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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ACTIVATED SLUDGE MODEL
Developing a model of cooperation between universities and business - the generalization of cases of cooperation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a model of cooperation between universities and business.
A Numerical Model Study on Grasse River Ice Control Structures
PublikacjaIce jams in the Grasse River have caused the erosion of capping material designed to prevent the resurfacing of the bed sediment in the PCB-contaminated area. Two in-stream ice-control structures are proposed to avoid the jam-induced erosion of the capping material. These two ice-control options are a pier-type ice-control structure and a reconstruction of a small hydropower dam upstream of the capping site. A numerical model study...
Model of heat transfer in the stagnation point of rapidly evaporating microjet
PublikacjaThe paper presents investigation in the single water microjet surface cooling producing evaporating film. Reported tests were conducted under steady state conditions. It was proved that the phenomenon is similar to that of pool boiling. Results of experiments were compared with predictions by the model showing a good consistency.
Model przepływu wód podziemnych w gdańskim systemie wodonośnym
PublikacjaGdański system wodonośny jest systemem wielowarstwowym. Obejmuje on kilka poziomów zawartych w trzech piętrach wodonośnych: czwartorzędowym, trzeciorzędowym i kredowym. Dla tak określonego systemu wykonano model przepływu wód podziemnych i określono poszczególne składniki bilansu przepływu.
Four-state stochastic model of changes in the reliability states of a motor vehicle
PublikacjaThe properties of semi-Markov processes have been generally characterized and the applicability of the theory of such processes to the determining of the reliability of motor cars and other road vehicles has been explained. A formal description of the process of changes in the motor vehicle technical states considered as reliability states and a model of this process in the form of a one-dimensional stochastic process have been...
Geometry Parametric Model Order Reduction with Randomly Generated Projection Bases
PublikacjaIn this work, a reduced-order model for geometry parameters and fast frequency sweep is proposed. The Finite Element Method is used to solve time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations. Taking into account the electromagnetic field does not arbitrarily vary as a function of frequency and geometry parameters, a low dimension system manifold is identified. Thus, the original Finite Element problem can be approximated by a model of reduced...
Neural network model of ship magnetic signature for different measurement depths
PublikacjaThis paper presents the development of a model of a corvette-type ship’s magnetic signature using an artificial neural network (ANN). The capabilities of ANNs to learn complex relationships between the vessel’s characteristics and the magnetic field at different depths are proposed as an alternative to a multi-dipole model. A training dataset, consisting of signatures prepared in finite element method (FEM) environment Simulia...
Modelling of fracture process in brittle materials using a lattice model
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji rys w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu modelu dyskretnego opartego na ruszcie belkowym. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych problemów brzegowych. Dla redukcji kruchości w obszarze pokrytycznym przyjęto model nielokalny obliczenia odkształceń.
A model development and experimental verification for a vapour microturbine with a permanent magnet synchronous generator
PublikacjaVapour microturbines with permanent magnet synchronous generators are implemented in micropower plants for dispersed power generation systems. The dynamic model of such a microturbine set was developed and presented. The developed relations result from the generic equations. Experimental data for two different working medium were used for model verification. A microturbine set model was tested during the changes in the parameters...
Developing a methodology for model tests of floating platforms in a towing tank of low depth
PublikacjaThe paper presents two ways to mooring model of semi-submersible platform for research in the small depth towing pool. The tested model was made in the likeness of 1:100 Thunder Horse platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced Star-shape and attached at the bottom to the suction piles. The tests were performed in the towing pool...
