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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: field oriented control
Numerical tests of time-stepping schemes in the context of FEM for 6-field shell dynamics
PublikacjaThe paper deals with integration of dynamic equations of irregular shells performed with relatively long time steps. Numerical instability appearing often in this kind of analysis motivated the authors to present some studies based on numerical tests referring to convergence problems of finite element analysis as well the applied stability conditions. The analysis is carried out on simulations of shell dynamics with the where the...
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
PublikacjaThe present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
Multiple sound sources localization in free field using acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in free field using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
A Low-Cost System for Far-Field Non-Anechoic Measurements of Antenna Performance Figures
PublikacjaPrototype measurements are the key step in the development of antenna structures. Typically, their far-field characteristics are validated in expensive, dedicated facilities such as open range sites, or anechoic chambers. Despite being necessary for obtaining high-precision data (e.g., for device qualification), the use of costly infrastructure might not be fully justified when the main goal of measurements includes demonstration...
Jacek Rak dr hab. inż.
OsobyJacek Rak uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie telekomunikacji (specjalność: teleinformatyka) w 2016 r., a stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie informatyka w 2009 r. Obecnie jest pracownikiem naukowo-dydaktycznym Katedry Teleinformatyki Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego działalność naukowa koncentruje się w obszarze doboru tras, projektowania...
Horizontal velocity field derived from EPN and ASG-EUPOS satellite data on the example of south-western part of Poland
PublikacjaPresently the determination of the velocity field in the global reference frame is possible by using different space techniques and dense terrestrial networks from global to local and regional scales. However, the reliability of such determinations is strongly limited by the restricted number of unmodeled effects. Some of them are periodic (atmospheric or hydrological effects), some instantaneous (natural or man-made seismicity)...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublikacjaIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
On the Nonlinea Distortions of Sound and its Coupling with Other Modes in a Gasesous Plasma with Finite Electric Conductivity in a Magnetic Field
PublikacjaNonlinear phenomena of the planar and quasi-planar magnetoacoustic waves are considered. We focus on deriving of equations which govern nonlinear excitation of the non-wave motions by the intense sound in initially static gaseous plasma. The plasma is treated as an ideal gas with finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. This introduces dispersion of a flow. Magnetoacoustic...
Investigation of Acoustic Properties of Poroelastic Asphalt Mixtures in Laboratory and Field Conditions
PublikacjaMeasures for the improvement of acoustic conditions in the vicinity of roads include the construction of pavement structures with low-noise surfaces with optimal macrotexture and the highest possible sound absorption coefficient. Laboratory evaluation of acoustic properties of a designed asphalt mixture before its placement in the pavement is a good solution. Currently, the most popular method for the determination of the sound...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 cores obtained from the field section (28-365 days of curing at the field and later in laboratory at 20C)
Dane BadawczeDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Specimen were obtained from the field at 28, 180, 270 and 365 days after compaction....
Four Level Diode-Clamped Back-To-Back Converter with Active DC Link Voltage Control
PublikacjaThis article presents the design and control of 4L-DC back-to-back converter. To solve the DC link voltage balancing problem in four-level converter a new three-level double chopper topology based on PO-PWM modulation was designed and successfully tested. Also, the paper describes two phase space vector pulse width modulation 2P-SVPWM based on the shape function of finite elements. The control structure with modified Dead-Beat...
Diffusible Hydrogen Control in Flux Cored Arc Welding Process
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper an experimental...
Shape and force control of cable structures with minimal actuators and actuation
PublikacjaShape adjustment and stress control can be considered as one of the effective parameters in prestressed cable structures since such structures are widely constructed nowadays due to their characteristics. The assembly errors and applied loads hugely affect the cables’ nodal positions and stress due to their delicacy. The former could disturb the shape, which affects the appearance and the function of the structure. In contrast,...
Performance analysis and optimization of the Radio Link Control layer in UMTS.
PublikacjaRLC (Radio Link Control) jest jedną z podwarstw warstwy 2 stosu radiowego systemu UMTS. RLC wspiera trzy podstawowe tryby działania: przezroczysty (Transparent Mode, TM), bezpotwierdzeniowy (Unacknowledged Mode, UM) oraz potwierdzeniowy (Acknowledged Mode, AM). Wydajność RLC AM jest mocno uzależniona od konfiguracji RLC oraz jej zdolności do dynamicznej rekonfiguracji, odzwierciedlającej zmiany w przesyłanym ruchu oraz w jakości...
