrication...

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  • An approach to constructing genuinely entangled subspaces of maximal dimension


    Genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are the class of completely entangled subspaces that contain only genuinely multiparty entangled states. They constitute a particularly useful notion in the theory of entanglement but also have found an application, for instance, in quantum error correction and cryptography. In a recent study (Demianowicz and Augusiak in Phys Rev A 98:012313, 2018), we have shown how GESs can be efficiently...

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  • Semi-definite programming and quantum information

    This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of semi-definite programming (SDP) techniques within the context of quantum information. It examines the mathematical foundations of convex optimization, duality, and SDP formulations, providing a solid theoretical framework for addressing optimization challenges in quantum systems. By leveraging these tools, researchers and practitioners can characterize classical and quantum correlations,...

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  • Rotation Triggers Nucleotide-Independent Conformational Transition of the Empty β Subunit of F1-ATPase


    F1-ATPase (F1) is the catalytic portion of ATP synthase, a rotary motor protein that couples proton gradients to ATP synthesis. Driven by a proton flux, the F1 asymmetric γ subunit undergoes a stepwise rotation inside the α3β3 headpiece and causes the β subunits’ binding sites to cycle between states of different affinity for nucleotides. These concerted transitions drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. Here, we study...

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  • Multitaper-Based Post-processing of Compact Antenna Responses Obtained in Non-anechoic Conditions


    The process of developing antenna structures typically involves prototype measurements. While accurate validation of far-field performance can be performed in dedicated facilities like anechoic chambers, high cost of construction and maintenance might not justify their use for teaching, or low-budget research scenarios. Non-anechoic experiments provide a cost-effective alternative, however the performance metrics obtained in such...

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  • Improved maximum power point tracking algorithms by using numerical analysis techniques for photovoltaic systems


    - Results in Engineering - Rok 2024

    Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels generate optimal electricity when operating at the maximum power point (MPP). This study introduces a novel MPP tracking algorithm that leverages the numerical prowess of the predictor-corrector method, tailored to accommodate voltage and current fluctuations in PV panels resulting from variable environmental factors like solar irradiation and temperature. This paper delves into the intricate dynamics...

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  • MagMax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continual Learning

    • D. Marczak
    • B. Twardowski
    • T. Trzciński
    • S. Cygert

    - Rok 2024

    This paper introduces a continual learning approach named MagMax, which utilizes model merging to enable large pre-trained models to continuously learn from new data without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Distinct from traditional continual learning methods that aim to reduce forgetting during task training, MagMax combines sequential fine-tuning with a maximum magnitude weight selection for effective knowledge integration...

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  • Four Degree-of-Freedom Hydrodynamic Maneuvering Model of a Small Azipod-Actuated Ship With Application to Onboard Decision Support Systems


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2023

    The main contribution of this paper is a numerical ship motion model of NTNU’s research vessel Gunnerus, capturing the surge, sway, roll, and yaw dynamics when sailing in uniform and steady currents. The model utilizes a crossflow drag formulation for the transverse viscous loads, and it includes a nonlinear formulation for the propulsion and steering loads provided by two azipod thrusters. A wide range of experimental data obtained...

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  • Bimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Vocal and Facial Features

    Emotion recognition is a crucial aspect of human communication, with applications in fields such as psychology, education, and healthcare. Identifying emotions accurately is challenging, as people use a variety of signals to express and perceive emotions. In this study, we address the problem of multimodal emotion recognition using both audio and video signals, to develop a robust and reliable system that can recognize emotions...

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  • Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces


    - Rok 2023

    Industry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...

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  • Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains



    Two mobile agents, modeled as points starting at differentlocations of an unknown terrain, have to meet. The terrain is a polygon with polygonal holes. We consider two versions of this rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing the agents have to coincide at some time, and epsilon-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than epsilon in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but...

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  • How to provide fair service for V2I communications in VANETs?


    In this paper, we focus on fairness issues of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. In particular, we show that under a common technique of selection of RSUs by OBUs based on the received signal strength, a vast variability of a number of OBUs connected to RSUs can be observed leading to inefficient/unfair service provided by RSUs. To overcome this problem, we propose an algorithm for RSU selection called RSEL to obtain...

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  • Application of TOPSIS for Selection and Assessment of Analytical Procedures for Ibuprofen Determination in Wastewater

    This paper describes the possible implementation of the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) as green analytical chemistry metrics tools. TOPSIS is one of the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools that is applied in the selection of the best alternative from many possible. In this case we have applied it to assess the nineteen analytical procedures for ibuprofen determination in wastewater...

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  • Adaptive identification of sparse underwater acoustic channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters


    - SIGNAL PROCESSING - Rok 2022

    We consider identification of sparse linear systems with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such systems are typical in underwater acoustics (UWA), for instance, in applications requiring identi- fication of the acoustic channel, such as UWA communications, navigation and continuous-wave sonar. The recently proposed fast local basis function (fLBF) algorithm provides high performance when identi- fying time-varying systems....

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  • EE-ISAC—Practical Cybersecurity Solution for the Energy Sector


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    A recent survey of cybersecurity assessment methods proposed by the scientific community revealed that their practical adoption constitutes a great challenge. Further research that aimed at identifying the reasons for that situation demonstrated that several factors influence the applicability, including the documentation level of detail, the availability of supporting tools, and the continuity of support. This paper presents the...

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  • Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...

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  • Study on CPU and RAM Resource Consumption of Mobile Devices using Streaming Services


    Streaming multimedia services have become very popular in recent years, due to the development of wireless networks. With the growing number of mobile devices worldwide, service providers offer dedicated applications that allow to deliver on-demand audio and video content anytime and everywhere. The aim of this study was to compare different streaming services and investigate their impact on the CPU and RAM resources, with respect...

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  • Service-based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-critical Embedded Networks


    Mission-critical networks, which for example can be found in autonomous cars and avionics, are complex systems with a multitude of interconnected embedded nodes and various service demands. Their resilience against failures and attacks is a crucial property and has to be already considered in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for optimal joint service allocation and routing, leveraging virtualized...

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  • Cognition and Decisional Experience to Support Safety Management in Workplaces


    Hazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety management process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) is proposed. This platform is a Cyber Physical system, capable of identifying...

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