Stałoprądowy model tranzystora mos dla zakresu przed- i nadprogowego
PublikacjaZaprezentowano spójny fizycznie, stałoprądowy, jednosekcyjny model opisujący pracę tranzystora MOS zarówno w zakresie przed- i nadprogowym, jak również w zakresie liniowym (triodowym) i nasycenia (pentodowym). Przedstawiono założenia modelu fizycznego w przestrzeni 2-D i jego transformację do modelu quasi-dwuwymiarowego praz zademonstrowano wyniki weryfikacji eksperymentalnej modelu. Model spełnia warunek symetrii Gummel'a
Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model
PublikacjaWe conduct computer-assisted analysis of a two-dimensional model of a neuron introduced by Chialvo in 1995 [Chaos, Solitons Fractals 5, 461–479]. We apply the method of rigorous analysis of global dynamics based on a set-oriented topological approach, introduced by Arai et al. in 2009 [SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 8, 757–789] and improved and expanded afterward. Additionally, we introduce a new algorithm to analyze the return times...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublikacjaA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
Wirtualny model zbiorników z wodą w sterowniku PLC
PublikacjaModele obiektów rzeczywistych otrzymuje się na różnorodne sposoby i wykorzystuje w różnorodnych celach. Do badania obiektów automatyki stosuje się najczęściej programy komputerowe, np.: Matlab-Simulink, Scilab, GNU Octave, itp. Można również stosować pamięć operacyjną sterowników [1, 2]. W referacie przedstawiono opis wirtualnego modelu dwóch połączonych zbiorników z wodą w sterowniku PLC. Proste przekształcenia matematyczne pozwalają...
Static and dynamic concrete calculations: Breakable aggregates in DEM model
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the calculations of a 3-point bending beam under static and dynamic loads. The real microstructure was obtained from laboratory tests using micro-tomography images. The quasi-static results were compared directly with experimental data at both macro and micro levels. Subsequently, higher strain rates were applied to investigate dynamic effects. The study focused on the influence of dynamic loading on the macroscopic...
Positive Management of Universities: A Model of Motivation to Strive for Scientific Excellence
PublikacjaObjective: The aim of the article is to conceptualise a model of work motivation in the management of universities striving for scientific excellence. Research Design & Methods: The most relevant for our aim is the self-determina tion theory that is applied to the work and organisational domain. We used a nar rative literature review. Findings: The proposed model is derived from the self-determination theory. It includes three...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a multi-criteria approach in multifunctional building system design process. The aim is to develop a theory relative to the engineering system of multifunctional with a mathematical representation defined by a holistic network for the lifecycle of the designed object. The idea of work was to define the structure of a complex system. Background for the presented field is to develop a design strategy for multifunctional...
Klasyfikacja osadów ściekowych na podstawie analizy elementarnej = sewage sludge classification based on elementary analysis
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem pracy jest analiza osadów ściekowych z oczyszczalni ścieków ze Swarzewa oraz Dębogórza. Analizy elementarne osadów na rożnym etapie przeróbki pozwoliły na znalezienie ich obrazu w systematyce Kempy, Van Krevelena oraz Jurkiewicza. Osady ściekowe charakteryzowane są prze szereg parametrów fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. E. Kempa opracował podstawy systematyki osadów w oparciu o systematykę Van Krevelena oraz...
Risk Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation from Sewage Sludge of Selected Wastewater Treatment Plants in Poland
Publikacja -
Chapter 21. Investigation on sorption of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride on sewage sludge in wastewater treatment
PublikacjaNiniejsza publikacja stanowi opis zjawiska sorpcji chlorku 1-metylo-3-oktylo imidazolu w wysuszonym osadzie czynnym pochodzącym z oczyszczalni ścieków. Uzyskana w toku badań izoterma sorpcji potwierdza wielowarstwową adsorpcję długołańcuchowych cieczy jonowych. Stosunkowo wysoki współczynnik podziału KD wynika z pH w jakim prowadzony był eksperyment oraz wysokiej zawartości węgla organicznego w sorbencie (50,49%) i potwierdza,...
Speciation of heavy metals in stabilized sewage sludge according to innovative technology with reed basins application in Denmark
PublikacjaObecność metali ciężkich w komunalnych osadach ściekowych, obok innych zanieczyszczeń toksycznych i skażeń mikrobiologicznych, stanowi podstawowe kryterium oceny ich przydatności do przyrodniczego wykorzystania. Większość światowych uregulowań prawnych dotyczących dopuszczalnych stężeń metali ciężkich odnosi się do ich całkowitych stężeń. Jednak w celu określenia zachowania metali ciężkich w środowisku przyrodniczym należy oznaczyć...