Comparison of Two Nonlinear Predictive Control Algorithms for Dissolved Oxygen Tracking Problem at WWTP
PublikacjaThe wastewater treatment plant is classified as a complex system, due to its nonlinear dynamics, large uncertainty of disturbance inputs, multiple time scales in the internal process dynamics, and multivariable structure. The aeration process, in turn, is an important and expensive part of wastewater treatment plant operation. All operating parameters of the aeration in biological processes are to be precisely controlled to provide...
Supervisory control of wind farm
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono układ nadrzędnej regulacji farmy wiatrowej umożliwiający minimalizację wahań mocy czynnej na wyjściu farmy wiatrowej.
Evolutional algorithm in stock control
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Process Control in Food Fermentation
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Automated network control and supervision
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono ogólne problemy związane z postępem w zakresie integracji systemów informatycznych w elektroenergetyce. Podano zasady budowy struktury systemów sterowania i nadzoru.
Non-destructive adhesion control.
PublikacjaW przeciwieństwie do innych metod, spektroskopia impedancyjna jest zdolna do wyznaczania adhezji międzywarstwowej np. systemu powłokowego stosowanego do ochrony samochodów basecoat/clercoat ''in situ'' i niedestrukcyjnie. Obniżenie adhezji międzywarstwowej przebiega analogicznie jak zmiany energi aktywacji przewodnictwa jonowego w obszarze międzywarstwowym, co jest mierzone przy pomocy spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stosując przewodzące...
Full-field in vivo experimental study of the strains of a breathing human abdominal wall with intra-abdominal pressure variation
PublikacjaThe presented study aims to assess the mechanical behaviour of the anterior abdominal wall based on an in vivo experiment on humans. Full-field measurement of abdominal wall displacement during changes of intra-abdominal pressure is performed using a digital image correlation (DIC) system. Continuous measurement in time enables the observation of changes in the strain field during breathing. The understanding of the mechanical...
Brittle fracture of 100-, 110-, 111-oriented Cu crystals: MD vs. TB/MD approach
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono wieloskalowe symulacje nanoindentacji miedzi nieskończenie twardym narzędziem, przy zastosowaniu metody dynamiki molekularnej, z siłami liczonymi na bieżąco w formalizmie ciasnego wiązania (TB). Przedstawiono wyniki dla trzech orientacji krystalicznych podłoża. Badano efekt dołączenia obliczeń TB na siłę normalną odczuwaną przez narzędzie i na przemieszczenia atomów podłoża, przez porównywanie z symulacją czystą...
Excitation energy migration in uniaxially oriented polymer films: a comparison between strongly and weakly organized systems
PublikacjaMechanizm wieloetapowej migracji energii w osiowo rozciąganych foliach polimerowych jest analizowany w układach o silnej i słabej orientacji molekuł barwników umieszczonych w matrycach poliwinylowych. Porównanie tych różnie orientujących się układów bazuje na zjawisku depolaryzacji stężeniowej anizotropii emisji, symulacjach Monte Carlo i wartościach liniowego dichroizmu. Pokazano, że uporządkowanie momentów przejścia fluoroforów...
A performance-oriented risk-based method for assessment of safety of ships. Modelling uncertainties in hazard and risk analysis
PublikacjaW artykule podano informacje na temat alternatywnej metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków, opartej na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka. Zaproponowano użycie metody do projektowania statków w oparciu o ocenę ryzyka. W takim podejściu do projektowania bezpieczeństwo powinno być celem projektowym. Ocena bezpieczeństwa w proponowanej metodzie powinna być dokonywana na podstawie oceny ryzyka. Do oceny ryzyka zastosowano elementy...