Proportional-Derivative and Model-Based Controllers for Control of a Variable Mass Manipulator
PublikacjaIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass manipulator is presented. A revolute joints composed manipulator is considered. Payload of the gripper is considered as the only element characterized by unknown value of its mass (variable between subsequent operations). As in other cases of the revolute joints composed manipulators, its behaviour dependents significantly on the pose of the manipulator. When the manipulator...
3D model of osteoarthritic (OA) knee joint for analysis of the medial meniscus biomechanics - input text file for computation
Dane BadawczeThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the OA model thickness of articular cartilage and material parameters of the cartilage and menisci were reduced to simulate degenerative changes in the...
Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublikacjaThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral...
Model ontologiczny referencyjnego problemu planowania misji inspekcyjnych
PublikacjaRozważany problem doboru, alokacji i planowania działań grupy robotów inspekcyjnych w środowisku pomieszczeń zamkniętych sformułowany został w modelu deklaratywnym. Zaproponowany model definiowany przez zbiór zmiennych decyzyjnych charakteryzujących środowisko pomieszczeń zamkniętych z nieruchomymi i poruszającymi się przeszkodami a także flotę robotów mobilnych oraz zbioru ograniczeń wiążących te zmienne, wyrażany jest w postaci...
Model pomiaru spirometrycznego - zastosowanie w diagnostyce pulmonologicznej
PublikacjaBadanie spirometryczne określa jakość wentylacji płuc. Funkcjonowanie układu oddechowego oparte jest na mechanizmie wentylacji. Podstawowymi zaburzeniami układu oddechowego są zmiany o charakterze obturacyjnym, restrykcyjnym oraz mieszanym. W pracy zaprezentowano nowy model badania spirometrycznego. Estymaty parametrów modelu wyliczane są na podstawie wyników spirometrii. Parametry modelu dostarczają nowych informacji na temat...
The concept of knowledge bases supporting the it systems integration model
PublikacjaThis paper presents main concepts regarding the design of a knowledge base in order to support IT systems integration. The main goal of the research is to develop a universal method of integration of various systems concerning any possible area of interest. The concept is based on creating a generic mechanism which would support the decision regarding the choice of the integration model. The most important tasks include: key factors...
Fast Low-fidelity Wing Aerodynamics Model for Surrogate-Based Shape Optimization
PublikacjaVariable-fidelity optimization (VFO) can be efficient in terms of the computational cost when compared with traditional approaches, such as gradient-based methods with adjoint sensitivity information. In variable-fidelity methods, the directoptimization of the expensive high-fidelity model is replaced by iterative re-optimization of a physics-based surrogate model, which is constructed from a corrected low-fidelity model. The success...
Model hydrodynamiczny cyrkulacji w instalacjach c.w.u.
PublikacjaW referacie opisano formalnie poprawny, kompletny model matematyczny cyrkulacji ciepłej wody użytkowej. Przedstawiono oznaczony układ równań dla przykładowej, niewielkiej lecz dostatecznie dużej i kompletnie wyposażonej instalacji. Policzono i zbilansowano liczbę równań i niewiadomych. Wskazano preferowane metody rozwiązywania takiego układu równań. Jest to materiał oryginalny (opracowany przez autorów od początku do końca), do...
Real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
PublikacjaIn recent years renewable sources have been dominating power system. The share of wind power in energy production increases year by year, which meets the need to protect the environment. Possibility of conducting, not only computer simulation, but also laboratory studies of wind turbine operation and impact on the power system and other power devices in laboratory conditions would be very useful. This article presents a method...
Dynamiczny model uogólnionego łącznika energoelektronicznego do symulacji układów przekształtnikowych
PublikacjaZaproponowano strategię modelowania, w której po określeniu postaci modelu dobiera się numeryczne metody obliczeniowe stosowane w symulacji. Przedstawiono opracowany uogólniony, nieliniowy model tranzystora mocy IGBT. Przyjęto, że do określenia parametrów tego modelu powinna wystarczać znajomość standardowych, katalogowych para-metrów i charakterystyk. Przedstawiono model zaciskowy o klasycznej strukturze, odwzorowujący z wystarczającą...
Survival time prognosis under a Markov model of cancer development
PublikacjaIn this study we look at a breast cancer data set of women from Pomerania region collected in year 1987-1992 in the Medical University of Gdańsk. We analyze the clinical risk factors in conjunction with Markov model of cancer development. We evaluate Artificial Neural Network (ANN) survival time prediction via a simulation study.
Autonomous Ship Utility Model Parameter Estimation Utilising Extended Kalman Filter
PublikacjaIn this paper, a problem of autonomous ship utility model identification for control purposes is considered. In particular, the problem is formulated in terms of model parameter estimation (one-step-ahead prediction). This is a complex task due to lack of measurements of the parameter values, their time-variability and structural uncertainty introduced by the available models. In this work, authors consider and compare two utility...
The QDMC Model Predictive Controller for the Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine Control
PublikacjaThere are typically two main control loops with PI con trollers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a model predictive controller QDMC for the steam turbine is proposed - instead of a typical PI controller. The QDMC controller utilize a step-response model for the controlled system. This model parameters are determined, based on the simplified and linear model of turbo-generator set, which parameters are identified...
Nonlinear rate dependent model of high damping rubber bearing.
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest analiza nieliniowego modelu łożyska wykonanego z wysokotłumiącej gumy, który symuluje pracę urządzenia pod zadanym obciążeniem. Parametry modelu dobrane są na podstawie wyników badań eksperymentalnych. Wyniki pracy pokazują, iż analizowany model umożliwia symulację zachowania się łożyska w szerokim zakresie odkształceń
Mathematical analysis of a generalised p53-Mdm2 protein gene expression model
PublikacjaWe propose the generalisation of the p53-Mdm2 protein gene expression model introduced by Monk (2003). We investigate the stability of a unique positive steady state and formulate conditions which guarantee the occurrence of the Hopf bifurcation. We show that oscillatory behaviour can be caused not only by time lag in protein transcription process, but also can be present in the model without time delay. Moreover, we investigate...
Threshold Attendance under Soft-Crash Model: TAG Protocol and Markovian Analysis
PublikacjaA realistic and systematic network evaluation should subsume an availability model and a failure model. We combine a "hard availability" model we call threshold attendance, whereby a certain minimum number of network elements must be present at any time, with a soft-crash failure model, whereby after experiencing a failure, a network element is still able to function correctly for a while in an emergency mode at a risk of a major...
Optimized Computational Intelligence Model for Estimating the Flexural Behavior of Composite Shear Walls
PublikacjaThis article presents a novel approach to estimate the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete-filled composite plate shear walls using an optimized computational intelligence model. The proposed model was developed and validated based on 47 laboratory data points and the Transit Search (TS) optimization algorithm. Using 80% of the experimental dataset, the optimized model was selected by determining the unknown coefficients of...
Infiltration in a double-porosity medium: Experiments and comparison with a theoretical model
PublikacjaThis paper presents experimental verification of the mathematical model of unsaturated flow in double‐porosity soils developed by the asymptotic homogenization method. A series of one‐dimensional infiltration experiments was carried out in a column filled with a double‐porosity medium composed of a mixture of sand and sintered clayey spheres arranged in a periodic manner. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of each porous material...
Reference FEM model for SHM system of cable-stayed bridge in Rzeszów
PublikacjaThe paper presents the references model for structural health monitoring system (SHM) of cable-stayed bridge recently constructed in Rzeszów over Wisłok River. The SHM system is design to provide on-line information on the structure state and facilitate its maintenance procedures. The main feature of the SHM system is permanent observation of the dynamic behavior of the bridge with focus on cable vibrations. The paper discusses...