Aggregation and excitation trapping of 3,3'-diethyl-9-methylthiacarbocyanine iodide in disordered and uniaxially oriented polymer films
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono analizę właściwości fotofizycznych barwnika 3,3'-diethyl-9-methylthiacarbocyanine iodide (MDTCI)domieszkowanego w zakresie dużych koncentracji w nieuporządkowanych osiowo rozciąganych foliach polimerowych. Zaobserwowano obecność fluoryzujących agregatów MDCTI zarówno w foliach nierozciąganych i rozciąganych stosując metody spektroskopii czasowo-rozdzielonej.
Assessment with mechanical Barkhausen effect of residual stress in grain oriented polycrystalline 3% Si-Fe sheet
PublikacjaW tym artykule zostały opisane badania naprężeń resztkowych w blachach wykonanych z 3% si-fe o zorientowanym ziarnie za pomocą mechanicznego efektu barkhausena (mebn). badano blachy o 3 różnych orientacjach ziaren względem głównej osi próbki: 0, 45, 90 stopni. badania mebn przeprowadzano wzbudzając drgania skrętne oraz drgania gięte. zmierzone maksima obwiedni napięcia skutecznego mebn znajdują się dla badanych próbek w regionie...
Assessment with mechanical Barkhausen effect of residual stress in grain oriented polycrystalline 3% Si-Fe sheet
PublikacjaZbadano za pomocą mechanicznego efektu Barkhausena poziom napręzeń wewnętrznych w plikrystalicznej płycie z 3% Si-Fe o zorientowanym ziarnie.
Photocatalytic degradation and pollutant-oriented structure-activity analysis of carbamazepine, ibuprofen and acetaminophen over faceted TiO2
PublikacjaPhotocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and phenol was studied in the presence of anatase photocatalyst, exposing three different crystal facets in the majority of {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} or {1 0 1}. It was found that octahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} facets allow to achieve the best degradation and mineralization of all persistent organic pollutants. This confirms that the previous findings,...
Dirk Dreheim, Gerald Weber: Form-oriented analysis : a new methodology to model form-based applications
PublikacjaArtykuł stanowi omówienie nowej metodyki modelowania interfesu użytkownika, przeznaczonej do projektowania aplikacji opartych na pracy z formularzami elektronicznymi. Metodyka ta, przedstawiona w książce Dreheima i Webera, stanowi interesującą notacje graficzną, która umożliwia projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika o wysokich własciwościach ergonomicznych i użytkowych. Szczególnie interesujace sa w tej metodyce możliwości elastycznego...
Improving the energy balance in wastewater treatment plants by optimization of aeration control and application of new technologies
PublikacjaThe methods to improve the energy balance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by optimization of aeration process control and application of innovative nitrogen removal technologies were overviewed in the study. The control of aeration based on the ABAC (Ammonia-Based Aeration Control) system allows not only for significant savings in electricity consumption, but it can also increase the efficiency of the denitrification process....
Human Factors in designing the Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety
PublikacjaThis work addresses selected aspects of human factors in designing the instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety as a part of the functional safety management of industrial hazardous plants, in particular nuclear power plants. As it is known in such plants a concept of “defence in depth” (D-in-D) is widely applied and some layers of protection are designed with regard to functional safety (FS) concept given...
Advanced field investigations of screw piles and columns
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono opis badań pali i kolumn wkręcanych na terenowym poletku doświadczalnym, wykonanych w ramach projektu badawczego MNiSW. Badania statyczne pali i kolumn wykonano z zaawansowanym systemem do pomiaru rozkładu siły wzdłuż trzonów. Przedstawiono podstawowe wyniki badań z rozdziałem obciążenia na podstawę i pobocznicę pali i kolumn.
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Terahertz detection and emission by field-effect transistors
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Terahertz rectification by graphene field effect transistors
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Hearing aid operating in acoustical free field
PublikacjaAparatowanie bardzo małych dzieci (od 5 miesiąca życia) za pomocą standardowych protez słuchu natrafia na wiele trudności natury praktycznej. Dotyczy to procesu dopasowania aparatu słuchowego, czyli doboru jego ustawień stosownie do aktualnych charakterystyk ubytku słuchu dzieci. Tymczasem wczesne aparatowanie jest zagadnieniem o ogromnym zanczeniu dla rozwoju słuchu, mowy i ogólnej inteligencji dziecka. Referat prezentuje uzyskane...