PublikacjaLow-grade gliomas (LGGs) are primary brain tumours which evolve very slowly in time, but inevitably cause patient death. In this paper, we consider a PDE version of the previously proposed ODE model that describes the changes in the densities of functionally alive LGGs cells and cells that are irreversibly damaged by chemotherapy treatment. Besides the basic mathematical properties of the model, we study the possibility of the...
Critical Case Stochastic Phylogenetic Tree Model via the Laplace Transform
PublikacjaBirth–and–death models are now a common mathematical tool to describe branching patterns observed in real–world phylogenetic trees. Liggett and Schinazi (2009) is one such example. The authors propose a simple birth–and–death model that is compatible with phylogenetic trees of both influenza and HIV, depending on the birth rate parameter. An interesting special case of this model is the critical case where the birth rate equals the...
Material Identification of the Human Abdominal Wall Based On the Isogeometric Shell Model
PublikacjaThe human abdominal wall is an object of interest to the research community in the context of ventral hernia repair. Computer models require a priori knowledge of constitutive parameters in order to establish its mechanical response. In this work, the Finite Element Model Updating (FEMU) method is used to identify an heterogeneous shear modulus distribution for a human abdominal wall model, which is based on nonlinear isogeometric...
Raw data for the paper "Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions"
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains raw data used to generate plots in the paper Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions. The paper is devoted to a second generation of the TINKTEP model -- an QM/MM approach combining linear-scaling DFT (ONETEP) and a polarizable force field (AMOEBA).
Representation of magnetic hysteresis in tape wound core using feedback Preisach model
PublikacjaThis paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in ferromagnetic tape wound core. The feedback scalar Preisach model of hysteresis is used to simulate magnetic behavior of the grain oriented silicon strip of ET114-27 type. Determination of B-H hysteretic curve is based on measurement of the initial magnetization curve and the main hysteresis loop. The Preisach distribution function (PDF) of ET114-27 material...
Model and laboratory simulation of a induction motor for diagnostic purposes
PublikacjaStatistics say that bearings are this part of induction motors which is most susceptible to damage. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. A faulty bearing results in additional motor vibrations. They are reflected in the harmonic content of stator currents. In certain operating conditions the current signal is the sole source of information...
Implementation of Business Intelligence in an IT organization - the concept of an evaluation model
PublikacjaThis paper presents the issue of assessing the validity and effectiveness of implementing a Business Intelligence system in an IT Support Organization. This entity provides IT services to external clients involving, in particular, the storage and processing of large amounts of data. The vast amount of realized projects and also incidents reported in connection with those projects prevented effective decisions from being made without...
A model of the response of the MGS-6 gravity sensor to tilting
PublikacjaThe reliable interpretation of the measurements made by the Micro-g marine gravimetric system (MGS-6) depends on how the temporary changes of the scale coefficients such as gravimeter scale factor, vertical cross-coupling (VCC) effect, tiltmeter cross and tiltmeter long are compensated for during the signal analysis. The listed coefficients cannot be determined from readings during the measurements or by analysing the final data....
Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
PublikacjaThe paper presents the partial work done within the framework of the EDA Siramis II project focused on magnetic signature reproduction of ships. Reproduction is understood here as the ability to determine the magnetic anomaly of the local Earth magnetic field in any direction and at any measurement depth due to the presence of the analysed object. The B-91 type hydrographic ship Zodiak was selected as the real case study. The work...
Advanced current regulated PWM inverter with simplified load model.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawionio nowy regulator prądu stojana silnika asynchronicznego zasilanego z falownika napięcia. Regulator wykorzystuje obliczenia siły elektromotorycznej silnika. Rozważonio wpływ zmian parametrów silnika na działanie regulatora. Wykorzystano uproszczony model silnika bez uwzględnienienia rezystancji stojana. Zastosowano stałą częstotliwość próbkowania prądu. Układ zrealizowania w programie symulacyjnym oraz na...