Existence of periodic orbits for a perturbed vector field
PublikacjaPrzy nałożeniu pewnego warunku na odwzorowanie Poincarego, wyrażonego w języku indeksów iteracji, dowodzi się istnienia orbit periodycznych dla zaburzonego pola wektorowego.
Forecasting of the Employment Rate in the EU ICT Field
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The use of the electromagnetic field in microbial process bioengineering
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A Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Force-Field Calibration
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Velocity Field Characteristics at the Inlet to a Pipe Culvert
PublikacjaA poorly designed culvert inlet structure causes scouring, which can lead to the collapse of the culvert and significant damage to the neighboring land. A set of laboratory tests was evaluated to examine velocity distribution at the culvert inlet. A three-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocimeterwas used to measure instantaneous flowvelocity upstream of the culvert. The analysis of mean velocities, turbulence strength, and Reynolds...
Architecture in the field of art on the example of author’s realizations
PublikacjaThe aim of the article was to show the place of architecture in the space of art on the example of original projects. In the author's opinion, architecture, using an artistic object as a means of expression, influences the process of living by showing the recipient, who is an inhabitant, important values from the point of view of creating a house that ensures a good quality of life and strengthening the understanding of both various...
On numerical calculation of acoustic field of plane source.
PublikacjaSkładowe harmoniczne wiązki akustycznej zostały obliczone na podstawie reprezentacji w postaci całek według teorii reprezentacji. Zastosowano nowe metody do obliczania całek od funkcji szybko oscylacyjnych.
A Regional ITRF Densification by Blending Permanent and Campaign Data — The CEGRN campaigns and the Central European Velocity Field
PublikacjaThe CERGOP Project of the Central European Countries initiated six GPS observation campaigns from 1994 to 2001. By the high standards set within this project for site selection, observation and analysis a consistent set of epoch solutions with a precision in the 3–5 mm range was created. The network contains about 19 permanent and 38 epoch stations. In this paper a first combination solution over the seven years with a velocity...
Mechanical properties of single V2O5 nanocrystal - nanoindentation measurement in control of the max-load
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the nanoindentation curves (indentation force Fn vs penetrationPd) for a single V2O5 nanocrystal supported on a substrate. The measurements were performed in control of the maximum load of Berkovich indenter force from 2 to 50 mN.
Mechanical properties of single V2O5 nanocrystal - nanoindentation measurement in control of the max-depth
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the nanoindentation curves (indentation force Fn vs penetrationPd) for a single V2O5 nanocrystal supported on a substrate. The measurements were performed in control of the maximum depth of Berkovich indenter penetration: 60, 70, and 100 nm.
Selecting cost-effective risk control option for advanced maritime operations; Integration of STPA-BN-Influence diagram
PublikacjaAdvanced maritime operations, such as remote pilotage, are vulnerable to new emergent risks due to increased system complexity and a multitude of interactions. Thus, maritime researchers this decade have combined Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) and Bayesian Network (BN) to effectively manage these risks. Although these methods are effective in identifying hazards and analyzing risk levels, none of the STPA-BN studies...
Two-Step Model Based Adaptive Controller for Dissolved Oxygen Control in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor
PublikacjaDissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration is a crucial parameter for efficient operation of biological processes taking place in the activated sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). High-quality DO control is difficult to achieve because of complex nonlinear behavior of the plant and substantial influent disturbances. A method to improve the Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) technology in application to DO tracking for...
Supporting Cybersecurity Compliance Assessment of Industrial Automation and Control System Components
PublikacjaThe chapter presents a case study demonstrating how security requirements of an Industrial Automation and Control System (IACS) component can be represented in a form of Protection Profile that is based on IEC 62443 standards and how compliance assessment of such component can be supported by explicitly representing a conformity argument in a form based on the OMG SACM meta-model. It is also demonstrated how an advanced argument...
Control system for contactless electrical energy transfer with varying air gap
PublikacjaInductive power transfer (IPT) is a system by which electrical energy may be transmitted without electrical connection through a large air gap between coils. Systems usually considered in the literature are the ones with a constant air gap. The paper describes the analysis of IPT, which allows for supplying an electrical load in the conditions of slow, in relation to the dynamics of power supply, changes in the dimensions of the...